BN 1329
BN 1329
BN 1329
Briiel & Kjaer
November 1 978
2nd edition 1st print
ISBN 87 87355 24 8
IN D EX ................................................................................................................... 165
The first chapter of this booklet gives a brief summary of the more import
ant concepts and definitions necessary for an understanding of architectural
acoustics. In chapter two, the acoustics of rooms are examined in detail.
Chapter three deals w ith the acoustics of buildings and the transm ission of
airborne and impact sound. Chapter four describes some of the more import
ant noise criteria and regulations which are pertinent to architectural acous
tics. Chapter five introduces the measuring techniques and chapter six, the in
strumentation most commonly used in architectural acoustics.
Sound is the sensation perceived by the human ear resulting from rapid
fluctuations in air pressure. These fluctuations are usually created by some vi
brating object w hich sets up longitudinal wave m otion in the air.
M ost people have some intuitive idea of w hat constitutes a wave. Almost
everyone has seen ocean waves breaking on the seashore or has noticed the
ripples which radiate away from th e place where a pebble strikes the surface
of a pond (Fig. 1.1). Sound waves are a particular type of a general class of
waves known as elastic waves. Elastic waves can occur in media w hich pos
sess the properties of mass and elasticity. If a particle of such a medium is
displaced then the elastic forces present w ill tend to pull the particle back to
its original position. The term particle of the medium denotes a volum e ele
m ent large enough to contain m illions of molecules so that it may be consid
ered as a continuous fluid, yet sm all enough so th a t such acoustic variables
as pressure, density and velocity may be thought of as constant throughout
the volume element.
The displaced particle possesses inertia and can therefore transfer momen
tum to a neighbouring particle. The initial disturbance can therefore be propa
gated throughout the entire medium.
The important distinction is, however, that the ripples are propagated by
transversal waves (i.e. the particle velocity is at rig ht angles to the direction
of propagation) whereas sound in air is propagated by longitudinal waves (i.e.
the particle velocity is in the direction of propagation.
There are a number of terms in common use used to describe the nature of
propagation of a sound wave. Some of the more important terms are defined
Plane Wave
Diverging Wave
A diverging sound wave is one w here the sound energy is spread over a
greater and greater area as the wave propagates away from the sound source
i.e. the the sound intensity dim inishes w ith distance from the source.
Spherical Wave
Progressive Wave
Standing Wave
Consider the air near to the surface of some vibrating object e.g. piston in
a tube, tuning fork, loudspeaker diaphragm. The series of compressions and
rarefactions produced by the movement of the object constitute a sound
wave, the frequency of w hich is determined by the rate of oscillation of the
object. When the oscillation repeats itself, th e motion is said to have com
pleted one cycle. The number of cycles per second is called the frequency, f.
The unit of frequency is the Hertz. 1 Hertz = 1 cycle/sec. The tim e taken for
the oscillation to repeat itself is known as the period, T.
( 1. 1)
Fig. 1.2 shows the relationship between the compressions and rarefactions
and the pressure variation produced by a vibrating piston.
œ = 2nf ( 1 .2 )
F/g. 1.2. Compressions and raréfactions in a longitudinal plane wave
a) Pressure variation o f a sinusoidal wave
b) Propagation of a plane wave in a tube
1 .4. SPEED OF S O U N D
1,4 P n
c = (1 3 )
Assum ing that air acts as a ideal gas, it can be show n that the speed of
sound depends only on the absolute temperature of the air according to the
c ~ 332J 1* m
c = y .f (1-5)
about 1 0 - 7 mm up to a few mm. The smaller amplitude corresponds to the
sound which is just perceptible by the ear w hile the greater am plitude is the
lim it beyond w hich the ear w ould suffer damage.
For a sinusoidal wave form, the ratio of the acoustic pressure in a medium
to the associated particle velocity is defined as the specific acoustic imped
ance of the medium for the particular type of wave motion present. The spe
cific acoustic impedance, z, for plane waves is a real quantity (i.e. not com
plex) of magnitude pc where p is the density of the medium and c is the
speed of sound in the medium. The SI unit of specific acoustic impedance is
the rayl, expressed in N.s.m- 3 . As the product pc is a characteristic property
of the medium, this product is also referred to as the characteristic imped
ance of the medium. At normal temperature and pressure (i.e. 20°C and
1 0 5 Pa), the specific acoustic impedance of air has the value of 41 5 rayls.
z = ? = r + jx (1.6)
where r = specific acoustic resistance
x = specific acoustic reactance of the medium for the particular
wave motion being considered.
The most commonly employed logarithm ic scale for describing sound levels
is the decibel scale. One decibel is the energy or power ratio, r, defined by
L o g ]0 r = 0,1 (1.7)
The rms (root mean square) value is the most commonly used because it
has a direct relationship to the energy content of the signal. The rms value of
a signal is defined as
A rms= f \ a 2( t) d t
7 ( 1.8)
'V / ■ ()
The peak value, A peak , is the maximum amplitude value that the signal
reaches w ith in the period of tim e T.
For the special case of a pure sinusoid the relationship between these three
values is
A r m s 2 ^ 2 /^ \ a '/ e r a e e \ — 2 ^ peak (1 1 0 )
Fig. 1.4. Relationship between rms, peak and average value o f a sinusoidal
chanical energy. The amount of energy per u nit volume of a sound wave is
measured by a quantity known as the energy density. For a plane sound
wave the energy density, E, per u nit volume is defined by
E = P __m ns ( 1 1 1 )
p c2
The intensity, I, of a sound wave is defined as the mean value of the acous
tic energy which crosses a unit area perpendicular to the direction of propaga
tion in unit tim e. Unlike the expression for the energy density of a sound
wave, the expression for the intensity is different for different types of sound
(1 12 )
IL = T O /o g ,0( £ ) (1.14)
The sound pressure level, SPL, of a sound of root mean square pressure
Prms is defined by
SPL = 2 0 l o g , 0( ^ \ (1.15)
' Po '
w here SPL is expressed in decibels and P0 is the reference sound pressure le
vel of 0,00002Pa. This value is chosen as it approximately corresponds to
the sound pressure of the slightest sound an ear can detect in quiet surround
ings. Sound pressure level is the quantity that is actually measured w hen a
microphone is placed in a sound field. The portable instrum ent used to mea
sure SPL is known as a sound level meter. Some typical sound pressure le
vels are shown in Fig. 1.5.
60 General office
10000 -
40 Q uiet livingroom
100- Q uiet countryside
SWL = 10 lo g , (1.16)
100,000,000 2 0 0 -j Saturn ro c k e t (5 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 W)
1,000,000 180-
100 140-
Large orchestra (1 0 W)
0,01 100-
0,000,000,01 40 -
W hisper ( 1 0 -® W)
0,000,000,000,1 20-
0,000,000,000,001 0 -
The variety of sound sources one has to deal w ith in architectural acoustics
is very large e.g. loudspeakers, machines, the voice, musical instrum ents.
The characteristics and the directivity pattern of the sound generated by each
type of source may vary considerably. To describe each type of sound source
comprehensively in theoretical term s would be very tedious and involved. It is
fortunate, therefore, th a t many sound sources can, to a good degree of accu
racy be approximated by one or a combination of several idealised theoretical
sources such as the monopole or the dipole (Ref. 1).
As the distance from the source, increases, the area over which the em it
ted energy is spread is increased and consequently the resulting sound inten
sity is reduced.
Taking logarithms to the base 10 and using the relationship between sound
intensity and sound pressure yields
Therefore, for spherical radiation the SPL decreases by 20log (2) = 6dB
each time the distance from the source is doubled. This result is known as
the inverse square law.
The strength of the source, Q, is defined as the product of the surface area
and the rms velocity amplitude of the surface, U, that is
Q = 4 na 2U (1 2 0 )
N.B. The quantities Q, p, U must all be of the same type i.e. all peak or all
I = p h ™ ( 1 2 1 )
From the above equations it is seen that both the mean square pressure and
the intensity decrease as one moves away from the source by an amount pro
portional to the square of the distance from the source.
Wm = 0 . 22 )
1.20. DIPOLE
The quantities Pd and Q m ust be of the same type i.e. all peak or all r.m.s.
This form ula is only valid fo r k r » 1 .
^ ______ ^ ___ p(r,0)
A xis o f
-Q # | I # + Q I
I H*----- JV ---- ►»
Fig. 1.9. Variation of sound pressure level w ith distance from a dipole
The sound power output of the dipole, W d, is given by
On comparing the sound power of the monopole and the dipole using equa
tions 1.22 and 1.25, one finds that
Wd Qd2
( 1.26)
Wm 3 Qm*
W hen the source strengths are equal (i.e. Qm = Q di) then since the wave
number, k, is proportional to the frequency, it can be seen that at low fre
quencies the dipole is far less efficient in radiating sound energy than the
monopole. This is the reason why a loudspeaker m ounted in a cabinet can
reproduce low frequencies whereas a loudspeaker w ith o u t a baffle cannot.
Monopoles and dipoles have been employed to form more complex th e o re ti
cal sources such as the lateral quadrupole and the longitudinal quadrupole
but as these have no direct application in architectural acoustics they w ill not
be discussed here.
M any sound sources that are met in practice are more complicated than
either the monopole or the dipole. Their behaviour has to be determined by
measurement rather than by theoretical prediction. Measuring the sound
pressure level at a fixed distance from a source, but in different directions,
w ill generally yield d ifferent levels. The plot of these levels on a polar d ia
gram is known as the directivity pattern of the source. A surface can th e re
fore be described around a source over w hich the same sound pressure level
exists. However, it is usually sufficient to specify the directivity pattern in the
vertical and the horizontal directions Figs. 1 .10 and 1.1 1).
D irectivity patterns are extremely useful for supplying a lot of inform ation
about the nature of a sound source in a form which is easy to assimulate.
Fig. 1.10. Typical horizontal directivity patterns for the Sound Power Source
Type 4 2 0 5
Fig. 1.11. Typical vertical directivity patterns for the Sound Power Source
Type 4 2 0 5
These patterns can and usually do vary w ith frequency; most sources being
highly directive at high frequencies and non-directive or nearly so at low fre
0 = (1.2 7)
'r e f
d = 1 0 /o g ,0 D = 10 lo g T o ijt - j (1.2 8)
= ^ (1-29)
Values of the directivity factor range from unity for the case of the monopole
to large numbers for highly directive sources. The directivity also depends on
the source position. Table 1.1 gives the directivity factor and directivity index
for a monopole in various locations.
Free field 1 0
e.g. suspended between floor
and ceiling
On a fla t plane 2 3
e.g. on the floor
A t junction of tw o perpen. 4 6
planes e.g. floor and wall
Table 1.1. Directivity factor and directivity index for a monopole in various lo
From a knowledge of the sound power and the directivity pattern of a
source, one can estimate the sound pressure levels generated by the source
in almost any given acoustic environm ent. Such estimations can be used to
position noisy machines in workshops and offices etc., where they would
cause the least disturbance.
The nature of the sound fieia around a sound source in a room consists of
tw o components i.e. the direct field and the reverberant field. (Fig. 1.1 2). The
immediate vicinity of the source is know n as the near field. In this region the
particle velocity is not necessarily in the direction of propagation of the
sound wave. Furthermore, the sound pressure may vary considerably w ith po
sition and the sound intensity is not sim ply related to the mean square pres
sure. The extent of the near field is d ifficu lt to define as it depends on many
factors such as the frequency, dim ensions of the source and phases of the ra
diating surfaces. (Fig. 1.13).
In the region known as the far fie ld the sound pressure level decreases
6 dB each tim e the distance between the measuring microphone and the
source is doubled providing the source is in free space which can be simu-
Fig. 1.13. Description o f the sound field around a sound source in a reverber
ant room
If the source is radiating into a normal room then reflections of the sound
waves from the room's boundaries create a reverberant field w hich is super
imposed on the source's far field. In a highly reverberant or "live" room, the
reverberant field may swamp the far field altogether. The reverberant field is
referred to as a diffuse field if the sound energy density in this region is very
nearly uniform.
, 4W
'r = - n (1-31)
where R is the room constant defined by
WD_ 4W
(1.3 3)
~ 4nr2 + ' R
Taking logarithms to the base 10 of this equation and expressing the result
in terms of sound power gives
Obviously, the closer to the source, the greater the effect of the direct sound
on the measured sound pressure level. A t a certain distance from the source,
however, the contributions to the sound pressure level from both the direct
and reverberant field w ill be equal. This distance, known as the room radius,
can be calculated by setting
sounds of pressure amplitudes in excess of 100 Pa and yet can detect sound
pressures of 0 ,00001 Pa. Such small sound pressures, in the ear's most sen
sitive range w hich is from 1 00 0 Hz to 5 0 0 0 Hz, produce a displacement of
the eardrum of the order of 1 0 —11 m. This m inute distance is approximately
one tenth of the diameter of a hydrogen molecule. The ear, however, is more
than just an extremely sensitive microphone. It is also, together with the
brain a frequency analyser capable of fine discrim ination between tones.
Fig. 1.14. Audible range o f frequencies and sound pressure levels bounded by
threshold o f hearing and the threshold of feeling together with ap
proximate regions for speech and m usic
As the intensity of the acoustic waves incident on the ear is increased, the
sound perceived by the ear becomes louder and louder u ntil the sensation
ceases to be one of hearing but one of "tic k lin g " or feeling w ithin the ear.
This level is known as the threshold of feeling. It is less dependent on fre
quency than the threshold of hearing and has a value of about 120dB. The
approximate limits of the frequencies and the intensities normally experi
enced in speech and music are also shown in Fig. 1.14.
The unit of loudness level is the phon. The loudness level in phons of any
sound is defined as being num erically equal to the intensity level in decibels
of a 1 0 0 0 Hz tone that is judged by the average observer to be equally loud.
No instrum ent exists w hich can actually measure the loudness of a compo
site sound w hich contains many frequency components. However, sound le
vel meters can make precise measurements of the sound pressure level of
such sources from which reasonably accurate estimates of the loudness can
be made.
However, more recent work has not substantiated these historical associa
tions so that the frequency weightings are now largely conventional. F urther
more, the A-weighting is now frequently specified for rating sounds irrespec
tive of level and is no longer restricted to low level sounds.
If one can assume that the dimensions of a room are large compared to the
wavelength of sound then one may treat the sound waves in the room in
much the same way as light rays are treated in geometrical optics. This situa
tion frequently occurs in architectural acoustics. In analogy w ith light rays,
sound rays are reflected from hard plane w a lls in accordance w ith the laws
of reflection i.e. the incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal to the sur
face at the point of incidence all lie in the same plane; the angle of incidence
is equal to the angle of reflection (Fig. 2.1). Therefore sound rays incident on
a curved surface w ill either be focused or dispersed depending on w hether
the surface is concave or convex (Fig.2.2). Diffraction of sound rays can and
does occur but the effect is more noticeable for low frequency, long w ave
length sounds than w ith high frequency sounds of short wavelength.
Fig. 2.3. Graphical construction of the firs t reflections of the sound waves in
a concert hall
The concept of a sound ray and the geometrical study of sound ray paths
plays an important role in the design of large rooms and auditoria, enabling
troublesome echoes and flu tte r effects to be detected and dealt with at the
stage of designing the building. Fig.2.3 shows how geometrical constructions
can be used to position sound reflectors on the ceiling of a concert hall in or
der to improve the distribution of sound. A lim itation of the geometrical ap
proach is that usually only the primary and possibly the secondary reflections
can be studied before the sound ray being follow ed becomes "lo s t" in the re-
verberent sound field.
0,161 y
RT = ( 2 . 1)
Material Frequency, Hz
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Total absorption of
one seated person 0,18 0,4 0,46 0,46 0,51 0,46
The absorption coefficient of a material, as originally defined by Sabine, is
the ratio of the sound absorbed by the m aterial to that absorbed by an equiva
lent area of open window hence the absorption coefficient of a perfectly ab
sorbing surface would be 1 .Providing one knows the superficial areas and
the absorption coefficients of the various materials to be used, the reverbera
tion tim e of an auditorium can be determined at the design stage. To fa c ili
tate such calculations sets of tables have been published giving the absorp
tion coefficients of the commonly used building materials as a function of fre
quency. The variation in the reverberation tim e of specially designed reverber
ant rooms (also known as live or hard rooms) as one introduces or removes
absorptive material is a standard method for determining absorption coeffi
cients (refer to the International Standard ISO 354). (See Chapter 6).
0,161 1/
( 2 .2 )
RT — S ln(1 — a )
_ _ « t S -i + «2^2 + • • • + y -n S n
the mean absorption coefficient of the room.
S i + s2 + ■ • • + sn
+ sn the areas of the various materials
Eyring's formula gives results w hich are in much better agreement w ith the
measured reverberation times for dead rooms than Sabine's form ula. Also,
the Eyring formula gives the correct value of RT = O for an anechoic room
i.e. fo r a = 1. One drawback of this improved form ula is that it is only strictly
valid for rooms w hich have the same value of a for all boundaries.
RT = £ - 0s,' - ln (T -------
r -(1
1 x,)Y (23)
M illington and Sette's formula indicates that highly absorbing m aterials are
more effective than would be anticipated in influencing the reverberation
tim e. Forexample, when the absorption coefficient of amaterial is greater
than 0 ,6 3 then the effective absorption coefficient isseen to begreater than
rooms, e.g. w hy the frequency response of a loudspeaker varies from room to
room; w hy there are pressure maxima and m inim a w ithin a room where
there is a steady sound source.
For a rectangular room a simple relationship exists between the room di
mensions, lx, ly and lz, and the frequencies corresponding to the normal
modes of vibration of the room (See Appendix for the derivation). This rela
tionship is
n n n f (Hz)
X y z
1 1 2 77,0
2 2 1 77,6
3 1 1 78,4
2 0 2 81,2
0 3 0 81,6
1 3 0 84,4
3 2 0 84,7
2 1 2 85,6
4 0 0 86,6
0 2 3 87,6
0 3 1 88,5
1 2 2 90,3
4 1 0 90,8
1 3 1 91,1
3 2 1 91,4
2 3 0 92,4
4 0 1 93,2
3 0 2 94,5
4 1 1 97,1
2 2 2 97,7
3 1 2 98,4
2 3 1 98,6
The three types of normal modes w hich occur in the room are:
2. Tangential modes — The component waves are tangen
tial to one pair of surfaces but are reflected from the
other tw o pairs (two dimensional, one of the indices
nx,ny and nz is equal to zero).
Fig. 2.8. Sound pressure contours on a section through a rectangular room
fo r the axial mode (2,0,0)
Fig. 2 .1 0 . Tangential mode (2,1,0)
If one plots the sound pressure contours for various modes of vibration
(Figs.2.8, 2 .9 and 2.10) then one can see that for every mode the sound
pressure is a maximum in the corners of the room. Furthermore, at the geo
metric centre of the room, only one eighth of the modes have a finite sound
pressure. Therefore, if a monopole sound source be placed in the corner of
such a room, it is possible to excite every mode of vibration to its fullest ext
ent. Sim ilarly, if a microphone be placed in a corner of the room, it w ill mea
sure the peak sound pressure for every mode that has been excited. How
ever, when the monopole source is placed in a position w here a particular
mode has a pressure node, then this mode of vibration w ill be excited only
weakly if at all.
Fig. 2.11. Characteristic points in frequency space
.. 4 n V f3 n S f2 Lf
<2 '5 ’
A /V = ( 2 . 6)
m 3
For the reverberation room described above, the number of modes in the
third octave band (i.e. A f is 23% of f) centred on 100 Hz as calculated from
eqn.2.6 is 25. Counting the number of modes from Table 2 .2 yields the num
ber 28. For the same room, the number of modes predicted by eqn.2.6 in the
third octave band centred on 1000 Hz is over 18000. This means that there
is a fa irly even modal distribution at these higher frequencies and that the
spacing between the characteristic frequencies is so close that specific reson
ances may be neglected.
If the room possesses w alls which are capable of absorbing sound energy
then the effect of this damping on the standing waves in the room can be in
vestigated by introducing a damping term , e~Px , into the undamped standing
wave equation (eqn. A .8) i.e. by replacing jw by jw —/3.
For many materials that are used for w a ll surfaces rn» x n and rn» 1 . For
these particular conditions one finds that the characteristic frequencies of the
damped and the undamped waves are the same.
the construction are tw o factors which are usually decided upon before a spe
cialist is consulted to assist in designing the acoustics of the building. The
principle acoustical design factor is the reverberation time. Opinions vary con
siderably as to what is the optimum value of reverberation tim e for an auditor
ium intended for a particular use. Generally though, one can say that the re
verberation times for speech and recorded music should be as short as possi
ble, as one is only interested in the direct and not the reverberant sound; for
light music they should be short and for concert and church music they
should be long. By measuring the reverberation times in auditoria which are
considered to possess good acoustic qualities, one can arrive at a relationship
between the "optim um '' reverberation tim e for a particular use and the vo
lume of the auditorium (Fig.2.1 2). It should be noted that these curves are in
tended only as a guide and that the amount of scatter about these mean
curves is large.
Room volum e in m 3
Fig. 2.12. Typical variation o f reverberation tim e w ith volume for auditoria
considered to have good acoustical properties
The quality of the acoustics of an auditorium , however, does not only de
pend on the reverberation tim e but also on the shape and size of the enclo
sure, the positioninq of the sound absorbing material and the positioning of
the sound source and the audience.
The acoustical defects w hich can arise due to the size and shape of the
room are echoes, dead spots and flutter.
Dead spots can occur at positions in auditoria which are far from reflecting
surfaces and which receive sound only after it has passed over a particularly
absorbing surface. Dead spots can occur, for example, at the back of cinemas
and theatres where the sound travels at almost grazing incidence over the au
The phenomenon of flu tte r occurs w hen both the source and the listener
are between a pair of parallel, hard, surfaces and other nearby surfaces are
fairly absorbent. Sound emitted by the source w ill tend to be "trapped” be
tween the reflecting surfaces and w ill oscillate back and forth and decay rela
tively slowly. The listener w ill perceive this oscillating energy as a "flu tte r
ing" of the sound.
W hen designing a room for speech, the most im portant criterion is that
the speaker should be distinctly and readily heard by all members of the audi
ence. A quantitative measure of the degree of clarity at various positions in
the room can be obtained by articulation tests. These tests consist of reading
aloud from the speaker's platform a list of monosyllabic nonsensical words.
The people in the audience then w rite down w ha t they think they have
heard. An analysis of the percentages of consonants and vowels w hich were
heard correctly is then performed to give "the percentage articulation index"
(P.S.A ). Normal, connected speech can be understood even if some of the
syllables are unintelligible. This is due to the fact th a t the listener can de
duce the meaning from the context of the sentence. Even under perfect listen
ing conditions, the maximum value of P.S.A. obtained is normally about 95%
due to unavoidable errors. A P.S.A. of 80% enables the audience to under
stand every sentence w ithout undue effort. In a room where the P.S.A. is
about 75%, the listener has to concentrate to understand what is said while
below 65% the intelligibility is too poor.
Once one knows the volume th a t the room is to be and the required reverb
eration time, one is in a position to decide how m uch sound absorbent treat
ment is necessary. The positioning of the absorbing material w ith in the room
w ill depend on the particular circumstances but in general the greater part of
the material should be placed at the end of the room opposite to the speaker
and mounted on those surfaces w hich are likely to give rise to troublesome
reflections. Absorbent materials of a resilent nature such as perforated
boards or wooden slats backed w ith mineral w ool should be used on walls
w here they are liable to suffer damage or wear. Less robust m aterials, such
as acoustic fibre tiles, should only be used out of hand's reach.
There are certain rooms w hich are used for speech which require special
attention such as rooms used fo r debate, theatres, lawcourts and m ultipur
pose halls e.g. school halls, com m unity halls etc.
In debating chambers each person must have good sight lines to all the oth
ers present and the intelligibility must be acceptable at all positions in the
chamber. In theatres it is important that the natural qualities of the perform
ers' voices be maintained. However this requirement of naturalness does not
apply to public meeting halls. Rooms used for both speech and m usic have
conflicting requirements (i.e. a short reverberation tim e to render speech in
telligible and a long reverberation tim e to give depth to music) so th a t a com
promise has to be decided upon. If a sound am plification system is to be used
then this compromise is not such a critical decision. The reverberation time
can be made long enough for music and the sound amplifying system used to
overcome the long reverberation tim e. The subjective reverberation tim e of
an auditorium can be adjusted to s u it the programme by employing electroa-
coustical techniques, for example, the assisted resonance technique.
Fig. 2.14. Helm holtz resonator used in the assisted resonance technique
This technique increases the reverberation time by prolonging the dying
away of the room modes or resonances in the auditorium . For a particular
mode whose reverberation has to be "assisted" a Helmholtz resonator is posi
tioned in the auditorium w here there is a pressure maximum for this particu
lar frequency (Fig.2.13). The resonator is then tuned to th is frequency by ad
justing the volume of the resonator. A microphone placed inside the cavity of
the resonator detects the selected frequency and feeds the signal via an am
plifier to a loudspeaker w hich then em its acoustical energy at this frequency
back into the auditorium . This "topping u p " with acoustical energy, compen
sates to a controllable extent for the sound energy absorbed by the audience
and the room surfaces. The rate of decay of sound is th us slowed down and
the reverberation tim e is therefore lengthened. To deal w ith a range of fre
quencies, many microphone-loudspeaker systems have to be employed. The
Royal Festival Hall in London, for example, has 172 such channels covering
the frequency range from about 60 Hz to 700 Hz. The resonators can be
placed anywhere in the auditorium except close to the source of the music be
cause it is the reverberant field, not the direct field, th a t the resonators must
respond to. The loudspeakers can be placed anywhere in the auditorium (ex
cept very close to the listeners) because w ith these tuned circuits it is impos
sible to tell where the extra sound energy is coming from . This system has
been in use in the Royal Festival Hall, London, since 1 9 6 2 .
It is much more d ifficu lt to state criteria for good listening conditions for
music than for speech because aesthetic and emotional judgements are in
volved. The criteria are almost totally subjective making them very d ifficult to
define and often impossible to measure. The design of rooms for music is
therefore as much an art as a science.
The notable survey by L.L.Beranek o f sixty concert halls situated all over
the w orld enabled 1 8 acoustical factors to be listed in order of their im port
ance. From the results of his researches, Beranek developed a system of ra t
ing concert halls in term s of these 1 8 factors. These researches are de
scribed in the book "M u sic, acoustics and architecture" by L.L.Beranek pu
blished by John W iley and Sons, New York, 1 962.
The music in the room must be sufficiently loud. As the sound energy avail
able from a musical instrum ent is lim ited, this therefore sets a lim it on the
size of the auditorium.
The music should possess definition or clarity. This quality is basically the
ability of the listener to differentiate between the different instrum ents in an
orchestra and between the different musical sounds. D efinition contradicts
the requirement for sufficient reverberant sound.
Fullness of tone
This quality describes the blending effect that reverberation has on succes
sive notes and chords when heard in a room. Fullness depends mainly on the
reverberation time. The longer the reverberation tim e (within reason) the bet
ter the chance of obtaining adeuate fullness.
No obvious faults
There should not be any obvious faults in the music room such as notice
able echoes and dead spots.
This quality relates to the sense of being enclosed in a space and enve
loped in the sound field. Sound must be reflected from many surfaces to the
listener from many directions so that he w ill sense the space in which he is
sitting. Intimacy depends upon the time delay between the direct sound and
the first reflection. It is found th a t in narrow halls having a very small initial
time delay of about 15 ms the sense of intim acy in the centre of the main
floor is extremely high.
Musicians' criteria
The ultimate test fo r a room or hall intended for m usic is of course to listen
to a live performance. An experienced listener moving about the hall during
the test performance should be able to detect the presence of any faults. It is
then the job of the acoustical consultant to suggest remedial measures.
Sound reflectors and sound absorbers are often used to produce the de
sired acoustical conditions in rooms and auditoria. Some of the properties
and applications of sound reflectors and absorbers w ill be discussed here.
Sound reflectors
The ratio of the am ount of reflected to incident sound at the boundary be
tween two media depends on their relative acoustical impedances. For a
material to be a reflector of sound its impedance w ill therefore have to be d if
ferent to that of air. As impedance is equal to the product of density and the
speed of sound in medium, reflectors in an airborne sound field should be
massive. Geometrical reflection of the incident sound wave can only be as
sumed when the reflecting surface is large compared to the wavelength of
the incident energy, thus practical reflectors in a room w ill have a definite
low frequency cut off below which they act as diffusers. Generally speaking,
a panel with a m inim um dimension of about 30 tim es the wavelength of the
incident sound acts as a reflector; w he n the minimum dimension is about 10
tim es the wavelength some diffraction occurs, w hile at less than 5 tim es the
wavelength the incident energy is diffracted.
M any auditoria employ suspended overhead reflectors (e.g. the A lbert Hall,
London) in an attem pt to combine a sufficiently large volume to obtain sui
table decay times for music and short path reflections to produce good d e fin i
Sound absorbers
Every surface of a room and every object w ithin it w ill absorb sound to
some degree. Hard smooth objects such as walls and tiles w ill absorb fa r less
sound energy than soft, porous materials such as carpets, upholstery and peo
ple. The porous sound absorbing materials used for the control of acoustical
environments (e.g. mineral w ool, glass fibre) are characterised by a number
of variables, i.e. porosity, flow resistance and structure factor.
A sound wave impinging on th is type of absorber causes the air in the con
nected pores to vibrate but as the movement of the air particles is restricted
by the flow resistance of the m aterial, some of the sound energy is dissipated
as heat. The amplitude of vibration of the air particles is progressively
damped by friction against the pore walls. This acts as an acoustical resist
ance depending chiefly on the resistance of the material to direct a ir flow.
The effective porosity of the material (i.e. the volume of pores connected to
external air compared to the total volume of the material) governs the amount
of airborne sound energy that may enter and be subjected to attenuation.
However the structure factor is also important since air in blind alleys and
pores which run parallel to the surface w ill be little affected by air flo w in the
main pores and have negligible effect on the absorptive effect.
Frequency 162354
Frequency 162353
Since the panel possesses inertia and damping, some of the sound energy
is converted into mechanical energy and dissipated as heat, therefore sound
absorption occurs. However since the panel itself vibrates it w ill act as a
sound radiator so th a t it is rare to find such a system w ith an effective absorp
tion coefficient greater than 0 ,5 . The resonant frequency of such a system
can be calculated from
( 2 . 8)
res “
Such panel resonators are useful at mid- and low-frequencies (Fig.2.1 7). The
absorption of sound energy falls off rapidly at frequencies above the resonant
frequency. Further damping may be obtained by introducing damping material
into the air volume between the w all and the panel. This broadens the range
of frequencies for which the resonator is active.
Resonator absorbers
where c = velocity of sound (m .s.~1 )
S = cross sectional area of neck ( m 2 )
I = length of neck (m)
V = volume of cavity (m 3 )
______________________________________ 171029
If the resonator be damped i.e. by lining the cavity and neck w ith a porous
sound absorbing material then the resonator w ill be effective over a w ider
bandwidth although its maximum absorption at resonance w ill be reduced
(Fig.2.1 9). Helmholtz resonators can be designed to provide absorption at any
point in the frequency scale but owing to their sharp tuning they are not o f
ten used for general acoustic treatment w here a major change is required but
only w here a particularly long reverberation is experienced at a single fre-
quency such as that due to a normal mode and it is desired to reduce this
w itho ut greatly affecting the average reverberation.
For panels w ith regularly spaced holes of the same diameter such resona
tor has the same resonant frequency. It is possible to alter the spacing and di-
ameter of the holes to produce a panel w ith the desired absorption character
Sabines m 2
In some rooms and halls there are insufficient surfaces available for the
m ounting of the necessary sound absorbing m aterial. In this situation func
tional absorbers can be employed. These are three dimensional units of
sound absorbing m aterial suspended freely in the room some distance from
the room boundaries. Since sound energy can im pinge on all sides of these
units, their efficiency is high. This type of absorber is particularly useful in
workshops, gymnasia, swimming pools etc.
So far in this booklet, only the behaviour of sound w ith in rooms and enclo
sures has been discussed. Now attention w ill be focussed on the trans
mission of sound from one room to another and the sound insulation propert
ies of building elem ents i.e. w alls, floors, doors and windows. Sound insula
tion is especially pertinent when designing m ulti-room ed buildings such as
blocks of flats, hospitals, schools etc., where practically all intrusive noise is
considered to be highly undesirable.
Sound can propagate throughout a building e ithe r via the air or via the
building's structure (Fig.3.1.). Sound generation mechanisms can therefore
be divided into tw o general groups.
One group consists of those sources which generate sound directly into the
air such as the voice, loudspeakers etc. Insulation against such sound is
called airborne sound insulation.
The other group consists of those sources w hich act directly on the struc
tu re of the building usually by m eans of impact or vibrating equipm ent. Trans
m ission of the sound is then through and from the structure. Examples are
footsteps, noisy plumbing installations and slamming doors. In fact, this type
of noise is really a combination of both airborne and impact noise because
the impacts w ill produce airborne noise and this airborne noise w ill be trans
m itted. However, in nearly all cases the noise produced in the receiving room
by the transmission of the impact noise w ill predominate. Insulation against
such sound is called impact sound insulation.
W hen discussing the insulation th a t exists between two rooms against air
borne or impact sound, it is usual to consider one room as the source room
and the other as the receiving room. The basic problem is to determine
(a n d /o r reduce) the sound pressure levels produced in the receiving room
due to a source acting in the other room. The sim plest case to consider is the
one where the tw o rooms have one common dividing element i.e. a w all or a
flo o r/ce ilin g .
The amount of radiation from the w all and hence the sound insulation pro
vided by the w all depends on the frequency of the sound, the construction
and material of the w all and above all on its w eight. As one can im agine, the
more massive the w all the more d ifficu lt it is for the sound waves to set it
into vibration.
The sound insulation characteristic of a wall is usually expressed in term s
of sound reduction index, R, (referred to as the transm ission loss in the
United States of America) expressed by
/? = 70/o<710( ^ ) dB (3.1)
Frequency, Hz 7 7 , t5 t
The sound reduction index depends on the angle of incidence of the im ping
ing sound. If the sound fields in the tw o rooms are diffuse and providing the
sound is transm itted only through the dividing wall then the sound reduction
index may be evaluated from
To account for flanking transm ission the quantity known as the apparent
sound reduction index, R', is used. This is defined as
R '- W lo g , „ ( £ - ;) (3.3)
w here W-| = sound power incident on the wall
W 3 = total sound power transm itted into the receiving room
dB (3.4)
Sources of impact sound (e.g. footsteps) act directly on the structure of the
building, causing the structure to vibrate and to radiate acoustical energy into
the receiving room.
To allow for the effect of the absorption of sound which occurs in the re
ceiving room a correction is applied to the impact sound pressure level yield
ing the quantity known as the normalized impact sound pressure level de
fined by
dB (3.5)
Frequency, Hz 771149
Fig. 3.4. Typical norm alised impact sound pressure levels measured directly
below a concrete slab floor using a standard tapping m achine as an
impact source
a) bare concrete floor
b) concrete flo or covered w ith a rug
The most common method used at present for the excitation of floors is the
standard tapping machine. This machine contains five metal hammers which
are lifted by means of an electric motor then allowed to fall and strike the
floor one after the other.
The improvement of the impact sound insulation (i.e. the reduction of the
impact sound pressure level) is the difference betw een the average sound
pressure levels in the receiving room before and after some treatm ent of the
floor e.g. the installation of a floor covering, a floating floor or a false ceiling.
Material dB/30 m
Brickwork 0 , 5 - 4,0
The attenuation of noise borne in building materials is usually quite small
(Table 3.1). Therefore, machines and other sources w hich are likely to pro
duce structure borne noise should be isolated from the main building struc
ture wherever it is possible.
R = 20 lo g :0 ( fM ) - 47 dB (3.6)
This relationship gives the theoretical maximum sound reduction index for
random incidence.The Mass Law should only be used to give an approximate
guide to the insulation obtainable. In practice, the sound insulation obtained
is always a few dB less than the theoretical maximum. In the mass controlled
region the sound reduction index increases at a rate of about 6 dB for each
doubling of frequency i.e. by 6 dB per octave, and by about 6 dB for each dou
bling of surface density, which means, for a particular m aterial, for each dou
bling of thickness. The mass controlled region extends up to the critical fre
quency. This is the frequency at which the wave length of the bending waves
in the w all is the same as the wave length of the radiated sound in the receiv
ing room or in other words, the low est frequency capable of exciting the
coincidence effect (see the following section). Above the critical frequency
the stiffness of the w a ll again plays an important role.
The various regions are shown in the idealized sound reduction index curve
in Fig.3.5.
Critical Frequency
Frequency, Hz 7 7119 8
Fig. 3.5. Idealised sound reduction index curve for various degrees o f damp
The condition for coincidence to occur is
sin d = ~ (3.7)
Clearly,if the wavelength of the sound in air is greater than the wave
length of the sound in the wall, no coincidence can occur because the sine
cannot be greater than 1. When the incident sound has a fixed frequency,
the angle at which coincidence occurs is defined as the coincidence angle.
W hen the angle is fixed then the frequency at which coincidence occurs is de
fined as the coincidence frequency.
In other words the critical frequency is the lowest possible coincidence fre
quency and occurs w hen the sound is at grazing incidence to the w all i.e. 9 =
figure representing the averaging sound reduction index does not show defi
ciencies due to resonance or coincidence effects.
For a building element to have a high sound reduction index over a wide
frequency range, the element (w all, floor, door, window) should possess a
high mass and a low stiffness. An element may have sufficient mass to pro
vide good insulation but its fu ll potential is not realised because high stiff
ness narrows the frequency range between resonance and coincidence. It is
not usually possible to reduce the stiffness of an existing element but the ef
fects of the stiffness can sometimes be reduced by increasing the damping in
the element. Damping is only effective in the frequency ranges w here reson
ance and coincidence occurs. There is virtually no effect on the sound reduc
tion index due to damping, in the frequency range where the mass law ap
plies (see Fig.3.5). The most common method of adding damping to an ele
ment is to apply a thick layer of a mastic-like m aterial to one side o f the ele
ment. Providing there is a good bond between the layer and the element a
greater proportion of the energy incident in the element w ill be dissipated in
the layer. M ultilayered "S an dw ich" structures can be built up in th is way.
This type of treatm ent is only effective on elem ents that have inherently a
small amount of damping and low superficial mass. It would be useless for
example to apply a damping layer to a 1 5 cm thick concrete wall although the
performance of metal partitions can be greatly improved by this treatm ent.
be 40 + 40 = 80 dB. U nfortunately in practice th is is just not so. If the walls
were completely separated from each other w ith no common footings or edge
supports and no connecting ties and the air spaces between the w alls were
larger than about a meter then the total insulation would approach the value
of 8 0 dB. In practice though, w alls usually have common supports at the
edges and it is rare to find a double leaf w all (or cavity wall) w ith a cavity
w ider than a fe w centimeters. Consider the transm ission of sound through a
double leaf elem ent such as the one shown in F ig.3.7. There are several pos
sible transm ission paths through the cavity, through the edge connections
and through the connecting ties. The graph in Fig.3 .8 shows the insulation
obtained when the leaves are entirely unconnected and the effect of the com
mon connections.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 71148
At low frequencies the air between the tw o leaves couples them together
rather like a spring. A resonance frequency, f r , therefore exists which is de
termined by the mass of the leaves and by the w idth of the cavity. A t the re
sonance frequency there is a sharp drop in the value of the insulation. In
practice f r should be made less than 100 Hz so that for leaves of low mass a
wide cavity is essential. Above the resonance frequency, the insulation in
creases more rapidly w ith frequency than it w ould for a single w all of the
same weight but above about 2 5 0 Hz the problem of cavity resonances arises
which tend to reduce the insulation. These resonances can be considerably
reduced by lining the cavity w ith an absorbent material such as mineral wool
or glass fibre. It is not necessary to fill the w hole cavity. A layer of about 3
cm of absorbent should suffice. An absorbent lining is most effective in light
w eight constructions and has almost no effect on a heavy masonry or con
crete wall.
Transmission through common ties and around the common perim eter be
comes important when an insulation of more than 40 dB is required. For insu
lation in excess of 50 dB the source and the receiving rooms should be vibra-
tio na lly isolated from each other.
Flanking Transmission
Providing the critical frequencies of the dividing w all and the flanking ele
m ents are low compared to the frequency range of interest then the am ount
of energy radiated into the receiving room by the various flanking elements
can be measured and compared w ith the am ount of energy radiated from the
dividing wall by employing the relationship (Ref.2)
The insulation provided by a door does not follow the predictions of the
Mass Law for tw o reasons:
a) there are nearly always sm all gaps between the door and the door-frame
through w hich sound can be transmitted
b) the size of the door is very much sm aller than the w all in which it is
placed so that the resonant frequencies of the door occur at much higher
frequencies than in a w all made of the same material.
The insulation provided by a door as estimated by the Mass Law w ill there
fore always be somewhat higher than that w hich can actually be obtained.
When high insulation is required the edges of the door should be sealed
very carefully w ith gaskets of fe lt or rubber.
Values of insulation greater than those predicted by the Mass Law can be
obtained by the use of double doors. If the tw o doors are separated by a short
passageway, sound absorptive material applied to the walls and ceiling in the
passageway w ill further improve the insulation. For double doors separated
by at least 8 cm the average insulation is estimated to be at least 5dB grea
ter than the Mass Law value based on a mass equal to the sum of the
masses of the tw o doors. The seal around the doors must be as carefully
made as for the single door. Seals can be provided by compressible gaskets,
drop-tongue draught (and noise) excluders and covered key holes.
Outer Walls and Windows
M any of the noises which disturb people w ithin buildings originate out of
doors. The noise produced by such sources as air and road traffic and indus
trial noise enter the building via the outer walls, the w indow s and the roofs.
M any modern buildings have roofs made from concrete or comparable heavy
m aterials so these do not pose such a great problem as the outer w alls and
w indow s.
The insulation of the outer facade is usually but not always determined by
the insulation of the windows. When a high degree of insulation is required,
it is essential that fixed windows be used which means that a mechanical
ventilation system is necessary.
Floor-Ceiling Elements
The same principles apply for the airborne sound transm ission of flo o r-ce il
ing elements as for walls. However, special consideration m ust be given to
the control of impact noise to which the floor is subjected because a design
that is a good insulator for airborne sound may be unacceptable from the
point of view of the transmission of impact noise e.g. a concrete slab floor.
Floating Floors
One of the most practical means of obtaining high impact sound insulation
in a building is to use a floating floor construction. A floating floor rests on
the structural floor but is separated from it by a resilient support such as a
mineral wool blanket. The construction can be considered as a mass-spring-
damping element system as shown in Fig.3 .9 . It is vitally im portant in any
floating floor construction that the resilient elem ent is nowhere shorted by a
rigid mechanical connection. Such connections which allow sound to be
transm itted across the element are sometimes referred to as sound bridges.
The resonant frequency of the floor must be chosen to be very low prefera
bly less than 20 Hz otherwise, as seen in Fig.3 .1 0 , the insulation at the re
sonance is less than if the floating floor had not been constructed at all.
Roofing fe lt
fib re
- S kirting board
flo o rb o a rd s 3 cm glass fib re q u ilt
A low resonant frequency is obtained by having a large floating mass. Above
the resonant frequency the insulation increases at a maximum of
1 2 dB/doubling of frequency when the damping is negligible and at a lower
rate when the damping is increased.
Acoustic Leaks
I i 1
Basement or c e l l a r ^ -------------- ----------A coustic " le a k "
Discontinuous Construction
No rigid
connections via
service pipes
etc. across
T - (3.9)
For the cases where the machine has a particularly annoying resonant fre
quency or the machine produces vibrations of an impulsive nature then it can
be advantageous to place the machine on an inertial block (e.g. a slab of con-
forcing frequency
Frequency r a tio = -----------------------------
resonant freq uency 771202
The type of isolator used depends on the structure and the environm ent.
Some examples of isolators are steel springs in conjunction w ith oil filled
dash pots, rubber in shear and compression held in a steel foot, cork, felt,
foam and mineral wool mats.
A useful guide for the selecting and applying resilie n t devices is the ISO pu
blication Draft ISO 2 01 7.
Correct planning at an early staqe w ill save costly modifications later on.
The machinery i.e. motor, fan, compressor, should be placed as fa r as possi
ble from the areas w hich are liable to be sensitive to noise. The machinery
should be isolated from the main structure of the building by means of anti-vi-
bration mounts (see section Vibration Isolation). S hort lengths of flexible, resi
lient hosing should be inserted between the m achinery and the ductw ork.
To reduce the noise transmitted by the ducts a num ber of techniques may
be employed such as the lining of the ducts w ith sound absorbing material,
the inclusion of a plenum chamber in the system, provision of bends and
smooth changes of cross sectional area of the ducts, the insertion of ready
made commercially available attenuators and the use of vanes for m aintain
ing a non-turbulent air flow.
Plenum chambers
These chambers are the only effective remedy fo r low frequency noise. The
chambers should be made as large as possible and should be lined w ith a
thick layer of sound absorbing m aterial. Additional absorption can be ob
tained by installing baffles w ithin the chamber. The volumes which occur nat-
urally in modern buildings e.g. under staircases can be used as plenum cham
One of the simplest ways of reducing the aerodynamic noise present in the
air flow is to line the ducts w ith sound absorbing material. The linings should
The noise generated by the air flow impinging on a grille (or diffuser) is de
pendent on the shape of the grille i.e. a badly designed grille w ill induce turb
ulence in the air flow. If the grille is at fault then it should be replaced w ith
one of better design.
Companies specialising in ventilation systems are aware of the noise prob
lems involved. It is usually sufficient therefore to specify the acceptable noise
levels in the various rooms of the building and to state the required sound in
sulation between the rooms and to leave the design of the ventilation system
up to the suppliers of the ventilation equipment.
In the preceding chapters, the nature and behaviour of sound in rooms and
buildings was discussed. Now these concepts w ill be used to describe the
criteria for the acoustic environment for various human activities. Why
should criteria be necessary at all? The reason can be seen if some of the
more important ways in w hich noise affects people are considered. Noise can
1) damage hearing
4) annoy.
A t first thought, it would seem that the best environment w ould be one
where there is no noise at all. This is not ti’ue, however, for absolute silence
can be very disturbing and in any case some noise is necessary in offices, for
example, to ensure local privacy. The aim of noise control is to reduce the
noise level in a particular environm ent to an acceptable level and not to rem
ove the noise altogether.
The acceptable noise level depends on the particular situation. The workers
in an engine room or a foundry or similar noisy work place w ould not nor
mally be expected to be annoyed by the noise that they make themselves.
There may not even be a need for conversation fo r the work to be done effic
iently. There is a need, however, to protect the worker against the risk of
hearing damage. In light industry, factories and the like conversation is usu
ally important. In commercial premises such as offices and shops, the noise
levels present should not interfere w ith conversation and the use of the tele
phone, nor w ith the concentration of the staff.
The acceptable noise levels in the home are fa r more stringent. Although a
particular noise may not cause damage or interfere w ith concentration, it
may be extremely annoying.
Noises that are so loud that they cause immediate damage to the ear are
fortunately rare. A gradual deterioration in hearing acuity due to exposure to
excessive noise is far more common. This deterioration in hearing acuity is
usually not apparent to the individual u ntil it is too late and irreparable dam
age has occurred. The likelihood of permanent damage occurring is a fu n c
tion of length of exposure, noise levels and frequency. This has given rise to
the concept of noise dosage.
Fig. 4.1. Relationship betw een sound level and duration for the OSHA c rite
rion and ISO R 1999 (for ISO applying the criterion 90 dBA for an 8
hour day and no corrections)
In the United States of America the OSHA criterion is employed (Fig.4.1.).
This is again equivalent to exposure to a noise of 90dB(A) for an 8 hour
working day but now a 5dB(A) increase in sound level fo r half the duration
gives the same noise dose, e.g. 95dB (A ) for 4 hours is equivalent to
90 dB(A) for 8 hours w hich is equivalent to 1 00 dB(A) for 2 hours.
The set of Damage Risk Criteria curves (DRC) shown in Fig.4.2. sum m ar
ises this concept of noise dosage.
W hen talking about noise criteria, it is important to bear in mind that the
recommended sound pressure levels fo r a particular situation are intended as
a guide to the average acceptability of the noise. Human nature, being w hat
it is, w ill ensure that there w ill nearly always be someone who complains no
matter w hat criterion is chosen.
The units most generally used for specifying acceptable noise levels in
buildings are the Noise Criteria developed by Beranek in the United States of
N o t recommended
fo r any office
Large engineering
and d ra ftin g rooms
M ediu m - sized
offices, hotel rooms
America and the Noise Rating adopted by the ISO and used widely in Europe.
The Noise Criteria were developed specifically for commercial buildings and
consist of a fam ily of octave band spectra each w ith its own rating number.
The expected or measured noise in the office or shop is compared w ith the
curves and the lowest curve w hich is nowhere exceeded by the noise gives
the Noise Criteria number, (Fig.4.3). The Noise C riteria curves were originally
intended to relate the spectrum of a noise to the disturbance it causes to ver
bal communication, including Speech Interference Levels and Loudness Le
vels. Nowadays, however, the tendency is to specify an acceptable Noise
Criteria number (or a similar criterion) for a particular room instead of talking
about Speech Interference Levels and Loudness Levels.
A similar fam ily of curves has been developed by a working group of the
ISO and is intended for more general application (Fig.4.4 ). Recommended
NR and NC values for various environments are given in tables 4.1 and 4.2
respectively. For further details of noise criteria reference should be made to
the B & K handbook "Application of B & K equipment to Acoustic Noise Meas
urem ent".
Range of NR Levels
likely to be acceptable
Workshops 6 0 -7 0
Mechanised offices 5 0-55
Gymnasia, sports halls, swimming baths 4 0 -5 0
Restaurants, bars, cafeterias 35-45
Private offices, libraries, courtrooms 3 0 -4 0
Cinemas, hospitals, churches, small
2 5 -3 5
conference rooms
Class rooms, T.V. studios, large
2 0 -3 0
conference rooms
Concert halls, theatres 2 0 -2 5
Diagnostic clinics, audiometric rooms 10-20
Range of NC Levels
likely to be acceptable
However low the loudness level of a noise may be, if it intrudes on peo
ples' privacy in th e ir own homes then the noise is likely to constitute an an
noyance. NR curves and dB(A) measurements give a good indication of how
much noise people w ill tolerate in th e ir own homes but owing to the highly
subjective character of the problem several corrections have to be applied be-
for a particular NR or dB(A) measurement is acceptable. Various environm en
tal factors and the nature of the noise itself have to be taken into account.
For example, recognisable audible characteristics of the noise such as pure
tones, hissing, impulsiveness etc, w ill make the noise more annoying than a
broad band noise having the same energy. Further, a given noise w ill be
more annoying to a quiet suburb than in the middle of a big city. The tim e at
w hich a noise occurs (day or night, summer or w inter) also plays a role and
has to be taken into account.
is based on the work of the W ilson Committee which tentatively suggested
that the noise levels shown in Table 4 .3 . should not be exceeded in living
rooms and bedrooms for more than 10% of the tim e. Sim ilar recommenda
tions have been proposed in many other countries.
Table 4.3. Noise levels in dwellings w hich should not be exceeded for more
than 10% o f the tim e as recommended by British Standard
4 1 4 2 :1 9 6 7
To specify the sound insulation betw een dwellings it is not sufficient to use
a single figure index as this could be misleading. The sound insulation is a
function of frequency and should be specified over the frequency range of in
terest. It is therefore usual to specify the insulation in the form of a curve
Fig. 4.5. Reference values of sound reduction index for airborne sound be
tween dwellings according to IS O /R 717 1 96 8
Frequency,Hz 780317
Fig. 4.6. Reference values o f norm alised im pact sound level in octave bands
in dw ellings according to ISO /R 717 1968
and the measured insulation of a building elem ent should not come below
this curve by more than a recommended amount.
The British system is intended for dealing w ith the dividing w alls (known as
party walls) and floors in blocks of flats and terraced houses etc. The party
w all insulation is based on the insulation of a 9 " brick (0,23 m) w a ll and the
airborne floor insulation is based on the insulation of a concrete floor con
struction w ith a floating floor fin ish . The measured insulation (corrected to a
reverberation tim e of 0,5 sec w hich is the value of an average living room) is
compared w ith a recommended curve and should fall above th is curve al
though a total adverse deviation of 23 dB over the 1 6 , one third octave bands
is permitted. The recommended insulation to be provided by party walls in
houses and flats is shown in Fig.4.7.
For impact sound insulation, the British rating system specifies that when
Fig. 4.7. Recommended insulation to be provided by party walls in houses and
flats (Great Britain)
Frequency, Hz 771194
the sound source is a standard tapping machine (see Chapter 5) then the
maximum permitted sound pressure levels in the room below the source
room should not exceed the values shown in Fig.4 .8 . The same conditions
for deviations from the recommended curve apply as for airborne sound insu
Germ any
The German provisional standard DIN 5221 1 deals w ith both laboratory
and field measurements of sound insulation. The standards used for houses
and flats are shown in Figs.4.9 and 4.1 0.
Frequency, Hz 771193
Frequency, Hz 7 7119 5
Fig. 4.10. Recommended impact sound insulation betw een flats (West Ger
Denm ark
The Danish M inistry of Housing has published a docum ent entitled "B u ild
ing regulation for housing in town and country, 1 9 6 6 " w hich stipulates the
amount of sound insulation required in residential and other buildings. The
measurement of the sound insulation is performed according to the Interna
tional Standards Organisation publication ISO/R 140 but a correction has to
be applied to make the reverberation tim e of the receiving room a nom inal
0,5 sec.
The document states th a t the party w a lls in blocks of flats should have a
mean insulation of not less than 49 dB and the insulation in any third octave
band should not be less than the values shown in Fig.4.1 1.
Standards for w alls w ith in the same fla t, for floors and ceilings between d if
ferent flats and for w a lls between semi-detached, terraced houses etc. are
also given in Fig.4 .11 .
Other nations
Standards concerning building acoustic C Q Q R Office for S tandards and
from various countries. M easurem ents,
1 134 7 Praha 1,
Argentina Václavské N ám ésti 19
¿SN 3 6 8 8 4 0 M easurem ent of sound insulating
properties of build in g structures
4063 M easurem ent of sound in sulatio n in
d w ellings ÍS N 3 6 884 1 M easurem ent of reverberation time
4065 M easurem ent of sound absorption
coefficients ÍS N 7 3 0 5 2 5 Design in the room acoustics. G eneral
1964 principles
Australia Standards House.
ÍS N 7 3 0 5 2 6 Design in the room acoustics. Studios
8 0 A rth u r Street,
North Sydney 19 6 8 and sound recording rooms
ÍS N 7 3 0 5 2 7 Room acoustics projects. Rooms fo r
A S .1 0 4 5 -1 9 7 1 M easurem ent of absorption 1973 cultural and school purposes. Rooms
coefficients in a reverberation room for public purposes. Adm inistrative
DR 7 5 0 6 0 M ethod of m easurem ent of norm al rooms
incidence source absorption coefficient ÍS N 7 3 053 1 Protection against noise transmission
and specific normal acoustic in building
impedances of acoustic m aterials by
the tube method ÍS N 8 3 0 5 3 5 Sound absorption coefficient
m easurement in reverberation room
DR.7 4 1 6 3 Code of practice for building siting and
construction against aircraft noise Denmark Dansk Standardiseringsråd
in trusio n Aurehøjvej 1 2
DR 7 2 0 9 0 2 9 0 0 H ellerup
Standard method for the rating of
sound insulation for d w ellings D S /IS O R .1 4 0 Felt- og laboratoriem ålinger af luftlyds
og trinlyds udbredelse
DOC.9 7 9 Standard methods for field and
laboratory m easurements of airborne D S /IS O R .3 5 4 Måling af absorptionskoefficienter i
and im pact sound transm ission efterklangsrum
Austria Ö sterreichisches N o rm ungsinstitut Statens Trykningskontor
Leopoldsg. 4
1 0 2 0 W ien Landsbyggeloven, kap. 9, lydisolering
(Building code, sound isolation)
B 81 15 Hochbau, Schallschutz und Hörsamkeit
M iljøstyrelsen
B 8115 Schallschutz und Raum akustik im Kampmannsgade 1
E n tw urf Hochbau 1 604 København V
Ö sterreichischer A rbeitsrin g fü r
Lärm bekäm pfung, P ublikation Støj, bygge-og anlægsvirksomhed
Regierungsgebäude, n r.9 (Noise in build in g construction)
1 0 1 2 W ien P ra n ro L'Association Française de
r r d iio e N orm alisation (AFNOR),
Ö AL-R ichtlinie G eräuscharm e W ohn-, K ranke nhaus
Nr. 8 und Hotelinstallationen Tour Europe, 9 2 Courbevoie
DIN 5 2 2 1 2 Bestimm ung des Schallabsorptionsgra P N -61 Building acoustics. Terminology
des im Hallraum B - 0 2 1 53
DIN 5 2 2 1 4 Bestimm ung der dynam ischen Steifig P N -6 8 Building acoustics. Tests on acoustic
keit von D äm m schichten fü r schw im B - 0 2 1 54 properties in building partitions
mende Estriche InspecçSo Gera I dos Produtos
DIN 5 2 2 1 5 Bestimm ung des Schallabsorptionsgra Portugal A g ricolas e Industriáis (Repartiçâo
des und der Impedanz in Rohr de Norm alizaçâo)
Avenida de Berna — 1
DIN 5 2 2 1 6 M essung der N achhallzeit in Zuhörer
Lisboa — 1
P -6 6 9 Acústica, Ensaio de transmissáo dos
DIN 5 2 2 1 7 Flankenübertragung — Begriffe 1968 ruidos aéreos e de percussâo (airborne
Prüfung des G eräuschverhaltens von and im pact noise transmission)
DIN 5 2 2 1 8
Arm aturen und G eräten der W asserin P -6 7 0 A cú stica, Determ inaçâo em cámara
stallation im Labor 1968 reverberante do coeficiente de
absorçâo e da área sonora equivalente
DIN 5 2 2 1 9 Messung von G eräuschen der W asser
(D eterm ination of sound absorption
installation am Bau
VDI 2 7 1 9 Schalldäm mung von Fenstern
O ficiul de stat pentru Standarde,
G e rm a n y A m t fü r S tandardisiering der D.D.R.,
Roumania Str. Edgar Q uinet 6,
M ohrenstrasse 37a, Bucarest 1
(D.D.R.) 108 Berlin STAS 6 1 5 6 -6 8 Building acoustics. Protection against
TGL 1 0 6 8 7 Bauphysikalische Schutzm aßnahm en, noise and vibration in buildings.
Bl. 1 — 8 Schallschutz. Siehe S .2. Übersicht der Regulation for design and perform ance
Grundlagenstandards STAS 6 1 6 1 -6 0 M ethods of m easurement of noise in
TGL 1 0 6 8 8 M essverfahren der A ku stik buildings
Bl. 1 — 12 STAS 8 0 4 8 -6 7 M easurem ent of dynamic stiffness of
1967 vibration absorbing m aterials in
Great Britain j'p ’áfk l í ^ í ^ lns,ltu,l0n' building acoustics
London W. 1 Sveriges Standardiserings-
B S .2750: Recommendations fo r field and
Sweden kom m ision. Box 3295
1956 laboratory m easurem ent of airborne 1 0 3 6 6 Stockholm
and impact sound transm ission in Bestam ning av ljudisolering i
SIS 025 251
buildings byggnader
BS.CP352: Mechanical ventilation and air Bestam ning av ljudisolering i
SIS 0 2 5 2 5 2
1958 conditioning in b uildings (contains a byggnader, faltm atning
section on sound proofing and an ti
vibration devices) SIS 0 2 5 2 5 3 Metod fo r vardering av ljudisolering
mellan rum i byggnader
B S .3638: Method for the m easurem ent of sound
1963 absorption coefficients (ISO) in a SIS 8 1 7 3 0 6 Ljudisolerande dbrrar 25 dB, 3 0 dB
reverberation room. och 3 5 dB
BS.CP3: 1 9 7 2 Part 2: Sound in sulatio n and noise Liber Förlag, Fack, 103 2 0 Stockholm
reduction (in buildings)
SBN 75 Ljudklim at
Hungary Magyar Szabványügyi Hivatal, Kap 34
Budapest IX, Üllöl út. 25
Svensk Byggtjänst, Box 1 4 0 3 ,
M E . -8 3 -6 5 Technische V o rschriften des 1 1 1 8 4 Stockholm
M inisterium s fü r Bauwesen
KBS 1 0 -1 9 6 8 Norm er fö r kontorsbyggnader
|t a | Servizio Técnico Centrale,
Y M inistero dei Lavori Pubblici, Switzerland Schw eiz. Ingenieur- und
Roma Architekten-V erein
Circolare N. Criteri di valutazione e collando dei SIA E m pfehlung fü r Schallschutz im W o h
176 9 requisiti acustici nelle costruzioni E m pfehlung nungsbau
edilizie 1 8 1 -1 9 7 0
Netherlands Nederlands N orm alisatie-Instituut,
Rijswijk (Z-H)
NEN 1 0 7 0 Sound insulation m easurem ent in U.S.A. A co ustical and Board Products
A sso ciation
197 5 dwellings
2 0 5 W est Touhy Avenue
NEN 2 0 1 4 0 Same as ISO R.1 40-1 9 6 0 Park Ridge, IL 600 68
NEN 2 0 3 5 4 Same as ISO R .3 5 4 A M A - 1-11 M ethod of test. Ceiling sound
1967 tran sm ission test by two-room m ethod
Norway Norges Standardiseringsforbund,
A M Spec A co ustical absorbers
Håkon 7. gt. 2, Oslo 1
No. 1 1 (1972)
NS 3051 * Bestemmelse av lydisolering A ir D iffu sio n Council
NS 4 8 0 4 Måling av lydabsorpsjonsfaktorer i 4 3 5 N orth Michigan
2 .1 9 7 4 klangrom Chicago, IL 60611
P n la n H Polski Komitet Norm alizacji i M iar, A D -6 3 M easurem ent of room -to-room sound
0 ul. Elektoralna 2, (1 9 6 3 ) tran sm ission through plenum air
00-1 39 - W arszawa systems
PN-70 Building acoustics. Soundproof FD -72 Flexible air duct test code
B -0 2 1 51 protection for room s in buildings (1 9 7 2 )
Dept, of Housing and Urban
Am erican National S tandards Institute W ashington, D C.
1 4 3 0 Broadway
A guide to a irbo rne , impact and
N ew York, NY 100 18
structure borne noise control in
S1 7 -1 9 7 0 Sound absorption of acoustical m ultifam ily d w e llin g s
m aterials in reverberation rooms International Conference of Building
Am erican Society for Testing and O fficials
M aterials 5 3 6 0 South W orkm an M ill Road
1 9 1 6 Race Street W hittier, CA 9 0 6 0 1
Philadelphia, PA 1 9 1 0 3 UBC 35-1 Laboratory determ ination of airborne
ASTM Standard method of test fo r impedance sound tran sm ission class (STC)
C 3 8 4 -5 8 and absorption of acoustical m aterials UBC 3 5 -2 Impact sound in sulatio n
(Reapproved by the tube method
1972) UBC 3 5 -3 Airborne sound in sulatio n field test
ASTM Standard method of test fo r sound Komitet Standartov,
C 4 2 3 -6 6 absorption of acoustical m ate rials in
U .S .S .R . Leninsky Prospekt 9 b,
(Reapproved reverberation rooms (ANSI S 1 .7- 117 0 4 9 M oskva M -4 9
1972) 197 0)
Gost 1 5 1 1 6 Sound in sulatio n. M ethod of
ASTM Standard definitions of te rm s relating measurement. S ound insulation factor
C 6 3 4 -7 3 to acoustical tests of building
Gost 1 6 2 9 7 -7 0 Building w ares and materials. The
constructions and m aterials
methods of acoustical tests
ASTM Standard recommended practice for
E 9 0-7 5 laboratory m easurement of airborne Y ugos la via Official Gazette
sound transm ission loss of building
13 A ug. 1 9 7 0 Regulation on technical precautions
ASTM Standard recommended practice for and conditions fo r sound protection in
E336-71 m easurem ent of airborne sound buildings
in sulation in buildings
ASTM Standard classification for In te r n a tio n a l International O rganization for
E 4 1 3 -7 3 determ ination of sound tran sm ission
class (I. S . O . ) 1, Rue de Varem b£,
Geneva, S w itzerland
ASTM Standard method of testing duct liner
E 4 7 7 -7 3 m aterials and prefabricated silencers R .1 4 0 -1 9 6 0 Field and laboratory measurements of
fo r acoustical and a irflo w perform ance airborne and im pact sound
ASTM Tenative method of laboratory
E 4 92-73T m easurem ent of impact sound R.3 5 4 -1 9 6 3 Measurement of absorption
transm ission through flo o r c eilin g coefficients in a reverberation room
assem blies using the tapping m achine
(1 9 7 1 ) R.7 1 7 -1 9 6 8 Rating of sound in sulatio n for
ASTM Tenative recommended practice for
E 497-73T in stallatio n of fixed p artitions o f light Draft Proposal
fram e type for the purpose of
conserving their sound in s u la tio n IS O /D IS 3 3 8 2 M easurem ent o f reverberation tim e in
efficiency auditories
This chapter describes some of the many applications of Brüel & Kjær in
struments to architectural acoustics by describing a generalised chain of
measurement, link by link. The basic theory behind the measurements has
been briefly outlined in the previous chapters but those readers w ho require
a deeper insight should refer to one of the many excellent books on architec
tural acoustics (see Bibliography). Instrument arrangements w hich can be em
ployed in order to comply w ith a particular ISO standard, are indicated in the
text (Ref.28).
analyser chain i.e. one requires a source of sound (or vibration) a measuring
transducer such as a microphone (or an accelerometer) in conjunction w ith a
filte r/a m p lifie r and a recording device. This scheme is shown in a general
ised block diagram form in Fig.5.1. Each block does not necessarily represent
an individual instrum ent, of course. The whole of the transm itting side of the
diagram, for example, may already be present in the building in the form of a
noisy machine. Furthermore, the entire receiving side may be contained in
one instrum ent such as the Precision Sound Level M eter and Octave A n al
yser Type 221 5.
The Sound Power Source Type 4 2 0 5 , although developed for sound power
measurements, is an excellent sound source for most purposes in building
acoustics. The 4 2 0 5 is a portable battery operated instrum ent capable of sup
plying w hite or pink broad band noise. The pink noise can be filtered by any
one of the 7 built-in octave filters whose centre frequencies are 125, 2 50 ,
500, 1000, 2000, 4 0 0 0 and 8 0 0 0 Hz. The sound power output of the 4 2 0 5
can be varied continuously between 4 0 dB and 1 00 dB re 1 pW (1 0 0 d B re
1 pW corresponds to a sound pressure level of 92 dB re 2 x 10“ 5 Pa at 1 m
from the 4205). Among the applications of the 4205 are reverberation meas
urem ents (as generator can be stopped in less than 30 ms), sound insulation
and sound distribution measurements.
Fig. 5.2. Sources o f noise: Upper left. Tapping M achine Type 3 20 4; upper
right. Isotropic Sound Source Type 4 2 4 1 ; Lower left. Reference
Sound Source Type 4 2 0 4 ; Low er right. S ound Power Source Type
The Isotropic Sound Source Type 4241 is supplied w ith the required signal
from a generator. It is usually necessary to amplify the signal from the gener
ator by employing a power am plifier in order to drive the 4241 or another sui
table commercially available loudspeaker.
Fig.5.3 shows three signal generators and a Power Am plifier Type 2706.
This power am plifier can be used w ith any of the three generators to give a
power output capacity of 7 5 V A into a 3 Ci load. The Noise Generator Type
1405 can provide the 4241 w ith either a w h ite noise or a pink noise signal.
The w hite noise is used mainly in connection w ith constant bandwidth analy
sis w hile the pink noise is used mainly in connection with constant percen
tage bandwidth analysis. An external filte r such as Type 1618 can be used in
connection w ith the generator to produce bands of noise. For frequency re
sponse and resonant frequency investigations, a sinusoidal signal is required.
This can be supplied by the Sine Generator Type 1023, which can also pro
duce a warbled tone thus avoiding the establishing of standing waves in a
Fig.5.3. Signal generators and a pow er am plifier : lower left. Noise Genera
tor Type J 405; upper left. Sine Generator Type 1023; upper right.
Sine Random Generator 1027; low er right, Power A m p lifie r Type
A more sophisticated generator than either the 1405 or the 1 0 2 3 , is the
Sine Random Generator Type 1 0 2 7 . Four types of output signal are available
from this generator. These are w h ite noise, pink noise, narrow band random
noise and a sinusoidal signal. N arrow band random noise is used to avoid the
build-up of standing waves in a room and also w here a swept random noise
is considered to be a more relevant test than a sw ept sinusoidal signal.
All the generators can be rem otely controlled allowing the signal output to
be stopped abruptly as required for reverberation tim e measurements. The
generators all possess compressor circuits which enable the output voltage of
the generators to be controlled by an external voltage. This feature is ex
trem ely useful in frequency dependent measurements where a given parame
ter must be kept constant. The compressor can be used, for example, to main
tain a constant sound pressure level in a room, fo r maintaining the vibration
level of a vibration exciter constant, etc. The generators can be synchronised
w ith the B & K level recorders to produce records of frequency analysis on fre
quency calibrated paper.
The vibration exciter is driven in the same way as the 4241 described previ
ously, that is, w ith a signal generator and a power amplifier. The Power Am
plifier Type 271 2, which has a power output of 1 8 0 VA, is designed to drive
the Exciter Type 4 8 0 9 safely to its full rating. Other vibration exciter and
power amplifier systems are available which have power handling capacities
less than and greater than the Type 4809.
Selection of a Microphone
The sound pressure level produced w ithin the room by the source can be
measured by a calibrated microphone. Several factors have to be considered
w hen selecting the most suitable microphone for a particular application e.g.
the frequency range, the sensitivity required, the directivity and the size.
Brüel & Kjær produce 1 6 different condenser microphones with 4 d ifferent d i
ameters. The principal features of th is range of microphones are shown in
Table 5.1 together w ith their main areas of application. (Ref. 38).
By choosing the appropriate microphone from this range, precision sound le
vel measurements can be made in the infrasonic, the audio and th e ultra
sonic frequency range. B & K microphones have three types of characteristics
i.e. free field, pressure and random incidence. The frequency response of the
microphone above frequencies of about 2 kHz depends on the type o f charac
teristic the microphone possesses, the differences between the various char
acteristics becoming more marked as the frequency increases. Standards and
recommendations often specify w hich type of microphone characteristic has
to be employed. Free field microphones have uniform frequency response for
the sound pressure that existed before the microphone was introduced into
the sound field. Any microphone w ill disturb, to some extent, the sound field
in w hich it is placed but the free field microphone is designed to compensate
for its own presence when the microphone is orientated so that the sound ar
rives perpendicularly to the microphone diaphragm. The pressure micro
phone, however, is designed to have a uniform frequency response to the ac
tual sound pressure present which of course includes the microphone's own
disturbing presence. The random incidence microphone is designed to re
spond uniform ly to signals arriving simultaneously from all angles such as in
the case of highly reverberent or diffuse sound fields. When making measure
ments in a free field e.g. in the open air or in an anechoic room, a free field
microphone should be pointed directly at the sound source while a pressure
microphone should be orientated at an angle of 9 0 ° to the direction of propa
gation of the sound so that the sound grazes the fron t of the microphone.
of the 1 , 1 / 2 and 1 /4 inch free field microphones can be made practically in
dependent of the angle of incidence over an extended frequency range. Fur
thermore, the nose cones help to reduce w ind induced noise as experienced
for example, when the microphone is mounted outside the facade of a build
ing. Another microphone attachment, designed to attenuate noise due to tu rb
ulence w hen measuring the airborne noise in airducts, is the Turbulence
Screen UA 0 4 3 6 , which can be fitted to any 1 /2 inch microphone and
preamplifier assembly.
M icrophone Associated S ensitivity
Main area o f applica tio n Diameter range Response
type preamplifier (m V/Pa)
(± 2 d B )
4147 For sonic boom acoustic pulse and 2631 (with Pressure
0,01 Hz -
infrasonic measurements, carrier 1 /2 ” 2619 same and 3 ,7 - 1 8
20 kHz
type (carrier frequency 10 MHz) spec, as random
4148 Free field general purpose, fo r use 2619
2,6 Hz - Free
w ith low polarizing voltage 1 /2 ” w ith type 12,5
16 Hz field
Table 5.1. Principle features and main areas of application o f B & K range o f
merits either the 41 3 4 or the 41 66 can be recommended. Both microphones
have random incidence responses b ut although the 41 66 possesses a grea
ter sensitivity than the 4134, it has a narrower fla t pressure frequency char
acteristic. For free field measurements, for example in the direct field of a ma
chine or in an anechoic room, e ither the 4133 or the 4165 can be recom
mended. A choice has to be made between the w id e r frequency range of the
4 1 3 3 and the greater sensitivity of the 4165. The 4 1 6 5 is the microphone
that is usually supplied w ith the sound level meters.
Preamplifier Selection
The preamplifier has a very high input impedance and presents v irtu a lly no
load to the microphone. A low output impedance enables the connecting
cable between the measuring instrum ent and the pream plifier to be of consid
erable length. The preamplifiers themselves are powered from e ithe r the
preamplifier input socket of a measuring amplifier or a frequency analyser, or
alternatively from special power supplies if it is required to connect the
preamplifier to other instrum entation.
For 1 inch and 1 /2 inch microphones the Pream plifier Type 2 6 1 9 is recom
mended. The 1/ 2 inch Type 4 1 4 8 can be used w ith the Type 261 9 providing
it is powered from the two channel, battery operated Microphone Power Sup
ply Type 2804.
The 1 /2 inch Type 41 25 has been especially designed for low cost applica
tions. It is used w ith the Pream plifier Type 264 2 and the two channel, bat
tery operated Microphone Power Supply Type 2 81 0.
The 1 /4 inch and the 1 /8 inch microphones are designed to operate in con
junction with the Preamplifier Type 2 61 8. The figure overleaf shows some of
the microphone equipment already described.
Fig. 5.4. Microphones and pream plifiers: top left, 1 / 8 " M icrophone + UA
0 16 0 + Pream plifier Type 2618, top centre, 1 /2 " M icrophone +
Pream plifier Type 2 6 1 9 ; top right, 1 " Microphone + A daptor DB
0 3 7 5 + Preamplifier Type 2619; lower. Probe M icrophone Type
41 70 w ith built-in pream plifier
For powering the preamplifier, one of the three power supplies show n be
low can be employed.
The mains driven Power Supply Type 2801 can supply all voltages for the
microphone assemblies using 2 0 0 V polarisation voltage. The battery driven
Power Supply Type 2 80 4 can be used only w ith the Preamplifier Type 2619.
It supplies all the necessary voltages for two microphone assemblies and can
be adjusted to give 28 or 2 0 0 V polarisation voltage. The mains operated,
tw o channel Power Supply Type 2 8 0 7 can supply all voltages for tw o micro
phone assemblies using 2 00 V polarisation voltage and allows automatic
switching between the measuring points, a very useful feature w hen measur
ing, for example, the sound insulation between tw o rooms.
T w o Channel
Fig. 5.6. The use o f two microphones w ith a single microphone pow er supply
Microphones and their associated measuring systems can be rapidly and ac
curately calibrated by using one of the two follow ing instruments either the
Sound Level Calibrator Type 4 2 3 0 or the Pistonphone Type 4 2 2 0 . These are
battery driven instruments w hich produce a known sound pressure level at a
known frequency. The accuracies obtainable from calibrating w ith these in
struments are ± 0 ,2 5 d B and ± 0 ,2 d B respectively. The M iniature Hydro
phone Type 8 1 0 3 can be calibrated as easily as the microphones by employ
ing the Hydrophone Calibrator Type 4223.
It is good policy to calibrate the instrum entation before and after each set
of measurements. If a tape recorder is employed, a calibration tone can be re
corded on the magnetic tape together w ith a verbal description of the ampli
fie r settings.
Fig. 5.7. Upper, Sound Level Calibrator Type 4 2 3 0 ; lower, Pistonphone Type
Selection of an Accelerometer
ometers on w alls, floors etc., the simplest method is to use bees' wax. A thin
layer of wax is spread on the surface and the accelerometer pressed firm ly
onto the wax. The great advantage w ith this method is that the accelerome
ters can easily be removed and rapidly placed elsewhere. A nother simple
method is to attach the accelerometer to the structure w ith double sided
adhesive tape. Other methods of mounting include the use of epoxy based ce
ments and the use of accelerometer w ith magnetic bases for m ounting on me
tal panels etc. Every B & K accelerometer is individually calibrated and is deliv
ered w ith an individual calibration chart. The calibration of an accelerometer
and the complete measuring system can however be checked by using the
Calibrator Type 429 1.
1 11
chanical Filter for Accelerometers Type U A 0 5 5 9 between the accelerometer
and the mounting point. The cutoff frequency depends on the accelerometer
mass but the — 3 d B point is typically 4 kHz w ith an accelerometer Type
4 3 7 0 w hich weighs 54 g. Additional masses can be added to regulate the cut-
of frequency. Fig.5 .8 shows a selection of B & K accelerometers.
436 6 - 4 ,5 ~ 4 0 ,2 - 700 0 22 28
4370* 10 ± 2% - 10 0 ,2 - 60 0 0 18 54
Low level measurements
4371* 1 ± 2% ~ 1 0 , 2 - 12000 35 11
M iniature accelerometers
43 4 4 ~ 0,25 ~ 0,25 1 -2 1 0 0 0 70 2 fo r high level and high
frequency measurements.
0,4 Ideal fo r delicate s tru c
830 7 ~ 0,07 ~ 0,22 1 - 250 00 75
excl. cable tures and c o n fin e d spaces
Triaxial. For measurements
4321* 1 ± 2% ~ 0,8 1 - 12000 40 55 in three m u tu a lly perpendi
cular directions.
Standard reference
8305 ~ 0,12 - 0 - 4 4 0 0 (2 % ) 30 40 accelerometer.
Low frequency and lo w
8306* 10 0 0 ± 2%* 1000 ± 2 % 0 ,2 - 1000 4,5 500
level measurements.
100 Permanent v ib ra tio n
83 0 8 » 1 ± 2% ~ 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 30
m onitoring on in d u s tria l
8310* 1 ± 2% ~ 1 1 - 10000 30 100 excl.cable machinery etc.
Table 5.2. Principle features and m ain areas o f application of the B & K
range o f accelerometers
Preamplifier selection
There are basically tw o kinds of am plifier, namely the voltage amplifier and
the charge amplifier. The voltage am plifier is designed to present the highest
possible resistance to the accelerometer w hile the input capacitance is kept
low. The voltage am plifier is usually placed near the accelerometer w ith only
a short interconnecting cable in order to avoid loss of sensitivity due to the
capacitance of the cable. The voltage am plifier allows the use of long cables
between the preamplifier and the measuring amplifier. The charge am plifier
is designed to present both a very high input capacitance and resistance to
the accelerometer. W ith the charge am plifier, the variation in input signal
due to the varying capacitative loading of the accelerometer is compensated
by a capacitance feedback from the pream plifier. An advantage of the charge
am plifier therefore, is that very long cables can be used between the acceler
ometer and the pream plifier w ithout changing the sensitivity of the m easur
ing system. Nowadays, the most widely used accelerometer preamplifier is a
charge amplifier. The table below shows the main features of the voltage and
charge amplifiers in the B & K range.
Table 5.3. Principle features of the B & K range o f accelerometer pream plifi
1 13
Calibration of a vibration measuring system
The accelerometer and its follow ing chain of measuring instrum ents can be
simply calibrated by employing the Accelerometer Calibrator Type 4291. This
calibrator is a battery operated instrument w ith a built in shaker table produ
cing a reference acceleration level of 1 0 m .s .—2 peak at a frequency of
79,6 Hz ( = 5 0 0 rad/s). The calibration method involves vibrating the accel
erometer at 10 m .s.~2 peak and adjusting the sensitivity of the indicating in
strum ent for a fu ll scale peak meter indication of 1,0 or for an rms indication
of 0 ,7 0 7 . The measuring sytem w ill then give a direct indication of the level
of acceleration in m .s —2 peak or m.s.—2 rms. (Ref. 40).
1 14
All the instrum ents shown in Fig.5.10, except the 2 21 9, have an output
for use w ith chart or tape recorders. The 2 2 1 0 , 2218, 2 2 0 9 and the 2 2 0 3
can be used in conjunction w ith filter sets 1613 and 1 61 6. It is often the
case that a straight forward measurement of the sound pressure level w ithin
a room, is not sufficient and that a time average of the sound pressure level
is required. This time average can be determ ined by using either the Preci
sion Integrating Sound Level Meter Type 2 2 1 8 or the Noise Level Analyzer
Type 4 42 6.
Q!» §
® •• ••
•- —
& • *• • V
• • • .=
1613 1616 1621 1623
Octave 1/3 O ctave 3 and 23% 5, 10 and 23%
F ilte r Set F ilte r Set T u n a b le T ra c k in g
1 15
Fig. 5 .1 7. Time averaging o f sound pressure: left, Integrating Sound Level M e
ter Type 2 2 1 8 fitte d with Octave Filter Set Type 1613; right. Noise
Level Analyzer Type 4426
For more detailed on site analysis, the Portable Vibration Analyzer Type
3513 is recommended. This self contained system consists of the Vibration
Fig. 5. 12. Accelerom eter used in conjunction w ith a sound level meter, a fil
ter set and an Integrator Type ZR 0 0 2 0 to yield a portable system
for analysing vibrations in th ird octave bands
Meter Type 251 1 and the Tunable Band Pass Filter Type 1621 mounted in a
hard plastic carrying case perm itting analysis in 3% and 23% (i.e. third oc
tave) frequency bandwidths.
Measuring amplifiers and filters
Frequency Analyzers
In the generalised chain of instrum entation shown in Fig.5.1, the filte r and
am plifier on the receiving side are often contained in a single instrum ent
known as an analyser.
For analysing a signal w ith a tunable constant percentage band pass filter
of bandwidth 1%, 3%, 10% and 23% (i.e. one third octave) the Frequency A n
alyzer Type 2 1 2 0 and Type 2121 are recommended. For narrow band fre
quency sweeps, for example, in determ ining the frequency response of build
ing elements to an applied force or the modal response of a room to a swept
pure tone, the Heterodyne Analyzer Type 2010, consisting of a frequency se
lective measuring am plifier and a beat frequency oscillator, is recommended.
A much more sophisticated instrum ent for the analysis of signals is the
Digital Frequency Analyzer Type 2 1 3 1 . This instrum ent enables signals to be
analysed in real tim e, in octave or in third octave bands and the spectra can
be displayed on a screen in the form of a bar graph. The spectra are then
stored for later recall and comparison. W ith this facility, for example, the
spectra of the noise on either side of a wall in sound insulation measure
ments, can be displayed simultaneously on the screen.
For analysing either sound or vibration signals in narrow band and for the
capturing of transient signals, the N arrow Band Spectrum Analyzer Type
2031 is recommended. The 2031 has a screen where either the tim e h is
tory, the instantaneous spectrum or the averaged spectrum can be displayed.
Tape Recorders
and the Type 7 00 4. The 7 0 0 3 is a four channel frequency modulated recor
der intended principally for vibration measurements and has tw o speeds for
frequency transform ation, 1,5 ips and 1 5 ip s . Using the 1 5 ips, the recorder
has a linear frequency response up to 1 2,5 kHz which is sufficient for most
measurements in building acoustics.
Chart Recorders
During the analysis of the signal, a permanent recording of the results can
be obtained by synchronising a chart recorder w ith the analyser or the gener
ator in order to produce a frequency scan, a decay curve, a tim e function etc.
The chart recorder can be a level recorder such as the Types 2 30 6, 2307 or
the 2 3 0 9 or the X-Y Recorder Type 2 30 8. The Level Recorders Types 2 30 6
and 2 3 0 9 are battery operated and possess one and two channels respec
tively. A ll three level recorders are capable of recording on both linear and lo
garithmic scales.
Fig.5.15. Chart Recorders: top left. Level Recorder Type 2 3 0 7 ; top right, X-Y
Recorder Type 2 3 0 8 ; lower left. Two Channel Level Recorder Type
2 3 0 9 ; lower right. Level Recorder Type 230 6
The X-Y Recorder Type 2 3 0 8 is mains operated and is intended for the lin
ear recording of DC signals on paper of A 4 size. When the analysis is per
formed by an instrument such as the Statistical Analyzer Type 4 4 2 6 or the
Digital Frequency Analyzer Type 2131, the results can be printed out by the
Alphanumeric Printer Type 2 31 2.
B & K
BZ 0011
Fig. 5.16. Listing of the programs available on the Program Package BZ 0011
6 .1 . INTR O D UC TIO N
verberation time is measured from the slope of the decay curve. This proce
dure can be repeated for each frequency band of interest.
1) Pistol shot
2) Wide band noise
3) Narrow band noise
Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Probably the simplest
way of exciting a room is to use a pistol shot. This method has, however,
gone out of favour because of its lack of reproducibility and its lack of energy
at the lower frequencies.
A band of noise is far more satisfactory than pure tone excitation because
a pure tone may w e ll overemphasize the natural resonances of the room. A
band of noise is necessary in reverberation measurements in order to obtain
an average of the contributions of all resonances of the room to the total
sound pressure level in a particular band of frequencies. Another way of over
coming the problem of room resonances is to use the warbled tone fa cility of
the B & K generator Type 1023. W hatever sound source is employed, the
sound pressure levels produced in the room should be at least 4 0 dB above
the background noise level in all the frequency bands of interest in order to
obtain an adequate decay curve.
may, w ithin reason, take as long a time as necessary and the instruments
may remain in the room from one day to the next. Thus making measure
ments in 1 5 third octave bands for several positions of the microphone in the
room poses no special problem. However, for an occupied living room or in a
newly constructed fla t on a building site, the measurements have to be per
formed as quickly as possible. For on site measurements, portable equipment
is highly desirable as a suitable mains supply of electricity is not always avail
able. One way of saving valuable tim e is to record the on site measurements
on a tape recorder and perform the necessary analysis in the laboratory.
Having chosen a sound source, one then has to decide where to position it.
In some rooms the choice of the position of the source is obvious, e.g. in the
pulpit in the case of a church, at the lectern in a lecture theatre and on the
stage in a concert hall. Other positions of the source around the room help to
locate excessively long RTs due to room modes.
In small rectangular rooms, the best position for the sound source is in a
corner of the room, i.e. where all the natural frequencies of the room pos
sess a pressure maximum.
The following four instruments arrangements all comply w ith ISO 3382
and ISO/R 354.
This method has the advantages that it is quick and the necessary instru
mentation is kept to a minimum (Fig .6.1). The disadvantages are that the
noise spectrum is limited in frequency content and lacks reproducibility. To
check that sufficiently high sound pressure levels are produced at both high
and low frequencies, it is advisable to frequency analyse the impulse before
Fig. 6.1. Portable arrangement - Pistol shot method
Automatic Arrangement - Paper Loop Method
1 26
The generating side of the arrangem ent consists of a random noise generator
w hich sends a w h ite noise signal through the filte r and am plifier to the
Sound Source Type 4 2 4 1 . The receiving side consists of a microphone, am pli
fier, filte r set and a Level Recorder Type 2307. The filte rs on both generating
and receiving sides are set m anually to the same bandwidths and centre fre
quencies. The level recorder then automatically operates in the correct se
quence the starting and stopping of the generator, the stepping of the filters
in unison and the lifting and low ering of the recorder pen. When the sound
source is switched off, a decay curve is traced by th e level recorder. The re
verberation time is determined from the slope of the trace which represents
the decay in dB per second. A special protractor, SC 2 36 1, is supplied for
this purpose. To obtain a series of curves similar to those shown in Fig.6 .3,
the recording paper should be made into a loop as shown in Fig.6 .4 consist
ing of two chart lengths less one sprocket hole. The start of each decay curve
is separated from the start of the next by 5 mm w hich corresponds w ith the
third octave spacings on the preprinted paper. If th ird octave filtering be used
then each decay curve is representative of a different third octave band. If oc
tave filtering be used then for each octave band there w ill be three sim ilar de
cay curves.
Fig. 6.4. Autom atic arrangement - Loop of recording paper is fitted on the Le
vel Recorder
Automatic Arrangement — Digital Frequency Analyser/Calculator Method
This method employs a Digital Frequency Analyser Type 2131 and a Noise
Generator Type 1 40 5 which are controlled via an IEC interface by a desk top
calculator containing a B & K Acoustic Program Package Type BZ 0011 or
001 2. Once the controls of the 1 4 0 5 and its associated amplifiers have been
set manually, the system may be programmed to automatically repeat a cycle
of operation a predetermined num ber of times. The cycle of operation con
sists of the noise source being switched on for a long enough tim e for a
steady sound field to be established in the room; the source is switched off
and the spectrum of the decay is monitored by the 2131 and transm itted to
the calculator; the noise source is then switched on again and the cycle is re
During the decay the 2131 transm its spectra to the calculator at selected
read-in intervals, the shortest interval being 4 4 ms. As the read-in process
can always be referred to a definite point in tim e i.e. the switching off of the
noise generator, it is possible to average the spectra for a number of reverber
ation decays at identical points in tim e. For example, suppose 4 0 decays are
measured w ith a read-in interval of 44 ms. A ll the 40 spectra recorded
4 4 ms after the generator is sw itched off are averaged to give one spectrum,
all the 40 spectra recorded 88 ms after the sw itching off of the generator are
averaged to give a second spectrum and so on. These 40 averaged spectra
can then be plotted on an amplitude-frequency-time landscape (see
F ig.6 .6). In this averaged landscape, the points making up the decay curves
in each frequency channel are accurately defined. Therefore by displaying
Desk to p c a lc u la to r
D igital Frequency
A n a lyze r 2131
Noise Generator
a • Remote Enable (R E N )
• • •
Power A m p lifie r
Information about the way in w hich the sound pressure level varies w ith po
sition w ithin a room is of particular interest to the designers and constructors
of theatres, concert halls and other auditoria. In these buildings, it is vitally
important that the sound be distributed as uniform ly as possible over the area
occupied by the audience.
Design Stage — Model Techniques
Having produced the required sound field w ithin the model, a small m icro
phone or a probe microphone is used as a receiver. (Small microphones are
used for modelling purposes because they have good high frequency re
sponse and have little effect on the sound field.) The signal from the receiv
ing microphone is then amplified and can then be analysed in the usual m an
ner either before or after the reverse frequency transform ation is performed.
By changing the position of the receiving microphone in the model room, the
sound distribution w ith in the model can be investigated (Fig.6 .7).
Model techniques can also be used to investigate, to a certain extent, such
subjective qualities as speech intelligibility, room colouration etc. Speech or
music is first recorded in an anechoic room and then played at ten times the
normal speed into the one tenth scale model room. The sound w ithin the
model room is then recorded and played back after frequency transform ation
to a listener via headphones. Headphones are generally more linear in their
frequency response than loudspeakers therefore the use of headphones is to
be preferred.
Sound 79
A Power
• O • • Source
77 p u lp it
Sound Level
Meter and
Octave 77 76
Fig. 6.8. Investigating the sound distribution in an existing room: sound pres
sure levels in dB w ith in a church w ith a sound source placed on the
p ulpit
The source should be placed in the most probable positions of the sound
sources w hen the room is in normal use i.e. on the stage of a theatre, on the
pulpit of a church, on the speaker's platform in a lecture theatre. From
these measurements it can be decided w hether further acoustical treatment
by means of reflecting surfaces and sound diffusers is necessary to obtain
the required uniform distribution. The sound distribution sometimes has to be
assisted by means of a loudspeaker system.
diffusers have been suspended beneath the dome of the concert hall thus pre
venting sound energy from entering into the dome cavity and returning into
the main volume of the hall at a slightly later time and producing an irritating
Several methods have been developed for the determ ination of sound ab
sorption coefficients each method giving a different value of Oi for the same
test m aterial. As of yet, no reliable method has been devised for relating the
results of one method w ith the results of another. Each method, however,
has its use.
band) before the introduction of the sample was T t and after the introduc
tion, T2 , then the equivalent absorption area, A, of the empty reverberation
room is increased by AA w hich can be calculated from
( 6 . 1)
For a plane absorber mounted on the w all, floor or ceiling of the room the
absorption coefficient of the specimen may be calculated from
Due to diffraction which can occur at the edges of the test specimen, the
equivalent absorption area determined by th is method is not always directly
related to the area of the specimen. It is possible that the values for absorp
tion coefficients resulting from this test method are greater than unity.
For the case of a poor absorber (e.g. plaster) it may be necessary to con
sider that A A is actually the difference between the equivalent absorption
area of the specimen and th a t of the portion of the wall or flo o r covered so
that eqn.6.2 has to be corrected to
Tube terminated by a perfect reflector Tube terminated by sound absorbing material
Fig. 6 . 70. Standing wave pressure patterns show ing the effect o f term inating
the wave tube w ith sound absorbing m aterial
To determ ine the absorption coefficient of the sample, the relationship be
tween the sound pressure maxima and m inima must first be measured. This
quantity is known as the standing wave ratio and is defined by
SW R = (6.4)
Pmin B
„ I SWR — 1 \ 2
M s T w T 7 ) (65)
a= 7- (I)' (6 .6,
Fig. 6. 7 7. The Standing Wave Apparatus Type 4 0 0 2 and accessories
hole in the loudspeaker. The probe tube is supported w ith in the wave tube by
a small gliding carriage. The other end of the probe tube is connected to a
microphone car which can be moved back and forth over a graduated track.
As the measuring method requires plane waves then the diameter of the sam
ple m ust not be greater than about half the wavelength at the frequency of in
terest. To enable measurements to be performed over a relatively wide fre
quency range, the 4 0 0 2 is supplied w ith tw o wave tubes of different diam e
ters. The larger one (of 100 mm diameter) is intended for the frequency
range of 9 0 Hz to 1 80 0 Hz and the sm aller one (of 30 mm diameter) for the
range 8 0 0 Hz to 6500 Hz. Each tube is supplied w ith three sample holders of
different design; two of fixed depth and one of adjustable depth.
Measuring A m p lifie r 2 606
tion is obtained on the measuring amplifier. The position of the car can then
be read from the graduated track. If the special scale Type SA 0 0 5 4 be fitted
to the measuring amplifier then the absorption coefficient may be read di
rectly. To enable the pressure maxima and minima to be determined more ac
curately, a Measuring Am plifier Type 2606 can be made to selectively am
plify the output of the microphone. This is done by connecting the 2 6 0 6 to a
slave filte r which is automatically tuned from the 1 0 2 3 or by using a Hetero
dyne Analyzer Type 2010 as m entioned previously. This arrangement m ini
mises the effects of noise and harmonic distortion. Such precautions are
especially necessary when the m aterial under test has a small coefficient of
absorption because in this case the reflected wave is almost of the same
magnitude as the incident wave; hence the sound pressures at the minima
become very small.
nary parts of the complex impedance can be determ ined by measuring the
standing wave ratio and the distance, d, by which the first pressure minimum
or node is displaced w ith respect to the position the node would have occup
ied if the wave tube had been term inated w ith a perfectly reflecting surface.
The complex impedance can then be obtained by calculation from these two
quantities or, a far neater method, these two quantities can be entered on a
Sm ith Chart and the impedance read directly. (N.B. the Smith Chart is a nom
ographic device w idely used in the field of electronics to determine th e imped
ance of transmission lines.)
By comparing the sound pressures (determined from the sound pressure le
vels measured by the microphone) fo r the direct and the reflected sound, the
reflection coefficient rgf, of the specimen at that particular frequency and at
that particular angle of incidence can be calculated. The absorption coeffi
cient cxgf, can then be determined from
The reflection coefficient is the ratio between the intensity of the reflected
sound to the intensity of the direct sound i.e. the ratio of the square of the
reflected sound pressure to the square of the direct sound pressure.
Using the automatic sine sweep facility of the sine generator, the sound
pressure level due to the reflected sound from a w a ll relative to th a t due to
the direct sound from the loudspeaker can be measured as a function of fre
quency. The absorption coefficient as determined from these results is shown
in Fig.6.14.
■ß-.m i
•<D _
A m p lifie r
K ]
Sound Pressure
Frequency Hz
A b sorp tion
C o efficient
Field Measurements
The three battery operated instrum ents shown in Fig.6.15 form a compact
set suitable for octave band insulation measurements on walls, w indow s, do
ors etc. and also for reverberation measurements (see section Reverberation
Time). For measurements in third octave bands e ithe r the Precision Sound Le
vel Meter Type 2 2 0 3 or 2209 should be employed in conjunction w ith the
Third Octave Filter Set Type 1 6 1 6 . Knowing the sound pressure levels pro
duced in each room, the equivalent absorption area of the receiving room (de
term ined from reverberation measurements) and the area of the dividing wall
then the sound reduction index of the dividing w a ll can be calculated accord
ing to Eqn.3.2. In field measurements, however, it is usually the apparent
sound reduction index, as calculated from Eqn.3.4, that is of interest. A preci
sion Integrating Sound Level M eter Type 221 8 can be used together w ith the
Rotating Microphone Boom Type 3 9 2 3 to determ ine the average sound pres
sure level over a circular path. F ig.6 .1 6 shows such an arrangement used for
determ ining the sound insulation of an external w indow . In blocks of flats or
sim ilar buildings, it may be w orth w h ile to record on a tape recorder the
sound pressure levels in several rooms simultaneously (Fig.6.17). The record
ings can then be analysed later in the laboratory to yield the sound reduction
index of the w alls between the source room and the receiving rooms using,
for example the instrumentation show n in Fig.6 .1 8.
Fig.6.15. Field measurements employing the Sound Power Source Type
B represents a Precision Sound Level Meter Type 2206
W 770385
Fig. 6.1 7. Recording the sound pressure levels in several rooms simultane
Laboratory Measurements
pact noise) to be transm itted from the source to the receiving room is through
the wall or partition (or floor) under test. The most common method of isolat
ing the tw o test rooms from each other is to build two completely independ
ent structures as shown in Fig.6.19. As the flanking transm ission which oc
curs in this structure is very small relative to the direct transmission, the
sound insulation afforded by a wall or partition as determined in this way in
the laboratory is always som ewhat greater than that experienced in practice.
1) a higher sound pressure level in the th ird octave band of interest can be
obtained from a given loudspeaker than if a broad band noise signal were
The filte r sets are switched in unison from one filter band to the next by an
electrical signal from the level recorder. The curves in Fig.6 .20 show typical
sound level differences between the two rooms of a transm ission suite.
Measuring Object:
Sound level
difference _
two offices-
Rec. No.:--------------
Date: 2 1 / 9 / 7 8 ___
S ig n .:M .M .______
Weight. N e tw .:__
Ref. Level:4 5 dB
Third Octave Band 1g
QP 1152C en,er Frequency^ 2,5
Fig. 6.20. Typical sound level differences between two rooms. Note that the
D, A, B, C & Lin. levels have been attenuated by 2 0 dB
sure detected by the microphone can be integrated over a tim e interval equal
to the duration of one complete microphone revolution by means of either the
Noise Level Analyser Type 4 4 2 6 or the Precision Integrating Sound Level M e
ter Type 2 21 8. When using the 4426 fo r this application, a separate m icro
phone power supply is required.
The signal from the rotating microphone is integrated and analysed into
third octave bands by the Digital Frequency Analyser Type 2 1 3 1 . The spectra
of the sound fields in both rooms of the transmission suite can be sim ultane
ously displayed in the form of third octave band sound pressure levels on the
screen of the 2131. By using a programmable desk top calculator, the re
quired sound reduction index (or apparent reduction index) can be evaluated
in a trice from the data stored in the 2 13 1.
The necessary programme is available from Briiel & Kjaer in the Acoustic
Programme Packages BZ 001 1 or BZ 001 2.
Im pact Sound Insulation
Field measurements
Fig. 6.23. Field measurements of impact sound insulation using an integ ra t
ing sound level m eter and a rotating microphone boom
Laboratory Measurements
Two arrangements suitable for the laboratory are shown in Fig.6 .24 and
6.25. In Fig.6 .24 the level recorder automatically switches the filters from
one filter band to the next. A typical spectrogram recorded by this method is
illustrated in the diagram.
Source room
Measuring A m p lifie r
Tapping M achine
I; B25:l Q 9
•O -E * * 0«
Receiving room
F ilte r Set 1618
M icrophone
4 1 3 4 '- ^ ^
P r e a m p l if ie r '^ ^ .
2619 J
^ ^ r i p o d U A 0049 switch
Level Recorder control
Typical Spectrogram
It is becoming more and more common to rate the sound output of ma
chines and domestic appliances in term s of sound power. The measurement
of the sound power output is being introduced more and more as a part of
the quality control testing of the machines. It is not, however, a sim ple mat
ter to measure sound power. This statement is confirm ed by a study of the 6
new ISO publications on the subject. Special test facilities are required such
as a reverberant room, a semi-anechoic room or an anechoic room and many
sound pressure measurements have to be performed before the sound power
can be calculated. The rating values are valid fo r factory tested new ma
chines but after installation or prolonged use the sound output of the ma
chines may w ell change. It can be important for the acoustician to know
w hether the machines installed in a particular building fu lfill their rated val
(The Sound Power Source T y p e 4205 y/ / / / / / / / 7 / Z / / / 7 / / / / / / / 7 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 7 /
' / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
consists o f both G enerator and Sound
Source HP 1001) Sound Source Precision Sound Level / /
M ete r and Octave A n a ly z e r /
:__ J | /
: s * :
* M achine ^/
/ S S S S S // // / / ' / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ¿ A y/
Fig. 6.26. Sound pow er measurements employing the Sound Pow er Source
Type 4 2 0 5
Further inform ation about the various measurement methods both in the la
boratory and in situ can be found in Ref.28 and 35.
6 .6 . ROOM M O D ES
Room modes and their effects e.g. the "co lou ra tion " they impose on the
sound output of loudspeakers, can be investigated using the instrumentation
shown in Fig.6 .2 7 . More precisely, the instrum entation measures the irregu
larity of the transm ission of pure tones from a source located at one point in
a room to a microphone located at another point. If a loudspeaker is placed in
one corner of the room and the microphone is placed in the diagonally oppo
site corner and a relatively slow sweep rate for the pure tone is used then
practically all the room modes w ill be excited. Fig.6 .2 8 shows a typical exam
ple of the transm ission of sound for such loudspeaker and microphone posi
tions for a room of 2 ,5 x 3 x 7 m when the pure tone was slowly increased
from 20 Hz to 1 0 0 Hz. The normal modes of vibration corresponding to the
various resonant frequencies are specified by th e numbers in parenthesis
above the resonant peaks. Repeating the measurement for the same loud
speaker and microphone in an anechoic room w ou ld give a response similar
to the dashed curve in Fig.6.28. The difference between these tw o curves is
the colouration th a t the room places on the free field loudspeaker response.
P re a m p lifie r 2619
M ic ro p h o n e 4 1 3 4 - ^
Measuring A m p lifie r
Power A m p lifie r
G ; • 3
• # •
filt e r tu n in g signals
• " - r— o» •*- O» —
, 0 0 •®•<§>
Sine Generator Heterodyne
1023 Slave F ilte r
Level Recorder
Particular peculiarities of the room e.g. prominent resonances and marked
unresponsiveness over a particular frequency range, can easily be seen from
a record of the microphone's output.
The noise produced by ventilation and service systems (gas and oil fired
burners, waste disposal chutes, w a te r cisterns etc.) in a building can be mea
sured using a sound level meter. For measurements in octave bands the Pre
cision Sound Level Meter and Octave Analyser Type 221 5 can be used. For
th ird octave analysis, the Filter Set Type 1616 can be used w ith e ither the
Sound Level M eter Type 2209 or Type 2203. For measuring sound pressure
levels in regions of high turbulence, for example w ith in airducts, a 1 / 2 inch
microphone can be used fitted w ith the Turbulence Screen Type UA 0 4 3 6 .
For locating and m onitoring vibration, the Vibration M eter Type 2511 is rec
ommended. The transducer can either be attached w ith wax or a magnet to
the structure under test or the transducer can be held in the hand as a
This compact, battery operated instrum ent can be combined w ith the T un
able Band Pass Filter Type 1621 in a carrying case to produce a self con
tained vibration analysis system known as the Portable Vibration Analyser
Type 3 5 1 3 . Adding the Portable Level Recorded Type 2 3 0 6 to the system
greatly increases the possibilities e.g. enables automatic recordings of fre
quency analyses to be made.
Fig. 6 .2 9 . M easurem ent o f sound and vibration due to run nin g water
produced by the machine are monitored sim ultenously by a sound level me
ter. The data can be recorded on a tape recorder and then analysed later in
the laboratory.
C o n d itio n in g
A m p lifie r
Accelerom eter
Tape Recorder
700 3
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / 7 /
Fig. 6.30. Recording and analysing the vibration isolation provided by m oun
ting a machine on resilient supports
Complete sets are available in robust carrying cases w hich contain all the
necessary equipment for making both sound and vibration measurements.
Fig.6.31 shows a typical set containing a sound level meter, a filter set, a
microphone, accelerometers and all the accessories.
Fig. 6 .3 1 . The Sound and Vibration Set Type 350 7
Two mains operated systems for the detailed narrow band analyses of vibra
tion signals are shown in Figs.6 .3 2 and 6.33. The vibration levels of a sur
face can be expressed as a velocity, an acceleration or a displacement. When
measuring the level of vibration of a surface w ith in a room, it is sometimes
useful to determine the average surface velocity levels of the surface and to
express the results in decibels using the equation
<■B <6.8,
Fig. 6.32. N arrow band vibration analysis employing heterodyne analyser
X - V Recorder
Flanking Transmission
Wk = p c S kVZ<jk ( 6 .9 )
Fig. 6.34. D eterm ining the am ount of ftanking transmission between two
rooms by measuring the rms normal surface velocities o f the build
ing elements
Loss Factor
The loss factors of the various building elements may be measured by deter
m ining the reverberation time of the wall. A vibration exciter forces the wall
into vibration; the exciter is abruptly stopped and the decay of the level of ac
celeration or velocity of the w all is monitored by an accelerometer and the de
cay in level is drawn by a level recorder (Fig.6 .35). From the decay curve a re
verberation time can be determined and hence the loss factor by using
w here 77 = loss factor
f = octave band or third octave band centre frequency
T = reverberation time in the octave or th ird octave band
Wall, Floor
H Level Recorder
Charge A m p lifie r F ilte r Set
2635 1618
Accelerom eter
/ 4367
•O -- i
Fig. 6.36. Capture and analysis o f a shock signal using a Narrow Band Spec
trum Analyzer Type 2 0 3 1 and an X— Y Recorder Type 2 3 0 8
Transmission of Shock
Mechanical Mobility
W hen a source of structure borne noise has been found in a building and
when further damping of the source would be of no avail, there rem ains the
possibility of reducing the transm ission sound by damping or closing the
transmission paths. The efficacity of a particular transm ission path as a func
tion of frequency can be determined by measuring the mechanical m obility of
the structure (Ref.23 and 33). The mechanical m obility is defined as the ratio
of the vibrating force applied to a certain point on a structure to the resulting
velocity of vibration. A maximum in the mobility response curve corresponds
to a natural mode of vibration of the structure and therefore to a low trans
mission loss.
C o n d itio n in g
Consider a rectangular room w ith hard, smooth, parallel walls. The room di
m ensions are lx, l y and lz (Fig.A. 1)
The general expression for a plane sinusoidal wave may be w ritte n in the
p = A e j(e>t - k x m ^ k y y - k z z ) (A. 1 )
For this equation to satisfy the general wave equation
then the wave numbers kx, ky and kz must satisfy
* = 7 = A 2+ V + K 2 (A. 3)
which can be verified by substituting eqn. A.1 in eqn. A .2. The quantities
k x / k , k y / k and k z / k represent the direction cosines made by the propagation
of the waves w ith respect to the x, y and z axes. One can replace one, two or
all three negative signs in eqn. A.1 to obtain seven additional equations simi
lar to eqn.A.1 all having identical values of k x , k y and k z . This array of eight
wave equations represents the fam ily of waves generated by th e original
wave as it undergoes reflections at the boundaries of the room.
ôp du
- T x = p W = Ja)f,u {AA)
., , — 1 ôp
therefore u = -— . (A.5)
J<x>p ox ' '
As the walls of the room are assumed to be rigid there can be no normal
velocity component of the air particles near to any w all. These boundary con
ditions may be stated as
u = O for x = O and x = lx
v = O for y = 0 and y = l y
w = O for z = O and z = lz
w here P is the magnitude of the pressure. Equation A .8 . shows that pressure
antinodes existat the w all surfaces i.e. where x = 0, y = 0 and z = 0. Substi
tu ting eqn.A .8 . into eqn. A .5., the particle velocity in the x-direction be
k P
u = -A— (sin k .x ■ cos k vy ■ cos k zz ) e '" t (A.9)
. CO c 2] 1/2
(A. 14)
22. K.Bolund, On the use o f the integrated impulse response m ethod fo r la
boratory reverberation measurements, J. of sound and vibration, 56(3),
23. F.J.Fahy and M.E.W estcott, M easurem ent o f flo o r mobility at lo w fre
quencies in some buildings w ith long floor spans, J. of sound and vibra
tion, 57(1), 1978
24. L.E.Kinsler, A ustin R. Frey, Fundamentals o f acoustics, John W iley &
Sons, 1 962
25. Morse and Ingard, Theoretical acoustics, M cG raw -H ill, 1968
26. L.Cremer and H .A.M uller, Die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Rau-
makustik, S.Hirzel Verlag, 197 8
27. W .V.M ontone, Guide to the literature on architectural acoustics. Sou
theast Acoustics Institute, 1978
Calculator ...................................................................................................................121
Calibration, of accelerometers .............................................................................. 114
— of measuring systems ......................................................................... 109, 114
— of microphones ................................................................................................. 109
Ceiling false ................................................................................................................ 77
— suspended .............................................................................................................77
— transmission loss of ...........................................................................................77
Characteristic frequency ................................................................................. 4 0 ,4 1
Chart recorder ...........................................................................................................120
Coincidence effect ...................................................................................................... 68
Coincidence dip .......................................................................................................... 68
Concert hall .......................................................................................................... 50, 51
Critical frequency ........................................................................................................68
Geometrical room acoustics 34
Noise in the home ...................................................................................................... 90
Noise rating ................................................................................................ 87, 88, 89
Normal mode ............................................................................................................... 4 0
Normal mode equation .................................................................................... 40, 160
Normalised impact sound pressure level ..................................................... 65, 66
Sabin .............................................................................................................................37
Sabine's formula ........................................................................................................ 37
Signal generator ...................................................................................................... 102
Sone .............................................................................................................................31
Sound absorber ..........................................................................37, 53, 55, 5 8, 6 0
Sound absorption .................................................................................................... 132
Sound frequency of ....................................................................................................11
Sound nature of ............................................................................................................9
— speed of ................................................................................................................12
Sound distribution ..........................................................................................130, 131
Sound field direct .......................................................................................................27
— reverberant ......................................................................................................... 27
Sound generation ............................................................................................. 6 1, 1 00
Sound insulation ................................................................................................ 6 2, 91
Sound insulation characteristic ...............................................................................63
Sound insulation curve .............................................................................................63
Sound level meter ............................................................................................ 33, 115
Sound power .......................................................................................................... 1 4 9
Sound power level .....................................................................................................19
Sound pressure ......................................................................................................... 14
Sound pressure level .................................................................................................18
Sound propagation ............................................................................................... 9, 10
Sound reduction index .............................................................................................. 63
— apparent .............................................................................................................. 65
Sound reflector .......................................................................................................... 53
Sound source practical ............................................................................................ 2 0
— simple ..................................................................................................................2 0
— theoretical ........................................................................................................... 2 0
Source of s o u n d ................................................................................................20, 1 00
Source of vibration ..................................................................................................1 00
Specific acoustic impedance ....................................................................................14
Speech interference level ........................................................................................ 4 8
Speed of sound ...........................................................................................................12
Standing wave ............................................................................................................ 11
Standing wave ratio ............................................................................................... 135
1 69
Ventilation system .....................................................................................................82
Vibration analyser ...................................................................................................117
Vibration control ....................................................................................................... 80
Vibration isolation .................................................................................................. 154
Vibration is o la to r....................................................................................................... 80
Vibration locating ....................................................................................................153
Vibration m onitoring ...............................................................................................153
Bruel & Kjær
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