Membership Agreement Acknowledgement
Membership Agreement Acknowledgement
Membership Agreement Acknowledgement
At WTF Gyms, our membership options are crafted with flexibility and
convenience in mind, designed to accommodate the diverse needs
and preferences of our community.
Payment Terms
Facility Usage
Our restrooms and showers are designed with privacy and safety in
mind, equipped with bolt locks and maintained to prevent slippage.
Members are encouraged to use these facilities responsibly,
maintaining cleanliness and safety.
In the event of power outages, severe weather, or fire, the gym has
established emergency protocols to safeguard our members. These
include fail-safe mechanisms for exits during power outages and
clear instructions for evacuation in case of fire.
Lastly, for any injuries or first aid requirements, our gym is equipped
with a first aid kit for minor injuries, with emergency numbers readily
available for more severe cases. Members are reminded to report
any injuries or equipment malfunctions to staff immediately.
Code of Conduct
Member Details
Subscription Details