Afita Constructions
Afita Constructions
Afita Constructions
COMPANY APPEAL (AT) (CH) (INS.) NO. 326/2023
(IA No. 992/2023)
(Filed under Section 61 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016)
(Arising out of the Impugned Order dated 28/06/2023 in INVP. No. 7/2022
in IA No. 1344/2022 in C.P.(IB) No. 241/HDB/2021, passed by the
‘Adjudicating Authority’, National Company Law Tribunal, Hyderabad
In the matter of :
M/s Afita Constructions Pvt. Ltd.
Through its Managing Director/
Authorized Signatory
Mr. Firoz Akbarali Sadikot
Having its registered Office located at
603/605, 6th Floor,
Thakoor House (Antariksh), Makwana Road,
Marol Village, Audheri East,
Mumbai – 400 059. …Appellant
In the matter of :
M/s. Afita Constructions Pvt. Ltd.
Through its Managing Director/
Authorised Signatory
Mr. Firoz Akbarali Sadikot
Having its Registered Office located at
603/605, 6th Floor,
Thakoor House (Antariksh), Makwana Road,
Marol Village, Andheri East,
Mumbai – 400059. …Appellant
(Virtual Mode)
1. The Appellant has preferred Company Appeal (AT) (Ins) No. 326/2023,
No. 7/2022 in IA No. 1344/2022 in C.P. (IB) No. 241(HDB)/2021, whereby the
has dismissed the Application, filed by the Appellant herein seeking to intervene
3. Since both these Appeals refer to common facts and circumstances, they
4. The Learned Counsel for the Appellant submitted that the Resolution Plan
amounts to the Operational Creditors, than what would be payable to them in the
requirements referred to in Section 30 (2) of the Code as the assets have been
Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016 as the invitation for
expression ought to be submitted not later than the 75 th day from the date of the
Insolvency commencement date, whereas in the instant case, the invitation for
expression was submitted after 111 days and further that the CoC Meetings were
Creditors exceed 10 % of the debt, the Appellant ought to have been included in
the Code. The Claim of the Appellant was admitted at a very belated stage just
prior to the 5th CoC Meeting and on receipt of the information, the Appellant had
6. It is the case of the Appellant that a major decision was taken in the 4th CoC
Meeting excluding the Appellant and no publication for extension of time was
issued nor was it published on the IBBI website. It is submitted that the RP
admitted the Appellant’s Claim on 13/09/2022, even though the Claim was
20/07/2022, the last date for submission of ‘Expression of Interest’ (“EOI”) was
09/09/2022. It is the case of the Appellant that the RP without determining the
submit the Resolution Plan. The RP also did not circulate the Minutes of the
the Corporate Debtor’s assets, whereas in the instant case, the assets of the
Corporate Debtor are grossly undervalued. The Learned Counsel for the
India Limited through Authorised Signatory Vs. Satish Kumar Gupta & Ors.’
7. It is the further case of the Appellant that the ‘Adjudicating Authority’ has
sought for a direction to accept its Plan which was for a higher amount and
the Applicant / the Appellant herein after gaining knowledge about the details of
the Resolution Plan of the SRA, was not satisfied with the Plan submitted by the
SRA as the Plan was covering only 4 % of the Operational Creditor’s Claim and
sought to offer a better Resolution Plan that the one that was already approved by
the CoC. The ‘Adjudicating Authority’ has observed that the Application was
per se not maintainable firstly for the reason that the CoC had already approved
on the ground that the Code did not provide any rule to a third party including the
Section 31 of the Code and therefore, the Applicant / the Appellant had no locus
standi to intervene.
9. The Learned Senior Counsel for the 2nd Respondent / SRA submitted that
the Plan was already implemented and the Order in IA No. 1344/2022 approving
the Resolution Plan has attained finality as the said Order in IA No. 1344/2022
had not been challenged. The Learned Counsel for the 1 st Respondent / the
maintainable and are infructuous as the Plan has already been implemented and
the Appellant has not challenged IA No. 1344/2022. As regarding the contention
of the Appellant that the Resolution Plan fails to maximise the value of the assets
has approved the Resolution Plan which provides for the following:
10. It is also submitted that the offer by the Applicant / the Appellant was
submitted after the Resolution Plan was approved by the CoC and the question
whether the amount is below the liquidation value or not is left to the commercial
wisdom of the CoC and the Operational Creditor being the unsuccessful
11. At the outset, we address to whether the Appellant has any vested right to
from the record that the Resolution Plan was approved by the CoC and the ‘Letter
of Intent’ (“LOI”) was issued to the SRA on 09/11/2022. IA No. 1410/2022 was
only on 25/11/2022. It is also on record that Notice for the 7th CoC Meeting was
sent to the Appellant on 01/11/2022 but the Appellant did not choose to attend
the said Meeting. The contention of the Learned Counsel for the Appellant that
the Appellant had attended the 5th CoC Meeting, wherein the entire terms and
conditions of the Resolution Plan was discussed. The Appellant did not choose
to attend the 6th CoC Meeting also. In this background, not having given a Plan
judgment of the Hon’ble Apex Court in the matter of ‘Arcelormittal India (P)
Ltd. v. Satish Kumar Gupta’ reported in [(2019) 2 SCC 1] in which the Hon’ble
13. It is clear from the aforenoted judgments that the Appellant does not have
any vested right in submitting the Resolution Plan in the absence of filing one
Plan pursuant to Form – G, and taking the right steps at the appropriate time,
specifically keeping in view that the Appellant had attended the 5 th CoC Meeting
when the entire contours of the Resolution Plan was discussed. At this juncture,
we find it relevant to place reliance on the Judgment of the Hon’ble Apex Court
reported in [(2020) 11 SCC 467] in which the Hon’ble Apex Court has held as
14. The ratio of the aforenoted Judgment directly contradicts the contention of
the Appellant that the bid value has to match the liquidation value. It is significant
to mention that the Resolution Plan has already been implemented and we do not
15. For all the foregoing reasons, this Tribunal is of the considered view that
The Company Appeal (AT) (CH) (Ins) No. 326/2023 and Company Appeal (AT)
(CH) (Ins) No. 336/2023 are dismissed accordingly. No Order as to Costs. All
[Justice M. Venugopal]
Member (Judicial)
[Shreesha Merla]
Member (Technical)