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1 Write truth table and excitation table for:

JK Flip Flop:

J K Q(t) Q(t+1) Excitation

D Flip Flop:

D Q(t) Q(t+1) Excitation

T Flip Flop:

T Q(t) Q(t+1) Excitation


2 What are Synchronous Counters?

Synchronous counters are digital counters where all the flip-flops are triggered by the same clock signal.
This eliminates propagation delay because all flip-flops change state simultaneously. Examples include
up-counters, down-counters, and mod-counters.

3 Difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous Sequential Circuits:

Synchronous circuits use a global clock, and all flip-flops in the system are synchronized by this clock.
Asynchronous circuits do not have a global clock; they rely on signal changes (or events) to trigger
transitions, which can lead to propagation delays and timing issues.

4 Write the steps involved in the design of a sequential circuit.

Define the problem statement and determine input/output requirements.

Derive the state diagram or state table.
Minimize the number of states if necessary.
Assign binary values to the states.
Design flip-flop input equations based on the transition and output behavior.
Draw the logic diagram and verify the design.

5 Design a D flip-flop using an SR flip-flop:

To design a D flip-flop using an SR flip-flop:
Connect the S input to D and the R input to the inverse of D (not D).
This way, if D = 1, S = 1 and R = 0, setting Q = 1. If D = 0, S = 0 and R = 1, setting Q = 0.

6 Difference between Mealy and Moore models:

Mealy model: The output depends on the current state and input.
Moore model: The output depends only on the current state, not on the input.

8 What is a Ripple Counter and why is it called so?

A ripple counter is a type of asynchronous counter where the flip-flops do not all change simultaneously,
leading to a ripple effect as the changes propagate through the stages.

9 What are registers and what is meant by shift registers?

Registers are memory elements that store data. A shift register is a type of register where data can be
shifted left or right with each clock pulse.

10 A mod counter is a digital counter that counts up to a specific number (called the modulus) and then
resets to zero. For example, a mod-7 counter counts from 0 to 6, and after reaching 6, it goes back to 0.
This type of counter is often used in digital clocks or counters where a specific range of numbers is

11 A universal shift register is a type of shift register that can perform multiple operations like shifting
data left, right, or holding the data. It can also load new data. Because it can perform all these functions,
it’s called "universal." It’s used in computers and digital systems to store and move data.

12 What is the minimum number of flip-flops required to design a mod-105 counter?

To design a mod-105 counter, you need to count up to 105, which is close to

= 128. Hence, 7 flip-flops are required to design a mod-105 counter.

13. What is stored program concept (or) Von Neumann architecture?

The stored program concept refers to the idea that instructions to be executed by the computer are stored
in memory. The Von Neumann architecture is based on this concept, where both data and instructions
are stored in the same memory and accessed through a common bus system.

14. List the registers used in Von Neumann architecture.

Common registers used in the Von Neumann architecture include:
Program Counter (PC): Holds the address of the next instruction to be executed.
Memory Address Register (MAR): Contains the address of the memory location to be accessed.
Memory Data Register (MDR): Holds data being transferred to or from memory.
Accumulator (AC): Used to store intermediate arithmetic and logic results.
Instruction Register (IR): Holds the current instruction being executed.

15. List two types of memory. ROM and RAM.

RAM (Random Access Memory): Volatile memory used for temporary storage of data that can be read
and written.
ROM (Read-Only Memory): Non-volatile memory used to store firmware or software that is not intended
to be modified.

16. What is meant by ISA? Instruction Set Architecture.

ISA (Instruction Set Architecture): The part of the computer architecture related to programming, including
the instructions, addressing modes, data types, and registers. It defines the set of instructions the
processor can execute.

17. What are the types of instruction format?

Types of instruction formats include:
Zero address format: Uses implicit addressing.
One address format: Uses one address field.
Two address format: Two operands are specified in the instruction.
Three address format: Three operands are specified.

18. Is the basic type of instruction set?

This question likely asks for types of instructions in an instruction set. Basic types include:
Data transfer instructions: Move data between memory and registers.
Arithmetic instructions: Perform mathematical operations.
Logical instructions: Perform bitwise operations.
Control flow instructions: Direct the flow of the program (e.g., jumps, branches).

19. What are operations of instruction set?

Operations of an instruction set include:
Arithmetic operations (add, subtract, multiply).
Logical operations (AND, OR, NOT).
Data transfer operations (load, store).
Control flow operations (jump, branch, call).

20. List the types of addressing modes.

Common addressing modes include:
Immediate addressing: The operand is directly specified in the instruction.
Direct addressing: The address of the operand is given in the instruction.
Indirect addressing: The instruction points to a memory location where the address of the operand is
Indexed addressing: The address of the operand is obtained by adding a constant value to the content of
a register.
Register addressing: The operand is in a register.

21. What is addressing mode?

Addressing mode refers to the method used to specify operands for instructions. Different addressing
modes provide flexibility in how data is accessed and manipulated.

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