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™What is Subliminal?™
Subliminal (audio) messages are affirmations that bypass your conscious mind and go
straight into your subconscious. These hidden positive affirmations are embedded in the
music, just below your hearing level. Because your conscious mind is not aware of the
subliminal suggestions underlying the music, it can’t put up barriers against it. That’s why
subliminal affirmations avoid any resistance, which would usually hold you back.Your
conscious mind will hear only music, but there is much more happening behind the scenes!
With repeated listening, your subconscious mind begins to accept the suggestions as true.
Day by day, it’ll become easier for you to reach your goals because you now have tapped
into the power source – your subconscious mind. ( CR : successsubliminal )

™How long should i listen to this to get a noticeable result?™

I'd say 1 week to 6 months, but it really depends on each person. I've seen many people that
got result in ONE listen. Never limit your subconscious mind!

™Can i download this?™

Yes, MP3 will work just fine. You don't need to download it in WAV. or FLAC. because yt
converted the video audio into MP4. So you'll just waste your precious time and storage to
download it in WAV.

™Can i bundle/speed/layer this?™

If i mentioned that the subliminal contains frequency, DO NOT do that. ( bundle = many
subliminal in one playlist, sped up and combined to 1 short audio )

™Can i trust you?™

Yes, you can. I've been in this community since 2016-2017. I promise i only put positive and
effective affirmations in my subs. I want to help people to reach their goals. Plus, i also use
my own subs. But at the end of the day, it's your choice. If you don't trust me, don't listen to
my subs, and just follow your intuition.

™Should i wear a headphone or earphone? What if one of them don't work?™

You can listen to subs with or without headphone or earphone. Also, it's okay if one of them
is broken. But i suggest you to use them, for best experience. PS : if the subs contains
frequency/binaural beats/8D affirmations, please wear headphone and set them to "stereo"
at your phone setting, for better experience.

™I’ve listened to my playlist for *insert a long time* hut i don’t see any result. why?™
REMEMBER that you are infinity, limitless. Don’t keep searching for results bc IT IS
ALREADY HERE. you already have your results and you have to believe it. Read “Solar
Subs’s” Guide (search at yt).

✨ All of my subliminal are unisex, unless i mentioned it on the title/description. Can be used
by any age.

1. you shouldn’t drink A LOT of water, just make sure you’re hydrated ( do not over
hydrated, it’s bad for ur health )
2. you can look at mirror, but don’t search for results.
4. BLOCKAGES ain’t exist.

5. YOU ARE LIMITLESS, everything is possible.
7. Subliminal ain’t against any religion, it’s science based. not a sorcery, witchcraft, etc.
8. CLASHING IS A LIMITING BELIEF. ( eg: you can use ariana grande and corpse
husband’s voice subs and get the mixed version of theis voice, if you believe so.)

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