Ioi T1trabajotipo
Ioi T1trabajotipo
Ioi T1trabajotipo
Habilidad (competencia). Esta evaluación tiene como objetivo cuantificar la capacidad
y habilidad de la alumna y del alumno para analizar y resolver problemas que implican
la aplicación de los principios y técnicas del método gráfico - primal de la investigación
de operaciones, los principios de la ley de la proporcionalidad, el poka yoke y el Tora.
Esto como evidencia de su formación en ciencias de la ingeniería, ingeniería aplicada
y diseño en ingeniería con la aplicación de las habilidades blandas y duras.
Consider the Reddy Mikks model (Example 2.1-1) expressed in equation form:
The. Layout of the simplex tableu automatically provides the solution at the starting
interation. The solution starts at the origin [x1, x2 = (0, 0)], thus defining (x1, x2 ) as the
nonbasic variables and (x3, x4, x5, x6) as the basic variables. The associated objective
z and the basic variables (x3, x4, x5, x6) are listed in the leftmost Basic-column. Their
values, z = 0, x3 = 24, x4 = 6, x5 = 1, x6= 2, appearing in the rightmost Solution-column,
are given directly by the right-hand sides of the model’s equations (a convenient
consequence of starting at the origin). The result can be seen by setting the nonbasic
variables (x1, x2) equal to zero in all the equations, and also by noting the special
identity-matrix arrangement of the constraint coefficients of the basic variables (all
diagonal elements are 1, and all off-diagonal elements are 0).
Is the starting solution optimal? The objective function z = 5x1 + 4x2 shows that the
solution can be improved by increasing the value of nonbasic x1 or x2 above zero. As
argued in Section 3.3.1, x1 is to be increased because it has the most positive objective
coefficient. Equivalently, in the simplex tableau where the objective function is written
as z - 5x1 - 4x2 = 0, the selected variable is the nonbasic variable with the most negative
coefficient in the objective equation. This rule defines the so-called simplex optimality
In the terminology of the simplex algorithm, x1 is known as the entering variable
because it enters the basic solution.
If x1 is the entering variable, one of the current basic variables must leave— that is, it
becomes nonbasic at zero level (recall that the number of nonbasic variable must
always be n - m). The mechanics for determining the leaving variable calls for
computing the ratios of the right- hand side of the equations (Solution column) to the
corresponding (strictly) positive constraint coefficients under the entering variable, x1,
as the following table shows.
The swapping process is based on the Gauss-Jordan row operations. It identifies the
entering variable column as the pivot column and the leaving variable row as the pivot
row with their intersection being the pivot element. The following tableau is a
restatement of the starting tableau with its pivot row and column highlighted.
The Gauss-Jordan computations needed to produce the new basic solution include two
1. Pivot row
a. Replace the leaving variable in the Basic column with the entering variable.
b. New pivot row = Current pivot row ÷ Pivot element
2. All other rows, including Z
New row = (Current row) – (Pivot column coefficient) X (New pivot row)
These computations are applied to the preceding tableau in the following manner:
c) The new pivot equation = (6 4 1 0 0 0 24) ÷ 6 = 6/6 4/6 1/6 0/6 0/6 0/6 24/6 = (1 2/3
1/6 0 0 0 4), there are the values of X1 that enters the basic column.
h) The pivot element is the coefficient at the cross between the output and the input, in
this case is 6.
Second iteration
Basic z X1 X2Enter X3 X4 X5 X6 Solution
Z 1 0 -2/3 5/6 0 0 0 20Reason
X1 0 1 2/3 1/6 0 0 0 4/1/2/3 6
X4leave 0 0 4/3 p.e -1/6 1 0 0 2/1/4/33/2
X5 0 0 5/3 1/6 0 1 0 5/1/5/3 3
X6 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2/1 2
These computations are applied to the preceding tableau in the following manner:
c) The new pivot equation: (0 4/3 -1/6 1 0 0 2) ÷ 4/3 = (0/1÷4/3 4/3÷4/3 -1/6÷4/3 1/1÷4/3 0
0 2/1÷4/3) = (0 1 – 1/8 ¾ 0 0 3/2) → x2
Third iteration
Basic Z X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X2 Solution
Z 1 0 0 3/4 1/2 0 0 21
X1 0 1 0 1/4 -1/2 0 0 3
X2 0 0 1 -1/8 3/4 0 0 3/2
X5 0 0 0 3/8 -5/4 1 0 5/2
X6 0 0 0 1/8 -3/4 0 1 1/2
Based on the optimality condition, none of the z-row coefficients are negative. Hence,
the last tableau is optimal.
The optimum solution can be read from the simplex tableau in the following manner.
The optimal values of the variables in the Basic column are given in the right-hand-side
Solution column and can be interpreted as “conclusion”
The solution also gives the status of the resources. A resource is designated as scarce
if its associated slack variable is zero—that is, the activities (variables) of the model
have used the resource completely. Otherwise, if the slack is positive, then the resource
is abundant. The follow- ing table classifies the constraints of the model:
Remarks. The simplex tableau offers a wealth of additional information that include the
1. Sensitivity analysis, which deals with determining the conditions that will keep
the current solution unchanged.
2. Post-optimal analysis, which deals with finding a new optimal solution when the
data of the model are changed.
3. método grafico y método simplex 13.25 min.
4. Problemas de Optimizacion - Programacion
Lineal – Matlab 6.20 min
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