Automatic Deception Detection: Methods For Finding Fake News

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Automatic Deception Detection: Methods for Finding Fake
Niall J.
Nadia K. Conroy,
Language and Information Technology Research Lab (LIT.RL)
Faculty of Information and Media Studies
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, CANADA
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

ABSTRACT online is a daunting but critical challenge. Four decades of
This research surveys the current state-of-the-art deception detection research has helped us learn about how
technologies that are instrumental in the adoption and well humans are able detect lies in text. The findings show
development of fake news detection. “Fake news detection” we are not so good at it. In fact, just 4% better than chance,
is defined as the task of categorizing news along a based on a meta-analysis of more than 200 experiments
continuum of veracity, with an associated measure of (Bond & DePaulo, 2006). This problem has led researchers
certainty. Veracity is compromised by the occurrence of and technical developers to look at several automated ways
intentional deceptions. The nature of online news of assessing the truth value of potentially deceptive text
publication has changed, such that traditional fact checking based on the properties of the content and the patterns of
and vetting from potential deception is impossible against computer-mediated communication .
the flood arising from content generators, as well as various
formats and genres. Structured datasets are easier to verify than non-structured
(or semi-structured) data such as texts. When we know the
The paper provides a typology of several varieties of language domain (e.g., insurance claims or health-related
veracity assessment methods emerging from two major news) we can make better guesses about the nature and use
categories – linguistic cue approaches (with machine of deception. Semi-structured non-domain specific web
learning), and network analysis approaches. We see promise data come in many formats and demand flexible methods
in an innovative hybrid approach that combines linguistic for veracity verification. For some time, however, the
cue and machine learning, with network-based behavioral development and evaluation of different methods have
data. Although designing a fake news detector is not a remained in isolated corners, relatively unknown in LIS.
straightforward problem, we propose operational guidelines More recently, efforts of methodological cross-pollination
for a feasible fake news detecting system. and hybrid approaches have produced promising results
Keywords (Rubin et al., 2015A). The range of journalistic practices
Deception detection, fake news detection, veracity and available news sources (see Rubin et al. (2015B) for an
assessment, news verification, methods, automation, SVM, overview) demand consideration of multiple methods since
knowledge networks, predictive modelling, fraud one approach often addresses known weaknesses in another.
How then is it possible to gauge the veracity of online
News verification aims to employ technology to identify
intentionally deceptive news content online, and is an This paper provides researchers with a map of the current
important issue within certain streams of library and landscape of veracity (or deception) assessment methods,
information science (LIS). Fake news detection is defined their major classes and goals, all with the aim of proposing
as the prediction of the chances of a particular news article a hybrid approach to system design. These methods have
(news report, editorial, expose, etc.) being intentionally emerged from separate development streams, utilizing
deceptive (Rubin, Conroy & Chen, 2015). Tools aim to disparate techniques. In this survey, two major categories of
mimic certain filtering tasks which have, to this point, been methods emerge: 1. Linguistic Approaches in which the
the purview of journalists and other publishers of traditional content of deceptive messages is extracted and analyzed to
news content. The proliferation of user-generated content, associate language patterns with deception; and 2. Network
and Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) Approaches in which network information, such as message
technologies such as blogs, Twitter, and other social media metadata or structured knowledge network queries can be
have the capacity of news delivery mechanisms on a mass harnessed to provide aggregate deception measures. Both
scale— yet much of the information is of questionable forms typically incorporate machine learning techniques for
veracity (Ciampaglia, Shiralkar, Rocha, Bollen, Menczer & training classifiers to suit the analysis. It is incumbent upon
Flammini, 2015). Establishing the reliability of information researchers to understand these different areas, yet no
known typology of methods exists in the current literature.

ASIST 2015, November 6-10, 2015, St. Louis, MO, USA.
The goal is to provide a survey of the existing research
while proposing a hybrid approach, which utilizes the most
Copyright © 2015 Niall J. Conroy, Victoria L. Rubin & Yimin Chen
effective deception detection methods for the
implementation of a fake news detection tool.
23739231, 2015, 1, Downloaded from by National Medical Library The Director, Wiley Online Library on [16/10/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Most liars use their language strategically to avoid being
caught. In spite of the attempt to control what they are
saying, language “leakage” occurs with certain verbal
aspects that are hard to monitor such as frequencies and
patterns of pronoun, conjunction, and negative emotion
word usage (Feng & Hirst, 2013). The goal in the linguistic
approach is to look for such instances of leakage or, so
called “predictive deception cues” found in the content of a
Data Representation
Perhaps the simplest method of representing texts is the
“bag of words” approach, which regards each word as a
single, equally significant unit. In the bag of words
approach, individual words or “n-grams” (multiword)
frequencies are aggregated and analyzed to reveal cues of
deception. Further tagging of words into respective lexical
cues for example, parts of speech or “shallow
syntax” (Hancock & Markowitz, 2013), affective
dimensions (Vrij, 2006), or location-based words (Hancock,
et al, 2013) are all ways of providing frequency sets to
reveal linguistic cues of deception.
The simplicity of this representation also leads to its biggest
shortcoming. In addition to relying exclusively on
language, the method relies on isolated n-grams, often
Figure 1: Fact-checking statements. (a) Structured information about President
divorced from useful context information. In this method, Obama contained in the “infoboxes” of Wikipedia articles. (b) Shortest knowl-
any resolution of ambiguous word sense remains non- edge graph path returned for the false statement “Barack Obama is a Muslim”.
The path traverses high-degree nodes representing generic entities, such as
existent (Larcker & Zakolyukina 2012). Many deception Canada, and is assigned a low truth value. (Ciampiaglia et al., 2015)
detection researchers have found this method useful in
tandem with different, complementary analysis (Zhang,
Fan, Zeng & Liu, 2012; Lary, Nikitov & Stone, 2010; Ott, Semantic Analysis
Cardi, & Hancock, 2013), several of which are discussed in As an alternative to deception cues, signals of truthfulness
the remainder of this proposal. have also been analyzed and achieved by characterizing the
Deep Syntax degree of compatibility between a personal experience (e.g.,
Analysis of word use is often not enough in predicting a hotel review) as compared to a content “profile” derived
deception. Deeper language structures (syntax) have been from a collection of analogous data. This approach extends
analyzed to predict instances of deception. Deep syntax the n-gram plus syntax model by incorporating profile
analysis is implemented through Probability Context Free compatibility features, showing the addition significantly
Grammars (PCFG). Sentences are transformed to a set of improves classification performance. (Feng & Hirst, 2013).
rewrite rules (a parse tree) to describe syntax structure, for The intuition is that a deceptive writer with no experience
example noun and verb phrases, which are in turn rewritten with an event or object (e.g., never visited the hotel in
by their syntactic constituent parts (Feng, Banerjee & Choi, question) may include contradictions or omission of facts
2012). The final set of rewrites produces a parse tree with a present in profiles on similar topics. For product reviews, a
certain probability assigned. This method is used to writer of a truthful review is more likely to make similar
distinguish rule categories (lexicalized, unlexicalized, comments about aspects of the product as other truthful
parent nodes, etc.) for deception detection with 85-91% reviewers. Extracted content from key words consists of
accuracy (depending on the rule category used) (Feng et al., attribute:descriptor pair. By aligning profiles and the
2012). description of the writer’s personal experience, veracity
assessment is a function of the compatibility scores: 1.
Third-party tools, such as the Stanford Parser (de Marneffe, Compatibility with the existence of some distinct aspect
MacCartney, Manning, 2006; Rahangdale & Agrawa, (eg. an art museum near the hotel); 2. Compatibility with
2014), AutoSlog-TS syntax analyzer (Oraby, Reed, the description of some general aspect, such as location or
Compton, Riloff, Walker, & Whittaker, 2015) and others service. Prediction of falsehood is shown to be
assist in the automation. Alone, syntax analysis might not approximately 91% accurate with this method.
be sufficiently capable of identifying deception, and studies
often combine this approach with other linguistic or Although demonstrated useful in the above context of
network analysis techniques (e.g., Feng et al., 2012; Feng & reviews, this method has so far been restricted to the
Hirst, 2013). domain of application. There are two potential limitations
in this method: the ability to determine alignment between
23739231, 2015, 1, Downloaded from by National Medical Library The Director, Wiley Online Library on [16/10/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
attributes and descriptors depends on a sufficient amount of specific studies (product reviews, business) may have
mined content for profiles, and the challenge of correctly limited generalizability towards real-time veracity detection
associating descriptors with extracted attributes. of news.
Rhetorical Structure and Discourse Analysis NETWORK APPROACHES
At the discourse level, deception cues present themselves Innovative and varied, using network properties and
both in CMC communication and in news content. A behavior are ways to complement content-based approaches
description of discourse can be achieved through the that rely on deceptive language and leakage cues to predict
Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) analytic framework, that deception. As real-time content on current events is
identifies instances of rhetoric relations between linguistic increasingly proliferated through micro-blogging
elements. Systematic differences between deceptive and applications such as Twitter, deception analysis tools are all
truthful messages in terms of their coherence and structure the more important.
has been combined with a Vector Space Model (VSM) that
Linked data
assesses each message’s position in multi-dimensional RST
The use of knowledge networks may represent a significant
space with respect to its distance to truth and deceptive
step towards scalable computational fact-checking methods.
centers (Rubin & Lukoianova, 2014). At this level of
For certain data, false “factual statements” can represent a
linguistic analysis, the prominent use of certain rhetorical
form of deception since they can be extracted and examined
relations can be indicative of deception. Tools to automate
alongside findable statements about the known world. This
rhetorical classification are becoming available, although
approach leverages an existing body of collective human
not yet employed in the context of veracity assessment.
knowledge to assess the truth of new statements. The
Classifiers method depends on querying existing knowledge networks,
Sets of word and category frequencies are useful for or publicly available structured data, such as DBpedia
subsequent automated numerical analysis. One common use ontology, or the Google Relation Extraction Corpus
is for the training of “classifiers” as in Support Vector (GREC).
Machines (SVM) (Zhang et al., 2012) and Naïve Bayesian
The inherently structured data network of entities is
models (Oraby et al., 2015). Simply put, when a
connected through a predicate relationship. Fact checking
mathematical model is sufficiently trained from pre-coded
can be effectively reduced to a simple network analysis
examples in one of two categories, it can predict instances
problem: the computation of the simple shortest path (see
of future deception on the basis of numeric clustering and
Figure 1). Queries based on extracted fact statements are
distances. The use of different clustering methods and
assigned semantic proximity as a function of the transitive
distance functions between data points shape the accuracy
relationship between subject and predicate via other nodes.
of SVM (Strehl, Ghosh & Mooney, 2000), which invites
The closer the nodes, the higher the likelihood that a
new experimentation on the net effect of these variables.
particular subject-predicate-object statement is true.
Naïve Bayes algorithms make classifications based on
accumulated evidence of the correlation between a given There are several so-called ‘network effect’ variables that
variable (e.g., syntax) and the other variables present in the are exploited to derive truth probabilities (Ciampaglia et al.,
model (Mihalcea & Strapparava, 2009). 2015), so the outlook for exploiting structured data
repositories for fact-checking remains promising. From the
The classification of sentiment (Pang & Lee, 2008; Ott et
short list of existing published work in this area, results
al., 2013) is based on the underlying intuition that deceivers
using sample facts from four different subject areas range
use unintended emotional communication, judgment or
from 61% to 95%. Success was measured based on whether
evaluation of affective state (Hancock, Woodworth, &
the machine was able to assign higher true values to true
Porter, 2011). Likewise, syntactic patterns may be used in
statements than to false ones (Ciampaglia, et al., 2015). A
distinguishing feeling from fact-based arguments by
problem with this method, however, rests in the fact that
associating learned patterns of argumentation style classes.
statements must reside in a pre-existing knowledge base.
In studies of business communication, performance is
significantly better than a random guess by 16%, and the Social Network Behavior
language of deceptive executives exhibits fewer non- Authentication of identity on social media is paramount to
extreme positive emotions (Larcker & Zakolyukina, 2012). the notion of trust. The proliferation of news in the form of
Comparison between human judgement and SVM current events through mass technologies like micro-blogs
classifiers showed 86% performance accuracy on negative invites ways of ascertaining the difference between fake
deceptive opinion spam (Ott et al., 2013). Fake negative and genuine content. Outside of the analysis of content
reviewers over-produced negative emotion terms relative to comes the use of metadata and telltale behavior of
the truthful reviews. These were deemed not the result of questionable sources (Chu, Gianvecchio, Wang & Jajodia,
“leakage cues” from the emotional distress of lying, but 2010). The recent use of twitter in influencing political
exaggerations of the sentiment deceivers are trying to perceptions (Cook et al., 2013) is one scenario where
convey. certain data, namely the inclusion of hyperlinks or
associated metadata, can be compiled to establish veracity
These linguistic approaches all rely on language usage and
assessments. Centering resonance analysis (CRA), a mode
its analysis, and are promising when used in hybrid
of network-based text analysis, represents the content of
approaches. However, findings emerging from topic-
23739231, 2015, 1, Downloaded from by National Medical Library The Director, Wiley Online Library on [16/10/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
large sets of texts by identifying the most important words Hancock, J., Woodworth, M. & Porter, S. (2011). Hungry like a
that link other words in the network. This was employed by wolf: A word pattern analysis of the language of psychopaths.
Papacharissi & Oliviera to identify content patterns in posts Legal and Criminological Psychology. 113.
about Egypt’s elections (2012). Combining sentiment and Hancock, J. & Markowitz, D. (2014). Linguistic Traces of a
behaviour studies have demonstrated the contention that Scientific Fraud: The Case of Diederik Stapel. PLoS ONE,9(8)
sentiment-focused reviews from singleton contributors Feng, V. & Hirst, G. (2013) Detecting deceptive opinion with
significantly affects online ranking (Wu, Greene, Smyth & profile compatibility.
Cunningham, 2010), and that this is an indicator of Feng, S., Banerjee, R. & Choi, Y. (2012). Syntactic Stylometry for
“shilling” or contributing fake reviews to artificially distort Deception Detection. 50th Annual Meeting of the Association
a ranking. for Computational Linguistics. Association for Computational
CONCLUSION Linguistics, 171–175.
Linguistic and network-based approaches have shown high Larcker, D., Zakolyukina, A. (2012). Detecting Deceptive
accuracy results in classification tasks within limited Discussions in Conference Calls. Journal of Accounting
domains. This discussion drafts a basic typology of Research, 50(2), 495540.
methods available for further refinement and evaluation, Mihalcea, R. & Strapparava, C. (2009). The Lie Detector:
and provides a basis for the design of a comprehensive fake Explorations in the Automatic Recognition of Deceptive
news detection tool. Techniques arising from disparate Language. Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP Conference Short
approaches may be utilized together in a hybrid system, Papers, pp. 309–312,
whose features are summarized: Oraby, S., Reed, L., Compton, R., Riloff, E., Walker, M. &
Whittaker, S. (2015). And That’s A Fact: Distinguishing Factual
• Linguistic processing should be built on multiple layers and Emotional Argumentation in Online Dialogue
from word/lexical analysis to highest discourse-level
Ott, M., Cardie, C. & Hancock, J. (2013). Negative Deceptive
analysis for maximum performance.
Opinion Spam. Proceedings of NAACLHLT. pp. 497–501,
• As a viable alternative to strictly content-based Pang, B. & Lee, L. (2008). Opinion mining and sentiment
approaches, network behavior should be combined to analysis. Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval,
incorporate the ‘trust’ dimension by identifying credible 2(1-2), pp. 1–135.
Papacharissi, Z. & Oliveira, M. (2012).The Rhythms of News
• Tools should be designed to augment human judgement, Storytelling on #Egypt. Journal of Communication. 62. pp.
not replace it. Relations between machine output and 266–282.
methods should be transparent. Rahangdale, A. & Agrawa, A. (2014). Information extraction using
• Contributions in the form of publicly available gold discourse analysis from newswires. International Journal of
standard datasets should be in linked data format to assist Information Technology Convergence and Services. 4(3), pp.
in up-to-date fact checking.
Rubin, V., Conroy, N. & Chen, Y. (2015)A. Towards News
Verification: Deception Detection Methods for News Discourse.
This research has been funded by the Government of Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
(SSHRC) Insight Grant (#435-2015-0065) awarded to Dr. Rubin, V. L. Chen, Y.,& Conroy, N. J. (2015)B. Deception
Detection for News: Three Types of Fakes. In The Proceedings
Rubin for the project entitled Digital Deception Detection:
of the Association for Information Science and Technology
Identifying Deliberate Misinformation in Online News. Annual Meeting (ASIST2015), Nov. 6-10, St. Louis.
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