DSP Lec3
DSP Lec3
DSP Lec3
Ammar Ghalib
Digital Signal Processing/ 4th Class/ 2020-2021 Dr. Abbas Hussien & Dr. Ammar Ghalib
exponential sequence
x (n) Ae n
If β=0, x(n)=A
If β<0, x(n) is exponential decay.
If β˃0, x(n) is exponential growth.
Sinusoidal sequence
Digital Signal Processing/ 4th Class/ 2020-2021 Dr. Abbas Hussien & Dr. Ammar Ghalib
Example: Assuming a DSP system with a sampling time interval of 125 microseconds, convert
each of the following analog signals x(t) to the digital signal x(n).
1. 10 e 5000t u(t)
2. 10 sin( 2000 t)u(t)
Periodic Sequences:
A sequence x(n) is defined to be periodic with period N if
Digital Signal Processing/ 4th Class/ 2020-2021 Dr. Abbas Hussien & Dr. Ammar Ghalib
Operations on Sequences:
For input signal x(n) and output signal y(n)
(i) Scaling: y(n)=α x(n)
α is called gain or scale factor.
If |α|˃1, called an amplification.
If |α|<1, called an attenuating.
If |α|<0, called inverting.
Sometimes denoted by triangle or circle in block diagram:
For multiple input signals x1(n) , x2(n) and output signal y(n)
(i) Addition (summing):
Digital Signal Processing/ 4th Class/ 2020-2021 Dr. Abbas Hussien & Dr. Ammar Ghalib
Example: Represent the sequence x[n] = {4, 2, -1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 5} as sum of shifted unit impulse.
Given x[n] = {4, 2, -1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 5}; n = -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
x[n] = x[-3]δ[n+3] + x[-2] δ[n+2] + x[-1] δ[n+1] +x[0] δ[n] + x[1] δ[n-1] + x[2] δ[n-2] + x[3]
δ[n-3] + x[4] δ[n-4]
= 4 δ[n+3] +2 δ[n+2] - δ[n-1] + δ[n] +3 δ[n-1] + 2 δ[n-2] + δ[n-3] +5 δ[n-4]
Example: Consider the following two sequences of length (5) defined for 0≤ n ≤4:
x[n] = {3.5, 41, 36, -9.5, 0}
y[n] = {1.7, -0.5, 0, 0.8, 1}
a) x[n].y[n]
b) x[n]+y[n]
c) 7/2 x[n]
a) x[n].y[n]= {5.44, -20.5, 0, -7.6, 0}
b) x[n]+y[n]= {4.9, 40.5, 36, -8.7, 1}
c) 7/2 x[n]= {11.2, 143.5, 126, -33.25, 0}
Digital Signal Processing/ 4th Class/ 2020-2021 Dr. Abbas Hussien & Dr. Ammar Ghalib
1 n
P x (n) 2
A signal is called energy signal if E < ∞.
A signal is called power signal if 0 < P < ∞.
A signal can be an energy signal, a power signal or neither type.
An energy signal has zero power. E < ∞; P = 0
A power signal has infinite energy. P < ∞; E = ∞
Interconnections of Systems:
1. Series or cascade interconnection. The output of System 1 is the input to System 2.
Digital Signal Processing/ 4th Class/ 2020-2021 Dr. Abbas Hussien & Dr. Ammar Ghalib
4. Feedback interconnection. The output of System 2 is fed back and added to the external
input to produce the actual input to System 1.