D 6713 - 01 - Rdy3mtm
D 6713 - 01 - Rdy3mtm
D 6713 - 01 - Rdy3mtm
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 on
Plastics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.20 on Plastic Products Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.02.
(Section D20.20.02). Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.03.
Current edition approved August 10, 2001. Published October 2001. Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13th
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01. Floor, New York, NY 10036.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 6713
4. Classification and Material where:
4.1 Product shape and size as defined in the applicable S-PVDF01 = product made from PVDF in accordance with
purchase order. Table S-PVDF,
4.2 This specification covers product extruded and compres- 1 = unfilled virgin class, and
sion molded as listed in Table S-PVDF. Products included in 1 = general purpose grade product.
the designations reference Specification D 3222 callouts where Example 2—Product made from 10 % carbon fiber
applicable. blended with unmodified virgin PVDF resin:
4.2.1 The type of PVDF shape product may be categorized CELL CALLOUT: S-PVDF0100C10X3454430
by type, grade and class depending on resin and filler compo- where:
sitions as defined in Table S-PVDF. S-PVDF0100 = product made from PVDF in accordance
4.2.2 Each type of shape may be categorized into one of with Table S-PVDF,
several grades as follows: C10 = 10 % carbon fiber, Grade 1—Unmodified Virgin—Extruded or com- X = Table X properties,
pression molded product made using only 100 % virgin PVDF 3 = tensile strength (10,000 psi),
material. 4 = elongation at break (10 %), Grade 2—General Purpose—Extruded or compres- 5 = tensile modulus (500,000 psi),
sion molded product made using up to 20 % PVDF regrind 4 = dimensional stability (0.4 %),
developed during internal processing steps may be used. 4 = flexural modulus (550,000 psi),
3 = Izod impact (1.0 ft-lb/in of notch), and Grade 3—Recycled—Extruded or compression 0 = unspecified.
molded product made using up to 100 % recycled PVDF resin.
4.5.2 These two examples illustrate how an on-line, alpha-
4.3 The type, class and grade is further differentiated based numeric sequence can identify the product composition, com-
on dimensional stability (elevated temperature excursion test), mercial parameters and physical characteristics of extruded or
Table S-PVDF, and dimensional requirements, Tables A and B. compression molded product. A space must be used as a
4.4 Property Tables: separator between the specification number and the type
4.4.1 Table S-PVDF may be used to describe both extruded designation. No separators are needed between type, class and
or compression molded products. grade. When special notes are to be included, such information
4.4.2 Table X may also be used to describe both extruded or should be preceded by a comma. Special tolerances must be
compression molded products not included in Table S-PVDF noted at the time of order and are inserted after the grade in
via a cell callout that includes the applicable Table S-PVDF parenthesis and preceded by a comma.
type and specific properties (Designations 1-7).
4.4.3 To facilitate the incorporation of future or special 5. Property Requirements
materials not covered by Table S-PVDF, the “as specified” 5.1 The physical property values listed within this specifi-
category (00) for type, class and grade is shown in the table cation’s tables are to be considered minimum specification
with the basic properties to be obtained from Table X, as they values. Any requirement for specific test data for a given
apply. production lot should be specified at the time of order. Physical
4.4.4 Reinforcements and Additive Materials—A symbol properties for products not yet included in Table S-PVDF may
(single-letter) will be used for the major reinforcement or be specified using Table X for extruded or compression molded
combination, or both, along with two numbers that indicate the products.
percentage of addition by mass with the tolerance as tabulated
below. This must be included in all Table X callouts. 6. Dimensional Requirements
Symbol Material Tolerance (Based on 6.1 The type, class and grade is differentiated based on
the Total Mass) dimensional stability (elevated temperature excursion test),
C Carbon and graphite fiber 62 %
Table S-PVDF and dimensional requirements, Tables A and B.
G Glass-reinforced Products shall be produced within commercial tolerances and
<15 % glass content 62 % with the lowest stress levels for machined parts as delineated in
>15 % glass content 63 %
L Lubricants (for example, by agreement between the
Tables A and B for extruded and compression molded products.
PTFE, graphite, and silicone) supplier and the user 6.2 Tubular bar dimensions shall be supplied in the unfin-
M Mineral 62 % ished condition, unless otherwise specified at time of order
R Combinations of reinforcements 63 % for the total
or fillers, or both reinforcement
sufficient to finish to the nominal dimension ordered.
6.3 The maximum allowable camber or bow, or both, shall
4.5 Callout Designation—A one-line system shall be used be within the limits referenced in Tables A and B.
to specify PVDF materials covered by this specification. The
system uses predefined cells to refer to specific aspects of this 7. Workmanship, Finish and Appearance
specification as illustrated below: 7.1 Appearance—The color of products shall be as pub-
4.5.1 Examples: lished by the shapes manufacturer. They shall be uniform in Example 1—Product made from unfilled virgin color throughout the thickness. Specific colors and color-
PVDF: matching only agreed to by order. Physical properties may be
CELL CALLOUT: S-PVDF0111 affected by colors.
D 6713
7.2 Finish—All products shall be free of blisters, wrinkles, specimen thickness with a minimum of 2.0 in.). The same care
cracks, gouges and defects that restrict commercial use of the shall be used in the machining as described in The
product. A special surface finish shall be supplied only when thickness of the specimen shall be that of the original flat from
specified in the purchase order or contact. which it was cut, no machining being done on the top or
7.3 Defects—All products shall be free of voids, dirt, bottom faces.
foreign material and embedded particles exceeding 1⁄32 in. 11.2.2 Testing Procedure—Measure the outside diameter
maximum diameter as defined in 7.3.1. and thickness of the specimen as applicable at 73.4 6 1.8°F (23
7.3.1 The criteria for determining internal cleanliness shall 6 1°C) to the nearest 0.0001 in. All measurements shall be
be external visual inspection. A maximum number of two done on the centerline and 90 degrees from the centerline for
internal defects per square foot of sheet and one foot length of plate. Also take measurements for thickness halfway to center,
rod and tubular bar shall be allowed. Clusters of defects less and for diameter at mid-point. Place the specimen in a bath
than 1⁄32 in. diameter are to be counted as a single defect. consisting of polyalkene glycol or an air circulating oven
heated to 280 6 5°F (121 6 3°C). After 6 h, allow the
8. Sampling
specimen to slowly cool to room temperature at a rate not to
8.1 Sampling shall be statistically adequate to satisfy the exceed 40°F (22°C)/h. Measure the specimen at 73.4° 6 1.8°F
requirements of this specification as applicable (see ANSI (23 6 1°C) and calculate the percent change in each dimen-
Z1.4-1993). sion.
8.2 For purposes of sampling, an inspection lot for exami- 11.3 Lengthwise Camber and Widthwise Bow:
nation and tests shall consist of all material of the same type,
11.3.1 Make all measurements for camber and bow using
class, grade, and nominal size submitted for inspection at one
the maximum distance rod, sheet or plate deviates from the
straight line extended from edge to edge when measured in
9. Number of Tests accordance with 11.3.2. The shape shall be oriented such that
9.1 Routine lot inspection shall consist of all criteria speci- the weight of the product does not influence the results.
fied in the applicable product tables. 11.3.2 Rod and Plate:
9.2 The criteria listed in these product tables and definitions Rod—Lay rod on its side and measure it with
are sufficient to establish conformity of the sheet, rod or tubular concave side facing a straight edge. Measure camber from the
bars to this specification. When the number of test specimens straight edge to the maximum concave point on the rod.
is not stated in the test method, a single determination may be Camber may not exceed the values of Table A.
made. If more than single determinations and separate portions Plate—Plate shall not exceed the requirements of
of the same sample are made, the results shall be averaged. The Table B on the lengthwise ends and widthwise edges when laid
final result shall conform to the requirements prescribed in this on a flat surface (crown side up).
specification. 11.4 Squareness (Based on a 4 ft Nominal Length):
10. Test Conditions 11.4.1 Measure and compare diagonal lengths (corner to
corner). Accept the product if the difference is 1⁄16 in. or less
10.1 Conditioning of Specimens—The specification values
and the measured minimums diagonal meets the following
and dimensions are based on conditioning techniques outlined
in Procedure A of Practice D 618.
10.2 Standard Temperature—The tests shall be conducted at 1 ft wide is 491⁄2 in. minimum.
the standard laboratory temperature of 73.4 6 3.6°F (23 6 2 ft wide is 533⁄4 in. minimum.
2°C) and 50 6 5 % relative humidity. 4 ft wide is 68 in. minimum.
11.4.2 If the diagonal difference exceeds 1⁄16 in., proceed to
11. Test Methods
measure the gap (that is, the deviation from a 2 ft square). The
11.1 Test tensile strength at break, and tensile modulus maximum allowable gap shall not exceed 1⁄8 in. except for the
(tangent) in accordance with Test Method D 638, at the rate of 1 ft wide sizes of sheet and plate which should not exceed 1⁄16
0.2 in./min. in.
11.1.1 Test all plate specimens in accordance with Type I of 11.5 Test flexural modulus in accordance with Test Method
Test Method D 638. D 790, specimen 1⁄4 in. thick maximum, testing speed 0.11
11.1.2 Test all rod specimens in accordance with Test in./min.
Method D 638.
11.6 Test Izod impact in accordance with Test Method
11.2 Dimensional Stability:
D 256, Method A, Fig 4, notched, 1⁄4 in. thick maximum
11.2.1 Specimen Preparation (A Minimum of Three Test
Samples Required). Rods and Tubular Bar—Prepare each specimen by
cutting a 1.5 in. long slice using a coolant and good machining 12. Certification
practices to a length of 1.000 6 0.005 in. Each end of the 12.1 When requested at the time of order, the purchaser
specimen shall have machined surfaces. shall be furnished a certification that the lot is made from the Plate—Each specimen shall consist of a 2 in. required PVDF plastic (percent recycle, if applicable) and
diameter disc machined from the flat (diameter shall equal test meets the requirements of this specification.
D 6713
13. Packing, Packaging and Package Materials 15. Keywords
13.1 All packing, packaging and marking provisions of 15.1 fluoropolymers, poly(vinylidene fluoride); plates;
Practice D 3892 shall apply to this specification. poly(vinylidene fluoride); PVDF; recycled plastic, poly(vi-
14. Ordering Information nylidene fluoride); rod; shapes, poly(vinylidene fluoride); tu-
bular bar, poly(vinylidene fluoride)
14.1 All shapes covered by this specification shall be
ordered using the proper callout designation (see 4.5).
To convert inches to millimetres multiply by 25.4.
TABLE B Dimensional Requirements for Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) (PVDF) Sheets and PlatesA
Size, Thickness Tolerances, Length Camber, Width Bow,
in. in. in./ft in./ft
0.010 to 0.188 610% ⁄
34 / 4 ⁄
3 16 / 2
1⁄4 to 2 +0.025/-0 ⁄
34 / 4 ⁄
3 16 / 2
21⁄8 to 3 +0.050/-0 1⁄4 / 4 1⁄16 / 2
31⁄8 and over +0.050/-0 1⁄4 / 4 1⁄16 / 1
To convert inches to millimetres multiply by 25.4.
TABLE X Additional Detail Requirements—Reinforced/Unreinforced Extruded and Compression Molded Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride)
NOTE—The applicable table polycarbonate type (including fillers in accordance with 4.4.4) must precede this table designation.
Property 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Order Number
1 Tensile strength, Unspecified 6000 8000 10 000 12 000 14 000 16 000 20 000 25 000 Specify value
Test Method D 638, (41) (55) (69) (83) (97) (110) (138) (172)
min, psi (MPa)
2 Elongation at Break Unspecified 1 3 5 10 20 50 100 200 Specify value
Test Method D 638, %, min
3 Tensile Modulus, min, Unspecified 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 800 000 1 000 000 Specify value
Test Method D 638 min, (690) (1379) (2073) (2760) (3448) (4137) (5516) (6895)
psi (MPa)
4 Dimensional Stability, Unspecified 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.5 Specify value
% max, per 11.2
5 Flexural Modulus, Unspecified 250 000 350 000 450 000 550 000 650 000 750 000 1 000 000 1 500 000 Specify value
Test Method D 790, (1649) (2400) (3100) (3792) (4482) (5171) (6895) (10 343)
min, psi (MPa)
6 Izod impact, Unspecified 0.5 0.75 1.0 2.5 5.0 10.0 15.0 18.0 Specify value
Test Method D 256, (27) (40) (53) (133) (266) (533) (800) (960)
min ft·lb/in. of notch
(J/m of notch)
D 6713
Property 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Order Number
7 To be determined Unspecified ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
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