Guidelines - QE Reports
Guidelines - QE Reports
Guidelines - QE Reports
Guidelines_QE Reports
1. Introduction
Following Guidelines should be taken care by the respective responsible, as
these shall be served as baselines for evaluating the related procedure. Status
of Reaction plan shall be checked during the Evaluation.
2. Definitions
TL Team Lead
APM Assistant Production Manager
QE Quality & Efficiency
FUP-db Follow-up database
PL Production Line
QCCS Quality Conformance Check supervisor
MIS Management information system department
RA Reaction Plan
3. Correct Updation
Correct shall be updated on daily basis by the DCA and same shall be randomly
checked by the Respective TL , incase of any deviation found reaction plan
named as Reaction Plan_Correct updation shall be updated.
Refer Annexure 1
4. Follow-up database
FUP_db shall be updated on daily basis by the TL and same shall be randomly
checked by the Respective APM, incase of any deviation found reaction plan
named as Reaction Plan_FUP_db updation shall be updated. Similarly QCCS
shall upadte FUP_db.
Refer Annexure 2
Refer Annexure 3
6. Related material
Reaction Plan_Correct updation