CBSE Class 10 Science Lab Manual - Dicot Seed
CBSE Class 10 Science Lab Manual - Dicot Seed
CBSE Class 10 Science Lab Manual - Dicot Seed
To identify the different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed.
Materials Required
Dicot seeds (gram, pea, rajma, etc), petri dish, forceps, needle, hand lens or
dissecting microscope and cotton cloth/wool.
The Seed
In plants, the process of fertilisation leads to formation of fruits which is the ripened
ovary. It contains seed (one or many) which is a mature ovule.
A seed has following parts, i.e. a hilum, seed coat, an embryo and an endosperm.
Hilum is the scar present on the seed coat, found attached to the plant stalk. Seed
coat is the outer covering of the plant, it protects and nourishes the embryo present
within the seed.
The embryo is formed by multiple divisions of the zygote. It is an immature plant
which grows when appropriate conditions are present.
An embryo contains following parts:
Classification of Seed
On the basis of number of cotyledons present in a seed, the angiosperm plants are
classified into two types (as shown in Fig. 1).
dicot seed is attached by a scar like structure called hilum, to the inner line of the
fruit. A pore like structure, micropyle is present at one end of the hilum. Through this
pore, the seeds take up the water and under other favourable conditions like air,
temperature and light, the seedlings develop into a small, immature embryonic plant
from the seed coat. This process is called as germination.
The process of germination involves:
Swelling of seeds and development of plumule into shoots.
Roots start rising from the radicle of the seed.
Cotyledons forms; one in case of monocots and two in case of dicots.
The germinating seeds when split open, showed following features:
1. The gram seed has a brown coloured covering called seed coat (testa) which
can be separated very easily from germinating seeds.
2. A micropyle is found present at the grooved sides of the seeds. It is a pore,
through which water enters the seed coat, thus starting the process of
3. Gently teased apart seeds will have an intact, small embryo, with sf radicle and
a plumule emerging from it. A mature embryo appears as given in Fig. 2.
4. The part present between the plumule and the radicle part of the embryo, i.e.
the middle portion of the seed is called as embryonic axis or tigellum.
5. The portion between plumule and the attachment point of cotyledons is known
as epicotyl and the point between the radicle and the attachment point of
cotyledons is called as hypocotyl. Thus the embryonic axis bears both epicotyl
and hypocotyl.
6. The cotyledons are broad, fleshy leaf-like structure of the seeds attached with
embryonal axis, two in numbers (dicot). These are said to be the source of the
reserve food materials necessary for the germination of seeds.
7. The plumule and radicles form the shoot and root systems of the seed
respectively, i.e. plumule give rise to shoots and radicle give rise to roots, thus
developing into a new plant.
On observation, two cotyledons were observed, hence the gram is a dicot seed. It is
brown in
colour and may be smooth or wrinkled in appearance.
It contains a small embryonic plant within its seed coat. The embryo has plumule,
radicle cotyledons (two in number) and tigellum.
Question 1.
Clarify the meaning of a non-endospermic seed.
Some seeds have special food laiden tissue in them called, endosperm. The seeds
which do not possess them are called non-endospermic seeds.
Question 2.
Name of opening present in a seed through which seed absorbs water at the time of
seed germination.
The micropyle is a small opening of a seed through which water take entry into the
seed at the time of seed germination.
Question 3.
Seed is a miniature plant. Comment.
Seed is mature ovule, a unit containing an embryo plant, in which the primordia of
future structure are already established and which is embedded with nutrients, all
within a protective seed coat.
Question 4.
Suggest a reason for overnight soaking of the seeds before the start of the
During soaking, the cotyledons absorb water from the container and becomes
actively germinating.
Question 5.
In a germinating seed, the radicle emerges before the plumule, why?
The radicle emerges before the plumule because it needs to penetrate into the soil to
facilitate water absoption for the growing embryo.
Question 6.
An embryo contains a plumule and a radicle. What does these develop into?
The plumule develops into the shoots and new roots develops from the radicle
initiating the formation of a new plant.
Question 7.
A seed is covered by a hard coat on its outside surface, what purpose is served by
this seed coat?
Question 9.
Do you consider seed dead or alive? Explain.
Freshly harvested seeds are alive. They respire, but do not show immediate growth
because their metabolic activities get arrested for time being. They become active,
when put for germination.
Question 10.
We split open the seed of gram when chana dal is made out of it. Write the fate of
embryo, while performing the process of dal making out of gram seed.
The chana dal is the broken seed of gram. They show the cotyledonous part. While
making dal, the embryo gets destroyed and is unable to germinate.
Question 11.
Describe tigellum.
It is the part of the embryonal axis which holds the cotyledons in such a way that
these (cotyledons) open like a book.
Question 12.
What are different parts of tigellum?
It is the central part of the seed, to which two cotyledons get attached. The upper
part of it is called plumule and the lower end is called radicle.
Question 13.
Name few non-endospermic seeds.
Non-endospermic seeds are Orchid, gram, rajma, pea, etc.
Question 14.
How many seed coats are generally present in a seed?
Generally two seed coats are present in a seed, i.e. the outer one is testa anpl the
inner one is tegmen.