GarbageBy Law 17
GarbageBy Law 17
GarbageBy Law 17
By-Law No 0468/2016
Being a Bylaw to Regulate the Disposal of Garbage in the Corporation of The Township
of Addington Highlands and to repeal By-Law No. 0121/2003
Whereas it is deemed expedient to regulate the use of a defined area for the disposal of
And whereas the authority to do so is conveyed by the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001,
Chapter 25, as amended;
And whereas authority to penalize and enforce such a By-Law is conveyed by the
Municipal Act 2001 S. 0.2001, Chapter 25, Part XIV;
2. That the following regulations shall apply to the disposal of garbage or refuse.
2.1 That the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Addington Highlands shall
regulate the operations and use of the Waste Disposal sites. No person shall
trespass on Waste Site property during non-operational hours.
2.2 That the Waste Disposal Sites be available for the depositing of waste produced
by the residents and/or ratepayers of the Municipality of Addington Highlands
only, or other persons or parties granted permission by Council. No person shall
dump at non-designated areas at waste sites including the gates.
2.3 That material being conveyed to the sites must be transported in such manner
as not to blow with the wind or leave deposits along Municipal roads. No
person shall litter on public property or on private property.
By-Law No 0468/2016 Page 2 of 3
2.4 That the said Waste Disposal Sites shall be accessible through gates, which
shall be locked at all times, with exception of those hours of the week
authorized by the Township Council, for the purpose of disposing of
garbage. Access to the sites shall be limited to such times as an attendant
or other authorized personnel are on duty and the use of the site for waste
disposal shall be restricted to persons eligible to deposit waste in the fill
area. Contractors, consultants or other authorized persons shall have
access to the sites, as required. No person shall otherwise have access to
the sites.
2.5 That the hours for waste disposal for each site are set out in schedule "B".
No person shall dispose of waste outside of the dump hours as posted.
2.6 That waste and recyclables as per Schedule "C" must be deposited only
at designated areas in the Waste Disposal Site under supervision of the
site attendant.
2.7 That littering viz. 'garbage discarded in an open or public place,' in the
Township will be subject to fines.
2.8 That some articles that are waste will require a tipping fee as per Schedule
2.9 That at such waste disposal sites, no person shall dispose of restricted
materials outlined in Schedule "E'.
2.10 That, from time to time, Council will decide as to the time, site and
method for the disposal of restricted materials (see Schedule "E")
2.11 That only the Council for the Township of Addington Highlands, The
Ministry of the Environment or duly appointed representatives, shall have
access to the area to ensure that there has been proper compliance with
these regulations.
2.12 That control over blowing papers or other material shall be maintained by
the respective attendant.
2.13 That on-site roads shall be maintained by Council so that traffic and
landfill operations will not be interrupted.
By-Law No. 0468/2016 Page 3 of 3
3. That the waste disposal sites shall at all times be operated in accordance
with the provisions of all applicable laws governing such sites.
4. That site attendants and/or Municipal authorities or their designates, have the
power to cite an individual or individuals for an infringement of this By-Law.
5. That all By-Laws inconsistent with or antedating this By-Law are hereby
repealed and By-Law No 0121/2003 is repealed.
6. Any person, firm or Corporation contravening any provisions of this by — law shall
be guilty of an offence and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine as set
out in a schedule of fines as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act.
This By-Law received the FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD READINGS this 5TH day
of December, 2016.
This By-Law comes into force and effect this 5TH day of December, 2016.
BY-LAW # 0481/2017
Being a By-law to amend Schedules "A", "B", "C", "D" & "E" to By-law
#0468/2016 Being a By-law to Regulate the Disposal of Garbage
WHEREAS Schedules "A", "B", "C", "D" and "E" to By-law #0468/2016 designate
and describe the Township's Waste Sites, the hours of operation, the acceptable
recyclables, the tipping fees and household hazardous waste;
AND WHEREAS pursuant to Council resolution #463/16 on October 17th, 2016 the
Council of the Corporation of the Township of Addington Highlands deems it
necessary to amend the aforementioned schedules;
1. THAT Schedules "A", "B", "C", "D" & "E" to By-law #0468/16 are
hereby amended.
2. THAT Schedules "A", "B", "C", "D" & "E" are attached and form part of this by-law.
Waste Site Hours - effective April 1, 2015
Kaladar: Summer/Winter
10618 Hwy 41
Mon: 8-12 Wed: 12-5 Fri: 8-12 Sat: 8-5
NOTE: When Monday is a holiday, Kaladar site is Closed and will re-open the
next regularly scheduled day.
18471 Hwy 41
Summer Hours Effective Apr 1 to Sept 30
Wed: 8-12 Sun: 2-8
Winter Hours Effective Oct 1 to Mar 31
Wed: 8-12 Sun: 10-4
NOTE: When Monday is a holiday, Mackavoy site is open Monday instead of Sunday.
1090 Buckshot Lake Rd
Summer Hours Effective Apr 1 to Sept 30
Wed: 1-7 Thurs: 5-9 Sat: 8-3
Winter Hours Effective Oct 1 to Mar 31
Wed: 1-5 Thurs: 8-2 Sat: 8-3
1943 Hartsmere Rd
Summer Hours Effective Apr 1 - Sept 30
Sat 8-12 Sun 1:30-6 Wed 8-3
**May 1-Sept 30 --- HOLIDAY MONDAY: 12-6**
Winter Hours Effective Oct 1 - Mar 31
Sat 10-4 Wed 10-4
4792 Weslemkoon Lake Rd
Summer Hours Effective Apr 1 - Sept 30
Sat 8-12 Sun 1:30-6 Wed 8-3
**May 1-Seat 30 --- HOLIDAY MONDAY: 12-6**
Winter Hours Effective Oct 1 - Mar 31
Sun 10-4 Thurs 10-4
SCHEDULE "C" to By-law #0481/2017
The following items are accepted free of charge at all Waste Sites (effective April 2010):
Televisions Calculators with printers Desktop computers Scanner Photocopiers Fax machines Typewriters
Answering machines Digital projectors Home stereo systems DVD players Computer monitors Desktop printers Modems
Cordless phones Rotary/touch tone phones Digital photo frames Home stereo amps AM/FM radios VCRs/video projectors Home theatre systems
Label makers Turntables Speaker systems Portable computers Computer accessories POS receipt printers Floor-standing printers
Professional display devices After-market vehicle audio devices Desktop multi-function devices
Schedule D to By-Law #0481/2017
EFFECTIVE April 15, 2017
Miscellaneous Items (ex. Lawn chairs & tables, small quantities of brush and lumber,
ceramic toilets,etc.) equal to less than a "Small Load" $5.00 - $10.00
Automotive Antifreeze used for coolant, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
systems. Used motor oil and liquid fuels such as gas, diesel, camp fuel;
Oil Filters — used in hydraulic, transmission or internal combustion engine
applications. Autobody filler; glazing and spot putty.
Aerosol containers such as hairspray, spray paint, etc. Oil Containers including hydraulic
fluid and transmission fluids; Antifreeze Containers; Pressurized Containers such as
seamless and welded cylinders and tubes and insulated cylinders such as helium, Freon,
acetylene, propane, nitrogen, oxygen and other compressed gases; Fire Extinguishers.
Pesticides - such as fungicides, herbicides and insecticides; flea/tick collars; insect
repellants; weed killers; pest control products; sanitizers and disinfectants containing
fungicides; pool chemicals containing herbicides, pesticides, fungicides (eg., algae
removers; Ph reducer); and fertilizers, such as lawn, rose, shrub and tree;
multipurpose and potting soils which contain fertilizers.
Paints, stains, coatings, primers (latex and alkyd) and their containers; solvents such as
thinners for paint; lacquer; contact cement; paint strippers; acetone; degreasers and their
Single use dry cell batteries; Rechargeable batteries; Cell Phones; Pagers and Two-way
hand-held radio batteries;
Irritants such as cleaners; corrosives such as chlorine, drain openers, ammonia; stain and
scale removers; silicones; drywall compound;
Foundation coating; roof repair cement; spray foam insulation containers;
Fluorescent light bulbs and tubes and compact fluorescent lamps (whole, not broken).
Thermometers (fever & non fever); manometers, hydrometers, barometers.
Mercury Switches - such as those found in vehicles, appliances, float switches;
temperature switches; flame sensors, bilge pumps; pressure switches; tilt switches.
Non-prescription/over-the-counter medications for humans and pets; orally ingested
medications such as cough and cold remedies, stomach remedies, vitamins; topical
antibiotic and anti-fungal creams (eg., acne preparations) pills, capsules, analgesics.
PLEASE REFER TO Ontario Medications Return Program (OMRP) and Ontario Sharps
Collection Program (OSCP) to determine accepted items and where to take it. or ask us for their "Don't Throw it Out" pamphlet.
www.healthsteward.calreturns/ontario or ask us for their "Don't Throw it Out" pamphlet.