Chapter Three, Four and Five Farmer Linking Buyer Project
Chapter Three, Four and Five Farmer Linking Buyer Project
Chapter Three, Four and Five Farmer Linking Buyer Project
System analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems
and using the information to recommend improvements on the system. System
analysis is a problem-solving activity that requires intensive communication between the
system users and system developers.
System analysis or study is an important phase of any system development process.
The system is studied to the minutest detail and analyzed. The system analyst plays the
role of an interrogator and dwells deep into the working of the present system. The
system is viewed as a whole and the inputs to the system are identified. The outputs
from the organization are traced through the various processing that the inputs
phase through in the organization. A detailed study of these processes must be
made by various techniques like Interviews, Questionnaires etc. The data collected by
these sources must be scrutinized to arrive to a conclusion. The conclusion is an
understanding of how the system functions. This system is called the existing
system. Now, the existing system is subjected to close study and the problem
areas are identified. The designer now functions as a problem solver and tries to sort out
the difficulties that the enterprise faces. The solutions are given as a proposal. The
proposal is then weighed with the existing system analytically and the best one is
selected. The proposal is presented to the user for an endorsement by the user. The
proposal is reviewed on user request and suitable changes are made. This loop ends as
soon as the user is satisfied with the proposal.
Prior to stating whether the system we have to develop is feasible or not we believe that
we should emphasize on what is implied by the word "Feasibility". Feasibility is the
measure of how beneficial or practical the development of the system will be to the
organization. It is a preliminary survey for the systems investigation. It aims to provide
information to facilitate a later in-depth investigation. The report produced at the end of
the feasibility study contains suggestions and reasoned arguments to help management
decide whether to commit further resources to the proposed project.
If and when the objectives of the system are met and the new system is approved, then
the more Specific details in the proposal should be considered and approved.
There are various measures of feasibility that helps to decide whether a particular
Economical and Financial Feasibility
A proposed system is beneficial only if it can be turned into an information system that
will meet the Operational requirements of an organization. A system often fails if it
does not fit within existing Operations and if users resist the change.
Important issues a systems developer must look into are:
The new system is more user-friendly, which enables the end-user to complete his/her
work efficiently and accurately with interest. After taking the above fact into
consideration we can state the operating of the proposed system within the organization
is feasible.
Technical performance aspect is explained in the technical feasibility report and there is
no new Information needed in this to explain it again, but as for the acceptance within
the organization the following points are important and those are explained according to
the topics
I. Security is a vital aspect when it comes to developing a system. The system should
ensure the facility of preventing unauthorized personnel from accessing the
information and the data within the system.
II. The system should provide total protection for each user's information so that the
integrity of data is sustained and also prevent hackers from hacking the system.
III. The proposed system ensures the security and the integrity of data. This is done by
providing a password login system for each authorized users. And for example the
System Administrator has access to all kinds of information.
Farmer’s E-market is online shopping website where buyer can buy farm produce
directly from farmers. Various types of farmer’s products are available for purchase at
reliable price. Farmer’s E-market basically focuses on user friendly interfaces and
promotes user to purchase the product faster.
It has registration facility and any information entered in registration table is very secure
and no one can access the information. Security is given utmost importance while
designing the website. If any user is not valid or involved in any kind of illegal work in
the website is blocked by the admin. Even the user is not activated unless admin
For any query buyer and producer both can contact admin through mail. They can
use this facility any time
a) Admin:
b) Buyers:
c) Local vendors(retailers)
d) Hotel owners
f) Caterers
g) Restaurants
h) Producer:
i) Farmer
One of the most important part, providing ‘TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES’ for
delivery of finished produce is under process. We could not think of any alternative
which is best suited for every individual user (from producers to buyers). But we have
managed to think of simple alternative in which buyer can ask for transportation facility
to admin or can avail the transportation all by himself. Since the information is stored
by admin of all the transportation company so the admin can keep track of delivery of
product to the buyer.
1. Admin:
The Admin is the super user of the system. The Admin is responsible for maintaining
and managing the website.
a. Admin can change the status while registration of the producer after
checking all his document , he can accordingly change the status to active ,
pending and block . The producer can only can access the website if his
status is active henceforth making the website more secure .
b. Registration of producers and buyers after verification of given
documents, data checking, adding crops, adding transportation company
and transaction.
2. Buyers:
Online farmers market helps you work with farms and food hubs all in one place.
Maintain and manage existing relationships, discover and create new ones and
Place orders and access invoices and order history in your account
Streamlined communications with products
A profile page, robust tools for managing orders and customers, marketing farm,
managing deliveries
1. Marketing farm
2. Manage deliveries:
3. Manage financials:
During logical design phase the analyst describes inputs (sources), out puts
(destinations), databases (data sores) and procedures (data flows) all in a format that
meets the user requirements. The analyst also specifies the user needs and at a level that
virtually determines the information flow in and out of the system and the data
resources. Here the logical design is done through data flow diagrams and database
The physical design is followed by physical design or coding. Physical design produces
the working system by defining the design specifications, which tell the programmers
exactly what the candidate system must do. The programmers write the necessary
programs that accept input from the user, perform necessary processing on accepted
data through call and produce the required report on a hard copy or display it on the
A DFD shows what kind of information will be input to and output from the system,
where the data will come from and go to, and where the data will be stored. It does not
show information about the timing of process or information about whether processes
will operate in sequence or in parallel.
The overall objective in the development of database technology has been to treat data
as an organizational resource and as an integrated whole. DBMS allow data to be
protected and organized separately from other resources. Database is an integrated
collection of data. The most significant form of data as seen by the programmers is data
as stored on the direct access storage devices. This is the difference between logical and
physical data.
Database files are the key source of information into the system. It is the process of
designing database files, which are the key source of information to the system.
The files should be properly designed and planned for collection, accumulation,
editing and retrieving the required information.
The organization of data in database aims to achieve three major
objectives: - (a). Data integration.
The 2NF is based on the concept of full functional dependency. A relation said to be in
2NF if and only if it is in 1NF and every non-key attribute is fully functionally
dependent on candidate key of the table.
The 3NF is based on the concept of transitive dependency. A relation in 2NF is said to
be in 3NF if every non-key attribute is non-transitively.
Delete crop
Delete Crop
Add crop
fromwsihlistRemove crop
Delete from
give order
Give order
Delete crop
Delete Crop
Add crop
fromwsihlistRemove crop
Delete from
give order
Give order
There are mainly 9 inter-related tables through which the data is flowing. The
description of tables are given below:
All the details of the buyer such as name, address, email-id, contact number,
account number, aadhar number, and license number would be available in
this table. In this Table BID is the primary key. All the fields and data type of
this table is shown below:
All the details of the Producer such as name, address, email-id, contact number,
account number, aadhar number, and KCC number would be available in this table. In
this Table PID is the primary key. All the fields and data type of this table is shown
Fig 3.9: Farmers Registration Table
Transaction table stores information about account number of buyer and producer with
their unique id which is used for transferring money from buyer’s account to producer’s
account after successful transaction. All the fields and data type of this table is shown
All the details of adding crop by farmer such as date of adding, crop id, crop name, and
range of crop price would be available in this table. In this table, CropID is the primary
key. All the fields and data type of this table is shown below:
Output caching is configurable, and can be used to cache individual regions or an entire
page. Output caching can dramatically improve the performance of data-driven pages by
eliminating the need to query the database on every request.
Microsoft markets at least a dozen different editions of Microsoft SQL Server, aimed at
different audiences and for workloads ranging from small single-machine applications
to large Internet- facing applications with many concurrent users.
SQL Server uses as its primary query languages T-SQL and ANSI SQL
Processor 1.8GHz
Home page is the start page of this project. From here, user can navigate to any other page.
About farmers page highlights the details of farmers and the importance of agriculture in india.
Admin login page from where admin can navigate to any other page and check details.
Admin can add crop in this page which will be available to buyer for purchase.
This page stores all the information on farmers who have registered and uploaded their
This page gives all the detailed information about the crops uploaded by farmers
which admin can check
This page stores all the detailed information about transaction which admin can check
and keep track of all the transaction occurring.
Registration page stores all the detailed information of producer’s and registration is
successful only after verification of admin. If the user is blocked in any case then the
registration of the producer fails.
Buyer can login through this page. Login is successful only after verification done by admin.
The buyer’s page is the main page which the producer will enter after successful
login. From here, producer can navigate to any other page.
The project aimed to develop a web application designed to facilitate direct connections
between farmers and buyers, addressing challenges faced by both parties in the
agricultural market. Farmers often struggle with market access and fair pricing for their
produce, while buyers may find it difficult to source fresh, quality products directly
from local farms. The proposed web application serves as a platform where farmers can
showcase their products, manage inventory, and communicate directly with potential
buyers. The application includes features such as user profiles, product listings, secure
payment options, and a rating system to ensure trust and transparency.
The project report entitled "Linking Farmer’s/Buyers E-Market" is developed to link
farmers to buyers. The development of this web application presents a significant
opportunity to enhance the agricultural supply chain by eliminating intermediaries,
which often leads to increased costs for consumers and reduced profits for farmers. By
providing a user-friendly interface and essential features tailored to the needs of farmers
and buyers, the application has the potential to foster a more efficient, transparent, and
sustainable marketplace. Initial feedback from potential users has been overwhelmingly
positive, indicating a strong demand for such a platform. The important thing is that the
system is robust. We have tried our level best to make the site as dynamic as possible.
Also provision is provided for future developments in the system. The entire system is
secured. This online system is made keeping in mind all pros and cons.
The internet has become major source in modern business, thus electronic shopping has
gained significance not only from the entrepreneur’s but also from the customer’s point
of view. For the entrepreneur, electronic shopping generates new business opportunities
and for the customer, it makes comparative shopping possible. As per the survey, most
consumers of online stores are impulsive and usually make a decision to stay on a site
within the first few seconds. We have designed the project to provide the user with easy
navigation, retrieval of data and necessary feedback as much possible. A good design
must be accompanied with a user-friendly application logic. It should be convenient for
the customer to view the contents of their page and to be able to update information in
their interface. The features are designed for the customer to make them more
This project helps in understanding the creation of an interactive web page and the
technologies used to implement it. The building of the project has given us the idea and
a precise knowledge about how the application can be developed, how it connects to the
database and how the data and web pages are modified as required.
The main motive for the project was to provide dynamic online farmers’ management
system to help farmers in every possible way and provide them a stable platform where
they can perform every transaction with ease.
Continuous Feedback Loop: Establish a mechanism for ongoing user feedback to refine
and enhance the application. Regularly update features based on user suggestions and
market trends to ensure the platform remains relevant and user-friendly.