Grade - 8 Civics Note
Grade - 8 Civics Note
Grade - 8 Civics Note
In Article 77 of the constitution of Liberia , it is provided that: Since the essence of democracy is free
competition of ideas expressed by political parties and political groups as well as by individuals , parties
may be freely established to advocate the political opinions of the people. Laws , regulations decrees or
measures which have the effect of creating a one job- party state shall be declared unconstitutional.
A political party is an association of persons who subscribe to a given political program or policy.
Otherwise stated, members of a political party are in general agreement on how the affairs of
government should be conducted. The primary goal of all political parties is to direct the affairs of
Political first appeared in Europe. They emerge when the common man was given the right to vote.
Before than, voting was a privilege and not a right. With such a large number of electors as a result of
the right to vote, candidate began to run for public office. It therefore became necessary to organize
voters into groups with common political. These groups later became political parties.
The first two political parties in Liberia history were the Pro- Administration or True Liberian , and the
Whig or Administration party.
Members of the True Liberian Party were mulattoes while of the Wig Party we dark complexiond settle.
The colour conflict divided Liberian citizens at a time in to two factions until 1878 as will be explained
later. The Pro and Anti Administration Parties competed for power at the Constitutional Convention in
July 1847 and later during the election in September of the same year. At the convention, the Wings
proposed an amendment to the draft constitution to the effect that the tenure of the president should
be only one and for ten years. Their amendment was not earned.
In Liberia's first general and presidential election held on September 27, 1847, Governor Joseph Jenkins
Roberts of the Commonwealth of Liberia, who was also the standard bearer of the True Liberian Party,
defeated Samuel Benedict, chief Justice of the Supreme Court and candidate of the Whigs Party.
Kinds of Party
The three major kinds of Party are: ideological, devotee and mass.
An ideological party, also called doctrinaire or cadre, is extremely medical; it's membership is not too
large and is highly disciplined. Political Parties in the former Soviet Union and other communist
countries in Europe were ideological parties.
A devotee party is one in which greater loyalty is given to the party leader than to the party. Everything
surrounds the party boss and he makes the final or major decisions. The True Whigs Party during the
presidency of William V. S. Tubman was basically a devotee party.
A mass party is a party in which membership requirements are few and its rules and regulations are not
rigid. All Liberian and most African political parties are mass parties.
Party System
The three major party systems are the one or single, two and multi party.
In the one or single party system , one and only one political party is allowed by law to operate in the
state. One party systems are often dictatorial because they do not allow the people to enjoy the
freedom of association which refers also to the freedom which citizens have to form or join political
parties; single system also violates freedom of speech in a state.
The two-party system which is found in the United States of America and other democratic countries
consists of two parties with room for more parties. One major advantage of the two party system is that
citizens have the opportunity to choose between the two major parties.
In a multi-party system, there are more than two parties competing for power. An advantage of the
multi party system is that citizens have many parties from which to choose, but in a multi- party system
citizens sometimes get confused as to which of the parties they should join, especially when the
majority of the citizens are illiterate.
Political Parties in Liberia are organized on both national and local levels. The national organizations of
political parties include the Executive Committee, National Committee, and National Convention. It is at
the national convention that presidential and vice presidential candidates are nominated by delegates
that come from the various branches of a political party. Some parties refer to their National Convention
as Congress, on the national level, high officials of a part include the Standard Bearer, National Chairman
and Secretary-General.
On the local level the orgayof political parties corresponds to the units of local government. At the top
of the structure is the county party organization headed by a county chairman. Electoral district in the
counties are constituencies from which Representatives are elected.
A political party, as Liberians Civics defined it, is an organized group of people whose primary goal is the
exercise of political power. In today's world states, power is. commonly acquired through the ballot box.
Those who exercise state power are know as decision - makers.
There are four major means whereby citizens become political leaders or decision makers. They are
Force, appointment, Inheritance and election.
Force: It is through the means of force that leaders of military governments become decision makers.
One expression of force is violent revolution
Appointment: Such leaders exercise authority through their selection by those who have the right or
autyto do so. Superintendents of counties in Liberia are decision makers through appointment by the
president who has the authority to appoint them.
Inheritance is another means through which individuals become decision makers. Kings and emperors
become decision makers by inheriting the right to do so from their predecessors.
Election which is by far the most popular means through which individuals become decision makers that
affect them. This means that citizens, through the procyof free and fair election, select those who will
make decisions for them.