GR Practice
GR Practice
GR Practice
Identify the underlined word or phrase 6. The(A) pharmacist has always(B)
that must be changed in order to filled(C) our order quick(D).
correct the sentence. A. A
1. The city doesn’t(A) need no(B) B. B
more taxes; everyone pays(C) too C. C
much already(D) D. D
A. A 7. An health(A) expert says(B) that
B. B there is no(C) known safe level of
C. C lead exposure, especially for
D. D children under the(D) age of six
2. Doctors at the hospital is trying(A) A. A
to determine(B) if there is(C) a B. B
relationship between saccharine C. C
and cancer(D). D. D
A. A 8. In spite of the abundance of less
B. B expensive fabrics, nothing have(A)
C. C replaced silk(B) as(C) the first
D. D choice for elegant clothing(D)
3. Because(A) his conduct at the A. A
campaign, James was found B. B
guilty(B) of treason and received a C. C
death sentence, which was D. D
commuted(C) for imprisonment 9. People suffering from(A) alopecia
for(D) twenty five years. lose hair(B) in patches all over(C)
A. A theirs(D) heads.
B. B A. A
C. C B. B
D. D C. C
4. Children love(A) playing in the D. D
mud(B), running(C) through 10. Venus is the brightest(A) planet in
puddles, and they get(D) very dirty. our(B) solar system and was
A. A actually named after(C) the
B. B goddess Roman(D) of love
C. C A. A
D. D B. B
5. The gift which(A) we selected(B) for C. C
the bride were(C) rather(D) D. D
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D