Csta 2014093010492293
Csta 2014093010492293
Csta 2014093010492293
X-ray crystallography is concerned with discovering and describing the crystal structure. High-
temperature superconductivity in ceramic oxides is a new technology in which advances are oc-
curring at a rapid pace. Here, the author describes some properties of a new nano crystalline ce-
ramic type II superconductor, PbBaTiO. Type II superconductors are usually made of metal alloys
or complex oxide ceramics. The PBT perovskite phase structure was prepared by the conventional
solid state reaction technique. The sample was analyzed by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Particle size
determination, SEM and EDX. The comparison of XRD results with JCPDS files confirmed the
tetragonal structure of the sample with a = b ≠ c and α = β = γ = 90˚. Scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) studies revealed that its particle size was in the nanometer range. It also confirmed the cal-
culated value of particle size from Debye Scherrer’s formula. EDX spectrum shows the elements of
the sample. X-ray instrumental peak broadening analysis was used to evaluate the size and lattice
strain by the Williamson-Hall Plot method.
Lead Barium Titanate (PBT), XRD, SEM, EDX, Debye Scherrer’s Formula, Instrumental Broadening,
Williamson-Hall Plot Method
1. Introduction
Ceramic materials are inorganic, non-metallic materials and things made from them. They may be crystalline or
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How to cite this paper: Vinila, V.S., Jacob, R., Mony, A., Nair, H.G., Issac, S., Rajan, S., Nair, A.S., Satheesh, D.J. and Isac, J.
(2014) X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Nano Crystalline Ceramic PbBaTiO3. Crystal Structure Theory and Applications, 3, 57-65.
V. S. Vinila et al.
partly crystalline. They are formed by the action of heat and subsequent cooling. They are brittle, hard, strong in
compression, and weak in shearing and tension. They withstand chemical erosion that occurs in an acidic or
caustic environment. Ceramics generally can withstand very high temperatures such as temperatures that range
from 1000˚C to 1600˚C (1800˚F to 3000˚F). The Lead Barium Titanate (PBT) is a type of perovskite ceramic
superconductor with high dielectric constant. Before final heating at 900˚C, the material PBT is treated at dif-
ferent temperatures, 30˚C, 500˚C and 850˚C. High dielectric constant (High-K) ceramic composites have be-
come potential candidate materials for integration into high frequency electronics. Detailed understanding of this
class of materials will help electronic industry in planning, design and processing of these materials.
In this work the authors describe the preparation of PBT ceramic material and it is characterized to show good
quality, homogeneity and the desired stoichiometry of the sample prepared. The results were analyzed by X-ray
diffraction (XRD), SEM, EDX. The particle size was determined from XRD details by Debye Scherrer formula.
The SEM studies revealed that its particle size was in hundred nanometer range. The EDX spectrum of PBT
gave the information on the elemental composition of the material. The particle size and strain of the material
were calculated by Instrumental Broadening and Williamson-Hall Plot method.
V. S. Vinila et al.
V. S. Vinila et al.
Figure 2. XRD of PBT at temperatures (a) 30˚C; (b) 500˚C; (c) 850˚C and (d) 900˚C.
V. S. Vinila et al.
having Nickel filter, equipped with X-ray generator 1140/90/96 having X-ray source KRISTALLOFLXE 780
KF, 4KE with wide angle goniometer PW1710/70 with single pen recorder pm 8203 and channel control PW1390
at 35 kV, 10 mA is used for the purpose. The scanning speed of the specimen is 2 degree/minute. From the XRD
results, the obtained d values compared with the JCPDS (Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards) file
values. So that it can be concluded that this crystal is found to be tetragonal system:
a= b= 3.761, c= 11.942, α= β= γ= 90
From the XRD data, we can calculate the particle size of PBT by using Debye Scherrer equation. Here the
authors studied the change of XRD spectrum of PBT at different treating temperatures.
+ {4ε tan θ } + β 0
βt2 ≈
2 2
D cos θ
where D is average particle size, ε is strain and β0 is instrumental broadening. Instrumental broadening is pre-
sented in Figure 3.
25 30 35 40 45 50 55
2 theta
V. S. Vinila et al.
Table 1. The particle size of PBT at different temperatures, calculated by Debye Scherrer formula.
Data of high intensity peak of XRD at different temperatures Θ (degree) Β (radian) (×10−3) Particle size (nm)
PBT-30˚C 14.646 7.10 19.55
PBT-500˚C 15.741 6.94 20.00
PBT-850˚C 15.808 6.04 22.97
PBT-900˚C 24.409 5.34 25.99
V. S. Vinila et al.
0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45
sin theta
Figure 4. Williamson hall plot. Slope = 0.00901; Y intercept = 0.00495; Cor-
relation coefficient = 0.72404; Standard deviation of the fit = 0.000868.
V. S. Vinila et al.
towards the opposite ends of the detector. The size of the pulse thus generated depends on the number elec-
tron-hole pairs created, which in turn depends on the energy of the incoming X-ray. In this method however
elements with low atomic number are difficult to be detected. The detector which is lithium doped silicon (SiLi)
is protected by a beryllium window and operated at liquid nitrogen temperatures. The absorption of the soft
X-rays by the beryllium decreases the sensitivity below an atomic number of 11.
V. S. Vinila et al.
70.07 Pb
24.53 Ba
3.35 Ti
2.05 O
4. Conclusion
In this work, PBT ceramics were prepared successfully by the conventional solid state reaction technique and
studied by XRD, SEM, EDX, and particle size measurement. XRD data confirmed the formation of the perovs-
kite phase structure and the average particle size. The XRD spectrums of the PBT at different temperatures in-
dicate that, according to increasing treating temperature, the θ value and particle size also increases. From SEM
analysis, the morphology images show the approximate size of the nano particles. The value of particle size cal-
culated from the Williamson-Hall plot method is in agreement with that of the particle size measured from
Debye Scherrer formula. The EDX analysis indicates that the elements exist in the sample and it agrees with the
stoichiometric relations of the prepared compound.
The authors are thankful to Kerala State Council for Science, Technology And Environment (KSCSTE), Thiru-
vanathapuram for granting the financial assistance, SAIF, Cochin for providing the data analysis and to the
Principal, CMS College, Kottayam, Kerala for providing the facilities.
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