Uganda National Examinations Board: Time Allowed: 2 Hours 15 Minutes
Uganda National Examinations Board: Time Allowed: 2 Hours 15 Minutes
Uganda National Examinations Board: Time Allowed: 2 Hours 15 Minutes
11. In the space below, draw a road sign of speed limit 20.
3 Turn Over
18. How was Ghana called before it attained its independence ?
19. State the name given to the temperature grasslands of South Africa.
20. Give the difference between a source of a river and a mouth of river.
21. Mention the country which made Ethiopia a land locked country.
22. Name the capital city of the smallest island country in Africa.
24. Give any one advantage of road transport over railway transport.
25. State any one way sparse population can hinder the economic development
26. Mention any one way through which the government of Uganda is able
to find the problems affecting its investors.
27. How did Bishop Alfred Tucker promote the colonial rule in Uganda ?
28. Why is the year 1964 important in the political history of Tanzania ?
29. What is trade ?
30. Give any one reason why police should keep law and order.
33. Give any one negative effect of the Berlin conference of 1884.
5 Turn Over
34. To which ministry does all media houses in Uganda belong ?
35. Write UNRA in full.
For each of the questions 36 to 40, answer EITHER Christianity OR
Islamic question but not both. No marks will be awarded to a candidate
who attempts both alternatives in a particular number.
Write down any one important event that takes place on Good Friday.
Write any one important event that takes place in the month of Dhul Hajj.
How did Abraham demonstrate his faith in God ?
How did Ibrahim demonstrate his faith in Allah ?
Name the creature God created on the fourth day according to the Bible.
Name the creature Allah created on the fourth day according to the Qur'an.
What are petition prayers ?
What are sunnah prayers ?
Who was the mother of Ismael according to the Holy Bible ?
Who was the mother of Ismail according to the Holy Qur’an ?
Questions 41 to 55 carry four marks each.
41. (a) How does the National Constitution guide people on children's rights ?
(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
(b) Give any two causes of child abuse in our community nowadays.
(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
7 Turn Over
42. Study the sketch map of Africa below carefully and use it to answer the
the questions that follow.
43. (a) Mention any two reasons why there is high increase of poverty in
(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………
(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………….…………
44. (a) State two ways in which mobile phones have improved the lives
of people in Uganda today.
(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………..
(ii) ..............................................................................................
(b) In which two way have mobile phones become a problem in the
society today ?
(i) ...............................................................................................
Turn Over
45. Study the sketch map of of Uganda and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Which ethnic group entered Uganda through the route marked W.
(b) Mention the archaeological site found at the place marked X.
(c) State any two problems faced by the people living in the island districts
located in the letter marked Y.
(I) ...………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(II) ......................................................................................................
(b) Mention any one tribe in Uganda which practices circumcision as a culture.
(c) State any two dangers of cultural practices.
(i) ...…………….....……………………………………………………………………….....….
(ii) ......................................................................................................
47. (a) State any two ways one can become a citizen in a country like Uganda.
(i) ...................................................................................................
(ii) .……………………………………………………………………………………………...
(i) ....................................................................................................
(ii) ...................................................................................................
48. (a) Which term refers to the racial segregation of people in South Africa ?
(b) Give two ways the above named policy was practiced in South Africa.
(i) ...................................................................................................
(ii) ..................................................................................................
(c) Mention the Front line state in East Africa.
11 Turn Over
49. (a) Give two reasons why the government of Uganda should modernize
coffee growing.
(i) .................................................................................................
(ii) .................................................................................................
(c) Give any one challenge faced by most farmers in East Africa.
50. (a) Name the king of Buganda who was exiled for rejecting the idea of the
East African Federation.
(b) Give any two reasons why the British wanted to form the East African
(i) .................................................................................................
(ii) .................................................................................................
(c) How did the formation of political parties help in the struggle for
independence ?
For questions 51 to 55, answer EITHER for Christianity OR for
Islamic questions but not both. No mark will be awarded to any
candidate who attempts both alternatives in a particular number.
(a) Define the term sin.
(b) Give two effects of sinning.
(i) ................................................................................................
(c) In which one way is repentance useful to a Christian ?
(a) Define the term pilgrimage.
(ii) ..............................................................................................
(c) How is Hajji different from Umra ?
(a) In which two ways can Christians prepare for the judgment day ?
(i) ...........................................................................................
(ii) ...........................................................................................
(b) Give two benefits a Christian child enjoys after helping others.
(i) ...........................................................................................
(ii) ..........................................................................................
(a) In which two ways can Muslims prepare for the judgment day ?
(i) ..........................................................................................
(ii) ..........................................................................................
13 Turn Over
(b) Give two benefits a Muslim child enjoys after helping others.
(i) ...........................................................................................
(ii) ..........................................................................................
(a) Name the person whom the lord made to be Adam's best friend.
(b) Give one way Adam's friend in (a) above brought suffering to man.
(b) In which one way did God punish the person named in (b) above ?
(a) Define the term Islam.
(b) Give any three reasons why a good Muslim should pray five times a
(i) ........................................................................................
(ii) ........................................................................................
(iii) .......................................................................................
(ii) .........................................................................................
14 Turn Over
(b) In which two ways can Christians overcome sufferings ?
(i) .....................................................................................
(ii) .....................................................................................
(a) Give any two causes of suffering in in Islam.
(i) .....................................................................................
(ii) .....................................................................................
(b) State any two ways through which Muslims can overcome suffering.
(i) .....................................................................................
(ii) .....................................................................................
(a) What is authority ?
(b) Mention any three examples of people with authority.
(i) ............................................................................................
(ii) ............................................................................................
(iii) ............................................................................................
15 END