Road Test Scoring
Road Test Scoring
Road Test Scoring
Section Test Item Points Deducted What You Should Do to Pass Road Test
A. LEAVING CURB 1. Fails to observe 10 Check the rearview and side mirror. Adjust them properly.
2. Fails to signal 5 Check ahead and behind. Use signal to alert other drivers
3. Uses mirror 5 Areas to the side of your car that you cannot see with side mirrors or rear mirrors are called blind
only /Fails to check spots. Shift your body and use a shoulder check.
blind spot
5. Fails to stop near 10 Try to keep your wheels straight while waiting to make a left turn. If another vehicle hits you
center of from behind, this ensures that you will not be pushed into oncoming traffic.
intersection when
waiting to make
left turn
6. Turns wide – 5 – Slow down and stay as far to the right as possible. Begin the turn in the lane nearest to the
short right right-hand curb and end the turn in the lane nearest the right-hand curb.
– Give a turn signal.
Section Test Item Points Deducted What You Should Do to Pass Road Test
7. Turns wide – 5 – Indicate the left turn signal before you make the turn and slow down.
short left
– Check both ways and make sure that the oncoming lanes are clear.
C. PACKING, 9. Fails to signal 5 – Before changing lanes, ensure you signal what you intend to do, either with the signal lights or
BACKING AND U- by arm signals.
– Avoid getting pulled over and slapped with a traffic violation for failure to signal.
10. Fails to 10 Pay attention to other cars parked nearby, oncoming cars, your distance from the curb,
adequately pedestrians or other property that can distract you. This ensures safe parking, backing or making
observe/use caution a u-turn.
11. Unable to park 15 Parking properly requires practice. Parking is a physical skill that no amount of advice will help
properly you master. Do it over and over again. Go to the parking lot when nobody is there and do it
between cones if you have to. Parking fears and anxiety disappears with time.
12. Unable to make 15 This is rarely the problem. Be sure to move out of the driveways and observe correctly before
a 3-point turn making this turn. Read more on how to make a three-point turn correctly.
13. Excessive space 5 Bring the wheels straight and then pull forward.
for parking too far
from the curb Give room for vehicles behind and ahead.
Section Test Item Points Deducted What You Should Do to Pass Road Test
In your final position, ensure the wheels are not more than 30 cm or one foot from the curb.
14. Excessive 5 Familiarize yourself with the 3-point turn maneuvers and the proper positioning of your car.
maneuvers in 3-
point turn A practical lesson on 3 point turn with your instructor a few days to the road test NY will do.
D. DRIVING IN 15. Fails to keep 10 Failing to keep right when driving towards oncoming traffic is a motor vehicle violation in New
TRAFFIC right York and many other states.
Keep right
16. Improper lane 10 Here’s what you need to do when changing lanes:
– Turn on the signal
– Take a look at mirrors and check your blind spot
– Change lanes
– Turn off signal
17. Follows to 10 The space between you and the vehicle in front should be enough for another car to occupy. The
closely NY DMV Driver’s Manual recommends leaving a space of 2 seconds between you and the next
18. Speed excessive 15 Adjust your speed accordingly for weather, traffic, road, and visibility conditions
– Traffic
– Weather
– Road
19. Driving too 15 Stay within the speed limit. When in traffic, don’t drive too slowly as you may hinder traffic
Section Test Item Points Deducted What You Should Do to Pass Road Test
slowly flow.
20. Fails to yield 15 Always yield the right of way when there are:
right of way: – Emergency vehicles
– Pedestrian – Blind people
– Other – Pedestrians on marked or unmarked crosswalks
– Entering an intersection with traffic backed up on the other side
– You reach an intersection, approach another driver from the opposite side at the same time, and
turn left, you must yield to the traffic that turns right or moves straight
Here are more situations that require you to give the right of way.
23. Fails to 10 Constantly scan the road ahead and check the mirrors. Always know what’s happening:
anticipate action of:
Pedestrians – ahead
Section Test Item Points Deducted What You Should Do to Pass Road Test
Other – behind
– to the side
– Rush hour
– Parked cars
– School children
– At road works
E. VEHICLE 25. Repeated 10 Stalling may occur due to a number of reasons, including clutch release problems, bad fuel
CONTROL stalling pump, empty fuel tank, inadequate fuel mixture and dead battery, just to name a few.
To avoid this mistake, get adequate supervised driving lessons before the test and ensure your car
is in a good condition before the test.
26. Poor engine 10 If your car is losing power it means the engine has not been properly serviced or parts, such as
control/deceleration sensors and sparks are worn out. It’s time to service your car.
Ensure your road test car is in perfect condition before you schedule the test.
Section Test Item Points Deducted What You Should Do to Pass Road Test
27. Poor steering 15 Hold your steering wheel at 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock position to enable you to drive straight or
control: make small maneuvers and small turns on the road.
– Turning
– Straight driving
– Maneuvers
28. Delayed 10 Start braking before your stopping position so you can keep things smooth and your New York
braking/Abrupt examiner happy.
29. Poor use of 10 – Ensure you’re in the appropriate gear for every situation and adjust the gears to speed.
– Automatic – Don’t make rapid transitions when shifting gears as it may cause stalling and pressure the
– Manual engine.
30. Poor clutch 5 As you feel your car begin to move, start releasing the clutch slowly. Don’t do it suddenly
control because that would stall the car. Take more practical driving lessons with our instructors at Pierre
Paul Driving School to master clutch control.
31. Poor reaction to Whenever you experience a driving emergency, the most important rule is do not panic. Here
emergencies. 10 are different types of road emergencies and how to respond to them like a pro.