V - Hib Vaccine
V - Hib Vaccine
V - Hib Vaccine
A vaccine, like any medicine, is capable of causing In the rare event that you or your child has a
serious problems, such as severe allergic reactions. serious reaction to a vaccine, a federal program has
The risk of Hib vaccine causing serious harm or been created to help you pay for the care of those
death is extremely small. who have been harmed.
Most people who get Hib vaccine do not have any For details about the National Vaccine Injury
problems with it. Compensation Program, call 1-800-338-2382 or
visit the program’s website at
Mild Problems http://www.hrsa.gov/osp/vicp
• Redness, warmth, or swelling
where the shot was given
(up to 1/4 of children)
• Fever over 101oF (up to
7 How can I learn more?
1 out of 20 children)
• Ask your doctor or nurse. They can give you
the vaccine package insert or suggest other
If these problems happen,
sources of information.
they usually start within
a day of vaccination.
• Call your local or state health department’s
They may last 2-3 days.
immunization program.