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Springer Higher Education: This Content Downloaded From On Fri, 15 Nov 2019 10:50:31 UTC
Springer Higher Education: This Content Downloaded From On Fri, 15 Nov 2019 10:50:31 UTC
Saharan Africa
Author(s): Alan R. Foley and Joanna O. Masingila
Source: Higher Education, Vol. 67, No. 6, Special Issue: Large Class Pedagogy: Opportunities
and Challenges of Massification (June 2014), pp. 797-808
Published by: Springer
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/43648691
Accessed: 15-11-2019 10:50 UTC
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High Educ (2014) 67:797-808
DOI 10.1 007/s 1 0734-0 1 3-9697-6
Abstract Over the past 20 years most countries, particularly developing countries, have
seen a large increase in the number of students seeking higher education. A consequence of
this growth is increasing pressure on teaching staff and institutions, usually resulting in,
among other effects, increased class size. Large classes of between 300 and 1 ,000, and
even more, at the undergraduate level are not uncommon in a number of countries
(Mulryan-Kyne in Teach High Educ 15(2): 175-185, 2010). Large classes are often per-
ceived as one of the major obstacles to the attainment of quality education. Despite the
difficulties associated with teaching and learning in large classes, they remain a reality in
many countries affecting learners across all levels of the education system and are often the
only perceived option available to meet growing demand for higher education in Sub-
Saharan Africa (Mohamedbhai in The effects of massification on higher education in
Africa. Report from the Working Group on Higher Education of the Association for the
Development of Education in Africa, 2008). We contend that the challenges of delivering
large classes can be confronted, and in many ways diminished, through the use of current
and emerging technologies and enhanced faculty development. In this expository paper, we
present findings from project activities focused on higher education faculty development
and capacity building. The findings include both formative and summative development
activities, as well as data collected in faculty professional development workshops and the
results of two surveys. We use these data to lay out issues, challenges (e.g., skills,
resources, logistics - including poor campus infrastructure), and opportunities (e.g., mobile
capacity, distance tools such as Moodle ) of large class pedagogy using a design-based
research framework.
A. R. Foley (El)
Syracuse University, 330 Huntington Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
J. O. Masingila
Syracuse University, 150 Huntington Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244, USA
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798 High Educ (2014) 67:797-808
Over the past 20 years most countries, particularly developing countries, have seen a large
increase in the number of students seeking higher education. This phenomenon has been
called the massification of higher education and has occurred globally (Mohamedbhai
2008). A consequence of this growth is increasing pressure on teaching staff and institu-
tions, usually resulting in, among other effects, increased class size. Large classes of
between 300 and 1 ,000, and even more, at the undergraduate level are not uncommon in a
number of countries (Mulryan-Kyne 2010).
Large classes are often perceived as one of the major obstacles to the attainment of
quality education. Biggs (1999) observed that the practical problems faced by students and
instructors increase and change in nature as class size increases. Researchers have found
that student motivation, perceived learning and teacher sensitivity are factors commonly
affected by large classes. Large classes inhibit students' opportunities to receive feedback
and interaction with other students and teachers. Carbone and Greenberg (1998) found a
general dissatisfaction among students related to large classes. Despite the difficulties
associated with teaching and learning in large classes, they remain a reality in many
countries, affecting learners across all levels of the education system and are often the only
perceived option available to meet growing demand for higher education in Sub-Saharan
Africa (SSA) (Mohamedbhai 2008).
The notion of large classes is often paradoxical in the context of a networked world
where globalization is changing the nature of international commerce - a phenomenon
often referred to using Thomas Friedman's (2007) term "flat world." The paradox is that
the reasons that make sense for large classes in the immediate African context are at odds
with an increasingly global job market. This is an industrial model of instruction that is
possibly already obsolete in the world economy, and this raises questions such as: Does
large class pedagogy de-emphasize critical thinking and problem solving that are advo-
cated in models of twentyfirst century skills, and what is the trade-off between the quantity
of students served in large class contexts versus the quality of education they receive? At a
curricular level, are there points where large classes make more sense than others? In the
United States' model of higher education, large classes are typically lower-level under-
graduate courses; general education classes and more advanced classes tend to be smaller,
providing opportunities for more engaged models of learning.
Another paradox is that while developing and delivering large classes offers access to
education to more students (and more revenue potentially to universities), the practice risks
de-professionalizing faculty members. There is tremendous potential to erode faculty
members' autonomy and job security, as well as contribute to the narrowing of the cur-
riculum - especially by limiting instruction as constrained by technology and reinforcing
particular pedagogic methods that reflect certain understandings of learning (Foley 2003).
This echoes earlier critiques and concerns of distance education. Consider that courses are
developed by tenure-track faculty members only to be delivered routinely by adjunct
instructors or part-time instructors in a gradual process of standardization and deskilling.
When the content of the curriculum is constructed independent of the instructor, its content
and perspective are easier to control and more reliably delivered to students. At the same
time, a standardized curriculum makes fewer demands intellectually on the professor.
Hence, the university may employ less qualified, and subsequently, less expensive faculty
members to teach more students. Hornsby and Osman (2012, personal communication)
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High Educ (2014) 67:797-808 799
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800 High Educ (2014) 67:797-808
Iterative process to refine problems, solutions, methods & design principles - '
Fig. 1 The design-based research process (adapted from Amiel and Reeves 2008)
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High Educ (2014) 67:797-808 801
In this section, we discuss issues impacting large class teaching identified in survey and
workshops with faculty. Our understanding of both the challenges facing faculty teaching
large classes and also the opportunities to build and enhance these classes evolved over the
course of multiple iterations of workshops, observations, and evaluation.
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802 High Educ (2014) 67:797-808
These issues point to the challenges faced by instructors in wanting to teach effectively
and reach all students.
Workshop participants also discussed issues and challenges related to students and their
learning needs in large classes. These issues included that (a) students may feel emo-
tionally distant from the instructor and course content, that they can hide in a large class,
and that their needs may not be met, leading to frustration; (b) below and above average
students may be left out as lecturers may tend to focus on the average learner; (c) there may
be inadequate availability and access to resources; (d) there may be inadequate exposure to
hands-on experiences; and (e) there may be a lack of feedback from the instructor. These
indicate the difficulties that students may face in large classes and point to the challenge of
providing a conducive learning environment in this situation.
These are all valid issues and challenges that faculty members must consider and have
strategies for coping with them. In the same workshop, Kenyatta University faculty
members proposed a number of possible strategies, including (a) engaging students
actively in class through an interactive lecture combined with some group discussion;
(b) use a learning management system, such as Moodle , to give students some content prior
to class, (c) agree with the class on instructor and student responsibilities, (d) assign
students to share information in class, and (e) divide the class into project groups and give
assignments for the groups. In general, the strategies proposed the instructor working
together with the students to create a learning environment that engages students and keeps
them involved in learning.
These proposed strategies may have implications for changes in the classroom culture,
the amount and nature of content covered in a course, and/or the preparation of instructors.
For example, the strategy of engaging students actively in class through an interactive
lecture combined with some group discussion may mean that the classroom norm of the
instructor lecturing and students copying notes that is often found in SSA universities will
need to change. Coinciding with this change may be a change in the amount of content and
the focus of content included in a course. Frequently engaging students in group discus-
sions may mean that some content will be covered in more depth than through lecturing
only, and the breadth of the content covered in a course may be reduced. These are the
pedagogical trade-offs that instructors must decide on, balancing quality and depth of
learning against coverage of course content. Being able to meaningfully engage students
actively in discussing conceptual ideas may also require support and training for faculty
members. Pedagogical moves such as preparing and engaging students in discussions are
quite different in nature from preparing and delivering lectures. Faculty members will
likely find it difficult to teach in a manner different from how they were taught without
support and professional development.
Regarding strategies for students to use in coping with the challenges of large classes,
the faculty members recommended that students (a) maximize use of available resources;
(b) learn to share resources among classmates; (c) take more responsibility for their
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High Educ (2014) 67:797-808 803
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804 High Educ (2014) 67:797-808
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High Educ (2014) 67:797-808 805
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806 High Educ (2014) 67:797-808
& Springer
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High Educ (2014) 67:797-808 807
Large class pedagogy can be an effective and efficient approach to addressing the need for
increased access to tertiary education in SSA in ways that foster skills students will need in
^ Springer
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