Réka Polák-Weldon
Topic 1/B
To introduce and To discuss business To compare the To introduce the To consider areas of
define the concept transactions and advantages and concept of the profit- economic theory
of the firm and its transaction costs. disadvantages of maximizing model that are involved in
and its criticisms
nature. using the market the
based on the various
rather than assumptions which examination of the
internalizing frequently underlie nature of the firm
transactions within the profitmaximizing
the firm. model and explain the agency problem
why they are made. in terms of how it
affects firms’
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Economic organizations
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Why do economic
organizations exist?
Increase specialisation
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The main objectives of the firm
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The basic profit-
maximizing model
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Basic asumptions
1. The firm has a single decision-maker.
2. The firm produces a single product.
3. The firm produces for a single market.
4. The firm produces and sells in a single location.
5. All current and future costs and revenues are known with certainty.
6. Price is the most important variable in the marketing mix.
7. Short-run and long-run strategy implications are the same.
each additional unit costs more than the
previous one to produce
the firm has to reduce its price to sell more units
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1. The firm has a single decision-maker
in any firm above a small size the owner, or anyone else, is not going to
have time to be able to make all decisions
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2. The firm produces a single product/market/location
very rarely☺
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3. All current and future
costs and revenues are
known with certainty
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4. Price is the most important variable in the
marketing mix
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5. Short-run and long-run strategy implications are the same
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Transaction costs theory
Game theory
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Transaction cost theory
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Transaction cost theory: Co-ordination costs
Search costs
• buyers and sellers search for the relevant information before completing transactions (prices,
quality, delivery and transportation)
• markets search externally
• within firms search is internal
Bargaining costs
• when markets are involved, where negotiations for major transactions can be put off, but even
within the firm, salary and wage negotiations can also be costly in terms of the time and effort of
the parties involved
Contracting costs
• there are costs associated with drawing up contracts; these take managerial time and can involve
considerable legal expense
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Transaction cost theory: Motivation costs (Agency costs)
Monitoring and supervision by contracted partners to ensure that the terms of the
Hidden contract are being upheld →‚moral hazard’
action Legal actions are the most costly
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The characteristics of
transactions – some
attributes affecting
Asset specificity
• how easy it is for parties in a
transaction to switch partners
without incurring sunk costs
• protected by a long-term
contract which also costs
less in case of those
transactions which are
repeated all the time (e.g.
cleaning services)
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Implications of transaction cost theory
There is an optimal size of the firm from the point of view of minimizing
transaction costs.
more transactions
increase in size
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Information theory
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Motivation theory
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Agency theory
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Agency theory
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Property rights theory
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Control over assets gives the owner bargaining power when
unforeseen or uncovered contingencies force parties to
negotiate how their relationship should be continued.
Bargaining power should be in the hands of those people
The central idea of whose efforts are most significant in increasing the value of
the business relationship.
property rights • capitalist system → private ownership: incentives to create, maintain
and improve assets vs state ownership
• What does it mean to own an asset?
• What does it mean to have a car? What is the situation with
sharing economy?
• it is even more difficult to answer for firms!!
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More bargaining
More rewards incentive to make
more investment
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1. Shareholders
• own the company, but in practice their rights are quite
• voting rights on issues such as changing the corporate
charter, electing and replacing directors, mergers etc.
The ownership of a complex asset like • have no say in major strategic issues
a firm is a difficult concept since four • no residual rights, but residual returns
parties have different types of claims
regarding control and returns: • rights are specified by law
managers and 2. Directors
other employees • the board of directors have residual control, making many
of the major strategic decisions of the firm, including
hiring the managers and setting their pay levels
• they do not have a claim to the residual returns; these
essentially belong to the shareholders
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3. Managers
Senior managers usually have control over many of the
The ownership of a complex asset major strategic decisions of the firm because they control
like a firm is a difficult concept the flow of information within the firm and set the agenda
since four for many board decisions because shareholders rely on
parties have different types of information from managers in electing the board, the
claims regarding control and managers may effectively determine board nominations.
returns: Thus, there is a problem of asymmetric information in terms
shareholders of managers having more information regarding the firm’s
directors operations than either board members or shareholders.
managers and There is also a problem of moral hazard in that it is difficult
other employees for either directors or shareholders effectively to monitor the
activities of managers.
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The ownership of a complex asset like 4. Other employees - non-managerial workers
a firm is a difficult concept since four • managers rely on them to provide information, and
parties have different types of claims also to carry out managerial decisions
regarding control and returns: • no residual claims on the firm, they do exercise
shareholders some control
directors • have more information than managers, and the
managers and managers are not able to observe their behaviour
other employees easily (hidden information and hidden action)
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Game theory
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The basic profit-maximizing model (BPM) is useful because it enables
managers to determine strategy regarding price and output decisions; it
thus enables the economist to predict firms’ behaviour.
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Agency problems arise because of conflicts of interest
between various stakeholder groups and it is aggravated by
the existence of asymmetric information, leading to adverse
selection and moral hazard.
The property rights theory reveals the importance of
ownership and how it affects all transactions.
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