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Forts Palaces Have 00 Cent
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tottto % mPv^hI ak 3 fkrro ww to Rt TOtrotfroR frofTORTOT to r1 Rajasthan, situated in the western region of India has a diversity
«’*<*> fa 3 to) TO^rot f i ,H^i)rd=h frorotroTOTTOf ^ to'^rf Tfrffa r) tototItoto of geophysical features which add to the richness and variety of
TO TOhTI 'Mild ^*^=5, 'TO TOT TTOTOt Midi M-IITOI t'l TO! TOlMdl M^idHIdl, its cultural expressions. It has the Aravalli range of mountains,
forested valleys, lakes, wild life sanctuaries and the desert sand-
dunes. Pakistan and Punjab and its history dates back to ancient
% Zt^ frok t'l TOTTTO % ZTOT ^ ^ TOk % RTTOTO fTOR) TTtTOTTO TOR
times. Kalibangan, an Indus civilization site in northern Bikaner,
was an important walled city of the Harappan period. Above all,
tort) TOkrkr TO Rry+idlH to’totot % Rrotk RTrorkroro f tot fir f i tk Rajasthan (which means the ‘Land of Kings’) is the cradle of
kaT To k TOTkkkt k froa to tot toutomIh t klr toto tototI tot distinctive Rajput culture and traditions.
TOTOTTOTTO TO TO*} i- TTTOTTOf TO TORI TOf eft TTRJTO TTTOhfa Ref TOTTOTOTOf From the seventh century A.D. to nineteenth century A.D., the
TO kk TTOT t'l history of Rajasthan witnessed the rise and fall of the Rajputs. The
TOTOTTOTO TOTekf TOTTOTRl k tfRT ZhI TOdl TOI®{I TO TO TRTTOR TO ^fTOTTT word ‘Rajput’ is derived from the term ‘Rajaputra’ which means
‘sons of kings’. They trace their descent from the lineage of the
sun and the moon and belong to kshatriya-the warrior caste. The
Rathors of Bikaner and Jodhpur, Gahlots and Sisodias of Udaipur
ti RtRkr ktr klTO^r % <idl<, rr k TOrokk tr fkktftTOT totot tort
and the Kachhawahas of Jaipur are Suryavanshis, clans claiming
k RT5TOTTOT TTOTO Rt Tjtkft TTTOT TOTOTOTTO TR TO TORT TORt t, TOTOfk descent from Lord Rama. The Bhattis of Jaisalmer claimed to be
^TTRtT % TOft 3Rt Rt TOTOft TORt tl R% TORRT TO TOt TOR TORT Chandravanshis, of lunar descent. It is said that the Chauhans,
t fTO ktTOR, TTtRTOt, TORT TOTOT kTTTO TOnfTO k #TO TOR TOfa k TOfTOTO Solankis, Paramaras and the Deoras emerged from the sacred
TOpH^k k TOTOT fir tl firepit or Agnikunda on the summit of the holy Mount Abu.
TOefTOR TRTTTOR k fTOTOTO t 3kR TOR *1, kfRTO ZTOt k kTOlf (fTOftTOR Although there were a number of states in the present day
TOTOT TORT^T), TOltr (TOPJT) TOTOT TOTTRTO (ttTOfT, tTOdk kk Rajasthan, the three most prominent were Mewar (Chittorgarh
krokr) t tk RR tl ^fTOTTT t TTTOT-TTTOT TO TTTOJeff % TOf)— kk iTO
and Udaipur). Amber (Jaipur) and Marwar (Jodhpur, Jaisalmer
and Bikaner). Time and again, Rajput strongholds such as Chittor,
Mewar, Ranthambor, Marwar and many others were attacked by
Muslim armies. Mahmud Ghazni in the eleventh century A.D. and
Mohammad Ghori at the end of the twelfth century A.D. attacked the
tRTO t 3RrtT TO TORTT 3TTfTOR TOR iRR Rl state of Rajputana followed by Qutub-ud-Din Aibak who beseiged
t-M. Rtrok' TOTTRt t TORREZ feRTOf t RTTOktT TORT PddW % fTOdf TO Ajmer. Alaud-Din-Khalji in fourteenth century A.D. captured the
toIrtott tor froro ri grot tottoto tort tor froftftR Trgro rr rr % Fort of Ranthambor and Chittor. In sixteenth century A.D., the
battle of Khanwa was fought between the Mughal Emperor, Babur
and Sisodia chief, Rana Sanga, which ended in a Rajput defeat.
Shortly after, Babur’s grandson, Akbar established supremacy
over both Marwar and Mewar and married a Rajput princess of
^ Id TOMS TOTT fTOR TOi, fTOTOt TOR t 3TTtT ^TO TO TOTTTOTO fTOTRI the Kachhawaha clan, which ruled over Amber region.
^TOT¥ Mewar
JJ,R<ld 't *l6dld TOTOT % did TOR TTTOTTRTO % TOfTOTO-1^ f?TOt The Gahlots, later known as the Sisodias, migrated from Gujarat
tTOR TO 3TTTOTT TOTO TOTO «f eft t fTOTOlRdl TORTOTt TOt ^1 ZTOt TRfRT and occupied Mewar, which lies in the south-east of Rajasthan.
Their earliest inscription in Rajputana is dated 646 A.D.
yNlddM fTOTTOT^TO iTO 646 RT tl tRTO Rt R#T TOTOft fTOdl^d^ f tTTO
Chittorgarh, the ancient capital of Mewar, has a magnificent fort
with thirteen kilometres of battlements which encloses not only
t, TOfdR it^-fTTt TOt t, TOft 3TTOTRT TTOtTOt Rt TOTTOt ^tR RTlt tl ddTSMl palaces but also lakes and reservoirs that can support thousands
ReTRft % TOR t Rfk 35 TOTOf TOR Iddl-SdC TOT R1TR RTi R^ TORT of inhabitants. Kumbha, who ruled Chittorgarh for thirty-five years
^TR t TOTOT TRTOeTORTOTT % d*^1, 'tt fR TOftRt cRTOJT t ^TTOTOTTOTO from mid-fifteenth century A.D. onwards was responsible for
several architectural achievements, such as- Fort Kumbhalgarh in
fftRn, w^z 3tt^ ft srrrr fftRn, fftftfefR fern rr 73ft MJra southern Udaipur, Fort Achalgarh in Mount Abu, the Victory Tower
-+WIH ft 3*3 ttr ftl fftftU'i<i % fft# 3 ftl h4]h)4,{ui ^rcjri «ni at Chittorgarh, and for the innovations and additions to the Fort at
ft^rs #1 Trsmpft ft TsiHMfta fftift Rift ft y Ah ftl' ft ftfti rr
Chittorgarh was invaded three times by the Muslims before the
##533 33 31TsH'Mul fftRl «nI 73f 1303 ft fftr# ft? W 31HH<1h
capital of Mewar was shifted to Udaipur. In 1303 A.D. Alaud-Din-
fed41 4 ##5 ## 3RT #3 fw # 3cft 3lftt 3#ftftl ft IftRTF ft? 3#3 Khalji, Sultan of Delhi, laid seige to Chittorgarh in an attempt to
ft fftftU'l<2 RTt ft3 #31 «m marry the famous beauty, Rani Padmini, the wife of Bhim Singh.
Bahadur Shah of Gujarat attacked Vikramjeet of Chittorgarh in
TpSRTcT ft? ^TW ^ 1533 4' fftftU'ld ft? fftsfcMftld 33
1533 A.D. In face of defeat, Rani Karnavati, a Bundi princess
3HlsbHU| fftRH 31 331 RR fft*3ftld R?1 #11 513ft Tfftl ftl ftl ftfti #t
led the Jauhar in which many women and children sacrificed
IM'JHld <141 <+)utddl 4 ftf3 ft-^ftl RR «lfel % 733 #51 idvHI 311 H'K
their lives. However, her own child, Udai Singh was smuggled
71# Rift'd d) RH 3T3R?1 ft?R7 3RRfft5 f## 3R?R RR 331 *11, 41 R1R ft out, and he lived to inherit the throne of Chittorgarh. In 1567,
fR#53R 33 RRTlfRRTRl R31I 7Ff 1567 ft "5331 W 3TR?R7 4 fedW'la; A.D., the Mughal Emperor, Akbar beseiged Chittorgarh but
#1 ft7 fedi «n. 4fed <mi ^^Ahs fe41 y<+iK rr Pi=t>cii 331 <$nd Udai Singh managed to escape and founded Udaipur, the new
33337 #1 rwu #1 #1 ftf, 41 ftRR % wr4 4 3#3i yRnn rirrf
capital of Mewar. The rulers of Mewar were known for their
resistance to the Muslim invaders. However, compromise with
IRRftftf ft #51 #31, 337 3dSR7 illdl# 4 333# 73R5 ft? RTRR Fl4t'
the Mughals in the seventeenth century A.D. reduced the threat
33 73371 RTF# RR # 331 31, fR3lft 531 #fft R3R 4 R1 # 4 TUft^dR)
of invasion and enabled them to devote more time for cultural
dfdftlftRTt #1 RRTRl ffteRI pursuits.
dRRjJt ft 3#R? #R 3R3 t, # R51 ft? S'IIRRiT % ftM ftR #t R#ft The city of Udaipur has several beautiful buildings that speak
t'l fft# ft#R-313#, 337-35R go#' oft TMIRd R?R1 331 WJdf #1 of the aesthetic taste of its rulers. The City Palace is a blend of
ftftlR? RITcjRidl ft? fftf33 OR OiT RR? ftR7 RRI5<u| f| fq#d! #01 % Mughal decorative art and Rajput military architecture. It is a
massive edifice built on the shores of Lake Pichola. The walls
fftTdft 03 R31 35 RR? tftw 000 ftl 53TR?1 RI571 #Rlft ftl# 3?37 Oil
on the outside are built of thin slates of sandstone and covered
Mdetl MldVfeft ft «h! ft 331 30 03 R^RRi# 00 #3 30 fed I 001 ft I
with the finest possible white plaster work. In the interiors, marble
dl'dftd. OF! ft fftRlft Oil 3300303 ft OOTOT OOT ft 331 30 03 R31R? OTlft has been used for the walls. They are profusely decorated with
00' OTlftt 0f30T3 ft? ftlOO ft 71RT33 foftOO fOOf, 3?3T0l' #3 3T0lftft[' oft glasswork, inlay work, paintings depicting celebration of festivals,
fftfOO f#OT 001 ftl processions and scenes showing the life in the royal household.
f# 0003 fwtOO #d # 0*0 ft OR t0O131 # ftl ?000 ftlO# OTlftl oftOR Jag Niwas or the Lake Palace of Udaipur is a small island of cool
marble set amidst Lake Pichola. It was a summer resort for the
ft? TTffrftf ft 3# % fcorr foroi 001 011 oftoio ft ^ft fttod ft oftoffto OR
members of the royal household which has now been transformed
fftoi OOl ftl into a Hotel.
OFTftftR oftol 001 OF# 00 ogi 7RJf ft, oil ft30 cTOOl ft, 010I ft# ft Jag Mandir is cluster of pavilions and palaces which seems to
ft3 3F1 fttl god OlOW w?i ft or 3Toft fool Rftoft # f03^ foftlo be floating on the surface of the lake. It was in Jag Mandir that
fORl Ol ftl 30ft Wl R0ftfft3 ft OROl eftt Oil Emperor Shahjahan sought refuge when he rebelled against his
father, Jahangir.
3TT^T Amber
F*7T 7>MI«0 4 + e5dli7l TRiJTT 377^7 4' 7?R W\ «R The Kachhawahas established themselves in Amber around the
twelfth and thirteenth century A.D. Jai Singh II succeeded his father
fefrq TW ^ *Ft 37TJ R 377^7 *FT 37T7Tf*7*F77t 37FT *7TI 77^ 1727 R 37R
as ruler of Amber at the age of eleven. He shifted the capital from
Wit TRRpft *Ft 377^7 3 7*7IHl'dRd F77 W[7 R 7*77^777 *Ft *ft, Rt 1% Amber to the plains, where he built a new city, Jaipur, in 1727 A.D.,
1Frrat % ftf 3 ii ^rrj7 R3777 RftI, iqftm, 7wrar which is popularly known as the ‘Pink City’. The principal building
77*77 37R Wfi *Ft Wl 3 WJ7 % TWh facRt ^ ^ Fc*77 7T*77 ^7777717 material used for the fortress, palace complex, observatory and
other buildings is rubble and plaster along with the local grey stone
*FT ^Hld Rf*77 TRT «TTI dcF^lcf YT?7 *Fl FFTPrl SUFT 3RH *FFl %
found near Jaipur. A rusty pink paint rather than cream has been
AlR ‘Jell 41 777 Tl 7777 TAll used over the plaster which gives a pink hue to the buildings.
T^RlfW fgTTk ^ WTfeT WRt 77*77 Tjfuid^ *7TI 3774 dc4dcd1d <717^*41 Jai Singh II, an astronomer and a mathematician, planned the city
of Jaipur keeping in mind the aesthetic norms and conforming to
47t M 77fc%T75t % fWTT *Ft *ZfH R 77§ *F7 Wj7 *Ft %3RT *Ft
the architectural style of the period. A strong wall encircles the
411 ^PJ7 % RTTt cTW T3of7 H'Jiqd 77t177-'{lc7K ’t 4*77 <MH6cl mRtk A
city in the heart of which is the City Palace. Within the palace
4*7?T7e7T-47777-4777 #1 *74 7F47 47*7f774 £177 RtRlTl 47*7 4*7477477371 4 4 4*77 complex there is an observatory-the Jantar Mantar. It is one of
tl 3F*7 4*74IIHIlf tWt, TT«JTI, 77*77 *77747771 4' tl FFR *74 *4*7171 % the five observatories built by Jai Singh II. The others are in Delhi,
Varanasi, Mathura and Ujjain. Adjacent to the palace walls is the
7Fll*7 ft RT7irH4 % 3717777 % 377747*7 W *747 fPsTFTl ?*7T *7?e7 tl ?71%
Hawa Mahal, a pyramidal facade of five storeys. It allows free
3 3717ft ^T fR ?ft7R TWt tl flt-ftt RTSjf f RsljjRM! tl movement of air which keeps the building cool. It is made up of
?TTtt *7f7777 *74 xri%7H|i/ <?TS7 cf4 *|R|R|(V*7T t^T RTTcft *ft, *7*77 *77?7 small compartments, each with a window through which the women
of the royal household could watch processions in the public street
% did d-t Rtf t^3 *7t4 *ll
seated in the airy jharokhas without being seen themselves.
HK<7Ij£ Marwar
7R7*TR % mRm4I 47*7 f *777 *777 4f77^ RPlT-dH tl ft *717=114 *Fft On the western border of Rajasthan lies the formidable expanse of
tl f77 44 *1 did y^^d d‘l1 tl *Sfl*7*J7 77*77 flddll t 7ldl< d^l dot the Thar desert formerly known as Marwar. This region has three
important cities, Jodhpur and Bikaner dominated by the Rathor
447*7717 t 77*77 t7777*ll f Flfedt dftl f*7 TfNt *7*771 dft ft*7tf77=h ft«7f77 t
clan and Jaisalmer by the Bhattis. The location of these cities
Wf dlT^didl dft ^Rddl dt dFlfdTT fed? tl Fddf dft ^dKK ddFt
has influenced their architectural styles. Jali screens have been
% fdR; ttdTTf t 'dlfddT dd dddfd dfdTdTT ^ f^dT ddT tl fd ^d dft extensively used as panels in large areas of the walls to make
dl'T^ddl dft ddl 37^7 fddtdTd d«R fd dt t, dft 37^dld>K ttt fd the building airy. Another prominent feature of architecture in this
dTdTddt dft 37tdt tl dddt % fd*-lful t f77 ^d t IdW d7d7 dd dgdldd region is the protruding chajjas carved almost to a semicircle
to cover projecting balconies. Sandstone is the basic building
R fTtdTR ^37T t, ddtfd7 d?«77 d7 dTdfHd ddt TH^ddl R fdTdT W
material used for construction in this region. It is easy to work on,
7TdT7fT tl
making it conducive for decorative carving.
dftdy % 7T7S7Tdd7 TTd dftdT t tdTFFTd dd fdRd dddTdl *711 dd fddd Rao Jodha, the founder of Jodhpur, built the Mehrangarh Fort
fTRT *dl t fd7 ddR YldT dft 77tdT dft t^l RI TTddTT tl ?7ft fddd% t Tftdt which is so high that one can see the boundaries of the city. It
H5d 7T*7T ^>cd dddT ':tt y-^7 dd 'R 37dffdT 37td7 H5<d tl H6dl dft houses some of the most intricately adorned palaces-the Moti
Mahal and the Phool Mahal-with exquisitely carved panels and
dfdR 7T«7I RdSfdTdf dttd dd R dcdfM tl
latticed windows.
77d dft*7T % 75^ dd dtdd t 77^ 1485 t dtddt7 d77TdT *711 f77dd Tfd’ Rao Jodha’s sixth son, Bika, found the city of Bikaner in 1485
dd7dduf 37TdTtd ^dTdd dd fdRd t, fdR dTdW 37d7d7 % dd^ A.D. Its outstanding attraction is the Junagarh Fort, build by Rai
'RdTdfd 7F7f77d t fdftd dTTdTdT *711 f77% dTTf dTdl 73T| t d*7T ?77 fdl^ Singh, a general at the Court of Akbar, the Mughal Emperor. It
is encircled by a moat and contains palaces that are beautifully
tf d>t H5d t, dt fdl ddd dfSTTT dfddT37f, Tddf 7T*7T dttd dloikK dddf
embellished by hand carved friezes, pillars and delicate Jali
■R ^?ftfdd tl
HKRIR % ell'll -I'kI ARtI y IrH 4a<'11H RTFR Ril RKSrI Rdl®{l Jaisalmer, one of the oldest of the three cities of Marwar, was
founded by Rawal Jaisal of the Bhatti dynasty in the twelfth century
3' Rff RRT % RRRT %RR1 ^ RRTfRR f%RT STTI R^ WT R%lR>l RR
A.D. It is situated directly on the ancient caravan routes that came
from Africa and West Asia to Delhi and Agra. The merchants
AT fTAA tl AR ^imd TRjTg fti eft R%% RFT AT sHtHRl RAT Rflj prospered on trade and built a number of havelis. ‘Haveli’ is a
F^eft A ATR: RTT-AfR AfTRTT TF^ f'l F%ft A ARR fRRRl ATA RA courtyard building in which four or five families live together.
<S H a! 11 o4(m,r^l Tl ‘lei ‘jellRild R>Rf % PelR fRTRT RTAT AT RAT *M<) Sometimes the ground floor was used for meetings with traders or
for commercial purposes and the upper floors as residence for the
Hpdell AT AfTRTT TF^ «ll FR ARAT Aft RT^ F%7RAt Aft Ph <n I ATT RR>
families. Several havelis formed a mohalla, all of whose residents
HUertil RART AT, Prr4 ATR: ART % W AT? ^srRATR % eftn TF^
were of the same caste and followed a similar occupation. The
«tl FA% RRTFRA ARRf Aft F%ft, ReftA fAF RTf F%ft RAT
classical example of havelis are the Patwaon ki Haveli, Salim
ATS-JART Aft F^eft tl Singh ki Haveli and Nathumal’s Haveli.
4Ad*U % feel 3 99 ^ tl fR% Aft fRRTTRT FfRlff Aft %RRT AcAT % Jaisalmer’s Fort has ninety-nine bastions. The massive walls of
the fort have been built stone block without using any cementing
RRTFf 3 RATRT ART t, fRRf Atfe 3RfR ATT dydVl Rtf fRTRT ART tl
RTRTJT TTR %A Bharatpur and Deeg
R<0^< TFSAJATAT ATRFR R FtRTT Rid RATA All <HR 1722 t 3hi*1< % <IRI Bharatpur was not a Rajput kingdom, but one dominated by the
AAfRF tgeffR t RTR f%tF ^fRJA ARpt RT 'tTTR-K TARA ATR RRA 1% Aft Jats. In 1772 A.D. a Jat called Badan Singh was crowned king of
Deeg by Jai Singh II of Amber as a reward for suppressing the
Jat rebel, Churamun. The Forts at both Deeg and Bharatpur were
fAF t RRRTRT AT RAT ARAfAF % 'JR TJTAAeT t ttA A RFRfl RR fRRW built by Badan Singh, and it was Suraj Mai, Badan Singh’s son,
RTTRTRT ATI t AFRT Rt ■gRRT-RSJTRf % #R Atet M^t ArAT RAT A%F who built the palaces at Deeg. The palaces are built of pale cream
sandstone and white marble and are set in large formal Mughal
gardens. They are ranked by some scholars as next to Taj Mahal
t^3t 1R, IRRTt ^eRRT RftfS dNH^d ^ Rift tl
in beauty and symmetry.
RTRTWRt 4fldl«*0 3ftR) TFRRR RfTRFRt tf RRR Rft RTTSRt tl RSlPn 'fR The eighteenth century A.D. saw the decline of various Rajput
RReT t RRR fRRpR ttRT TFT, RR7 RRft Rftt ^teflJld fRRRR «jPR‘|1r< kingdoms. Though building continued but there was little stylistic
Rtf 1[3RI RRTTfRRRf % RR^ % FRfff % RRRR t RTRFR RTRRtT development. Quarrels over succession made these States
vulnerable to attack by the Marathas and Muslims. Meanwhile,
Rt RRT Wt RRRR RTTRl 3fk ^PPcdhT Rf 3RRRRR % Rfst Rtl ftt RtR
the British were expanding their dominion in India. Between 1817
RffpR Rt RTRR t 3Tqt R^JtR RtRRlTt*tlRR,1817R 1823 %
and 1823 A.D. several Rajput states, Jaipur, Udaipur, Jaisalmer,
RWT 3ffR7 RTRfejR TFRf, f% RfR^f, RRR’Jf, %RRT%, RtRR%, ^tt. Bikaner, Bundi, Kota, Sirohi and Kishangarh signed treaties with
rRrT, Rultt RRI f%RTRRR t 3ftRt % RTR RTRRT Rpf I RR^ 1947 t the British. In 1947 A.D. when India became independent from
RR RTTR 3fthtf % R,J^ ^ RRdR f3R eft RRt RRR RRcftR RFTRR British rule, the rulers of the Princely States joined the Indian
f RTTfRRT tt RTtl
amjNc^i % fcrq; toftttorf jiTrifarfkRTT
ft ^rr 3 fro to 24 trIr frorf Rrt tot rto rt toto % frort The 24 pictures provided in this package can be displayed in the
TOrR^i TOTR TO y<n#td RR RRT^ f I FT fRRj' Rif TOT Rc^ TO TOTT RR classroom or any prominent place in the school. The pictures
FTRR RfHRT ctstt fro % Rt# fron rrt -gro Irrto #r wnk tor # Rt may be stuck on cardboard with the title and description in
regional languages. It can also be studied indepth with activities
Itor rrt^ ti RrortR rtot % ffyfror rtor Rrt <mito RRf % fro; tot
that bring out the educational value of Indian art. The teachers
R frof Rif Rrorf 3 torr tot fwft' % tor sttorr rr tort! t, Rt ft#
can work with a few pictures at a time ensuring ‘students’
TORfRR ffl TORIRTOIR <qt Rf# qp^ R^ Jifdfdfferzff 3 tJTRf R?t flpHPdd
enjoyment in learning by involving them in some activities
RR frof to rr# rr tor# ti ft# to# r# rtr # tor-tor totrr suggested below :
In a large outline map of India, mark the sites of various forts,
RTF# #3T3Tt' RT# TO % R# TORR % HHlRR R# #f RRT TOT# #RT #T palaces and havelis of our country. Find out the location of the
fRfroR gnf, rf# rrt frI/h# % tottr! r# 3ff#R r#i forts and palaces and havelis given in this package.
■aR % ^lT RRT HFcll RTT RTtRRR RR TORI PtrWt RRRT# qi# TTRTRTt # Make a study of the forts and palaces in India and collect information
R# # RHR>k1 H+BlR R#| T-HKRj % fRRfal RTRR RRT R#RR RR #f of the kings, emperors who built these forts and palaces. Find out
RRT RTTOfl F#' # TORfRR PHHPdPyd fRRRf #T R# # #t RMRI# TJ^rfRcT the dates of these monuments and the purpose for which they
R# i were used. Collect the following information :
- #R fR#R #T #cft-#RRT, #tRf#RT RTRT#, RqtFR TtfR-fTORtl — Customs, festivals celebrated in the region and the myths
Tp TO TOTTOt % froP RiP ~^3 RR FT% pTO-fRR RTO^I
Make a sketch/rough outline of the monuments from the pictures
provided in the cultural package.
The forts, palaces and havelis mentioned in this package were
visited by a number of travellers/historians/artists in the medieval
■^PhPto toPr rri totrP % rtr % rtotto ^p RRfroi
period of Indian history and these people have left a vivid and
pRfror to! rPP tototPr rPrrt rr sterrr rr rrrPP ftoto rtot ^P' interesting account of these monuments including the drawings/
RTOTRTR tell fro I 'EF. RT RiT^R RiT fRR ^RR RRI RR RTr4 sketches. Collect such travelogues/memoirs/sketches. Notice
interesting details in these travelogues such as the style of
description, pronunciation of places and the surrounding areas of
RlW* TOTOT RFiP TrTOTRT monuments of that period.
RRp RR? RiT RRT TfP R^RR TOfcTT f pRi RTpR ^6d< TO TTR^P ^fpRR fTOI FT Collect and study the various ground plans of different forts and
RRP RRp RR RTTO TiR, ^ fRi STATOR RRT R«TO, RlR: ^fTOTPPTO, 3Rf«pRi, find out the similarities. Similar studies of ground plans can also
TOT^pRRi 3pk RF RRi pRi RpRppRTRi RiTTRlP tP TOT-^Rp ^ fTOTO TTOTT 't'l be made of your school, home or college showing windows, doors
and other architectural details.
Ri^ riWri PPPr-PPrtr to tokPp RTffe ^rfR tP ^ RT®rr ^ rPPrr
% 3RRR RiP °RRd RRp fll RTR: TO RTOT % RTppRi pRTORTt P 3RTp TO Understanding Religious Concepts
% RiF^RiiPf, gf^rorf to Pr^torP RiP rrtPrr Prrtt ti ftP Rtor rtoPrPP' All religions aim at helping us to lead better and richer lives. The
■p TOT Rp Tp TTRpRR PtoPr RcPpRiP RR fTpTOT RRp ^ TRRRiP RPP outward manifestations of religion such as rituals, customs differ
from one another for historical, economic, political and even geo¬
physical reasons. Many religious rituals and ceremonies are linked
STaRTRRRM 3TRp UTRp' RiP TOR % RTpRp TO pRpTOT TO? RR 3TTORR with the annual agricultural cycle and celebrations of life. Religious
RRp RiP Rip'l RTR # TOTp Pr\, '4fe, ^RT^, ?KdlH, ipR RRT PPTO TOpR TO beliefs have influenced the architects, sculptors and painters of the
Rp Pi RTp Pf RTRRRpP gRlP Pi PTO PP 4ipl by-gone era to create beautiful monuments using specific symbols
and motifs pertaining to each religion.
ctK^txni R RRR RK % Rf R R^ftl tat f I Invite your students to study the religions and people of India and
R«R tRRT Rft f^nsif ^ 133 RtfaR RH Rt R^k f, fRR% collect information on each religion such as Hinduism, Buddhism,
Christianity, Islam, Jainism, Sikhism and others.
R1* 3 R^t-R^t Rjtf ^ Rffl ^R f| ^T Rff 3 wj#R RT RRT
slH^*t RT®? ^("4 R h<> 5'il 3rifq R scrtrl<9 STidl T?l Ancient texts on architecture describe a variety of forts. Durg or
fort is a fortified building which many times encompasses whole
RR^ 3TR % fsff^R Rf R Rfk W>ff #g RT ^fatfRR RTR 3R1PR cities within its walls. In these texts, there is mention of land, hill,
fedl R RTR t RRT R# sfo fRfa Rt RFRitrll % $fd^l-H cTR WR water or island and also forest and desert forts.
R>K % rT % ST^R-T ^ R#|
Students can be taken on educational tours to nearby forts or
^T % fkfRt RTf fT«TT ReTt % Q.ld^lRrl'^h f^RTO R RFf-ijtRT RR
asked to study the history of architecture of a specific region.
^T k' RT '^’f, Red cT«dT I^lRTT RR^ TRT3Tf' R RTf % dk Collect pictures and references of the rituals connected with the
architecture in different regions.
RTfRf fRi'l
Write stories of important dynasties, emperors who built beautiful
3Tqk ^T % farfRT fRdk' R 3TRR R R#' kPk ^ R Rt %
forts, palaces and havelis in our country.
3TRR RftRg; R^ :
Conduct a study of various forts in our country and categorize
3RfR these monuments as per the following :
Desert Fort
Mountain Fort
RTZ ,qfk R^ ^fl
Land Fort
15-A, Sector-7, Dwarka, New Delhi -110 075
Phone : 91-11-25309300, Fax : 91-11-25088637
email : [email protected]
website :
tl dF feen dTTdd t dTtJdTFT FTTTfef fe dffe Tdfe fe fefe 9. fedfer 8TF, fefenjT, TTTSTRTTd
Tfe fe feiy, ddTdT ddT am fel dddd T7T feel dt feldT T7T dddT
TT^IR % TT2TT ^ id ill Tdddd ?TF feTdd ft felFt wftdf dTT TdJF t, fe TT^ 1899 ft
dfe dt aft fe dF fefe Tt dan "JFdd 3TdT d 3d Tfel 3TTdffe
dFTTTfe feddd fdF fFdtd dft fejfd ft fftfftd aft| fet dT ddi
fed t dftdl’ dTeH fed fe ffeneTdd tW t t ddT did ‘dddTd’
dTST ft fedy fe dTTddft fe tel fdd dt tl ft dTIFt WfTdT feTdd ft
1. 3dftr feT ffeetT, fedftT, TTfeTSJTd dl dRTTd fet % FfddTT dTTTTfe t dfe df aft. dTT ^dd fel
ftddd dnddft dft TdTTdT t, fe Fddft TPjfd ft fdfftd dft df fe|
dd TTdTdT tl
3dTdeft dftddlell ft fefe[T ft 11 tfe. dt. <£ daMISI TTSnjcff dit 10. fftfe ftfed, FfefeJT, TT3TWR
fefttd TTdfeftt 3nftr ftatd f I 31dTdT % TWJd ftdldPd TJ3n 5. -del Mgel, FTTdJT, TTSTRirR
FFd^T dft TfeddT dFTTRT FFdfdF ft dft fe dfe dF fedft ft 250
did fdF % ddfe ft Fd Pdiel^dl dFeT dTT fftdfd s[3TT fel Fft fed dtdJT dt ddT dtdTT t dTFT SFldT H6et) fe ddd tl dfed fe
Pbell41 d< ^T tl dFTTFfefe dd dF ffeelT Pdfeell FfteT fe fdTdft dT
<a-sl dft<ye dT 3iitKti*n Tfe ft ■PtPErt tdlfel dfel an I ddfd feft ft|ft t STTdTT-dFf dT fttlfedT TTdl d?eT tl TTT dFeT dTT fedfe dfe fftld tl dFeT dd fel dftdT d^d t dfe dF TTdTFF 3?!t ftddTdT ft
■?fteT ft $<H<bi dfe Fddft 41ei<T dd yfctfiM ftm an ddidi ti Fdftr TddftF dt deft fe fepr dTTdTdT ddT an (fed f ^fedfeT dtf ddldT ddT tl Fdfe Fife dftftf ft Sdddftfed fedl' dTeft dtdlt' tl
elft ft<Pd TJdFt HTdilft dft TTdfdiR Tfe 4 feldH % fedT "dan fed t) I Ttl ddTR FTR-fe ft 3dftc ddT 3lftdT ddf dft dTdR ftt tl Fdfe dTFd did dT fed Td tl ftft dF Pbell ejfefd^eal tl dfe
dTTeT dft TSTTdefe died % ftoRui % Wd ftldT an dddd tl TTTd TTdffardT dFTdfe del dFeT t, feddiT ferfd ddltdd ftr fed dleT ft sldie Fdd fefe fdTdl an ddldT tl dfe Tlisl ddfe df Tift
Fdft dtdld-ft-3nd, ftfdld-TT-TdTd, SlftdT dFel. dtd dan dfrjd ddT fedd Til el dTd TTIdT fe dfe fedT ddT am tl dldd -#T fe dTd-Tnai TJTd dteT dl tl dTdd dleT ft ft FtdTT
rviilHfui dft fften tftf ftft wrid ftftr ’ft ti 6. FdTT dFeT, 'ddy, TTdTTSTR )pTTd feeTT TTTdT y,<b fet feldT ft (gelfll tl Fd fetdT fe fedT dTdT
Fd fib el dTT dftdT diet dTddT dt?! gR (3TTdftdT fftd ft fefftd) al ft-at ft feldT t, ffedft FtdTT me/e/ dan eqfe/ ft fedT fe TTdTdT tl
FdT dFeT, dd^T dTFT dft ddT "TJTdT dFdTd F dan dFTTTdT TTdTt ddTd
mdffts daR -gRI fedfefeT dfeT an dan feF dfdTd-d;-3nd sfk Fd dFeT ft STftdT eq STTdTTT fe dFeT dt t'l dftdT dFeT ft dftft dTT
ffe ft TTd_ 1799 ft Tddd fddfe dTTdTdT dll dF dfe dfe el I ddd
ttfed-d;-13Td ftr #d ttaid tl Fdftr £RT Sim dddl feel % feFIFT drift t, dt 'JiNJl ffeeTTTT dFeT ft ffefd-T ffeddT dft qsifd feTeT
TTd’Jd dlTeJ+ell dTT 3PJ3T FdTFdd tl Fddft fe 3dddftdld ejeTldf
eT^ ffefel fee d*n sifes dft dlefl dfe dfed ZTFed feTeTT feftft dTT
fftaft draft ft dftdT dTTdt tl dftdT gR dft fedTt fttfef ft aneft ^dd Idle) dearr ft fet felFfedf feft Ft dddt t. fe fe fepdTsft fe
ffed dFet Fd TTfedFeT dTT d^d did tl dTfftdT dFeT drfftdd fe feldl
Rasfedl ddlf df aff. dTfe dTlftt dftdR dft ftdfeT ddft 3 dTFT % fet % ffelfeT dd andld fteft tl ITTdft dFeft dl ftfeft 3dlft ft
fddfe dan dtdt dFeT fttft % feTTft ftr fftfe yRh»S tl dtd ffeeTTd
fdTfeT-dTeTTd ftt!, fdi^d dTFT ft fet dftf d ftS did) I FeldT TT?d yi‘l,Jl dft Tlftft t daiT td dtdT dfeell ft <bqe1 dfedft
dFeT ft dfe ft dfedeT dTFlfdftf ftl ^dd ftfeTTI dT tfeffed t
dddt dft die;4 ydld dTTd % feiy, fttft dft dafttdTTtt 3TTd Tiap^d fe tJdd 11 Fdl dFeT dd dlld dTd ferft ftfe dT feldT dd dTdTTT
dt yield fftelld dFeT ftr ftlT feldT dft ftfeTTt dT fe|d dFtd did ft
fteft t, ftfdTd Fd ddd ft dTTFaTFT % ddfe % dW4<bell % fejft fen tl dTTTTd ft FdT dFeT dd fddfe FTTffe fedT ddT an fe fet
dlT ffefdd tl fet dFeT ftr Ft-dt fedtfe dan dTWT dft meiei dFeT
td- ftFTM^dl Tfededdiell dTT dt ddfetd fedl ddT tl dftdTT dft fetdl' FddT 953 3TTeTT dan fedfedt ft t TTF deleft
3ddTftdT sfk gfe td ft fdfftd tl
fedTdTdTsft dft fe Tfe. fdd^ dTFT ft dfe ddf d fe Tfel STfelftdT
2. ^flyi d^ee, 3TTitT dCT fcbcdl, dRdjr, TT3TT2TFT
fed ft FdT dFeT dd ’jag dTd fel dT TTdTdT tl FfenjT dTT dF fdfe ftfed ^'iPeldl dfefefe fteft dfe TM^elHl ftfdfe
STTftr % feet dd ftdf 4usm ft dPmell t dan Fddft ddT dTdee apt feTT^feen dTT TjdT fdfen tl
7. ftsiHdd fdTeTT, femTJT, TMWIM
ftfft ftr ftft t dan Tjdft dd dfftl % fedTI dd ftfft ft tt ftftl
11. Fife ftfed, dfefe^T, TNfyn
HSel — Sjaifd^, dffeft dd ddef da|T dtdld-'q-Wff ftafd tl fed^T fel TanddT TTd fed! ft d^ 1459 ft dft aft I dF 235 dl. ftfe
tffe d?aR dft ddfe' dT fed t dan ddiJT ft FTTdft fe 386 I4fet fedlfet ft fdftteTT FfteT fedt df aftl Fft-dfe dFTftdf ft ffeft
dd fed dffe H6el dd t dan ffldt qlqiO dan t5d R ejtS-'Std
fftell41 i< tl dF feeTT ftFTTddd fe dTd ft dffe t, fe ffe ftdpft FTT FfteT fe SlftdT fed dfe SfTTTdTTT feTd-fedtft t dfe dF dfed^T
3TddeI mils'll dit fqRnoi dd t dST dT dddT tl dfel fe
dTFT fe ftfdft dft TfefftdT fedlft tl
td t 122 dtdT TJTdT fed tl dF d^T ftfet fttdR t fed t ddT
^Jdeldi d dd ddT fedd deny, dit t, dl did dffe ddel ddd
FddT 3lftdT dTdftft tl FTTdft fef dtdR dan dTdftft dTTdft dftd ftddTdT ft fdfftd fed fdfed Wt dfffeR feT dfftdl ft TFd dTT
d3dT an, tt ddddlt ftdRl t dddTdT 3TRRH til
ffedlt ftft t'| tft dt Fdfe TTTd FTdfe t, ddT feaq FTdTdn -dS Ft dFeT fel Fd dFef % wft dfe ftdFfdTdT FfteT dft dTfe TfeTd tl
dddl dd tie4 qqrd di<t fe feiq vflt dff dddfeTt add ddpjd
tl tl Tffe fe d?d ft fed WT FTdNI dfeFJT dleT dT TJST Fd FfeldTT dftdT dTT dTdf ftddTdT dTT t, eft Td'd ftdTFd d?aTT ft
teil t, el fed fd ddd t dTTddtf fe ddd % tfetdTeTT di dijt
dddd tl dldTel ftd, dlft ftd, ttddTTdFT ftd dad ftFTTdf ft 3Tefed fdfftd I FTlftr feld fedtfe fe ddfet ^addftfer f d«n dTdt dTfeft ddTR
tt- tdddfTT ^ailMcdddl dd tl WT fedT ddT tl
tl Fdft7 dfe dfe FIT eftF dteT dT ddt fe ddF dfftdf fe FT«ff fet ft deffTdl Fdftr TWd fdfeRT ft dTdeT ftr ejefl ftr dafe ’Jdd dTTdt
3. ftrt ttfe, dfedfeT, dd^T, TTdRSJTd WT fet dT ddTdt tl fet eftF dteT ft TITdT 3ffdd dR ^sdiT ddft ■Jedlddlftf dft F#ft felft 3TddT fdfdffefe t'l fdftr deTTfe Fd% dfdfe
ddRdTd dd dffeS "JeTTdt W ddy 3TTdd t 241 feefltfe ^ dftft diT dddTT el'lldl ffeeft ft ded dTTm f| Tddd dfe FK TJTdf dteT ft Idjftdt dd dTedTfe dt tl fed fdfeRT dft 3Tfe FtdeT dd fed ft ffedT
t dan ?t 3TTfe % ddTddT ddTt ddftd t ddTdT am ddT % fe fet Ttfe fet 3TdeT 4Jlel ft fe TTTd FTdTT ft -did tl Fd yfe F dfeT F dfe feF etfe ftefd FtdeT ftr did ft feTdT feTdT tl
dad q ffed d? ddeT ttdT qldl< t fed tl ddeT dd ddffedT TTf fe fedftdd ffefe ft dtdt dFef, TTTFt fed! dTT fddTTT-TaiTd TJeT 12. fed ftffeT, FfefeTjr, TTfeTfelfe
dfetd ddd dan dHT dfdTR dtddeT t. feddd fedfe 1724-34 dFeT, TTeftd dfe, ’gTeft dfeFT fe dffe, dTTeTdTT fttfe, dTgFT dfe,
dfefe^T ft ftfed dF dftdfe fed dffeT ryalell FfteT % feftfepftt ttd dT
t fedT ddT am $tl fe del del ddT dT ddT dt dTd) yldM fddTTT dPJFT dft dfe daiT TTdt dTefTd 3ftT 'JeTTd TTTdT dTddT fe fet elleiN
dd) 1551 ft fdfftd f3n fe dfe Fddd 'JfefeTddT dfed, feaft^
dTddT ddT tter dTTddT t da[T dtl t TTddTdT dfl ddt ddT ddT fefe ft feTd tl Ifefe dft fedt fed fet ft fdddd t - FdT dffed
dFet Fddft dfe ffeffdd dFfeTd tl ffeft dmf ftfe ft fedfeTfel fel feF
ddfe efdT dfidt tl dd H6e1 fe dddefld TdT dd STfedddT dTd 3dd dTT dFeT, dddld fe fefeT fdTdTt dTeTT died el ffeeTdd fe dan dFeT
dtd ft ttaid 'gdel TandcfedTed dleft ft fdfftd dddl ft ft dfe
etdl fe dT8T t td 13TT tl dd? dddT t dd dT^T ttdT TTT dT fed fe ^ ddi feeft effe-fefe Wl
tl feFfeTfe Tftd, fel dTfe ft dTfefefe feTFfeFT dT dTd ft dfft^ f31T
dftTdt dTeTT dT?T t, feddfl ttTTTd ^dlefl tl dfedeT % dfed-^t 8. FTTTdTd, mull dFeT, ffeei-l'l® W ffeedl, fertlMaT, fe, TTd, 1623 ft dFT TFT dRdT fe, fed TSdft 31dd fddl feFfdtT fe
t dldTd-d-aTTd tl deferd t Tt 3dt 4et(l fe Ted t TfedTeT fedT TTdTdTTd feaeiidi fdfelF ffefel fel
dT TFT tl dTTtt dd/d/, dd dFed fe dfedd t ftard dd> fedTTed
ftFTTddd fdfe fe dd dFeT fe fe fdFlf did ft ffe^d W^JFJJ dTT 13. ^Tdedis fel fibeei, fedeH/leo, Tlfe^n
ddd tl dTdeT dFeT dan dlfdd td tfe ddd fe tl TJT5T fed tl
fddfe dFirrar ddfer fdF ft fe 1670 ft dTTdTdT 8TTI fel TF77d7dTT
dFTTfel fed! ?JTT dddRIT dfeT fedeTdd dTT feF fdTfeT dfe dafe dFTtl
dd H5el % TTtlM tl yfe<S ddTIlell ddT-tdT (3TTdffe fed) tl
Tfe y,tey yi‘lul dial dFeT fefe tl fft dleft Idelld fe dTd ft dH
fdTeTT tl dfedgr ft elddd 90 fdiei!41i< dft ejft dT ftatd feF fdTfeT
tl dF ddffe fgdld ®TT 18dl dTdfel fe fed t ddfe df dfef
midi tl WJfJl ft TFIeft feel STTTTfe SIJlJ4 t, fed dT dfeTdTR ufe
Tdjfe del ft 1087 dldT dft Wdlf dT ftaid tl ftTF fwtf ft ffeTT f3n
tawneTTSTl't TTdt dtl tl 3Rd dddlTefe fefe, d^TT, dfed dan
tl dF erfe ftftfe draTT dft dfed dTT ddldl dfe t dan fe feF fdTefe FTT dFTtl dft TTdft Wdl fttfl dT ftatd tl ftdTF ft
drofel f ti
dT dfed Td ffedT dfe %l 'jhmi fe si el eft ft ei'fl mifeidl fet y^e dTT Pbell dfe fedeldd dTT ffeeTT ddfPddT dFWjft dlft felel tl
4. dTTRTf dd ffedT, dTd^T TTdTWTd dTfe dFeT fe SfddTd dft eTddTdt slRdl dTT fed Td dfed dTTdt tl
Fddft dRyldiel dTTdft ftttt t dfe dlyesIHI STefed T^dfifeell Fdft'
WTS fe fet dTT fefe dfedF t TTd. 1600 t dTTdTdT am fet dtrfedd dfe FtfeTdtT fe fed T33T ddfe ttfe, feffe deftdT ddft fe
ftfddft dft 3Tld eftdf ftr TFft dd dfefdT Tfed dt fel Fft dfeft ft
% dfe dT tdldt Selfe dan ddy dd feT ^Sfd fel dT TTdTdT 3Tlft ft ‘jmeeil t, Fd me/ft dft dpjftt IfetddT tl
elddd 15 dft dTT ddfe eTdT fel ddt dt dfe dft TSTdeT ftr fttd ft
g3T 377 ft 53 7137 M§tl '3TI H4dl tl 53 r=ticrl % Hid ftmeW'M ■fftlft tl hIPh tl TJ®! S73lt tl ftftt 71737 3 3741 ull 4 Old A t tl 53 5lf8T3f 3)1 7J5 383 ifft ft^ira 37 ft3T3-f33K 3*3 73133 3lt
ST3T7ft, 3133 333 ft g3i <},<it 3rt Tiftft |g 333 m<414 323 cjdi4i< 3*3 7J7^1 t> %!< ^3 33331 TJTTI SR 37 7^13ft t) 7JS^ 3737 tl ■gST ft ftf33 tl 571 71571 33 31^3-313 7^f5 P4elt<1 3*3 37«lft
gt gt Pd'KIll % fTft 3ft fttTTT 7lftt 33371 ft pHd4< 5ft 3lft?I f377t ft 37«Rf ft 3ftt p5>ll<rl4l3 ftt3^t S? ^ tt ftltt 31 71317ft 37 Held TT313ftt 334 33 fft^l'jell FI tl 3K ft 713 1723 ft 1756
31T71 tl 3lft3T Sldlt! % 317TT3T 5H*-I g7373rII, fttTTtlcI 71*3 gfft t 3*3 TTTlft 163t TTTlt 3ft Hfft^l 733 3ft ‘ it 3. 713t sft, ftt j37 tl #3 fttnft 3133 tl 3fft3ftt 313 ft 3R3lt 33 71571 333T31 331
3Tlft % ftfST ftt tl 313 73t tl 73333 tl Tlftt 46C1 3ft ftldlft Held 71^ Pddl ft *31 ftf3H -JT: 73} 1888 ft 1940 tl 3*11 5ft g3fftfft3 377 3lft 35T
571 f377t 3ft 3T5ft ft3ft 3lf 3fe 33 ft? tt f I 337lf737 3T37tft y3(Pd t 383 ft53f373f ft ftftl ftttf ^fttf33 tl 7T3t3 tl ftWl 33T3T 7T31 SRI 3t?I SR % 3371 ft tt 713, 1864 ft 531 71571 ftt
3ft 33? 333ft <3^1 "I, P?d 33 TP3T3ft 33 3T37T 3571 7jfttp37I 'll 31733 ft 7pft 3371 371 3f3f33 tai 31 33731 tl tl 37 ftlft ft ftffts f373I 331 83, ftt f37 3T3gi ftsiS ft?3 5tf73S 531 71571 tl
571 ftp % 3lft37 chit d-llutl 1ldl<“0 "4' 33 33 tl 31337 373713 tl 7ltW-3T 33 ^73 ftt ^€f ft ft 337 11 713, 1654 313313 3ft 3I77J3773 3ft fttfftfft tl
ft 33 3? 7331713 3B71 tftTTl 3lk 3T3SH 3173 tl 337 337R ft 3?
14. Ulftl<, <pR335 33 faf33T, cp77335, 71317*113 22. ftunftT 33 ft^, ftnriftT, <M<*II1
f331T3lftt 773lfftTft3 31753773 33 3533 4<I6<UI tl
7^37133 % ttlTl 3ft 3T5ft Tfteft 3lt -POP 33 ft? llftft tl ftriTlftl 3ft 7*333T 3THt 753ft tl TPJTI <IHel tlKd ft 1155 ft
19. TJ-lRra 33 'fen, tl<4H<, <M7*1 H
53l3fl loHdl 3ft 7J713T tl-1 3ft H6I-} <0313 3ft 3®Mdl ft 3)t 733 3lt 8ft 3*3 735 837 tl <Pl<71T3 ft ft|S3J7 ft 287 P4dlftlcl< g7 fftn
71377ft tl 715 1488 ft 713 75331 tl 53 3t33 SRI 3t37H7 TSilPld f373I 33T tl 735 f3773 76 Tft37 ftltt ftgiZI 35T5t 37 fftlS t 3*3 9.1 Tffel
831 3137137 71?7 7137 H 53I 37T RTft 733SR t sftl 3? 1337 3ftt Tjftt fttt 35713SR St3R ft ftll tl 57lt g<?3 33 sftr tr^tt 377ft tl
15. 317337 371 3573, 317337, TT3fTSJT3
Ilf i^fft ^ fftld tl 57lt) 3lft 71737 5 - 6 Pcllftlil ttsl 37*R 3ft ■fftlT 99 pj]d 31 tgt) iftl 7537ft sft| ftlTl ft f7*13 gig mdl
313133 3163 % 3571 33 PiHi,JI 3F3T 315333 ftt? ft 77} 1793 ft ■331 ftniSR tt3R tl STlt) 313 1J151 SR 33 Till ^pH'ld 3f7t3It tl
tl PdMpHd Hid tl ftlft tl 7T3ft Pit 3T3, Put) Midi 337 <ge1l
3733131 31 3«3 57lft ftfF3 PtPdtf ft ftfftn 333t 33 f33f7? 5713)1 St3lft 3ft <5)31^ 4.6 ftt. ft 9.2 ftt. "ft 31 d tl
ftldill ft? t. fftft ‘ tl6d’ 3>57t t, tl «hIm 35 H6d fftlS tl 5ft
3733T3T 33T S31 Hgei tl 313133 3 M.4 3161^73 71T71T3 tl 531%
775 1588 ft 1593 tl ttTH 713T 713 fft? ft ?7T ftlft 37t 333T3I sm 75J1T 3^61 tl 3T3 ft ftt 7333T 73331 tl 37*lft ft fftfftl Tlftt fl35f313f
333f337 313 3ft 1137 ft4t373 ftftfT 3571 t. ftnft #ftf ft 33 3RPJ3
frit? TRiJia 337 71lt75tfft37 ftsH tl 5713ft 3T?ft ftt3RI 3ft 3f7p3 dldlSR t lit f37 d<4lefld TRTSITftt 7*33733773 3lt ftfWSl sft|
ttrft ft 315 ft? 3337 317 tl 5"5t TTtftt % 373t % hhIm 7TT5t
71333 990 ftt37 tl 7ig 1577 ft 77} 1623 tl 38q 7JR ftfn, <|u|n fttn 3*3 531 ?t7T
1J73371313 3S3 3IT3313R ftt tl 3Tltt 373371313 ft Hitt? Hl'^fPP-Mf
3? p4<dl <13133 381T 713 TOJltt SRI Pdfftd ttpRF ftdln 36<dl 381J 571 ftlft ft sftl fdPftd ftig 7T3 tl 7J1R Mld 7jt tl 35 4173331
t, pTlft 713 1848 3ft 7jlT ftf?7T gf7T773 3ft Ml'^PelPM ftt tl
HIJSll t) 75331 75373 ^| "571 pft 33 5753 yft^i 7j<3 lied ft Pd6d ft 3ieift)d tl 5<lt) Slftftt d<4 UTlft 4,41 *41 dlPdMI fttlR
7TT73F37 ft 773 3ffe3 SRlft-Wl 33 7135 tl
6)47 tl 571 3t?T SR ftl 7RJJ13 378R ft 3ft STpsiftt 31 ngn oidncd t 3*3 5<lt) "STift Hgld 373 ft TlfftTI tl 5713ft 3T7ff73 3ft 3f 373
3? H6d 7R33 3«3 3371 7*3373 3331 tl Tlf3?33 33 Aft? 3g?T
3*3 353 3T337 ft 3513 tteisft 3ft ^PPl tl ftt37 3ft PdHpId fS33 3fftft 3*3 3317ft ftrft 3)1 5e}3l 553 utllSK tl 313 ‘iftll TftTI t,
ft 7353 37ft fft? SRI fftfftd 3770 11367 (>03Id-5-339) 11 7571 33 361 ft 71773 73 fttTT 3ft 71737 3ldl tl 3I57t 7JT%3 3lt H3gd 377ft
16. 313 7713, f%rffrf35 7*3 ftl731, PdUd<6, <M<*IH 71STTT tft tl f?13; 77fftf 7R 53I33R 3?7lt tl 3nft 3571 tl ^137 tl fftg 35ft 3733ft tl 71313137 337 ^7171 T^RT 3733Z1 ftt 11 531
ft?15 % 3lf333IT3t IMlftf ft ft 331 733T giRT SRI idltd 35 33 73tt 333171 37^1-33 ftfS7 tl 571 33 ftfS7 3ft 753 37 753 fd<3« 3571 t> T5737 f7*I3 73 3571 3 Mg< P4H<IJig4l fftftft? tl HdldH
733 337 3337 ft 15tt 5ldl°0 3ft lift 3T7g373I 33 3^31 tl tl 73737 715 RS3 tl Sift 3571 ft St377 ^ f3733 5333 g37 ttftTC 331 t, fftft fttftt 7357TT 3*3 fttft 3lt
571 7713 33 fftqfal 77} 1440 3 3T7T3T % 3fgS PlsIeHl 37 333 3ft 713773 tl 7537 fft3171 Tift ftt3ft ftftTT t 3*3 37lft TlftlS 7133737 mP)4I<1 ft 3171^73 fft31 331 tl 57ft tl 713t3 1884 ft fftftfa 33
3^ 13733 % 7T37153 3 3773131 331 S3 383 3T77J37R tel ft 633)1 33 33 H37 73733 t, f37lft 6lAt tl 37713 37 73 fftftTT Midi 33 f37TI3 t. fftnti gt ft tt53 tl
feuf3 t3R t373I S3 mt 1137 33313 37 <gft 37817 ft 33131 331 77373 831 ftp 33 MltlddH 37^1 7371 13313 11 5713ft 57 tt3R ftftt?
ftlft tl 3157 5t 123f ft 153t IldlPt tl 383 tl 3lft37 3l4p4
831 3? it Hpp t 3«3 33331 ft ?7137t giTT TJRjf 37.2 ftfe7 tl Piftl ft 71313 73 ft ^<3 fttt ft 3rd3d tl Sp?33 ft 3I4 t> d<4
iti 3ftr t, fftift 7i3fft3i grm qn?4ii3 ftfsr ti 13ftt 3314f4i
7713 % 37337 7717 37 ftlftt 3 13770 HpR ft 361 HSM, f>pMK t? Tgsftf ft' 3lP<ri9f 7I3t tl
t 3|3 33T 33313 ftt tl
fe?f373f t 383 t3t"t3733lf 3ft 337 33't 373fH f373T 331 ■fjTI 3571 tl 733 33 33 3571 3*3 733 7j^7 3ft <0dA ‘537 33
23. TKiIh 'fft?' 3ft etftl, ft«cdft<, 7T3t7*TR
tl 3Nt 7lf377 37 337 fTlttTt t, f371 37 33313 37®! 3ft ttfwf % ft ftftTT t 3*3 5337T pnful 33 fftt ft 3773I3T *3| TJ77I 3^3 ft
733 7171 377t 33f31 331 tl 757ft 3lt ftftn PdvMI 331 t 3*3 4dft fttftt 33 Held "35137 h,|4 7T7ft3 fft? 3ft 5trft 33 fft3ftl 73} 1815 ft 331 ftft 7*33 37
ftt ^33 tl 3-JM 3571 ft 71171 Idlft 378RI 31R iflll tl 35137 33t ^33 8U, 6T?f 3?ft 173f 5ldKl tl 337 333 tl 3‘HI3pft tl
17. ^t3 371 3f73, 3t3, 7M7«1H
3173 713 Pd7d4 3731 tl Tg73i Tpu Pdcim (331 37^1) 19ftf ildlp 53 ?t7ft 3ft 553 <g«ig<d ft5TT33R t 3*3 733 tt TTfl 33 ft
333 fTT? SRI 73lf33 3T3 733F3 3ft 7133131 ?t3 8ft, 3lt f37 3773J7
ft ifttel 33T su I ■3737M 4t3R3t7 tl ^3 ft 3t7 t'l 53tl 3t?l SR 37 7331 tl F3
t 713113 32 P+)3lHk< "^7 tl p3l 383 717R3 % 3R3 36<3 ?7T
ft 378R Idlftd W.4 351 51*0 ftsi3 t (tt? ft gfft4t37 35t t) I
20. 3R33 3573, ■jjlHId 33 t)<4lft<, <I37«1H
fft3 3ft 7173717ft3 7*1137337711 3ft ^ 3?7f3if tl
333 tl 573ft 313 33 33 33313 73 t, 57lt 3333 5ft 35R 353
713 1669 ft 1698 tl did PdPftd 53 31'H 3571 3lt 3R ft 35T713I
?t3 f7813 333 fTT? 33 3? f3773 <3,7131 3?73 % 313 t 3t 3HI 3751 3373 831 5137 3ft ft ftp ftt 33 3133: tT33 3571 3*u 733571
33 fftt SRI 7T3T3I 331 8U| ^ Trgi 11^1 ■q^i f ff3j 73171 33
3T7T1 t 3*3 7T37171 1^3 37 PP*4c1 tl 3737T 3? p3)3l t®3
375T 3373 tl 5ft ftlft 3ft MpldilO 3*3 iftf ft 3171^771 ftl31 33T
Tg35ft 73 3I7IT 713 fdcd4 3731 3733 ftTTSRI tl 53 37^1 ft
ft 53)671 7133 333 7T37T1 tl f37^ t> 337 31337 37^1 783 3! 83, 7137 t 3331 itf tl
SKI 3Kd<J)d 7313 33 4|4 38U 331RsftT ST331 iftlll 33 35137
3t37 t, ^f373 ?3t? 313^3 3? tlgft t 37T371T3717 713711 tl 37f3H
37Tt tl 337 3R3 373ft ft 37jft ftttTl 33 1^37 ^7f3 3SI573 35 5trft 3313337ft TlftTn mP<3K ft 7T3p8I7T sft| RR ftt fu^n
3 5nt) 3ldP<3) '37STT ft 7R37lft 37T3f733 314 3R Tt tl ?3 37Slt
ftt 3foftft7T tl 31l3lft)9 533t3 5t73 tl
33 3737t 313 7131331 t 3*3 33 31 113 ’5T3t ftclO tl P<fl
337 M4K ft <<ai 3IM, Tit 37J3 73571 t33, 31 eft})d 7I3TJ7T 7*3373 24. 31*5373 3ft etftt, Ppcdt< , <M7*1H
33 ^151 3t7T f7T? 3t7T SR tl 3? 1371171333 373I3T %7133R t
3*3 Ttft’ anfs 3ft 373fM ijfM t 3171^73 tl 7J73 373131, 331 3773 tl 313333} 33 t^SI 3SI5T3 tl 31^371 3ft 35 5t7ft ft3I3 35171371 3lft737I tl fftg 1885 ft
37313T 3*11 3t3171 71137 sft7 33 7337 3T337 3t 7H7H3 ?3 P<rl 3ft 21. 3lteT 3S73, 3lteT, <137*111 33lt 3f ttl
^tt 7137*33 t f7*T3 t 3«3 7R[, 1342 ft 713 t3F7 ft 183f 5ldKl tl ft ftfftn ftt3 3571 3T337 P35lld4N S73R 573ftft 377ft 371 37lt ftl31 Tit gTlt ft 3l| 71731, ftR ftt ftftf tl
3S1 337 "(37711 333131 831 3337117 37 ?3 fftlft 37t dKI'IS % 3T3 ft 31^1 3ft ftllKl 37 7333J5I tteft t) Tl^fttt SRI 37tc3 tl 5ld6IH 3lt7 33ft ft gft 733373 fftSlf ft3 tl ft3! 3738373 3171 35 t ftl 37
3131 3173 tl 3337R ft 3? ftt37t7 t 3*3 ^ftftf ft 137371 fftsiTT ■37lft 7Ttp8171 S7T378373ft 3t S7lf31 33T tl 5<lft' Htf 513 3*3 3337J71 3Sill 33 331 t, 3T37tSR 37«Rt' ft ittl 357ft ftftTT tl giel 373t
tl ?7137t 3f733t ft3R ftl 3«r ft 331 W t 331 ’jtf 33 7^1 75TST51 334 3ft 7135 37 5T|7 7*3 ft 31713733 tlSI 33 71313T tl 733ft 3ft 7igtt ft3R 3t 37TH 3R 37^1 <MdNI 33T tl 337lf737
ft[3R 37 383 ftl H<4)1 ft Hll^SK t. 3*3 37371 ’gt7 3713ft ^ftt f| tl 5isft S73lt tl fttlt 7R37 335t ft315 tl 3J7J71, 5lft4t tl ft3 <0hk1 37 <}S< Tlftt? PPd tl
early eighteenth century A.D., the others are at Delhi, Mathura, supporting the facade - a narrow strip along the edge of each
Ujjain and Varanasi. room - is a unique feature peculiar to the Jodhpur zenana.
ftlOnP*! 1R Pddl 141 44 WTTR life 41 ll 6. FRT M?cd, RTRRT, TT3TT4HTR IJoTTR dldl TTTRT RRT Rl RtRT 4 TgcRRT ll FR 41 d) RT sldl RTRT
FTT Idxrl "311 jiu1ti did diHd> MdTl STT (ap'diV-ti Pdd 4 ) FRT RFPT, RRip RIFT RTl RRT -gTRi RFR1R f RSR RFTTTRT TTRlf RRIR
e>14-ss)s rIr I, 14r4 4rtt »mu rstt i^hi 4 rtrt rt ttrtrt Ii
FTt RFRT 4 3?4rt cT^ 3TTRTR RT RFPT 41 ll rIrT RFeT 4 414 RTT
RiRfRF rstr ^ri gHcimi rrt sr rsr rf sIrpt-i-sttr 44 ftTF 4 TTR 1799 4 FTTRTT tRRW RTTRTRT SRI RF RTR RpRcTT RRR
oi-si* RTTR I, Rf R)“J| IddlR H6d 4 fRfipR fRRRt r4 STlId RIPT
4tRH-l-TRTR 4) did ffsTR ll $r4) SKI 3TTR opTRT fd)cl ff TRiJR RTTTJRTeTl RR 3TR3T RRIFTRT ll FTTRTl 3t4 3PRRt141r ipTIRl
PT5 fRR I did RSIT 6 IdS Rif did! RR ?4r ZIFPTT dldl 4141 RTT
f44t Rnnf 4 rrrt rttr! |i r4?t sir rt! rr4 s4rf 4 RRpft irr 444 RcSR 4 RRt fesfRTRf 40R H RRRt I, 4t tRT RSJRRRl RT
Pg^ri rr4 7if sft', rttf! -qfeR Rif ftsptn rr4 4 rtft 4t Tj4 |t tRRUFR RR 3TTRTTT 441 11 FRR4 RFc4 It Hp5|<4 37R4 4
fRRRt RSR 441 RFPT 414 4) RTT4 4t fpnr RlTRS 'll 41r fRPTTTT
fW>-m—=h<niH 4®, ld>i rtft 4 r4 r4I r -cfjTTi RcTRT RSR ypi'Ji r4 tt44 I RSR 4r dldl Hpdcdl 4 RTRPT RflRRTT
RFPT 4 RRT ^P3R 4 TTRpRR RTFTfRRt 4T ^RR 4rt4 RT f4fRR I
Rddl Rll rW-I 9Sld RTT4 RT fdM, 4kl R)t H^lddfl 3TTR Ropjp 3TtT 11 FRT RFRT RR RTFR RTR fRTTft 4fRT 4t fRT0T RR 3RRITT
Rt yldH fRPTTR RFPT % 44 did) r4 sldldl RT R^R RFIr RTR 4
4pff I, cHldid FTT Rdd 4 ^ngoigt % TTRR % 4l-s4d>dl % Rtj4 4dT 11 RTTRR 4 FRT RFPT RTT r-iHlui FTTfepr Irtrt rri SR fRT RnH
RR PdPdd ll Rl RFPT % f4-*4 RRlR RSR RuRiT T33 Rdldl RFPT
44- 4FTPPJRT RS|NcRd)dl RR 41 RRRtR fRTRT RRT f I RfTRR Rl fTRRT ?r4i 953 3TTPR RSR RgslRidT 4 4 TIF Rcldl
rtrtIrt 3t4 ist rr 4 f4f4R Ii
rIrTRIRT'RT r4 4t3 Tt4t, fRTdJ RIFT 4 d-l RTtf R 4n TT|t| RTRfTRT
2. #?r RFPT, 3TT4T R3T f^^TT, RTRTJR, TP3R5JPT
fRR 4 FRT HFd RR ’>^3 RTR 401 RI TTRTRT ll RRspjT RTT RF 144 44r ^iPddl TTRTRRl 4pI RSTT TTRPJRPfl 4fRRT
3p*l< % fdldl RR 'i^l T|USM ^ RfoRTl ^ 0SH ^Chl TT^T nfolcl oRt RTT^RTPTT RTT 1ST fRSPR ll
hT4< % 414 ■§ iisn ^frI ort Rf^; % ^pri r^ -4' 4t ?it?T
11. <4rT 4p1TT, ddd^T, TtoTTSTTR
RSPl - 3Tsrf^, ^ll^ll RR R5P1 RSR slRM-PriaRT ft^PT ^1 41spjT r4 TSTTRRT TTR 4tRT 4 TTR 1459 4 r4 ®411 RF 235 41. "44
4414 r?«tt rt! rsji4 rt ftspi I rstt rrtjt 4 fttrt! r4 386 i44f ?irt41 4 fwlPTi fiIpi rr4 41i f4-r4 rfiPfrT 4 f44
^ftRT R1P1 RR ?■ Rsn §Rct4| 41R lit ctsn -gR tr
PR)dl41d< ll RF fRTcTT 4fTPTRR 4t RIR 4 Rf4^ I, 41 fRT 4rt41
31RRP1 ^il^ll RTt f^RdRi "PR 4 otai 4<ai o[T RRRfl "fl 'RSRI %
rift 4t 4fs4 r4 TdPId) rrt4 Ii
4r 4 122 4ter ^trt f4TR Ii rf rrt 4t41 Hrk 4 Irti I rsti
^rptR) r rr rht F4<ki oRipi rji4 4,41 rri ?ft?T rwpt 4^ rhr>
Ftt4t r4rt rtr4s Ii fttrI ijRf 41di< rsit rtr44 rttrI RRR TTRRTRT 4 f4f4R RR fRRTR RTTFl RftRTT Rt Rf44f 4 TF4 RTT
33RT SIT, 44 RRTRRT4 ftpIRf 4 RR=hdl 3TTRRH 4l
ProiI 44 Ii 44 Rt ftt4t trr rtrt4 I, rrt 41stt rtrtrt 11 RFPT SRI FTT RFPT 4t FJoR rsr fidsldvll sPld Rff RTRT T^pll ||
rrrt r4 44r4 rrh rr4 % 414 r4 m-c41r>k1 sttr <M^a
441 t, 4fRR ?R RRR ^ RTRTRsfl % RRR RT 4K4rTPIT % R>j4 f4f4Ri ftt4t rtr r414 r R)=rA i^trA^tr | rsr rtrI; sral rrtr
44— 45<ldJRl fSnRfRRPrfl RR 41 y4l‘l fRTRT RRT 4l 4 3ld'<J)dl FTT^T Roopl PddlR 4 RTRPT RT ifplf 4t RSR 1JTR RTTRl
ll FT74t "03 r4r[ SR cUf RlcT RT r41 RRF TlfRRt RT FTSTT Rl
3. f441 4r4T, RrfR^cH, RRTJP, TTRRSJR ssim <<al rt ttrtr! Ii f41 t41f 41rt 4 trrt rIrr rr ufrit rr4 •JPRTRRT3T1 RR S^Tf4 Rl4 3T4RT fRfRpRR ll FR^T 3TPRRT FR^T FFI
RRRSTFT RR 44T5 U?rral WT RR^ 3TRRT 4 241 PRi 4l41<i<
4t rr! tr4 r4 3rrt rrct 4 4t tr4 rtrr 4 rt4 I i fr r4tt s RRT I RSR RF dd> I4r dlSd 4t RTR 4 RPR oRRT ll
t rsr ^4 3tt4t % hsumi rr4 «raf4? 4 rrtri «ni rrt %
RSR 4 ftspt Rf R5el 4tRT 41RK 4 fRR 'll RfPl RTT RTRffRR) Rt 4t 3Tf4fTRR 1rt4 4 4141 RFcT, RTTFl fTRRt RTT fRRRT-TSTTR iJRT 12. TRR 4f4r, ddd^T, TToTTSTTR
rfrt, ttcPIr r4z, y,«41 rrIft 41 4f4r, rttrtrtt 4f4r, Rrg^T 4f4r,
RTRlR RRR RSR RSR Rfw RslR^d I, fRRRR fRR4l 4P^ 1724-34 RS4JT 4 ffsTR rf Rffra; rr pq^ldi fIpi 4t 444! slR rt
4 fRiRI RR1 SRI 5r| RT SRTcPR RcR RT <jr< Rff <RRT yldR PtRKT RI^SI RTf r41 RSTT Tpfl dlcdld 3|t ‘Jclld TTTRT RTRRT 4l 41 i RRRR
TT1 1551 4 flftfR 13TT sp rsr FTTRTT ‘jdSIRK RFR, SRSTfcJ^ i]PT
RTRRi 1TRT 4fel «RIR<I f RSTT Rif 4 4RWR rI RRl TPfT R¥7 RpSPR 4 ftsTR ll Pb4 RTl 4141 41r 4r1 4 fRRRR I - dtK RfRRR
RRlR RRT oiict] '§‘1 Rf^ Rgel RT SRTR4tR RfR RR 3TfRRR4 RFT 3RR RR RFRT, Rssid 4t Rfe’R Phdll RTeTT 3RRR Pt)4dS 4r RSR RFRT
clVll % R78J 4 4r ^3R ll RRT RRR7 4 RF RT^l sslil TIT RT HH 4t tj! rrt 4t41 7441-4141 irti
ll RSoiisi T|pR, 4t RTS 4 RTS7TTF WRFT % RTR 4 Rf4^ ^3TT
RfeRR RIPH RT8J |, fRRRft 4?RR ^4141 ll RRRFP1 % RfOT-1^ 8. 3nmm, rrtht rsrt, 4'67hr<f rr IrtcRT, oilg^T, RT, TP^ 1623 4 RFT' TFT RTTRT SR, rr isrr Art RFHlU %
4 4rh-tt-371r |i rIrft 4 ?4 3t4 4pi4 4mI ftrrrt fRRT TTRRSITR fepiTRT fRstF Irtrt ztti
SCFTt, arifa acrr fa R+ get Ft crtt ttr rtf FCFtfa f«h gdi+i< qsq ^^tt ti farr< 4<s‘Mi tjrt SR fc csjqt tr +ql ti gsi R ftfaq tl ?R F?C7 FF FT^T-FFT g^5 fafattsl CM FcSRl'
gfa RF farofat ti ffaR Ffal tfafa Rtl 3HFR -4' pHc7+< ft 3lfaa faiFT t FrSRl t qql ftTTM+RT Fln^t t Ft tfal FIT CT+cfl FC R#7 CMFFl FFt FF pH<7ig<7l RF tl FTS t Rq 1723 Ct 1756
44lt ’ll afaFi Wm'( ti StcTM fRR giRRFTR, 4l<4+cS cTSTT gifae t qsn FRt 16tl TTst Ft Ffts cffa qt'ltq Cltl sft_ tt fai ti FtF tfat FIFF ti FfaFtt FTF F 3Rgrt FF RSF 444141 FFT
anfa % fafae fat ti 3R fal q,4t tl dKI4C ti <ldl HF<7 +t FfaR Held CT^ ft41 t shi #Fiq gq; crq 1888 cl 1940 ti r«t ft gqfaftq fr afl< ragi
fR f+fa Ft 4I6<1 <0c(|\ Fit q441<4 FiT fad tt ■§| 3Tl’dR+ h<+]4 <i<rP-7d t f*tt PysP+4l' f ctfa ?M' igttfaRT ti crtfa ti ft?TM RFIFT FFT SHI TjtTT SIC ti FFF R tl Rq 1864 t ?FI R?RT tl
Ft ■(HC16 qilHil *41 "I, ftF FC CM3H FiT FTSFT RFRT gfalPRF tl FICTTF t cfal FFC7 +T HfaPdt t<FI FIT CT+FT tl ti FC fait t ■fafifa fqRTr FFI SH, tl fai FFgC fasTF ft?F FfCRS fFI RFF ti
3rt+ FTFtmq tl CTtWf-STT +1 ijF tl Ft! t t TT+ tl CT^ 1654 3RTFTF Ft FTRJFRTI Ft yPdPdPH tl
fR fafal t> afaqi qRfa afalcral siictKl 3 efa fr tl
t F7T FF FRF7RT FFC1 tlCCT 3Tk 4I4SI7 FMT tl T<+ 3T+R t FF
14. yrratc, eprarFra fr ftrarT, ^ReqFra, tttoh 22. tfeieqire ff faFFH, tfRcqire, <M<yi7
fasiFTRTl FFTffaffa FTCg+CTT +1 SCJFR FSTF1FT tl
giRons % Ft)4 qt «ne<l sfaA qrt 4*14) <7 qq fad erfafa ti itcTRltc Ft CFIhHI FTct 4lfa ti yq<9 <I4<4 tciRT t Rq 1156 t
19. v^dMIS grr ftiRIT, tl+l-K , TT3RSTFT
?r+1 q°mii qt jtrHi 41 i Ft neiq 41°(k Ft H+di fa Ft m qff Slf qsq q? STR % CfaRTH t MFg< t 287 P+dltlSC ^C ftsHT
CT^ 1488 t era tlsTT ti 'JF tl+T SRI tl + l7< CSTlftsT fai4T iRTl tl F? faiCH 76 RfaC ^tt fagiRl F?rtl FC ffaTF t Rsq 9.1 tfq<
^RFTcft tl
SHI tfailtc 7IFC FFT F^Fjt FiT Hit F1T7SR t sflC FF F|Fi *41 dJl fatl te<i4si< sIfr t fad ti fct gcdi Ft afg Rragq frf %
15. 3TRqdT FF RfFT, aRRcTC, 1MWH
^ sjft FC faSTF tl Fdti FIRt HTFi 5-6 fatWfe< 41 sl FCSR Ft Iftf; 99 gt t, ftq fc tgtr cfal mf! sffi f+fa t ffarq gn< fh!
3T<44< F6< % H6<7 FiT Pih1uI <M 40dl4< ffae fa Rq 1793 R TTFi FRtSR 41fk tl Fdti FTF 1JR1 SR Fd fRt qPn'ld ‘iPddA tl ti p44pHd Rfa tl fait ti RFR #t FFT, PdCT'ti Sttf afR 1|FT
+<4141 sq F«q ferfa Wr etfaraf fa farffaq rfr! ftt faRfra FCIFt sfalt Ft *Fl^ 4.6 tl. t 9.2 tl. t FtF tl
4i4i)< dF t, fart * 4i64’ diet t. tr hhIh rr h?<7 ffarq ti ft
frfifi fft «ni r?ft tr 3ririf fa 1331 arafaiF ftmf ti fcrti
crq 1588 t 1593 ti tlCRT CM CTF fCTF t FR fait Ft FFFTFT «HI gqr R?C7 ti FIR t tl MFT MFT tl RC*Rf t faft? Rtl feffaiFT
anaP<4> rtf Ft r+ fttfaFT ttF?t rff t, fraRfa falRit fa 44 <M<jd
Fdti RnjTg T<Fi RltFfaFi tsTF tl FRFt FTFt Sfalt Ft Ffeft MfalSR t fat fai d<+ldl4 ciracsrrql CFIHr4+c7I Ft ftfaMFT sffl
stefal fa erg ffaq 4714, fr ti ftl fait! t? frr t> ctrIf rit?1
CRIFF 990 tfee tl Rq 1577 t Rq 1623 ti RSF <JCra RIF, Rdfal tlF RSH ?FT tfaT
RW + IdH F«H RTTCdTFTC fat tl RTT?t gCFFilRra fa FTFfa FTgfarfFHI
FF faiCTT CIFT3T1' F«H CIF Fgtf SRT fatfa faffaF ttlR RFtf Rsq fR fait R aft faftq faiq fr ti ejera rIf cjt ti rat rIritffc
t, ffaqfa Rq 1848 Ft gfC ftfaF gPdWI Ft Mill'd fa fat tl
HuS<t1 ti ftd FNl Fldl tl FR fait FiT *Jte4 Ft?l CJCF m]<7 R ftfq t artgra ti fertr siffaft cRRi rcrI gqq ^tl FifaraT rIfr
RTTRTTFR fa CFT raffF 3Rdf-RTCfaf FiT RF? tl
FfaR tl FR FtFT SR ti CR5<F F?«R R FF FTfsTFl' FC RFR FFRRf t Rsq 15Ft Rffa RF t fad? tl ?RFt 3ltficT Ft Rf Fit
F? RFFT CMJF cT®TT gFRI CsqRrF FiFI ti faffadra FiT 441s qgqi
Fsn htII HIHFi St HFI7 44.91771' Ft ijfaFT tl 4fW Ft Id4Pin fSTTT Rfafat Rsq FFTcff tfat Ft RRfFT W yt<ISl< ti FTS ‘lufal HI<7 t,
t CM Fit fRF SRT faltd Fit RFCT ( 41417-1<-3HR) tl C5F FH ra?T t ciccn cf tfar Ft FCFi raiFT ti 4iePl ejedT Ft Rragq frf
16. FRT qm, falrt^is FR ftiCST, ffadlfHS, <M<*TH RFTCT tt ti ftq ccftf FC 'yTTFSR RFCTF tl Fit RFFT ti qiFC ti fatR F?Rf FCFifa ti <THI7ld< RFi fRR H<+fal tl tl ?FT
4+s ti <iRw^ii41 TTstist 11 y,4i <iuii ^rqi 5ri RiP4d hf isrq FTTFf 3HFTR FiST-FF tfSC tl FR FF tfac Ft C9H FT C5F faFTR R?CT ti RFC ftsiF RT RIFT R CTfd fafFCragFR fFPdP44 tl RdklH
«rq q+R t istf sfidi«0 tq 4i<^+di qq ttte q>p ti ti *H< CT^ tsH tl Fit RFFf t FfaR ^FC-faFTR FFi 4141 FT faFTR fRFiT RFi fafw FFF t, fait tfat FIfrR FSH tfal Ft
?q Rt'q qii fqqfai 1440 t qRRi ti Pddtl q< rtr qt RFiFT tl ^R faFTR Ft SfalP ftfad t Fsq RRf R%S RFFCRC RSFfailt t 3lfafiF faiFT FFT tl ftl ti CTRIf 1884 f faft? RF
qf ftiSPT ti t +<4141 H41 SIT qsn 4I<<1+I< tel t ?<T+T Fit FFT FFT 7K7I4 t, fFRt el oil ti FsRF FC RT ftfaTF Midi FCT faraiR t. fracitr gt R rat?R ti
tqR Rti4I sq Ft RHi 4*il,1 FI FcSR t 47141 441 FTFT SHI fait FiT FTFlFFR Fid FTTFT faFTR tl FR+1 FC SfaR IfatF
fait ti afsc tl 12tf t 15tf T(ldl«0 ti RSF % 3ltFi 311+4+
Pltl t RRTF FR t HR fafat t 3RTfF tl SPdF t 41+ ti FCFi
sill HF tl Hfatdl t FSTT 4<lfl<7 t S4I+1 <J>d *41^ 37.2 h1<« tl tq tfac t, fraqt crafpFFi gerra hr47if tfac ti t Rtl fm tfac
<Ft ti yctdi «R "SR fait] q Rhtl tfa< t iJSI ts4, IRtFR ti ISMl t FTftFT FRft tl
t RF FFT 3TTFTF tt tl
Ras(+4i't f*h fl^ ttl-^4ai3ff +1 sr^i qq t qi+W R441 qqy qisd H6S7 ti RTF Ft FS H5<4 F*H FF RfaC Ft Sfalt <JH< RF
23. ctchIr fee? rat ftfal, itneqtc, tmruh
tl 4ltl Hpdd q< <<41 fa4]<1 t, fal<T "SR q44M fRH +1 4l 1m4I ti t ftfaF t F*H FFFiT P7h(uI FF fRF t FRFTFT SHI "feT RFFT R
qitl Ft ftfaF fai4l FFT t F*H 74<1 tit FiT Hefa 4SI* Fil4 cratR far? Ft ?tfal FiT ffarfar Rq 1815 t rft tt c*th fc
<1Tq TIFT Hilt ^ifqi iRTT tl
tl 13H tl 3CJF RSFT t FTTFT tftt F?SRt ate tit ti 4SI* Fil4 gan sq, ^ei net I7fat RiFTfal tr rft fff t> Fraratfa ti
17. tlq qq tiF^r, ttr, rttrih
FTFTT CTF faFFi Fid tl ^giSC FFT faFTR (RFT Fid) 19Ff STIdKl fR ftfal Ft w igqgcd t?crasR t rsh rtf tl erge rf t
qF-T ftF ?RI RTlpMd 4ld TTM^ST +1 IMSTFfl sl<l sft.ttfti qRFJI
t FtFT FFT SHI 3c+>[ sfaictlc ti RF t tie tl ferti -fafaT SR FC CdFi ti RF
t FTWT 32 P+dltli< tl ftTRT qsq WFI ti 3RT RFd F<T
fa FRK Piftd RFi 4SI fist fasTF t (ftF t gfetfaR q?l t) I
20. 3RJF RfFt, FHHIto dll ftiCFT, tl+l7<, CRHCSrTF
tq +t d<+ldfa RHMc4+dl tl t HFc^Mt tl
F47 ti *Hp FTF Fit RF raCTFTq RT t. ftl FiTRF ft ra?Tra H6<7
Rq 1669 t 1698 ti FtF faftF fR 3Rjq FFCC Ft FK t FFTCM
tfa ftsiF ftF +t ff faidi ■jtptt ff^t ti fif t tl -fmi + ?l raiFT sq| *h< qt ft FfalRt Ft SfiRRI: +44 H6<7 Rsq qijRSRT
FF ft? SRI RFTFT FFI sq| q? qqi spr qqq t FSH FT1FT FR'
^STTcfT t FSfi ■HHdcd sjjt FT faftd tl 3R4t <J^F FF Rhdl ^<97 + 61 raTFT tl ffa sll41 Ft Hufal + lfl RSq qql t M<1+d faiFl FFT
gq?t RT FTFTT CTF Pd<7Fi Fid 3T7FF PdddF tl ?R Fid t ct
t $4ie<i fraq fff frtft ti fait ti 3fa< 3<4+ ffsh fsjt tt <^<h sq, rfc t aqra q?t tl
SRT dt<Rd <410 FF F)l4 FSH 3THTCStl ^fFFT tltl FF 4SI*
tldi t. tfai7 FFti 414^4 "4F tlFF t ^i-qclidiK d'ldl tl dtnH
FFt tl RFi 3RF FiFC t 3iqt ^t fttfal FF FFi ^td FST?CF F? ffact FRlFFTIRt Rt?FT HP<4I< t RSffFF sfal 31R tl fRFiT
t Feti 3T|'dR+ Fist t <K+lt +I4ld4 Fifa FR <t tl ?F Fi^ff
arraitlF rffIf ?tfi ti
tl Ffccrfdq tl
FiT FiFt FTF <Tdl44l t Hsq tr ipf T<t titt tdlt tl fait
FFi 3TFFC t 4oi FTF tl d"JH HS<1 tdR. 3T<4>jid CMJF CSTTFcF 24. ftsjrft raff etsdl, tfarante, crawR
qTT g©T FtTT ftF tld SR tl FF ft7TTd+RT 4<4NI tFFFFR t
Fsn tt 3TTfa Fil dc+Tt Tjfatf t 3RT^iF tl <J<FT K4MI. fall FRIT ti FCtfafit FF gSC FSTFRH tl qrsjRRT Ft f? ftfal slraiq R?T<ra<7 ftcIrtri % farR 1885 t
F7FTFT HSTT <llHIrrl RFR 3t< <^4 TTFR 4IH4i tl dldl4 F« fait Ft 21. FiteT Rp=T, FifeT, INTSII1 FFT^ F^ sff|
18. ^1 W ftiRTT, ^f, <M<«TH Sisl ti era cqq fcf? ti gq Riqq ft? srt fatter ^aH shi rf' cffi st +i<1<i<I'-?st1 affa rjrj^ t Ft sfti rft fa sifaql Fera
^tl Ffam-’ltf RiSRSTH t ftsTF t F8TT 7T^ 1342 t TTF tFFC t istf Fidi«sl % qFfti t faftq tfa f?f qraFi Pft'ih+if scfr a<+fal Fifa FF Filt faiFT Fl get fa Fit FCFi, ftR tl Slfaf ti
FFT T<Fi faidl 474141 «TTI 3TIH7l< F< FR f+t +t FRRTF ti FTF t Fid Ft sfalt FC CMJF ttl ti tfSjfttf SRT Fifal ti ?fa?TR aft FTTFl t gt RTRraCF fadl| tFT tl RFi 3TRTFlRq FTF F? t fai FC
FTFT FTFT tl 3TT4TR t FF tfaiR t FSH FiRff t ftTTTFT ft ftsTH FRt CfafalF StFiSHaf Ft STlfar FFT tl ?RR ?Tsff FTCT FSH aHFqcr raqqrq ff fft t, RRifasK Resit t f?1i F?fal fafarar ti g®r FRfa
tl FRFt qfaqqf FfaR ti RS2T t ISC M^ISK t W ijtf FF gsc F5T3T FiTt FR RF? FC CTfC RF t arafaRF t^T M RFiFT ti RTRfa Ft Rgtl sIfr Ft FiTF FR Fid FF1FT FFT tl FldP<+
tfaR ti qsq % <r<+14 ttisR t, fsh frr] -jtc Finct ^tl ti tl ?Tsfl SCFlt ti Sttl FCF> FITWt P44ie ti q,ejtl, STfsitl ti fFF sfalt FC gsc RigfFF ftfaF tl
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Forts, Palaces and Havelis of Rajasthan
STORcft McJdHIdl 3 RRTJT ^ 11 1%. r). ^ + tMI£l <M<{dT R7) RT#T THRTRt 3Thft ft«T?t tl W 3RFRT % RBRR fldlMPd
RRT RTR fW % WI 4 ?R f^#JRT RRB RR fRRftJT jrsfl STTI ^ RTf T3^t RROT RT STIRdTRiK RR R 14rf% foRT RRT RTI
diild % 3)H< RRT RR dild Rit TRlHcd RRRT % fRRRR % RTR ^<ai RT <Hchdl l?l
?r3 RtRTR-R-3RR, RlRTR-R-TiTR, srtRT RRRT, RRR cTSTT RRR fRRRfR RR fRTRTT ^ff ytedld RfRT Rl tl
TR rr rrIrt r)rt rtrrt rrrt sr (^i'dR+ fRR r r^tr) RRfw rrr rtr rrrtrt rrt rt rrt rr RfaTR-R-RTR 3fk
tIrr-tt-trir % 41 r f*RR ih ir% tjtr rtr dddi f4><ri % f^rsft rtr) t) rRr rttrI i?i rrtt 'sr *m<1 tM r rtrt)
Pd-sTdidl ddl^ Rif sff, dlfdi ^liel WRR Rff Rddl 3d1! Tl dl6< % iRTRT-RTRnR ^Rt, Rti-rl, RTfR 4) R ^RJ RTRI
This fort comprises the Diwan-i-Am, Diwan-i-Khas, several palaces, courtyards and the famous Jagat Shiromani
and Shila Devi temples.
The entrance gate of the Amber Palace known as Ganesh Pol (inset) was added by Jai Singh I. Ganesh Pol is
situated between the Diwan-i-Am (Public Court) and the Diwan-i-Khas (Private Court). This gate serves as the
entrance for the public to the private courts of the palace. The gallery above the Ganesh Pol with lattice work
windows was constructed so as to allow the women in the family to watch the activities in the street without being
seen from outside.
UlA^fd* RftR Ref tf?rSTUT Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
TT3R3JFT % -q^T rTSJT ^fcTOT
3TFfc % Tt TJcff TTcrgrq ^ HToicrll t cT^TT ITTOt ^ hldd TOT T=ff^T: % | ?T*TT ^TTlt TOT nff^;
% toto tot 3 # ?fkT ■Riei - 3T«^, tt tt?vt wt ^tot-tt-tittt ftror ti
W fTO( ?ft?T WeT TOT t TOTT fTTTOt ^ejRf cT&TT 73<T TO 3T^cTeT #?ff TOt Mw TO7 if TO§T 37sn
towt^ ftrarcf ^ tottoto stowm Fti
Wt TOt TTtTO? TOH TTOl % %TT ?M TOf TOHlcblTl 3TFT TTTOJcT ^teff t, T^TOT TOT TO Tp %
The picture shows the interior of the Sheesh Mahal. The plaster of the wall and ceiling is
embedded with tiny concave mirrors forming a variety of designs. When this palace was
occupied, lamps were lit after dark, the reflected light in the mirrors of the Sheesh Mahal
created an illusion of a multitude of stars in the sky.
Glass mosaic is a common Rajput technique used as decoration in buildings. The particular
patterns used here, especially the web of tiny arch-shaped indents, follow the Shahjahani
adaptation of this decorative art.
RRTRFT RR RfR^ TjeTT^t ^ rrtjc RIRR ^ 241 %efWfel t RRT RT^T % R1TRRT RRl| RRfR? 3 RRTRT
84TI RR % R«T 3 feltl R^ RFH RtRT rIrR ^ fRR tl TR RfRrl RTT RRffRRT WRft RRT RRT R*-R RfcrR WT^TT
t, fRRRT fRRfnT w{ 1724-34 f%Rl RRT RTI Ttft % RRRRT RR RT RtR Rft RRT ^ftcFT fRRTR RTRRT RRT Rfel
?M' % RT^T t ^R fRl tl Ref! gRTR "t Rs? R73J TJtel RT RT fTR RftRTR RTcTT R7^T t, fRRRT) %RR deleft tl
RWRT % t T)RR-R;-3TTR tl RTtRH f 'ft 3fli teRt % RR R sR^RTRT fRTRT RT 7R1 tl Rll# R77T7
% RRtR tt RftRS tRRMT RTR-RrR (RTRftR7 fRR) Rl tl RR RRfW fgcffR TJRT 18Rf ?Ic1K1 % RRR t RRRT^
wb % frr} 4tT frqfaT ^ TFf 1600 3 ^r^Fn «m for) % ^ % ^pft fcn% ct«tt 4n
^FTFTT W «ni #5HT MR TTTf 4^ «ft 4F IjtfSRT Tf? RT*TI ^TTt 3TTt -T
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6. WR, trtRTPT
fet WIT TO? fetW 3 TOf 1459 3 fet fel TO 235 fet. fefe Mfe RWR fet TOilfe RT ffeRcT t rT^TT WWRR fe FFffet ^fe 386
ferNtel tl TO few feFCFTTO fe TOR fe Rifes f, fet fe fewfet afe fe 122 feta TORT ffeiRT |l TO TJfe fefet fefe?R fe feRT t TOTT
WT 34fe Rdfelct t'l TTOfet Rfe fetRR 441 RTfefe TOfet TJH ffeafe fet tl fefe fet Fife TOT WTfe t, TOR fet?TT WTOTT TO fe TJWT
tl fe ffe fe R«R fe ffelR WT WMI RfefeJT fete? TO RW WSTOT tl fetRTTT fe, fetfe fe, feWTOTOI fe TOR fe<lfe' fe 3TRife?T tl
fHfe Ft TlfefT SK fefe fefe R3 fife if RTO fefefe' fe ?lfe fet FIR felfe W TTTOTt tl ffe fefe Rfe fe WT fejfeq WT TJSWT TOTOt
fefe RR TOTOR TRTTrTT ffefe fe RR1 WT tl TOffe Rfel SR RJfeT fefef fe ^fet TR?f fet W TORT fe fe W WR fe Wife tl FT RTOT
SRT fe afefetWT ffefe fe feffe TO, Wf tfefe' WT ffeRT-RWR ^FT TOT, TOfa fete, RTcfe TOTOT fet feffe, R.M+1 feffe, TOJFT feffe.
FRjfel fet fet WRT fet WcTR fefe 1WR TOR RTTOTT fe felt WcRR fefew fe ffeRT tl ffefe fet feffe #T fefef fe ffeTOTT t - TOR RffeWT
TO 'TORT, 4<dH fe fefew front: TOT TOTO ffefefes fer nw TORT fe it TTW fefet fefe-fetfe TOI
In front of the Mehrangarh Fort in the picture you can see the Jaswant Thada.
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Forts, Palaces and Havelis of Rajasthan
WlAjildch TTtrf 7>R TjfpTfRTT Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
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*TS 3 TTFt «W FT TPJ? t', aft TTT 1899 3 9SKMI ^RTFT ftf? fefhT Ft FjftT 3 Rrfrfa
8fti ^Ff m ttef fst 3 ‘srf^ % % fto fer Ft ti 3 wt s}dR<fl' ftfft 3 iw'
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Forts, Palaces and Havelis of Rajasthan
fa W[FRI 16KMI k fa «ft risn qq farojT k 250 ffafafa tl q^RMT# qq qq Ifaq faqlcrll % fa# qT ffat tl
q?# qq qq qf#r roro t cwt qq fat^q 3# tfwrt ^ qroq qqr ti frfa faff qfa k sreqfak qfaf qrfa kt# ti ro^q wi ro
faq fa i'l q? ffan Tjqffagfa ti q# fat ^ faro ffa q%T ffan ro totott ti q#' rofa qq# fa fa ti faro fa# fa roq-roq qp#
fa# fa ti far# fa# fa fa faqq pjrofa qr#T tot qro fa faqr fa qf#qr ti qfe % fafa error fafa-fafa fafa t. fro# fafaq ro## qqr
qfa# fa roqr ro roron f i fq #?# 3 fafa #tj sttotr fa qq# fa f i fa# qq# fa fafa qq qqrro qqfa t, fa qnro Pddiq qq# fa Mro
frorof qfa q#ft qfa #5 ffan faq qqr qfaq qfa fafa qfa fafa ro^roi qr#r fafa qq ffat qq# qq q#qq# qq qro qro ti qiffaq qq#
qifqqq q fafa fqqfa q«q fafa qq# fafa fa qqfa % f#q faq^; ii faq ffa#Tq qq# fa qro qqro fa fafaffaq qrqifqfa % ^?q faq# qi ffafqq
t fa faqq ffaqq qq# % fafa faqr qff faq#' qi q|q qqfq qq k qk fqfqq ti rof qqro % #-# qq# qro qr^k qq roroq qqq qnqqfqr
afk ^ qq k fq#q ti
qqqy qq qq fqqf k#q ■gqfqqr qroqqf qtrot qqi qropqf kfqqr qi^qroi qq ^ fq?m ti
qfrqif?Tqi qfq qq qfqrqvT ck-s Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
TFjR^TPT % -qfH rT^TT 5^ Id ill
Forts, Palaces and Havelis of Rajasthan
14^f i!ldl«0 3 fqistcn Rtef F^ «ftl ^it-FTt FFTfeFf Ft Mt pt RfvT % 3}^F W FRT 3TRT7RT
rfi-r^M ! twt frtp wt % tM wPk fft^ f 1
RTFFTR 3 ftpfa FF fera Wt uRdK % FWFt 3 RFf FT[ F?FI «7TI fH FgFt % ?5^Jf cTSTT fegfFTFT
^fteT Ftt OT RpFf f I pT FFKF FfoR FF FF?f RFFRR FF f, rtf RTF tfarp Tt«R 3 ftfifcTI pT% FTF
FFfT F F>°=|R 4j,ot|c(R«rcT t FFT FFFt 3TF?t MR 3 3Tci'^)dl ^R% RTFF fFFTR if FTFFT % peff %
F^-F pF FFcft pFTFFTSff Fff F#^ FTFf 3#F f| fF#T 3TRTTRT fF% WFF ^ pgf^ft FF FTeFF
Ff tl RF fFFTR FTf 3RT sled FF RF ^ I^FI FFT 1? FFT FIT crl'+i 1^R ^Idel % FTF Ft RIFT RTFT '§'1
Lake palace also known as Jag Niwas is built from white marble and was the summer palace
of the former royal family. Its balconies and windows overlook the lake. This airy complex has
marble floors and granite columns. The gardens and fountains are well laid and the rooms are
beautifully decorated. The Sajjan Niwas or Lotus suite of the palace contains murals which
depict girls dancing among lotus leaves. In the courtyard there is a lily pond. Jag Niwas has
now been converted to a hotel and is called the Lake Palace Hotel.
eiAjifrieh win ttr yf^i^nrt ^5 Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
ft ftFci f? Fffts ^ft ftfftr ftraldi ftfti ftr F%ftt sfa ft ttt 1551 3 ft## ?t3tt m ttft ^fff
'ftT'F'FK ft5F, 3TFf^ Tp FF^T ^TTFft F^ fftfw FFFTF tl fftft Flft ft# ft FFFTFT FTI F¥ F# ft ftFTT
■gneT TFTFTFFTTTT ft# ft fftft# cp5 FFftf ft ft TT5F tl ?lsMKI Tfftr, ftl FTF ft FTFWt? W?I % FTF
ft Ff#5 f3F FT, TFf 1623 ft F# T?T FiTF! FT, FTF T3T# 3TFft fFFT wfft % ftsfeTTFT fftft# f#FT FT I
Fifthftln TJF yftiSFF #FT Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
TT^TPT % rT§TT foldin'
Forts, Palaces and Havelis of Rajasthan
HSKUII ^■’TT ?RI ^H°lI■MI TFTF qfqfoqT qq qq foraiT qcq Rcq qiqqj- fqraiT tl cKq'-jt 3 rtWj 90 foufolcif q7f TTr foqq qq
1%en tpjs; ran fo 1087 qfei qff forqfo xr fora ti fot? foqqff fo forq fan q? form ^q wst qft Tram fNff qfot rat foqq
ti foraiq q fotdls'Ks ran foran w cfqqrqq qq foran qqffqqr qqcqpf qfot qfo ti
^qqff qratfont qqqif qfqf t qqT onisihi qqfq qqfoddi wt qfoqff qcf sqq effort % Tifo qq qqfoq qqn qt eni pr qqfo
fo ramqq 15 rat qq qqq tfit «ni q^ qf qqr rat foqqt % #q fo pR qq tt qq qqt qifon qi qqrqr ti foa % qrq
fqqqqiqqq qrqfol, srafo snq q irf pfo qff qifot p; qjq iRchli raaq c^xiichK pf qcf tqqqqt % fora; qqt qfoK' qqf sqqq q
foraqfo ftf drfosr qqfo ti arfor qtqraff % qranrai ?qq fwrq, foqrfora q«q pfo arrfo % qfoq qt ti
■?q fofof qft qi^fo qfafo qfo qrfqfoi qq afq ti aqqffoF qqqrfo: qt qqr qqqff qfoff t, fora qr qraiaff qq qrarr qrara tjfoffqq
ti fq fofot % afoqr qrqf qqftqqi ^idi®fl t qf qq; ti
The Kumbhalgarh Fort has four wide walls, and it was well equipped with batteries, and sufficient accommodation
for the troops and the public. It took fifteen years to complete the fort. The approach is impressive across deep
ravines and through thick jungles. Seven massive gates guard the approaches, while seven ramparts, one within
the other reinforced by rounded bastions and huge watchtowers, render the fort impregnable. Besides many gates,
it has several temples like Kumbashyam, Nikhanth and Kuber within the fort.
The outer wall embraces an area of several square miles. The tiers of inner ramparts rise to the summit, which are
crowned by the Badal Mahal of the Ranas. The palace has several sets of rooms furnished in pastel colours in the
nineteenth century A.D.
qfrqifoq) TlH Tjq ylyigpJT Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
Iw^Srni1 '^r»-
TOWR % T^r TOT ^Pdill
% fqrrl qft qrert 4tqrt q^fqtd qq ate qte£ f i ^qqft qoq?n 4ft ^rt teq 4ft qqpf <fteR
4ft q°4cll Tt qft RT qqidl 't'l
eiTchFi* tiln irg yfviSTm 4>-£ Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
FT# TTT# 1JFFTeFT cTF TTTTTFTR # fl FT# TJFFTeTT # W#T 1#fMw t, f##' TfR 1848 Ft
Wft uRhwi Ft fiMt # f i ftwtr ^ ft Ffer F^rf-FT# ft #? ti
FI? *H5c1 <M^d FF 4j>Jlei FTFT FeTT % <hThFT FT ^#6 FJF ilI
The Palace is a delicate rendering of the style which emerged out of the blend of Rajput and
Mughal style of architecture.
WffrfTTF FfW TJF TrfFF^ Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
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Forts, Palaces and Havelis of Rajasthan
■shl f?RR RR7 PRt RTF RF pRell TJ3HT RFcl % RTR t Rt RTRT ■dldl t RRT ended ^jfR RT PlP4d tl 3RRR R^R RR
P+iell tut R fRIRR RRR RRR elddl tl Ptxrl % 3TR1 ST^RI Ri8fr RRT tt r!r> t, vlPtH 1pf% RTR^S RR <<sd
t RTRRTR7K RTRRT tl RtfRR t fR% 3TlRftR> RRijf R RRRTRt RRRfelR RT=f RR 3# tl FT ^ RH RRlt RTR RRIRRt
t RRT RR RT ^Rf RR RTR[ tvkt tl t^Rct RR RIM ut?T ftt RtRT SR tl RR fRTTTRTRRR RTRTRT %RRRR t RRT tkf
Rpf RRFgRTtrTT % RIRRpR % 3RR tlR tl RRJd fRR t RtRTRI WR f RRR % yPdP«H RTl t^T RT RRhTT tl
RRfdRRi RfR Trg RfR^TTTT Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
TT^nFT % rTSTT ^felT
Forts, Palaces and Havelis of Rajasthan
RURildR RfiT tJR Rf T FTr Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
Forts, Palaces and Havells of Rajasthan
TTf 1488 "4 717 *k*71 % £7 <sfl«+>l "5111 4)ebik<. T*7lf77 fklTl 771 *711 klTil-k 7f£T 771 7£k^ 717 7lk ^IM^K k 37k 7£ £71 do41 Tck
ffk 77 fr*77 || £7% Rlk 777 5-6 faxrllkW kfet 7*7T Tit 7£1 h!^£K £faR tl £7% 717 Hte’-lgR Tc7f #T ’jfW TfklTk t cT^TT
£falk 7k ^TEfTt 4.6 kt. k 9.2 kt. 7t #7 tl
TFf 1588 k 1593 % #717 TR1 717 fkk k £77 fal# 77 447171 *711 £7T#1 77*377 T[71 -HicfaPlT) ££17 tl £777k 71£7t £falk 7k Tftfk 77777
990 kta: tl
7£ fklcll 7R137f 7*71 TR 77771 £171 fkftfa fkf*FT kkkl fTFet 7*71 *7*7# % %£ 1H *11711 tl £77 fork 77 f^7 7771 7(7*14 Id k £1717 tl
£77 7771 £77 % 7TOJ7I 77>R k 7k ?lW 77 TfTTT 774'd TT^TT 771 77171 £7 W kt7£137f 7k Tjftfai tl ktTl 7k fa Mild t£7T k 777 71#
tkk £171 tkfkcl 71# *l£7f (#717-7-3777) tl 7571 7k 7777 #t % %£ 77lkf £7 *T£7k tl 71# ^TgeT % 777T 771# 371717 Tl^T-*!*!
kf£7 tl £77 7*1 kf£7 7k 7571 77 757 f77l7 % 777T 77J HS4 tl 77k H6d k #77 7|*K-fk717 7177 *771 *H 7777717 tl f'K 17717 7k #7#
fkfTTl t 7*71 77k 7#£ 7777777 717 771 7*71 717117 t, f#7k ttkt % 77777 77 77 fkf?77 *71# 771 ^TlTTl 711 falk 77 SJlklddH 717 7177
f7777 tl £777k £7 #7R f7#7 ##t k 7*717 77 k 37 fk# k 3777^171 tl £f«FT k #71 71 71771 % £5T#f k *llRrldf 71# tl
TJTT *7771 % 71*7 7k 7£ *7£7T 771 771 kf£7 7k #7lk #£7 77 k fkf77 t, 7*71 £777 f#7#T 77 f7£ 7 £177171 *711 *£71 7£71 k Tgckf 7k
fat fad fklTT 771 t 7*71 77k ktk 77 Hsld *1Sl3o 77k kt f37 tl 37J7 7£<7 7 <7le1 Pdlk 77«77t sf(7 ktk % *l£l3o Tllk 71771 7R 177T71 71^1
tl 771 fkTITT (771 71£f) 197f ^IdKl k kfel 771 *711
Junagarh Fort was built by Raja Raj Singh, between 1588 and 1593 A.D. This fort is situated in front of the public park. Its outer walls
are approx. 990 m in circumference. The fort is known for its range of thirty-seven palaces and pavilions built by chieftains and kings.
Junagarh Fort’s main entrance is through the Suraj Pol. In front of this gateway, sculptures of two great warriors, Jaimal and
Patta are mounted on painted stone elephants. Karan Mahal (Diwan-i-Am) built by Raja Karan Singh, is on the opposite side
of the chowk. The ceiling is supported by a continuous arcade of cusped arches over balustrade and fluted columns. Above
the Karan Mahal is Gaj Mandir, a suite of royal apartments on the roof of which is Chatra Niwas, a small pavilion. Karan Mahal
leads to Dungar Niwas which has painted walls and a white marble tank. This was filled with coloured water during the festival
of Holi. The oldest apartment of the fort is Lai Niwas. The walls are richly painted with stylized symmetrical, floral motifs. The
balconies overlooking the chowk, to the south, are fitted with jalis.
The walls of Chandra Mahal built together with the Phool Mahal and Gaj Mandir by Gaj Singh are beautifully painted. The
Phool Mahal is decorated with motifs of flowers and delicately inlaid mirror work. Anup Mahal contains the coronation hall
better known as the Raj Tilak Hall, which is decorated with red sandstone and glass inlay work. The lovely Ganga Niwas
(audience hall) was added in the nineteenth century A.D.
TFf 1669 3 1698 TO #^r ftfxfrl ffl 3TJT TORT TOT TOT ^ TOKMI TOT fw £TCT TRTTO TOTT TOI TO TTO
18Rf !ildl«0 % RRfe 3 RlR RRRT RTRRT fRRTRRFTR RRTR RT^T tat RtRRf R7 RRRR ta# ta el^ffta SRT Rita
f=i tatam tat ^ rr tat %rr rt ftaRR-ftaTK rrt wtr tat ^ 3 ftatar li tr rrrt rtf rtir-rtr
ta tatarta rir r srgta rr rrrt rrrtrt rrt rti taftaR rr: rr i888 ^ 1940 ta r«t ^ RRffftaT rr tak
RRT RRTRT RRT RTI R%T SR % RRR R' ft RR 1864 f FRT RRRT ft ftafR ftaRT RRT RT, tat fta RRRT fRRR
tRRR RfR5 RRT RRRT % 3RTRTR tat RRRRRRT tat RffttafR fl
There is a large Durbar Hall, the Bhim Mahal constructed in the early eighteenth century A.D., which
is covered with Rajput miniatures depicting the history and legends of Kota. It has some fine ivory
and ebony inlay work and a profusion of surface ornamentation. The Elephant Gate is flanked by
murals showing a royal wedding procession and bracketed elephants, whose trunks are raised
in a gesture of salutation over the central arch. The exterior of the palace is a mixture of robust
fortification and delicate ornamental stone work. The Akhade ka Mahal was added to the west of the
inner court between 1723 and 1756 A.D. and was later enlarged and reconstructed between 1888
and 1940 A.D. The prominent Hawa Mahal, added next to the entrance to the fort in 1864 A.D. is a
copy of the famous facade at Jaipur.
+nR^>ld<* ftR RR ijfsnRpJT taRJ Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
Forts, Palaces and Havelis of Rajasthan
4tTc47 41 7R1RR1 r4 TsnfTl 4 RR7I 7IRT1 ^ 7T£ 1156 3 41 «ft 71*11 RR *117 4 IPlWIH 4*1R7 3 287 f444R7 *£7 4*171 tl
R? f4m 76 477 44 fRJRl RRT4 R7 4*171 i 71*11 9.1 4r7 44 %TWR 4*717 ^ f4l tl f7ll 7J78I1 4f 3^k RR7J71 +4 % fTTR 99
t, f4l R7 4|4 774 WTcft 4l f%c% R fr«171 *JTT Rl4 % Ph-mPHcI 471 4 f44 4 71R^ 43 R1R, I3ti4 44 3lk 7gell 44f7 *4 t,
144 ‘4r4 +41 t, 4 r4r RR RRT1 4*171 4l ^JRl RFR 4 R1R 4 4 RHl ^1M tl R7*l4 4 144l 7l4 14444 ^IldkK t 4 14
dr+l4H 7R7*ll4 T*11R7RR77T1 41 f4W7H 4l TTf 1577 3 RR 1623 % R*R 7J7R r4, TyrTpR R4 71*11 RRf R4 TR 44 4 34 f44l
f+R RR 4l 7J7R1 R177 7j[4 4 4 3777^71 tl f7l4 Rl%4 71797 757l4 RR71 44 TllfRRl RpT17 t 71*11 ^7l4 754 R#1 RR
r4 RRRRR7 14>R
4 TTfSTcT tl fRRft 3Tc4r 41 4 R1R 444 71*11 4n4 441 41 R7j4 7571 R4Rgl7 4 RIR r4?1 Rtc7 t. RR 4 717711 771 R4 41 777R7
RtlTH tl RTRTf 7JT8H 41 R*Tf7T +74 4 %R. RRH R744 4 7TRR1717 RR7 '*£7771 4r1 Rt4TR 4 tl RR1 RFR 4 RTR7 4*171 77T RR77 4 RR7
fRR7RTRR71 pRf44l tl TTRplR 141171 T77+1 RTF 144f RRR t, 144 44 Rl^TRT 71*11 44 41 941 + 1(1 4 377Tf^ 14*11 RR1 tl ?4 4
774r 1884 4 f44l RR 147171 t, f4n4 ^ ^ tl
144 4 37R7 tl 124 4 154 Wl41 4 R*R 4 3#+ 31Rf4f 4l r47 t, f44 7l4fRRl ■'JTIRl ri4hir r47 tl t 7l4 R^I r47 t
RR RR1 3TIR1R tt t l
Also within the four walls is an interesting group of Jain temples, dating from the twelfth to fifteenth century A.D. The oldest is
the Parshawanath temple. They are all impressive and add another dimension to the secular buildings of the city.
TTlTRilTlR! TftR RR RfTTCRTrT 4=5 Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
«„ 1.
fc T
p l’*;'•“
TT^STFT % ^4, TT^T rfSTT ^rfcTOT
r#r tw rO rr frqk tfi 1815 T' rrt trh ri |rtt rt, r^t wi i7Rf ?hk! % tt w
% RHIc^M s)| fR ^off RTf T5R Tf-iMTI %«R t RRT RTR # RR(T TRT 3 RfafTRfc % R^R Ti
"RlT tl fR% R%T £R RT TSTRT % TR 3 R?RT frfrfR TR> =TST TT«ft feffl I (fRR 3 ^feRHT R?f t) I RRR
% tf>4<] RTR RR TRR ReTRR RT i?, fRt RRTRT R5M HSR R>6I 'RTRT RTI dnM< R>t Rt RfRTft R?t RRT?T:
R¥f tl
This Haveii belonged to the influential Mohta family and is still used for residential purposes.
wTejifrl'h RTR RR RtRTSTJT ck-tf Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
i VrW/tftr*<■*«♦**•****'
Forts, Palaces and Havelis of Rajasthan
TH % 4%T £R % 4fff 4TR 4?«R ftfifa FT4t t 44T 3TO'4TTT 3 #f4T, 3144, ^T4t, ^ 44T 4#
3r*>l t'l T44ft TJcf T^FfT 4t ctild'KT-lsft 3Tft ^ ^ 4ft sftl 441 ^ 4T%Rt RPR 3o=b>l 4TRI 44
4t4 rfrtt eft ^ ■srrf rw, fqn: 4t % 4iT4f 3 ^ wwt f^srl ^tt ti t3=ft sritwt 4ra 4T
t fqi w. 4<ilH 44 441 t, Hklot^K 4c«TCf 4t 4¥fl Tgeff fff^T % TJ^T 4RTt % 4?t TEpt Tl4R
4ft 444 4E 4TST 44T4T 44T tl 344^41 Rt4Kf 44 TJ4T <4^44 MqR t'l
The entrance is flanked by stone elephants and the entire facade is carved with a riot of
ornamental details - soldiers, horses, elephants, flowers and birds. The building was designed
and built by two craftsmen-architects Hathi and Lulu. One carved on the left side, the other the
right, but the overall impact is one of complete harmony. Extraordinarily, the house is built of
rock and not dressed stone. In the main room at the first-floor level, the entire front wall is a
huge, single rock carved into a bay. The inner walls are painted with beautiful miniatures.
fli+ehfdch TtfR TJ4 yfviyjl ^5 Centre for Cultural Resources and Training
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Published by Director, Centre for Cultural Resources and Training, New Delhi
Printed at Aravali Printers & Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi -110 020