Chi Bane 2019
Chi Bane 2019
Chi Bane 2019
Abstract—The accurate estimation of the ultrasonic process. Equation (3) is an altered version to describe the
backscattered echoes pattern is essential in ultrasonic non- multiple echoes from the reflector [1],
destructive evaluation. In this paper, a generalized parametric
y (t ) = s ( m ; t ) + (t )
ultrasonic echo mode was presented. It is influenced by a set of
parameters: echo bandwidth, arrival time, center frequency, (3)
m =1
amplitude and phase. The Adaptive Cuckoo Search (ACS) and
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithms are used to Here, M denotes the number of superimposed Gaussian
estimate these parameters and there performances are
echoes; echo vector m indicates the shape and position of each
compared. In first, simulations are carried out to assess the
echo. The summation term represents a signal model of
performance of the two algorithms, then these algorithms were
applied on experimental ultrasonic signal. The ACS algorithm
multiple reflections while the number of reflections is
outperforms PSO. unknown. In order to estimate M, we can use the information
theoretic criteria such us the minimum description length
Keywords—Ultrasonic Signal, Echo Parameter Estimation, (MDL) [3].
Adaptive Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization Cuckoo search is a metaheuristic search algorithm which
I. INTRODUCTION has been proposed by Yang and Deb [4]. The algorithm is
inspired by the reproduction strategy of cuckoos. At the most
In ultrasonic Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) basic level, cuckoos lay their eggs in the nests of other host
applications, the pattern of ultrasound echo signal reveals birds which may be of different species. The host bird may
important physical information such as the location, size and discover that the eggs are not its own and either destroy the
orientation of defects, as well as attenuation and dispersion eggs or abandon the nest all to gather. This has resulted in the
characteristics of the propagation path. It has been shown that evolution of cuckoo eggs which mimic the eggs of local host
model-based signal analysis is robust in echo evaluation and birds [5]. To apply this as an optimization tool, Yang and Deb
parameter estimation [1-2], especially when the adopted [4] used three idealized rules: (i) Each cuckoo lays one egg,
model has parameters strongly pertinent to the physical which represents a set of solution co-ordinates at a time and
information of reflectors in material and structures. Estimated dumps it in a random nest; (ii) A fraction of the nests
parameters of echoes can be used to quantitatively evaluate containing the best eggs, or solution, will carry over to the nest
structures and characterize material. Nevertheless, signal generation; (iii) The number of the nests is fixed and there is
processing and analysis is still challenging due to the a probability that a host can discover an alien egg. If this
nonstationary nature of ultrasound NDE signals. happens, the host can either discard the egg or the nest and this
The ultrasonic backscattered echo from a flat surface result in building a new nest in a new location. The CS
reflector can be written as [1]: algorithm has been applied successfully to variety of
optimization problems [6-7]. The ACS algorithm is made
y (t ) = s ( ; t ) + (t ) (1) without using the Levy distribution and it does not require any
initial parameter to be defined [9]. The PSO algorithm has a
Here, s(;t) is a Gaussian echo model, and swarm composed of multi-particles. Each particle has its own
position and velocity (transfer vector). The search by multi-
particles distinguishes PSO from many optimization methods
− (t − )
cos 2f c (t − ) + ϕ )
s( ; t) = e (2) proposed so far. Each particle shares global information and
interaction among particles makes their search efficient.
= [ f c ϕ ] . Although only simple operations compose the PSO algorithm,
the PSO method can solve nonlinear and multi-peaked
is bandwidth factor that determines the bandwidth of the optimization problems efficiently [14]. In this study, we
echo or the pulse duration in the time domain; is arrival time, propose to apply the ACS and PSO algorithms for the
indicates the location of the reflector; fc is center frequency, estimation of ultrasonic echoes parameters. The performances
governed by the transducer center frequency; is phase and of these algorithms is tested and compared with simulated and
is amplitude. (t) is the additive white Gaussian noise (WGN) experimental ultrasonic echoes. The remainder of this paper is
v i (l + 1) = wv (l ) +C 1r1 (l ) × ( pbest i (l ) − x i (l )) +
i 0
C 2 r2 (l ) × ( gbest i (l ) − x i (l )) (7)
(07) -1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
x i ( l + 1) = x i ( l ) +v i ( l + 1)
(8) -1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time ( sec.)
with v velocity vector, x position vector, w inertia Fig. 1. a) Two echoes with a SNR of 12.5 dB; b) estimated echoes for (a)
coefficient, C1 and C2 coefficients acceleration, r1 and r2 two with ACS algorithm; c) estimated echoes for (a) with PSO algorithm
ACS 1,0209 13,6684 1,0000 8,0205 0,4909 ACS 0,8847 11,6533 2,5061 7,4951 1,3072
Best Best
PSO 0.9887 15.2257 1.0014 7.9461 0.5706 PSO 0.9131 12.3701 2.5023 7.5086 1.1813
ACS 0,9197 15,3541 1,3374 7,2463 3,0888 ACS 1,0922 15,3897 4,0115 6,2106 3,0033
Mean Mean
PSO 0.9788 15.1913 0.9914 7.9666 0.5649 PSO 0.9137 12.3984 2.4873 7.5129 1.1763
ACS 0.4796 9.7771 1.3029 2.0869 2.6377 ACS 0.7432 14.8676 2.6078 2.6157 2.1789
Std. Std.
PSO 0.0986 0.3741 0.0999 0.2046 0.0569 PSO 0.0070 0.2828 0.1495 0.0438 0.0527
echo location of the delamination zone, FS represents the time -1
V sample
( τ d − τ FS )
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ultrasound -0.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time ( sec.)
Fig. 2. Experimental setup for immersion pulse-echo testing FS d Position of the
(μs) (μs) delamination (mm)
− − 0,63
Reflected waves parameters
r1 r2 r3 ACS 3,32 3,77 0,64
Delamination Composite PSO 3,31 3,79 0,67
ACS 3,41 4,19 1,23
PSO 3,24 3,79 0,78
ACS 0,70 1,65 1,70
Fig. 3. Reflected echoes PSO 0,37 0,38 0,02
VI. CONCLUSION [6] I. H. Gandomi, X. S. Yang & A. H. Alavi, ‘‘ Cuckoo search algorithm:
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accuracy, and the performances are almost independent of the [8] S. Chakraverty, and A. Kumar, ‘‘Design optimization for reliable
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