Afrikaans Poe 2022

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Activity 1

This essay will discuss the role of Krashen theory in the FAL acquisition and the
implications of Krashen’s views for the teaching of a first additional language. It will
also go into details of the Swain theory in the FAL acquisitions and its implications
for teaching of the first additional language. It will also include examples to support
statements or facts that will be stated below and my opinion of who I agree with
between the two theories and why.
Stephen Krashen is an expert in the field of linguistics, specializing in theories of
language acquisition and development (Schutz, 2019). According to Krashen’s
theory acquisition is a subconscious process of accepting knowledge where
information is stored in the brain through communication and associating with other
people whereas learning is the conscious acceptance of knowledge. Krashen then
goes to state that learned competence and acquired competences develops in
different ways (Tricomi, 1986). Language learning in his opinion occurs through the
formal study of rules, patterns and conventions, a study that allows one to talk about
and consciously apply the knowledge gained. Language acquisition on the other
hand occurs quite differently (Tricomi, 1986). Krashen believes that development
occurs through “comprehensible input”. However not all inputs will produce “intake”
according S. Krashen (1985). The word “intake” is closely linked to how affective
factors affect second language acquisition. An example of a practical scenario of the
Krashen theory, when a child is born into a Xhosa and Sepedi speaking home and
both the parent communicate with the child with both languages therefore she or he
acquired both Xhosa and Sepedi at an early age and then she goes on into school
and does English as FAL years later she will be fluent in the English. This show that
children are better language learners as the example state that she was exposed to
these languages at an early stage.
Krashen’s theory consists of five hypotheses of the second language acquisition
which are acquisition learning hypothesis, monitor hypothesis, natural order
hypothesis, input hypothesis, affective filter hypothesis. The acquisition of learning is
the first and important of the five hypotheses in this theory. It is also the most well-
known among linguists and language teachers. According to Krashen the monitor
hypothesis states that the learner is consciously learning the rules and function of
the language rather than its meaning. The natural order hypothesis shows us that
learners learn grammatical structures of a language in a fixed and universal way
(Almaden, 2022). The input hypothesis has a huge emphasizes on the acquisition of
the second language. This hypothesis focuses more on how the language is
acquired rather than being learned (Almaden, 2022). There is the affective filter of
the language acquisition which deals or can be affected by emotional variables such
as low self-confident, anxiety, stress and many more. According to Krashen learners
who are affected by these emotional variables for example, high stress levels, high
anxiety, no self-confident and lack of motivation they have it difficult to learn or
acquire a second language, the affective filter causes a mental blockage that
prevents comprehensible input (Schutz, 2019).

After the Karshen “input hypothesis” researchers later developed the “output
hypothesis” which was developed by Swain. In those days English teachers focused
more on the “input hypothesis” such as listening and reading and ignored the “output
hypothesis” such as writing and speaking. The Swain’s theory states that is it
through language production (written or spoken) that second language acquisition is
likely to occur. According to Swain it is during the stages of language production that
learners realize what they know and what they do not know. He also states that we
learn best through output because it enables us to identify our “gaps” of what we
want to say and what were able to say. It would be on realizing this “gap” that
learners are pushed and motivated to modify their output in order to learn something
new about the language they are to learn. This hypothesis asserts that language
production enables learners in four different ways according to Swain (1993). The
first one derives from the fact that language production provides learners with great
opportunities for meaningful practice, which allows the development of automatic
linguistic behaviors. The second one is about forcing learners to switch from
semantic mental process to syntactic ones. The third one states that language
production helps learners in acquiring a second language through testing hypothesis
therefor the output hypothesis does give learners the opportunity to test their own
hypothesis and make their own conclusions. The fourth one is almost the same as
the third aspect which deals with another speaker’s responses of the language
especially native ones, which gives learners information on how comprehensible
their utterances are.

The first implications of the Swain’s theory are to raise awareness of the importance
of English writing. We learnt that teachers have not really paid attention to writing
and they were focused on “input aspects”. Therefore, learners who majoring in
English pay more attention to the “output” aspects which indicates the importance of
it. Then there is the second implication which is appropriate feedback is encouraged
in writing class. English assignments are usually completed and returned to the
teacher. During the writing process learners usually act as singers as they think,
write and reread the feedback. They rarely communication to other learners and
teacher also do not give them the opportunity to speak during class.

I agree with the Karshen theory more because I believe that learners learn best
through input aspects such as listening and reading. Leaners will get the opportunity
learn more about the language. I also believe with these input hypothesis learners
get the opportunity to engage more with the language and it easier for them to carry
it on with them. It also gives learners the idea of what they need to know and what
they are struggling with.
The Karshen and Swain’s theory both play a big role in our daily learning lives as we
all need both the input and output hypothesis to successes in acquiring the FAL
Lesson Plan Template 2021

Note: All lesson plans are to be typed up, no handwritten lesson plans will be accepted for the final
submission of the POE. Please use the template below which will be made available to you in MS
Word format for lesson planning.
Name Nokwanda Student Number ST 10099815


A. Lesson details
Date of lesson 15 May 2022 Subject (CAPS) Afrikaans FAL

Grade 5
Topic Listening and speaking
Number of learners 30
Duration 1 hour

B. CAPS-Specific Focus
through effective listening and speaking:
 Learners will collect and synthesise information, construct knowledge, solve
problems and express their ideas and opinions.
 Critical listening skills enables learners to recognise values and attitudes
embedded in texts
 Build on vocabulary and sentence structures
 Build on skills developed in the foundation phase to more proper
conversations, discussions and oral presentation

C. Summary of the content to cover

Storytelling will be the content that will be covered under listening and speaking.
Learners will have to listen to me (the teacher) while I read to them then they will
have to read it back to me and answer questions that will be asked based on that
story. They will learn about the beauty of storytelling and how important it is to be
creative and have a good imaginative mind.

D. Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to:

 Re-tell the story without looking at it in Afrikaans.
 Express their opinions based on the story
 Tell what the story is about which includes (characters, plot and setting)
 Listen with understanding and they will be able to recall details in the story

E. Curriculum integration (if relevant)

The curriculum/ content covered in Afrikaans FAL is the same as the content
covered in English language they both involve skills of listening and speaking.
Storytelling is also part of English content, where learners are able to re-tell stories

F. Considerations to be made about the learners in relation to this content

Different teaching styles/ strategies will be implemented to accommodate different

learners with different learning needs/ styles. The story will be read by the teacher in
Afrikaans first as it is an Afrikaans subject then I will go through each paragraph and
translate it for them in English this will help those learners who do not understand
Afrikaans well to get an idea of what the story is about. New Afrikaans terms will also
be explained to them in both Afrikaans and English.

G. Teaching Strategies

 Effective questioning (engage): during the lesson, learners will be asked

questions randomly to check how well they understand the content
 Learner-centred approach: learners will be given an opportunity to re-tell the
story using their imagination and they also bring their own knowledge and
ideas. They will also be answering questions that are being asked.
 Direct instruction: it is a teacher centred approach which the teacher delivers
the content. The lesson will be led by me as I will be introducing the story to
them and reading through it while they are listening, I will also be asking
questions based on the story.


H. Lesson Steps
Phases Write, in detail, every element/step of your lesson for each phase. Resources
Include time on task for each phase. Required

15 minutes none

I will start off by asking learners what they know about

storytelling and they must give me a few stories they have
heard off or books that they have read before. Then I will

go onto introducing the topic of the day and what the

lesson is about. Then I will introduce the name of the story
and the author. Then I will ask them what they think will
happen in the story judging from the title of it.

40 minutes Books

In this phase I will begin my actual lesson by playing an Pen


audio of the story which is 8 minutes long this will give

them time to listen and create their own imagination of
how the characters look like. After that I will give each
learner a paper of the story then I will read through it with
them as they listen and follow through (in Afrikaans). After
reading through it Afrikaans I will then go through each
paragraph and translate it to English so that will have an
idea of what the story is about.
By giving them the paper to follow through it gives them an
opportunity to see which words they do not understand
that they need to be explained by me.

I will then ask them to re-tell the story without looking at

the paper this is when the engagement of the learners
comes in. Then after I will ask the questions based on the
story for example: what is the title of the story?
 Name the characters
 Where does the story take place (setting)?
 What is the plot of the story?
CLOSURE PHASE 5 Minutes none
I will give learners the opportunity to ask question of what
they do not understand and need clarity. I will then recap
on what was covered during the lesson.

I. I discussed my lesson plan prior to teaching with:

The IIE Supervisor’s S. Smith Date: 14 May 2022
Signature OR

Mentor Teacher’s Signature T. Mkhotho Date: 14 May 2022

Student’s Signature N. Mpondo Date: 14 May 2022

Activity 3
Klasaktiwiteit: kortverhaal
Skool moet 'n plek wees soos die huis, dit moet 'n plek van vrede en gemak wees,
dit moet 'n plek wees om nuwe vriende en gelukkige herinneringe te maak. Maar dit
was nie die geval vir Anny nie.
Anny was in graad 5 'n jaar ouer as die ander leerders aangesien sy laat begin
skoolgaan het. Sy was ook langer en groter as leerders van haar ouderdom. Anny
het by Laerskool Memo bygewoon. Dit was vir haar baie moeilik om vriende te
maak, maar sy het hierdie een spesiale vriendin Julia gehad. Anny het vir haar ouers
probeer vertel van wat in die skool gebeur en dat sy nie meer daar wil bywoon nie,
maar haar ouers sal sê "AHH Anny ignoreer hulle net". Sy sou elke oggend om
06:00 vroeg by die skool kom waar die meeste kinders nog by die huis is of skool
toe is. sy sal kantoor toe gaan om haar register juffrou juffrou Belinda te kry sodat sy
die klassleutels kan hê sodat sy in die klas kan sit en wag vir skool om te begin, sy
het dit gedoen om van die leerders te vermy wat pret sou maak van haar veral
Thandi, Lebo en Mpho was hulle altyd in Anny se besigheid. Anny was 'n baie knap
leerder wat lief was vir wiskunde, maar was te skaam om vrae in die klas te
beantwoord aangesien leerders elke keer as sy gepraat het haar name sal noem
soos "vettig, kameelperd" ens. Sy het selfs haar pouses in die klaskamer
deurgebring en dit het Julia baie hartseer gemaak omdat sy tydens pouses baie
dinge saam met Anny wou doen.
Eendag vra Julia vir Anny “My vriend, hoe voel jy regtig oor jouself en hoe mense
jou behandel? Moet asseblief nie vir my kwaad wees nie my vriend ek wil net regtig
weet van jou gevoelens.” Anny het gekraak en gesê: "My vriend ek voel net aaklig,
ek wou nog altyd hierdie gewig verloor sodat ek selfversekerd kan voel en by ander
kinders kan inpas, hierdie ding van geboelie wees pla my baie Julia elke aand wat
ek myself aan die slaap huil". Julia het gesien hoe seer Anny was, toe sê sy vir haar
"moenie bekommerd wees nie my vriend ons sal dit saam doen ons sal saam gewig
verloor". Julia het gesien hoe seer Anny was, toe sê sy vir haar "moenie bekommerd
wees nie my vriend ons sal dit saam doen ons sal saam gewig verloor". Anny het
gesê hulle sal die volgende Maandag begin aangesien sy vir oulaas haar gunsteling
versnaperinge (lekkers en skyfies) wil eet.
Julia en Anny het elke Saterdag in hul woonbuurt begin gaan draf en gedurende die
week het hulle hul ouers gevra om vir hulle gesonde etes in te pak soos slaaie of
avokadotoebroodjies vir skool. Anny het begin gewig verloor en sy het weer soos
haarself begin voel. Binne 3 maande het Anny baie gewig verloor en sy was
gelukkiger en meer selfversekerd as sy. Sy het vir pouses begin uitgaan en sy het
komplimente van ander leerders begin kry wat Thandi, Lebo en Mpho baie kwaad
gemaak het. Op die einde van die dag het Anny haar boelies gewen en iets aan
haar gewig gedoen wat sy wou hê. Julia was baie trots op hoe ver haar vriendin
gekom het en dat hulle met pouse dinge saam sal begin doen.

Skrywer: John Willams

Beantwoord die volgende vrae gebaseer op die storie:

1. Wat is die titel van die verhaal?
2. Waar speel die storie af?
3. Wie is die drie meisies wat Anny boelie?
4. Haal uit die gedeelte aan wat Anny se ouers gesê het toe sy hulle vertel
het van die afknouery by die skool?
5. Wie is Anny se spesiale vriendin?
6. Anny is lief vir haar lyf. Waar of onwaar?
7. Watter skool woon Anny by?
8. Anny se registeronderwyseres is juffrou Smith. Waar of onwaar?
9. Wat sou jy gedoen het as jy in Anny se skoene was?
10. Dink jy Anny se vriendin het die regte ding gedoen deur haar daardie
vraag te vra?
11. Dink jy die titel van storie is gepas?
1. What is die titel van die verhaal?
2. Waar speel die storie af?
By die skool of Memo primere skool
3. Wie is die meisies wat Anny boelie?
Lebo, Mpho and Thandi
4. Haal uit die gedeelte aan wat Anny se ouers gese het toe sy hulle vertel
het van die afknouery by die skool?
"AHH Anny ignoreer hulle net"
5. Wie is Anny se spesiale vriendin?
6. Anny is lief vir haar liggam. Waar of onwaar?
7. Watter skool woon Anny by?
Memo Primere Skool
8. Anny se registeronderwyserers is juffrou Smith. Waar of onwaar?
9. Wat sou jy gedoen het as jy in Anny se skoene was?
Eie reageer
10. Dink jy Anny se vriendin het die regte ding gedoen deur haar daardie
vraag te vra?
Eie reageer
11. Dink jy die titel van storie is gepas?
Eie reageer

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