Divya Ayurved
Divya Ayurved
Divya Ayurved
certify that the Management System of the above organization has been assessed and
Found to be in accordance with the requirements of the standard detailed below.
ISO 9001:2015
For the following scope
Authorised Signature
This is an accredited certificate authorized for issue by American International Accreditation Organization Bureau
of Accredited Registrars, (AIAO-BAR) who have assessed SM Certification Services as a Certification Body
The Certificate of Registration remains the property of AIAO-BAR & SM Certification Services and valid
For 3 years subject to satisfactory Surveillance audits. Must be returned, if certificate is withdrawn.
Compliance & Accreditation by AIAO-BAR. www.aiao-bar.org. Registration No AIAO-BAR-091514-1B