A Sensitive Method For Determination of Residual EDTA in Diuretic Drugs, Furosemide by Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography
A Sensitive Method For Determination of Residual EDTA in Diuretic Drugs, Furosemide by Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography
A Sensitive Method For Determination of Residual EDTA in Diuretic Drugs, Furosemide by Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography
A sensitive method for the determination of residual EDTA by high-performance liquid chromatographic method
with UV detection has been developed. The analysis was performed in gradient mode on a reversed phase C18
column, 150 mm x 4.6 mm x 5 m. Gradient mobile phase consisted of a 25mM tetrabutyl ammonium hydrogen
sulphate, in water as mobile phase A and acetonitrile as mobile phase B. The linear gradient conditions 0-7 minutes
2%B; 7-10 minutes 80%B; 10-15 minutes 80%B, 15-17 minutes 2%B and 17-32 minutes2%B was set for the
determination of residual EDTA . Chromatograms were recorded by using flow rate 1.0 mL/minute and the injection
volume was 25 µL. The detection wavelength was set at 258 nm. The proposed liquid chromatographic method was
successfully applied to the determination of residual EDTA in furosemide. A linear calibration graph was obtained
for 25% to 150%of specification limit (200 ppm) with a correlation coefficient of 0.9999 for EDTA. The
quantification limit for EDTA in furosemide drug substances was found to be 50 ppm. The recovery for EDTA was
found to be within the acceptance criteria (75-125%) from QL level to 150% of the specification limit. Limit of
quantitation was found to be 50ppm. The precision of the method at 100% level for EDTA was within the
acceptance criteria. The method developed in this study is sensitive and selective and can be applied to routine
quality control
Keywords : Routing, non-repudiation, Byzantine failure, MANET, Security, Authentication, Integrity, Non-
repudiation, Confidentiality, Key and Trust Management(KTM).
IJSRSET1738209 | Received : 20 Nov 2017 | Accepted : 18 Dec 2017 | November-December-2017 [(3) 8 : 720-727] 720
EDTA is also used in calcium and sodium compounds EDTA is safe when used as a prescription medicine, as
to preserve food; and to promote the color, texture, and eye drops, and in small amounts as a preservative in
flavor of food [1]. foods however the safety of large amounts is unknown
[5]. EDTA can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
In manufacturing, EDTA is used in calcium and sodium headache, low blood pressure, skin problems, and fever.
compounds to improve stability in pharmaceutical Nebulizer solutions containing disodium EDTA as a
products, detergents, liquid soaps, shampoos, preservative can cause the breathing tubes to narrow in
agricultural chemical sprays, oil emulsion devices, some people with asthma. The size of the dose
contact lens cleaners and cosmetics. It is also used in determines the amount of the narrowing. EDTA might
certain blood collection tubes used by medical make heart rhythm problems worse. EDTA might
laboratories. interfere with blood sugar control because it can interact
with insulin. EDTA can decrease serum calcium levels,
Ethylenediminetetraacetic acid is a powerful chelating making hypocalcemia worse. EDTA can bind with
agent, forming stable complexes with most metal ions. potassium and increase the amount of potassium that is
EDTA is a chemical that binds and holds on to (chelates) flushed out in the urine. This might cause potassium
minerals and metals such as chromium, iron, lead, levels to drop too low, especially in people who have
mercury, copper, aluminum, nickel, zinc, calcium, low levels to begin with. EDTA can bind with
cobalt, manganese, and magnesium. When they are magnesium and increase the amount of magnesium that
bound, they can't have any effects on the body and they is flushed out in the urine. This might cause magnesium
are removed from the body. Due to its ability to levels to drop too low, especially in people who have
sequester metal ions, EDTA is widely used in medicine, low levels to begin with. EDTA might make liver
chemical industry, food technology, agriculture and disease worse.
pharmaceutical technology. EDTA in its disodium salt
or calcium disodium salt form is frequently used in EDTA can harm the kidney and might make kidney
pharmaceuticals because of its stability, compatibility disease worse. EDTA doses should be reduced in
and low toxicity. The most common use of EDTA in patients with kidney disease. There is some concern that
analytical chemistry is in complexometric titrations EDTA might increase the risk of seizure in people with
[2,3]. In analytical techniques EDTA is being used in epilepsy or in people who tend to have seizures. EDTA
the ligands for the complexation of metals, which can cause severe decreases in blood levels of calcium,
enables for the chromatographic separations [4]. and this can cause a seizure [6].
Administering EDTA intravenously and intramuscularly EDTA can decrease blood sugar. Insulin is also used to
is effective for treating lead poisoning and brain damage decrease blood sugar. By taking EDTA along with
caused by lead exposure. The calcium disodium form of insulin can cause serious decreases in your blood sugar.
EDTA is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug So closely monitoring of blood sugar is necessary and
Administration (FDA) for these uses. Treatment with accordingly the dose of insulin might need to be
calcium disodium EDTA improves symptoms of lead changed. As interaction of EDTA with insulin and
poisoning such as abdominal pain, fatigue, constipation, Warfarin is major so as per literature it is advisable not
and loss of appetite. It also seems to slow progression of to take in combination. Warfarin (Coumadin) is used to
kidney failure in patients who have had long-term lead slow blood clotting. EDTA has been reported to
poisoning. However, EDTA does not seem to be decrease the effectiveness of warfarin (Coumadin).
effective for diagnosing lead poisoning. Emergency Decreasing the effectiveness of warfarin (Coumadin)
treatment of life-threatening high calcium levels might increase the risk of clotting. It is unclear why this
(hypercalcemia), when given intravenously. The interaction might occur. Be sure to have your blood
disodium form of EDTA is approved by the FDA for checked regularly. The dose of your warfarin
this use, but healthcare providers generally prefer other (Coumadin) might need to be changed [7, 8].
methods of treatment that are less likely to cause kidney
side effects. Water pills (Diuretic drugs) interacts with EDTA: Large
amounts of EDTA can decrease potassium levels in the
body. "Water pills" can also decrease potassium in the
Some "water pills" that can deplete potassium include In this paper, the development and validation of a
chlorothiazide (Diuril), chlorthalidone (Thalitone), reproducible RP-HPLC method intended to quantify
furosemide (Lasix), hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid content in Furosemide
HydroDiuril, Microzide), and others. Hence the caution for routine laboratory use are described, according to
shall be taken when it will be used in combination. International Conference of Harmonisation (ICH)
guidelines [24, 25].
Furosemide is a potent diuretic (water pill) that is used II. EXPERIMENTAL
to eliminate water and salt from the body. The onset of
action after injection is five minutes and the duration of 2.1 Instrumentation
diuresis is two hours. The diuretic effect of furosemide
can cause depletion of sodium, chloride, body water and HPLC analysis was carried out using a Agilent 1200
other minerals. EDTA is being used in the synthesis of Series HPLC system (Agilent, USA), which is equipped
Furosemide. Therefore the quantification of residual with a degasser, a quaternary pump, an auto injector, a
EDTA is essential as per regulatory requirement [9, 10, temperature controlled column compartment and photo
11]. diode array detector connected to EZ-Chrome software.
There are several analytical methods have been Agilent technologies USA was used. The column
proposed for the determination of EDTA in wide variety temperature was maintained at 25ºC. The standard and
of sample matrices. They include spectrophotometry samples solutions are analysed using gradient elution
[12], electrochemistry [13], differential pulse mode using 25mM tetra butyl ammonium hydrogen
polorography [14], voltametric determination [15], sulphate (A) and acetonitrile (B). The linear gradient
amperometry [16], capillary electrophoresis [17] and conditions were 0-7 minutes 2%B; 7-10 minutes 80%B;
chromatography [18, 19]. Among these HPLC (ion pair 10-15 minutes 80%B, 15-17 minutes 2%B and 17-32
or ion exchange retention mechanism) appear to be the minutes2%B. The flow rate was set at 1.0 mL/minute
prevailing techniques, despite the fact that EDTA lacks and the injection volume was 25 µL. The detection
volatility and exhibits low UV/visible absorptivity [20, wavelength was set at 258 nm.
21]. The gas chromatographic methods always include a
time consuming derivatization steps, in which EDTA is 2.2 Reference substance, reagents and chemical
converted into methyl, ethyl, propyl and butyl esters to
obtain volatility [22, 23]. Furosemide drug substance samples were obtained from
DK Pharma Chem Pvt Ltd, Mumbai. EDTA di-sodium
The present study deals the development and validation salt, Hydrochloric acid, Tetra butyl ammonium
of HPLC method for determination of EDTA in hydrogen sulphate, Ferric Chloride Hexahydrate and
Furosemide drug substance utilizing trivalent iron for Acetonitrile (HPLC grade) was purchased from Merck
complex formation and its subsequent determination Chemicals India Pvt Ltd. HPLC grade water used of a
based on ion pair chromatography. EDTA being UV Millipore, Milli-Q water purification system (Millipore)
inactive was first complexed with trivalent iron Milford, MA, USA.
resulting in the formation of strong UV active complex.
In order to retain the EDTA-Fe+++ complex on to a 2.3. Chromatographic Conditions
C18 reverse phase column, tetra butyl ammonium
hydrogen sulfate was used as ion pairing agent. A well Gradient mobile phase consisted of a 25mM tetrabutyl
separated peak was obtained for EDTA-Fe+++ complex ammonium hydrogen sulphate, in water as mobile phase
on a C18 column with an acetonitrile and 25mM tertiary A and acetonitrile as mobile phase B. The gradient
butyl ammonium hydrogen sulfate mobile phase (1 profile was Time - %B, 0-7min 2%, 10-15min 80%, 17-
ml/min).A gradient pump program was used with 2% 32min 2%. The Mobile phase was filtered and degassed
acetonitrile for an initial 7 min which was increased through membrane filter of 0.45 µm porosity under
linearly to 80% over 10 min and then maintained vacuum. HPLC column Zorbax XDB C-18,150 mm x
Inertsil ODS-1, 250 mm x 4.6 mm, 0.05M ammonium dihydrogen phosphate : *No peak eluted
5m acetonitrile, (75 : 25 v/v)
Waters, C-18, 250 mm x 4.6 mm, 50mM aqueous diammonium hydrogen ** Peak eluted
5m phosphate : acetonitrile, (80 : 20 v/v) close to blank
Agilent XDB, C-18, 150 x 4.6 mm, 25mM Tetrabutyl ammonium hydrogen sulphate ** Peak eluted
5m. and acetonitrile (90:10) close to blank
Agilent XDB, C-18, 150 x 4.6 mm, 25mM Tetrabutyl ammonium hydrogen sulphate About 5.6
5m. and acetonitrile (Gradient programme) minutes.
Table 3: Application of the developed HPLC method for the determination of EDTA content in Furosemide drug
substance and drug product