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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define conflict and its types;
b. Identify and analyze the types of conflict presented in the poem;
c. Create a conflict-resolution plan.
II. Subject Matter
Conflict (character vs. character, character vs. society, character vs. nature/environment)
Reference: English MATATAG Curriculum Guide page 119
Types of Conflict in Literature| Scribd.com

III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector,
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
 Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.
b. Motivation
The teacher will ask the students if they ever experienced a conflict or disagreement, and let a few
students share their short experiences. After the sharing of experiences, the teacher will explain that
conflicts are a common part of life and can occur in various situations, including in literature, specifically
in a poem.
c. Lesson Proper
The teacher will explain the types of conflict and provide examples from the students’ answers in
the previous activity.
d. Activity (Conflict-Resolution Plan)
The class will be group into two. The teacher will provide copies of the poem "Biag ni Lam-
Ang". Each group must identify and analyze the conflicts presented in the poem and create a conflict-
resolution plan. Later, they must present it to the class.
e. Generalization
The teacher will recap the discussion by asking open-ended questions about conflict and its types.
f. Evaluation
The teacher will administer a quiz to test the knowledge of the students in the subject matter.
V. Assignment
On a whole piece of paper, students will write a short poem showcasing one or more types of
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define character and its types;
b. Identify and describe the different types of characters;
c. Perform a role-play internalizing the characters in the poem.
II. Subject Matter
Reference: English MATATAG Curriculum Guide page 119
Characters in Literature| Study.com
III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
 Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.

b. Motivation
The class will begin by the teacher asking students if they have a favorite book or movie
character and why they like them. The students will share their insights in the class.
c. Lesson Proper
The teacher will discuss character and its types and provide concrete examples.
d. Activity (Role-playing)
The students will be group into two and create a role-play showcasing characters in the poem
"Biag ni Lam-Ang".
e. Generalization
The teacher will summarize the discussion by asking questions about the topic.
f. Evaluation
The teacher will administer a short quiz to test the knowledge of the students in the topic.
V. Assignment
Students will study the poem ""Biag ni Lam-Ang " and analyze the characters being presented.
They should include details about the character's traits, actions, and their impact on the story.
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define characterization including direct and indirect characterization;
b. Identify and interpret different types of characterization techniques in poems
d. Apply knowledge of characterization in writing their own poems.

II. Subject Matter: Characterization

Reference: English MATATAG Curriculum Guide page 119
Characterization| readwritethink.com
III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector, Marker, copies of the Philippine poem "Hinilawod"
from Bukidnon.
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
 Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.
b. Motivation
The teacher will begin the lesson by asking the students if they have ever read a poem that made
them feel like they are the characters in it. Ask them a specific poem that they still know its character and
can tell the character’s physical, mental, or emotional attributes.
c. Lesson Proper
The teacher will discuss the meaning and importance of characterization including direct and
indirect characterization.

d. Activity (Dramatic Class Reading)

The teacher will provide the students with copies of the poem "Hinilawod". Read the portion of
the poem aloud as a class, emphasizing the characterizations used by the poet. Ask the students to identify
examples of dialogue, actions, and descriptions that contribute to the characterization in the poem.
e. Generalization
The teacher will summarize the discussion by asking the students some questions about the topic.
f. Evaluation
The teacher will administer a short quiz to test the knowledge of the students in the topic.
V. Assignment
Choose a character from "Hinilawod", write down as many character traits as they can think of
that describe the chosen character. Encourage them to think about the character's actions, thoughts, and
dialogue to identify relevant traits.
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define plot and its types;
b. Identify the plot structure in a poem, including linear and flashback;
c. Perform a role-play showcasing their understanding of the topic.
II. Subject Matter
Plot (Linear and Flashback)
III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
 Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.

b. Motivation
The teacher will let the students watch some video clips from movies with linear and flashback
plots. Let them compare and contrast the difference of the flow of the scenes.
c. Lesson Proper
Discuss the concept of plot and the difference between linear and flashback. Provide examples
from the previous movie clips being watched.
d. Activity (Role Play)
Students will be group into two. The teacher will provide a poem for each group. Each team must
identify what type of plot they have (linear or flashback). Then, they must act-out the chains of events
presented in the poem through a role-play.
e. Generalization
Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson. Let the students define what linear and
flashback plots are.
f. Evaluation
Assess students' understanding of the lesson through a short quiz or worksheet.
V. Assignment
Assign the students to do a Venn diagram chart, comparing and contrasting the difference between linear
and flashback. Include poem examples in each type of plot.
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define rhyme and meter;
b. Identify and analyze the rhyme and meter in a poem.
c. Create a poem with appropriate rhyme and meter.
II. Subject Matter
Rhyme and Meter
Reference: English MATATAG Curriculum Guide page 119
Poetry: Rhyme and Meter| English exploration
III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
 Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.

b. Motivation
The teacher will present the poem "Ang Dalit o Imno" by Francisco Baltazar. The students will
read the poem aloud. The teacher will ask the students about their observations in the poem.
c. Lesson Proper
Define the concept of rhyme and meter in poetry and explain their significance in conveying the
poet's message. Provide examples of rhyme schemes and meters from the previous poem.
d. Activity (Rhyme and Meter Match-Up)
Divide the students into small groups. Instruct each group to write down a list of words that
rhyme with each other. Once the groups have their lists of rhyming words, the teacher will have them
write a short poem using those words. After the groups have written their poems, they will practice
reading them aloud, paying attention to the rhyme and meter.
e. Generalization
Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson by asking questions to the students.
f. Evaluation
Assess students' understanding of the lesson through a short quiz about rhyme and meter.
V. Assignment
Assign students to write a short reflection on the significance of the rhyme scheme and meter in
the poem "Ang Dalit o Imno".
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define what is diction;
b. Identify and analyze the use of diction in a poem.
c. Demonstrate understanding of the topic by performing a group activity.
II. Subject Matter: Diction
Reference: English MATATAG Curriculum Guide page 119
Diction—Definition, Types, and Examples |Tutors.com
III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector, Copies of the poem "Sa Aking Mga Kabata" by Jose Rizal
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
 Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.
b. Motivation
Display a portion of the poem "Sa Aking Mga Kabata" on the board. Let the class read it. Ask
students to look for at least five words that they find interesting or significant in the poem. Let them
explain why they think the words they picked is impactful.
c. Lesson Proper
Define the concept of diction in poetry and explain its significance in conveying the poet's
message. Provide examples of diction from the poem "Sa Aking Mga Kabata" by Jose Rizal.
d. Activity (Diction Charades)
Divide the class into two. Go back to the poem "Sa Aking Mga Kabata" by Jose Rizal. Instruct
each student to pick one word from the poem, but make sure not to tell them to their teammates. Each
student must act-out the word that they pick and let the team guess it. The team who finishes guessing in a
short time will win the game.
e. Generalization
Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson. Emphasize the importance of
understanding diction in poetry to fully appreciate the poet's message.
f. Evaluation
Assess students' understanding of the lesson through a short quiz.
V. Assignment
Ask students to choose a poem, and analyze the diction used by the author. Then, ask them to
highlight the words that they think have stand out. Write a brief reflection on how the author's choice of
words contributes to the overall meaning and tone of the passage.
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define tone and mood;
b. Analyze the impact of tone and mood on the overall meaning and atmosphere of a poem.
c. Write a poem while incorporating tone and mood.
II. Subject Matter: Tone and Mood
Reference: English MATATAG Curriculum Guide page 119
Tone vs. Mood in Literature: What’s the Difference? / MasterClass.com
III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector, Audio Recording
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
 Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.
b. Motivation
Begin the lesson by asking the students if they have ever read or heard a poem that made them
feel a certain way (anger, sadness, happiness, etc.). Play an audio recording of a poem, focusing on the
tone and mood created by the poet's words. Engage the students in a brief discussion about their initial
thoughts and feelings after experiencing the poem.
c. Lesson Proper
Present the concept of tone and mood to the students, provide authentic examples.
d. Activity (Tone and Mood Exploration)
Divide the students into small groups. Assign each group a different Philippine poem. Ask them
to read and analyze the tone and mood they perceive in their assigned poem. Students must determine its
impact on the poem’s overall meaning and atmosphere. Give them time to discuss and collaborate on their
analysis. Encourage them to provide specific examples from the poem and explanations to support their
findings. Afterward, ask each group to present to the class.
e. Generalization
Ask the students to provide a generalization about the importance of understanding tone and
mood in poetry.
f. Evaluation
The teacher will administer a short written test about tone and mood.
V. Assignment
The teacher will create a draw slot for each of the students, composed of different tone and mood.
From the tone and mood they have picked, they must write a short poem of their own, conveying the
emotional atmosphere which may be happiness, anger, sadness, etc. Write it on a whole sheet of paper.
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define style in poetry;
b. Identify and analyze the different styles poets used in writing a poem;
c. Demonstrate understanding of the lesson by effectively performing the activities.
II. Subject Matter: Style
Reference: English MATATAG Curriculum Guide page 119
Style: Defining and Exploring an Author's Stylistic Choice| Readwritethink.com
III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector
a. Preparation
 Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.
b. Motivation
Show two pictures at a time and ask them what they prefer the most. It could be clothes, food,
vehicles, places, etc. Let them discuss the qualities of the things they prefer, what they like about it.
Explain to them that their preferences greatly contribute to their style, and that style is everywhere,
including in poetry, that even poets have their own style in writing.
c. Lesson Proper
Define the concept of style in poetry and explain its significance in conveying the poet's message.
Discuss different elements of style, such as language, imagery, tone, and structure, commonly found in
d. Activity (Author's Style Scavenger Hunt)
Divide the class into three groups. Group one (1) will look for a poem that uses repetition for
emphasis. Group two (2) will look for a poem that uses a specific rhyme scheme and specific meter.
Group three (3) will look for a poem that uses figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification,
etc.). Afterwards, they will present their findings in the class.
e. Generalization
The teacher will ask questions to the students about the main points discussed during the lesson.
f. Evaluation
Assess students' understanding of the lesson through a short quiz.
V. Assignment
As a follow-up activity, have the students choose a poem from the scavenger hunt or another
poem of their choice. Instruct them to analyze the author's use of style in the poem and write a short
paragraph explaining the impact of the style on the poem's meaning and effectiveness.
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define patterns and motifs;
b. Identify and analyze patterns and motifs in a poem;
c. Understand the significance of patterns and motifs in conveying the poet's message.
II. Subject Matter
Patterns and Motifs
Reference: English MATATAG Curriculum guide page 119
Writing 101: What is a Motif? | MasterClass. com
III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
 Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.
b. Motivation
Display a portion of the poem "Ang Dalit ng Pagdiriwang" by Lakan Dula. Let the students read
the poem aloud. Let the students observe and share their ideas on the symbols, sounds, actions, ideas, or
words that are frequently recurring in the poem.
c. Lesson Proper
Define the concepts of patterns and motifs in poetry and explain their significance. Provide
examples of patterns and motifs from the poem "Ang Dalit ng Pagdiriwang" by Lakan Dula.
d. Activity (Patterns and Motif Analysis Worksheet)
Distribute the pattern and motif analysis worksheet handout to each student. Instruct students to
identify and analyze the patterns and motifs in the poem "Ang Dalit ng Pagdiriwang”. Students must
provide evidence from the poem to support their analysis. After completing the worksheet, ask students to
share their findings with the class.
e. Generalization
The teacher will summarize the discussion by asking questions about the patterns and motifs.

f. Evaluation
Assess students' understanding of the lesson through a short quiz.
V. Assignment
Assign students to search for a poem, and identify its patterns and motif. Next, write a short
reflection on the significance of the patterns and motifs presented and how they contribute to the overall
meaning of the poem.
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define figures of speech and sound devices;
b. Identify and analyze figures of speech and sound devices in a poem.
c. Write a poem while utilizing the figures of speech;
II. Subject Matter
Figures of Speech and Sound Devices
Reference: English MATATAG Curriculum Guide page 119
What are figurative language and sound devices? /Pen And the Pad.

III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
 Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.
b. Motivation
Divide the class into two. Play the song “Fireworks” by Katy Perry. Provide the lyrics of the song
to the students. Ask them to identify some words or lines in the poem that is captivating, comparing,
exaggerating, or exceptional. They must write their answer as a group.
c. Lesson Proper
Discuss figures of speech and sound devices in poetry and provide examples of figures of speech
and sound devices.
d. Activity (Figurative Language Hunt)
The class will be divided into small groups. The teacher will provide a poem in each group and
let the students search for figurative languages. The group will work together as a team to hunt these
figures of speech. Once time is up, the answers will be checked. The team who has the greatest number of
correct answers will win the game.
e. Generalization
Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson. Emphasize the importance of figures of
speech and sound devices in enhancing the meaning and beauty of poetry.
f. Evaluation
Assess students' understanding of the lesson through a short written test.
V. Assignment
Assign students write a poem with at least five figures of speech presented in it. Write it on a
whole sheet of paper.
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define point of view and narrative techniques;
b. Understand the impact of point of view and narrative techniques in conveying the poet's
c. Construct a poem analysis to demonstrate learning.
II. Subject
Point of View and Narrative Techniques
Reference: English MATATAG Curriculum Guide page 119
Explaining a text: Point of view and Narrative technique.

III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
 Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.
b. Motivation
Display a portion of the poem "Ibanon" on the board. Let the class read it, ask them question
onwards about the poem, particularly the speaker, and how the poem was being delivered.
c. Lesson Proper
Define the concepts of point of view and narrative techniques in poetry and explain their impact
in conveying the poet's message. Discuss different types of point of view and narrative techniques
commonly found in poems.
d. Activity (Poem Analysis)
Distribute the point of view and narrative techniques analysis worksheet handout to each student.
Instruct students to identify and analyze the point of view and narrative techniques in the poem "Ibanon”
They should provide evidence from the poem to support their analysis. After completing the worksheet,
ask students to share their findings with the class.
e. Generalization
Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson. Emphasize the importance of point of view and
narrative techniques in shaping the story and perspective in poetry.
f. Evaluation
Assess students' understanding of the lesson through a short quiz.
V. Assignment
Assign the students to look for poems with different point of views. Identify the narrative
techniques the author used to convey their message in the poem.
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define what organic unity is;
b. Understand the concept of organic unity and its impact on the structure and meaning of a
c. Analyze poem as expression of an individual or communal values within structural context.

II. Subject Matter: Organic Unity

Reference: English MATATAG Curriculum Guide page 119
Organic unity. Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias.

III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector, copies of the poem "Ang Panaghoy ni Maria Clara".
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
 Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.
b. Motivation
Display a portion of the poem "Ang Panaghoy ni Maria Clara" on the board. Share some
information about its author, Jose Rizal, a pre-colonial Philippine poet. Let the students read and explain
what the poem is all about.
c. Lesson Proper
Define the concept of organic unity in poetry and explain its impact on the structure and meaning
of a poem. Discuss different ways in which organic unity can be achieved in a poem, such as through
consistent themes, imagery, or narrative elements. Provide examples of organic unity from the poem
"Ang Panaghoy ni Maria Clara" by Jose Rizal.
d. Activity (Flow Arrangement)
The class will be divided in two groups. The teacher will provide a familiar poem to the students
but it in a jumbled form. They will be tasked to arrange the poem back to its original sequence. Students
must observe the logical sequence of the flow of the poem.
e. Generalization
Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson. Emphasize the importance of organic
unity in creating a cohesive and meaningful poem.
f. Evaluation
Assess students' understanding of the lesson through a short quiz or worksheet.
V. Assignment
Assign students to write their own poem, focusing on achieving organic unity through consistent
themes, imagery, or narrative elements.
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a) Define what biographical context is;

b) Identify and analyze the biographical context in a poem;
c) Understand the significance of biographical context in interpreting a poem;

II. Subject Matter

Biographical Context
Reference: English MATATAG Curriculum Guide page 119
Biographical Context/ Scribd.com

III. Materials

Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector

IV. Procedure

a. Preparation

 Greetings and Prayer

The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.
b. Motivation

Ask the students if they have ever tried to write a poem, and if there is any life experiences or
events that influenced the way they write. Let some of them share their insights.

c. Lesson Proper

Define the concept of biographical context in poetry and explain its significance in interpreting a

d. Activity (Poet’s Profile)

The class will be divided into two. Students must research for a poem. Afterwards, they should
create the poet’s profile. Explain how the biographical context of the author influences his/her poem.
Present it to the class.

e. Generalization

Using open-ended questions, summarize the main points discussed during the lesson. Emphasize
the importance of considering the biographical context in interpreting a poem.

f. Evaluation

Assess students' understanding of historical context through a short quiz.

V. Assignment
Conduct research about the poets who wrote poems about their own lives. Dig deeper by analyze
the reason behind that, including looking at the author’s life experiences or any major significant life
events. Share your findings in the class.

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a) Identify and analyze the historical context in a poem.
b) Understand the significance of historical context in interpreting a poem.
c) Appreciate the historical context of Philippine poetry.

II. Subject Matter

Historical Context
Reference: English MATATAG Curriculum Guide page 119
Historical Context in Poetry. Owleyes.org

III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
 Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.
b. Motivation
Show some pictures of the Philippines during pre-colonial period. These may consist of famous
people/national heroes, places, things, etc. Ask them what they know about the pictures being presented.
Let them share their insights in the class.
c. Lesson Proper
Define the concept of historical context in poetry and explain its significance in interpreting a
poem. Provide authentic examples.

d. Activity (Historical Time Travel)

Divide the students into small groups. Each team must search for a Philippine poem written
during the pre-colonial period. Ask students to study the poem and identify elements that may reflect the
historical context during that time. Share their findings in the class.

e. Generalization
Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson. Emphasize the importance of considering
the historical context in interpreting a poem.

f. Evaluation
The teacher assesses students' understanding of the lesson through a short quiz.
V. Assignment
Assign students to write a short reflection on the historical context of the poem "Sa Loob ng
Aking Dibdib" by Francisco Balagtas. Study how the historical side of the poem influences its overall

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define sociocultural context;
b. Identify the sociocultural context in the poem;
c. Create a sociocultural context analysis worksheet.

II. Subject Matter

Sociocultural Context
Reference: English MATATAG curriculum guide page 119
Literary Reading through Sociocultural Context/ Scribd.com

III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector, Copies of the poem "Ibalon" from Bicol.

IV. Procedure

a. Preparation
 Greetings
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.

b. Motivation
The teacher will show pictures of the different tribes in the Philippines and let the students guess
where these respective tribes belong. They must share their ideas in each tribe being presented especially
if it is the tribe they belonged.

c. Lesson Proper
Define the concept of sociocultural context in poetry including its traditions, beliefs, and customs
and explain its significance in interpreting a poem.

d. Activity (Sociocultural Context Analysis)

Distribute a sociocultural context analysis worksheet handout to the class. Allow them to work in
pairs. Instruct students to analyze the sociocultural context in the poem "Ibalon" from Bicol Region.
Encourage students to provide evidence from the poem to support their analysis. After completing the
worksheet, ask students to share their findings with the class.

e. Generalization
Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson. Emphasize the importance of considering
the sociocultural context in interpreting a poem.

f. Evaluation
Assess students' understanding of the lesson through a short written test.

V. Assignment
Assign students to research on a poem from a specific tribe or place. Afterwards, write its
sociocultural background and how this affects the entire poem.

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define maxims, universal truths, and philosophies;
b. Distinguish the difference among maxims, universal truths, and philosophies;
c. Discuss the significance of maxims, universal truths, and philosophies in literary;
II. Subject Matter
Maxims, Universal Truths, Philosophies
Reference: English MATATAG curriculum guide page 119
Everyday Examples of General Truths/ Your Dictionary
Definition and Examples of Maxims/ Thoughtco.com

III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
 Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
 Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
 Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.
b. Motivation
The teacher will ask students on their “life motto”. Let them share it in the ckass.
The teacher will present familiar examples of maxims, universal truths, and philosophies (e.g. Actions
speak louder than words). Students have to explain what the phrase means.
c. Lesson Proper
The teacher will discuss the topics maxims, universal truths, and philosophies. Provide examples that are
familiar to the students.
d. Activity (Where do I belong?)
Student will be group in pairs. The teacher will present familiar examples of maxims, universal truths,
and philosophies (e.g., actions speak louder than words). Students have to distinguish the phrases among
maxims, universal truths, and philosophies.
e. Generalization
Have students reflect on how these maxims, universal truths, and philosophies relate to their own
lives and the society they live in.
f. Evaluation
The teacher will assign the students to distinguish the phrases among maxims, universal truths,
and philosophies through a Venn diagram chart, showing the similarities and differences of the three.
V. Assignment
Assign students to search for maxims, universal truths, and philosophies (5 each) that can be
found in a poem. Then, they must analyze and interpret the meanings behind these statements.

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Determine the author's purpose in selecting literary text type;
b. Familiarize the four literary text types;
c. Perform a role-play about the topic.
II. Subject Matter
Author’s Purpose in Selecting literary Text Type for Composition
Reference: English MATATAG curriculum guide page 119
Author's Purpose/Mc.edu
III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.
b. Motivation
The teacher will show some passage from Philippine poems showing different literary text. Have
students explain in there own words the authors' purposes of writing the passage.
c. Lesson Proper
The teacher will discuss the topic. Provide examples that are familiar to the students
d. Activity ( What's your purpose?)
The students will be divided into four groups. Group 1 will be assigned on narrative. Group 2 will
be on persuasive, group 3 will be descriptive and group 4 will be the expository group. They must
create a role-play showcasing their intention in writing—whether to inform, expose, persuade, or
describe something. (E.g, a business owner writing to a business partner to persuade.)
e. Generalization
Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson. Emphasize the importance of considering
the text type in writing a poem.

f. Evaluation
The teacher will administer a short quiz about literary text types.
V. Assignment
Assigned the students to search for poems which have the four types of literary text types . Explain why
such poem become a narrative/descriptive/expository/persuasive text. What are the poem's qualities that
make it an example of a certain text type.

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Recall the different structures in poetry;
b. Analyze the usage of appropriate structure in poetry;
c.Compose a literary text with appropriate structure.
II. Subject Matter
Composition of Literary Text using appropriate structure
Reference: English MATATAG curriculum guide page 119
Structure in Literature| Definition, Types, & Examples/Study.com
III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.
b. Motivation
The teacher will introduce a poem to the students. The students will identify and critic the structure of the
poem and share their observations in the class.
Lesson Proper
The teacher will discuss the topic. Explain the importance of appropriate structure when composing a
literary text. Provide examples to the students.
d. Activity (Group Poem Writing)
Divide the students into two groups. Let them brainstorm ideas for their own literary text composition,
instruct students to outline their composition using an appropriate structure and include elements such as
theme, imagery, figurative language and such.
e. Generalization
Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson. Emphasize the importance of considering the
appropriate structure when writing a poem.
f. Evaluation
The teacher will administer a short quiz about the topic.
V. Assignment
Assign the students to write a narrative poem about a certain topic of their choice. Do it individually and
pay attention on the appropriate structure of the poem.

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define coherence and cohesion;
b.Identify and apply strategies for creating coherence and cohesion in their own writing
c.Revise literary texts for coherence and cohesion.
II. Subject Matter
Coherence and Cohesion
Reference: English MATATAG curriculum guide page 119
Cohesion and Coherence for Poetry| Social Science Research Network
III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.
b. Motivation
Begin the lesson by showing the students two pieces of writing: one that is well-organized and flows
smoothly, and another that is disorganized and lacks coherence and cohesion. Ask the students to
compare the two pieces and discuss the differences they notice in terms of readability and understanding.
Lesson Proper
The teacher will explain the importance of cohesion and coherence in revising a literary text. Provide
examples to the students.
D. Activity (Fill-me-out)
- Divide the students into pairs or small groups. Distribute a paragraph with missing cohesive devices to
each group and instruct them to add the appropriate cohesive devices to improve the coherence and
cohesion of the paragraph.
III. Generalization
- Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson, emphasizing the importance of coherence and
cohesion in effective writing.
e. Generalization
Summarize the main points discussed during the lesson. Emphasize the importance of considering the
appropriate structure when writing a poem.
f. Evaluation
The teacher will assess students' understanding of coherence and cohesion through a short written

V. Assignment
Assign students to choose and revise a different Philippine poem of their choice for coherence and

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade-7

I. Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Understand the concept of culture and its significance in literature.
b. Analyze a Philippine poem to identify its cultural elements and themes.
c. Appreciate Philippine culture and practices;
c. Compose a poem that reflects their own cultural identity and values.
II. Subject Matter
Poem Writing
Reference: English MATATAG Curriculum Guide page 119
Sample Poems: Compelling poems about identity and culture| Commonlit.com
https://www. commonlit.com/sample-poems
III. Materials
Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector
IV. Procedure
a. Preparation
Greetings and Prayer
The teacher will start with the greetings to the students. Proceed with a prayer.
Checking of attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the students.
Review of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about the previous lesson they have discussed.

b. Motivation
Display images of Philippine cultural practices, traditions, landmarks, and symbols. Let them share their
insights in each photos. Engage students in a brief discussion about understanding and appreciating the
Philippine culture.
c. Lesson Proper
Lead the class discussion on the importance of cultural representation in literature and its impact on
fostering a sense of identity and belonging..
d. Activity (Exploring Culture Through Poem Writing)
- Ask students to reflect on their own cultural identity and values. Have them compose a poem that
reflects their cultural identity, incorporating the literary techniques and devices discussed in in the
previous lessons.
e. Generalization
Summarize the main ideas discussed during the lesson, emphasizing the significance of culture in
literature and personal expression.
f. Evaluation
The teacher will administer open-ended questions to the students about the topic.
V. Assignment
Assign the students to explain the implications of cultural representation in literature and its impact on
society. Write in on a whole sheet of paper.

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