Airport Zone
Airport Zone
Airport Zone
Airport height zoning is also termed as hazard zoning. Height zoning is mainly
used to protect the approaches to the airport from the obstruction of any object. Certain
rules and regulars are made to the heights of structures on land surrounding the airport.
The land uses included in this document are not an inclusive list. They are
intended to provide a general understanding of the types of land uses typically found in
a community. If individual land use requests arise that are not included in the tables
identified in this chapter, local communities should apply the general concepts outlined
in this document to evaluate the requests for land use compatibility on a case-by-case
basis. Some interpretation by individual municipalities may be necessary to fully
address the needs within their community due to site specific needs. This chapter
identifies recommended land use zoning districts and distinguishes compatible land use
types within each zones district.
FAR Part 77 Surfaces and RPZs can be utilized to evaluate the concept of
compatible land use and provide a multi-purpose tool with commonly recognized
surfaces to address both height and land use concerns. Dimensional standards and
descriptions of these surfaces are contained in the following section to define the basis
for land use compatibility. Airport traffic patterns, while not used as a basis for the land
use zoning districts, are important to understand as they relate to compatible land use
within each zone.
RPZs are the areas at each end of the runway that have a critical need for
protection from incompatible land uses. It is desirable to clear all objects from the RPZ,
per the criteria noted in FAA AC 150/5300-13 Change 11, Airport Design, although
some uses are permitted, provided they do not attract wildlife, are outside of the runway
object free area (OFA), and do not interfere with navigational aids. Land uses specified
in AC 150/5300-13 Change 11, Airport Design, which are prohibited from the RPZ
areas include:
If an airport does not own or control the entire RPZ where it has been determined
to be impracticable to purchase the property, then the AC’s RPZ land use standards
should be consulted to determine the appropriate recommendation status for the portion
not owned by the airport.
If residential structures are currently located within an RPZ, the airport should
attempt to fully acquire the property. However, if this option is impractical, the airport
The FAA evaluates height concerns for land uses within the following four
surface areas used as a basis for compatibility.
Approach surface
Transitional surface
The transitional surface extends outward and upward at right angles to the
runway centerline and extends at a slope of seven feet horizontally for each one foot
vertically (7:1) from the sides of the primary and approach surfaces. The transitional
surfaces extend to the point at which they intercept the horizontal surface at a height of
150 feet above the established airport elevation.
Horizontal surface
The horizontal surface is a horizontal plane located 150 feet above the
established airport elevation and encompasses an area from the transitional surface to
the conical surface. The perimeter is constructed by generating arcs from the center of
each end of the primary surface and connecting the adjacent arcs by lines tangent to
those arcs. The radius of the arc is 5,000 feet for all utility or visual runways and 10,000
feet for all other runways.
Conical surface
The conical surface extends upward and outward from the periphery of the
horizontal surface at a slope of 20 feet horizontally for every one foot vertically (20:1)
for a horizontal distance of 4,000 feet.
Departure surface