Activity English Unit 8
Activity English Unit 8
Activity English Unit 8
//I think the reason the words are in bold is because it talks about money or has some relation
to it, for example in some cases it talks about investing, lending money, cash, credit card, etc.
B. work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
1 Do you usually pay by cash or credit card when you Buy things?
//I always pay in cash.
D. Measure - The "s" is pronounced like /ʒ/ as in "zh" sound, similar to the "s" in "treasure."
Earns - The "s" is pronounced as /z/, which is a voiced sound, similar to the "z" in "zebra."
Tips - The "s" is pronounced as /s/, which is an unvoiced sound, similar to the "s" in "snake."
Profession - The "s" is pronounced as /ʃ/, which is the "sh" sound, similar to the "s" in "shoe."
Credit Cards - The "s" in "credit" is pronounced as /s/, and the "s" in "cards" is also pronounced
as /s/.