Nonex Kap5
Nonex Kap5
Nonex Kap5
In this chapter we shall list a problems and applications which may be analyzed by the
results of the last chapters and attacted by the methods presented in the next chapter.
The applications are located in approximation theory, optimization, math finance, signal
and image analysis and mathematical physiscs. Many of the problems my be considered
as inverse problems; see [6, 33, 45].
Chebyshev approximation
A polynomial p is a function which can written in the form
p(t) = a0 + a1 t + · · · + am tm
in C[a, b]:
�f − g�∞ := sup |f(t) − g(t)| , f, g ∈ C[a, b] .
Let Pn be the space of polynomials of degree less than or equal to n . The best approxima-
tion problem in the supremum norm (Chebyshev approximation problem) is the following
Given f ∈ Pn find p0 ∈ Pn such that �f − p0 �∞ = dist(f, Pn ) . (5.1)
This problem has a solution since Pn is proximal in C[a, b] . The proximality is a conse-
quence of the fact that for each f ∈ C[a, b] the finite-dimensional space span({f} ∪ Pn ) is
Theorem 5.1 (Kolmogorov, 1948). Let f ∈ C[a, b] and p0 ∈ Pn . Then the following
statements are equivalent:
(a) p0 is a best approximation of f .
(b) maxt∈A0 (f(t) − p0 ))g(t) ≥ 0 for all g ∈ Pn where A0 := {t ∈ [a, b] : |f(t) − p0 (t)| =
�f − p0 �∞ } is the set of the so called peak points.
Notice that A0 is nonempty and compact.
Obviously, A0 is compact and nonempty due to the continuity of f − p0 and the compact-
ness of [a, b] .
(a) =⇒ (b) Let g ∈ Pn and a > 0 . Then there exists ta ∈ [a, b] with �f − p0 + ag�∞ ≥
�f − p0 �∞ . Then
This implies
(f(ta ) − p0 (ta ))g(ta ) ≥ − a2 �g�2∞ (5.2)
Taking the limit a → 0 we obtain a cluster point t0 ∈ [0, 1] of the family ta , a > 0, due to
the compactness of [a, b] . Then we obtain from the inequalities above |f(t0 ) − p0 (t0 )| ≥
�f − p0 �∞ , i.e. t0 ∈ A0 and (f(t0 ) − p0 (t0 ))g(t0 ) ≥ 0 .
(b) =⇒ (a) Let g1 ∈ Pn . Then we obtain t0 ∈ A0 with
�f − g1 �2∞ ≥ |f(t0 ) − g1 (t0 )|2 = |(f(t0 ) − p0 (t0 )) + (p0 (t0 ) − g1 (t0 ))|2
= |f(t0 ) − p0 (t0 )|2 + 2(f(t0 ) − p0 (t0 ))(p0 (t0 ) − g1 (t0 )) + |p0 (t0 ) − g1 (t0 )|2
≥ |f(t0 ) − p0 (t0 )|2 = �f − p0 �2∞ .
Now, we want to derive the uniqueness of the best approxiamtion. Here, an important
role plays the so called Haar condition. Let U ⊂ C[a, b] be a subspace with dim(U) =
n + 1 . We say that U satisfies the Haar condition if and only the property
holds. If the Haar condition holds we call U a Haar space. Clearly the subspace U := Pn
satisfies the Haar condition due to the fundamental theorem of algebra.
Let t0 , t1 , . . . , tn be pairwise different points in [a, b] . If we choose a basis φ0 , . . . , φn
in a Haar space, then the matrix B := (φi (tj ))i,j=0,...,n has a non-zero determinant. A
consequence of this fact is that for n + 1 distinct points t0 , . . . , tn in [a, b] and data
y0 , . . . , yn ∈ R the interpolation problem
g(ti ) = yi , i = 0, . . . , n, (5.4)
Lemma 5.2. Let p0 ∈ Pn be the best approximation of f ∈ C[a, b]\Pn . Then then there
exist at least n + 1 distinct poits ξ with |f(ξ) − p0 (ξ)| = �f − p0 �∞ .
In a first step we prove that there exist at least two distinct points t0 , t1 ∈ [a, b] with
Let t1 ∈ [0, 1] with f(t1 ) − p0 (t1 ) = E . If the assertion is false, then we have e :=
minξ∈[a,b] (f(ξ) − p0 (ξ)) > −E . Hence e + E �= 0 and the polynomial q := p0 + 12 (E + e)
belongs to Pn . We have
1 1 1
E − (E + e) ≥ f(t) − p0 (t) − (E + e) ≥ e − (E + e) for all t ∈ [0, 1]
2 2 2
which implies
1 1
− (E − e) ≤ f(t) − q(t) ≤ (E − e) .
2 2
This shows
�f − q�∞ ≤ (E − e) < E = �f − p0 �∞ = dist(f, Pn ) .
This is a contradiction.
Suppose that there exist only m ≤ n + 1 distinct poits ξ0 , . . . , ξm ∈ [a, b] with |f(ξi ) −
p0 (ξi )| = �f − p0 �∞ , i = 0, . . . , m . Then we can find a polynomial q ∈ Pn with q(ξi ) =
−(f(ξi ) − p0 (ξi )), i = 0, . . . , m . This implies
We know already that Pn is proximal. Let f ∈ C[a, b] . If f ∈ Pn then the best approxima-
tion in Pn is given by f and therefore uniquely determined. Let f ∈ C[a, b]\Pn . Suppose
that p0 , p1 ∈ Pn are best approximations of f . Then with p := 12 (p0 + p1 ) we have
1 1
dist(f, Pn ) ≤ �f − p�∞ ≤ �f − p0 �∞ + �f − p1 �∞ = dist(f, Pn ) .
2 2
This shows that p is also a best approximation. By Lemma 5.2 there exist n + 2 distinct
points t0 , . . . , tn+1 ∈ [a, b] with |f(ti ) − p(ti )| = dist(f, Pn ), i = 0, . . . , n + 1 . For a fixed
tk we have
f(tk ) − (p0 (tk ) + p1 (tk )) = f(tk ) − p(tk ) = dist(f, Pn ) = �f − p0 �∞ ≥ f(tk ) − p0 (tk ),
which gives p1 (tk ) ≤ p0 (tk ) . Similarly,
f(tk ) − (p0 (tk ) + p1 (tk )) = f(tk ) − p(tk ) = dist(f, Pn ) = �f − p1 �∞ ≥ f(tk ) − p1 (tk ),
leads to p0 (tk ) ≤ p1 (tk ) . Thus, we have p0 (tk ) = p1 (tk , k = 0, . . . , n + 1 . On the other
hand, if f(tk ) − p(tk ) = −dist(f, Pn ), then
f(tk ) − (p0 (tk ) + p1 (tk )) = f(tk ) − p(tk ) = −dist(f, Pn ) = −�f − p0 �∞ ≤ f(tk ) − p0 (tk ),
which gives p0 (tk ) ≤ p1 (tk ) . A similar procedure gives then p0 (tk ) ≥ p1 (tk ) . Hence, we
have in this case also p0 (tk ) = p1 (tk ), k = 0, . . . , n + 1 . We onclude that p0 − p1 ∈ Pn
has n + 2 distinct zeroes and hence p0 = p1 . �
Let us consider the Hilbert space case. Let H be a separable Hilbert space and let
the representation system (ek )k∈N be an orthonormal basis. As we know, every element
x ∈ H has a representation �
x= �x|ei �ei .
In a classical way that was used for centuries, an approximant for an element x ∈ H is a
partial sum
Sm (x) := �x|ei �ei (m ∈ N)
In order to put this procedure into the terminology of the last chapter, we set Um :=
span({e1 , . . . , em }) and consider the approximation problem
We know that this problem has a uniquely determined solution which we denote by PUm (x)
again; PUm is the associated metric projection. From the fact that x − Sm (x) is orthogonal
to Um we conclude that PUm (x) = Sm (x) holds true; see (4) in Theorem 3.3.
Experience in signal and image processing has led to the suggestion that it is more
beneficial to use a general m-term approximation with respect to the basis chosen. This
means that for x ∈ H we look for an approximation of the form
SΛm (x) := �x|ei �ei
where Λm is a subset of m indices. The choice of this set Λm has to be chosen appropriate
with respect to x . Notice, both Sm (x) and SΛm (x), are of the same complexity. From the
Parseval equality we obtain
� � �2 �
� �
�x − SΛm (x)�2 = � �x|ei �ei � = |�x|ei �|2 =: ηΛm (x) .
/ m (x) i∈N,i∈Λ
/ m (x)
This type of approximation is a nonlinear approach since for a fixed m the approximants
come from different subspaces spanned by ei , i ∈ Λm (x) .
The key for an optimal choice of the set Λm (x) is the simple observation that the
approximation error ηΛm (x) will be minimized if the set Λm contains those indices whose
modulus of the coefficients is biggest. This choice is called the greedy choice. This
means that the greedy subset Λm is chosen in such a way that
Since the approximation of x by Sm (x) can be considered as a m-term approximation we
σm (x) ≤ dist(x, Um ) .
In order to confirm that greedy approximation may decrease the approximation error let
m ∈ N and choose x := em+1 . We obtain Sm (x) = θ with �x − Sm (x)� = 1, wheras
SΛm (x) = x and no error occur.
(1) x0 := x, j := 0, Λ0 := ∅ .
(i) Find nj such that |�xj−1 |enj �| ≥ |�xj−1 |ek �| for all k ∈ N .
(ii) Set Λj := Λj−1 ∪ {nj }, xj := xj−1 − �xj−1 |enj � .
Let X be a separable Banach space with a Schauder basis (bi )i∈N . Again, we denote
the partial sums by Sm (x):
� ∞
Sm (x) = ci b if x = c i bi .
i=1 i=1
Clearly, the mappings
λn : X � x = ci bi �−→ cn ∈ R , n ∈ N,
are well defined linear functionals due to the uniqueness of the presentation of x as a
series. As a consequence, the mapping x �−→ Sm (x) is linear too. Moreover, one can
show that for each n ∈ N the mapping x �−→ Sm (x) is a bounded linear operator and
the number BC := supm∈N �Sm � is finite. Now, the coefficient functionals λn are linear
and bounded too.
Since Um is finite dimensional this problem has a solution but uniqueness is not guaran-
teed. Moreover, it is not clear that Sm (x) is a solution of the problem. Since
we have for u ∈ Um
�x − Sm (x)� ≤ (1 + BC)dist(x, Um ) . (5.5)
(5.5) shows that Sm (x) is almost a best approximation of x in Um . Moreover, limm Sm (x) =
x due to the definition of a Schauder basis.
Similar to the Hilbert space case, we can consider the greedy approximation in the
Banach space X with Schauder basis (bi )i∈N . The error of the best greedy approximation
is � � �
σm (x) := inf inf{�x − ci bi � : ci ∈ R, i ∈ Λ}
holds true. Now, we can define the family of greedy approximants: for x ∈ X and a
decreasing permutation ρ we call
Gm (x, ρ) := λρ(i) (x)bρ(i)
Definition 5.5. Let X be a Banach space. A sequence (bi )i∈N is called a unconditional
Schauder basis if for each permutation π : N −→ N (bπ(i) )i∈N is a Schauder basis. �
For instance, in [2, 19, 18, 35] one can find results under which additional assumptions
convergence of the greedy-approximants holds. The main source of different behaviour of
greedy-approximants are wavelet bases.
(1) a is bilinear.
The parameter h is measure which describes the meshwidth of the finite elements and
determines the dimension of Vh . By the Lax-Milgram lemma, each of the problems above
has exactly one solution; see for instance [51].
Lemma 5.6 (Cea’s Lemma). Let u, uh be the solution of (5.6) and (5.8), respectively.
Under the assumptions above we have
We have for all v ∈ Vh
a(u, v) = �y|v� = a(uh , v) for all v ∈ Vh .
we obtain
c2 �u − uh �2 ≤ a(u − uh , u − v) ≤ c1 �u − uh ��u − v� for all v ∈ Vh
and the result follows. �
In order to obtain a Hilbert space setting we have to consider the completion of C20 (0, 1)
under the norm
�� 1 � 12 1
�w�1 := (w �2 + w2 )dξ = (�w � �20 + �w�20 ) 2
where � · �0 is the norm in L2 (0, 1) getting the Hilbert space V := H10 (0, 1) ; H10 (0, 1) is
endowed with the inner product
�v, w� := (v � w � + vw)dξ , v, w ∈ H10 (0, 1) .
Now, the assumptions introduced above are satisfied.
Next, we sketch the analysis of discretized problem. To discretize the equation choose a
finite-dimensional space Vh ⊂ V and a basis φ1 , . . . , φm of Vh . Usually, m is of order 1/h .
For the solution of the discretized equation one has to solve a linear system of equations
which is uniquely solvable to the coercivity. To exploit Cea’s Lemma we have to estimate
dist(u, Vh ) . To do this one may choose the interpolation operator Ih defined by
Ih v := v(ξi )φi
dist(u, Vh ) ≤ �u − Ih u� .
Historically, this problem is related to problem of guessing a starting point for solving a
mathematical programming problem by the Simplex-algorithm.
To solve the feasibility problem one may try to find the projection PC (x0 ) of a given
approximation“ x0 ∈ X . But it may be difficult to compute the metric projection PC .
Instead one may try to find the metric projection PC by using the metric projections
C1 , . . . , Cm which may be easier to compute in a cyclic way; see (??). That this idea may
work migth be seen in the simple example when C1 , C2 are linear subspaces in R2 .
Linear systems
Consider the problem of solving the linear system
Ax = b (5.10)
Hi := {x ∈ Rn : �ai |x� = bi } , i = 1, . . . , m .
bi − �ai |x� i
PHi (x) := x + a (5.11)
�ai �
For numerical purposes, the computation of this projection is very pleasant since its
computation requires vector arithmetic only.
The system (5.10) is called consistent if there exists a z ∈ Rn with Az = b . In
practice, the system (5.10) may be inconsistent due to the fact that it is overdetermined
(m >> n). As we will see in the next chapter, both cases can be handled by the cyclic
projection method.
Suppose that instead we want to solve a linear system of inequalities
Ax ≤ b (5.12)
where ≤ is used componentwise. Then Ax ≤ b if and only if x ∈ ∩m ^ ^
i=1 Hi where Hi are the
half-spaces given by
^ i := {x ∈ Rn : �ai |x� ≤ bi } , i = 1, . . . , m .
^ i is given by
The metric projection onto H
x if �ai |x� ≤ bi
PH^ i (x) := (5.13)
PHi (x) otherwise
Again, there are many variations. For instance, we may consider the constrained linear
Ax = b , x ≥ θ .
Here, in addition to m affine constraints a cone-type constraint has to be met. The metric
projection onto the cone Rn+ := {x ∈ Rn : x ≥ θ} is a special case of the projection onto
We define y := u − v, and a := tu + (1 − t)v for some t ∈ [0, 1] and define the set
H := {x ∈ H : �y|x� = a} .
Assumption: dist(C, D) > 0 .
Then we must have y �= θ and H is a hyperplane. Further, 0 < �y�2 = �y|u� − �y|v�
which implies �y|u� > �y|v� . As we know from Kolmogorov’s criterion we have
�v − u|u � − u� ≤ 0 , �u − v|v � − v� ≤ 0 for all u � ∈ C, v � ∈ D .
This implies
�y|u � � ≤ �y|v� < �y|u� ≤ �y|u � � for all u � ∈ C, v � ∈ D ,
and we conclude that H is a separating hyperplane.
Linear programming - a first view
Consider the linear program (P) given by
where A ∈ Rm,n , b ∈ Rm and c ∈ Rn . Then (P) has a (symmetric) dual program (D)
given by
Minimize �b|y� subject to At y ≥ c, y ≥ 0 ; (5.15)
see for instance [7]. If the optimal value of either (P) or (D) is finite, then the optimal
values of both (P) and (D) are finite and strong duality holds. That is, �c|x∗ � = �b|y∗ � if
and only if x∗ is optimal for (P) and y∗ is optimal for (D).
Then (x∗ , y∗ ) ∈ ∩5i=1 Ci if and only if x∗ is optimal for (P) and y∗ is optimal for (D). Since
the variables x and y are related only by C1 it is convenient to consider the following
three constraints: C1 , C2 ∩ C4 , C3 ∩ C5 . C1 is a hyperplane, C2 ∩ C4 is an intersection of
halfplanes, C3 ∩ C5 is the cone Rn+ × Rm + .
Semidefinite optimization
Consider the space Rn,n of square matrices. Rn,n can be endowed with the inner product
�A|B� := A • B := aij bij = trace(Bt A) , A = (aij ), B = (bij ) .
Since Rn,n is finite-dimensional (dim Rn,n = n2 ) (Rn,n , �·|·�) is a Hilbert space. The inner
product induces the so called Frobenius norm
�A�F := �A|A� 2 , A ∈ Rn,n .
The subset of symmetric matrices in Rn,n will be denoted by S n . The subset of positive
semidefinite symmetric matrices is S+n and S++
is the set of symmetric postive definite
matrices. Clearly, S+ is a nonempty closed convex cone. To abbreviate the notions, we
write occasionally A � Θ for A ∈ S+n .
The feasibility problem of this program may be reformulated as follows:
We set
C := S+n , D := {X ∈ S n : �Ai |X� = bi , i = 1, . . . , m} .
Then we have to find a point in C ∩ D .
The projection
�n of a matrix X onto C := Sn+ can be found from the eigenvalue decom-
position X = i=1 λi qi qi of X:
PSn+ (X) = max{0, λi }qi qti
The projection of X onto on the affine set D is also easy to work out:
PAi •X=bi ,i=1,...,m (X) = X − ui Ai
Remark 5.8. As in the case of linear programming, we have a dual problem of semidef-
inite programs. In contrast to the linear programming, if the optimal value of either the
primal or the dual program is finite, then the optimal values of both problems are not
forced to be equal; a duality gap may exist. But there are well known conditions which are
sufficient for the non-existence of a duality gap. If there is no duality gap the feasibility
problem for the primal and dual problem together with the optimality condition may be
considered as in the linear programming context. �
An interesting application for the semidefinite approach is the the so called educa-
tional testing problem; see [16, 1]. Such optimization problems arise in statistics.
Given a matrix A ∈ S+n , find out how much can be subtracted from the
diagonal of A and still retain a matrix in S+n .
where e := (1, 1, . . . , 1) ∈ Rn .
Fletcher [23, 24] describes methods to solve the problem by classical“ methods of
optimization. W. Glunt [25] applies successfully the idea described in the following sub-
Linear programming - a second view
We consider a variation of the linear programming problem (5.16).
Minimize �e|x� subject to x ∈ ∩m
i=1 Ci , (5.18)
where e = (1, 1, . . . , 1) ∈ Rn and C1 , . . . , Cm are closed convex subsets of Rn . Clearly,
the feasable set C := ∩m i=1 Ci is a generalized constraint set; compare with (5.16). We call
the problem (5.18) a linear convex programming problem. To relate this problem
to alternate projection methods following an idea of W. Glunt [25] we introduce the
Lτ := {y ∈ Rn : �e|y� = τ} .
If τ is chosen such that
τ < min�e|u�
then the sets C and Lτ are disjoint. Given a f ∈ Rn one may consider the problem
Minimize �f − x� subject to x ∈ C ∩ Lτ . (5.19)
which has no feasible point. Nevertheless, one may consider the alternate projection
methods to try to compute PC∩Lτ (f) . What we get by this procedure are two sequences
(un )n∈N , (yn )n∈N , belonging to C and Lτ respectively. As we show below following [15],
these sequences converge to points u ∈ C and y ∈ Lτ such that �u − y� attains the
minimum distance between C and Lτ . It can be deduced from the relationsship of Lτ and
�e|·� that u solves the problem (5.18).
Theorem 5.9. Let H be a Hilbert space and let C, D be nonempty closed convex subsets
of H . Then under the assumption
one of the sets C, D is compact (5.20)
there exist u ∈ C and v ∈ D respectively such that
�u − w� = inf �u � − y � �
u � ∈C,y � ∈D
Let us assume that C is compact.
Obviously, there exist a sequence (un )n∈N in C and a sequence (vn )n∈N in D with
�un − vv � − ≤ d := inf �u − v�, n ∈ N .
n u∈C,v∈D
Since C is compact (un )n∈N contains a convergent subsequence (unk )k∈N ; let u := limk unk .
Since C is compact and therefore closed, u ∈ C . Then (vnk )k∈N is bounded and contains
therefore a weakly convergent subsequence (vnl )l∈N ; let v = w−liml vnl . Since D is closed
and convex, D is weakly closed and therefore v ∈ D . Now (unl − vnl )l∈N converges weakly
to u − v . Since the norm in H is weakly lower semicontinuous, d = �u − v� . �
Cheney and Goldstein have shown in 1959 [15] that under the assumption of Theorem
5.9 the alternate projection method produces a vector w which satisfies
w = u − v, u ∈ C, v ∈ D, �w� = dist(C, D) .
5.5 Approximation of correlation matrices
A correlation matrix is a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix with unit diagonal. Cor-
relation matrices occur in several areas of numerical linear algebra, including precondition-
ing of linear systems and error analysis of Jacobi methods for the symmetric eigenvalue
problem. The term correlation matrix comes from statistics, since a matrix whose (i, j)
entry is the correlation coefficient between two random variables xi and xj is a symmet-
ric positive semidefinite matrix with unit diagonal. In stock research sample correlation
matrices constructed from vectors of stock returns are used for predictive purposes. Un-
fortunately, on any day when an observation is made data is rarely available for all the
stocks of interest. One way to deal with this problem is to compute the sample correlations
of pairs of stocks using data drawn only from the days on which both stocks have data
available. The resulting matrix of correlations will be only an approximate correlation
matrix, because it has been built from inconsistent data sets.
This leads to the computation PS (A) . Since C1 and S+n are both closed convex subsets of
Rn,n , so is their intersection. Therefore the metric projection PS exists. Moreover, each
PS (A) is a singleton. The alternate projection method may be used to compute PS ; see
[29, 30, ?, 50]
f �� (t)
κγ (t) := 3 , t ∈ [a, b] . (5.21)
(1 + f � (t)2 ) 2
is the strain energy of a flexible thin beam or draftman’s spline1 forced to pass through
predescribed points. Consider a partition τ : a = t0 < t1 < · · · < tm = b . We want to
find a curve of least strain energy which interpolates the given data y0 , . . . , ym ∈ R . The
criterion in (5.22) is a rather nonlinear one. Therefore it is appropriate to approximate
the strain energy. Historically and from the practical point of view a very successful
approximation is the following: � b
f �� (t)2 dt (5.23)
If we summarize the interpolationg conditions by
The function g in the definition of H2 [a, b] above is called the second derivative of f in a
generalized sense and we write f �� := g . This space H2 [a, b] is a special case of the family
of Sobolev spaces. It is a Hilbert space under the inner product
�f, h�2,2 := (f(t)h(t) + f �� (t)h �� (t))dt .
The problem (5.24) has now a formulation which is appropriate to analyze the problem
by methods prepared in the last chapter. The problem that ν2,2 is not a norm is not very
serious because in general the interpolationg conditions enforces uniqueness of a solution
of (5.25).
One can show that such a solution f is a C2 − function and on each interval [ti , ti+1 ], i =
0, . . . , m − 1, equal to a polynomial of degree at least three. Therefore, a solution of the
minimization problem (5.25) is called a interpolating cubic spline and the fact that
such a spline is a solution of (5.25) is called the extremal property of the spline.
On the boundary of the interval [a, b] we observe the natural boundary conditions
f �� (a) = f �� (b) = 0 . If we count the degrees of freedom which such a function contains
then we obtain the number 4m . On the other hand we have to obbey 3(m − 1) + (m + 1)
requirements (continuity, interpolation conditions). There are two degrees of freedom left
which generate the natural boundary conditions. These natural boundary conditions may
be replaced by two other conditions; see below.
The set C is convex but the existence of a solution is in doubt since it is not clear whether
C is a closed. We introduce now a description of V with the intention to analyze this
Let Y be a Banach space and let A : K −→ Y be a linear continuous mapping
with nullspace ker(A) . Moreover, we assume that A describes the set V as follows: V =
A−1 (y) with a given y ∈ Y . On this way we describe interpolating conditions: x ∈ K is
interpolating the data y“ if Ax = y . With the set M we describe constraints of non-
interpolatory character; for example: M = {x ∈ K : x ≥ θ} where ≥ is a (partial) order in
Obviously, the expression in (5.28) is a norm due to the assumption ker(R)∩ker(A) = {θ} .
We have
�R(x)�2 + �A(x)�2 ≤ �R�2 �x�2 + �A�2 �x�2
which shows that there exists a constant c1 > 0 with
Consider the mapping L : K � x �−→ (Rx, Ax) ∈ H × Y . Clearly, H × Y is a Banach
space and L is a linear continuous operator. We show that the range ran(L) is closed.
Let (L(xn ))n∈N be a sequence in ran(L) with limn R(xn ) = w, limn A(xn ) = z . We de-
compose each xn as xn = un + vn ∈ ker(R) + ker(R)⊥ . We have limn R(vn ) = w . Since
^ := R|ker(R)⊥ is linear, continuous and bijective we conclude that (vn )n∈N is a Cauchy
sequence and therefore convergent. Let v := limn vn ∈ ker(R)⊥ .
Assume that (xn )n∈N is not bounded. Then we conclude from
xn un vn
= +
�xn � �xn � �xn �
n nk
that ( un )n∈N is a bounded sequence in ker(R) and a convergent subsequence ( unk )k∈N
�x � �x �
u nk nk
exists. Clearly, u := limk nk ∈ ker(R) . Since (Ax )k∈N , (Av )k∈N are bounded we
�x �
obtain Au = θ, which implies u ∈ ker(R) ∩ ker(A) and finally u = θ . But this is
contradicting the fact that xnk = 1, k ∈ N .
�x �
Now we know that (xn )n∈N is bounded which implies that (un )n∈N is bounded too. Hence,
(un )n∈N has a convergent subsequence and since (vn )n∈N is convergent, (xn )n∈N has a
convergent subsequence too. Each cluster point x of (xn )n∈N leads to (w, z) = (Rx, Ax) .
Now, the range of L is closed. Then L is a linear, continuous bijective mapping from H
onto ran(L) . Therefore L−1 : ran(L) −→ K exists and is continuous. From
�x� = �L−1 (Rx, Ax)� ≤ �L−1 ��(Rx, Ax)� = �L−1 �(�Rx�2 + �Ax�2 ) 2 = �L−1 ��x�(R,A)
we conclude
c−1 −1
1 �x�(R,A) ≤ �x� ≤ �L ��x�(R,A) for all x ∈ K .
Theorem 5.11. Let R : K −→ H be a surjective linear operator, let A : K −→ Y be a
linear operator and let y ∈ Y . We set V := A−1 (y) and let M be a closed convex subset
in K . If ker(R) ∩ ker(A) = {θ} and if ker(R) is finite-dimensional then R(V ∩ M) is closed
and the spline-extremal problem
�v� = inf
�v � �
v ∈S
Next we want to characterize the solution w in Theorem 5.11. We know from Theorem
3.1 (Kolmogorov’s criterion)
(a) R∗ (R(ker(A)))⊥ ) = ker(A) ∩ ker(R) .
(b) m + 1 = dim(R(ker(A)))⊥ ) = dim(ker(A) ∩ ker(R)) .
(c) ker(A)⊥ is finite-dimensional.
(d) dim(ker(A)⊥ ) = dim(ker(R)) + dim(ker(A)⊥ ∩ ker(R)⊥ ) .
(e) If b1 , . . . , bm is a basis of R(ker(A))⊥ then
�Rw|bi � = �y|ηi � , i = 1, . . . , m , (5.34)
where R∗ bi = A∗ ηi , i = 1, . . . , m .
Ad (a) This can easily be shown.
Ad (b) Follows from the fact that R∗ is injective.
Ad (c) Clearly, dim(ker(A)⊥ ) = dim(ran(A)) < ∞ .
Ad (d) We have
We conclude from Lemma 5.12 that the solution w of the spline-problem can be com-
puted as follows: Solve the linear system
Notice that w ∈ ker(R)⊥ in (5.36) is well-defined due to the assumption ker(R) ∩ ker(A) =
{θ} .
Let us come back to the interpolatory spline at the beginning of this section. Here
where τ : a = t0 < t1 < · · · < tn < tm = b is a partition of [a, b] . Then all the
requirements of the more general problem above are satisfied, especially the assumption
ker(R) ∩ ker(A) = {θ} . A basis b0 , . . . , bm in R(ker(A))⊥ is given by
t1 − t , t ∈ [t1 , t0 ]
b0 (t) := t 1 − t0
0 , else
t − t i
ti−1 − ti , t ∈ [ti−1 , ti ]
bi (t) := ti+1 − t
, t ∈ [ti , ti+1 ] , i = 1, . . . , n,
t i+1 − ti
0 , else
� t−t
bn+1 (t) := tn+1 − tn , t ∈ [tn , tn+1 ]
0 , else
Since these basis-functions are piecewise linear functions the resulting solution solution
of the spline-problem is piecewise a polynom of degree three.
In order to find a nonlinear framework for the interpolatory splines one can replace
the optimization criterion as follows:
5.7 Variational inequalities
An obstacle problem
Let Ω be a bounded subset in R2 with boundary ∂Ω . Consider the problem
−Δu = f, in Ω , u = 0 in ∂Ω , u ≥ g in Ω (5.38)
Here f, g are given functions in Ω and ∂Ω, respectively. g is called the obstacle. We
reformulate this problem by �introducing the Sobolev space V := H10 (Ω), the �operator
A : V −→ V ∗ , �A(u), v� := Ω ∇u∇vdx and the functional b ∈ V ∗ , �b, v� := Ω fvdx .
The problem (5.38) becomes
C := {w ∈ V : w ≥ g} .
(a) x∗ is a solution of the variational inequality (5.40).
(b) x∗ is a fixed point of H � x �−→ PC (x − τF(x)) for each τ > 0 .
(a) =⇒ (b) Let τ > 0 . Define u := x∗ − F(x∗ ) . Then �x∗ − u|v − x∗ � ≥ 0 for all v ∈ C .
Kolmogorov’s criterion implies x∗ = PC (u) = PC (x∗ − τF(x∗ )) .
(b) =⇒ (a) We have �x∗ − (x∗ − τF(x∗ ))|v − x∗ � ≥ 0 for all v ∈ C . �
Using Theorem 5.13 we may solve the variational inequality by solving the fixed point
x = PC (x − τF(x)) (5.41)
Since PC is nonexpansive we can use the fixed point theory of nonexpansive mappings. If
the constraint set C can be decomposed into a intersection of sets, C = ∩m
i=1 Ci , we may
use a cyclic projection method to solve the fixed point equation.
Therefore, �F(xn )−xn � ≤ 1/n , n ∈ N . Now, it is clear that every cluster point of (xn )n∈N ,
and such cluster points exist since M is compact, is a fixed point of F . �
Lemma 5.15 (Mazur, 1934). Let X be a normed space and let M ⊂ X be such that M is
compact. Then co(M) is compact too.
Let ε > 0 . Since M is compakt there exist x1 , . . . , xn in M with
This shows co(M) is relatively compact. This implies co(M) is compact too. �
We define
BΩ := {f ∈ L2 (R) : χΩ f^ = f}
BΩ is a closed subspace of L2 (R) .
Let f ∈ L2 (R) be considered as a signal from which we know the segment g :=
f|[−τ,τ] (τ > 0) . Without any further knowledge about f we cannot reconstruct f from
g . But if we have the information that the the signal f is contained in BΩ for some
bounded interval ω then it is possible to reconstruct f from g . This follows from the fact
that f must be an analytic function due to the representations
1 ^
f(t) = √ f(ω)e iωt
dω , t ∈ R . (5.43)
2π [−Ω,Ω]
If we define
Dτ := {f ∈ L2 (R) : χτ f = g} , (5.44)
then our assumptions can be formulated as follows:
f ∈ B Ω ∩ Dτ .
Dτ is a closed affine subspaces of L2 (R) . Therefore, the metric projections of L2 (R) onto
Dτ , BΩ may be considered and used. They are of the following form:
Dτ : L2 (R) � f −
� → χτ f ∈ Dτ , (5.45)
BΩ : L2 (R) � f −� → χΩ f^ ∈ BΩ . (5.46)
C := {f ∈ L2 (R) : (χΩ − 1)f^ = θ} , D := {f ∈ L2 (R) : Dτ f = g} .
Using these notations the reconstruction may be rewritten as a feasibilty problem:
Find a signal f ∈ C ∩ D .
Remark 5.16. A related theme is the problem of phase retrieval of images from data
|�aj |x�| = bj , j = 1, . . . , m .
Reconstruction of radiographs
The reconstruction problem of x-ray tomography (x-ray slice imaging) is used to recon-
struct the internal structure of a solid object from external measurements. Tomography
((τóµoσ = slice, γραφειν=aufzeichnen) means to reconstruct a three-dimensional object
B from its two-dimensional slices. Objects of interest in x-ray imaging are described by
a real-valued function defined on R3 , called the attenuation coefficient. The attenuation
coefficient quantifies the tendency of an object to absorb or scatter x-rays of a given en-
ergy. This function varies from point-to-point within the object and is usually taken to
vanishes outside Ω . The attenuation coefficient, like density, is nonnegative. It is useful
for medical imaging because different anatomical structures have different attenuation
coefficients. Bone has a much higher attenuation coefficient than soft tissue and different
soft tissues have slightly different coefficients. For medical applications it is crucial that
normal and cancerous tissues also have slightly different attenuation coefficients.
Using the assumption that x-rays travel along straight lines Iθ,s the x-ray flux is atten-
uated along this line. Here θ (angle) and s (distance) are parameters identifying the line
in a coordinate system. Then a a radiograph is a line integral like this:
where f is the density of the object in the slice. The collection of all integrals of f along
the lines in the plane defines a function Rf on the unitsphere in R2 times R . It is called the
Radon transform. To solve the (inverse) problem of tomography is the task to invert
the Radon transform R . J. Radon gave 1917 an inversion formula for R .
To invert the Radon transform in practice there are two main groups of methods in the
focus: analytic methods and iterative methods. Analytic methods use mainly properties
of the transform R to obtain the density f back from Rf by theoretical considerations.
A famous method is the so called filtered back projection. Iterative methods solve
the linear system of equations which one get by discretization of a finite number of line
integrals. As we know from the consideration concerning feasibility such a system may
be solved by successive projection on hyperplanes. A famous method is the so called
algebraic reconstruction technique (ART). We shall consider this method in the next
chapter. As rule, the numerical realization of analytic methods is faster than iterative
methods but it needs a lot of physical knowledge. The iterative methods allow more
physical and geometrical variations.
where gk (x1 ) = (πk)−1 sin(πkx1 ), x1 ∈ (0, 1) . It is easily verified that the uniquely deter-
mined solution u = uk is given by
As we see, the sequence (gk )k∈N converges uniformly to zero. Taking the limit k → ∞
we obtain a Cauchy problem with homogeneous data which admits the trivial solution
only. But for every x2 > 0 the solutions uk oscillate stronger and stronger and became
unbounded as k → ∞ . Consequentely, the sequence (uk )k∈N does not converge to zero
(in any reasonable topology).
Let us consider the problem (5.48) in a more general setting:
Du = θ , in Ω
u = f , in Γ (5.49)
uν = g , in Γ
where D is a second order elliptic differential operator and f, g are given functions on Γ .
Let Γ1 be such that ∂Ω = Γ ∪ Γ1 and Γ ∩ Γ1 = ∅ . Then we consider the following iteration:
Given φ0 on Γ
Du = θ in Ω Dw = θ in Ω
u = f in Γ w = ψk in Γ1
uν = φk in Γ1 wν = g in Γ
φk+1 := wν |Γ1 .
In the iteration step above, two differential equations are to solved and two trace operators
are applied. Actually, we generate two sequences: the first one of Dirichlet traces and
the second one of Neumann traces, both defined on Γ1 . Using trace operators γd , γn
and solution operators for the Dirichlet- and Neumann-problems we conclude that the
iteration can be reformulated as
with a linear mapping Tl and a function z which depends on the data f, g only. From
the uniqueness of a Cauchy problem we obtain that a fixed point of T is a solution of
the Cauchy problem. The main difficulty is to find the appropriate spaces of functions
defined on the part Γ1 of the boundary. This can be done (see [40], [8] and [36]) and one
obtains that the Tl is a linear bounded selfadjoint nonexpansive mapping. An application
of the results which we present in Chapter 7 leads to the result that the iteration (5.50)
converges to a fixed point of T .
Here we are concerned with adaptive techniques: determination of the parameter par-
allel to the process of gathering the data. They have been developed by engineers for
control problems governed by ordinary differential equations; see [37], [41], [44]. These
techniques can also be used in the case of partial differential equations as it was shown in
[3], [11] and [46].
The system we want to consider has the following formulation (in an evolutionary
Dt z = A(p)z + A0 z + f(t), t > 0 , z(0) = z0 (5.51)
p is the parameter we want to determine from the observation of the state t �−→ z(t) .
Lateron we weaken this assumption. The cauchy problem (5.51) is an evolutionary linear
system since A(p), A0 are supposed linear operators. For the moment, we assume that
the state is defined for all t > 0, later on we will consider the case that the process is
known on a finite interval (0, T ) only. We call the system a bilinear system due to the
fact that we assume that the mappimg (p, z) �−→ A(p)z is bilinear.
Now, we formulate the equation for the model reference state x as follows:
In order to find an adaptation rule we exploit the bilinearity of the mapping (q, v) �−→
�A(q)z(t), v� :
Using this adjoint“ B we are able to formulate the following adaption rule:
Dt q = −B(z(t), x − z(t)), t > 0, q(0) = q0 . (5.55)
Notice that the system (5.52), (5.55) is a nonautonomous system for the evolution of x, q .
We set
e := x − z , r := q − p
Then we obtain from (5.52), (5.55) the following error system:
We define
L(e, r) := (�e�2H + �r�2H ) , e ∈ H , r ∈ H .
The main idea for the analysis is to show that L may plays the role of a Ljapunov–
function. A first step is to prove Outputidentifiability:
instance [43, 47]. Such a hypothesis may be also considered as a richness-condition. Under
such assumptions parameter-identifiability may be proved:
The model reference adaptive method can be applied als in the case when the state
z can be observed in a time interval [0, T ] only. This case is similar to the solution of
linear systems by using the idea of Kaczmarz which is also known as the ART-procedure
in tomography: on uses the state z(t), t ∈ [0, T ], in a cyclic way; see [10, 27, 26, 32]. In
this manner we obtain a sequence (en , rn )n∈N with
see [46].
The problem statement above has an important drawback: the state has completely
to be observed. In the engineering literature this problem is tackled on by introducing
a dynamical observer. But this works only well in the finite-dimensional“ case: the
state equation has to be a system of ordinary differential equations. An observer theory
for partial differential equations is difficult to realize. Since a partial observation gives
occasion to use the projection on the observable part of a state the state z in the model
reference system. A promising approach for online identification in the case when a partial
observation of the state is available only, is presented by Boiger and Kaltenbacher [13].
Here noisy data are also considered.
matrices in Rn,n . Euclidean distance matrices are a useful description of point sets. A
typical task is to retrieve the original point configuration. But Euclidean distance matrices
may be noisy and/or incomplete.
In this section � · � is the Euclidean norm in a space Rl,l .
Definition 5.17. Let D ∈ S n , D = (dij )i,j=1,...,n .
(a) D is called a predistance matrix if the following hold:
dii = 0, i = 1, . . . , n , aij ≥ 0, i, j = 1, . . . , n, i �= j .
(b) A predistance matrix D is called a Euclidean distance matrix if there exist points
x1 , . . . , xn ∈ Rq such that
�xi − xj �2 = dij , i, j = 1, . . . , n ,
where here (and in the following) � · � is the euclidean norm in Rn . The points
x1 , . . . , xn are called generating points and we say that D is embeddable in Rq .
The lowest number q such that generating points exist Rq is called the embedding
dimension emb(D) .
Notice that generating points of an Euclidean distance matrix are not uniquely deter-
mined. This follows from the fact that Euclidean distances are invarint under a translation
and a rotation. Moreover, one can easily show that the embedding dimension of a Eu-
clidean distance matrix D satisfies emb(D) ≤ n − 1 .
Suppose we have an Euclidean distance matrix D generated by points x1 , . . . , xn ∈ Rq .
Then the Gram matrix G := (�xi |xj �)i,j=1,...,n has the representation
G = (1(d1 )t − D + d1 1t ) where d1 is the first column of D (5.60)
and 1 is a the vector with entries 1. This leads to the fact that the point set {x1 , . . . , xn }
can be regained from G by an eigenvalue decomposition of G .
Euclidean distance matrices have found applications in psychometrics, crystallography,
machine learning, wireless sensor networks, acoustics, and more. For a tutorial see the ar-
ticle [20] and [38, 39, 50]. In [39] Euclidean distance matrices are used to study the fractal
dimension of attractors of dynamical systems by determining the embedding dimension
of associated Euclidean distance matrices. One of the most important application is the
study of protein conformation determination. Here methods using the metric projection
are successfully applied; see [14, 21]. Now, we follow [14].
To reformulate the completion problem as a feasibility problem we look at the following
characterization of a Euclidean distance matrix; see [28].
Theorem 5.18. Let D ∈ S n be a predistance matrix. Then D is a Euclidean distance
^ ∈ Rn−1,n−1 in the presentation
matrix if and only if the matrix D
� �
^ u
Q(−D)Q = (5.61)
ut α
^ ≤
is positive semi-definite. In this case, the embedding dimension emb of D is k = rank(D)
n − 1.
The matrix Q in (5.61) is the Householder matrix given by
Q = I − 2vvt �v�−2 where v = (1, 1, . . . , 1, 1 + n) ∈ Rn .
For a partial predistance matrix D = (dij ) consider the associated adjacent matrix
W = (wij ) ∈ Rn,n is defined as follows:
1 if dij is known
wij =
0 if dij is unknown
Find A ∈ C1 ∩ C2 (5.62)
Suppose that Rn,n is endowed with the Frobenius-norm. Clearly C1 is closed and convex
and the projection PC1 (A) of A ∈ Rn,n can easily computed. But C2 is non-convex and
does not have the chebyshevian property. Nevertheless, we may consider the the projection
PC2 (A) of A ∈ Rn,n ; we refer to [14] for this computation. Several numerical simulations
show that completion of a Euclidean distance matrix is possible by the alternate projection
Remark 5.19. The completion of a Euclidean distance matrix may be done by other
approaches: exact completion by graph methods, methods of least squares, approximate
completion by semidefinite optimization using interior point methods; see [38] for a short
survey. �
5.) Show that the subspace span({1, t cos(t), t sin(t)}) of C[0, π] satisfies the Haar con-
6.) Let Rn endowed with l2 -norm and let
U := {x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) : xi = 0} .
C := {x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) : x1 ≤ x2 ≤ · · · ≤ xn } .
H := {(x, y, z) ∈ H : x + 2y = 0} .
Define on H the linear functional λ by �λ, (x, y, z)� := x − y . Find �λ� and extend
λ to H without changing the norm.
10.) Let X = R3 with the l1 norm and let
U := {(x, y, 0) ∈ X : x + 2y = 0} .
Define on U the linear functional λ by �λ, (x, y, z)� := x . Find �λ� and find two
norm-preserving extensions of λ to X .
11.) Let H be a Hilbert space and let B : H × H −→ R be bilinear. Suppose that
B(·, y) is continuous for all yH and B(x, ·) is continuous for all x ∈ H . Show that
B is continuous, i.e.
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