Unit3 Tor
Unit3 Tor
Unit3 Tor
Text of Report
Distance learning is a form of learning without a face-to-face contact with the teacher and delivered via
telecommunications. In the past, this involved correspondence courses wherein the student corresponded
with the teacher via mails.
Lesson 1: Online Distance Education and Communities of Learners
Flexible Learning Environment
Learning nowadays is viewed differently. The present generation of learners has access to information at
their fingertips. The teacher is no longer seen as basically the dispenser of knowledge but rather as one
who expertly directs the learners to take their own track in searching for answers to questions raised inside
the classroom.
Online Distance Learning
Online distance learning is not a new concept. Some schools, higher education institutions in the country,
and educational agencies such as the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Innovations in Educational
Technology (SEAMEO- INNOTECH) provide this mode of learning. It allows flexibility in learning to a
certain extent.
The Different Platforms
Created by Martin Dougiamas, founder and CEO of Moodle.
Stands for Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment which is an open
source software.
It is a Learning Management System (LMS) that supports teaching and learning.
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).
It is a model for delivering learning content online to any person who wants to take a
It allows one to pursue learning even outside of university or higher education formal
EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association with the mission is to advance higher education
through the use of information technology.
An online chat at real time
Course participants meet in a virtual classroom and
discuss a topic in the lesson.
The teacher called as the online tutor facilitates the discussion.
Ideas are posted in an actual live class.
One cannot lecture and take all the time in explaining
Questions or tasks are posted and course participants answer the question or post
their reply at any time most
convenient to them.
They can still participate in the discussion by replying to the post.
You can take your time when replying.
6. Blended Learning
A combination of a learning activities wherein a part of the lesson is delivered online
while the other part is handled in actual physical setting of a classroom.
3. Model 3: Flex
This model uses an online platform that delivers most of the course.
Support to learning is provided as needed through on-site support or by an online tutor
who facilitates the tutorial or small group sessions.
Sessions can be arranged into synchronous or asynchronous.
5. Model 5: Self-Blend
A system provided by the school where the students can choose the courses they would
like to have in addition to their typical brick-and-mortar classroom classes.
This model is always remote a major difference from the Online Lab.
2. Twitter
It does not only provide social networking service but it also gives online
The site where users post and interact with messages called "tweets,"
restricted only to 140 characters.
Only registered users can post tweets, but those who are not can only read
One of the main features of Twitter is it enables people to post their thoughts
Founded in 2006, Twitter is based in San Francisco, California, United States.
3. Linkedin
Helps one search for career connections.
It may contain one's resume for potential employers to see.
The website lets one upload his educational qualifications, skills, work history,
and relevant experiences.
Launched in 2003
The popular social site in the professional world.
4. Google
Designed to be a total communication social network.
Launched in 2011
Users can make friends and remained up to date with old friends without
leaving their Gmail account.
Users can actually create as many circles as they intend.
5. Youtube
An American video-sharing website where users can upload, view, and even
share video clips or multimedia productions.
It is a free social network site to join and use.
Since it is owned by Google, YouTube prefers a Google account to make it
easier and streamlined.
It allows the users to share personal videos, view other uploaded multimedia
clips and make connections with friends and acquaintances.
Based in San Bruno, California, the service was created in February 2005.
6. Pinterest
Designed as a catalogue of ideas or project ideas by its founder Ben
Users must have an account to use Pinterest. An email account or a
Facebook account can be used in signing up to Pinterest, and if users will use
Facebook, their wall would be ready to post pins without linking with
7. Instagram
A platform where users share visual stories.
This system allows users to post photos with captions allowing followers to
like or comment on one's posts.
Photos shared have a wide range of coverage trips, food, business products.
Instagram account can be private or made public.
It is the best social networking site for photography.
8. Tumblr
A networking site that combines social media and blogging.
Its main goal is to simplify social media and blogging.
Users can post whatever they like such as photos, videos, quotes, music,
This is a social media that makes it very easy and straight forward to search
just about anything.
9. MySpace
Another popular social networking website where members can make friends,
post blogs and photos, videos.
It was acquired by Specific Media in 2011 and based in Beverly Hills
Personal users can use MySpace to keep up with their favorite artists, have
an update on the music industry, see what their friends are listening to, and
connect with people who have similar music preferences.
It is a fitting social networking website for music.
11. Bebo
A social networking website with the backronym "Blog Early, Blog Often".
It was invented to answer the question what the name meant.
It was founded by husband-and-wife team Michel and Xochi Birch in January
2005 at their home in San Francisco.
This blog site is a rich repository of tools and applications assembled the curated
for teachers and educators by teachers. They evidently understand the
pedagogical needs, hence, the arrangement of categories with corresponding
suggested sites or tools and even applications for android or iPads.
The administer of this site allows users to download, print and share the materials
just as long as proper citation is done and that the materials are shared free charge.
1. Audacity is a free, open source, cross-platform software that is used for recording and
editing sounds. It is an operating systems (OS) such as Windows, Mac, GNU/Linux.
2. MakeBeliefsComix is an easy and fun way to create a comics strip. You can create a
story dialogue by choosing interesting characters.
3. EndNote makes it easy for you to organize your research work through flexible tools for
searching, organizing and sharing your work. It enables you to create your bibliography and
write your research paper.
4. Pixton uses a revolutionary patented technology that makes it easy to create comics-
Click-n-Drag Comics™. From characters to dynamic panels, bubbles and props, they can
be controlled by dragging it.
5. Easy Test Maker is a test generator that can help you create your own test. You can
make different test types such as multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, alternate
response (true or false).
6. Corkboard Remember shares what is important to you. You can collaborate with others
in this tool by posting and accessing the postings. Also, you can share what you post on
your Facebook wall and get notifications as well.
7. Hot Potatoes is a tool that you can use to create six types of questions in an interactive
quiz: crossword, multiple-choice, short-answer, gap-fill, matching/ordering and jumbled-
8. Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy Citation Wizard - Free is a tool that gives
three Citation Styles: APA, CSE, formerly known as CBE, and MLA. Since these publication
formats vary in certain details, feature specific templates for citing online Journals, Web
pages with and without authors, electronic Books and Databases are arranged according to
the desired formatting style.
9. Free Digital Photos allows you to download royalty free photos and images and
illustrations for websites, newspapers, magazines, video and TV productions, iPhone
applications, PowerPoint presentations, forums, blogs and school work.
10. Toondoo is a quick way to create cartoons.
11. PollDaddy is an easy-to-use survey tool. It can create polls and surveys in a quick time.
Responses via email or website, Facebook or even twitter can be collected and generated
into an easy-to-read report.
12. Public Domain Photos provides access to thousands of free photos and free clip arts.
All photos on this web site are public domain. You may use these images for any purpose,
including commercial.
13. Padlet is a tool that allows you to post comments on what looks like a sticky note which
you can post on a blank page (a wall). It is easy for young learners to use.
14. SurveyMonkey is a popular online survey tool. It is easy to create a survey tool (survey
questionnaires, polls, customer feedback and market research) and send it to target