Focus3 2E LessonPlans U03 Vlog

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(S–T, T–S) Ask Ss if they know what a photo slide show is.
Duration: 40 minutes
Elicit ideas and check. Then show them examples of slide shows
Objectives: on an interactive whiteboard if possible. Ask concept check
• To help Ss improve their productive accuracy questions to check understanding. Then refer Ss to Exercise 6
and expose students to real language they can and tell them that they are going to create a slide show.
encounter in their lives. Read through the rubric with Ss and the steps they should
Resources: follow and check understanding. Give them 10–12 minutes
• SB p. 121 to create their slide show. Monitor and support if necessary
• Online resources: Teacher’s resources, Video 13 – as they do this. When they have finished, invite each Ss to
FOCUS VLOG About holidays present their slide show to the class. Listen, watch and take
notes of any problems or errors. Then hold a class vote for
the best show and give some feedback based on your notes.
WARM-UP | 5–7 minutes
1 (S–S, T–S, S–T) With books closed, create interest and TIP
activate Ss’ knowledge of the world. Write these headings
If you do not have facilities to do this in the classroom,
in two columns on the board:
you could ask Ss to bring in photos they took during one
The USA The UK of their holidays and ask them to create a poster on the
Then put Ss in pairs. Tell them to think of as many places same topic.
in these countries as they can in 2 minutes. When they
have finished, elicit places from each pair and write the
relevant ones under the appropriate heading on the board.
2 (T–S, S–T) Ask Ss to turn to p. 121 and look at Exercise 1.
Go through the places in the box with Ss. Ask Ss to circle
the places that are in the box in Exercise 1 that have not
already been put on the list on the board. When they have
finished, ask Ss where the places they have circled are
located. Elicit the answers and check. Then ask Ss if they
have been to any of them and which they would most
like to visit. Elicit answers from different Ss and have a brief
class discussion.

PRACTICE | 12–13 minutes

1 (T–S, S–T) Refer Ss to Exercise 2. Allow them time to
read the questions. Then play the first part of the video
(up to 00:40) so that Ss can watch and answer the questions.
Then elicit the answers and check.
2 (S–S, T–S, S–T) Ss do Exercise 3 individually. Allow them
1 minute to read through the descriptions to make sure
they know exactly what to watch out for. Play the second
part of the video (00:41–01:30) so that Ss can watch and
do the matching activity. Then give Ss time to check
their answers in pairs before doing a class check.
3 (S–S, T–S, S–T) Ss do Exercise 4 individually. Allow them
1 minute to read through the sentences. Then play the
rest of the video (01:41–03:03) so that Ss can watch and
complete the sentences. Then give Ss time to check their
answers in pairs before doing a class check.
4 (T–S, S–T) Exercise 5. Ask Ss where they used to go on
holiday before they went to school and what they used
to do there. Elicit answers from different Ss and have
a brief class discussion.

© Pearson Education Limited Focus 3 Second Edition 1

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