Holy Trinity Singing Festivals
Holy Trinity Singing Festivals
Holy Trinity Singing Festivals
HOLY TRINITY ENGLISH CHOIR, 3. You take away the sins of the world have mercy receive
SINGING FESTIVAL our prayer; you are sitted at the right hand of the Father
have mercy Lord Jesus Christ
ENTRANCE 4. You alone are holy you alone are Lord you alone are
most high, glory to the Father, glory to the son glory to
1. As we gather in this place today Holy
the spirit world without end.
Spirit come and have your way, have your way. As we
5. Amen
lay aside our own desires, sweep across our hearts with
Holy fire, have your way.
This is your house, your home we welcome you Lord, we COMMUNION
welcome you. This is your house, your home we welcome
1. Behold the lamb who bears our sins away slain for us
you today.
and we remember the promise made that all who come
2. As we offer up our hearts and lives, let them be a living in faith find forgive at the cross
sacrifice, have your way. Be glorified in everything we
So we share in this bread of life and we drink of
do, be glorified in everything we say, have your way.
His sacrifice as a sign of our bonds of peace
GLORY around the table of the king.
1. And on earth peace to men, peace to men who are Gods 2. The body of our savior Jesus Christ torn for you eat and
friends. God almighty Father heavenly king we praise remember, the wounds that heal the death that brings us
you and we bless you life paid the price to make us one
So we share in this bread of life and we drink of His
sacrifice as a sign of our bonds of love
2. We adore you we glorify you we give you thanks for
around the table of the king
your great glory, Lord Jesus Christ only son of the
father Lord lamb of God Jesus Christ 3. The blood that cleanses every stain of stain of sin shed
for you drink and remember He drained deaths cup that
all may enter in to receive the life of God.
Glory to God in the highest
So we share in this bread of life and we drink 1. O lady full of Gods own grace whose caring hands the
of His sacrifice as a sign of our bonds of love child embraced who listened to the spirit’s word
around the table of the king believed and trusted in the Lord
Oh, virgin fair star of the sea my dearest mother
pray for me
2. O lady who felt daily joy in caring for the holy boy
whose home was plain and shorn of wealth yet was
enriched by Gods own grace.
1. Creator is your name Oh Lord
the Heaven and the earth attest
beautifier is your name
the Heaven and the earth are a marvel
then wonderfully and fearful you created
human kind your Love is amazing
So thankyou Lord for your love that
endures and thankyou Lord
for your mercies new every morning
2. Thankyou for the gift of life
thankyou for the word thankyou for the
eucharist we are well enriched
there is none like you Oh Lord you
are our blesser your love is