A Comparative Study On The Efficacy of Retroperitoneoscopic
A Comparative Study On The Efficacy of Retroperitoneoscopic
A Comparative Study On The Efficacy of Retroperitoneoscopic
1. Jianghua Jia,
2. Qingsong Meng, INTRODUCTION
3. Ming Zhang,
4. Jinchun Qi, Ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) is the
5. Dongbin Wang, main cause of hydronephrosis in children, and
1-5: Department of Urology,
The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, early diagnosis and timely treatment are of great
NO. 215 Heping Xi road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, 050000, China. significance to the protection of renal function of
Correspondence: children. If children’s hydronephrosis is not treated
Dongbin Wang, or treated incorrectly, renal function will be further
Department of Urology, impaired. There are a variety of surgical methods
The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University,
NO. 215 Heping Xi road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, 050000, China. for the treatment of UPJO, of which dismembered
E-mail: [email protected] pyeloplasty is considered to be the gold standard
* Received for Publication: January 21, 2021
for the treatment of UPJO with the success rate
* Revision Received: June 7, 2021 of over 90% and good long-term efficacy1,2 after
* Revision Accepted: * June 28, 2021 long-term follow-up. After more than 20 years of
Pak J Med Sci November - December 2021 Vol. 37 No. 7 www.pjms.org.pk 1768
Jianghua Jia et al.
development, laparoscopic pyeloplasty has been device after routine disinfection and surgical
widely used for its advantages of less pain, less drape spreading. An incision of about 2.0cm was
trauma, faster recovery, better cosmetic effect and made below the costal margin of posterior axillary
higher success rate than open surgery. The technique line, which was opened to the lumbar dorsal fascia
improvement has made retroperitoneoscopic layer by layer, and then broken through into
pyeloplasty feasible and effective, even for the the retroperitoneal space. A visual balloon was
infants with UPJ obstruction, and our preliminary inserted, inflated with about 300ml-360ml air, and
experience report is as follows. then removed after five minutes. Suture fixation
was performed after 10 mm Trocar cannula was
embedded, and then the laparoscope was inserted
The procedures followed in this study and the pneumoperitoneum was connected, with
comply with the ethics standards established the pressure maintained at 8-10 mmHG, and the
and approved by the ethics committee, and all incision was made at the anterior axillary line
subjects and their parents have given informed below costal margin, midaxillary line, and two
consent. The UPJO children hospitalized from transverse fingers above ilium; 5 mm and 10 mm
January, 2012 to June, 2018 were selected as Trocars were inserted under laparoscope, with
the study subjects, and divided into OP group the core withdrawn, and the laparoscope moved
(open pyeloplasty) and LP group (laparoscopic to Trocar cannula above axillary midline and
dismembered pyeloplasty) according to surgical ilium. The elastic separating plier and ultrasonic
methods. Among the 38 children in OP group, knife were inserted into the remaining two Trocar
there were 25 males and 13 females, aged from cannulas respectively. The perirenal fascia was
12.3 to 73.2 months, with an average age of opened, ranging from subphrenic space to iliac
(35.6±23.8) months, and there were 26 cases of fossa. The perirenal fat was opened to separate the
moderate hydronephrosis and 12 cases of severe space between anterior psoas major and posterior
hydronephrosis. Among the 40 children in LP kidney, so that the free upper ureteral segment
group, there were 25 males and 15 females, and dilated renal pelvis was under direct vision.
aged 10.5-80.9 months, with an average age of The renal pelvis was cut in an arc, so that the renal
37.4±22.5 months, and there were 25 cases of pelvis was bell-opened, and the ureter of stenotic
moderate hydronephrosis and 15 cases of severe segment was cut off about 0.5cm from the distal
hydronephrosis. The two groups of children end of stenotic segment. The lateral proximal
were compared in terms of age, sex, severity of ureteral wall was cut longitudinally by about
hydronephrosis and other basic conditions, and 1.0cm. The lowest point of flared opening of renal
all the P values were >0.05, which was comparable pelvis and the lowest point of the cut of ureter was
(see Table-I). Both groups received preoperative sutured with 4-0 absorbable needle suture for one
intravenous urography (IVU), urinary ultrasound stitch, while the highest point of flared opening of
and CT. IVU showed delayed development time renal pelvis and the highest point of the broken
of renal pelvis and calyx on the affected side, end of ureter was sutured with 4-0 absorbable
dilatation of renal sinus, and abrupt termination needle suture for one stitch. Continuous suture of
of contrast agent at the ureteropelvic junction, the posterior wall was performed with 4-0 absorbable
ultrasonography showed hydronephrosis signs suture, one locking stitch every two stitches,
but no ureteral dilatation, and the preoperative the distal end of double J tube was inserted into
blood and renal function examination remained urinary bladder at anastomotic stoma guided by
within the normal range. the thread, which was drawn later, ensuring the
The retrospective analysis study was approved urine could flow out from the side hole when the
by the Institutional Ethics Committee of The Second abdomen was squeezed, while the proximal end
Hospital of Hebei Medical University treated from was inserted into renal pelvis, and 4-0 absorbable
January, 2012 to June, 2018, and written informed suture with needle was used to suture the anterior
consent was obtained from all participants. closed anastomotic stoma, and then the closed
Retroperitoneal laparoscopic surgery: After general urethral catheter was opened. After no bleeding,
anesthesia, a catheter was indwelled and clamped, errhysis and urine leakage could be observed at
and then the patient was aligned waist and raised the anastomotic stoma, and peristaltic ureteral
waist bridge in the unaffected side-lying position, waves could pass through the anastomotic stoma,
and connected to the corresponding laparoscopic the retroperitoneal drainage tube was placed, and
Pak J Med Sci November - December 2021 Vol. 37 No. 7 www.pjms.org.pk 1769
Treatment of Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction in Children
then the incision was sutured layer by layer (Fig.1- inside and outside the renal pelvis and ureter
5). The drainage tube was removed 2~5 days after respectively, and then the renal pelvis was cut
the operation, the urinary tube was removed 7~10 open above the stenosis segment, which was cut
days after the operation, and the ureteral double J arc-shaped to make the renal pelvis outlet flared,
tube was removed by ureteroscopy under general then the stenosis segment was removed, and the
anesthesia 6~8 weeks later. normal ureter was incised longitudinally about
Open Surgery: The urinary catheter was placed 1.0 cm under the stenosis segment; afterwards,
in the urinary bladder after successful general the anastomosis was performed between pelvis
anesthesia. The patient was placed in the healthy outlet and proximal ureter with 4-0 absorbable
side-lying position with the waist slightly surgical suture: anastomosed the anterior wall
elevated, and then an oblique incision was made firstly, placed the ureteral stent (with the distal
at the waist in the affected side after routine end passing through anastomotic stoma and the
disinfection and surgical drape spreading, and the proximal end led in vitro via pelvis incision), led
skin was incised layer by layer to subcutaneous in the pyelostomy catheter through skin incision,
tissue, obliquus externus abdominis, obliquus and then place it in the renal pelvis through
internus abdominis and musculus trasversus another pelvis incision, and then anastomosed the
abdominis. The peritoneum was opened and posterior wall. One retroperitoneal drainage tube
the perinephric fascia was cut open to make the was indwelling and the incision was sutured layer
pelviureteric junction and upper ureteral segment by layer. The drainage tube and urinary catheter
fully exposed, and the indication lines was drawn were removed two to five days after the operation,
Pak J Med Sci November - December 2021 Vol. 37 No. 7 www.pjms.org.pk 1770
Jianghua Jia et al.
OP group LP group
Index p
(n=38) (n=40)
the ureteral stent was removed 10~14d after the the two groups at the 12th month as the statistical
operation, and the nephrostomy tube was removed indicators. The degree of hydronephrosis was
after methylene blue was injected one to two days determined by the urinary tract dilation(UTD)
after the operation to confirm the ureteral patency. classification system3: (1) mild: 1.0~2.0cm separation
Observation indexes: The operation time, of collecting system, and normal renal parenchyma
intraoperative bleeding volume, postoperative LOS, and kidney shape; (2) moderate: 2.1~3.5cm
and postoperative complication rate (incidence of separation of collecting system, slightly thinner
urine leakage and retroperitoneal hematoma) of renal parenchyma, and enlarged kidney shape; (3)
the children in the LP group and OP group were severe: more than 3.6cm separation of collecting
compared and observed. Intraoperative blood system, significantly thinner renal parenchyma,
loss was calculated by the total amount of fluid and enlarged and deformed kidney shape.
aspirated minus the amount of intraoperative rinse Statistical Method: SPSS16.0 statistical
fluid. The follow-up visits were made to the two software was used for statistical analysis, with
groups of children at the 3rd, 6th and 12th months the measurement data expressed as X ±S, two
after the operation respectively, and the recovery independent samples were used for t-test, and
was observed through B-ultrasound examination the counting data were tested by chi-square
of urinary system, with the number of severe, test, P <0.05 indicating statistically significant
moderate, mild and no hydronephrosis cases in difference.
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Treatment of Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction in Children
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Jianghua Jia et al.
incision of posterior axillary line, connect and stent displacement should be considered.
the pneumoperitoneum, place the If necessary, stent replacement or nephrostomy
laparoscope, and place another two cannulas should be performed, and nutrition should be
under the laparoscope to avoid injury to strengthened to promote wound healing, so that
retroperitoneum. the condition can be improved 1-2 weeks later
(4) The ureteral lumen in children is small and generally.16,17
fine, so the posterior wall can be sutured with Secondary obstruction after UPJO surgery is
intermittent locking stitch during anastomosis. one of the major complications after pyeloplasty.
After the ureteral DJ tube is placed, the anterior Studies have shown that reoperation after
wall can be sutured with intermittent 2~3 primary pyeloplasty is required for about 11% of
stitches, and the suture should not be too close, patients, indicating that the actual achievement
so as to reduce the incidence of postoperative rate of pyeloplasty is lower than that reported
anastomotic stenosis. in the literature. The author believes that
(5) Laparoscopic double “J” intra-tube drainage the key to the success of the operation is to
is performed with double drainage of luminal determine the lowest point of renal pelvis and
drainage and peri-tube drainage, which can anastomose it with the ureter.18 Zhou Huixia19
effectively reduce the incidence of infection at et al. determined the direction of renal axis and
the anastomotic stoma, reduce the incidence of the lowest point suture technique by using the
recent incision infection and urine leakage, and direction of the upper, middle and lower calyx
effectively promote the recovery of patients.13 zaxis, so as to reduce the risk of postoperative
re-obstruction, and improve the achievement
During laparoscopic surgery, it should be
ratio of operation; meanwhile, the non-clamp
converted to laparotomy in time if the following
anastomotic technique can reduce the injury
conditions appear14,15: (1) severe adhesion
of anastomotic tissue and blood vessels, and
between renal pelvis and surrounding tissues,
improve the achievement ratio of operation.
unclear anatomical structure, and difficulty
in laparoscopic separation and resection; CONCLUSION
(2) intraoperative calculus, and difficulty in
thorough removal under the laparoscope; (3) Retroperitoneal laparoscopic dismembered
intraoperative bleeding, and ineffective control pyeloplasty share the similar effects with open
under the laparoscope; (4) intraoperative injury dismembered pyeloplasty, but the faster recovery
of duodenum or colon, and difficult to make and fewer complications have made it the
accurate repair under the laparoscope; (5) during preferred treatment for UPJO in children.
the operation, the length of lesion to be removed Limitations of this study: The number of subjects
is found to be longer, the tension of anastomotic included in this study was limited, so the
site is high, it is difficult to perform accurate conclusions drawn may not be very convincing.
anastomosis, and there are few skilled surgeons In addition, we only analyzed and discussed the
for laparoscopic surgery. cases included in our hospital, which may not
Urethrovesical anastomotic leakage is the be representative enough. We look forward to a
most common complication after pyeloplasty, multi-center study in the future to reach more
which is usually due to inadequate laparoscopic
comprehensive conclusions.
anastomosis, postoperative regression of
anastomotic edema, urinary extravasation, Source of funding: None.
or stent blockage and displacement. Good
Conflicts of interest: None.
technique of laparoscopic anastomosis,
unblocked internal stent drainage, and REFERENCES
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