Evaluation of Flux
Evaluation of Flux
Evaluation of Flux
Life Sciences
Life Sciences
Does Electric Current Analysis for Broken Rotor Bars Always Work?
There have been a few instances encountered when the reliability of using
the dB difference between the Lf amplitude and the Lf-(NPxSF) sideband
amplitude to predict broken rotor bars has been questioned. On each
occasion, there has been sufficient data missing to prevent a clear indictment
against the procedure's reliability. For example: one instance was
encountered in this study when an inspection reported the majority of the
rotor bars in the motor to be broken or cracked. The vibration and electric
current data would not have supported the prediction of such extreme
electrical degradation. Unfortunately, the most recent electric current data
was collected 6 months prior to repairs. Two possible explanations are:
Would this same observation apply when a known eccentricity was present?
Since no documented examples of eccentricity existed in the study database,
a variable static eccentricity was introduced into a 1.5 horsepower motor.
Lab tests showed a definite change in the vibration amplitudes observed at
the rotor slot pass frequency when the clearance between the rotor and
stator was varied. However, no corresponding change was detected in the
electric current signature.
As a result of the experience gained with the data seen in this project,
feedback from utilities, and the authors' prior experience with vibration-based
predictive maintenance programs, the following general recommendations
for the routine monitoring of electric motors have been formulated:
Data from two additional points will be used to monitor changes occurring at
the higher frequencies, especially in the areas about rotor and stator slot
pass. These spectra should acquire data out to 2 times rotor, or stator, slot
pass (use the greater of the two) plus 400 Hz. The next section describes
taking data at these two points at a much higher resolution for baselines and
analysis than is needed monthly. For the monthly data, use 400-800 lines of
resolution in order to reduce data storage requirements. These two points
IV. Temperature - the inlet air, outlet air, and skin temperatures should be
checked routinely to watch for overheating. This is especially important in
very dirty environments where the motors may be subject to clogging with
contaminants. Elevated temperatures shorten insulation life and thereby
motor life.
The analysis of the electric current signature of the motor has proven to be
very reliable for quantifying broken rotor bars when used properly. Many
other techniques have been shown to be sensitive to rotor bar faults, but
have not been shown to be as reliable or to provide an estimate numbers of
broken bars. During this study, no other motor faults were determined from
an examination of electric current signatures. Unfortunately, the number of
faults reported in the study was small. Nonetheless, our examination of
various line current spectra out to 800 Hz and 5000 Hz did not reveal any
useful findings for fault detection on the set of motors monitored.
A commonly used indicator of the presence and severity of rotor bar faults is
the dB amplitude difference between the amplitude of the NPxSF side band
to the left of the line frequency peak and the amplitude of line frequency. This
sideband results from a prominent torsional asymmetry being produced. This
paper shall follow the convention used by General Electric Company and
EPRI in their article "Non-invasive Detection of Broken Rotor Bars in
Operating Induction Motors", and label this sideband asLSB1. Therefore
SF = (2 * Lf/NP) - F
Figure 1 shows data from a four pole motor with a rotational frequency of
29.74 Hz and a line frequency of 59.98 Hz. Using the given formulae we
Note the LSB1 sideband one hertz below line frequency at 59 Hz.
Fault Criteria and Constraints
n = estimated number of broken rotor bars
dB = dB amplitude difference between Line Frequency and LSB 1
NP = number of stator poles
R = number of rotor bars or slots
Use these values and the equation just given for estimating the number of
broken rotor bars to arrive at the following prediction:
As was stated this formula is conservative; this motor had 4 broken rotor
bars rather than the estimated 2.5 bars.
Effects of Load
The degree to which the unit is loaded affects the temperature of the motor
which in turn affects thermal expansion of cracks and breaks. Reduced load
may not produce enough heat to open cracked bars.
Load also affects the speed of the motor. As the motor becomes more
heavily loaded, the rotational frequency slows and the slip frequency
increases. The greater the slip, the greater is the frequency separation you
will observe between LSB1 and line frequency. The lighter the load, the
larger the ratio between line frequency amplitude and that of the LSB1
sideband; especially, as load moves below 50 percent of full load. From 50 to
100 percent load this effect is less significant. Figure 2 shows the effect as
the load moves from 25 to 115 percent of full load amps. Notice the
sidebands in relation to line frequency.
Figure 3 is from the same motor as Figure 1, except the load has been
reduced to 40 percent. In Figure 3 the line frequency amplitude is 42 dB and
the LSB1 amplitude is 4.5 dB. This gives a delta dB of 37.5 dB at 40 percent
load as opposed to 33.2 dB at 100 percent load. Using this new value results
in the following:
The data obtained when the motor was at 100 % load resulted in a prediction
of 2.5 broken rotor bars. The data at 40% resulted in a prediction of 1.5
broken rotor bars. More dramatic differences can occur. Always acquire data
as near full load as practical for the most reliable results.
Rotor Bar Analysis Results
A primary purpose of this study was to examine the use of current signatures
for rotor bar analysis as part of existing periodic predictive maintenance
surveys. Data was received from 9 utilities on a total of 371 motors over a
period of approximately 2 years. Some motors have 1 set of data, others
have multiple data acquisitions over the period. Table 1 summarizes the
results. Due to the quantity of data being reviewed, a commercial rotor bar
analysis program, MotorCheck®, which attempts to compensate for load
variation, was used to analyze the data. Figure 5 compares the manual
calculation using the given formula with the automated calculations across a
wide load range for a motor with 4 broken rotor bars. Data from motors with
less than 50% load were considered unreliable and therefore classified as
invalid in the table. There were also a few motors on crushers, pulverizers,
etc., where the load was so inconsistent that the data was judged invalid.
The net result was valid electric current data on 287 motors.
If the motors with invalid data are excluded, then 85.7% of the motors
indicated less than one broken rotor bar. At this level of fault prediction, the
motor is normally still considered to be in acceptable condition. The 11.5% of
the units which were estimated to have 1 to 3 broken bars may be
considered marginal and require increased monitoring of the electric current
signature for warning of future degradation. There may be a broken rotor bar
but other asymmetries such as high resistance joints or casting voids can
contribute to the prediction. Those units (2.8%) which were calculated to
have greater than three broken rotor bars were considered to have at least
one but probably multiple broken bars; these units should be monitored
closely and inspected/repaired at the next outage. If used in a application
requiring frequent stops/starts, especially if starting under load, then
continued use of these motors was not recommended.
Figures 5 through 8 show the trend of the number of broken rotor bars
estimated for four motors for a period of approximately two years. These
motors were chosen as examples due to the differences between the
calculated severity. In general, the data from all motors proved to be very
repeatable if the load was maintained above 50 to 60 per cent of full load.
Figures 5 and 6 show data from two forced draft (FD) fans which the electric
current analysis predicted to have approximately 5 broken rotor bars. While
FD Fan 4A shows a very slight increase in the number of broken bars
predicted, FD Fan 3B shows little or no change. At the end of the study FD
Fan 3B was inspected and found to have 4 broken rotor bars. These motors
are typically run at 65 to 70 per cent of full load and are seldom shutdown or
Data was not acquired which could be used to trend a similar situation in any
motor subjected to shock loading, starting under load, or with frequent starts.
The motors we could trend showed very consistent data with no significant
degradation. Motors subjected to more severe service conditions would be
expected to have a much greater likelihood of rapid degradation and/or
Rotor bar faults are a clear exception to the statement just presented, and
are difficult, if not impossible, to confirm or quantify using vibration alone. In
addition, rotor bar analysis using the electric current signature, is virtually
unique in that the extent of the fault can be mathematically estimated with
some accuracy.
When sidebands of the NPxSF are visible about the rotational frequency and
its harmonics in the vibration spectrum, is this an indication of a rotor bar
problem? The standard vibration signatures which are acquired often lack
sufficient resolution to see these sidebands. To evaluate the Occurrence of
this characteristic, high resolution (200 Hz at 3200 lines) vibration data was
acquired from 30 motors at a single Site.
Thirteen of the thirty motors had very clear sidebands about 1xRPM spaced
at the NPxSF. Most had the same sidebands about the harmonics of RPM as
well. Of the 13 motors with sidebands, 4 motors had an estimated number of
broken rotor bars of 1 or more. The most severe having an estimated 5.8
broken bars. The 2xLf (120 Hz) and slot pass frequencies in the vibration
signature of these motors were all below 0.02 inches per second peak
velocity and would not seem to indicate the presence of some other electrical
fault, such as an eccentric air gap.
Of the 17 motors which did not have clear sidebands in the vibration spectra,
all but one had readily discernible sidebands of NPxSF about line frequency
in the current signature. Four of the 17 were estimated to have between 1
and 2 broken rotor bars.
Figures 9, 10, and 11 show vibration data in linear and log scales, and
electric current data from a motor with 0.4 estimated broken rotor bars.
Figures 12, 13, and 14 show the comparable data from a motor with 5.8
estimated broken bars. The motor with less than one estimated broken rotor
bar has NPxSF sidebands of the highest amplitude and greatest number.
Use of these two factors from the vibration signature as the sole criteria
would erroneously indicate the first motor was the most severely degraded.
Neither condition was confirmed by inspection and/or rebuild.
These findings do not support the use of the NPxSF sidebands in the
vibration signature as direct indicators for the presence of, or the severity of,
broken rotor bars. Neither the amplitude nor the number of sidebands
appears to correlate with the electric current data. Very low levels of 120 Hz
and slot pass frequency would not indicate eccentricity as a potential cause.
While broken rotor bars may contribute to the existence of these sidebands
there seem to be other unidentified factors affecting this pattern which
complicate the interpretation. Nonetheless, it is the authors' opinion, that until
additional evidence is presented to substantiate these findings, the presence
of prominent NPxSF sidebands in the vibration signature should still prompt
the acquisition of an electric current signature for rotor bar analysis.
APPENDIX C - Comparison of the 0-800 HZ Electric Current Signature
Before and After the Repair of Four Broken Rotor Bars.