Gammar Lesson 03
Gammar Lesson 03
Gammar Lesson 03
A Verb is a word that tells or asserts something about a person or thing. Verb
comes from the Latin verbum, a word. It is so called because it is the most
important word in asentence.
Verbs can be classified under two categories
1. Action verbs: play, work, make, think, etc.
2. Stative verbs: be, act, appear, become, feel, look, run, seem, smell, taste,
sound, continue, prove, remain, sit, stand and turn (only when they are
followed by adjectives).
The meaning expressed by a verb in present or past tense depends to a great
extent on whether the verb refers to a single constant state, as in I know her
address, or to a dynamic occurrence, as in:‘He goes to work by train.’
More exactly, the meaning depends on whether the verb is being used statively
or dynamically, since many verbs lend themselves to both interpretations. ‘Have’
usually refers to a state, as in birds have wings, but it also has dynamic uses as in
have breakfast.
In general, dynamic but not stative senses can occur with the imperative and
progressive, and after do in wh-cleft sentences:
Have breakfast! We are having breakfast. What we did was have breakfast.
*Have wings! *Birds are having wings. *What birds do is have wings.