5.isca Rjafs 2013 014
5.isca Rjafs 2013 014
5.isca Rjafs 2013 014
Vol. 1(2), 35-40, March (2013) Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci.
Introduction above sea level. Sampling of earthworms and soil were done by
using the tropical soil biology methodology6.
Earthworms, the member of class Oligochaeta in the phylum
Annelida are one of the major macrofauna of soil. The Greek Collection of worms: At each site a plot of 10 × 10 m2 were
philosopher, Aristotle, named them the ‘Intestine of Earth’, but randomly selected for earthworm sampling as well as soil
till now they are actually considered as the ‘unheraled soliders sampling. Six sub-plots of 1 × 1 m2 are again selected. Eighteen
of the soil’. Earthworms have great ability to improve soil 25 × 25 × 30 cm3 soil monoliths were randomly sampled from
structure, to breakdown organic matter and release plant each replicate plot at regular monthly intervals in all the study
nutrients1. Around 4000 species of earthworms are known to sites. Sampling were done with the help of a spade till a depth of
occur globally and from India so far 418 species, referable to 67 16 cm and worms were picked with hands. Some worms were
genera and 10 families, have been reported 2. Further preserved in 5% formalin for taxonomic identification.
earthworms have gained renewed scientific attention in India Earthworms were identified with the help of key and
and abroad because of their wide application in the production monograph7- 8. And these identified species were got confirmed
of vermincompost, bioremediation of soil and as a source of from Dr. J. M. Julka, former scientist at Zoological Survey of
readily digestible animal protein for domestic animals. India at Calcutta. Composite soil samples were collected from
Earthworms are also being used as key bio-indicator organism each experiment site and standard procedures were followed in
for testing toxicity of chemicals in the soil as they concentrate analyzing the soil samples. Accordingly soil pH was measured
the toxic chemicals in their tissues3- 5. The purpose of present using a digital pH meter. Organic carbon was determined
study was therefore to explore the campus area of Guru Nanak following the wet digestion method9. Total organic nitrogen was
Dev University Amritsar, Punjab for presence and distribution analyzed spectrophoto-metrically10. The average soil
of various earthworms species. temperature at 0.2m soil depth was measured using soil
thermometer and moisture content of fresh soil samples was
Material and Methods determined after oven drying them at 105°C and expressed as a
percentage of weight of the soil samples.
The present study was carried out in campus area of Guru
Nanak Dev University during August 2009 to July 2010 in four Results and Discussion
study sites viz. site 1 (A-B type houses), site II ( Nursery), site
III (near water treatment plant) and site IV (crop fields). All In the present study an attempt has been made to know the
these sites lie at 31°38’ N to 74°49’ E and at an altitude of 233m distribution and relative abundance of earthworms in Guru
Nanak Dev University Campus, Amritsar Punjab, during the the present investigation, the population structure of earthworms
month of August 2009 to July 2010. Six species of earthworms show seasonal variation which were found to be affected by
belonging to six genera and three familys viz. Megascolecidae several microclimateic or abiotic factors of the soil ecosystem
(Metaphire posthuma, Amynthas morrisi and Lampito mauritii), such as soil moisture content, soil temperature, soil pH, organic
Octochaetidae (Eutyphoeus incommodes and Octochaetona carbon and organic nitrogen. Among the different physico-
beatrix) and lumbricidae (Bimastos parvus ) were found. The chemical factors, soil moisture content play a significant role in
various morphological and anatomical features of these species the occurrence and distribution of earthworm species. The
are shown in table 1. M. posthuma was the dominant species important of soil moisture content in relation to population of
contributing 21.89% in site 1, 40.85% in site II, 25.62% in site earthworms in India were studied19- 22. The highest no. of all the
III and 27.72% in site IV. O. beatrix was the second most earthworms species during the study period were observed in
abundant species contributing 16.5% in site 1, 33.79% in site II, the rainy season (June-August). Actually the mean relative
19.18% in site III and 21.82% in site IV. The next dominant humidity increases in the month of July and August during rainy
earthworm was A. morrisi, contributing 21.5% in site1, 25.34% season. Presence of surplus food and less change in
in site II, absent in site III and 25.16% in site IV. L.mauritii was microclimate during the monsoon period favour the earthworm
the fourth dominant earthworm found in site 1 (18.8%) and site species in a particular area23. Abundance of earthworms species
IV (25.27%). While E. incommode and B. parvus were found in depends upon the habitat type 24. The maximum species diversity
site 1 (21.12%) and site III (55.19%) respectively. All the six and species richness of earthworms was found in organic matter
species viz. Metaphire posthuma, Amynthas morrisi, Lampito viz. Crop field, A-B type houses, plant nursery and least
mauritii, Eutyphoeus incommodes, Bimastos purvus and abundance was seen in disturbed area viz. Water treatment plant
Octochaetona beatrix showed maximum population density and inner area of field. It was noticed that M. posthuma and O.
during the rainy season, followed by summer and were least in beatrix were found in large no in the flowerbeds, boundaries of
winter. Mean value of O. beatrix during the rainy season was field, grassland and gardens in all the selected sites. These
19.66 m-2, 31.33 m-2, 17.75 m-2 and 27 m-2 in site I, site II, site species were distributed in all pedoecosystems with their
III and site IV respectively. M. posthuma showed 30.33 m-2, abundance in the garden of Jodhpur district of Rajasthan25.
39.33 m-2, 28.33 m-2 and 26.33 m-2 in site 1, site II, site III and These species were also found in the garden, flowerbeds and
site IV respectively. A. morrisi exhibited 25.3 m-2, 26 m-2 and lawns of western Himalayas26. Therefore, it seems that these
24.5 m-2 in site 1, II and IV respectively. The mean value of E. species can tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions.
incommodes and B. parvus were 24 m-2 in site 1 and 52 m-2 in A. morrisi and L.mauritii were moderately abundant and were
site III respectively as shown in table 5. The maximum distributed in garden, lawns and manure heaps and litter waste
temperature were recorded during summer season and its mean in our study. These two species have been reported from the
values were 30.70 °C, 27.47°C and 28.19°C and 28.32°C in site garden and lawn of Jodhpur district25. B.parvus was seen in
1, site II, site III and site IV respectively. The minimum restricted habitat of soil rich in organic waste and sewage.
temperature were recorded during winter in all the selected sites. B.parvus was also studied in the region with decaying plants
The percentage of soil moisture of site 1 in three different material and soil rich in organic waste in Punjab 27. The flora in
seasons were 18.14%, 34.11% and 23.57% in summer, rainy a particular area determine the relative abundance of the
and winter season respectively. Similarly in site II, the earthworms species28. Similarly in the present study also the
percentage of soil moisture 25.37%, 34.23% and 27.21 in earthworm was related to vegetation type. The sites having the
summer, rainy and winter season respectively. In site III and site same vegetation type had similar earthworm fauna. Earthworms
IV, the percentage of soil moisture were 21.29%, 29.11% and were more in area having Dalbergia sisoo and Ficus religiosa
22.36% (in site III) and 20.11%, 29.80% and 22.17% (site IV) trees as shown in table 8. It seems that the leaves of these plants
in summer, rainy and winter season respectively. The soil pH is being rich in protein favour population build up of worms when
slightly alkaline in nature and ranged between 7.3 to 8.4. Soil taken as a feed.
organic carbon ranged between 1.78% (site III) to 3.65% (site
II). Soil organic nitrogen was higher during rainy season and its Correlation between earthworm species and physico-chemical
value ranged between 0.26% (site 1) to 1.73% (site II) as shown factors of soil such as temperature, moisture, pH, organic carbon
in table 3. A total of 3729 individuals belonging to 6 species and organic nitrogen is studied as shown in table 4. The
were found in the study area table 6. They belong to the correlation studies between earthworms population density and
following three families i.e. Megascolecidae, Octochaetida and physico-chemical parameters showed positive significant
Lumbricidae. Five species of earthworms distributed in two correlation with soil temperature, moisture, pH, organic carbon
families and five genera in site I, three species belonging to two and organic nitrogen. The species diversities, richness and
families and three genera in site II, three species belonging to equitability index’s were analysed using the following indices of
three families and three genera in site III and four species Shannon-Wiener index (H’)11, Simpson index (I)12, Margalef’s
belonging to two families and four genera in site IV were found index (R1)13, and Evenness index (E)14. Analysis of data
throughout the study period table 2. The most abundant species revealed that maximum species diversity and richness in term of
were M. posthuma and O. beatrix found in all the study sites. Shannon-Wiener index (H’) and Margalef’s index (R1) were
The rarest among them were B. parvus and E. incommode. In found in site 1 and minimum at site II. Value of Evenness (E)
was higher at site 1 while low at site III as given in table 7. belonged to the same species. Shannon’s index (H’) combines
Maximum species richness in terms of Margalefs index species richness and species evenness components as one
(R1=0.58) and Menhinicks index (R2=0.16) was recorded at site overall index of diversity. Higher values of these index’s
1 while minimum (R1=0.29) and (R2=0.10) at site II indicated greater species diversity, hence it showed higher
respectively. Similarly, maximum species diversity in terms of species diversity at site 1. Further higher values of species
Shannon-Weiner index (H’=1.59) and Simpson index (I=1.01)) richness at site 1 showed abundant food and suitable physico-
was found in site 1 and site 3 and minimum (H’=0.70 and chemical factors compared to other sites. Differences in various
I=0.40) at site 3 and site 1 respectively. Maximum species chemical properties of soil viz. pH, organic matter, nitrogen,
Evenness (Equitability index) was recorded at site 1 and phosphorus, potassium, and calcium are the factors which are
minimum at site III as shown in table 7. Earthworms species highly responsible for the distribution and abundance of
diversity index and Simpson’s index (I) varied from 0 to 1 gives earthworms in the soil of an area29- 30.
the probability that two individuals drawn from a population
Important morphological and anatomical features of various earthworm species found in the study sites
S. Species Colour Total Prostomium Clitellum Spermathecae
No segments Segment No. Type No. of Segments
1 Amynthas Dark red 107 Epilobus 14-16 Annular 2 5/6-6/7
2 Lampito mauritii16 Light pink 182 Prolobus 14-17 Annular 3 6/7-8/9
3 Metaphire Light brown 116 Epilobus 14-17 Annular 4 5/6-8/9
4 Octochaetona Light pink 177 Epilobus 13-17 Annular 2 8 &9
5 Bimastos parvus18 red 82 Epilobus 24-30 Saddle Absent Absent
6 Eutyphoeus Very light 146 Proepibolus 13-18 Annular 1 7/8
incommodes red
Distribution of earthworms in four study sites of campus
Metaphire posthuma, + ++ + +
Amynthas morrisi + ++ - ++
Lampito mauritii + - - +
Eutyphoeus incommodes ++ - - -
Octochaetona Beatrix + ++ + +
Bimastos parvus - - ++ -
– = Absent, ++ = High population density, + = Low population density
Physico-chemical parameters of the soil in four sites (1, II, III and IV) of campus
Sites Seasons Soil temp. Moisture pH Organic Nitrogen
Site 1 Summer 30.70 18.14 7.5 2.35 0.28
Rainy 23.48 34.11 7.7 2.39 0.37
Winter 18.40 23.57 7.3 2.27 0.26
Site II Summer 27.47 25.37 8.1 3.52 1.54
Rainy 21.34 34.23 8.2 3.65 1.73
Winter 17.26 27.21 8.0 3.38 1.36
Site III Summer 28.19 21.29 8.2 1.80 0.90
Rainy 22.52 29.11 8.4 2.02 1.12
Winter 18.23 22.36 8.3 1.78 0.87
Site IV Summer 28.32 20.11 7.9 2.25 0.84
Rainy 22.41 29.80 8.0 2.38 0.97
Winter 18.20 22.17 8.1 2.21 0.81
Correlation studies between population density of earthworms (m-2) and abiotic factors in Site 1,II, III and IV
Earthworm Sites Temperature Moisture pH Organic Nitrogen
species carbon
Metaphire 1 0.672 0.571 0.586 0.599 0.749
posthuma II 0.926 0.604 0.736 0.414 0.753
III 0.644 0.525 0.568 0.536 0.791
IV 0.828 0.883 0.784 0.843 0.859
Amynthas morrisi 1 0.772 0.625 0.572 0.530 0.670
II 0.919 0.770 0.593 0.330 0.907
III - - - - -
IV 0.783 0.742 0.572 0.889 0.828
Lampito mauritii 1 0.820 0.590 0.593 0.616 0.824
II - - - - -
III - - - - -
IV 0.560 0.554 0.825 0.592 0.803
Eutyphoeus 1 0.818 0.527 0.625 0.508 0.728
incommodes II - - - - -
III - - - - -
IV - - - - -
Octochaetona 1 0.599 0.617 0.696 0.530 0.830
beatrix II 0.704 0.712 0.935 0.319 0.635
III 0.729 0.567 0.639 0.644 0.836
IV 0.875 0.794 0.947 0.889 0.773
Bimastos parvus 1 - - - - -
II - - - - -
III 0.766 0.516 0.532 0.592 0.855
IV - - - - -
Seasonal variation of population density of earthworms m-2 in Site 1, II, III and IV. (Mean ± S.D)
Earthworms species Sites Seasons
Summer Rainy Winter Annual
Octochaetona beatrix 1 15.75±10.28 19.66±1.69 9.8±4.83 14.25±7.87
II 23.25±7.79 31.33±1.24 21±5.51 24.33±7.11
III 14.75±1.66 17.75±2.6 11±2 14.16±3.64
IV 19.75±5.35 27±3.26 13.4±4.22 18.91±6.99
Metaphire posthuma 1 17±6.36 30.33±3.39 17.2±3.96 20.41±7.46
II 32.75±9.17 39.33±1.69 20.4±5.31 29.41±9.70
III 17.66±4.18 28.5±8.41 11±3.89 18.5±9.55
IV 25.75±12.8 26.33±4.64 13.4±2.65 20.75±10.10
Amynthas morrisi 1 23.5±9.23 25.33±2.05 9.8±4.83 14.25±7.87
II 25±7.07 26±2.16 12.8±2.4 20.10±7.69
III - - - -
IV 23.33±2.05 24.5±6.68 11.6±2.41 18.83±7.48
Lampito mauritii 1 23.5±5.12 24±2.16 5.8±7.11 16.25±10.44
II - - - -
III - - - -
IV 24±2.16 30.25±5.62 16.8±4.53 23.08±7.35
Eutyphoeus incommodes 1 21.33±4.02 24±3.53 12.4±1.35 18.08±5.60
II - - - -
III - - - -
IV - - - -
1 - - - -
II - - - -
Bimastos parvus III 53.25±6.75 52±2.16 34±10.4 44.9±12.14
IV - - - -
Showing the total number of earthworms in different seasons of the year in the four sites
Earthworm species Season Site 1 Site II Site III Site IV
Summer 38 71 63 61
Octochaetona beatrix Rainy 88 101 66 108
Winter 45 93 41 48
Metaphire posthuma Summer 42 105 91 67
Rainy 118 162 94 125
Winter 76 92 37 57
Amynthas morrisi Summer 53 80 0 77
Rainy 107 111 0 102
Winter 51 41 0 47
Lampito mauritii Summer 65 0 0 104
Rainy 79 0 0 111
Winter 15 0 0 62
Eutyphoeus incommodus Summer 79 0 0 0
Rainy 90 0 0 0
Bimastos parvus Winter 27 0 0 0
Summer 0 0 171 0
Rainy 0 0 216 0
winter 0 0 152 0
Showing species richness, diversity and evenness of six earthworms species at four study sites
Indices Index Site 1 Site II Site III Site IV
( R1) 0.58 0.29 0.33 0.43
Species Richness
(R2) 0.16 0.10 0.15 0.12
(I) 0.40 0.68 1.01 0.50
Species Diversity
(H’) 1.59 1.08 1.70 1.38
Species Evenness (E) 0.99 0.98 0.63 0.99
Various habitat and relative vegetation of sites 1, II, III and IV
Sites Earthworm Species Habitat Relative vegetation
Site 1(A-B type house) Metaphire posthuma, Amynthas morrisi, 2, 4, 5 and 10 Eugenia jambolana, Ficus sp., Capsicum
Lampito mauritii , Eutyphoeus sp., Hibiscus esculattus, Mimosops
incommodes and Octochaetona beatrix lengia, Dalbergia sisoo, Imperata
cylindrical and Clerodendron sp.
Site II (Nursery) Metaphire posthuma, Amynthas morrisi 1, 2, 3, 4 and Dalbergia sisoo, Eucalyptus tree,
and Octochaetona beatrix 5 Eugenia jambolana, Ficus religiosa and
Cycas revolute
Site III (Water Metaphire posthuma, Amynthas morrisi 6, 7 and 8 Imperata cylindrical, Alstonia spp.
treatment plant) and Bimastos parvus Grasses and Dalbergia sisoo
Site IV ( Crop fields ) Metaphire posthuma, Amynthas morrisi, 6, 2 and 9 Dalbergia sisoo, , Ficus religiosa,
Lampito mauritii and Octochaetona Clerodendron spp., Mimosups lengia,
beatrix Quisquallis spp. and Taberarea montana.
Where 1= Earth around potted plants, 2=leaf litter, 3= flowerbeds, 4= garden soil, 5= shaded area, 6=soil rich in organic matter, 7=
sewage area, 8=debris, 9= grassland and 10= vegetable field.