STEAM Education Based On ICT
STEAM Education Based On ICT
STEAM Education Based On ICT
Faculty Advisors
Korea National Project Technical Committee Author Committee
University of Education
Dr. Ki-Sang Song (PM) H.E Put Samith Dr. Chhouk Chan Chhaya
Dr. Taeyoung Kim Mr. Kim Junsu Mr. Sopheap Vannpheakdey
Dr. Youngsik Kim Dr. Ki-Sang Song (PM) Mr. Chhom Leang
Dr. KwiHoon Kim Ms. Pen Vuthyda Mr. Hout Panharith
Dr.Hyung-Jong Choe Mr. Ngor Penglong Mr. Miech Thuy
Dr. Seung-Hyun Kim Mr. Sun Bunna Mr. Phel Phearoun
Dr. Sang-Mok Jung Mr. Sok Tha Ms. Pok Pisey
Dr. Kwan-Hee Yoo Mr. Pring Morokoath Mr. Samang Mengheng
Dr. In-Seong Jeon (PMO) Dr. Chhouk Chanchhaya Mr. San Phun
Mr. Seng Sim Mr. Sok Chea
Mr. Oeur Sokmeng Mr. Sorn Rithy
Mr. Bouy Vuthy Mr. Toy Kompheak
Mr. Nget Soda Mr. Ty Puthy
Mr. Uk Borath
Mr. Uk Samphors
Mr. Lay Sokchea
Mr. Phin Phal
Preface for STEAM Education based on ICT
This book is about creating new kinds of developmental interdisciplinary learning environments
that will be necessary if STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) education
reforms are to succeed. The title is a "shout out" to Lev Vygotsky, a developmental psychologist
whose ideas I will be referencing throughout the book. (Vygotsky 1978, p. 65). It was
collaboratively written by the instructor and students of a graduate-level course titled Instruction
for Youth in School and Public Libraries, taught by Dr. Casey H. Rawson in the Spring of 2019 at
UNC Chapel Hill’s School of Information and Library Science (SILS). This work deepens and
extends the work begun in Instruction and Pedagogy for Youth in Public Libraries, an open-access
textbook written through a similar process and published in 2018. That text is hosted at
I am concerned with transforming learning environments into developmental and
interdisciplinary ones in this book. The voices of educational innovators who create and
collaborate beyond their disciplinary boundaries will be prominent. Conversations and stories are
a great way to learn developmentally.
Science. Technology. Engineering. Art. Mathematics. Three of these subjects have long
histories in formal K–12 education environments (with technology and engineering being more
recent additions to public school curricula). Together, they represent a critical set of literacies that
today’s children and teens must possess to fully understand the world in which they live—and the
world they will help to create. All these learning outcomes were embedded throughout the program
series. STEAM concepts and skills were also integrated throughout. For example, engineering
concepts and technology were cornerstones of the prosthetic hand project. The design of functional
(engineering) and beautiful (art) products was key for the blankets and light-up cards.
These tools allow students to learn by doing and to learn with their hands. Every lesson is
either an experiment or a project. Some projects, lighting LEDs, for example, are simple. Others
are complex. Laser tag is an excellent example. But simple or complex, only some projects do
something if some computer science has been applied to bring them to life.
Throughout this book, I explore a new way of envisioning how a transformation of
educational institutions might be possible. I provide accounts of practitioners creating
developmental STEAM and STEM learning environments in schools and colleges. The projects
featured are not formal research studies but share changes to teaching practice brought about by
the specific needs of educators and students.
CHAPTER 1 .......................................................................................................................... 1
SCIENCE ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 What is Science? .......................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Interdisciplinary Problems ........................................................................................... 5
1.3 Cultivating Ensembles in STEM Education and Research .......................................... 5
1.4 An Interdisciplinary Conversation ............................................................................... 6
1.5 Science Education is Changing.................................................................................... 7
1.6 The Case for Science ................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Science Instruction in the Library ................................................................................ 9
1.8 Formal Programming ................................................................................................. 11
1.9 Informal and Passive Programming ........................................................................... 12
Reference ......................................................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER 2 ........................................................................................................................ 16
TECHNOLOGY .................................................................................................................. 16
2.1 What is Technology? ................................................................................................. 18
2.2 The How of Teaching Technology ............................................................................ 20
2.3 Historical Accounts - Digital Natives ........................................................................ 20
2.4 Andrea’s Tech Crew .................................................................................................. 21
2.5 Jose Santiago’s Family .............................................................................................. 22
2.6 Technology in the Traditional Classroom ................................................................. 22
2.7 One-to-one Computer Initiatives ............................................................................... 23
2.8 Multimedia Projects ................................................................................................... 23
2.9 Extracurricular School Programs ............................................................................... 23
2.10 Uneven Spread ......................................................................................................... 24
2.11 Technology Instruction and the Library “Curriculum” ........................................... 25
2.12 YALSA Basic Learning Outcomes.......................................................................... 25
2.13 What Libraries are Doing ........................................................................................ 25
2.13.1 Coding and Software Creation .......................................................................... 26
2.13.2 Technology Exposure and Use ......................................................................... 26
2.13.3 Building Tech and Learning How it Works...................................................... 26
2.13.4 What About Costs? ........................................................................................... 27
References ........................................................................................................................ 29
CHAPTER 3 ........................................................................................................................ 31
ENGINEERING .................................................................................................................. 31
3.1 What is Engineering? ................................................................................................. 33
3.2 The Maker Movement and Engineering in Education ............................................... 34
3.3 Traditional Path in Engineering ................................................................................. 34
3.4 Informal Conversation with Two Young Women ..................................................... 34
3.5 The Magnet School Approach ................................................................................... 35
3.6 STEM Learning and Special Education..................................................................... 35
References ........................................................................................................................ 37
CHAPTER 4 ........................................................................................................................ 38
ART ..................................................................................................................................... 38
4.1 What Does the “A” Contribute to in STEAM?.......................................................... 40
4.2 Performance and Preparation ..................................................................................... 41
4.3 A Playful Interdisciplinary Artist .............................................................................. 41
4.4 Vygotsky, Creative and Art ....................................................................................... 41
4.5 Dismantling Some Arts-in-STEAM Stereotypes ....................................................... 42
4.6 Arts-Based STEAM for All Ages .............................................................................. 43
4.7 Culturally Competent Arts-Based STEAM ............................................................... 44
References ........................................................................................................................ 47
CHAPTER 5 ........................................................................................................................ 49
MATH .................................................................................................................................. 49
5.1 What “Mathematics” Means for Library Instructors ................................................. 51
5.2 How is Math Taught in K-12 Schools? ..................................................................... 52
5.3 Performance of Math Conversations ......................................................................... 53
5.4 It is Hard to be Developmental .................................................................................. 54
5.5 Brains Pre-Equipped for Doing Math in Social Settings ........................................... 55
5.6 Perfumatory Tool ....................................................................................................... 56
5.7 Why Math Learning is Hard ...................................................................................... 56
5.8 Mathematics Programming for All Ages ................................................................... 57
5.8.1 Preschool ................................................................................................................. 57
5.8.2 Elementary School .............................................................................................. 57
5.8.3 Middle Grades..................................................................................................... 58
5.9 Teens and Young Adults............................................................................................ 59
References ........................................................................................................................ 62
CHAPTER 6 ........................................................................................................................ 66
6.1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 68
6.2 Weak Links ................................................................................................................ 68
6.3 Accountability and Achievement............................................................................... 69
6.4 Standard ..................................................................................................................... 70
6.5 Don’t Reform, Perform! ............................................................................................ 70
References ........................................................................................................................ 73
CHAPTER 7 ........................................................................................................................ 74
7.1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 76
7.2 Thoughts on Centeredness ......................................................................................... 76
7.3 Project-Based Learning Professional Development .................................................. 77
7.4 Disequilibrium ........................................................................................................... 78
7.5 Dispositions ............................................................................................................... 80
7.6 Systematic Approaches .............................................................................................. 82
7.7 Performing With(in) a System—A Slight Digression ............................................... 83
7.8 Irony and the PBL Workshop .................................................................................... 83
7.9 Experiential Approaches ............................................................................................ 84
References ........................................................................................................................ 88
CHAPTER 8 ........................................................................................................................ 89
SERVICE-LEARNING PROJECT ..................................................................................... 89
8.1 Organizing in Academia ............................................................................................ 91
8.2 Improv Games............................................................................................................ 91
8.3 Building an Environment with Relationships ............................................................ 92
8.4 Creating New Stages .................................................................................................. 92
8.5 Producing School ....................................................................................................... 94
8.6 Zones of Proximal Development in STEM Learning Environments ........................ 97
8.7 Being and Becoming .................................................................................................. 99
8.8 Performance Activism ............................................................................................. 101
References ...................................................................................................................... 104
Chapter 1
We will discuss what the term science entails; guide you on how to design your science-
specific STEAM programming that will meet the learning goals and/or competencies of the
NGSS, the Association for Library Services to Children (ALSC), and the Young Adult
Library Services Association (YALSA); and give some examples of science-specific
STEAM programming. Science is already commonly included in library programming. With
additional intention and knowledge, you can “level up” your science programming to ensure
that it is not only fun but also empowering and equitable for young learners.
Science is one of the key building blocks of our world. It shapes almost every aspect of
who we are as a species. It affects everything from the places we live, the products we
purchase and use, to the clothing we wear. Including science-based programming in your
library is important for multiple reasons: it helps children and teens understand how and why
the world around them works the way it does; it educates the next generation about planet-
saving subjects like clean energy, waste clean-up, and space exploration; and it can help
bridge race and gender-based equity gaps in formal science education environments
(Morgan, 2018; Speer, 2019).
b: such knowledge or a system of knowledge concerned with the physical world and its
phenomena: natural science (“Definition of SCIENCE,” n.d.)
Chapter 1– Science
Simply put, this means that science is learning something and then putting that new
knowledge into action! All you have to do is develop a hypothesis or a question you would
like to answer and try to answer it through the scientific method. Can we capture the sun’s
energy? Let us build a simple solar oven and cook some s’mores! What is sand made out of?
Let us gather some up and look at it under a microscope! Can humans fly? Let us jump off
something and see! Okay, let us not try that last one, but you can see what we are getting at.
Science is an inquiry-based way of examining the world around us that can be done formally
and informally. You do not need years of schooling to perform and teach science—just a
curious mind and some basic science knowledge.
In K-12 schools, science instruction is guided by a set of learning standards that specify
what students should learn and be able to do by the end of the school year. Over the past
decade, many states have adopted science standards that move away from rote memorization
of science facts toward more process-based standards that aim to help students learn how to
use science to solve problems and answer questions. One prominent example of this
standards framework is the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS, Developed by a consortium of 26 states and currently
used as the standards framework for approximately one-third of U.S. public school students,
the NGSS has organized around three dimensions of science learning:
Cross-cutting concepts, such as cause and effect that underlie and connect all scientific
disciplines; science and engineering practices, such as developing and using models, that
engage students in the real-world processes of scientific work; and disciplinary core ideas
that represent key organizing concepts within life science, earth and space science, physical
science, and/or engineering (for example, heredity is one core idea within the life science
This focus on the “big ideas” within science and science as an active process instead of
a collection of facts aligns well with the types of instruction we already offer in public
libraries. Consider, for example, the NGSS Science and Engineering Practice of “asking
questions and defining problems.” A library program that engages children in the chemistry
of slime can easily incorporate instruction related to this practice by inviting participants to
experiment with the ratios of slime ingredients to ask and answer questions like “why does
some slime rip easily?” or “why is some slime sticky?” You do not need to be an expert in
Chapter 1– Science
chemistry to lead a program like this; you need to be willing to experiment alongside
participants and collaborate with them to ask questions and find the answers.
In the twenty-first century, the idea of a field in science is not as simple as biologists
working on biology. There is a general understanding that science is becoming
interdisciplinary. This idea is supported by evidence from analysis of scientific publications.
A different way to think about how students come to participate in the sciences is by
taking a brief look at people’s routes to a science-related profession.
Dr. R. specializes in cosmetic dentistry. Growing up, he cleaned toilets to pay his way
through college. Today he is a successful dentist, a generous contributor to his community,
and a husband and a father putting children through school. He is of Jamaican descent, the
first generation born in the United States. Dr. G is retired now, but he often consults with
the government on cases related to forensic dentistry. He has authored books and scientific
research articles on TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders.
Finally, the science and practice of dentistry do not capture the fullness of the lives of
the men presented in the anecdotes. If educators succeed at encouraging and inspiring
students to consider STEAM careers, starting from student interests and their own might be
a promising approach.
Chapter 1– Science
The number of attendees for the first two conferences has been under 100. Hands-on
activities and many include learning theater performance games are offered by presenters at
this year’s conference.
The small conference size provides opportunities to foster personal connections with
conference attendees. The playful and performance-oriented vision of the meetings created
opportunities to experience science learning from new perspectives. Attendees felt that ideas
and experiences at the conference could be implemented back at their institutions.
Student engagement in the sciences is a major focal point at the CESTEMER conference.
Improvisation, theater games, and the visual arts help develop listening skills. Increasingly,
research scientists work on interdisciplinary projects that connect them with colleagues in
other disciplines.
Christian Pongratz was the Director and Founder of the Digital Design and Fabrication
Program at Texas Tech. Before establishing his practice, he worked for Peter Eisenman and
John Reimnitz in New York. He has received awards for his work in interdisciplinary
scholarship and teaching.
Students in architecture use digital information to drive the latest fabrication equipment,
such as laser cutters, 3D printers, and CNC (computer numerical controlled) routers. These
tools are capable of rendering two-dimensional or three-dimensional objects. Pongratz’s talk
was about the intersection of architecture, fabrication technologies, information technology,
biology, and physics.
Cities will become places where high-tech manufacturing is carried out, says Pongratz.
Individuals can create solutions on a small scale using digital fabrication tools. Cities will
import digital products from the digital information stream that will be used to drive them.
Chapter 1– Science
With digital tools, Nanoscience enables the design of products at the scale of a strand of
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). According to Pongratz, it is just a matter of time before design
happens at the level of atoms.
Pongratz’s project is an example of making the means or tools available and creating
conditions for people to be curious, playful, and creative. A similar idea, dropping advanced
technology into a rural setting and watching what happened, is what Sugata Mitra’s work in
India explored.
Designers are trained to “switch modes of thinking” (e.g., from analysis to synthesis)
and address complex problems.
Science and engineering education are being brought together to provide students with
more hands-on experiences. Project-based learning and design thinking could improve
student retention, satisfaction, diversity, and learning. Significant challenges include cost
and commitment from faculty to design thinking pedagogy.
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for K-12 education have already
incorporated design thinking and engineering concepts (
These standards were produced in a collaborative effort among the National Research
Council, the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), and the American Association
for the Advancement of Science and Achieved. These organizations coordinated with 26
states to implement NGSS.
The NGSS is an effort to create national science standards. According to the NGSS Web
site, 17 states have adopted NGSS and are working toward state-level implementations.
Chapter 1– Science
While science may seem to some as the cornerstone of the STEAM movement, some
argue that it may be the least important of the STEAM domains. “Most employers are not
looking for STEM. They are looking for TEM,” wrote current Institute of Education
Sciences Director Mark Schneider (2013, para. 14). Schneider argued that “the S in STEM
is overrated,” noting that national wage data show that “while students in technology,
engineering, and math earn more, on average than other students, graduates in the “S” fields
in STEM do not” (para. 6).
Science requires us to observe, question, test, and evaluate—to question again and revise
our opinions as needed. Science is about continually acquiring new knowledge and holding
ourselves and others accountable. Most importantly, it is about keeping an open and curious
mind. In a world with overwhelming information, the scientific learning method is more
important than ever. (National Education Association, 2018, para. 1-2)
This argument may be persuasive for those who believe that the primary purpose of
STEAM education is to help learners obtain high-paying jobs or to fuel the national economy.
However, it ignores other, arguably more important, reasons for science education. As a
witness in a U.S. Senate hearing focused on scientific research funding, former Scientific
American editor-in-chief Mariette DiChristina testified to the less economical, more
humanistic impact of science: “Our nation’s ability to handle today’s pressing issues, from
providing energy security to curing illnesses to living sustainably in a finite world, will
require the innovations that arise from basic research. Science is a system for exploring and
innovation…. it can fire our imagination.” (DiChristina, 2014, np) The National Education
Association (2018) noted that science education ensures children develop critical thinking
skills to help them and their communities thrive. As they wrote, some librarians may avoid
science not because they think it lacks value but because they feel personally unequipped to
lead science-focused programs. Science can be very technical and complicated, and
professional scientists spend years obtaining specialized degrees in their scientific fields.
When we think about science, most of us bring things like laboratories, NASA, chemistry,
and science fair projects to mind. We think about things that require finely tuned knowledge
and specialized tools. However, while science can seem like something that is not for the
everyday person, we say it is! As we will see later in this chapter, planning and facilitating
successful science instruction in the library is possible for non-experts.
Chapter 1– Science
Science instructional programming can come in many forms and flavors. Programs can
range from a simple one-shot to a large-scale, multi-session series. For example, the
Rochester Public Library in Rochester, MN, created a monthly Science Storytime that
combines stories, finger puppets, and hands-on activities ( At the
same time, the Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick, ME (
developed an annual seasonal lecture series with hands-on projects, such as creating a solar
dehydrator called Sustainable ME. It is up to you how you want your program to look, but
we can provide some guidance, tips, and tricks to create smoother and more successful
science programming.
If you are starting, we advise you to start small and go slow. Programming can have
many variables that will influence what you can and cannot do, such as community interest
and needs, your personal experience and knowledge of the subject material, the library’s
community collaborators and partnerships, and your library/department’s supplies and
budget. Take your time to consider each aspect as you design your science programming.
Using a framework such as the Backward Design model for instructional design can help
you more clearly create and design your programming to meet your desired learning goals
and still take into account things like budget and collaboration options (see Chapter 9 for
more information on instructional design models).
Another framework that might help you design effective science programming is the 5E
Instructional Model, developed in 1987 by a team at BSCS Science Learning
( The 5E model facilitates more efficient
planning of inquiry-based science instruction by breaking that instruction down into five
Engage: Activate learners’ prior knowledge on the topic and make them interested in
learning more.
Explore: Learners can interact with the material through hands-on activities, data gathering,
model development, or other active learning techniques.
Explain: Learners are asked to communicate what they have learned, using evidence to
support their claims.
Chapter 1– Science
Evaluate: Learners reflect on their new understanding and the process that got them there.
Although originally proposed as a linear model, the 5E framework does not have to be a
rigid checklist (Vigeant, 2017). You can use it as a tool to structure your science programs
in a way that is both fun and educational. An example of a public library program planned
using the 5E model is described in the table below:
After the first round of tests, get participants talking about which
designs were most and least successful and why they think that
might be. Compare the design features of various planes and get the
participants to hypothesize how to improve their initial designs.
Test the planes again. Who was able to improve their design from
Evaluate Round 1 to Round 2? What would participants do next time to make
their planes fly even farther? How close did we get to the record? Send
Chapter 1– Science
Formal programming is designed in detail ahead of time and often has specified learning
objectives, planned activities, and adult/expert-led instruction. In the library, this often takes
the form of a one-hour (or longer) program offered to a specific user population, such as
preschool children or teens. Here are some ideas that can be used for programming that is a
little more formal: (
− Learn about chemical bonds and states of matter by using household items to create
slime, oobleck, or snow.
− Create differently shaped wands out of pipe cleaners and blow bubbles with them.
Discuss how the bubbles are always spherical.
− Learn about the senses by creating sense stations.
− Plant kid-friendly seeds such as beans or pumpkins in small containers and document
their growth.
− Learn about chemical reactions by creating mini rockets out of
o Alka seltzer + water + film canisters, or
o Mentos + bottles of coke
− Catch rain in two containers (one with a lid and one without) and let the water
evaporate and/or condensate to discuss the water cycle.
− Collect leaves from different types of plants and compare shape, size, and color.
− Create and set up a DIY weather station.
− Raise butterflies.
− Look through a telescope at the stars and moon.
− Build terrariums.
− Involve the library in an official Citizen Science initiative, such as water quality
monitoring, identification of invasive species, or air pollution analysis
Chapter 1– Science
With informal or passive science programming, your library can offer science instruction
without having an expert on hand to facilitate activities. Here are some ideas for activities
that you could use in and or add to your library as informal science-focused STEAM
− Have a library pet such as a goldfish, bunny, or hamster to teach about animal
− Have backpacks for checkout containing nature walk supplies such as binoculars,
bird and plant identification booklets, and local trail maps.
− Build an outdoor sandbox/digging area for children to play in. Add a few tools, such
as shovels and rakes. Consider turning it into a dinosaur dig by hiding a few plaster
bones or plastic toys and brushes.
− Place some crayons and paper near the door for children to take outside to create
nature rubbings. Display their rubbings near this station.
− Set up a microscope and various items for children to look at nearby. Encourage
children to bring in their items to examine.
− Download science-themed games or apps on your in-library technology. PBS Kids
offers free, well-designed science-themed games and apps.
− Curate rotating book displays that are science-themed (i.e., plants, spring, bugs).
− Have a set of nature-themed toys (i.e., finger puppets, plastic figurines) available for
children to play with.
− Have a set of snap circuits for children and teens to play with.
− Plant a pollinator garden.
See the spotlight box below for one example of a public library initiative combining
formal and informal programming to bring science instruction to its community.
Chapter 1– Science
Chapter 1– Science
Additional Reading:
● NGSS Standards:
● Kitsap Regional Library’s Designing Steam Guide:
● How to Create a Robust STEM Library Program:
● ALSC STEAM Power Your Library:
● Inspiring & Facilitating Library Success STEAM Activities List:
● STEM Clearinghouse:
● ALSC Blog:
● Informal Science:
● STEM in Libraries:
● Show Me Librarian: All Things STEAM:
● School Library Journal STEAM Pinterest:
● PreKinders Science Page:
● Teach Preschool Science and Nature Page:
● Programming Librarian STEM:
Definition of SCIENCE. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2019, from Merriam-Webster website:
Gleiser, M. (2013, October 30). Every child is born a scientist. NPR. Retrieved April 29,
2019, from
Morgan, A. (2018, April 5). Beyond the pipeline: Fighting for women and girls of color in
STEM. Ms. Magazine. Retrieved from
Speer, J. (2019, November 9). Bye bye, Ms. American Sci: Women and the leaky STEM
pipeline. Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, 41st Annual Fall
Chapter 1– Science
Walter Ong describes the transition of human beings from being primarily oral in
communications to using text and developing literacy. Ong traces the human capacity to
do science, create categories, do logic, and think abstractly to the social transition of
people living primarily in oral cultures.
Technology shapes our thoughts and our social, cultural, and emotional aspects. Ong
seems to share foundational ideas with Vygotskians that describe how tool use changes
our thinking. Despite some obvious unintended consequences, Ong argues that
technology is not bad for us.
Chapter 2– Technology
cup-stacking exercise above, or they could involve simple computer instructions, such
as building paths for easy-to-use programmable robots.
The second category is workshops that aim to expose youth to new types of
technology that they may not otherwise be exposed to due to the expense of the
equipment or a lack of adult expertise in other aspects of their life. This could include
Virtual Reality (VR) technology, high-tech video or photo equipment, 3D printers, or
robotics. Sometimes, these technologies are grouped into a specialized maker space, but
only sometimes. They could also include software technology, such as Photoshop or web
design. The goal here is often to either get children and youth thinking about what they
could do with the technology or to help these populations learn how to use it for new
The third category involves learning how technology physically works. This type of
technology instruction includes programs such as hosting a robotics team that builds
robots of competition, either from scratch or from kits such as those made by Lego robots.
Other less formal approaches include basic circuitry workshops and take-apart events,
where children and youth take apart old electronics (with safety equipment) from
computers to toy pianos to explore how they work (and also often use the parts to make
Chapter 2– Technology
Marc Prensky popularized the term in a 2001 report titled Digital Natives, Digital
Immigrants. He says those born before the digital age are digital immigrants. Teachers
who speak an outdated language (that of the pre-digital age) struggle to teach digital
Chapter 2– Technology
Teachers could work with students to build understandings and ways of relating that
would not be possible without each generation’s unique histories to the learning setting.
The assertion that the difference between one generation and another is fluency in the
new culture is somewhat dismissive of the experience of immigrants.
In the interest of full disclosure, Chaves also happens to be a former student of mine
at Tufts University.
The Tech Crew provides technical support to the school’s instructional technology.
Students work with other students to create an annual Digital Dance program. The Eco-
Friendly Fashion show focuses on promoting the importance of recycling found items.
Chaves currently works with up to 90 students each year. The Tech Crew students have
used the program as one of their tools to organize the annual Hour of Code.
Younger girls take responsibility for mentoring older girls. Chaves has documented
evidence of successful learning outcomes and students graduating high school and going
on to college.
Chaves provides an example of what is possible when we do away with the artificial
distinctions that divide teachers and students in schools.
Tech Crew is a mentoring program where girls are responsible for teaching each
other how to code and for providing technical support to their school by creating new
performances. Chaves has no formal training in computer science or small business, yet
she received a Champion of Change award for creating these learning environments.
Alexis Chaves is an ordinary teacher doing extraordinary things with her students.
She has created a performative environment and a culture where all kinds of zones of
development are possible. From my observations of her with students, I can tell that she
loves her students and that her students love her.
Chapter 2– Technology
According to Santiago, Santiago’s first Tech Team was composed of five students.
Today, 14 students, who complete a rigorous selection process, currently staff the Tech
Team. A classroom-based embedded team model provides more opportunities for
students to provide in-classroom technical support.
Santiago believes that students should be able to advocate for themselves. Students
understand that they represent the team and hold each other accountable. Students know
that Santiago has their best interests at heart and that he will intercede in difficult
Technology teachers are responsible for the maintenance of nearly all of the
equipment in their schools. Students are interested in Tech teachers for the access to
technology that they can provide. Tech teachers are highly visible in the school
community and have flexibility in their Schedules.
Public librarians must consider what is already being done in traditional classrooms
regarding technology instruction to determine the gaps the public library can fill.
Students are exposed to technology in the modern classroom in various ways. One-to-
one computer programs that aim to provide all students with a tech device such as a
laptop have become more common in the last decade. With students having greater
access to technology both in school and at home, many school teachers are asking
students to complete multimedia projects for classes. In addition, many schools provide
students with extracurricular technology opportunities, such as robotics clubs. However,
these initiatives are rarely applied uniformly and often leave out those who need access
the most.
Chapter 2– Technology
One-to-one computer initiatives are those where everyone in the classroom can
access their computing device. These initiatives are implemented around the country and
can start at various grade levels. The most common type of technology used in these
initiatives is laptop computers. When adopted effectively by teachers, one-to-one
technology can allow students to gain twenty-first-century computing skills and think
creatively about technology use. However, they can present initial adoption challenges,
especially at the elementary school level, where students must also learn computer basics,
such as remembering usernames, to complete assignments (Varier et al., 2017). In
addition, public librarians should not assume that one-to-one initiatives equate to equal
access. Some students may not have internet access at home or may be limited by
parental concerns about technology use. This can serve to widen the access gap between
students. Public libraries can supplement the school curriculum in areas with one-to-one
computer initiatives by providing students with reliable wireless internet access as a
service. Instruction can focus on preparing learners with basic computer skills so that
they are prepared once they begin using computers in class and by creating programming
that allows students to use technology in exploratory ways rather than to complete a
given assignment, as they often are tasked to do in the classroom setting (Varier et al.,
Chapter 2– Technology
While technological initiatives in public schools can help prepare students for the
future, they are often unevenly available. Often, the areas that could use more technology
instruction are left out, particularly rural and inner-city areas. Teachers in these areas
need more funding for technology. Since teachers in these schools tend to be less
experienced and highly qualified than teachers in wealthier suburban schools, they may
also lack the knowledge necessary to teach technology (Garcia & Weiss, 2019; Lynch,
2018) confidently. Students in these areas are also less likely to have access to necessary
technology at home. To keep these students from falling behind, public librarians have
the opportunity to expand students’ exposure to technology. This could come from
technology-based instruction inside the library and in partnership with the schools, after-
Chapter 2– Technology
school clubs, and other places youth and children are likely to be. Librarians may also
help youth and children by educating teachers on grant-writing opportunities and
offering professional development classes (Johnston, 2018; Lopez et al., 2019).
Why should public libraries be the place to teach technology to children and young
adults? As discussed in the introduction to this book, technology instruction intersects
with YALSA learning outcome guidelines, ALSC competencies for children’s library
staff, and general information literacy standards.
The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) has developed a set of
Basic Learning Outcomes ( designed to help those working in
libraries set learning goals for teen programs. These outcomes focus on putting teens
themselves first. Technology instruction can help achieve YALSA goals in a variety of
ways. One focus of the guidelines is community and leadership. Students build
relationships with their peers and instructors with collaborative technology programs,
such as robotics teams or even one-off events where young adults create something
together. Some technology programs allow youth to teach one another or younger
children technology skills, which allows them to give back to the community and display
leadership. The YALSA guidelines also emphasize creativity, learning, and multiple
literacies. Technology instruction allows youth to find new ways of engaging in in-
person expression and opportunities to experiment and think flexibly, create new content
and remix old materials. Understanding and experiencing coding and technology, in
general, allows youth to better “think critically about digital tools and their use,” another
YALSA guideline (YALSA, n.d.). See the Spotlight box below for one example of a
public library program that exemplified many of these YALSA guidelines.
Chapter 2– Technology
Coding and software creation can take many forms in the public library setting.
Computerless coding activities, which often involve breaking apart a large task into
smaller chunks and then communicating those chunks in order as directions, can serve
as a type of “filler” activity in other programs or as their event (in chunks of no more
than three different activities) and require no programming knowledge on the part of the
instructor. Coding “sandboxes,” such as Scratch, allow for coding exploration on a
computer without too much prior knowledge required from the learners or the instructors.
Small programmable robots, such as Sphero robots, allow for basic coding exploration
while being able to be used with a remote control instead, making them easily adaptable
to a wide variety of workshops. Finally, primarily for young adult learners, actual coding
language instruction in library settings often takes the form of coding camps, which are
great opportunities to collaborate with others in the community if your librarians need
assistance learning languages.
This type of instruction can be extremely varied. The main goal is to expose children
and young adults to new types of technology and think about how they can be utilized.
Some instruction on how to create content for the technology may also come into play
as well. This is where a maker space may come into play if your library has one, but it
does not have to. For example, learners could use a 3D printer to make an object based
on specifications in an open-source library or learn to make designs themselves. Other
instruction may involve media equipment, cameras, or virtual reality technology.
Teaching students editing software may also come into play here, as could learning to
create and customize a blog to post content. Personal devices are great to add, but only
assume some students will have a phone. If working with applications, have tablets or
iPods on hand for learners to use and plan to work in groups. Technology can be
expensive and should be chosen carefully. Try to pick items, like programmable robots,
that can be used in various programs. As long as students think about novel ways
technology can be used, anything is fair game.
Chapter 2– Technology
Cost is a potential barrier to teaching with and about technology in the public library.
Individual tech items can easily cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars, and libraries
must also consider maintenance and repair costs associated with the frequent use of these
tools and the ongoing cost of any consumables (for example, plastic filament for 3D
printers). These costs may be prohibitive for some libraries, and even well-funded
libraries must carefully weigh the benefits and long-term costs of tech purchases to
determine their value to the community.
Luckily, not all tech instruction requires expensive equipment. Consider the
technology-free coding program described at the start of this chapter, which could be
implemented at little to no cost to the library. Some libraries host “tech take-apart” events
where older children and teens are invited to use basic tools to take apart broken or
nonfunctional technology, including computers, VCRs, modems, and more. You may
have items like this at your library already, or you could work with other community
organizations to have them donated. In some cases, participants at the take-apart events
use components from the tech to create something new (a piece of art, for example). You
could also coordinate with your locality’s e-waste recycling program to ensure that you
keep the participants and the environment safe while offering this program. Additional
ideas for free and/or “no-tech” technology programs are linked below.
Chapter 2– Technology
In this chapter, you have learned the following:
Public libraries are uniquely positioned to give children and youth exposure to
technology and technology building that they may not get in other areas of their lives.
Moving forward allows students to find new ways to express themselves and give back
to the community. Technology is all about remixing existing knowledge to make new
tools. Hence, as you think about technology in public libraries, consider new things
that youth and children can explore and learn.
Chapter 2– Technology
Additional Reading:
● 5 Hands-On Activities that Teach Coding Without a Computer from ExtendEd
● 5 Super-Cool Offline Coding Activities from Think Fun:
● CS Fundamentals Unplugged from
● 13 Fun and Free Coding Activities for Hour of Code Week from Teach Your Kids
● Recycled Tech for Teens by Cat Mullen for YALSA’s Teen Programming HQ:
Connors, S.P. & Sullivan, R. 2012. “It is That Easy”: Designing Assignments that Blend
Old and New Literacies. Clearing House, 85(6), 221–225.
Garcia, E., & Weiss, E. (2019). U.S. schools struggle to hire and retain teachers. Economic
Policy Institute report. Retrieved from
Koester, A. (2013). Full Steam Ahead. School Library Journal, 59(10), 1–1.
Kuhlthau, C. C. (2010). Guided Inquiry: School Libraries in the 21st Century. School
Libraries Worldwide, 16(1), 1–12.
Lofton, J. 2017. Students Are Makers! Building Information Literacy Skills Through
Makerspace Programs. CSLA Journal; Long Beach, 40(2), 18-20,16.
Chapter 2– Technology
Lopez, M. E., Jacobson, L., Caspe, M., & Hanebutt, R. 2019. Public Libraries Engage
Families in STEM. 18.
Lynch, M. (2018). Poverty and school funding: Why low-income students often suffer.
The Edvocate. Retrieved from
Shtivelband, A., Riendeau, L., & Jakubowski, R. 2017. Building Upon the STEM
Movement: Programming Recommendations for Library Professionals. Children &
Libraries; Chicago, 15(4), 23–26.
Song, J.B., & Lee, T.W. (2015). Validation of the Unplugged Robot Education System
Capable of Computerless Coding Education. Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and
Information, 20(6), 151–159.
Stephen, M.L., & Locke, S.M. 2018. Help! I’ve been asked to coach a robotics team.
Science Scope, 41(9), 86–90.
Varier, Divya, et al. 2017. Potential of one-to-one technologies in the classroom: teachers
and students weigh in. Educational Technology Research & Development, 65(4), 967–992.
YALSA. n.d. Teens First: Basic Learning Outcomes Guide. Accessed via
“Maker spaces” are the twenty-first-century versions of a metal shop class. They include
everything from 3D printers to wood routers to soldering irons and sewing machines. In
some school districts, library spaces are being converted to Maker spaces.
J.E. Martinez argues that schools should adopt the Maker movement in classrooms.
Makers share expertise and create partnerships with those who have complementary skill
sets to develop ambitious projects. Assessment strategies might focus on “what students
have learned” as part of ongoing integrated project-based Maker activities.
Chapter 3– Engineering
Although distinct from the other STEAM domains in some ways, the National Academy of
Engineering emphasized that engineering relies on science, math, and technology to support
design activities (Katehi, Pearson, & Feder, 2009). The arts are just as critical to effective
engineering design since many engineered products are developed as much for form as for
function (for more on this, see the next chapter).
The preparation of engineers begins in high school. Students with strong academic
standing in mathematics, physics, and science apply to engineer schools in a competitive
application process. Upon graduation, entry-level jobs are obtainable. However, obtaining
professional licensure is recommended.
Some students who exhibit early interest in engineering can participate in specialized
programs. While there is a movement to increase the number of young women and minorities
entering the engineering fields, there may be some work yet to be done on developing
alternative pathways into engineering.
Chapter 3– Engineering
According to the U.S. Department of Education Web site, The Magnet Schools
Assistance program provides funding to public schools in the U.S. One of the themes that
Magnet School administrators have prioritized is the creation of STEM-themed schools.
There are significant challenges for educators who take on the task of turning existing
schools into STEM-themed schools.
The New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) is a science museum with many science
education and teacher professional development programs. They host an annual Maker Fair
and are committed to helping bridge the gaps between informal science learning and science
learning in the school environment.
Darensbourg and Tesoriero are creating opportunities for students of color and students
living in poverty to be exposed to engineering concepts and STEM activities. They show
that innovation and creativity are possible using experiential learning strategies, including
hands-on, project-based learning.
Chapter 3– Engineering
The world will always need people who can identify problems and find
workable solutions, whether or not those people are professional engineers. This
recognition has led to the gradual, incomplete, and unequal incorporation of
engineering education into the public school curriculum. Teaching children and teens
to use the engineering design process might help them obtain an engineering job one
day, or it might simply help them approach their challenges more systematically and
with more tolerance for ambiguity and failure. However, it is difficult to argue that
this type of education is not valuable. Libraries can help bridge gaps in the quality and
quantity of engineering education that children and teens receive, especially when we
focus on the processes and practices of engineering rather than its more technical
Chapter 3– Engineering
Additional Reading:
● Engineering design activities from Teach Engineering:
● Design challenges from Technovation Families:
● Engineering design activities from Try Engineering:
● Engineering design challenges for libraries from STARnet:
Definition of SCIENCE. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2019, from Merriam-Webster website:
Gleiser, M. (2013, October 30). Every child is born a scientist. NPR. Retrieved April 29,
Morgan, A. (2018, April 5). Beyond the pipeline: Fighting for women and girls of color in
STEM. Ms. Magazine. Retrieved from
Speer, J. (2019, November 9). Bye bye Ms. American Sci: Women and the leaky STEM
pipeline. Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, 41st Annual Fall
Research Conference. Denver, CO. Retrieved from
Vigeant, F. (2017, May 14). What is the 5E instructional model? KnowAtom (blog).
Retrieved from
This chapter will explore how STEM became STEAM, then explain how arts-based
STEAM programs can relate to learning goals and/or competencies within the current
Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the Association for Library Services to Children
(ALSC), and the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), all of which have
some influence over how school and/or public library programs are designed. The second
part of this chapter will focus on schools and public libraries across the nation that are
currently incorporating arts-based STEAM into their programming. Finally, we will present
tips for integrating arts-based STEAM into your public library programming and what
variables you should consider to ensure that your programs are culturally competent and
inclusive of youth from all backgrounds, ages, languages, abilities, and cultures.
As STEAM learning becomes part of the curriculum, educators must make practical
choices about how integration will happen. Who gets to make those decisions, and how will
those decisions be made? These are good content-related and administrative questions that
cannot be answered in the abstract.
The acronym STEAM came into widespread use in the early 2010s, after then-President
of the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) John Maeda and his colleagues began
advocating for the incorporation of the letter ‘A’ for the ‘Arts’ into STEM pedagogical
practices. The arts can include visual arts such as drawing, painting, sculpture, and computer
graphics; performance arts like dance, singing, and poetry; and more. In a 2012 interview,
Maeda made the case that “extending STEM to STEAM by adding art makes sense, because
STEM by itself is extremely powerful. Its scale is amazing. But that alone does not create
warmth and humanity and connection” (Roach, 2012, “How do you accomplish that at RISD,”
para. 3).
Since Maeda’s initial call for a shift from STEM to STEAM, many other artists, STEM
professionals, and educators have embraced the idea. In his 2015 article, aptly titled “An
Artist’s Argument for STEAM Education,” Curt Bailey argued that arts integration could
add beauty, emotion, and eccentricity to STEM work. He noted that products have as much
functional and aesthetic appeal as they do emotionally. For example, you might decide on a
new car based not only on its technical specifications but also on its design and how it makes
you feel: excited, playful, responsible, daring, and safe. STEM professionals who do not
understand the emotional impact of their designs may arrive at solutions and products that
Chapter 4– Art
are functional but not interesting or desirable. In terms of eccentricity, Bailey argued that art
helps people learn to be comfortable with the out-of-the-ordinary, allowing us to design
things that are not just out-of-the-ordinary but are extraordinary. As he summarized, “art is
the discipline that most celebrates, encourages, and embraces the original and creative”
(Bailey, 2015, para. 9). See the callout box below for a quick example of an out-of-the-
ordinary product design.
Author J.E. Martinez creates an imaginary scene featuring two college professors and
actors. The actors are Kim Snyder and Marian Rich, who perform as a business executive,
and a woman performing as a cabaret entertainer. In the middle of the interview, Martinez
asks for applause.
Kim and Marian seem open to creating new performances with science and math.
Students in performative learning environments become scientists and are doing work and
becoming chemists, and engineers. It is possible to use predetermined tools without being
predetermined by them.
Yuko Oda is a visual artist and professor of fine arts in New York. Oda earned her
M.F.A. from the Rhode Island School of Design. Her animations, installations, sculptures,
and drawings have been exhibited at many art galleries.
Computer animation would be impossible without the computer, and computer science
is without artistic purpose if an artistic voice does not emerge. Oda leads her students in the
process of discovery that encourages them to engage in the uncertainty of creating something
Chapter 4– Art
psychological problems. His early work resonates with our discussion of art and the powerful
force of “artistic vision”.
Oreck and Nicoll (2010) note that “complex relationships are involved in the
development of dances and dance artists.” This idea about teaching art bears a resemblance
to what Yuko offers when she works to develop the “artistic vision” of her students. The
pressure to intellectualize connects with Yuko’s description of having a “playful spirit.”
Lois Holzman (2010) notes that Vygotsky made a distinction between the zone of
proximal development (ZPD) of “play development” and the ZPD of “learning-instruction
development.” Holzman suggests that difference does not need to be as sharp as Vygotsky
Perhaps because the integration of arts and STEM domains is still relatively new, several
misconceptions about arts, STEM, and the library are common.
First is the idea that all arts-based programs are STEAM programs. If that were the case,
virtually every public library could say that they already offer extensive STEAM
programming since arts and crafts activities are common in existing programming for kids
and teens. As discussed in earlier chapters of this book, STEAM is all about integration
across domains, emphasizing their points of connection and interaction. A program where
kids listen to a story and then draw the characters might be engaging and instructive. Still, it
probably is not a STEAM program unless intentional connections to STEM domains are
included. The example programs described later in this chapter highlight instruction that
includes, or even focuses on, art but also integrates science, technology, engineering, and/or
Another misconception is that deciding to include the arts in your STEAM programming
will somehow take away from the learning opportunities that your science, technology,
engineering, or math programs already have. Each discipline has its unique purpose, time,
and place. Pairing one or two with art may seem clunky and forced at first. However, the
ultimate goal of this integration is to improve and enrich your STEM instruction by
Chapter 4– Art
providing learners with a different way into this content than they might have been offered
in formal education environments. Likewise, STEM content can improve and enrich arts
instruction as learners understand how many of our perceptions of beauty, style, and
proportionality are rooted in scientific and mathematical principles and formulas.
One final misconception is that some people are not creative and will not enjoy or excel
in arts-based programs (either as the instructor or as a participant). However, I believe that
you—yes, the reader—are creative and have a place in arts-based STEAM education! We
each have individual talents and experiences that we bring to our jobs, as unique as our
fingerprints. No matter your age, skill level, training, or prior appreciation for the arts, it is
essential that you recognize the fact that you are creative (in one aspect or several aspects)
and identify your passion(s), such as music or web design. Once you are in touch with your
passions, you can work those into the programming you provide and enjoy facilitating the
experience even more. You cannot be a maker until you feel like a maker and know you are
Arts-based STEAM programming can be implemented with children and teens of all
ages. For example, one art-based activity for elementary-age students is “Build the Library!”
which has children recreate their local library or another local building out of Legos (Pard,
2018). You can have the children craft blueprints, decide on the building’s size, and
brainstorm what sized Legos will fit best in certain areas. Then you can display this building
in a display case in the children’s section or the front of the library (Pard, 2018).
Arts-based STEAM programs are great candidates for regular weekly or monthly
programs. Some examples of these types of programs are a Knitting/Crochet Club
(combining math with art) and a Lego Club (combining engineering and art). These
programs are great because they are easily customizable to fit the age group you are working
with and are easy ways to solicit community partnerships. For example, suppose you want
to host a Knitting or Crochet Club for middle school students. In that case, you can invite
local community members who enjoy crochet and/or knitting to teach children how to make
a simple hat or scarf by following a YouTube tutorial (combining technology, math, and art).
All you need to do is provide the craft supplies and physical space. This type of activity
gives the children access to hands-on instruction, counting and literacy comprehension
experience (such as counting the number of stitches and reading the crochet/knitting pattern),
Chapter 4– Art
and the ability to take the project home, work on it, and bring it back the following week to
receive constructive feedback and more instruction.
You can host a weekly Creative Writing afterschool program for middle-grade and high-
school teens focusing on STEM themes such as outer space, technological dystopias, or
disease pandemics. These programs are also great opportunities for collaboration. You could
invite local/regional authors or English teachers to lead writing or brainstorming sessions.
Again, this builds a friendly rapport between community members and allows them to
showcase their talents and assist others in developing their writing skills. This can also be a
chance for students who are normally underrepresented in libraries such as English-as-a-
second-language (ESL) patrons to participate and create written pieces in their native
languages in an affinity or caucus group.
Library science researcher Patricia Montiel Overall (2009) defines cultural competency
as “[…] a highly developed ability to understand and respect cultural differences and to
address issues of disparity among diverse populations competently” (p. 176). As a LIS
professional, you should not only be consciously aware of the many cultures and experiences
your patrons bring to the library but strive to acknowledge, support, and educate others about
these cultures and experiences in the programming you provide, including your STEAM
Since art focuses on personal expression, it offers rich opportunities for culturally
relevant instruction. One way to do this is through hosting a Culturally Relevant Storytelling
program (CRS), which invites children to use colored paper, markers, scissors, and
technology—such as Stop Motion video—to create stories in response to prompts about their
own lives or books read during story time (Hunter-Doniger, Howard, Harris, & Hall, 2018).
Such prompts could include, “Where are you from?”, “Describe your family’s culture,” or
“What makes your culture special/unique?” These prompts are broad enough that children
Chapter 4– Art
can easily come up with answers that they can then illustrate to tell an engaging and
informative story that other program attendees can learn or compare and contrast their stories
with too, depending on the participants’ ages. With the participants’ permission (and their
parents or guardians’), finished projects can be displayed in the youth/teen area or near the
library’s front entrance to showcase the diversity of cultures in your community. “When
invited to explore artistically, [children] can access their imaginations, pushing the
boundaries of their own cultural identity into a space that is unfamiliar,” which will no doubt
educate other children and spark new conversations and understandings about differences
(Hunter-Doniger, Howard, Harris, & Hall, 2018, pg. 47).
Arts-based STEAM programs should not subliminally cater to one specific demographic
of a larger diverse population. Tween or teen patrons who identify outside of the dominant
gender/sexual binaries, race/ethnicity/culture, or language in your community may not feel
as welcome at—or may even feel like they are excluded from—certain arts events because
they do not see an aspect of themselves reflected in the program. These reasons could include
their identity being misrepresented or unrepresented by the instructor or guest of the event,
the event’s activity or theme(s), or the language and imagery with which the program is
promoted. One way to change this dynamic is by inviting local or regionally identified
LGBTQIA+, Black, Indigenous, and Person of Color (BIPOC), and/or English-as-a-second-
language (ESL) authors, visual and/or performing artists or community organizations to
partner with you in hosting arts-focused STEAM events. You can also dedicate a certain
area of the library, such as a section in the Youth/Teen area, for minority youth to form
affinity groups, safe and brave spaces where they can gather together and share their thoughts
and experiences that might be separate from the program’s dominant participants. No matter
our age, we all want to feel like we belong somewhere. If your library can be where that
feeling of belonging occurs for disadvantaged youth, that should make your programming
even more powerful.
Lastly, it would help if you considered external factors or barriers that may impact one’s
ability to attend your arts-based STEAM programs. Factors like socioeconomic status,
transportation, familial obligations, or work/school schedules may require you to switch the
hours of an arts-based STEAM event or host it off-site so that all who want to attend
physically can access the space. Suppose your library is one branch of a larger regional
system. In that case, you can partner with other branch libraries to host certain events, similar
to what the APL did earlier in this chapter with their “Teen STEAM” events. If you are a
smaller library in a rural area, you can bring these events to nearby schools and work with
Chapter 4– Art
the school district to create after-school programs. These modifications not only make events
physically accessible for those that struggle with transportation or mobility issues, but ease
anxiety or “otherness” that patrons may feel in a traditional library setting.
Chapter 4– Art
Allwine, J., Penoyar, J., & Spevacek, K. (2017). STEAM: Tiny libraries can do it
too! Alki, 33(3), 22–23.Association for Library Service to Children (2015).
Competencies for librarians serving children in public libraries. Retrieved from
Gess, A. H. (2017). STEAM education: Separating fact from fiction. Technology &
Engineering Teacher, 77(3), 39–41.
Grant, A. (2017, June 26). MIT study finds poorer kids benefit more from summer
reading programs. Boston Globe. Retrieved from
Hunter-Doniger, T., Howard, C., Harris, R., & Hall, C. (2018). STEAM through
culturally relevant teaching and storytelling. Art Education, 71(1), 46–51.
Loewenberg, D. (2017). New NAEP data: Deep rifts in access to arts education.
Education Writers Association. Retrieved from
Chapter 4– Art
New York State Library (2019). Importance of summer reading: A research brief
on summer reading and public library summer reading programs. Retrieved from
Pard, C. (2018). STEM programming for all ages: A practical guide for librarians.
Lanham, MD: Roman and Littlefield.
Pierce, D., & Goode, L. (2018, December 7). The WIRED guide to the iPhone.
Wired. Retrieved from
Tan, T. (2017). Full STEAM ahead: Creating learning opportunities for students.
Leadership, 46(3), 22–27.
Thinkery Austin (2016). Free STEAM for your teen.” Retrieved from
Watson, A. (2017). What is STEAM and why does it matter? National Association
of Elementary School Principals, 41(2), 14–15.
Young Adult Library Services Association (2017). Teen services competencies for
library staff. Retrieved from
Chapter 4– Art
School boards and school districts determine the mathematics that we learn in school.
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is one of the primary influencers
of math standards. Publishers use math standards to outline what students should be able to
do at the end of a course of study.
NAEP Trends in Academic Progress report provides trends on reading and math
assessments dating back to the 1970s. Over 43 years in mathematics education, we have
improved achievement levels for 9- and 13-year-olds. But those gains do not translate into
higher performance by the time students are 17.
Spending, curriculum, standards, and teacher preparation have changed over the past 43
years. We may need to look at how we teach math and evaluate the outcomes of instruction.
I hold very little hope that data-driven instruction will change mathematics education.
As we have already seen, librarians only somewhat universally beloved math. While
more evidence may be needed to state conclusively, Baek (2013) suggests that much of this
anxiety is a product of a lack of qualification. Librarians often come from non-STEAM –
especially non-math– backgrounds and thus feel apprehensive about teaching math as “non-
mathematicians.” Kliman, Jaumot-Pascual, and Martin (2013) suggest that mathematics is
seen as “without context” (i e., divorced from the “real world”), and librarians’ math anxiety
is often a result of a narrow or incomplete conception of what math is.
Let’s briefly consider just what math is before turning to the specifics of planning and
leading math instruction in libraries. The traditional understanding of what counts as math
is likely something akin to Dudley’s (2010) view of mathematics as “algebra, trigonometry,
calculus, linear algebra, and so on: all those subjects beyond arithmetic” (p.608); in essence,
math is applied arithmetic and the more esoteric formulations beyond those subjects covered
in primary school. While this definition is certainly not incorrect, it is limited, and more
helpful ways exist to approach this question. Hersh and Ekeland (1997) offer a more organic
articulation that might be better suited for our purposes: they argue that math is the name we
give to a set of social objects. Rather than being a set of natural laws “out there” in the
universe waiting to be discovered, math is a human-created system that we can use to
understand the universe and solve problems. The rules, figures, concepts, and math problems
are occasionally grounded in some physical reality, but most often, they are shared social
conventions. For example, we typically use the base-10 or decimal number system (with
Chapter 5– Math
digits from 0-9) in everyday life, but some cultures use a base-8 system, and computer
programmers use a base-16 (hexadecimal) system. There is nothing fundamentally more
“natural” about base-10. We have agreed as a society to use this system for most
mathematical applications.
Before exploring how math can be incorporated into library programming and services,
we will briefly discuss how it is currently taught in public K-12 classrooms. If you haven’t
been in a K-12 setting since 2010 or so, math instruction likely looks very different now
compared to what you experienced as a student. That is due to the national adoption of the
Common Core State Standards, which has transformed math and Language Arts instruction
in the United States.
Rather than teaching students the quickest way to solve mathematical problems or the
one “right” way to solve a problem, Common Core math aims to help students understand
mathematical operations and the relationships among them conceptually. This often involves
teaching students multiple approaches to the same mathematical operation, focusing on the
process as much as the answers, and encouraging argumentation and logical reasoning. With
that said, it’s important to understand that the Common Core is a set of standards –
benchmarks for what students should learn and be able to do at each grade level. Common
Core is not a curriculum. It does not dictate what happens in individual classrooms to help
students reach those standards. Many complaints about Common Core math shared on social
media and in the news are about the materials used to teach the standards rather than the
standards themselves (search “Common Core math memes” if you’re not already familiar
with them).
The center of the Common Core math standards is a set of eight Standards for Mathematical
Practice that cut across all grade levels (
Chapter 5– Math
These standards, like the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), emphasize
mathematical processes rather than specific operations or “facts”:
Also, like the NGSS, these standards connect to the skills we already teach in the library.
For example, YALSA Teens First Learning Outcomes such as “Teens can think flexibly”
and “Teens can show perseverance” ( aligns well with the first two
standards above.
Although Common Core math has been in place for nearly a decade, the jury is still
unsure whether it has improved student learning. National research studies have found mixed
results on this question, though Common Core proponents point to several reasons why the
evidence may not yet point to its unqualified success: teachers are still getting used to the
new curriculum, classroom materials continue to be refined, and improved, and national tests
such as the National Assessment of Educational Progress, may not accurately measure the
thinking that Common Core is trying to develop (Barnum, 2019). Regardless, Common Core
math is here to stay.
Now that we have discussed math and how it is taught in schools, we can move on to
more specific strategies for incorporating math instruction into public library programming
and services.
The tables and chairs were arranged in a large U-shape with the open end pointing to
the front of the room. Group-based learning was a norm in our school, where students
worked collaboratively.
Students discussed the properties of numbers that I had forgotten or never learned.
Professor Smith only asked questions and did not indicate whether what a student said was
Chapter 5– Math
right or wrong. It had been a long time since I had been in middle school, and this was all
new to me.
J.E. MARTINEZ and J.R. SMITH were both parts of the New York City Teaching
Fellows program that provided us with alternative routes into teaching. Unlike many math
teachers, Smith was a professional mathematician and gifted math student.
The Common Core State Standards for Math should help teachers create a more
developmental learning environment. In my teacher’s class, I saw students imitate how she
led group conversations. Mathematics became a complex social activity, something that
everyone could be organized to do.
Vincent Accardi is a mathematics teacher in New York State who has been teaching
math using the Common Core State Standards, and he is also a student of mine in a graduate
course. Below are some of his posts in an online course (edited for clarity). He shares some
of his thoughts on why math is hard to learn in school despite standards that encourage
developmental approaches:
Post 1
In math, students attempt to understand the problem before trying it. Students use
drawings, graphs, and physical models to help solve problems. As much as we don’t want
to admit it, we teach the test with deadlines and due dates.
Post 2
Post 3
Students are graduating with a memory of procedural fluency that will almost certainly
be lost within a few months. “Conceptual understanding” is a phrase that’s tossed around.
According to J.E. MARTIN, most students need to have all the conceptual understandings
they should.
Chapter 5– Math
He identifies teaching to the test, competition in math, and the need to cover material at
a certain pace. His self-identify movement went from being competitive and not
collaborating to encouraging collaboration.
We are all born with what is referred to as number sense, and we do not need language
to experience numbers. Research conducted by Gallistel and Gelman has led them to
compare human and non-human cognitive mechanisms in the number sense. The researchers
assert that non-verbal tools for mathematical reasoning develop at the same time that
children become aware of the world.
In the 1980s, Jean Lave conducted studies that contrasted the abilities of shoppers to do
mental mathematics calculations while shopping with their abilities to do the same
calculations in school. Lave found that shoppers who considered themselves poor math
students performed better in the supermarket than in conditions that felt more like a test.
A student who achieves 100% on a test receives positive reinforcement and is expected
to maintain that level of achievement. Students who receive a grade less than 100 are
challenged to do better. The testing system competitively ranks students against each other
rather than creating an apples-to-asters.
Students ask questions about the relevance of math instruction throughout their K-12
experiences. When mathematics is part of social activity, including shopping, play, and
puzzle solving, the question of relevance disappears. Mike Askew suggests providing
students with opportunities to rehearse in the classroom before being asked to present.
Chapter 5– Math
The Math Video Project is a relational “tool and result” type tool. The project created
“new wants,” which should not be confused with motivation. Jeff Lisciandrello created new
wants for himself and his students with assessment and training technology in the math
The following dialogue is from a meeting with Lisciandrello, a former student of mine.
He was a fifth-grade math teacher in New York City. He describes his experience using
technology to transform math learning and assessment in his classroom. The dialogue has
been edited for clarity.
Lisciandrello provides the Light Bot™ software as a fun and interactive mathematical
activity. The software provides students with multiple attempts at problems. It provides
targeted information based on what types of challenges and activities the student succeeds
at and those that present a struggle.
Differentiation attempts to develop different entry points to the same concept or the
same learning task. Jeff Lisciandrello discovered this when working with two boys and
technology in his math class. In contrast, we can create learning communities with many
tasks and no goals.
Chapter 5– Math
Although math instruction may get much more complex at higher levels, it can begin
with something as simple as learning concepts like “less and more” or counting to ten. This
means that math instruction in the library can begin with programming for our very youngest
5.8.1 Preschool
Math education for preschool-age children is one area where librarians may already be
well prepared. Moreover, this is one of the areas where library instruction in math can make
the biggest difference for learners, as evidence suggests fostering math skills at this
developmental stage is strongly correlated to long-term academic success (Park, Bermudez,
Roberts, & Brannon, 2016). For learners in this age group, math instruction is often intended
to develop students’ number sense (Baroody, Eilan, & Thompson, 2009), which has three
sequential components: first, developing counting strategies using objects or words (i.e.,
inductive reasoning); next, reasoning skills that add patterns and relationships to those
counting processes (i.e., deductive reasoning); and last, retrieval strategies that move those
earlier skills to long-term memories which learners can more easily recall. Outside of
number sense, mathematics instruction in this age range also fosters spatial-geometric sense
and interest by emphasizing the exploration of shape and size (Sarama & Clements, 2004).
These three stages rely on skills that libraries and librarians regularly help develop.
With an understanding of the skills we are looking to develop, let’s consider a successful
example of mathematics instruction for this age group to see some of the tools and techniques
available to library instructors.
As children transition from preschool into primary school, the challenges posed by and
approaches to mathematics instruction in the library change considerably. While preschool-
age math instruction tends toward fostering mathematical literacies through abstract
connections and properties (e.g., “shapes,” “sizes,” “numeracy,” etc.), math instruction for
elementary school-age children tends toward further developing those skills through
concrete, explicitly “mathematical” tasks (i.e., “math problems”) (Stein, Grover, &
Henningsen, 1996). However, while the materials themselves are more definitively
mathematical, the ideas they express are considerably more abstruse. A student, for example,
can easily understand that the elephant in the story is larger than the cat; she can refer to the
Chapter 5– Math
pictures, she may have a direct experience to reference, or the story itself might provide
contextual clues with which the student can deduce the answer. That question becomes
significantly more esoteric when presented symbolically using numerical representations of
the animals’ respective sizes.
Complicating matters further, one now needs to reconsider the purpose of library
mathematics instruction given these changes in form and content. In her literature review,
Frederiksen (2009) found that libraries and librarians tend to see the role of their instruction
as both a supplement and complement to the curriculum and standards of their local schools.
Moreover, since this is the age group in which math anxiety most commonly begins
occurring, libraries and library instruction can be the relaxed, fun environment children need
to overcome those anxieties and successfully internalize mathematical concepts (Spencer &
Huss, 2013).
With the understanding that mathematics library instruction for this age group can
reinforce and expand the local standards and curricula and act as a low-stress environment
to help ease math anxiety, let’s now examine a successful model of mathematics instruction
for elementary school-age children in the library.
Crucially, however, there are some additional affective and ethical concerns for teaching
these learners one should consider. Students’ self-perceptions seem to become a major
determinant of success in this demographic (Pajares, Britner, & Valiante, 2000), and this is
the age at which learners begin to report seeing math as useless or impractical (Parajes &
Graham, 1999). Two possible implications for instructors are the potential inclusion of
multi-goal lessons into a curriculum so learners can feel successful early and often in the
process and working to tie those lessons to “useful” real-world situations. Moreover, learners
Chapter 5– Math
in this age range can handle and benefit from multi-tiered problems (Van de Walle, 1998).
One of the desired math competencies for this demographic is an ability to answer problems
requiring iterative thinking.
Finally, we should consider library math instruction for middle-grade learners relating
to our technological and educational conjuncture. Responsible and proficient computer use
is doubtlessly an important skill for learners, and evidence (Herro, Quigley, & Jacques, 2018)
suggests that this age group is ideal for developing those understandings. These learners
likely have the mathematical thinking capacities and the broader intellectual and emotional
sophistication to begin handling both the technical and ethical aspects of computer use.
Furthermore, as Spencer and Huss (2013) demonstrated, the library can provide the ideal,
low-stress environment for grappling with ideas challenging to learners on both cognitive
and affective levels.
Since we have now seen how the needs of middle-grade learners closely align but
remain critically distinct from those of elementary-age learners, let’s revisit the model we
examined for the latter group and see how one can adjust that program to suit the needs of
an older cohort better.
Much like the leap from elementary-age to middle-grade learners, the needs and
considerations for math instruction for teenagers and young adults are like those of middle-
grade and elementary-age learners but distinct in key ways. Perhaps the strongest similarity
between teens and their younger counterparts is the benefits of contextualizing math
instruction. Stressing math’s importance in life after primary school ends is particularly
beneficial in math instruction for teens (Burress, Atkins, & Burns, 2018); for instance, Tyson,
Lee, Borman, and Hanson (2007) found that exposure to math in a STEM-career focused
context in high school is a powerful predictor for whether a student will obtain a bachelor’s
degree in a STEM field.
Beyond career and higher educational implications, however, library math instruction’s
value for teens —especially today’s teenagers—is a matter of rectifying a social-contractual
failure for which teens are now paying the price. As Harris (2017) noted in his exhaustive
evidence survey, primary education in the 21st Century has been defined by two major
federal policies: 2001’s No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and 2009’s Race to the Top
(RTTP) program. While each policy differed in its specific requirements, enforcement
Chapter 5– Math
mechanisms, and aims, Harris observed that they shared two common characteristics: an
emphasis on standardized testing as a means of evaluation and the push for universal learning
standards. These two factors profoundly changed education for learners, shifting classroom
time towards the dreaded “teaching to the test” and a classroom focus on the subjects those
tests measured – STEM and language arts. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Harris found that the
increased quantity of math education was the pure quantity and nearly no quality math
instruction. For example, he found that much “math” instruction focused on successfully
eliminating incorrect answers on tests to increase the likelihood of randomly selecting the
right answer to a problem. Furthermore, teens bear the brunt of these negative consequences,
as their education has been entirely within this framework. Since the compulsory portion of
their education is ending, they may not see an alternative model.
This is where math instruction in the library can make a profound difference. Since the
library was and is not subject to these mandates, it can provide the stimulation and
exploration schoolroom instruction can no longer afford to offer. Moreover, as the Pew
Research Center (Horrigan, 2015) found, the people most likely to use the library or attend
a library program are those disproportionately burdened by math anxiety and instructional
inequalities: women, people of color, and low-income households. Thus, one of the greatest
benefits of library math instruction –for all ages, particularly teens and young adults– is that
it provides meaningful math instruction; an opportunity increasingly rare in other
educational settings.
With the role and importance of math instruction established, we should now consider
one effective model for library math instruction for teenagers.
Chapter 5– Math
Chapter 5– Math
Aarnos, E., & Perkkila, P. (2012). Early signs of mathematics anxiety? Procedia—Social
and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 1495–1499. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.05.328
Anderton, H. (2012). STEM, teens, and public libraries it’s easier than you think! Young
Adult Library Services, 10(2), 44–46.
Attard, C. (2011). “My favourite subject is maths. For some reason no-one really agrees with
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classroom. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 23(3), 363–377. Retrieved from
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Baroody, A. J., Eiland, M., & Thompson, B. (2009). Fostering at-risk preschoolers’ number
sense. Early Education and Development, 20(1), 80-128.
Baek, J. Y. (2013). The accidental stem librarian: An exploratory interview study with eight
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Bieg, M., Goetz, T., Wolter, I., & Hall, N. C. (2015). Gender stereotype endorsement
differentially predicts girls’ and boys’ trait-state discrepancy in math anxiety. Frontiers in
Psychology, 6, 1401.
Burress, R., Atkins, C., & Burns, C. (2018). Learning commons as a catlyst for instructional
partnerships. Teacher Librarian, 45(4), 28–31.
Chapter 5– Math
Bushey, C. (2014). Libraries Turn to TEDx. American Libraries, 45(6), 21. Retrieved from
Catsambis, S. (1994). The path to math: Gender and racial-ethnic differences in mathematics
participation from middle school to high school. Sociology of Education, 199-215.
Dudley, U. (2010). What is mathematics for? Notices of the AMS, 57(5), 608-613.
Harris, M. (2017). The feds: Left behind in the race to the top. In Kids These Days: Human
Capital and the Making of Millenials (pp. 104–131). New York, NY: Little, Brown and
Henry, R. (2004). Math in the library? Library Media Connection, 23(2), 36–38.
Hernandez, E. (2010). Class in classrooms: The challenges public librarians face as border
crossing educators. In M.S. Plakhotnik, S.M. Nielsen, & D.M. Pane (Ed.s), Proceedings of
the Ninth Annual College of Education & GSN Research Conference (pp. 40-45). Miami:
Florida International University
Herro, D., Quigley, C., & Jacques, L. A. (2018). Examining technology integration in middle
school STEAM units. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 27(4), 485–498.
Hersh, R., & Ekeland, I. (1997). What is mathematics, really? (Vol. 18). New York: Oxford
University Press.
Hopwood, J. (2012). Initiating STEM Learning in Libraries. Children & Libraries, 10(2),
Horrigan, J. (2015). Libraries at the crossroads. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from
Kliman, M., Jaumot-Pascual, N., & Martin, V. (2013). How wide is a squid eye? Integrating
mathematics into public library programs for the elementary grades. Afterschool Matters,
17, 9-15.
Köğce, D., Yıldız, C., Aydın, M., & Altındağ, R. (2009). Examining elementary school
students’ attitudes towards mathematics in terms of some variables. Procedia-Social and
Behavioral Sciences, 1(1), 291-295.
Luttrell, H. D., & Crocker, B. C. (1990). Science as a favorite or least favorite subject.
Journal of Elementary Science Education, 2(1), 3-9.
Chapter 5– Math
Ma, X. (1999). A meta-analysis of the relationship between anxiety toward mathematics and
achievement in mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 30(5), 520–
Nicolaidou, M., & Philippou, G. (2003). Attitudes towards mathematics, self-efficacy and
achievement in problem solving. European Research in Mathematics Education III. Pisa:
University of Pisa, 1-11.
Pajares, F., Britner, S. L., & Valiante, G. (2000). Relation between achievement goals and
self-beliefs of middle school students in writing and science. Contemporary Educational
Psychology, 25(4), 406-422.
Pajares, F., & Graham, L. (1999). Self-efficacy, motivation constructs, and mathematics
performance of entering middle school students. Contemporary educational psychology,
24(2), 124-139.
Park, J., Bermudez, V., Roberts, R. C., & Brannon, E. M. (2016). Non-symbolic approximate
arithmetic training improves math performance in preschoolers. Journal of Experimental
Child Psychology, 152, 278–293. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2016.07.011
Ramirez, G., Shaw, S.T., & Maloney, E.A., (2018) Math anxiety: Past research, promising
interventions, and a new interpretation framework, Educational Psychologist, 53(3), 145-
Sarama, J., & Clements, D. H. (2004). Building blocks for early childhood mathematics.
Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19(1), 181-189.
Sharma, D. M. (2016). Does stem education belong in the public library? Children &
Libraries, 55(2), 17–19.
Spencer, R., & Huss, J. (2013). Playgrounds for the mind: Invention conventions and STEM
in the library. Children & Libraries, 11(3), 41–45.
Spencer, R.-A., & Rawson, C. H. (2018). Knowing your learners. In C. H. Rawson (Ed.),
Instruction and Pedagogy for Youth in Public Libraries (pp. 25–46). Chapel Hill, NC: UNC
Chapel Hill, School of Information and Library Science.
Tyson, W., Lee, R., Borman, K. M., & Hanson, M. A. (2007). Science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) pathways: High school science and math coursework
and postsecondary degree attainment. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk,
12(3), 243-270.
Waters, J.K. (2013). OER and the common core. Technology Horizons in Education Journal,
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Chapter 5– Math
Wells, A.S., Fox, L., & Cordova-Cobo, D. (2016) How racially diverse schools and
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Welz, K. (2017). School librarians and open educational resources aid and implement
common core instructional content in the classroom. Knowledge Quest, 45(4), 62–68.
Widdows, D. (2017). A new use for the makerspace. OLA Quarterly, 23(4), 26–29.
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Weak Links
6.3 Accountability and Achievement
6.4 Standard
6.5 Don’t Reform, Perform!
Chapter 6– The Education for Workforce Development Paradigm
6.1 Introduction
Using the idea of a paradigm as a lens for viewing the purpose of education in the USA
helps make the complex social structure and limits of policies, practice, and problem
domains visible. How the USA approaches STEAM and STEM education is presented here
by reviewing how leaders and practitioners address STEAM education knowledge and
practices challenges.
STEAM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Some
definitions indicate that STEAM stands for art and design; others suggest it stands for
architecture. This book uses the definition of STEAM in a congressional resolution of May
1, 2015.
The STEM Education Act became law in October 2015. Among other things, the Act
provided funding for prospective teachers to apply for scholarships and for the NSF to fund
education research in informal learning settings. The report states that more support for
STEM education is necessary to develop a STEM workforce for manufacturers, high-tech
companies, and small businesses.
Congressional resolutions and various committee reports are how policy advocates
communicate their views, practices, and understandings of STEAM and STEM education.
As stated in the STEM Education Act of 2015 report, the primary concern is to improve how
the future workforce is prepared to fill “in-demand STEM jobs”.
Chapter 6– The Education for Workforce Development Paradigm
Teitelbaum argues that “boom” and “bust” funding for science, education, and research
has led to a crisis in global economic competitiveness. The US federal government shutdown
in 2013 is an example of a bust event that unexpectedly constrained discretionary spending
at NSF and the National Institutes of Health.
In chapter after chapter, Steven Teitelbaum challenges the certainty of general assertions
regarding STEM labor shortages and educational failure. He argues that the USA is still
competitive despite the limitations of inconsistent federal funding cycles, misalignments in
workforce development, and overstatement of workforce needs.
This selective review reveals that in dialogue with business and government, the
scientific and education research community is responsible for raising the alarms and
delivering the alarmists’ critique. According to Kuhn, scientists’ response to a “crisis” is to
identify where the discrepancy is in the field. “The problem is labeled [sic] and set aside for
a future generation with more developed tools” (Kuhn 2012, p. 84).
The No Child Left Behind legislation of 2001 (NCLB) was an education reform
designed to increase teacher accountability. In 2016, the Obama administration admitted that
its revision to NCLB mandates, known as Race to the Top, fell short of having the desired
Chapter 6– The Education for Workforce Development Paradigm
6.4 Standard
The fourth definition in Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary for the word standard
reads as follows: something set up and established by authority as a rule for measuring
quantity, weight, extent, value, or quality. Standards work very well in manufacturing
environments where processes and materials are controllable. The education for workforce
development paradigm provides the framework for preparing students to participate in work
environments. Measuring student performance is not just desirable but necessary for
determining whether or not students are achieving expectations. It may be helpful to
illustrate how standards come into being with an example from mathematics education.
Many educators will relate to STEAM and STEM education legislation and funding
efforts as the latest in a series of workforce competitiveness reforms. They will use the tools
they have always used and work on problems like they always have. We can expect those
efforts' good and bad results to be recognizable as attempts at refining existing ideas about
teaching and learning and measuring achievement. The frustration that people experience
with education reforms and policy will likely continue. How could it be otherwise if the
same tools and ways of looking at problems continue to be used? A new way of creating
change is needed.
Chapter 6– The Education for Workforce Development Paradigm
transformation occurs, and everything changes. STEAM educators are calling current
teaching practices into question as they create new interdisciplinary practices and ways of
being in educational institutions. Their actions, projects, and new relationships are the
critiques or the new performances that underscore our need to go beyond reform to
achieve/create/realize the transformation of educational institutions that we are all hoping
Chapter 6– The Education for Workforce Development Paradigm
Chapter 6– The Education for Workforce Development Paradigm
Adams, R.S., & Forin, T. (2014). Working together across differences. In B. Williams, J.
Figueiredo, & J. Trevelyan (Eds.), Engineering practice in a global context: Understanding
the technical and the social. The Netherlands: CRC Press.
Brown, L.L. (2012, May 7). The benefits of music education. PBS for parents. Retrieved
Csorny, L. (2013). Careers in the growing field of information technology services. Bureau
of Labor Statistics: Beyond the numbers. Retrieved from
Dowker, A., Sarkar, A., & Looi, C. Y. (2016). Mathematics anxiety: What have we learned
in 60 years?. Frontiers in psychology, 7, article 508.
Feldman, A. (2015). STEAM rising: Why we need to put the arts into STEM education.
Retrieved from
Gunn, J. (2017, November 3). The evolution of STEM and STEAM in the U.S. Room 241
(blog). Retrieved from
Hille, K., Gust, K., Bitz, U., & Kammer, T. (2011). Associations between music education, intelligence,
and spelling ability in elementary school. Advances in cognitive psychology, 7, 1–6.
Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6.
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Thoughts on Centeredness
7.3 Project-Based Learning Professional Development
7.4 Disequilibrium
7.5 Dispositions
7.6 Systematic Approaches
7.7 Performing With(in) a System - A Slight Digression
7.8 Irony and the PBL Workshop
7.9 Experiential Approaches
Chapter 7– Methodological Approaches to STEM/STEAM Learning
7.1 Introduction
A teaching method is a tool that can be reused to achieve a planned result or outcome.
Teachers benefit from professional development (PD) opportunities schools and school
districts provide. School administrators can motivate teachers to take PD
classes/seminars/training in new methods.
“Centeredness” in learning environments means that there is a focal point around which
instruction revolves. Whether teacher-centered or student-centered, classroom instruction
obscures or oversimplifies the complex cognitive, social, and emotional interactions teachers
and students have. I have heard many educators claim that practice in the classroom is
student-centered. However, it is impossible to determine what is going on in the classroom
simply because it has been labeled “student-centered.”
I see “student-centered” as a shortcut for describing what happens in the classroom. This
shortcut to communicating may be helpful when we do not want to or need to take the time
to provide the specifics of student-centered activities. The shortcut does not help when trying
new ways of thinking or innovating in the classroom. What I do think will help is teacher
narratives. I’ve noticed that teachers tend to tell stories about what goes on in classrooms.
The stories contain detailed descriptions of social interactions in the classroom. Sometimes
there are interesting digressions to provide listeners with historical background, and there is
often a point being made about teaching in that particular circumstance. These narratives are
Chapter 7– Methodological Approaches to STEM/STEAM Learning
a genuine and powerful means of engaging adult and youthful learners. To create
developmental STEAM learning environments, we will have to tell each other stories. In the
next section, I will tell an ironic story about learning to use project-based learning (PBL) as
a methodology in the classroom. Training in project-based learning has emerged as a popular
method for preparing teachers to use student projects to make STEM and STEAM
interdisciplinary learning fit into the existing curriculum. PBL training comes with a system
of forms and instructions to produce a documented process (unit plans and lesson plans) that
will ultimately result in descriptions of student learning outcomes tied to explicit learning
goals, standards, and products demonstrating evidence of learning. What follows is an
experience observing and participating in teacher professional development that features
project-based learning.
During the summer of July 2014, I was invited to attend three all-day professional
development sessions with elementary teachers. The focus of the professional development
was to initiate the creation of PBL unit plans. The trainers were knowledgeable and could
bring computer technology and lesson planning resources to bear that are useful in various
The workshop plan was for the participants, all pre-K–5 teachers from three different
elementary schools, to work in groups and use instructional technologies, such as laptop
Chapter 7– Methodological Approaches to STEM/STEAM Learning
computers, the Internet, and Google Apps for Education, to develop STEM-based PBL unit
plans. Their PBL plans required identifying a problem and developing a curricular unit that
resulted in solutions to the problem. They were required to produce documents using PBL
management templates and Web-based resources set up by the school district to provide
teachers with easy access. In addition to the materials listed above, teachers had curriculum
maps (a schedule of the content to be taught each month) for the grades they taught and the
appropriate Common Core State Standards.
As teachers began to work, I became aware of some resistance to the new ideas and
some of the work. Some teachers rejected offers of help. Some teachers seemed to be
working on using the PBL framework to retrofit classroom projects. Others appeared to be
continuing work started in an earlier workshop. Many teachers I worked with had chosen
their comfort zones as a starting point for a PBL-integrated lesson and were trying to identify
a relevant problem to associate with the project unit they were developing. Over the 3 days,
even as the teachers became increasingly comfortable with the PBL framework, they
struggled to align the standards, curriculum, and ideas. Many teachers experienced
frustration at trying to “make it all fit” into their existing understandings of their teaching
contexts. I hoped people would remember the “Yes, and” performance when they wanted to
say “but.” However, many sentences started with the word but.
7.4 Disequilibrium
Chapter 7– Methodological Approaches to STEM/STEAM Learning
reasonable to expect teachers to resist adopting new technologies and methods until they
saw the benefits.
Interdisciplinary connections across content areas are part of the natural progression in
a PBL unit plan. Teachers with more experience and subject-matter expertise had less
difficulty seeing interdisciplinary connections than less experienced teachers. One group of
less experienced teachers admitted that they needed more research for their interdisciplinary
unit on the migrations of native North American peoples. If the goal of a PBL unit is to
generate a process of inquiry, why did teachers feel they had to know the answers in advance?
Why could not students and teachers discover things together?
The relevance of instruction to students’ lives is another key feature of PBL instructional
units, and was one of the objectives of the U.S. Department of Education Magnet Schools
grant that funded the teacher professional development at the school I was visiting. Teachers
decide what students will learn based on the curriculum and standards in these workshops.
It needed to be clarified how much input students or the community expected to have in
these units. In my interactions with some teachers, it was unclear whether they had an
understanding of the socioeconomic realities of the community they worked in or how their
social class biases might lead them to take certain things for granted about the lives of their
students when making decisions about the relevance of PBL units. For example, one group
planned on having third-grade students create a travel brochure for visiting the Galapagos
Islands. I couldn’t see how the lesson plan related to the lives of the children in that
community, and those connections would still need to be made in the lesson plan if indeed
they could be made.
I observed that experienced teachers could increase pedagogical options in the PBL
plans of less experienced teachers, and they seemed willing to share and provide guidance.
The beneficial impact of experienced teachers on novice teachers is consistent with some
research findings (Adey et al. 2004).
Chapter 7– Methodological Approaches to STEM/STEAM Learning
7.5 Dispositions
During the lecture portion of each day, I observed many teachers with “eyes on screens”
or who refused to make eye contact with the speaker. This was frustrating for the trainer,
evidenced by the phrase, “You need to pay attention to this.” One possible explanation for
this behavior is that the teachers were multitasking. I am sure that many workshop
participants would claim to have been multitasking. I did see some laptop screens showing
emails, the PBL forms, and other relevant-looking materials. Another explanation, as
previously noted, is “resistance,” which may be due to indifference, embarrassment at not
knowing the material, being unprepared, or being bored. Alternatively, trainers may have
mistaken a lack of eye contact for lack of teacher understanding. Teacher resistance is a
source of frustration in PD environments for trainers and workshop participants. The
professional development literature helps explain and diagnose teacher resistance, its forms,
and possible treatments. But getting to the root causes of the symptoms is not one of the
things that can easily be accomplished in a PD workshop.
I engaged in conversations with several teachers and was heartened by their enthusiasm
and willingness to plan to take risks with the material. Several of these teachers had already
been given formal leadership roles as Magnet School specialists. These were senior teachers
who self-selected and interviewed for teaching positions that would be funded through the
Magnet Schools grant. These teachers were highly motivated and willing to take on
significant challenges, and their performance at the workshop differed from many
participants. Other teachers were being paid by the hour during the summer to be in the
workshop, but their performances told different stories about their reasons for and comfort
with being there. This was a clue to moving beyond describing and diagnosing teacher
resistance and understanding it.
There are many approaches to providing teachers with support in examining their
expectations for students and their beliefs about learning. The best type of support comes
from peers and opportunities to reflect openly on teaching practices. In this professional
Chapter 7– Methodological Approaches to STEM/STEAM Learning
development workshop, there was a plan to provide opportunities for reflection and to use
the Critical Friends protocol for feedback. The Critical Friends protocol originated from
work at the Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University. It is a professional
learning community designed to structure peer interactions to improve teaching (Moore and
Carter-Hicks 2014). The Critical Friends process has a set of protocols, including
implementing a “tuning” protocol as a first step that provides the group with practice in
going through each of the steps together. The outline described by Moore and Carter-Hicks
specifies 68 min from the introductory activity to the closing debriefing (Moore and Carter-
Hicks 2014, p. 7). However, circumstances drove workshop facilitators to cut short the
feedback and reflection portions (20min) to cover PBL curriculum development issues. Time
for reflection and feedback was traded away for covering the curriculum. I have participated
in the Critical Friends protocol and have observed others using it. I view the protocol as a
highly scripted ensemble performance. I was an observer, and the interactions seemed a bit
rushed. It was hard for me to determine how anyone felt about the process. I think the
reflection portion is as important or almost as important as the content/curriculum of the
I think understanding how people felt about the process would (1) help improve the
process and (2) probably provide insight into what the takeaway for teachers was.
The 3-day PBL workshops proceeded along familiar patterns and would be recognizable
as being of high quality despite the varying levels of enthusiasm. The teachers responded
along the lines predicted in the literature on teacher professional development. A few days
after the workshop, I gave workshop organizers feedback on the training. The specific
feedback is irrelevant here; I responded to them with suggestions from a best practices
perspective. My goal was to continue building my relationship with these teachers and
schools, which meant I had to work with what they offered, which was an opportunity to
provide useful feedback on their terms.
Many teachers feel like they need a choice regarding professional development, and
choices are difficult for PD trainers to create. Empowered teachers, such as those identified
leaders (the Magnet School specialists) in a PD workshop environment, will exhibit
enthusiasm. The Critical Friends protocols can work when they are routinely part of school
teacher practices. In my experience, teachers believe there are opportunities for choice-
making and risk-taking in schools where new ideas take hold. Teachers are also receptive to
new ideas if they think that administrators trust them and that they can trust their colleagues.
Chapter 7– Methodological Approaches to STEM/STEAM Learning
Schools should invest the same effort in creating trusting environments as they do in
developing professional knowledge and other professional practices.
The differences become apparent when we compare early childhood learning to formal
school-based learning, such as toddlers’ engagement. The developmental performative
learning of children outside of school may include, for example, a child’s exploration of a
living room. Exploring a room by a child has many possible outcomes, some that are
observable and others that are not. The outcomes of exploration may not be measurable.
What a child learns while exploring the room may not have direct, causal relationships to
what develops and is not predictable.
Chapter 7– Methodological Approaches to STEM/STEAM Learning
Ironically, the PBL method was not used to teach teachers in the professional
development session described earlier in the chapter. Professional development workshops
are product oriented. Teachers must produce unit plans for teaching, and the workshop is a
process for production, not a process that prioritizes inquiry or facilitates the involvement of
stakeholders (members of the community, students, etc.) in developing the unit plans. For
Chapter 7– Methodological Approaches to STEM/STEAM Learning
teachers, learning the PBL method can get disconnected from practicing the method. To be
sure, many teachers produce PBL units that are engaging and efficient in this manner.
However, I question the sustainability of this approach. The PBL system generates a
significant amount of documentation that details what students need to do, how activities
will meet standards, and how student performance will be assessed. Unit plans also include
listings of required materials, interdisciplinary connections, differentiated strategies, and
expected outcomes. Teachers will tend to reuse and perhaps revise units, but what will occur
when there is a change in the curriculum or the standards? What will happen when a second-
grade teacher is reassigned to teach the fourth grade, and her PBL units are no longer relevant?
Will she be offered someone else’s fourth-grade PBL units? Will she find them appropriate
for how she envisions teaching the fourth grade? What will happen when funding for teacher
PD and new curriculum development efforts ends? One of the major challenges of having
any system is ensuring that it can be maintained in the face of changing conditions or
assumptions. Another challenge of systems is that they encourage more systems, which can
lead to fewer opportunities for creativity and autonomy.
Chapter 7– Methodological Approaches to STEM/STEAM Learning
When the outcomes are not overly predictable or predetermined, students must bring the
entirety of their being to bear on figuring out what they need to do, not just report on some
knowledge they acquired. However, even experiential approaches to learning can be made
to be as systematic as any other kind of approach. What makes one approach to learning
systematic and another unsystematic or performative?
If I were to make the Math Video Project systematic, I would determine specific content
knowledge covered by all videos. For example, using seventh-grade math content, the theme
of the videos might be to understand the concept of pi. Each video would have to meet
criteria that aligned with learning standards in mathematics and presentation skills. Each
team member would be assigned specific roles in the project and would be responsible for
specific tasks. There would be a test at the end of the production of videos to confirm that
everyone learned something about pi. I would still expect various videos, but they would all
be about pi. The students still have opportunities for choices, fun, and engagement because
they use technology.
The overall experience would be different because I have done projects with students
using performative developmental approaches and systematic approaches. Students and
teachers can become very comfortable with systematic approaches to learning because they
know what to expect and what is required. Knowledge is acquired incrementally, and
progress is predictable and measurable as long as a student stays caught up.
When I have used performative approaches with middle school students, I upset the
order of things. Students will ask questions about the requirements when they see a few.
They will express uncertainty about whether they are doing their projects correctly. Students
will often discover that certain approaches to a project can lead to dead ends. Students tap
into their areas of strength, and some discover things about themselves that they would like
to improve. Many students are often more self-critical about their performances than I would
ever be of them. A performative approach to teaching is more fun and interesting, and it
creates opportunities for different kinds of wonderful conversations with students. My
Chapter 7– Methodological Approaches to STEM/STEAM Learning
conversations with students contain feedback they can use to continue developing their
performances. I also build better relationships with students when I use performative
approaches. Experiential learning, especially when there are opportunities for “real world”
interactions, creates development in many of the same ways that a performative approach
would. Experiential approaches to learning help create stages for performative approaches
to learning and development.
Chapter 7– Methodological Approaches to STEM/STEAM Learning
What methods and approaches will the school use to train teachers to
implement STEM and STEAM learning? Unfortunately, the answer is the same
methods we have used for everything else! We can investigate why this is so by
examining how methods and ideas for organizing classroom learning become
available to teachers. For this discussion, a teaching method is a tool that can be
reused to achieve a planned result or outcome. Teacher-preparation programs
typically provide new teachers with many opportunities to try out different
established teaching methods. The variety of teaching methods available to the
profession is beyond the scope of this discussion, but it is safe to say that there is no
shortage of access to methods thanks to the Internet. Teachers also benefit from
professional development (PD) opportunities provided by schools and school
districts. The PD provided by schools figures prominently in how new methods are
integrated into teaching practices. School administrators can motivate teachers to take
PD classes/seminars/training in the new methods and ideas that a school or school
district has decided to budget for. The other way that teachers learn new methods is
through additional state-certified professional licensing or non-degree certificate
programs. I can often tell where certain school districts focus on professional
development budgets by the phrases and acronyms teachers use when talking about
teaching. One prominent phrase I’ve heard over the last 10 years is “student-
Chapter 7– Methodological Approaches to STEM/STEAM Learning
Adey, P., Hewitt, G., Hewitt, J., & Landau, N. (2004). The professional development of
teachers: Practice and theory. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.
Franklin, B. M. (2005). Progressivism and curriculum differentiation: Special classes in
the Atlanta public schools 1898–1923. In J. L. Rury (Ed.), Urban education in the
United States, a historical reader (pp. 119–135). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Moore, J. A., & Carter-Hicks, J. (2014). Let’s talk! Facilitating a faculty learning
community using a critical friends group approach. International Journal for the
Scholarship of Teaching & Learning, 8(2), 1–17.
Opfer, V. D., & Pedder, D. (2011). Conceptualizing teacher professional learning.
Review of Educational Research, 81(3), 376–407. Retrieved from http://
Wilson, S. M., & Berne, J. (1999). Teacher learning and the acquisition of
professional knowledge: An examination of research on contemporary professional
development consulting editors: Deborah Ball and Pamela L. Grossman. Review of
Research in Education, 24(1), 173–209.
The professional development program with the Magnet School had me committed to
one Saturday morning a month at the school for ten months and a weeklong summer institute.
Chapter 8– Service-Learning Project
Ellen Darensbourg was the school’s Magnet specialist and my primary point of contact. I
worked with Darensbourg to plan the workshops, train the teachers, and debrief the sessions
afterward. After several months of working together, we developed a trusting working
relationship that would become the foundation of our subsequent efforts in STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, Math) education and service learning.
“Yes, and” and other improved games are methods for connecting with people, leveling
the playing field, and creating an environment for new possibilities to emerge. Everyone is
uncomfortable at the beginning of an improv game, and an individual’s academic rank or
area of expertise does not provide a competitive advantage as it might in a faculty or business
meeting. Having a group experience that provides everyone with an equal opportunity to
contribute to the group’s efforts is a necessary preparation for developing the capacity to
collaborate. The initial work with the Magnet school was considered successful by my
institution; it brought non-tuition revenues to the university. I eventually managed to expand
my efforts to include other Magnet schools. Darensbourg and I worked on continuing to
expand our efforts together, but I was also bothered by my experience with teacher
professional development. I did not see much development going on despite our best efforts.
Teachers learned to use technology and would demonstrate that they learned it, but they
were not changing their classroom practices, and their attitudes toward technology use did
not change. To them, the technology was an add-on, not an essential part of the classroom
experience. They insisted on knowing what to do with the technology before trying to use it.
They were not comfortable playing around with the technology or exploring it. They did not
have the same views toward technology I knew children had. Children learn technology
developmentally like they learn language; they do not have to learn about technology before
using it. A few hours a month in professional development wasn’t producing much
developmental learning. The teachers insisted that they were uncomfortable allowing
students to use technology in the classroom that they did not understand. From my
perspective, the teachers unintentionally got in the way of developmental learning.
Sometimes you have to risk walking onto an empty stage when the audience invites you.
Despite my efforts to create new practices for teachers using technology, they were merely
learning how to use technology and sometimes applying it. One day, Darensbourg explained
Chapter 8– Service-Learning Project
to me that she believed that the goal of STEM education was to teach children to think like
engineers, scientists, technologists, and mathematicians. I didn’t see how that would be
possible, given my experience teaching teachers to use technology. I thought like a
technologist, yet teachers do not think about technology or use technology the way I do. I
was concerned that I’d failed to create a zone of proximal development (ZPD) where
thinking like a technologist or learning developmentally was possible (Vygotsky 1978). The
idea of teaching children to think like a scientist was appealing, even though I didn’t believe
it was possible to teach children to think like a scientist or technologists. As I saw it, a
developmental approach to learning should create opportunities to engage in activities that
might be developmental precursors to thinking as STEM professionals do. Children could
pretend to be scientists and engineers like they pretend to be Mommy or the Teacher. They
needed to interact with STEM professionals in STEM activities to learn to create those
performances, just like they did at home.
I learned from my work with the All Stars Project that youth development is produced
on a new stage. The new stage could be an All-Stars Talent Show Network stage in a public
school auditorium or a corporate boardroom down on Wall Street. I knew I needed to create
stages and organize audiences for the show. That stage had to be where elementary school
children could participate in shared activities with people with STEM knowledge and
practices. I needed to learn how to get STEM people like scientists and engineers into an
elementary school consistently and meaningfully. I am trying to remember how much time
I spent mulling the idea over (it may have been a couple of months), but the answer came
unexpectedly in the early spring semester of 2012.
In February, Fran, the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) director at NYIT,
invited me to a student demonstration of a course capstone project in the School of
Engineering and Computing Sciences. I was impressed by how the young engineering and
Chapter 8– Service-Learning Project
computer science students presented their projects. They talked about Gantt charts, the
challenges of planning their project, and the technical aspects of building technology-based
solutions to problems in a collaborative environment. They sounded like the technologists
and engineers I had worked with in my former career. I asked the tough questions, and I was
satisfied with the answers. At that moment, a new idea occurred to me.
At the end of the presentation, I congratulated the students and asked Fran and the course
instructor if it was possible to have engineering students show up at a public school to work
with children. The instructor could not help me, but Fran suggested I meet with Amy Bravo.
Bravo is the Director of International Education and Experiential Learning at the university.
It turned out that her office was down the hall from mine, but we still needed to meet. I
scheduled a meeting with Bravo and gave her a copy of my previous book as an introduction
and preparation for our meeting.
It was an unusual meeting for me because it seemed that 5 minutes into explaining what
I wanted to do, she stopped me and told me that the way to place students studying
engineering and computer science at an elementary school was through service learning. I
asked, “What’s that?” The rest, as they say, is history. In Bravo, I found a fellow community
organizer and an instant friend. By the time we had completed our first meeting, we were
already finishing each other’s sentences and planning to find a course for me to co-teach as
a service-learning course in the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences. I’d
discovered my stage (a service-learning course), my performers (college students, teachers,
and children), and my producer (Bravo). Now we had to organize everyone to get to the
Between March 2012 and September 2012, Bravo, Darensbourg, and I figured out how
to bring students in the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences into elementary
schools. We embedded service learning into a first-year Career Discovery course. When I
imagined bringing undergraduates into elementary school, I had been thinking of juniors and
seniors. Still, we were dependent on what there was to work with, not what we thought was
ideal. No grant money was associated with this project. Bravo and I asked academic deans
to contribute from their discretionary budgets to cover the students’ travel expenses between
the campus and the school. Bravo negotiated all administrative details with the School of
Engineering and Computing Sciences dean. Darensbourg worked with her administration to
convince them that it was a good idea for 25 college students to visit an elementary school
Chapter 8– Service-Learning Project
for ten weeks. The college students would be traveling in small teams and pairs on different
weekdays and scheduled to work for an hour on each visit. I convinced my academic dean
that service learning would be part of my research portfolio and that I would publish the
The idea was that the undergraduates would arrive at the school at regularly scheduled
times and participate in activities. The first-year students could participate in one of three
ways: the classroom hands-on learning project teams in grades pre-K through 5, fixing and
upgrading equipment on the tech team, or video recording and photographing the experience
with the documentary team. The work that the college students did in school was in addition
to the coursework they were expected to complete. I taught the career discovery aspect of
the course during one of the two weekly sessions with the college students with my co-
instructor, who taught the academic engineering content.
During class time, I created a performance that was familiar to me and one that might
be useful to college students. I was a corporate technology project manager in corporate
America, and that skill set would be valuable to display. I became the project manager of all
the school projects the college students were working on. Darensbourg, the teachers, and the
children were the clients. The college students comprised the project teams assigned to
different aspects of a large-scale integration project. Each team had a project leader and
various responsibilities assigned to each member, and each team had different tasks, and we
were all working toward creating a public performance.
We had a large group meeting at the beginning of the semester before the students
started service learning in the schools. The visit began with the teams traveling to the school
and doing a neighborhood walk to get familiar with the route to the school. Darensbourg was
introduced and provided an overview and history of the Magnet schools movement. Bravo
asked the students to consider the civic engagement aspect of our work and asked them
questions about what they observed about their new surroundings. She asked questions about
creating change and creating connections to the community.
The college students signed up for project assignments and scheduled the days they
would visit the schools. Darensbourg, Bravo, and I had agreed at the beginning of the
semester to share our work at a community showcase event. The plan was to invite the entire
elementary school—100 children, their teachers, and parents—to the event. Every week
when I met with the teams in the class, we would discuss project tasks, milestones, and
progress toward being ready for the Showcase Event. I had project leaders report on progress
Chapter 8– Service-Learning Project
and present problems with projects and challenges to get teams to collaborate. The students
felt the pressure of the new demands on them. I gave performance directions and saw new
performances of collaboration, communication, and creating projects.
Darensbourg worked to track 25 college students coming and going to the elementary
school every week. Service learning students visited the school three days a week, some
teams in the morning and some in the afternoon. It was chaotic, but there seemed to be
enough that was positive to keep everyone engaged in the project. Bravo supported the
project and kept encouraging my teaching and organizing efforts during our debriefing
sessions together to discuss weekly progress. We were changing everything about what it
meant to learn in formal schooling settings, and it was stressful and hard to determine
whether anyone was learning from week to week. Everyone was out of their comfort zones,
and we (Bravo, Darensbourg, and I) had nothing but trust in each other. I also had a
Vygotskian theory of human development that suggested that putting young adults in
classrooms with children could produce positive things (development) if they were engaged
in meaningful activities with each other.
The tech team fixed computer equipment, upgraded software, and helped teachers put
it to good use. Members of that team felt it was wasteful to have so many computers in
disrepair, and they were enthusiastic about getting them into service in the classrooms. The
teachers figured out that they could create more group activities and use more technology
with college students in the room. That provided many opportunities for the children to work
with the college students in small groups with technology. Teachers noticed that the kids
were more excited to be in school on the days the college students visited. The engineering
majors started making suggestions about engaging in engineering activities, and the
documentary group captured the enthusiasm of the school community as the changes were
occurring. We would eventually discover that the changes were tangible and visible to
outside observers.
On December 10, 2012, we held our Showcase Event. Four college students from our
class took to the auditorium stage with two teachers. I moderated our performance of a panel
discussion for 100 children, teachers, parents, faculty, deans, and the university’s provost.
The college students produced a 15-min-long documentary video, and we had a forty-minute
panel discussion that an education reporter covered for WNYC Radio in New York City
(Fertig 2012). It was the first time the teachers and the students had ever been on a panel on
stage in front of an audience. It was the first time elementary school students had ever been
Chapter 8– Service-Learning Project
“This work is messy.” That’s what Bravo says when she describes our efforts in creating
new learning environments with a civic engagement learning component. The messiness is
not limited to the chaos of a large project with moving parts. Many emotions are also
experienced. Emotional development happens in groups that struggle at many levels
(Holzman 2009, pp. 26–37). Working with people when they are struggling is “messy”
compared to the highly scripted approaches to schooling, which is common when the
primary task is to achieve specific learning goals. I find working with the messiness
rewarding, and I grow personally and professionally.
The college students reported new respect for teachers and their hard work. They
enjoyed working with the children and connecting with them on many different levels.
Several college students identified with the kids personally and stated that the children
reminded them of themselves at the same age. Many college students performed more
service hours than were required. Some had even been able to find jobs as interns at the
school after the course ended. There were many different outcomes from this work. It all
happened in a messy and creative process.
Chapter 8– Service-Learning Project
Despite the messiness, most of our college students reported that they had grown from
the experience and that the children they worked with benefited in ways they could observe.
The Showcase Event, our ensemble performance, made our growth and development visible
to audience members, including school district administrators. The Magnet school district
officials were so impressed by the Showcase Event that they asked for a meeting. That
meeting resulted in an invitation to scale up our project as part of the next round of Magnet
grant funding to schools in Jamaica, Queens, and New York, from 2013 to 2016.
The ten weeks of service learning allowed us to create a collective experience for college
students, teachers, and children. Our work together was a social and emotional experience
and a cognitive experience. Teachers were surprised at the emotional impact the college
students had on the children, and they explained how they were disappointed that the
experience seemed to end too soon. The college students reflected on how they were taken
aback by the project’s demands and the immediacy of the benefit of their presence. They felt
proud that they were making a difference. Darensbourg, Bravo, and I were exhausted but
proud and amazed that we had pulled everything off and that it all looked so good when
presented in the video and on stage. When I first proposed to the college students that there
was an opportunity to be part of a panel on stage, I only had a few volunteers and had to
convince the students who did participate that they could do it. Immediately after the
showcase, as I congratulated students, I could hear college students who had chosen not to
take part in the panel talk about how they felt they had missed out on an opportunity.
Holzman writes that “the ZPD is a dyadic relationship of assisting rather than the
collective activity of creating” in most contemporary Vygotskian approaches (Holzman
2009, p. 29). We undertake the “collective activity of creating” when we do service learning
in schools. The college students were not merely mentoring or tutoring the children with
scripted materials. They created conversations, interacted in projects, told stories, and asked
Chapter 8– Service-Learning Project
the children to talk about their lives and interests. Everyone became more creative, and they
felt good about it. The college students were role models and creators of learning
environments where STEM learning was happening and technology was used.
Since that first service-learning project, there have been several others, and college
students consistently underestimate their impact on the school environment. They will report
on how enthusiastic the elementary school students are and how ready to learn and smart
they are. I remind them that the enthusiasm they have observed is what they have created
with the children. It is not typically the case that elementary school children in underserved
communities are eager to be in school or considered smart and ready to learn. In this zone
of emotional development (Holzman 2009), building enthusiasm for being in school creates
different performances for children. Those new performances also convinced college
students that they were smart, ready to learn, and prepared for STEM careers. Taking pride
in someone else’s new performance is an emotional development for college students and
I lived in a continuous state of worry while I worked on the confusion, the missed project
dates, and the obstacles, and at the same time, I was confident. The college students knew
that they had my support when things did not go well at school. I was becoming confident
that we were creating an environment where development was happening. I felt from the
weekly reports and conversations I had with the college students that learning was happening.
I was confident the Showcase Event would be transformative and that we would see the
transformation at the event. I was confident because I was creatively imitating a model of
learning and development that I knew very well.
All Stars Project is a national youth development program with a 12-week leadership
program for high school students called the Development School for Youth (DSY). In that
program, adult volunteers work with inner-city high school students to create new
performances that prepare them for corporate summer internships. The students,
predominately Black, Hispanic, and poor, would learn a “White middle-class professional
performance” from the adults. Upon completion of the program, students would perform
their “graduation” in front of an audience of adult volunteers, parents, financial contributors,
and internship sponsors. The program is based on Newman and Holzman’s social
therapeutics and the benefits of performance and creating opportunities for young people to
perform. I was one of the first adults who volunteered in the program in the late 1990s. We
Chapter 8– Service-Learning Project
discovered then that supporting the development of young people through performance was
developmental for us (adults) as well. Having had that experience, I was very confident that
positioning college students to support the development of children would promote college
student development. The college student “outcomes” included the development of
communication skills, empathy for others, increased awareness of societal issues impacting
education, and connecting career goals to the context of civic engagement. My creative
“imitation” is Vygotsky’s term for what happens in a ZPD (1978, p. 87). My “imitation” of
the DSY program and Newman and Holzman’s approach to creating learning environments
is what Holzman refers to as “a type of performance”—a “becoming,” a way of taking
“whom we are” and creating something new (Holzman 2009, p. 31). It is an ongoing
dialectical process that is developmental and creates development.
We took college students who are STEM majors and put them in an elementary school.
We created something new, and it was valued. Did the children learn anything about Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math? Have they acquired the practices of STEM majors?
According to college students and teachers, children are learning the things they must teach.
The children are also trying to “be” like their college mentors. The following written
reflection by a Magnet school coordinator is below (summarized and edited for clarity).
Ms. H, one of the Magnet school specialists, reported that she was part of an elementary
school students’ conversation during a math learning session where they practiced math
skills. The children talked about the college students they had met through the service-
learning project. They talked about how they liked the way the undergraduate students
worked with them and talked with them. They were excited to tell the college students how
they were “working like machines” at their math stations. While solving their math problems,
they discussed the college student’s choice of study to become engineers and how they
needed to do well in math if they chose the same path. While working at their math stations,
the students asked Ms. H if she noticed that they were working in their groups the same way
they would if the college students had been there. Ms. H was surprised and thrilled to be part
of the conversation with the children.
Ms. H describes the “math talk” and creative imitation of children in the “process of
being and becoming” college students. That process might not be visible to college students,
but it became visible to teachers. It is also a process that cannot be measured using a
standardized assessment. The standardized assessment does not capture the enthusiasm for
learning math; as a matter of fact, standardized assessment tools kill enthusiasm for math.
Chapter 8– Service-Learning Project
I will end this reflection with an experience one of our Magnet teachers shared with our
evaluation team during a recent site visit to her school. She said the college students have
skills, talents, and insights quite different from hers. She discussed one of her students who
was having trouble in class, both academically and socially. She talked about how this little
boy was a loner, was often disengaged in the classroom, and did not participate in a class or
complete assignments. She said he did not think of himself as “smart” or “talented” in any
way. She recalled how the college students worked with this child on a hands-on STEM
activity. The teacher was unfamiliar with the activity. She said the college students noticed
that the child had done something particularly elegant and sophisticated in this STEM
activity. During the wrap-up at the end of the lesson, the college students complimented the
boy and shared his work with the class, pointing out his skill and talent to the other children
and her. The college students could not have known this recognition’s impact on that child,
but it was profound. The teacher said—and this is what I find most moving—that she would
never have recognized this child’s ability on her own because she was not very “tech-savvy”
and only had a basic layperson’s understanding of the STEM activity. She was thankful that
the college students had been in the classroom to recognize the little boy’s talent, encourage
him, and help him see himself differently! She conveyed that this experience made her
question how many other students might have talents that she is unaware of, but that might
be recognized and nurtured if people had the experience and knowledge to see them. This
event helped her understand more deeply the importance of exposing her students to
individuals and experiences outside the classroom and the school community.
Bravo, Darensbourg, and I have grown our project from one school in Harlem to three
elementary schools in Jamaica, Queens, and New York. Darensbourg moved from Harlem
to Queens with the Magnet funding and continues to be instrumental in coordinating our
efforts in the schools. We’ve embedded service-learning into two courses in the College of
Arts and Sciences that seem well suited to service learning. They are titled “Foundations of
Inquiry” and “Foundations of Scientific Process,” and they work to focus college students
on discovering new things about learning, community engagement, and methods of inquiry
in public schools. As a result of our growth and getting funding for our partnership with the
Chapter 8– Service-Learning Project
schools, we have run three concurrent service-learning courses in three schools with three
different faculty members. I took on the role of researcher. Bravo continued to provide
administration to the program and taught one of the courses. We both worked on recruiting
and training other faculty to teach the courses. One faculty member, Lauren Rigney, has
become so skilled that she has transformed her approach to teaching and assessment in the
“Foundations of Scientific Process” course. In her class, there are no tests, and students
provide weekly journals on their observations, “experiments” in the classroom, and “stories
of discovery.” Rigney teaches content from astronomy, chemistry, biology, and physics and
connects that content to civic engagement in STEM learning activities.
During the focus groups I conducted in each course, college students asked me about
my interests and what I expected to happen next. I tell them that I consider public schools to
be places that are anti-developmental, uncreative, and in desperate need of radical change.
Service learning provides an opportunity to reinitiate development in formal learning
environments while still trying to achieve the goals of schools. What is clear to me is that
what we can do in schools is learn to perform as scientists, engineers, technologists, or
mathematicians. Children can pretend to be parents and teachers when they play among
themselves. With service learning, we have created an environment where they not merely
“pretend” to be scientists, engineers, and mathematicians, but they “become” scientists,
engineers, and mathematicians with young adults who are in the process of becoming
scientists, engineers, and mathematicians (see in this chapter).
I hope to continue to grow the project and make service-learning with public schools a
permanent part of the curriculum for STEAM majors at my university and others. We have
demonstrated a cultural performative approach to learning and creativity, and we have
developed the capacity to organize communities of learners across cultures and institutions.
Now we must be more insistent on getting increasing support for our efforts and broader
participation from faculty. I hope to inspire other institutions and educators to imitate our
efforts or join us in creating developmental learning environments. Based on feedback at
conference presentations, we have developed a useful framework for building service-
learning partnerships and creating productive and performative environments. My work in
service learning was the foundation for my interest in interdisciplinary learning and the
questions I started to ask.
Chapter 8– Service-Learning Project
Chapter 8– Service-Learning Project
9.2 Context
Chapter 9– Reflections
It is possible to create performative experiences that break people out of our institutions’
predetermined scripts. STEAM education is a new mandate to introduce creativity and
innovation into education. For a short time, the STEAM education movement will be open-
ended, and we will have an opportunity to explore and create educational alternatives and
share them. Many of the existing tools we use for educational assessment were created to
measure learning in traditional settings. We will need to build new tools to understand
developmental learning in schools.
Successful STEAM education projects will have teams of people from different
backgrounds who have all agreed to create a learning experience or project together. The
roles people take on in interdisciplinary teams will be unclear since the projects they create
will change as learning environments develop. STEAM educators will be the organizers,
directors, leaders, and producers of developmental learning environments. STEAM
educators will have to locate resources and expertise outside of schools and bring them into
the school through physical and technological means. When bringing in resources is
impossible, students and educators will go out into communities where the STEAM
activities are happening.
9.3 Performance
Chapter 9– Reflections
typically meet is, in part, made possible by twenty-first-century technologies that are now
accessible to many cultures around the world. We have the technical capacity to create
developmental learning environments that cross borders of every type.
STEAM educators do not work, create, play, or perform alone. That is the most
significant finding that I can offer. STEAM educators and interdisciplinary practitioners are
grassroots leaders willing to lead their students and colleagues. They succeed and fail in
small ways, and they try again. They recruit peers and outsiders to their efforts, and they
succeed and fail again in different ways, and their efforts eventually get noticed. They are
learning how to organize people and build developmental learning environments. I’ve
observed that STEAM educators are opportunistic; they see opportunities in breaks in the
institutional routines, unique events, indifferent supervisors, and interested ones. STEAM
educators are restless innovators and are unaccepting of the way things are.
The knowledge acquisition approach to learning in math, science, and other subjects
will not likely deliver the hoped-for transformations of STEAM education. I don’t see how
introducing innovation and creativity into the education for a workforce development
paradigm will result in developmental learning. Why would we expect that putting more
reforms into the educational reform box would result in anything other than small
incremental change? The search for method in STEAM education explores a new
performative and transformative approach to education. I am an educational outsider and
insider, and I’m encouraging a performative approach to education that is interdisciplinary
and comes from outside formal education institutions. It is a methodological approach with
a history of success in after-school youth development programs, community development
projects, therapeutic environments, and formal educational settings. A performative
Chapter 9– Reflections
approach is needed for the transformations that we would all like to see and that some of us
feel are necessary to bring about educational change. The teacher-student collaborative
projects and descriptions of activities and approaches to learning described in this book
indicate that educators are discovering performative alternatives and that creativity and
innovation are possible even within the constraints of traditional learning environments.
9.4 Play
When people hear me talk about performance and play in schools, they look at me as if
I had broken a rule. On several occasions, students, colleagues, and administrators have
rephrased my comments about play, adding, “They can play to learn specific things.” To be
clear, I believe that children should be allowed to play in school (and maybe play school)
and be encouraged to perform what they are learning. I do not believe that play needs to or
can serve specific purposes in school. If the students cannot opt-out of the play activity or
cannot change the activity, then whatever it is that is going on is merely masquerading as
play. STEAM educators must embrace the collaborative playfulness inherent in imaginary
play and art. A suggestion I can make here is one that I have benefited from: Encourage
students and collaborators to participate in improvisational play, and lead the play.
Afterward, have a conversation about what happened and what it felt like. I’m sure your
ensemble will have discovered something new.
There have been times in my recent career when teachers have worked with me in the
classroom or read something that I wrote and then started a sentence with, “But in the real
world...” I’d like to imagine a TED Talk about the real world and write a script. According
to its Website (, TED is a nonpartisan nonprofit devoted to spreading
ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. TED began in 1984 as a conference where
Technology, Entertainment, and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics, from
science to business to global issues. I want to present one more creative performance before
the curtain drops.
The TED Talks video starts with the familiar TED logo and audience applause. Martinez
is standing on a darkened stage within the spotlight. In the background, a large screen
displays a video clip from a service-learning project in STEAM education. Martinez raises
his mic and addresses the audience.
Chapter 9– Reflections
Many say things like “school prepares children for real life” or “you have to go to school
so you can find a job in the real world in the future.” The video you just saw is only a couple
of minutes long, but it is pretty clear that we brought people together who ordinarily
wouldn’t meet. In the video, college and elementary school students were engaged in
STEAM learning activities and conversations. The video didn’t show preparation for a job
in the real world. What you saw was the real-life practice of valuable real-world skills. When
I watch the video, I see teachers, children, and community partners together, developing and
learning the skills they need to transform what it means to be in school.
I think that people relate to school as not being part of the real world because there are
so many things about school that don’t happen outside of school. For example, school is the
only place requiring children to sit for nearly six hours daily. No parent should wish this on
a child, no matter how attractive that might sound. Also, school is the only place where
adults are isolated from other adults for nearly six hours a day. Again, parents at home with
the kids know what that’s like and often look forward to being with other adults at the end
of the day. The bottom line is that school life doesn’t feel like life outside school. Many
people might think that this is the way it’s supposed to be. I don’t. I think there is an
opportunity in the STEAM education movement to recreate schooling so that we can’t tell
the difference between school and any other part of life in the real world. We have to create
a new performance of schooling. Unfortunately, the people who run schools can’t do this by
themselves. They need our support to create a new performance of schooling. I call it a
cultural performative approach to developmental interdisciplinary STEAM learning. It’s a
mouthful, and I don’t have a clever acronym, but we can call it a performative approach or
developmental STEAM learning.
Chapter 9– Reflections
Service-learning and afterschool programs aren’t the only ways to create developmental
STEAM learning environments. Teachers who have become invested in bringing STEAM
education to schools have discovered that their students are great collaborators when they
contribute as leaders and experts at school. I’ve seen how teachers have organized students
who wanted to volunteer to become members of technical support teams and peer mentoring
groups. These teachers have been creative, playful, and performative in building
relationships that create interdisciplinary STEAM education. They’ve been creative in
spotting opportunities to change the way things are. They’ve been playful in acknowledging
that they need help from others and that it doesn’t mean they have failed at something. They
are performative when they perform as leaders and support leadership in others. The STEAM
education movement has allowed us to build new stages for new performances at school.
What does it take to get up on a stage and perform? Performing for an audience can be
a very scary proposition. It takes preparation, practice, and a willingness to be playful in
front of an audience. Those are the same things any good teacher can do. I encourage you to
go out and find your STEAM ensemble or team and create your performance of
interdisciplinary STEAM development. The good news is that many other educators, artists,
and performers can help. I’ve even written a book that can help you get started.
Some might challenge your efforts at playing, performing, or making a fun STEAM
project in a formal educational setting. They might ask how playing and performing will
translate into preparing students to compete for jobs in the real world. You might say that
students who develop the ability to collaborate, see old problems from new perspectives,
and lead others in efforts to solve complex interdisciplinary problems won’t need to compete.
They are busy transforming the world right now.
Chapter 9– Reflections
Chapter 9– Reflections
Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (2010). Inside the black box: Raising standards through classroom
assessment. Phi Delta Kappan Magazine, 92(1), 81-90. doi:10.1177/003172171009200119
Caplan, M. (2018). Assessment of the impact of summer STEAM programs on high school
participants’ content knowledge and attitude towards STEAM careers. ASEE IL-IN
Section Conference. 2.
Carter, T. M. (2013). Use what you have: Authentic assessment of in-class activities.
Reference Services Review, 41(1), 49-61. doi:10.1108/00907321311300875
Cun, A., Abramovich, S., & Smith, J. M. (2019). An assessment matrix for library
makerspaces. Library and Information Science Research, 41(1), 39-47.
Heritage, M. (2007). Formative assessment: What do teachers need to know and do? Phi
Delta Kappan, 89(2), 140–145.
Jackson, S., C. Hansen, and L. Fowler. 2005. Using selected assessment data to inform
information literacy program planning with campus partners. Research Strategies 20, 44–
56. doi:10.1016/j.resstr.2005.10.004
Chapter 9– Reflections
Paberza, K. (2010). Towards an assessment of public library value: Statistics on the policy
makers’ agenda. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 11(1), 83-92.
Radnor Memorial Library. (2016). Crazy 8’s Math Club: Geometry. [Website]. Retrieved
Radnor Memorial Library. (n.d.). S.M.Art Kids: Science, Math, and the Arts at Radnor
Memorial Library. [Website]. Retrieved from
Samson, S., & McLure, M. (2007). Library instruction assessment through 360°. Public
Services Quarterly, 3(1/2), 9–28. https://doi-
Seeber, K. (2013). Using assessment results to reinforce campus partnerships. College &
Undergraduate Libraries, 20(3–4), 352–365. https://doi-
Learning Goal: After understanding what an Arduino is and what preparations are needed to
operate the Arduino, learn the composition of the Arduino board.
Arduino is a small computer with a micro-computer that can input (sensor) and
output (control).
Arduino was designed at IDII (Interaction Design Institute) in Italy in 2005 to allow
students unfamiliar with hardware to control their design work easily.
Since the circuit Arduino is open source, anyone can make and modify the board
directly. Arduino can create objects interacting with the environment by receiving input
values from various switches or sensors and controlling the output with electronic
devices such as LEDs and motors. For example, various products such as simple robots,
thermo-hygrometers, motion sensors, music and sound devices, smart home
implementation, infant toys, and robot education programs can be developed based on
Arduino. Arduino receives various inputs from switches or sensors as follows:
Chapter 10– Getting Started with Arduino
Using Arduino, we can make many things we can imagine. After connecting the Arduino
to the computer, you can write commands (codes) and upload them to the memory to control
various devices, such as sensors and motors connected to the board. For example, you can
create a system that controls a greenhouse by connecting a temperature sensor and a motor.
If the temperature rises above a certain level to grow crops in the greenhouse, you can request
a text message to lower the temperature or have the greenhouse open automatically. If the
temperature is the desired one, you can send a text message saying it is normal. It is also
possible to make robots necessary for real life. For example, it is possible to create various
devices or appliances that can be used in real life, such as a robot vacuum cleaner, a device
that feeds pets at a set time, and a device that automatically opens and closes curtains on a
balcony or living room depending on the amount of light. These devices do not require
advanced knowledge of hardware, and even ordinary people can make their own devices
with a little study of Arduino.
Chapter 10– Getting Started with Arduino
To use Arduino, an Arduino board, Arduino software, breadboard, jump wire, and other
sensor parts must be prepared.
Arduino Uno
- Most used basic Arduino board.
- 8-bit atmega328p microcomputer is used
- The pin arrangement of the board is used as
Arduino Nano
- It has almost the same configuration as the
Arduino Uno board and is much smaller than the
Uno board.
Chapter 10– Getting Started with Arduino
Arduino Leonardo
- Use an 8-bit Atmega32u4 microcomputer with a
built-in USB function.
- Two hardware serial ports are available.
Arduino Mega
- 8bit Atmega2560 microcomputer is used.
- It has more functions and more pins than the Uno
Arduino software can be downloaded from the official Arduino website. Supported
operating systems are Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, and you can download the software
appropriate for the operating system you are using on your system. After compiling and
writing the source in Arduino sketch, Arduino software can be uploaded to the Arduino board,
and the result can be checked through the board.
Chapter 10– Getting Started with Arduino
The following USB cable is required to connect the Arduino board to the PC.
This cable is a USB 2.0 A(M) to B(M) cable. The Arduino board receives power and
communication with the computer using a USB cable.
The Arduino board consists of 14 digital input/output pins, six analog input pins, power
(5V, GND), status LED (L, TX, RX), and a reset button. Power can be supplied by USB port
and DC power.
Chapter 10– Getting Started with Arduino
❶ Reset Button
❷ Power (GND)
❸ Digital I/O Pins
❹ USB Connector
❺ Status LED
❻ DC Power Connector
❼ Power (5V, GND)
❽ Analog Input Pins
The digital input/output pin plays the role of receiving 0V or 5V values internally or
externally. The analog input pin receives an analog input value from the outside and connects
it with the sensor. The analog input value is read by dividing the voltage value between 0 and
5V into 256 steps.
Used for Arduino, and it is essential to use various sensors and actuators.
Chapter 10– Getting Started with Arduino
6~10. LED, 14~15. Piezo Buzzer, 16. Servo Motor, 17. Seven Segments, 18. Four Seven
Segments, 19. Dot Matrix
20. Push Button 21. Variable Resistance 22. CDS 23. Joystick 24. Ultrasonic Sensor
Arduino Sketch is based on the C/C++ language. These languages start with a ‘main’
function. Arduino sketch consists of two basic functions, ‘setup’ and ‘loop’.
➊ The setup function is executed only once when the code starts executing. This is the
operation to initialize the hardware (sensor, motor, etc.) to be used. All functions start
with { and end with }.
➋ The ‘loop’ function is repeatedly executed and is a working that repeatedly operates
Chapter 10– Getting Started with Arduino
➌ When the Arduino board is powered on, the setup() function is executed once, and the
loop function is repeated infinitely.
➍ // stands for program description and comments, and it is a part of memos and
explanations about the code regardless of program execution.
When controlling LEDs using an Arduino sketch, we usually use the following three
pinMode(pin, mode)
digitalWrite(pin, value)
PinMode Function
The pinMode() function configures a pin as either an input or an output.
digitalWrite Function
The digitalWrite() function outputs a value on a pin. It sets a pin as HIGH or LOW.
Delay Function
The delay function stops progressing the program by the time of the factor.
❶ Milliseconds to stop(ms)
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
➀ Turn on the LED connected to the 13th pin of Arduino Uno. The Arduino pin 13 is
connected to an LED marked L on the board.
➁ Select the Tools menu and select Ports as follows (depending on your computer).
➃ When the message “Uploading completed” appears in the message area, check if it is on
the main LED next to pin 13 of the Arduino.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
The method to turn off the LED using the digitalWrite() function is as follows: Input LOW
value to LED of digitalWrite().
Turning the LED on and off repeatedly using the digitalWrite function:
In the case of the above example, it blinks 100 times per second because it is repeatedly
turned on and off every 50ms.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
The Breadboard combines the English words ‘Bread’ and ‘Board’. The Breadboards are
devices that are used to make prototypes of electronic circuits. They do not require soldering
and can be reused. The breadboard varies in size and type. The most popular breadboard is a
400-hole breadboard. It is about half the size of an adult’s palm, and this 400-hole breadboard
is enough for the following learning material.
First, the green lines of the breadboard have five holes connected in the vertical direction.
Five holes are vertically connected if you look at ①’s black arrow. However, ②’s horizontal
holes are not connected. ③’s blue line and ④’s red line are connected to all holes in a straight
long horizontal axis. However, the holes in the red and blue lines are not connected. The part
⑤ is not connected to the upper and lower parts.
Now, we will control the LED’s power by outputting a HIGH(1) or LOW(0) signal
through a digital pin of the Arduino.
Parts Required
Figure 11.4 Uno Board / Breadboard / Jumper Wire / LEDs / 220 ohms(Ω)
Figure 11.5 The Polarity of LED: Long Side is Anode(+), the Short Side is Cathode(-)
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
1. void setup() {
2. pinMode(8, OUTPUT); // Set digital pin 8 as output mode.
3. }
5. void loop() {
6. digitalWrite(8, HIGH); // Output the HIGH signal (5V) to pin 8.
7. delay(1000); // hold for 1 second
8. digitalWrite(8, LOW); // Output the LOW signal (0V) to pin 8.
9. delay(1000); // hold for 1 second.
10. }
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
※ Advanced Learning 1
Let’s make a traffic light using 3 LEDs and a resistor. Red is 5 seconds, yellow is 1
second, and green is 5 seconds.
Parts Required: Uno R3, USB cable, Breadboard, red, yellow-green LED, 220Ω resistor (3
pcs), Jumper wire.
1. int REDpin = 6;
2. int YELLOWpin = 5;
3. int GREENpin = 4;
5. void setup()
6. {
7. pinMode(REDpin, OUTPUT);
8. pinMode(YELLOWpin, OUTPUT);
9. pinMode(GREENpin, OUTPUT);
10. }
12. void loop()
13. {
14. digitalWrite(REDpin, HIGH);
15. delay(5000);
16. digitalWrite(REDpin, LOW);
17. digitalWrite(YELLOWpin, HIGH);
18. delay(1000);
19. digitalWrite(YELLOWpin, LOW);
20. digitalWrite(GREENpin, HIGH);
21. delay(5000);
22. digitalWrite(GREENpin, LOW);
23. }
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
8 LEDs are arranged as shown in the figure above. A resistor connects each LED’s cathode
(-) to GND. Connect the 8 LED anodes to pins 2~9 of the Arduino board in order from the
left with wires.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
Second, check that all of the eight LEDs are turned on as follows:
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
It takes 0.5 seconds to turn on and off one LED and 4 seconds to turn on and off eight
LEDs one at a time. Make sure you get a result like the pictures below:
1. delay(5); //100/4=25Hz
The eight LEDs turn on and off in turn at 0.005-second intervals, but they are so fast that
you can’t see them properly, and so it seems like the entire LED is waving.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
When you want to turn the LED on or off using a button, use the digitalRead function to
know whether the button is pressed or released.
When the push button is open (not pressed), there is no connection between the two legs of
the button. Without a pull-down resistor, the logical value of the pin is very vague. A 10K
resistor is used as a pull-down resistor to ensure that the Arduino pin is a LOW signal. The
pull-up resistor will keep it HIGH and go LOW when the button is pressed.
Figure 2.14 Digital Pins Able to Read 1 and 0 Through the digitalRead Function
You need to use the following two functions when you want to know whether a
button is pressed or released through an Arduino sketch:
1. pinMode(pin, mode)
2. digitalRead(pin)
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
Figure 11.15 Structure Switch LED Turn On/Off Using Switch Button
1. int buttonpin = 2;
2. int LED = 11;
4. void setup() {
5. pinMode(buttonpin, INPUT);
6. pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
7. }
9. void loop() {
10. int buttoninput = digitalRead(buttonpin);
11. if (buttoninput == 1)
12. {
13. digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
14. }
15. else
16. {
17. digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
18. }
19. }
Result: The LED will be on when the pushbutton is pressed and off when not.
※ Advanced Learning 1: Adjust the LED brightness according to the button’s value.
Write a program so that the brightness of LED 10 changes when the button is pressed, and
the LED turns off when the button is released.
First, configure the circuit as follows:
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
Connect the LED’s long pin (+) to pin 10 of the Arduino board. The LED’s short pin (-)
connects to the GND pin through a 220Ω or 330Ω resistor. Connect one pin of the button to
5V (red wire). The other pin of the button is connected to GND through a 1KΩ resistor
(black wire). Connect the other pin of the resistor to pin 2.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
Place 6 LEDs as shown in the figure. The cathode of each LED is connected to GND through
a resistor. Connect the anodes of 6 LEDs to pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 of the Arduino board, as
shown in the figure.
1. void setup()
2. {
3. Serial.begin(9600);
4. }
6. void loop()
7. {
8. Serial.println("Hello Arduino");
9. delay(1000);
10. }
Project Repository at
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
• Serial.begin(baud) sets the data rate per second when transmitting data. Usually, wireless
communication is set as a default of 9600bps for XBee or Bluetooth. If the board speed
is increased, data can be sent faster, but data may be lost during communication.
1) What is Cds?
Cds is called cadmium sulfide or Photoresist. Cds is a sensor whose resistance value varies
depending on the amount of light. It is used to judge the degree of lightness and darkness
according to the standard without measuring the LUX value. It has the advantage that the
price is relatively low and the disadvantage that the precision is greatly reduced.
These days, cadmium-based heavy metals are included and are related to environmental
pollution, so Phototransistors that are more expensive but can measure precise values are
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
Open the sketch, input the code as follows and upload it.
2. const int ledPin = 10;
3. const int analogPin = A0;
5. void setup() {
7. }
9. void loop() {
10. int sensorInput = analogRead(analogPin);
11. analogWrite(ledPin, sensorInput/4);
12. }
Expose the light sensor to light or hide it from the light, and check the value change.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
The Arduino board has analog input pins, but analog output pins cannot be found on the
board. This is because the Arduino board operates on a digital basis. However, there are
times when you need to use an analog output when using an Arduino. In this case, PWM is
used. PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) can be used on the pins with ‘~’ next to the digital
pin number. The Arduino Uno board can output PWM on pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
When the serial monitor window appears, set the communication speed to 115200 in the
lower right corner.
If you use a potentiometer, you can see that a value between 0 and 1023 comes out.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
To adjust the brightness of the LED according to the potentiometer value, configure the
circuit as follows:
Add the LED circuit to the previously constructed circuit and modify the example.
The analogRead function reads the analog value of the pin passed as an argument as a value
between 0 and 1023. The sensorInput value read by the analogRead function is divided by four
and sent to ledPin. A value between 0 and 1023 can be divided by 4 to export a value between
0 and 255. Turning the potentiometer value to one end turns the LED off, and turning it to the
other achieves maximum brightness.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
After composing 6 LEDs in a row, turn on the LED as much as the potentiometer is
turned on. The input value of the potentiometer is a value between 0 and 1023, and this
section is divided by 7. There are six boundary points: 146, 292, 438, 584, 730, and 876.
The LED is turned on one by one every time each boundary point is passed.
Figure 11.24 LEDs that light up one by one depending on the size of the potentiometer
Configure to 6 LEDs as shown in the circuit. The cathode of each LED is connected to
GND through a resistor. Connect the anodes of the 6 LEDs to pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 of
the Arduino board sequentially from the left with wires. Connect the pins at both ends of
the potentiometer to 5V and GND, respectively. Connect the center pin of the
potentiometer to pin A0 of the Arduino board.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
4. void setup() {
5. for(int x=0;x<=5;x++) {
6. pinMode(led[x], OUTPUT);
7. }
8. }
10. void loop() {
11. int sensorInput = analogRead(analogPin);
13. if(sensorInput > 1024/7*(1+0)) // 146
14. digitalWrite(led[0], HIGH);
15. else digitalWrite(led[0], LOW);
17. if(sensorInput > 1024/7*(1+1)) // 292
18. digitalWrite(led[1], HIGH);
19. else digitalWrite(led[1], LOW);
21. if(sensorInput > 1024/7*(1+2)) // 438
22. digitalWrite(led[2], HIGH);
23. else digitalWrite(led[2], LOW);
25. if(sensorInput > 1024/7*(1+3)) // 584
26. digitalWrite(led[3], HIGH);
27. else digitalWrite(led[3], LOW);
29. if(sensorInput > 1024/7*(1+4)) // 730
30. digitalWrite(led[4], HIGH);
31. else digitalWrite(led[4], LOW);
33. if(sensorInput > 1024/7*(1+5)) // 876
34. digitalWrite(led[5], HIGH);
35. else digitalWrite(led[5], LOW);
36. }
Set the pinMode() function to the OUTPUT of each item of the array, which is the
led[0]~led[5] pins. Call the analogRead() function to read the analogPin value as sensorInput
variable. If the sensorInput value is greater than 146, which is 1024/7, the first LED is turned
on by calling the digitalWrite() function and giving a HIGH value to the led[0] pin. If the
sensorInput value is less than or equal to 146, a LOW value is given to the led[0] pin to turn
the first LED off. In the same way for the rest of the LEDs, if the threshold value of the
corresponding LED exceeds, the LED is turned on. Otherwise, the LED is turned off.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
6. pinMode(led[x], OUTPUT);
7. }
8. }
10. void loop() {
11. int sensorInput = analogRead(analogPin);
13. for(int n=0;n<=5;n++) {
14. if(sensorInput > 1024/7*(1+n))
15. digitalWrite(led[n], HIGH);
16. else digitalWrite(led[n], LOW);
18. }
19. }
The Piezo buzzer is a device that uses crystal properties (piezoelectric material) such as
crystal or ceramic, and a thin plate is placed on the piezoelectric material to make a sound due
to the piezoelectric effect.
In other words, the principle of sound generation in the Piezo buzzer is as follows: When
a thin plate is placed on the piezoelectric material, and a voltage is applied to the
piezoelectric material, the piezoelectric material vibrates and collides with the plate to make
a sound. Piezo buzzers can be purchased at a price of less than 1,000 won.
The buzzer has different sounds depending on the frequency. For example, if a sound of 440
Hz is made, 440 Hz means vibration 440 times per second. The time it takes to vibrate once is
as follows: 1/440 = 0.00227272...[s]. It is about 2.2727ms (milliseconds) and 2272.7272us
(microseconds). Since 0 and 1 are repeated for 2273us seconds by rounding, one is repeated
for 2273/2us, and 0 is repeated for 2273/2us.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
The Piezo buzzer consists of two electrode terminals and has polarity. The upper surface
of the Piezo buzzer is written as (+), or the (+) electrode can be connected to the side with a
small groove next to it. However, there is also a Piezo buzzer that does not have to worry
about the (+) and (-) electrodes of the component. The Piezo buzzer we will use can be
connected to the Arduino board regardless of polarity. The table below shows octaves and
the scale’s standard frequencies. By giving a frequency signal to the Piezo buzzer, it makes
the desired sound of the scale.
The scale we are familiar with is 4 octaves. The sound “Do” is a sound with a frequency of
261.6256 Hz, which is “C” in a 4-octave scale.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
1) Tone() Function:
1. int note_c4=262;
2. int note_d4=294;
3. int note_e4=330;
4. int note_f4=349;
5. int note_g4=392;
6. int note_a4=440;
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
7. int note_b4=494;
8. int note_c5=523;
10. int speakerSensor=8;
11. int noteDuration=500;
13. void setup() {
14. pinMode(speakerSensor,OUTPUT);
15. }
17. void loop() {
18. tone(speakerSensor,note_c4, noteDuration);
19. delay(500);
20. tone(speakerSensor,note_d4, noteDuration);
21. delay(500);
22. tone(speakerSensor,note_e4, noteDuration);
23. delay(500);
24. tone(speakerSensor,note_f4, noteDuration);
25. delay(500);
26. tone(speakerSensor,note_g4, noteDuration);
27. delay(500);
28. tone(speakerSensor,note_a4, noteDuration);
29. delay(500);
30. tone(speakerSensor,note_b4, noteDuration);
31. delay(500);
32. tone(speakerSensor,note_c5, noteDuration);
33. delay(500);
34. }
1. int piezo = 3;
2. int numTones = 25;
3. int tones[] = {330, 294, 261, 294, 330, 330, 330, 294, 294, 294,
4. 330, 392, 392, 330, 294, 261, 294, 330, 330, 330,
5. 294, 294, 330, 294, 261};
7. void setup() {
8. pinMode(piezo, OUTPUT);
9. }
11. void loop() {
12. for (int i = 0; i < numTones; i++) {
13. tone(piezo, tones[i]);
14. delay(500);
15. }
16. noTone(piezo);
17. delay(5000);
18. }
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
Parts required: Arduino board, Breadboard, Piezo buzzer, Button 3ea, Resistor(1KΩ) 3ea,
Jumper Wire
1. int Pin[]={2,3,4};
2. int Note[]={262,294,330};
4. void setup() {
5. for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
6. pinMode(Pin[i], INPUT);
7. }
8. }
10. void loop() {
11. for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
12. if(digitalRead(Pin[i])==HIGH){
13. tone(13, Note[i],20);
14. }
15. }
16. }
Connect the Manual buzzer and push the button to the Arduino board.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
Connect the + pin of the buzzer to pin 10 of the Arduino board. The other pin of the buzzer
is connected to the GND pin. Place eight buttons as shown in the picture and connect one pin
of each button with 5V. (red wire part). Connect the other pin of each button to GND through
a 10KΩ resistor (black wire part). Connect the other pin of each resistor to pins 2~9 of Arduino
in order. At this time, be careful that the legs of the resistor do not touch each other.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
Declare the BUZZER constant and enter pin 10. Declare the constant button array and enter
pins from 9 to 2. Declare a constant note array and enter a frequency corresponding to each
sound. If the value of the button[0] pin is HIGH by calling the digitalRead() function, the tone()
function is called to output a sound corresponding to note[0] to the BUZZER pin. Process the
rest of button[1]~button[7] similarly. If no button is pressed, the buzzer stops by calling the
noTone() function.
Ultrasound refers to a sound with a high frequency (about 20 kHz or higher) that is inaudible
to the human ear, and the ultrasonic sensor uses it. The ultrasonic sensor is a sensor that
measures distance using ultrasonic waves. In addition, ultrasonic sensors can measure speed,
concentration and viscosity, and water level or snow cover.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
The distance to the object in front can be calculated using the time it takes for the
ultrasonic wave to return to the echo from the 40 kHz ultrasonic wave from the Trig. The
speed of sound is 340 m/s, and it takes 29 microseconds (μs*) to travel 1 cm.
Distance (cm) = Time / 29 / 2
Parts required: Arduino board, Breadboard, Piezo Buzzer, Melody IC, one resistor (1KΩ), Wire
1. int trigPin=2;
2. int echoPin=3;
4. void setup() {
5. pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
6. pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
7. Serial.begin(9600);
8. }
10. void loop(){
11. long duration;
12. float dis;
13. digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
14. delayMicroseconds(2);
15. digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
16. delayMicroseconds(10);
17. digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
18. duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
19. dis=duration/29/2;
20. Serial.print(dis);
21. Serial.print(“cm”);
22. Serial.println();
23. delay(100);
24. }
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
• Using the ultrasonic sensor and 3 LEDs (Red, Yellow, and Green), let’s turn the LED
on according to the distance. The green LED turns on when the distance is greater
than 5cm. When the distance is less than 5cm, the yellow LED turns on, and when
the distance is less than 2cm, the red LED turns on.
• Let’s make a harp that plays notes according to the distance using the ultrasonic sensor
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
Figure 11.32 Structure of Changing the Servo Motor Angle Using a Potentiometer
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
A Joystick is a device capable of detecting movement in all directions, including front, rear,
left, right, and diagonal directions, using a handle. The Joystick consists of two potentiometers
and one push button. The two potentiometers indicate in which direction the potentiometers
were pressed. The switch sends a LOW value when the Joystick handle is pressed.
The Joystick is connected to the Arduino by five pins. The three pins are input pins to
Arduino, and VCC and GND connect the other two pins.
To control the Joystick handle, you need to understand which direction is X and which
direction is Y. In addition, it is necessary to know whether the Joystick handles move in the
X or Y direction. Arduino measures the position of the Joystick handle using analog input.
Analog input provides a range value between 0 and 1023.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
The Xin constant is Arduino’s A0 pin and receives the X coordinates of the Joystick. The
Yin constant is Arduino’s A1 pin and receives the Y coordinates of the Joystick. The KEYin
constant is three pins and receives a button from the Joystick. The analogRead function is
called to input the Xin pin value to the xVal variable and the Yin pin value to the yVal
variable. The value received from the analogRead function is between 0 and 1023. Call the
digitalRead function and enter the KEYin pin value into the buttonVal variable. When the
button is pressed (High), the phrase “Button is PRESSED” is output, and when the button is
not pressed (LOW), the message “Button is not pressed” is output.
It is checked that the X and Y values change by moving up, down, left, and right using a
Joystick. Check that the button is pressed when pressing the Joystick.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
7-segment is a device that can display decimal digits from 0 to 9 by arranging LEDs, as
shown in the figure, and selecting some of them to emit light. There are seven 7-segment
types: a common cathode type and an anode type. GND is connected to the cathode type,
and Vcc is connected to the composition for the anode type. Here, let’s practice with the
anode type.
First, initialize all of the 7-segment a~g LEDs and turn them on:
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
This time, the above example is generalized using a for statement and a primary array.
Modify the example as follows:
This time, it repeats turning on and off the LEDs from a~ g in sequence:
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
Since it takes 0.5 seconds to turn each LED on and off, it takes about 3.5 seconds in total.
To display a number, you can check if 0 is displayed by writing an example like this:
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
25. }
27. void loop() {
29. }
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
This time, let’s display a number in 4 digits, 7 segments of 4 digits. The 4-digit 7-
segment consists of the following 4 with 7-segments.
Each 7 segment consists of a figure 8 LED. In practice, 8 LEDs are used per segment, so 56
LEDs can be turned on and off. The 8th LED is a dot to the right of the number, which can
indicate a decimal point. Each LED has a name from A to G. The LED representing the
decimal point is DP (decimal point). The pins that separate each segment are COM1, COM2,
COM3, and COM4. These pins must be controlled with high frequency to display different
The 4-digit and 7-segment circuits have a common cathode and a common anode circuit,
so they must be used separately. If the LED corresponding to an of the leftmost 7-segment
is turned on by composing the circuit, it is a common cathode.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
Compose the circuit as follows: if the LED corresponding to an of the leftmost 7-segment
is turned on, it is a common anode.
To connect the 4-digit segment circuit, configure the circuit as follows. Connect pins a, b,
c, d, e, f, and g of the 4-digit 7-segment to pins 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Arduino board
through 220Ω resistors. Connect the 4-digit 7-segment COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4
common cathode to pins 9, 10, 11, and 12 of the Arduino.
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
33. }
34. switch(k)
35. {
36. case 0:
37. displayDigit(num3);
38. DIG_num(3);
39. delay(delayDigit);
40. clearSeg();
41. break;
42. case 1:
43. displayDigit(num2);
44. DIG_num(2);
45. delay(delayDigit);
46. clearSeg();
47. break;
48. case 2:
49. displayDigit(num1);
50. DIG_num(1);
51. delay(delayDigit);
52. clearSeg();
53. break;
54. case 3:
55. displayDigit(num0);
56. DIG_num(0);
57. delay(delayDigit);
58. clearSeg();
59. break;
60. case 4:
61. clearSeg();
62. delay(delayDigit);
63. break;
64. default:
65. break;
66. }
67. k++;
68. k = k % 5; // infinite loop between 0 and 4 ( 0->1->2->3->4->0...)
69. }
71. void displayDigit(int num)
72. {
73. for(int i=0; i<7; i++)
74. {
75. digitalWrite(4+i, digits[num][i]);
76. //delay(delaySeg);
77. }
78. }
80. void Segment_counter()
81. {
82. num++;
83. num3 = num/1000; // thousands place.
84. num2 = (num/100)%10; // hundreds place
Chapter 11– Arduino's basic skills
In order to turn on the light bulb, a device
such as a battery and a wire is required. By
connecting these devices to configure the
electrical circuit, you can light it on the bulb. In
order to keep the light on the bulb, the current
must continue to flow. How can I measure the
flowing current?
What happens to the strength of the current as the voltage
Measuring Voltage
What are the characteristics of the way the resistors are
Measuring Resistance
Practice 1
Chapter 12– ICT for STEM and Innovation
Chapter 12– ICT for STEM and Innovation
4. Observe how the speed of the current changes while removing the connected
resistance one by one.
5. Connect the three resistors in parallel in the circuit on the right.
6. Observe how the speed of the current changes while removing the connected
resistance one by one.)
Doing by Yourself
1. Let’s summarize the characteristics according to the connection method of
resistance. Write down in your notebook.
Serial connection Parallel connection
Wind turbines generate electricity by
rotating wings when the wind blows. In
hydroelectric power plants, falling water turns
turbines to generate electricity. In this exercise,
let’s find out how electric energy is created in a
Electrification How can I turn on the light bulbs with magnets and coils?
Electrification in
How does electrical energy come from a generator?
a generator
Chapter 12– ICT for STEM and Innovation
- Pickup Coil: use a magnet to change the level of brightness. You can try to
change the level of brightness and observe the brightness of the light bulb using
a magnet.
- Electromagnet: is a kind of magnet where the magnetic field is created by an
electric current. The magnetic strength of an electromagnet can be easily altered
by varying the amount of electric current and its polarity can be changed by
varying the direction of the electric current.
- Transformer: Transformers are used to transfer current from one circuit to
another without any physical contact between them and without changing the
frequency or phase.
- Generator: change water energy to electrical energy. You can switch on the
faucet and observe the change in light bulb brightness
Doing by Yourself
1. In the ‘Pickup Coil’, how do you use a magnet to make the bulbs turn on?
2. Compare
3. In the ‘Generator’, explain how electrical energy is generated in a generator.
Doing Together
1. In the ‘Generator’, how can we make a light bulb’s brightness strengthen
using a faucet?
Items Evaluation
I can understand and explain the core concepts I have learned at
this time.
I will apply what I learn to real life. ◯◯◯◯◯
I helped my friends to complete the activity successfully. ◯◯◯◯◯
The movement of an object is closely related
to the force acting on it. Whether a tennis player
swings a racquet to hit the ball over the net or a
defender stops the ball being driven by an attacker in
a soccer match, both apply force to the ball and
change the motion of an object. Let’s examine the
Chapter 12– ICT for STEM and Innovation
relationship between the force and the motion of an object when a force is applied to it.
- How can I test Newton’s first law of motion on video?
- How can I test Newton’s second law of motion on video?
- How can I test Newton’s third law of motion on video?
Practice 1
Chapter 12– ICT for STEM and Innovation
Chapter 12– ICT for STEM and Innovation
1. Let’s summarize the similarities and differences between the first two experimental results. Let’s
write it down in your notebook.
Similarities Differences
4. When a magnet is moved around the coil, (………..) flows through the coil.
5. In a generator consisting of magnets and coils, (………..) energy is converted into electrical
1. Write your answers to all the above questions by using an OpenOffice Writer
application and prepare them nicely.
2. Send the answers attached to your teacher by email.
3. Or follow instructions from your teacher (i.e., : “Just take a photo of your notes
and send it to your teacher’s telegram via mobile phone”).
This book has been developed with the cooperation
of the Cambodia Ministry of Education, Youth and
Sport (MoEYS) under the Project of ICT Capacity
Building of Lower Secondary Education in Cambodia
supported by KOICA.