Causes of Crime

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1. Lack of Family Control: One of the causes responsible for

committing crimes is lack of control the head of the family over
his children. Due to lack of family bonds, children do not obey
their parents thereby resulting in broken families. This leads to
considerable freedom among children for committing crime.
2. Lack of Social Control: The control over its members in
society has considerably weakened. That is more so in urban
rather than in rural area. In big cities one finds absolutely no
social control. In rural areas there is still little control and local
self government institutions that persist. That is perhaps the
reasons as to why rate of crimes in the cities is higher than in
3. Use of Intoxicating Drinks: Intoxication and alcohol increases
crime rate. A drunkard commits serious crimes under the
influence of drinks; on the other hand hard earned money is also
wasted on drinks, eventually bringing down the living standard
of family lives. There are cases of family disputes when low
income is drained out in drinks.
4. Religion: Religion is the most important source of purification;
it is believed to keep people away from committing crimes. But
unfortunately, religion is the cause for serious crime as well. For
instance in India, in the name of religion country was
partitioned, properties were looted and most heinous crimes
were committed.
5. Education: The present day educational system has certain
flows. The system of education does not lay stress on moralities
which are effective forces for checking crimes. Apart from that,
it is partly vocational oriented and does not help the young
people to be employed in time. So, many to choose alternate
means to earn money, sometimes leading to crime.
6. Defective marriage: Unhealthy marriages such as dowry, child
marriage, polygamy, sexual assaults, molestation, and sati can
be termed as defective marriage. There have been many cases
where women were victims of these social practices or bad
situations. Upon which the rate of crimes and suicide have
increased in the society.
7. Cinema: Today cinema is a very popular source of recreation.
But it has indirectly encouraged crimes such as pornography,
robbery, murder, gambling, human trafficking, sex trade etc. All
this factors collectively result in making a person criminal and
many imitate it in real life. Scientifically it has been proved that
solace for every disappointment lies in taking liquors, which
again drives the mind to execute unstable behaviour.

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