Respond Ant
Respond Ant
Respond Ant
In The Matter Of
State Of Maharashtra…....................................................Respondent
List of Abbreviations.....................................................................................................................................3
Index of Authorities.......................................................................................................................................4
Statement of Jurisdiction................................................................................................................................6
Statement Of Facts.........................................................................................................................................7
Statement Of Issues........................................................................................................................................9
Summary Of Arguments..............................................................................................................................10
Arguments Advanced...................................................................................................................................11
Issue 2: Whether the accused conspired to commit the said crimes and in pursuance of this conspiracy
they carried out the criminal acts as charged by the prosecution?...........................................................12
Issue 3: Whether the prosecution has proved beyond reasonable doubt the common intention of the
accused by bringing on record that the said acts were committed by several persons in furtherance of
their common intention?..........................................................................................................................14
& And
AIR All India Reporters
Anr. Another
Art. Article
Cr. Criminal
CriLJ Criminal Law Journal
Ed. Edition
FIR First Information
Govt. Government
ILR Indian Law Reports
IPC Indian Penal Code
Mr. Mister
SC Supreme Court
SCC Supreme Court Cases
SCR Supreme Court Reports
Case Laws:
Independent Thought v Union of India
Mukesh & Anr. v State for NCT of Delhi & Ors.
Harpal Singh & others v. State of Himachal Pradesh
The Appellant Has Filed An Appeal Before The Hon'ble High Court of Bombay To Review The
Judgment Passed By The Trail Court Of Pune. The Hon'ble High Court Has The Jurisdiction To
Hear The matter Under Section 374(2) I Of The Criminal Procedure code, 1973.
(2)Any person convicted on a trial held by a Sessions Judge or an Additional Sessions Judge or
on a trial held by any other Court in which a sentence of imprisonment for more than seven years
has been passed against him or against any other person convicted at the same trial], may appeal
to the High Court."
1. Priya, a 28-year-old Software Engineer, was working with one BPO Company, Pune. She
used to travel to her workplace and back by her company transport or public transport, or by an
auto-rickshaw in Pune.
2. On the evening of October 07, 2019, she missed her company transport as she was
working till late and near Reliance Mall on Nagar road she accepted the offer of a lift by
Sachin Mishra, Accused no. 1, in his cab. The other two Accused, Vikram Jadhav, Accused no.
2, and Aniket Salwi, Accused no. 3, were already sitting in the cab.
3. The Accused promised to take Nalini to her house in Katraj. However, they took
advantage of the fact that she was the only woman in the cab and abducted her to satisfy their
insatiable lust.
4. The Accused stripped Nalini naked and repeatedly gang-raped her for hours while driving
around different places, including Hadapsar by Magarpatta, Manjari Phata, Abalwadi, Shankar
Parvati Mangal Karyalaya on Nagar Road, Dargah at Chandan Nagar, Vadu Fata by Markal
Road and T. Ramlinga, an approver, joined the Accused during the gang-rape and also raped
5. Finally, the Accused No. 1,2 and 3 drove to Zarevedi Fata and brutally killed Nalini by
first strangulating her with a dupatta and then crushing her face and head with heavy stones to
destroy evidence and camouflage her identity.
6. Nalini's parents successfully followed up with the investigation team, and upon
registration of the crime on October 08, 2019, all Accused persons were arrested on
7. The trial took place against all the Accused in the Trial Court, Pune.
8. The trio Accused, Sachin Mishra, Vikram Jadhav, and Aniket Salwi, were held guilty of
the gang-rape and murder of Nalini.
10. The Accused filed an appeal in the Bombay High Court against the decision of the Trial
Court Pune to set aside the conviction and sentence.
Issue .1
Whether the accused conspired to commit the said crimes and in Pursuance of this
conspiracy they carried out the criminal acts as charged by the prosecution?
Whether the prosecution has proved beyond reasonable doubt the common intention of the
accused by bringing on record That the said acts were committed by several persons in
Furtherance of their common intention?
The first issue to address is the maintainability of the appeal against conviction. The accused have
the legal right to appeal their convictions, and the justice system must ensure a fair and thorough
review of their convictions. However, it is crucial to establish that the appeal is not merely a tactic
to delay justice or escape accountability. In this case, the convicted individuals have exercised
their legal right to appeal, and the court must ensure a fair review while considering the gravity of
Issue 2: Whether the accused conspired to commit the said crimes and in pursuance of this
conspiracy they carried out the criminal acts as charged by the prosecution?
The prosecution asserts that there was a clear conspiracy among the accused to commit the
heinous crimes of gang rape and murder. The sequence of events, from the accused offering the
victim a ride, to the multiple locations where the crimes took place, strongly indicates a
premeditated plan. Nalini was abducted, sexually assaulted, and murdered, which implies a level
of coordination an intent to commit these horrific acts. The involvement of T. Ramlinga as an
approver further corroborates the existence of a conspiracy.
Issue 3: Whether the prosecution has proved beyond reasonable doubt the comm0n
intention of the accused by bringing on record that the said acts were committed by Several
persons in furtherance of their common intention?
To establish common intention as per Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code, it is not necessary that
all participants actively participate in every aspect of the crime. The prosecution argues that the
acts were committed by several persons in furtherance of their common intention, which is evident
from the nature of the crimes and the way they were carried out. All the accused were present
during the entire ordeal, and there is no evidence to suggest that any of them attempted to stop the
crimes or assist the victim. Therefore, it can be reasonably concluded that they shared a common
In this case, the petitioner was Independent Thought, a national human rights organisation
registered in 2009. In the public interest, the petitioner filed a writ petition under Article 32
claiming that the Exception 2 to Section 375 of IPC is both arbitrary and discriminatory towards a
girl child.
The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013, increased the age of consent for sexual intercourse
from 16 to 18 years. But the Exception 2 mentions non-consensual sex of a husband with his wife
and for that, the age is above 15 years. The POCSO Act 2012 set the age of consensual sex as 18
years. Exception 2 is contradictory to Section 3 of the POCSO Act which has criminalised
penetrative sexual assault.
The Division Bench gave the following judgment while discussing all the relevant issues related
to the case:
• The exception 2 discriminates between a married girl child and an unmarried girl child
without any reasonable nexus. It violates the bodily integrity, dignity and reproductive
choice of a girl child.
• The Parliament has increased the age for giving consent, the age from marriage to 18 years.
So the age of 15 years in exception 2 is unreasonable, unjust, unfair and violates the right
of the girl child.
• The exception 2 states that sexual intercourse or sexual act by a man with his wife is not
rape if she is above 18 years.
The case is famously known as the Nirbhaya case. In this case, a 23-year-old medical student
was returning after a movie with her friend and took a bus. In the bus, she was gang-raped by six
people and was brutally assaulted. After the rape, she along with her friend were thrown out of
the bus naked. The girl died while she was being treated in a hospital in Singapore.
In this case, the Supreme Court awarded death penalty to four of the accused among six. One of
them being a juvenile was convicted by the Juvenile Justice Board and sent to the correctional
home. The other one committed suicide before the judgment was delivered.
After this case, the need to amend certain provisions of Section 375 was felt so the Criminal Law
(Amendment) Act, 2013 was brought into effect. Under the newly amended section, the
punishment of rape is at the least seven years which may extend to life imprisonment. Any man
who is a police officer, medical officer, public officer or public servant may be imprisoned for at
least 10 years if commits rape. Where rape leads to the death of the victim or entered a
vegetative state the punishment of life imprisonment extending to death has been prescribed. The
In this case, the prosecutrix who was a girl under 16 years was sent by her mother to visit her ailing
aunt in the village. While she was going the accused came to her and told her that her brother was
lying sick in the dispensary. She rushed with him, there he along with two others locked her in a
room. After that, they committed sexual intercourse with her against her will. She was later rescued
by her family who decided to keep quiet. The matter was later on published in a newspaper and
the police started the enquiry. The accused held that the girl was used to sexual intercourse and
gave consent for the same.
The Supreme Court found enough evidence which proved that she was under 15 years old during
the sexual intercourse and as such her consent was no consent at all. The accused were held liable for
rapeunder section376 of the Indianpenalcode..
As for the prayer from the side of the respondent, without specific details, it would typically
involve the respondent (in this case, the prosecution) requesting the court to uphold the
conviction and sentencing of the accused by the Trial Court. The respondent would present
evidence and legal arguments supporting the conviction and the severity of the sentences.
Ultimately, the decision of the Bombay High Court will depend on the evidence presented, legal
arguments made, and the interpretation of relevant laws and precedents. The court will need to
carefully assess these issues and reach a verdict based on the merits of the case.