FLCT Midterm Pointers
FLCT Midterm Pointers
FLCT Midterm Pointers
TEACHING Discovery Learning Theory
10. Learning theory that emphasizes that
learners have the capacity to determine and
Midterm Examination Pointers
understand the nature of any given
Multiple Choice phenomenon in a bigger view that involves
Matching Type (20) exploring, analyzing, and structuring
Enumeration (30) perception until a solution is found. This is
rooted under Gestalt theory. – Insight
Learning/Problem-solving theory
Quiz # 2 in FLCT 11. This theory emphasized that information
1. The Father of Behaviorism or Associative is the basic means of learning and explains
Approach. – John B. Watson learning in terms of the memory system of the
brain. – Theory of Data Processing
2. The behaviorist who believed that human
behavior is prompted by specific stimuli. – 12. This theory explains that learning skills
John B. Watson are arranged hierarchically from stimulus-
response associations to concepts,
3. A behaviorist who believed that behavior is principles, and problem-solving. – Cumulative
controlled through positive and negative Learning
consequences. – Skinner
13. The theory stresses that learners take
4. A theorist who believed that behavior is active roles in understanding, creating, and
acquired through conditioning. – Pavlov making sense of information in terms of
5. A type of conditioning that asserts that an developmental stages, developmental tasks,
individual learns when a previously neutral and learning styles. – Cognitive
stimulus is repeatedly paired with an Constructivism
unconditioned stimulus until a neutral 14. This theory emphasizes the learning is
stimulus evokes a conditioned/desired built through social encounters with peers
response. – Classical Conditioning and adults. – Social Constructivism
6. This type of conditioning stresses the use 15. This theory emphasizes that learners
of pleasant and unpleasant consequences to learn through simulation and modeling. –
control the occurrence of behavior. – Operant Social Learning Theory
16. This theory posits that learners learn in
7. A type of conditioning which explains that particular situations and contexts in which the
there is a probability for a behavior to occur nature of the situation significantly impacts
again when followed by a positive the process of learning. – Situated Learning
experience. It is also called as theory of
connectionism – Instrumental Conditioning 17. This theory states that persons have the
capacity to possess all intelligences in
8. Learning occurs in situation where there is varying degrees because of the influence of
no certain reward because of the presence of both heredity and environment. – Multiple
“cognitive maps.” – Latent Learning/Place Intelligences
18. This theory believes that learner learn
9. This learning theory emphasizes that even outside the classroom. The environment
learning is more meaningful to learners when is the best classroom for them. – Triarchic
they have the opportunity to interact among Intelligences
themselves and with their environment
through conducting experiments, exploring
19. A process by which the conditioned 3. Repetition
response is acquired from the experience of 4. Coding
another person. – Acquisition 5. Storing
6. Retrieving
20. A process by which a conditioned
response is lost. – Extinction
Causes of Forgetting
Enumeration in FLCT: 1. Retrieval Failure
2. Decay Theory
Two Major Factors that Affects Learning
3. Interference Theory
1. Heredity, Genetic, Personal Factors
2. Environmental Factors
Multiple Intelligences
1. Linguistic
Three Main Elements of Information
2. Logical-Mathematical
3. Musical
1. Information Stores 4. Bodily-Kinesthetic
2. Cognitive Processes 5. Spatial-Visual
3. Executive Cognition or Cognition 6. Interpersonal
Information 7. Intrapersonal
8. Naturalist
9. Spiritual/Existential
Three Stages of Human Memory 10. Moral