Notes C2 Secularism

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Thirumurugan Salai, Thirumurugan Nagar, Chitlapakkam, Chennai – 600064


Chapter: 2. Understanding Secularism

Core Objective: To enable the students to acquire knowledge

about the need for separating ‘State’ and ‘Religion’ and the
strategies followed for the same.
 Explain the meaning of the term ‘secularism’ with reference
to India
 List out the objectives of India as a Secular nation.
 Explore the reasons for separating ‘State’ and ‘religion’
 Describe the different strategies used by the State to
ensure Secularism in India
 Differentiate Indian Secularism from other democratic

Text Notes:
1. Secularism
 The separation of religion from the State.

2. Strategies of our secularism:

 In India, government spaces like law courts, police stations,
government schools and offices are not supposed to display or
promote any one religion.
 In order to respect the sentiments of all religions and not to
interfere with religious practice state makes certain exception for
particular religious communities
 In order to prevent the religious based exclusion and
discrimination of lower castes, the Indian Constitution bans
 The State is intervening in religion in order to end a social
practice that is believed to discriminate and exclude the citizens
of the country.
 Our Constitution grants to religious communities to set up their
own schools and colleges. It also gives them financial aid on a
non-preference basis.

3. Objectives of Indian secularism:

 One religious community does not dominate another
 Some members do not dominate other members of the same
Thirumurugan Salai, Thirumurugan Nagar, Chitlapakkam, Chennai – 600064

religious community
 State does not enforce any particular religion nor take away the
religious freedom of individuals

4. Importance of separating religion from the state:

 The most important aspect of Secularism is its separation of
religion from the state power
 Almost all countries of the world will have more than one religious
group living in them
 Within the religious groups there will most likely one religion that
is in a majority
 The majority could easily prevent minorities from practicing their
 If majority religious group has access to power it could quite easily
use the power and financial resources to discriminate other
religious minorities
 We need to protect the freedom of individual to exit their religion,
embrace another religion or have the freedom to interpret
religious teaching differently

5. Communal (Religious) Discrimination all over the world:

 In Saudi Arabia non-Muslims are not allowed to build a temple or
church, etc
 Isreal treats its own Muslim and Christian minorities quite badly
 During Hitler’s rule, Jews were persecuted in Germany

6. Being secular Nations India & USA have different approach

 In USA, there is a strict separation between religion and State.
Neither the Sate nor the religion can interfere in the affairs of one
 State can intervene in religious affairs in India. It intervenes Hindu
religious practice in order to abolish untouchability.

Suggested Questions:

1. Suppose secular country like India wants to adopt the state religion then
what would be the consequences?

I. Arulmary
Prepared by Reviewed & Approved by

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