21stIBCAST2024 Paper 364
21stIBCAST2024 Paper 364
21stIBCAST2024 Paper 364
Abstract—The integrity of Predictive Maintenance (PdM) pressure ratio, fan inlet pressure, and rotational speeds to
systems is increasingly threatened by cyber-attacks. This study ensure timely maintenance and safety. Several IoT (Internet
investigates the impact of cyber-attacks on the performance of of Things) sensors are mounted both inside and outside of an
Deep Learning (DL) based Predictive Maintenance (PdM) engine as part of an EHM system to monitor different
systems using NASA’s Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion parameters. All IoT sensors are wirelessly connected [3]. IoT
System Simulation (C-MAPSS) dataset. Long-Short Term sensors monitor aircraft engine statistics and notify
Memory (LSTM) and 1D Convolutional Neural Network (1D manufacturers when an engine's Remaining Useful Life
CNN) models are designed and deployed to predict the
(RUL) is approaching its end [4]. This is accomplished by
Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of the turbofan engines.
utilizing Predictive Maintenance (PdM) systems within EHM
Specifically, two distinct attack scenarios i.e. Episodic Data
Injection Attack (EDIA) and Continuous Data Injection Attack
systems to predict RUL. EHM systems are essential for
(CDIA) are generated with different variations including biased cutting costs associated with labour, fuel, hardware, and
and random scenarios on the sensors data and their influence on logistics, enabling early identification of potential problems
the RUL prediction of the equipment is analyzed. Using various and reducing maintenance and operating expenses.
Machine Learning (ML) algorithms including Decision Tree, PdM systems are vulnerable to cyber threats, including
Random Forest Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and Data manipulation Spoofing attacks, which compromise
Logistic Regression, two different types of Data manipulation
physical sensors, communication networks, and data
Spoofing attacks: Random spoofing and Constant Spoofing are
processing systems. Due to unforeseen malfunctions, these
classified. This study demonstrates how attacks can significantly
damage the accuracy of predictive maintenance systems, attacks can lead to delayed asset failures, costly maintenance
emphasizing the need for strong cybersecurity safeguards in periods, and even fatalities [5]. IoT devices, which play a
Internet of Things (IoT) contexts to secure essential predictive significant role in predictive maintenance, are also vulnerable
maintenance in addition to the classification of cyber-attacks to attacks such as botnet assaults, denial-of-service attacks,
and healthy data. and data breaches. False data injection attacks can threaten the
integrity of EHM systems, resulting in inaccurate diagnoses
Keywords— Deep Learning (DL), Predictive maintenance and maintenance decisions. Data manipulation Spoofing
(PdM), Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation attacks manipulate IoT sensor measurements, often targeting
(CMAPSS), Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM), 1d Convolutional predictive maintenance systems. These cyber-attacks can
Neural Network (1D CNN), remaining useful life (RUL), Episodic cause catastrophic failures or delays, emphasizing the
Data Injection Attack (EDIA), Continuous Data Injection Attack vulnerability of IoT systems to data manipulation.
(CDIA), Machine Learning (ML), Data manipulation Spoofing
attacks, in Internet of Things (IoT). Data manipulation Spoofing attacks have caused
catastrophic events like the 2003 USA Northeast blackout and
I. INTRODUCTION the Ukrainian power grid attack. On August 14, 2003, the US
The rise of Internet of Things (IoT) technology has andCanada experienced the largest electrical power blackout
sparked a surge in AI interest, leading to increased use of AI in North American history, affecting 40 million people in
techniques in IoT cybersecurity applications to detect threats eight states and 10 million in Ontario. The outage caused
and potential attacks, including decision trees, neural financial losses of $4-10 billion and was caused by monitoring
networks, and support vector machines [1]. The latest and diagnostic system failure, communication issues, and lack
industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, combines automation with of system understanding [6]. Whereas Ukrainian power grid
modern production to reduce human labour and resources. attack left over 230,000 people without electricity for several
Predictive maintenance (PdM) is an industry 4.0 solution that hours [7]. These events are directly attributable to Data
uses advanced machine learning (ML) techniques, including manipulation Spoofing attacks, necessitating extensive
deep learning, and IoT sensors to detect failures in research to detect and mitigate these attacks. These real-life
components or systems. scenarios highlight how Data manipulation Spoofing attacks
can exploit vulnerabilities, leading to costly failures and
Engine health monitoring (EHM) [2] systems monitor potential disastrous consequences, especially in safety-critical
engine parameters like exhaust gas temperatures, engine applications like power grids and industrial plants.