APM Project and Report Guidelines

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APM04: Project and Report guideline

Each participant will work to investigate one major aspect (case study) of Project Management. As we go
along, various pieces of the report will be turned in, at the end of the term, all the pieces of the report will
be put together in one final report. This report serves two purposes:

• It allows you to apply various concepts, introduced during the term

• It allows you to acquire a deeper understanding of the subject
The project will be one of the most important learning tools for the course. Each report will include the
components listed below; these components will be graded as they are submitted. Each of these
components, however, is not expected to be in the 'Finished Product', rather these assignments demonstrate
that you have understood the concepts from the class and the readings and have made a reasonable effort
to apply them in looking at a particular industry.

This is an industry-based project, which requires a high degree of analysis and tangible
recommendations. Participants are expected to identify a company as well as a project to showcase
the Project Management domain. The deliverables of the project include:

Final Report Format

The final report should include all of the following:
Cover Page: It should include the report title, your name, with any assigned numbers. Each participant will
sign his/her name on the cover as a “Sign off” on the report and its contents.
Executive Summary: An Executive Summary of no more than two double-spaced pages will follow the
cover page; this should highlight what is included in the report.
Table of Contents: Immediately following the executive summary should be a table of contents of your
report. You may put the report together in any order you like, provided there is some logical reasoning
apparent to the reader for the sequence you have chosen.
Main Body of the Report: Participants are expected to include each of the deliverables of the project
discussed above.

• Introduction/Background of the project

• Rational for taking the project
• Contributions of the project
• Problem definition
• Proposed Framework/Methodology (provide flow diagram)
• Data collection and Data analysis
• Managerial Implications
Conclusion and future research: The report should end with a brief conclusion that ties the entire project
together and reveals the major insights gained during the study of your chosen industry.
References: A complete citation of all work /research of other references in your report should be included
in a list at the end of the report as references and also indicated in the text of the report.
Ground Rules
• This project would be group in nature, and you would have to use it to solve problems in your industry.
Based on the nature of the project and faculty expertise, you can contact us, and we will assist you as
• The entire report must be in the range of about 5000 words. The project report has a 20% weightage in
the overall evolution.
• Grading of the report will be done on the strength of the analysis and explanation therein.
• Please incorporate diagrams wherever possible.
• Plagiarism check for the report via Turnitin
• The Final Report format as mentioned in the heading ''Contents'' is not sacrosanct. It is subject to change
depending on the sector-specific requirements that need to be incorporated and highlighted to improve
the understanding of Project Management.

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