Thailand Data Governance Profile

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Thailand: Data governance profile

2. Data Management: 3. Data custodians and 4. Data sharing, accessibility 5. Data sharing, risks &
1. Vision and policy intent
policies, rules & institutions data stewardship and integration mitigation

Thailand is using digitalisation and Data governance and stewardship The DGA sets the standards for The DGA issued the Thai Data sharing is governed by: the
data to build a government that is is managed by four key players: digital government and is divided Government Information Exchange Official Information Act 1997; the
closer and more responsive to its • Office of the Public Sector into two levels: the Digital Standard Development Framework Personal Data Protection Act 2019
citizens. The Digitalization of Development Commission: who Government Standard, issued by (TGIX) including the Data Standard and the Cyber Security Act 201.
Public Administration & Services drive policy for data linkage and the Committee on Digital and API guidance to improve data These Acts ensure appropriate
Delivery Act (2019) aims to performance indicators. Government Development; and and information exchange. management of official
modernize and optimize public • Digital Government the DGA Community Standard. information, lawful and
Development Agency (DGA): issued by DGA which is effective For transaction data, DGA has responsible management of
service delivery through digital
who oversee and drive data only within the DGA and provides implemented the Government personal data collected for
transformation through:
governance and manage an recommended practice for the Data Exchange (GDX) to enable statistical purposes and protection
• Digitization of Data Services to Open Data Platform as outlined data sharing across agencies for against cyber security threats.
government sector.
provide accurate, reliable, up-to- in the Digitalization of Public better e-services for Thai citizens.
date government data including TNSO has implemented data In addition, the Government Data
Administration & Services For statistics and other data TNSO
promoting digital payments and governance principles for Classification and Data Sharing
Delivery Act (2019). has implemented the Government
establishing a secure digital government agencies to follow Framework issued by DGA serve
• Thai National Statistical Office Data Catalog.system by integrating
identity verification system. and it encourages other statistical as recommended practice for
(TNSO): who promote and data from the Agency data catalog
agencies to adopt these principles government. This framework
• Integration of Government support knowledge sharing which is published at the Open
through the Thailand Statistical categorizes and classifies data
Agencies Data Exchange: through among government agencies to Government Data Centre For
Committee and its three sub- based on its sensitivity level,
the creation of a National Data establish a Data Catalog with statistics TNSO uses SDMX format,
committees (Economic, Social and ensuring proper handling and
Exchange Center for seamless data TNSO serving as Registrar for the to ensure uniformity and to
Natural Resources and minimizing organizational risk
sharing among government Government Data Catalog. facilitate public access through
Environment), where TNSO serves through security measures. Its aim
agencies and establishing a one- • Government Sector and Local (
as the secretariat. is to facilitate data sharing and
stop digital service system. Government: which supply data
Open Data initiatives.
to users and stakeholders.
• Data Governance: Through the The data governance framework is Moreover, the Statistics Act 2007
development of digital standards composed of three elements: the further mandates confidentiality
and guidelines to support data data governance structure; of personal data, permitting
integration across government. definition and rules and data limited disclosure only for
• Open Government Data: governance process. Individuals investigations, legal proceedings,
through an Open Government involved are appointed by high- or statistical analysis without
Data Center for open easy public level executives of the agency. compromising the interests or
access to machine-readable data. They define strategies and identities of data owners. This
objectives; assess the data framework aligns with the goal of
The digital law set up a Digital governance environment; clarify maintaining accurate and trusted
Government Development definitions and scope of data; set statistical information
Commission (DGDC) chaired by rules and policies and conduct dissemination, while bolstering
the Prime Minister. audits to ensure compliance. privacy and protection measures.
Disclaimer: This profile was produced by ESCAP to illustrate differing data governance arrangements and practices and reflects the situation from when it was compiled. Refer to the country’s own website for the latest information.

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