Karbon SDE Internship - Hackathon

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Karbon SDE Internship - Hackathon​

Challenge 1: Draw sequence diagram (30 minutes)​

Example Sequence Diagram of a Simple Login Process

Problem Statement: ​
Draw a sequence diagram for the flow of adding a new book to a reading list in a web
1. User Action: User clicks on "Add New Book" button.​
2. Client-Side: The client sends a request to the server with the book details.​
3. Server-Side: The server processes the request and saves the book details to the database.​
4. Database: The database stores the new book entry.​
5. Server Response: The server sends a confirmation response back to the client.6. Client
Update: The client updates the UI to reflect the new book in the reading list.​
Export your diagram as a PNG or PDF file, share it via Google drive link.​
Evaluation Criteria:​
Clarity: Is the sequence diagram easy to understand?​
Accuracy: Does the sequence diagram accurately represent the flow of adding a new book?​
Detail: Does the diagram include all necessary steps and interactions?​
Challenge 2: Full stack development (2hr)​
This challenge involves developing a financial analysis model and creating a web application to
utilize it.​
Please see this video explaination - Karbon Challenge​
All required files can be found here - Files​
Problem statement​
1. Module 1 - Create a simple financial analysis model. (1 hour)​
You have been given 3 files - ​
a. rules.py -> Financial analysis model uses rules defined in this file. Please read the
function comments and write your implementation. Please check the example rule
latest_financial_index for your reference.​

b. model.py -> uses rules defined in rules.py to output results in json format. ​
c. data.json -> This is data file used in rules.​
2. Module 2 - Create a Web App that uses the model.py defined in module 1. (Any
framework/ Nocode tool will work) (30 mins)​
This web application will have two pages-​
a. Page 1 - On this page, you can upload the data file data.json and click on submit.
After clicking submit, you have to use model.py to get the result in json.​
b. Page 2 - On this page, you have to display results that you got from model.py ​
3. Module 3 - Share code via github. (10 mins)​
4. Module 4 - Deploy the application and share link. (you can use anything such as Vercel,
Netlify, Firebase etc) (20 mins)​

Evaluation Criteria​
1. If you complete all 4 Modules, you can share -​
a. Github link for full code.​
b. App link from Module 4 for evaluation​
c. A video explaining your solution, You can use loom to create your video and share links.
2. If you are unable to complete all the 4 Modules, you can share - ​
a. Github link for code written.​
b. A video explaining your progress, which will be used for evaluation. You can use loom to
create your video and share links. (https://loom.com/)​

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