SB-Grade 1

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Spelling Bee-Grade 1-Round 1-Envelope 1

1 age (n) /eɪdʒ/

the period of time someone has been alive or something has existed.

You're the same age as my brother.

2 ball (n) /bɔːl/

a round object used for throwing, hitting or kicking in games and sports.

He kicked the ball into the net.

3 day /deɪ/ (n)

a period of 24 hours.

‘What day is it today?’ ‘Monday.’

4 girl /ɡɜːl/

a female child from birth to adulthood.

The girl was five years old.

5 ill /ɪl/

ailment, sickness (2): something that disturbs or afflicts.

I am feeling ill today and can’t go to school.

6 that /ðæt/

used for referring to a person or thing that is not near the speaker or as near to the speaker as another.

That man is my father.

7 put (v) /pʊt/

to place in a specified position or relationship: lay.

Please put the book on the table.

8 toy (n) /tɔɪ/

an object for children to play with.

Leave daddy's camera alone - it isn't a toy!

9 fish (n) /fɪʃ/

a creature that lives in water, breathes through gills, and uses fins and a tail for swimming.

He caught the biggest fish I've ever seen.

10 rain (n) /reɪn/

[uncountable, singular] water that falls from the sky in separate drops.

We had heavy rain all day.

Spelling Bee-Grade 1-Round 1-Envelope 2

1 now (adv) /naʊ/

(at) the present time.

They now have everything they wanted.

2 win (v) /wɪn/

[intransitive, transitive] to be the most successful in a competition, race, battle, etc.

She loves to win an argument.

3 car (n) /kɑː(r)/

a road vehicle with an engine and four wheels that can carry a small number of passengers.

How did you come?’ ‘By car.’

4 run (v) /rʌn/

[intransitive] to move using your legs, going faster than when you walk.

She can run really fast.

5 old (adj) /əʊld/

of a particular age.

He's not too old to play the game.

6 like (v) /laɪk/

to enjoy or approve of something or someone.

I like your new haircut.

7 tell (v) /tel/

[transitive] (of a person) to give information to somebody by speaking or writing.

‘Come closer,’ she said, ‘I want to tell you something’.

8 join (v) /dʒɔɪn/

[transitive, intransitive] to fix or connect two or more things together.

If you join (up) the dots on the paper, you'll get a picture.

9 year /jɪə(r)/, /jɜː(r)/

a period of twelve months, especially from 1 January to 31 December.

We went to Egypt on holiday last year.

10 milk (n) /mɪlk/

the white liquid produced by cows, goats and some other animals as food for their young and used as a
drink by humans.

Do you take milk in your tea?

Spelling Bee-Grade 1-Round 1-Envelope 3

1 new (adj) /njuː/
not existing before; recently made, invented, introduced, etc.
What's new in the fashion world?
2 red (adj) /red/
having the colour of blood or fire.
She had a red mark on her arm.
3 sad (adj) /sæd/
unhappy or sorry.
It's sad (that) the trip had to be cancelled.
4 boy (n) /bɔɪ/
[countable] a male child or a young male person.
As a young boy, my father used to walk three miles to school.
5 hat (n) /hæt/
a piece of clothing made to fit the head, often with a brim (= a flat edge that sticks out), usually worn out
of doors.
Hang your coat and hat on the rack over there.
6 play (v) /pleɪ/
to do things for pleasure, as children do; to enjoy yourself, rather than work.
There's a time to work and a time to play.
7 soon (adv) /suːn/
in or within a short time; before long; quickly.
I'll be back soon.
8 take (v) /teɪk/
to carry or move something from one place to another.
Remember to take your coat when you leave.
9 door (n) /dɔː(r)/
a flat object that is used to close the entrance of something such as a room or building, or the entrance
We could hear someone knocking at/on the door.
10 well (adv) /wel/

in a good, right or acceptable way.

The team work well together.

Spelling Bee-Grade 1-Round 1-Envelope 4

1 her (pronoun) /hə(r)/
used, usually as the object of a verb or preposition, to refer to a woman, girl, or female animal that has
just been mentioned or is just about to be mentioned.
If your sister's around, bring her too.
2 job (n) /dʒɒb/
work for which you receive regular payment.
She took a job as a waitress.
3 use (v) /juːz/
to put something such as a tool, skill, or building to a particular purpose.
Can I use the pencil?
4 bee (n) /biː/
a yellow and black flying insect that makes honey and can sting you.
My arm swelled up where I was stung by a bee.
5 tea (n) /tiː/
[uncountable, countable] the dried leaves (called tea leaves) of the tea bush.
Tea and biscuits will be provided at eleven o'clock.
6 sing (n) /sɪŋ/
an act of singing.
Will you sing us a song/sing a song to us?
7 your (determiner) /jɔːr/
belonging or relating to the person or group of people being spoken or written to.
I like your new haircut.
8 bell (n) /bel/
an electrical device that makes a ringing sound when you press a button.
I stood at the front door and rang the bell several times.
9 city (n) /ˈsɪti/
[countable] a large and important town.
We live in a big city.
10 moon (n) /muːn/
the round object that moves in the sky around the earth and can be seen at night.
The moon goes around the earth.

Spelling Bee-Grade 1-Round 2

1 far (adv) /fɑː(r)/
a long distance away.

It's too far to walk.

2 book (n) /bʊk/

a set of pages that have been fastened together inside a cover to be read or written in.
I took a book with me to read on the plane.
3 bus (n) /bʌs/
a large vehicle in which people are driven from one place to another.
If we sit near the front of the bus, we'll have a better view.
4 art (n) /ɑːt/
the use of the imagination to express ideas or feelings, particularly in painting, drawing or sculpture.

It's a very beautiful piece of art.

5 box (n) /bɒks/

a container made of wood, thick card, metal, etc. with a flat stiff base and sides and often a lid (= cover),
used especially for holding solid things.

She kept all the letters in a box.

6 gold (n) /ɡəʊld/

a chemical element. Gold is a yellow precious metal used for making coins, jewellery, beautiful objects,

He always wears a gold ring.

7 pink (adj) /pɪŋk/

pale red in colour.

Have you been in the sun? Your nose is a bit pink.

8 zoo (n) /zuː/

an area in which animals, especially wild animals, are kept so that people can go and look at them or
study them.

These lions were born in the zoo.

9 dress (n) /dres/

a piece of clothing usually worn by women or girls that covers the top half of the body and hangs down
over the legs.
She was wearing exactly the same dress as I was.
10 belt (n) /belt/

a long narrow piece of leather, cloth, etc. that you wear around the middle part of your body.

She fastened her belt tightly around her waist.

11 small (adj) /smɔːl/

little in size or amount when compared with what is typical or average.

That jacket's too small for you.

12 big (adj) /bɪɡ/

large in size or amount.

They have a big house in the country.

13 dark (adj) /dɑːk/

with no or very little light, especially because it is night.

It was dark outside and I couldn't see much.

14 hello (exclamation, noun) /həˈləʊ/

used when meeting or greeting someone.

Hello John, how are you?

15 good (adj) /ɡʊd/

of high quality or an acceptable standard.

Sorry, my English is not very good.

16 game (n) /ɡeɪm/

an activity that you do to have fun, often one that has rules and that you can win or lose; the equipment
for a game.

The kids were playing a game with their balloons.

17 open (adj) /ˈəʊpən/

allowing things or people to go through; not closed or blocked.

She held the door open for them.

18 lion (n) /ˈlaɪ.ən/

a large wild animal of the cat family with yellowish-brown fur that lives in Africa and southern Asia.

The lion is a member of the cat family.

19 look (v) /lʊk/

to turn your eyes in a particular direction.

If you look carefully you can just see our house from here.
20 wait (v) /weɪt/

to stay where you are or delay doing something until somebody/something comes or something

We'll have to wait until it stops raining.

21 hold (v) /həʊld/

[transitive] to have somebody/something in your hand, arms, etc.

Can you hold the bag while I open the door?

22 spell (v) /spel/

to say or write the letters of a word in the correct order.

How do you spell your surname?

23 cry (v) /kraɪ/

to produce tears from your eyes because you are unhappy or hurt.

The little boy fell over and started to cry.

24 cow (n) /kaʊ/

a large animal kept on farms to produce milk or beef.

The farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow.

25 cup (v) /kʌp/

a small container that is like a bowl in shape, usually with a handle, used for drinking tea, coffee, etc.

He filled the cup with water.

26 date (n) /deɪt/

a particular day of the month, sometimes in a particular year, given in numbers and words.

Write today's date at the top of the page.

27 cake (n) /keɪk/

a sweet food made with a mixture of flour, eggs, fat, and sugar

He made/baked a cake.
28 food (n) /fuːd/

things that people or animals eat.

There was a lot of food and drink at the party.

29 sofa (n) /ˈsəʊfə/

a long comfortable seat with a back and arms, for two or more people to sit on.

I just want to get home and stretch out on the sofa.

30 egg (n) /eɡ/

an oval object, often with a hard shell, that is produced by female birds and particular reptiles and
insects, and contains a baby animal that comes out when it is developed.

The cuckoo lays her egg in another bird's nest.

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