CEC Note
CEC Note
CEC Note
Clay >30
• For ideal method of CEC, it is important to know in the first place the intended use of the
data. For soil classification a soil’s CEC is often measured at standard pH value of which
selected method of Ammonium Acetate is recommended.
Often Soil testing laboratories, knowing the importance of CEC but in bid to cut expenses
do not provide a direct measure of CEC but use CECsum based on summation of quantities
of Ca, Mg and K (sodium most often being usually in negligible quantities).
• Ideal when soil pH is >7.3 and the soil has not been limed in the last 6 months or have
not been fertilized by Ca, K or Mg fertilizers, CECsum can be a reasonable estimate of CECe
• On the other hand above pH 7.5 significant quantities of free salts or unreacted lime
may have been just dissolved in the extracting solution used for leaching
• It should be noted though that when a soil is extracted at higher pH, this induces weakly
acidic components to dissolve and liberate H+ which are measured as exchangeable acidity.
❖ This method overestimates the CEC of ❖ The method underestimates the CEC of soils
acidic soils as additional negative containing carbonates or gypsum because
charge is developed on colloidal the release of calcium carbonates or sulfates
exchange sites after the addition of from the soil into the ammonium acetate
ammonium acetate solution having solution limits the saturation of exchange
pH 7 (i.e at pre-determined pH). sites by ammonium ions.
• The unbuffered method (just in passing) allow exchange at soil pH often referred to as
ECEC and the pH will be at a lower value than buffered extractant salt solutions as it does
not include latent acidity.
• Caution should be exercised in using this method for soils dominated by vermiculite and
mica clays because ammonium ions are fixed between the layers of these clays. This
methods thus causes the layers to collapse and the fixed ions can no longer be exchanged
by sodium ions.
• In relation to the exchangeable bases, for soils in the presence of gypsum (calcium
sulfate), extraction with ammonium acetate only allows the quantification of
exchangeable magnesium, sodium and potassium, since the calcium content is
affected by the excess calcium in the gypsum
• Likewise, in soils containing calcium and magnesium carbonates, extraction with
ammonium acetate only allows the quantification of exchangeable sodium and
potassium, since the content of calcium and magnesium is affected by the excess of
ions from the carbonate
• Similarly when lime has recently been applied, carbonate will liberate calcium which
will bind to new site and this will result in an increase in ECEC. So direct soils CEC for
the just amended fertilizer/lime should be taken with caution and better avoided.
• Another problem arises in soils affected by salts, because the soluble cations (from
the salts) are extracted together with the exchangeable bases
• In the sediment, the excess of ammonium ions in the soil samples are
removed by washing with ethanol. Then the adsorbed ammonium ions
on soil sample are extracted using acidified sodium chloride and
measured by distillation and titration.
• In saline soils, one of the options is to pre-wash samples with 70%
alcohol to eliminate the salts (soluble bases)
1. Reciprocal shaker
2. Precision balance
3. Centrifuge
4. Volumetric dispensers
5. Filter funnels and qualitative fine
porous filter paper
6. 100 ml volumetric flasks
7. pH meter and buffer solutions
Ca = 422.7 nm;
Mg = 285.2 nm;
Na = 589.0 nm;
K = 766.5 nm.
Ca2+ and Mg2+ are measured on dilute extracts, whereas, extracts of Na+ and K+ analysis are
only diluted if over range. For plasma, suitable wavelengths are: Ca = 430.25 nm; Mg = 285.2
nm; Na = 588.96 nm; and K = 766.49 nm. While It is suggested to use AAs/flame photometer
if available an ICP-OES can also be used.
Ca Mg Na K
Flask 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Flask 2 2 2 1 1 5 5 5 5
Flask 3 4 4 2 2 10 10 10 10
Flask 4 6 6 3 3 15 15 15 15
Flask 5 8 8 4 4 20 20 20 20
Flask 6 10 10 5 5 25 25 25 25
6. To displace the adsorbed ammonium ions ; Place the sediment into the
leaching apparatus and add 50 mL of 95-96 % Ethanol and leach wash.
7. Decant and repeat the process of leach washing with ethanol with another
fresh 50 ml portion and decant thereafter.
8. Add 33 mL of a 10% NaCl solution to the sample, stopper and shake for 15
10. Repeat step 8 two more times to obtain a total of approximately 100 mL of
NaCl solution at the end. Fill up to 100 mL with NaCl and mix well.
10. Transfer 50 mL of aliquot NaCl extract into the distillation tube and connect
to the distillation unit.
11. Add 10 mL sodium hydroxide and distilled water cautiously after set up of
boric acid receiver have been set up with 25 ml in an Erlenmeyer flask in place if
instrument does not have automatic addition of reagents in place.
12. Titrate the distillate with 0.01N H2SO4 or HCl to the indicator end point.
1. Calculations for CEC in cmolec/kg soil
Sample weight = 5 g
Extract = 100 mL
Aliquot = 50 mL
HCl concentration = 0.01 N
CEC cmolec/ kg or meq/100g soil = (HCl used for sample - HCl used for
blank) * HCl concentration * 100/5 * 100/50
Ca cmol(+)/kg soil = (Sample concentration in mg/l - blank concentration
in mg/l) x 100/1000 x 1000/5 x 2/40.08 x 1/10 x dilution factor
b) Accuracy Test
• Participate in Inter-laboratory Proficiency Test (either national
or international)
• Analyse CRM or QRM
c) Quality Control Chart
• Analyse at least a duplicate of the check sample (Internal
Quality Control sample, IQC) or Internal Reference Material
(IRM) in every batch.
• Plot the results in a control chart.
AOAC Peer-Verified Methods Program, Manual on Policies and Procedures (1998) AOAC
INTERNATIONAL, Gaithersburg, MD.
Blakemore, Leslie Clifford. "Methods for chemicalanalysis of soils." NZ Soil Bureau Sci. Rep.
80 (1987): 72-76.
Method of Soil Analysis, Part 2: Chemical and Microbiological Properties, Am. Soc. Agron.,
Madison, Wisconsin. pp. 891-900.
Kalra, Y.P., Maynard, D.G., 1991. Methods Manual for Forest Soil and Plant Analysis. Northern
Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Alberta.
Sumner, M. E., & Miller, W. P. (1996). Cation exchange capacity and exchange coefficients.
In “Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 3. Chemical Methods” (D. L. Sparks, Ed.), Soil Sci. Soc. Am.
Book Ser. 5, pp. 1201–1229. Soil Sci. Soc. Am.,
Donald S. Ross and Quirine Ketterings. Recommended Methods for Determining Soil Cation
Exchange Capacity