NICE Real-World Evidence Framework-1

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NICE real-world evidence


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Published: 23 June 2022

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NICE real-world evidence framework (ECD9)

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 4

Key messages ..................................................................................................................................... 4

Real-world data and its role in NICE guidance ................................................................................ 7

Introduction to real-world evidence in NICE decision making ............................................ 10

Background ......................................................................................................................................... 10

What is real-world data?.................................................................................................................... 10

What is real-world evidence? ............................................................................................................ 15

Uses of real-world evidence in NICE guidance ............................................................................... 15

Estimating intervention effects using real-world data ................................................................... 19

Challenges in generating real-world evidence ................................................................................ 25

Conduct of quantitative real-world evidence studies.......................................................... 30

Key messages ..................................................................................................................................... 30

Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 30

Study planning .................................................................................................................................... 33

Study conduct .................................................................................................................................... 37

Study reporting .................................................................................................................................. 39

Assessing data suitability ....................................................................................................... 44

Key messages ..................................................................................................................................... 44

Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 44

Data provenance ................................................................................................................................ 45

Data fitness for purpose .................................................................................................................... 49

Data quality ......................................................................................................................................... 49

Data relevance .................................................................................................................................... 52

Methods for real-world studies of comparative effects ...................................................... 56

Key messages ..................................................................................................................................... 57

Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 58

Types of non-randomised study design .......................................................................................... 60

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Study design ....................................................................................................................................... 64

Analysis ............................................................................................................................................... 71

Assessing robustness of studies ...................................................................................................... 77

Reporting............................................................................................................................................. 81

Quality appraisal ................................................................................................................................. 82

Appendix 1 – Data Suitability Assessment Tool (DataSAT) ................................................. 84

DataSAT assessment template ......................................................................................................... 84

DataSAT – case study ........................................................................................................................ 87

Appendix 2 – Reporting on methods used to minimise risk of bias ................................... 96

Methods reporting template ............................................................................................................. 96

Methods reporting – case study 1 .................................................................................................... 98

Methods reporting – case study 2.................................................................................................... 101

Appendix 3 – Reporting information for selected analytical methods ............................... 105

How the framework was developed ...................................................................................... 112

Background ......................................................................................................................................... 112

NICE development team .................................................................................................................... 113

Update information ................................................................................................................. 114

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NICE real-world evidence framework (ECD9)

Key messages
• Real-world data can improve our understanding of health and social care delivery,
patient health and experiences, and the effects of interventions on patient and system
outcomes in routine settings.

• As described in the NICE strategy 2021 to 2026 we want to use real-world data to
resolve gaps in knowledge and drive forward access to innovations for patients.

• We developed the real-world evidence framework to help deliver on this ambition. It

does this by:

- identifying when real-world data can be used to reduce uncertainties and improve

- clearly describing best practices for planning, conducting and reporting real-world
evidence studies to improve the quality and transparency of evidence.

• The framework aims to improve the quality of real-world evidence informing our
guidance. It does not set minimum acceptable standards for the quality of evidence.
Users should refer to relevant NICE manuals for further information on how
recommendations are made (see the section on NICE guidance).

• The framework is mainly targeted at those developing evidence to inform NICE

guidance. It is also relevant to patients, those collecting data, and reviewers of

• Table 1 summarises key considerations for conducting real-world evidence studies.

The following core principles should be followed to generate high-quality and trusted
real-world evidence:

- ensure data is of good provenance, relevant and of sufficient quality to answer the
research question

- generate evidence in a transparent way and with integrity from study planning
through to study conduct and reporting

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- use analytical methods that minimise the risk of bias and characterise uncertainty.

• The framework provides in-depth guidance and tools to support the implementation of
these core principles across different uses of real-world evidence. It is structured as

- the introduction section provides background on real-world data and real-world

evidence, discusses its strengths and weaknesses, and summarises current and
potential uses within NICE guidance

- the section on study conduct describes NICE's expectations for planning,

conducting and reporting real-world evidence studies, recognising that
acceptability of evidence will depend on the type of evidence and other
contextual factors

- the section on assessing data suitability describes the information needed to

assess data provenance and its quality and relevance for addressing specific
research questions

- the section on methods for real-world studies of comparative effects provides

more specific recommendations for conducting non-randomised studies. These
include traditional observational studies as well as clinical trials that use real-world
data to form an external control.

• The framework is a living framework that will be updated periodically to reflect user
feedback, learnings from implementation including exemplar case studies,
developments in real-world evidence methodology, and to extend its scope to include
additional guidance on priority topics.

• We encourage companies planning to use real-world data in their submissions to

engage early with NICE Scientific Advice on how to make best use of real-world data
as part of their evidence-generation plans.

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Table 1
Summary of key considerations in planning, conducting and reporting real-world
evidence studies

Stage of
evidence Key considerations

• Clearly define the research question including, as relevant, definitions of

population eligibility criteria, interventions, outcomes and the target
quantity of estimation

• Plan the study in advance and make protocols (including a data analysis
plan) publicly available

• Choose data that is of good provenance and of sufficient quality and

Planning relevance to address the research question (see the section on
assessing data suitability)

• When planning primary data collection, consider how to implement this

collection in a patient-centred manner while minimising the burden on
patients and healthcare professionals

• Use data in accordance with local law, data governance processes,

codes of practice and the requirements of the data controller

• Use a study design and statistical methods appropriate to the research

question, considering the key risks of bias

• Use sensitivity and/or bias analysis to assess the robustness of studies

to key risks of bias and uncertain data curation or analytical decisions

• Create and implement quality assurance standards and protocols to

ensure the integrity and quality of the study

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Stage of
evidence Key considerations

• Report study design and analytical methods in sufficient detail to enable

independent researchers to fully understand what was done and why,
critically appraise the study and reproduce it

• Reporting should also cover:

- provenance, quality, and relevance of the data (see the section on

assessing data suitability)

- data curation

Reporting - patient attrition from initial data to the final analyses

- characteristics of patients (including missing data) and details of

follow up overall and across key population groups

- results for all planned and conducted analyses (clearly indicating

any analyses that were not pre-planned)

- assessment of risk of bias and generalisability to the target

population in the NHS

- limitations of the study and interpretation of what the results mean

Real-world data and its role in NICE guidance

• Real-world data refers to data relating to patient health or experience or care delivery
collected outside of highly controlled clinical trials. It can come from many different
sources including patient health records, administrative records, patient registries,
surveys, observational cohort studies and digital health technologies.

• Real-world data is already widely used to inform NICE guidance to, for example:

- characterise health conditions, interventions, care pathways and patient

outcomes and experiences

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- design, populate and validate economic models (including estimates of resource

use, quality of life, event rates, prevalence, incidence and long-term outcomes)

- develop or validate digital health technologies (for example, digital technologies

may use a clinical algorithm developed using real-world data)

- identify, characterise and address health inequalities

- understand the safety of medical technologies including medicines, devices and

interventional procedures

- assess the impact of interventions (including tests) on service delivery and

decisions about care

- assess the applicability of clinical trials to patients in the NHS.

• Real-world data that represents the population of interest is NICE's preferred source
of evidence for most of these applications. Such data is regularly used for these
purposes in NICE guidance, but its use could be more commonplace, especially of
routinely collected data.

• Randomised controlled trials are the preferred source of evidence on the effects of
interventions. Randomisation ensures that any differences in baseline characteristics
between groups are because of chance. Blinding (if applied) prevents knowledge of
treatment allocation from influencing behaviours. However, randomised trials are
sometimes unavailable or are not directly relevant to decisions about patient care in
the NHS.

• Randomised trials may not be available for several reasons, including:

- randomisation is considered unethical or unfeasible (for instance, for some rare or

severe diseases with unmet need)

- technical challenges make randomisation impractical, which is most common for

medical devices and interventional procedures

- funding is not available for a trial (for example, when the intervention is already
used in routine practice).

• Even if randomised evidence is available, it may not be sufficient for decision making
in the NHS for several reasons including:

- the comparator does not reflect standard of care in the NHS

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- relevant population groups are excluded

- there are major differences in patient behaviours, care pathways or settings that
differ from implementation in routine practice

- follow up is limited

- unvalidated surrogate outcomes are used

- learning effects are present

- trials were of poor quality.

• Non-randomised studies are already widely used to estimate the effects of medical
devices and procedures and public health interventions, for which trials are less
common. They are becoming more widely used in initial assessments of medicines, as
more are granted regulatory approval based on uncontrolled single-arm trials. Finally,
the increased focus on the lifecycle evaluation of technologies and lived experiences
of patients relies on non-randomised studies after initial approvals. The most common
non-randomised studies using real-world data to assess comparative effects are
observational cohort studies and single-arm trials with real-world external control.

• Real-world data could be used more routinely to fill evidence gaps and speed up
patient access. For this promise to be realised, real-world evidence studies must be
performed transparently and with integrity, use fit-for-purpose data, and address the
key risks of bias.

• We are communicating our view on best practices for the conduct of real-world
evidence studies to ensure they are generated transparently and are of good quality.
This is essential to improving trust in real-world evidence studies and their use in
decision making.

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Introduction to real-world evidence in

NICE decision making
Real-world data can improve our understanding of health and social care delivery, patient
health and experiences, and the effects of interventions on patient and system outcomes
in routine settings.

As described in the NICE strategy 2021 to 2026, we want to use real-world data to resolve
gaps in knowledge and drive forward access to innovations for patients.

We developed the real-world evidence framework to help deliver on this ambition. It does
this by:

• identifying when real-world data can be used to reduce uncertainties and improve

• clearly describing best practices for planning, conducting and reporting real-world
evidence studies to improve the quality and transparency of evidence.

The framework aims to improve the quality of real-world evidence informing our guidance.
It does not set minimum acceptable standards for the quality of evidence. Users should
refer to relevant NICE manuals for further information on how recommendations are made
(see the section on uses of real-world data in NICE guidance).

The framework is mainly targeted at those developing evidence to inform NICE guidance.
It is also relevant to patients, those collecting data, and reviewers of evidence.

What is real-world data?

We define real-world data as data relating to patient health or experience or care delivery
collected outside the context of a highly controlled clinical trial. Real-world data can be
routinely collected during the delivery of health or social care. It can also be collected
prospectively, to address 1 or more specific research questions. Most real-world data

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sources are observational (or non-interventional), that is, any interventions (or exposures)
are not determined by a study protocol. Instead, medical interventions are decided by
patients and healthcare professionals. And in public health or social care, interventions
may be determined by individual behaviours, environmental exposures or policy makers.

Some interventional studies, such as pragmatic clinical trials, can also produce real-world
evidence. Such trials may also make use of real-world data sources to design trials, recruit
participants or collect outcome data. For more information, see the UK Medicines and
Healthcare products Regulatory Agency's (MHRA) guideline on randomised controlled
trials using real-world data to support regulatory decisions.

Table 2 describes common sources of non-interventional real-world data. These include

original data collections (such as patient health records) and data curated from original
sources (such as the data obtained from retrospective chart reviews). While each type of
data source has some general strengths and weaknesses, the value for a given research
question will depend on the characteristics of the specific data (for further information,
see the section on assessing data suitability). Different sources of real-world data can be
combined by linking or pooling to improve data quality and coverage, potentially allowing
additional research questions to be answered.

Real-world data can be quantitative or qualitative. Common data types include patient
demographics, health behaviours, medical history, clinical outcomes (including patient-
reported outcomes), patient or user experiences, resource use, costs, omics, laboratory
measurements, imaging, free text, test results and patient-generated data. We consider
both national data collections and international data when making recommendations.

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Table 2
Common sources of real-world data

Data source Description Examples

Computerised individual patient

records. These are typically used The Clinical Practice Research
to inform the clinical management Datalink (CPRD) GOLD contains
of patients. demographic and clinical
These sometimes integrate data information on patients enrolled in
from other information systems participating general practices
including laboratory, genomic, across the UK.
and imaging systems.

The Hospital Episode Statistics

(HES) Admitted Patient Care
dataset contains information on
diagnoses and procedures done for
Data collected for administrative all patients admitted to NHS
purposes by health and social hospitals or NHS-funded treatments
care services. in private hospitals. Its primary
purpose is to inform the
reimbursement of hospitals through
payment by results and other
operational activities.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid

Services data contains data on
individuals in receipt of Medicare
A type of administrative data on services derived from
healthcare service use often reimbursement information or
Claims data
collected from insurance-based payment of bills.
systems. The NHS Business Services
Authority provides data on
medicines dispensed in primary
care in England.

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Data source Description Examples

The Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy

(SACT) dataset contains
information on all patients treated
with anticancer therapies from NHS
Registries are organised systems
England providers. This data is
that collect uniform data (clinical
widely used within NICE to provide
and other) to identify specified
information on drugs approved for
outcomes for a population defined
use within the Cancer Drugs Fund.
Patient by a particular disease, condition
or exposure. The UK Cystic Fibrosis Registry
collects data on consenting people
Registries can serve several
with cystic fibrosis across specialist
purposes including research,
centres in the UK. The registry data
clinical care or policy. Registries
is used to improve the health of
can include interventional studies.
people with cystic fibrosis by
facilitating research, guiding quality
improvement at care centres and
monitoring the safety of new drugs.

Data generated directly by

patients or their carers including
from wearable medical or Pulse oximeters used to monitor
personal devices, mobile apps, people with COVID-19 treated at
Patient- social media, and other internet- home to alert need for hospital
generated based tools. Data can be admission (Greenhalgh et al. 2021).
health data collected actively (for example, by Self-reported data on COVID-19
people entering data on a form) or and long-COVID symptoms from the
passively (for example, a smart ZOE app.
watch that measures people's
activity level).

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Data source Description Examples

Data extracted retrospectively

from a review of patient health
Retrospective chart reviews are
records (including paper or
especially common in studies of
electronic records).
Chart reviews rare diseases to model natural
Chart reviews are widely used in
history of disease and treatment
natural history studies. They may
pathways (Garbade et al. 2021).
allow the extraction of data not
reported in routine data sources.

Clinical audits are done to The Healthcare Quality

understand how current Improvement Partnership manages
standards of care measure national clinical audit programmes
against best practice or a set such as the Sentinel Stroke National
Audit and
standard, and subsequently Audit Programme (SSNAP). SSNAP
inform quality improvement. Data is used to assess the quality of the
can be collected prospectively or organisation and delivery of
retrospectively. multidisciplinary inpatient stroke
Service evaluations are done to health services in England, Wales
define and judge current care. and Northern Ireland.

The UK Biobank collects data on

patient medical histories and
genetics. It links to patient records
for health outcomes. It was not
designed for a specific research
Observational question but to enable
Traditional prospective studies
cohorts with epidemiological research.
designed to answer one or more
primary data EMBRACE-I is a multicentre
research questions.
collection prospective cohort study to
evaluate local tumour control and
morbidity in patients undergoing
MRI-based image guided adaptive
brachytherapy for locally advanced
cervical tumours.

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Data source Description Examples

Health surveys involve systematic The Health Survey for England is an

collection of data about health annual representative household
and disease in a human survey measuring trends in health in
population through surveys. They England.
have various purposes including The 'Living with Lipoedema' 2021
understanding trends in health in survey by patient charity
a population or understanding Lipoedema UK collects patient
and focus
patients' experiences of care. experience data from individuals
Interviews and focus groups are with lipoedema. It evaluates
done to collect qualitative data experiences of patients having non-
such as patient perception and cosmetic liposuction or other
experiences. treatments for lipoedema.

What is real-world evidence?

We define real-world evidence as evidence generated from the analysis of real-world data.
It can cover a large array of evidence types including disease epidemiology, health service
research or causal estimation (see the section on uses of real-world data in NICE
guidance). It can be generated from a large range of study designs and analytical methods
(including quantitative and qualitative methods) depending on the research question or
use case. A real-world evidence study may use routinely collected data, bespoke data
collection, or a combination of the two. We consider single-arm trials that use real-world
data sources to create an external control to be real-world evidence studies.

Uses of real-world evidence in NICE guidance

NICE guidance
NICE has several guidance products that use the best available evidence to develop
recommendations that guide decisions in health, public health and social care, including:

• guidelines for clinical, social care and public health topics, which offer advisory
guidance to health and social care professionals

• evaluations of medical technologies including medicines, diagnostics, medical devices,

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digital health technologies and interventional procedures.

Guidelines are developed internally by NICE. Technology evaluations are usually informed
by company submissions but may also use evidence submitted by manufacturers or other
stakeholders or research commissioned from independent academic centres.

The processes and methods for technology evaluations differ across NICE's programmes.
The Technology Appraisal Programme evaluates mostly medicines (including highly
specialised technologies) but can also include medical devices and diagnostics. The
Technology Appraisal and Diagnostic Guidance Programmes both consider the cost
effectiveness of medical technologies. The Medical Technologies Evaluation Programme
evaluates medical technologies including medical devices, digital health technologies and
diagnostics that are expected to be cost-saving or cost-neutral and uses cost-
consequence analysis considering patient and system outcomes. The Interventional
Procedures Programme evaluates the efficacy and safety of interventional procedures
without analysis of cost.

When NICE recommends a treatment 'as an option' through its Technology Appraisal
Programme, the NHS must make sure it is available within 3 months (unless otherwise
specified) of its date of publication. If a technology is potentially cost effective but there is
substantial and resolvable uncertainty about its value, it can be recommended for use in a
managed access agreement. After a specified period of collecting real-world data, the
technology is reassessed through the Technology Appraisal Programme. Selected devices,
diagnostic or digital technologies that are recommended in NICE guidance and are likely to
be affordable and produce cost savings within 3 years of adoption can be funded through
NHS England's MedTech funding mandate.

Methods and process manuals have been developed for different NICE programmes. Users
of this framework should consult these manuals as appropriate:

• Developing NICE guidelines: the manual explains the processes and methods used to
develop and update NICE guidelines, the guidance that NICE develops covering topics
across clinical care, social care and public health.

• NICE's health technology evaluations manual describes the methods and processes
for developing health technology evaluation, including for the Diagnostics Assessment
Programme, the Medical Technologies Evaluation Programme, the Highly Specialised
Technologies Programme, and the Technology Appraisal Programme.

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• NICE's interventional procedures programme manual describes the processes and

methods for developing guidance in the Interventional Procedures Programme.

NICE's evidence standards framework for digital health technologies sets out what good
levels of evidence for digital health technologies look like. It is aimed at innovators and
commissioners of digital health technologies.

Use cases for real-world data

The differences between NICE's guidance programmes lead to variation in the uses and
acceptability of real-world evidence.

Real-world data is already used across NICE programmes to generate different types of
evidence, especially for questions that are not about the effects of interventions.
Examples from previous NICE guidance include:

• characterising health conditions, interventions, care pathways, and patient outcomes

and experiences including natural history: NICE highly specialised technologies
guidance on onasemnogene abeparvovec for treating spinal muscular atrophy used
multiple sources of real-world data to characterise spinal muscular atrophy

• estimating economic burden: NICE technology appraisal guidance on benralizumab for

treating severe eosinophilic asthma reported data from CPRD GOLD linked to HES

• designing, populating and validating economic models. Common types of evidence


- patient starting characteristics: NICE diagnostics guidance on QAngio XA 3D QFR

and CAAS vFFR imaging software for assessing coronary stenosis during invasive
coronary angiography reported data from the IRIS-FFR registry

- baseline rates of events: NICE guideline on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

(COPD) in over 16s: diagnosis and management reported data from CPRD GOLD
on baseline COPD exacerbation rates by disease severity

- characterisation of treatment in routine practice: NICE technology appraisal

guidance on fenfluramine for treating seizures associated with Dravet syndrome
used multiple real-world studies to assess the average dose for comparator
treatments in routine practice

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- transition probabilities between health states or disease progression: NICE

technology appraisal guidance on patiromer for treating hyperkalaemia used CPRD
data to model transition between disease states for people with chronic kidney

- resource use and costs: NICE medical technologies guidance on HeartFlow FFRCT
for estimating fractional flow reserve from coronary CT angiography used cost
data on coronary revascularisation from NHS reference costs

- patient-reported outcomes, including quality of life: NICE highly specialised

technologies guidance on elosulfase alfa for treating mucopolysaccharidosis type
4a used quality of life data from a survey

- extrapolation: NICE technology appraisal guidance on atezolizumab with

carboplatin and etoposide for untreated extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer
used data from the Flatiron Health database, which is derived from US electronic
health records.

• measuring patient experience: NICE medical technologies guidance on myCOPD for

managing COPD used patient survey data on the ease of use of the technology

• developing and validating digital health technologies including prognostic models: see
the NICE evidence standards framework for digital health technologies for further

• identifying, characterising and addressing health inequalities: NICE technology

appraisal guidance on crizanlizumab for preventing sickle cell crises in sickle cell
disease reported evidence from the National Haemoglobinopathy Registry on the
health and disproportionate burden of sickle cell disease in certain minority ethnic

• estimating test accuracy or reproducibility of test results such as biomarkers: NICE

medical technologies guidance on Zio XT for detecting cardiac arrhythmias reported
data from a retrospective observational cohort study

• estimating device or procedure failure rates: NICE guideline on joint replacement

(primary): hip, knee and shoulder used data from the National Joint Registry on
revision rates of knee replacements

• measuring the impact of interventions (including tests) on service delivery and

decisions about care: NICE diagnostics guidance on tumour profiling tests to guide

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adjuvant chemotherapy decisions in early breast cancer reported results from several
prospective observational studies.

Real-world data can also be used to assess the applicability of trial results to patients in
the NHS or even to estimate intervention effects (for further information, see the section
on estimating intervention effects using real-world data).

While real-world evidence is already widely used for many of these types of evidence
(Leahy et al. 2020, Makady et al. 2018), its use could be more commonplace. When data is
representative of the target population and of sufficient quality it may be the preferred
source of data. Background event rates or natural history data from trials may sometimes
overestimate or underestimate event rates in the target population because of selective
recruitment (Bloudek et al. 2021). In some cases, there may be value in performing studies
using routinely collected data rather than relying on published evidence that has lower
applicability to the research question.

Estimating intervention effects using real-world


Uses and challenges of randomised controlled trials

Randomised controlled trials are the preferred study design for estimating the causal
effects of interventions. This is because randomisation ensures that any differences in
known and unknown baseline characteristics between groups are because of chance.
Blinding (if applied) prevents knowledge of treatment allocation from influencing
behaviours, and standardised protocols ensure consistent data collection.

However, randomised controlled trials are not always available or may not be sufficient to
address the research question of interest.

Randomised trials may not be available for several reasons, including:

• randomisation is considered unethical, for instance because of high unmet need

• patients are unwilling to be allocated to one of the interventions in the trial

• healthcare professionals are unwilling to randomise patients to an intervention which

they consider less effective

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• a small number of eligible patients

• financial or technical constraints on studies

• not all treatment combinations (including treatment sequences) can be directly


Randomised controlled trials may be especially difficult to do for rare diseases, innovative
and complex technologies, or in certain populations.

Similarly, high-quality randomised controlled trials can be challenging for medical devices
and interventional procedures because of the difficulty of blinding, the importance of
learning effects, changes to standard of care making the choice of comparator
challenging, changes to the characteristics of the technology over time that may impact
on performance, and limited research capacity or access to funding (Bernard et al. 2014).

Even if trials are available, they may not be directly applicable to the research question or
to routine care in the NHS because of:

• use of comparators that do not represent the standard of care in the NHS (including
placebo control)

• use of unvalidated surrogate outcomes

• limited follow up

• exclusion of eligible population groups (for example, individuals with comorbidities,

pregnant women, and children)

• differences in populations, care pathways, or settings that impact on the

transferability of results to the target population in the NHS

• differences in patient's use of a technology

• clinical support that differs from routine practice

• learning effects (that is, the effect of an intervention changes over time as users
become more experienced)

• methods used to address post-randomisation events such as treatment switching,

loss to follow up or missing data.

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Some of these challenges, such as the use of comparators that do not represent the
standard of care in the NHS, can potentially be addressed through other approaches such
as network meta-analysis under certain assumptions about the comparability of the trials.
See the NICE Decision Support Unit report on sources and synthesis of evidence for
further information.

Real-world evidence can also be generated from randomised controlled trials that use
real-world data in their design or for measuring outcomes, such as pragmatic clinical trials.
Such trials may provide substantial value in combining the internal validity from
randomisation with the greater generalisability of data from routine practice. The UK
MHRA has published guidance on producing real-world evidence from randomised
controlled trials.

Real-world evidence
Real-world data can be used to contextualise randomised trials, to estimate effects of
interventions in the absence of trials, or to complement trials to answer a broader range of
questions about the impacts of interventions in routine settings.


Contextualisation involves assessing whether the results from trials will translate well to
the target population in the NHS. While this is an important use of real-world data across
NICE programmes, NICE may require the collection of further data through managed
access arrangements for medicines that are potentially cost effective and if uncertainties
can be addressed through further data collection. This data is often used to understand
the relevance of trials to the NHS.

Real-world data has been used in NICE guidance to contextualise clinical trials including

• differences in eligible population in the NHS, treatment pathways, care settings and
outcomes: NICE technology appraisal guidance on pegcetacoplan for treating
paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria used UK registry data to show that urinary
haemoglobin levels in UK practice were in line with the eligibility threshold for the
randomised controlled trial

• modelling the relationship between surrogate outcomes and final outcomes (including

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patient-reported outcomes): NICE highly specialised technologies guidance on

lumasiran for treating primary hyperoxaluria type 1 used a registry-based study to
model the relationship between plasma oxalate, a surrogate outcome, and kidney

• measuring the use of, and adherence to, interventions: NICE medical technologies
guidance on Sleepio to treat insomnia and insomnia symptoms used data on usage
collected from the app or website

• assessing the appropriateness of assumptions about long-term outcomes or

treatment effects beyond trial periods: NICE technology appraisal guidance on
nintedanib for treating progressive fibrosing interstitial lung diseases used registry
data to validate extrapolations of long-term outcomes.

NICE technology appraisal guidance on osimertinib for treating EGFR T790M mutation-
positive advanced non-small-cell lung cancer used data from the Systemic Anti-Cancer
Therapy (SACT) dataset to assess the relevance of results from the AURA3 trial to NHS
patients. In particular, SACT data was used to compare:

• overall survival

• differences in patient characteristics including age, ethnicity, performance status and

treatment history.


Effects can be estimated for a range of different outcomes, including:

• patient outcomes – clinical outcomes, biomarkers, patient-reported outcomes,

behaviour change, user satisfaction and engagement

• system outcomes – resource use, costs and processes of care.

Real-world data can be used to better understand the effects of an intervention over its
life cycle. The potential uses of real-world data for estimating effects of interventions
depend on the stage in their life cycle.

For new interventions (for example, those with recent marketing authorisation in the UK),
there will be limited real-world data on their use and outcomes in the NHS. The uses of
real-world data include:

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• creating a comparator arm (that is, external control) to estimate effects against a
single-arm trial or to add to controls from a randomised controlled trial: NICE highly
specialised technologies guidance on metreleptin for treating lipodystrophy used a
natural history study to form an external control to a single-arm trial

• using data from early access to medicines schemes: NICE technology appraisal
guidance on berotralstat for preventing recurrent attacks of hereditary angioedema
included early access to medicines scheme data to reduce uncertainty around long-
term outcomes

• estimating comparative effects in other countries in which the technology was

available earlier than in the UK (Jonsson et al. 2021)

• predicting outcomes and treatment effects in routine settings, for example, by

reweighting results from trials to reflect characteristics of all eligible patients: NICE
technology appraisal guidance on pembrolizumab with carboplatin and paclitaxel for
untreated metastatic squamous non-small-cell lung cancer used prescribing data from
the Cancer Drugs Fund to estimate outcomes weighted by subgroup prevalence.

Once medical technologies are used routinely or in pilot projects, the opportunities for
real-world data are greater and include:

• estimating effects of interventions in routine settings (see NICE medical technologies

guidance on DyeVert Systems for reducing the risk of acute kidney injury in coronary
and peripheral angiography)

• providing head-to-head comparisons with preferred comparators: NICE technology

appraisal guidance on mogamulizumab for previously treated mycosis fungoides and
Sezary syndrome used HES data to provide a UK-specific standard-of-care
comparator arm to the intervention arm of a randomised controlled trial

• estimating effects in populations excluded from, or under-represented in, the available

randomised controlled trials, or extrapolating results from trials: NICE technology
appraisal guidance on casirivimab plus imdevimab, nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir,
sotrovimab and tocilizumab for treating COVID-19 used OpenSAFELY electronic health
records data to support outcomes observed in trial data, and included high-risk
populations excluded from trial data

• exploring heterogeneity in intervention effects: NICE technology appraisal guidance on

pembrolizumab for treating relapsed or refractory classical Hodgkin lymphoma after
stem cell transplant or at least 2 previous therapies used SACT data to model overall

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survival among those without previous stem-cell transplant

• estimating effects on final outcomes of interest (rather than surrogate outcomes) and
over longer time periods

• estimating effects for combination therapies (including sequences) or decision

strategies not examined in randomised controlled trials (Fu et al. 2021)

• incorporating into evidence synthesis, for example, informing priors, increasing power
or filling evidence gaps in a network meta-analysis (NICE Decision Support Unit report
on sources and synthesis of evidence, Sarri et al. 2020).

The validity of real-world evidence for estimating intervention

A growing body of literature aims to understand the internal validity of real-world evidence
(or, more generally, non-randomised studies) in comparison with randomised controlled
trials. This includes meta-epidemiological studies, which compare results from studies of
different designs addressing the same question (Woolacott et al. 2017), individual case
studies (Dickerman et al. 2020) and systematic replication studies such as RCT Duplicate
(Franklin et al. 2020).

These studies have demonstrated that high-quality non-randomised studies can produce
valid estimates of relative treatment effects in many, but certainly not all, situations. There
are some common design principles that improve the likelihood of valid estimates

• the use of active comparators (alternative interventions for the same or similar
indication, usually of the same modality) and

• comparing new users (or initiators) of interventions rather than those who have been
using an intervention for some time (prevalent users).

Validity may also depend on other factors including the characteristics of the disease, type
of outcome (objective clinical outcomes are preferred), the treatment landscape, and data
content and quality.

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Challenges in generating real-world evidence

Real-world data has great potential for improving our understanding of the value of
interventions in routine settings. However, there are important challenges that must be
addressed to generate robust results and improve trust in the evidence. We describe key
challenges below.

Trust in real-world evidence studies

Real-world data is often complex and requires substantial preparation before it can be
analysed. Also, for some applications, such as the estimation of comparative effects, the
methods of analysis can be advanced. When making use of already collected data,
researchers may have access to data before finalising their statistical analysis plans. Data
preparation and analytical decisions can have important effects on the resulting estimates.

Therefore, concerns about the integrity and trustworthiness of the resulting evidence (for
example, resulting from data dredging or cherry-picking) need to be addressed. Concerns
about the legitimate use of data have been highlighted by the retraction of high-profile
studies about the effectiveness of repurposed medicines for treating COVID-19 from
prominent medical journals.

Trust in real-world evidence studies can be improved by:

• registering the study protocol before implementing the study (see the Real-World
Evidence Transparency Initiative)

• reporting checklists or tools (see Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health
Research [EQUATOR] network)

• requiring author statements to confirm the integrity of data access and study conduct
(see learning from a retraction by the editors of the Lancet Group, 2020)

• open publishing of data, code lists and analytical code

• providing access to data through secure data environments and maintaining audit
trails (see the Department of Health and Social Care's report on better, broader, safer:
using health data for research and analysis).

See guidance on planning, conducting and reporting real-world evidence studies in the
section on conduct of quantitative real-world evidence studies to generate real-world

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Data quality and relevance

There are several common challenges with using real-world data. Some types of data are
often, though not always, absent from real-world data sources (such as measures of
tumour size or functional status). However, methods to extract data elements from
unstructured data, such as doctor's notes, are increasingly used.

Other variables may be collected at an insufficiently granular level. For instance, a study
may need knowledge of a specific drug or medical device, but the data may include only
drug or device class. Similarly, a study may need to distinguish between haemorrhagic and
ischaemic strokes while a data source may contain data on all strokes without further
detail. Even if relevant items are collected with the needed granularity, the data may be
missing or inaccurate, which can cause information bias. In addition, there may be
variation in data-recording practices and quality across centres or individuals, and in the
quality management processes for different sources of data.

In addition to the availability of data on relevant study elements, the relevance of a given
data source to a research question may be affected by several factors. This includes the
representativeness of the study sample and similarities in treatment patterns and
healthcare delivery to routine care in the NHS, the timeliness of data, sample size and
length of follow up. The key questions are whether the data is sufficient to produce robust
estimates relevant to the decision problem and whether results are expected to translate
or generalise to the target population in the NHS.

See the section on assessing data suitability for further information.

Risk of bias
Studies using real-world data are at risk of bias from a number of sources, depending on
the use case. We describe key risks of bias that threaten validity in individual real-world
evidence studies below. Detailed descriptions of risks of bias in non-randomised studies
are available, such as the European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and
Pharmacovigilance (ENCEPP) guide on methodological standards in
pharmacoepidemiology and chapter 25 in the Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews
of interventions.

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Selection bias

In non-comparative studies, selection bias can occur if the people studied are not
representative of the target population. This might result from non-random sampling of the
source population, non-response to a questionnaire, or differences in behaviours and
outcomes of those who volunteer to be part of research studies.

In comparative effect studies, selection bias occurs if the selection of participants or

follow-up time is related to both the interventions and the outcomes. A lack of
representativeness of the target population is not itself necessarily a cause of selection
bias in comparative studies. Selection bias in comparative studies is distinct from

Common causes of selection bias at study entry include:

• including prevalent users of a technology compared with non-users (users who had
already experienced the event or not tolerated the intervention would be excluded
from analysis)

• excluding a period of follow up in which the outcome cannot occur (known as immortal
time bias for survival outcomes)

• selection into the study based on a characteristic (for example, admission to hospital)
that is related to the intervention and outcome.

A common cause of selection bias at study exit is loss to follow up. Selection bias can also
be caused by excluding participants from analysis, such as those with missing data.

Information bias

Information bias may result from missing or inaccurate data on population eligibility
criteria, interventions or exposures, outcomes and covariates (as relevant). These
limitations may occur because of low data quality, care patterns or data collection
processes. They may also result from misspecification of the follow-up period.

The consequences of these issues depend on factors including the study type, whether
limitations vary across intervention groups, whether they are random or systematic (that
is, the missing data mechanism), the magnitude of the limitation and in which variables
they occur. One common cause of differential misclassification across groups is detection
bias. This occurs when the processes of care differ according to intervention status such

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that outcomes are more likely to identified in 1 group than in another. See the section on
measurement error and misclassification for further information.


Confounding occurs when there are common causes of the choice of intervention and the
outcome. This is expected to be common in healthcare because healthcare professionals
and patients make decisions about treatment initiation and continuation based on their
expectations of benefits and risks (known as confounding by indication or channelling
bias). Confounding bias may be intractable when comparing treatments with different
indications and across types of intervention (for example, interventional procedure
compared with drug treatment) and for studies of environmental exposures.

Bias may also arise because of inappropriate adjustment for covariates, for example, if a
study controls for covariates on the causal pathway (such as blood pressure in the effect
of anti-hypertensive medication on stroke), colliders (a variable influenced independently
by both the exposure and the outcome), or instruments (defined as a variable that is
associated with the exposure but unrelated with the outcome except through the

External validity bias

External validity refers to how well the findings from the analytical sample apply to the
target population of interest. Study findings may be intended to be applied to a target
population from which the study sample was drawn ('generalisability'), or to another target
population, from which the study sample was not derived ('transportability').

Differences can occur between the study sample and target population for factors that
affect outcomes on the scale of estimation (for example, relative versus absolute effects).
These may include differences in patient or disease characteristics, healthcare settings,
staff experience, treatment types and clinical pathways. Further differences may result
from patient exclusions, drop out and data missingness in the analytical sample.

Methods to assess and adjust for some elements of external validity bias (those relating to
differences in patient characteristics in studies of comparative treatment effects) are
discussed in the section on addressing external validity bias.

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Other forms of bias

Reverse causation (or protopathic bias) occurs when the intervention is a result of the
outcome or a symptom of the outcome. This is most problematic in conditions with long
latency periods such as several cancers. If present, this is a severe form of bias with major
implications for internal validity.

Biases may also result from the statistical analysis of data (for example, model

When assessing the body of literature on a research question there are further concerns
about publication bias because of non-reporting of real-world evidence studies, especially
if they show null results (Chan et al. 2014).

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Conduct of quantitative real-world

evidence studies

Key messages
• Transparent and reproducible generation of real-world evidence is essential to
improve trust in the evidence and enable reviewers to critically appraise studies.

• The following principles underpin the conduct of real-world evidence studies:

- Ensure data is of good provenance, relevant and of sufficient quality to

answer the research question.

- Generate evidence in a transparent way and with integrity from study

planning through to study conduct and reporting.

- Use analytical methods that minimise the risk of bias and characterise

• The required level of evidence may depend on the application and various
contextual factors (see the section on considerations for the quality and
acceptability of real-world evidence). Users should refer to relevant NICE
manuals for further information on how recommendations are made.


Principles for evidence generation

This section describes NICE's preferred approaches for planning, conducting and reporting
real-world evidence studies.

The following principles underpin the conduct of all real-world evidence studies:

• Ensure data is of good and known provenance, relevant and of sufficient quality to

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answer the research question.

• Generate evidence in a transparent way and with integrity from study planning
through to study conduct and reporting.

• Use analytical methods that minimise the risk of bias and characterise uncertainty.

The focus here is currently on real-world evidence studies of quantitative data. However,
several aspects of planning, conducting and reporting that we describe are also applicable
to qualitative studies. For aspects that differ, recognised methods of analysing,
synthesising, and presenting qualitative evidence should be applied.

Patients should be consulted throughout all aspects of study planning and conduct.

Considerations for the quality and acceptability of real-world

All studies should aim for the highest level of transparency and rigour. However, the large
number and variety of real-world evidence studies that can inform a single piece of
guidance means there may be reasonable trade-offs between the extent of analysis and
reporting and the context of use, including:

• the contribution of the study to the final recommendation

• the impact of the recommendation on health and system outcomes

• other contextual factors.

The contribution of a particular type of evidence will vary across applications depending
on the key drivers of uncertainty (that is, the evidence gap). For instance, in oncology,
assumptions around long-term outcomes such as overall survival and the applicability of
global trials to the NHS are often key (Morrell et al. 2018). In cost-effectiveness or cost-
comparison models, a number of different parameters could be important determinants of
cost effectiveness including event incidence, prevalence, natural history of disease, test
performance, costs or quality of life.

In general, non-randomised studies of clinical effects will need higher levels of rigour and
transparency than simple characterisation studies. Estimates of clinical effectiveness are
usually a key driver of recommendations and non-randomised studies can be at risk of

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The contextual factors that influence the acceptability of evidence include the level of
decision uncertainty, disease prevalence, impact on health inequalities and the possibility
of generating high-quality evidence. Users should refer to the relevant NICE manual for
further information on how recommendations are made (see the section on NICE

High-quality real-world evidence may be more difficult to generate in certain contexts.

These include for rare diseases, and some medical devices (including digital health
technologies), interventional procedures or other complex interventions. Conducting
randomised controlled trials may also be challenging in these contexts (see the section on
uses and challenges of randomised controlled trials).

Common challenges in the evaluation of medical devices and interventional studies using
real-world data include:

• limited integrated national data collections of medical device use and outcomes

• lack of granularity in many routinely collected data sources to identify specific devices
(and unique device identifiers) or procedures

• identifying appropriate comparators, changes to technologies over time and learning


These challenges are not universal and there are ongoing improvements to the availability
of high-quality data collections for medical devices and procedures including registries
and electronic health record systems. When possible the highest quality data should be

Common challenges in rare diseases include:

• a lack of systematic identification of the target population

• small sample sizes or the need to combine multiple sources of data with different data
models and data collection processes

• a lack of agreed common data elements

• substantial variation in natural history of disease

• complex treatment pathways.

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Study planning

Defining the research question

Evidence developers should clearly specify their research question irrespective of the
study design. While the specific elements of the research question will vary the following
are common to many study designs:

• conceptual definitions of key study variables including, as relevant, population

eligibility criteria, interventions or exposures, outcomes (patient or system outcome)
and covariates (including confounders and effect modifiers)

• subgroups, including specifying whether the subgroup categories are validated or

commonly used in the relevant area of research

• the target quantity that is to be estimated, for example, disease prevalence or average
effect of adhering to an intervention on overall survival.

Patient outcomes should reflect how a patient feels, functions or how long a patient lives.
This includes clinical outcomes such as survival as well as patient-reported outcomes.
Outcomes should be reliable and valid for the context of use. Choice of outcomes may be
supported by high-quality core outcome sets such as those listed in the Core Outcome
Measures in Effectiveness Trials (COMET) database.

The target quantity to be estimated should address the overall research question of
interest. For example, prevalence can reflect the quantity of a population who might need
access to services at a point in time. It represents a function of incidence and duration of
the condition; this may be useful for public health planning. Incidence captures rates of
events across different subgroups or those with different exposures but assumes a
constant rate across defined time intervals. Plausibility of the average rate should
therefore be considered.

For non-randomised studies of comparative effects, developers should provide clear

justification for the study, considering reasons for the absence of randomised evidence,
the limitations of existing trials and the ability to produce robust real-world evidence for
the research question.

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Planning study conduct

Developers should aim to pre-specify as much of the study plan as possible. Protocols
should describe the objectives of the study, data identification or collection, data curation,
study design and analytical methods for all pre-planned analyses including subgroup and
sensitivity analyses. We recognise that the complexity of data curation in many real-world
evidence studies means not all analytical decisions can be pre-specified. When decisions
will be driven by the data these should be clearly described and planned approaches
justified. The HARmonized Protocol Template to Enhance Reproducibility (HARPER) tool
provides a protocol structure for supporting transparent and reproducible real-world
studies of comparative effects.

Planning studies before conduct improves the quality of studies and can reduce the risk of
developers performing multiple analyses and selecting those producing the most
favourable results.

Pre-specifying analysis plans is especially important for studies of comparative effects.

For such studies, we encourage publishing the study protocol on a publicly accessible
platform, with any changes to the protocol registered and justified. We do not recommend
a specific platform but options include the database, the International
Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN) registry, the European Union
electronic Register of Post-Authorisation Studies (EU-PAS), and the Open Science
Framework (OSF). Some of these databases are currently more suited to real-world
evidence studies than others.

Further guidance on registration of study protocols is provided by the Real-World Evidence

Transparency Initiative. NICE's scientific advice team provides advice on how technology
developers can make best use of real-world data as part of their evidence-generation

When planning the study, developers should consider any equality or diversity issues that
should be addressed in design, analysis, or interpretation of the study.

Choosing fit-for-purpose data

Developers should justify the selection of the final data sources, ensuring the data are of
good provenance and fit for purpose for the research question (see the section on
assessing data suitability).

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We encourage developers to identify candidate data sources through a systematic,

transparent and reproducible search, including:

• pre-specification of search strategy and defined criteria for selection and prioritisation
of datasets

• expert consultation to inform the search strategy and selection criteria and to highlight
known suitable datasets

• an online search and systematic literature search, and correspondence with lead
authors of relevant publications, when necessary, to gain information on access to and
suitability of potential data sources

• a direct search of data sources. In the UK this may be supported by registries of data
sources such as the Health Data Research UK Innovation Gateway

• a flow diagram outlining the total number of potential data sources identified and the
number excluded and reasons why (including for reasons of poor data suitability and
feasibility of access).

This approach can be informed by the considerations outlined in the section on assessing
data suitability or by following external guidance (Hall et al. 2012, Gatto et al. 2021).

The efforts made to identify data sources should be proportional to the overall importance
of the study. We also recognise that currently, registries of data sources are not always
available or may have limited metadata.

Data should be accessed and used in accordance with local law, governance
arrangements, codes of practice and requirements of the data controller. In the UK, the
Health Research Authority (HRA) provides guidance around research and use of data in
accordance with the UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research.

Making early contact with data controllers and data processors is prudent to ensure data
are available when needed. Developers should ensure they have appropriate ethical (or
other) approval for the research study if needed. Developers should also create a plan for
sharing data with independent researchers and NICE collaborating centres, when

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Data collection
For some use cases, primary data collection may be needed. Examples include:

• a new observational cohort study

• additional data collection to complement an existing data source, for example, adding
a quality-of-life questionnaire to a patient registry or performing a subsample
validation study

• a health survey.

When planning primary data collection, consider how to implement this collection in a
patient-centred manner while minimising the burden on patients and healthcare
professionals. Assess the feasibility of additional data collection before proceeding.

Sampling methods reduce the burden of data collection but can introduce selection bias.
Methods such as simple random sampling support external validity but tend to be feasible
only when the target population is small and homogenous. Alternative sampling techniques
are available, for example:

• stratified selection divides the target population into subgroups based on important
characteristics, such as prognostic factors or treatment effect modifiers, sampling
from each strata to ensure representation of all important subgroups

• balanced sampling for site selection considers important variation across sites in the
target population. Recruitment focuses on sufficient representation of sites within
each subgroup. Potential sites are ranked, allowing for quick identification of
replacements due to non-participation

• purposive sampling selects individuals based on their likelihood of being informative,

rather than to generalise findings to a larger population. For example, to investigate
heterogeneity across characteristics or settings. This approach is common in
qualitative research.

Data collection should follow a predefined protocol and quality assurance processes
should be put in place to ensure the integrity and consistency of data collection. This also
applies to the extraction of structured information in retrospective chart reviews or when
using data science methods to derive structured data elements from already collected
data sources.

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Data collection should follow best-practice standards for 'Findable, Accessible,

Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR)' data using open data standards (see the UK Health
Data Research Alliance's Data Standards White Paper 2021).

Data should be collected, stored, processed and deleted in accordance with the current
data protection laws with appropriate transparency information provided and safeguards
implemented. Approvals from the HRA or local organisation review and agreement as
appropriate should be in place. When appropriate, consent from participants should be

Please refer to Health Research Authority guidance on governance requirements and data
protection regulation for research and non-research use of healthcare data.

Study conduct

Choosing study design and analytical methods

Real-world data can be used to generate several types of evidence including disease
prevalence or incidence, healthcare utilisation or costs, treatment pathways, and patient
characteristics, outcomes, and experiences (see the section on use cases for real-world
data). The appropriate study designs and analytical methods used should be relevant to
the research question and reflect the characteristics of the data, including:

• the nature and distribution of the outcome variable

• sample size

• the structure of the data including data hierarchies or clustering (for example, patients
may be clustered within hospitals or data may be collected on a patient at multiple

• heterogeneity in outcomes across population groups

• whether data is cross-sectional or longitudinal.

Diagnostic checks should be used to assess the appropriateness of the selected statistical
model, if relevant. The appropriate checks will depend on the purpose of the study and
methods used.

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Further information on the design and analysis of comparative effect studies is provided in
the methods section.

Minimising risk of bias

Threats to internal validity from sources of bias should be identified and addressed
through data collection and analysis as appropriate. Key threats to internal validity come
from selection, information, confounding and other biases depending on the use case (see
the section on risk of bias).

The risk of bias from using a particular data source will be informed by the information
considered during data suitability assessment.

More detailed guidance on minimising bias in studies of comparative effects is provided in

the methods section.

Assessing robustness of study results

Developers should seek to minimise bias at the study design and analysis stages.
However, because of the range of possible biases and the complexity of some real-world
data sources and analytical methods, some concerns about residual bias will often remain.

Sensitivity analyses should reflect areas with the greatest concerns about risk of bias, or
when data curation or analytical decisions were made despite notable uncertainty.
Common considerations include:

• varying operational definitions of key study variables

• differing time windows to define study variables and follow up

• using alternative patient eligibility criteria

• addressing missing data and measurement error

• alternative model specifications

• addressing treatment switching or loss to follow up

• adjusting for non-adherence.

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If concerns about residual bias remain high and impact on the ability to make
recommendations, developers could consider using quantitative bias analysis. These
methods provide quantitative estimates of the impact of bias on study results (Lash et al.
2014). If external data on bias is incorporated, this should be identified in a transparent
and systematic way. For parameters of economic models including relative effects,
sensitivity analysis may consider the impact of bias on cost effectiveness as well as the
parameter value.

Using proportionate quality assurance processes

Quality assurance of data management, analytical code and analysis is essential to ensure
the integrity of the study and reduce the risk of coding errors. Quality assurance
processes should be proportional to the risks of the study.

For further information on quality assurance please see the Office for National Statistic's
Quality Assurance of Code for Analysis and Research and the UK Government's Aqua
Book. This may be supported by using validated analytical platforms.

Study reporting
Reporting of studies should be sufficient to enable an independent researcher with access
to the data to reproduce the study, interpret the results, and fully understand its strengths
and limitations. Several reporting checklists identify key reporting items for:

• observational studies (see the EQUATOR network for reporting checklists by study
design, and the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology
[STROBE] guidelines)

• observational studies of routinely collected data (REporting of studies Conducted

using Observational Routinely collected Data [RECORD]), and

• studies of comparative effects (the RECORD statement for pharmacoepidemiology

[RECORD-PE]; although this tool was initially designed for phamacoepidemiological
studies the items are relevant to other comparative studies).

Also, the STaRT-RWE tool has been developed to help the presentation of study data,
methods and results across use cases.

Below we describe key issues across data sources, data curation, methods and results

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that are especially important to cover in reporting the study.

Reporting on data sources

Sufficient information should be provided to understand the data source, its provenance,
and quality and relevance in relation to the research questions. This should be informed by
the considerations described in the data suitability assessment.

Developers should provide additional information:

• Ethical (or other) approval for the research study or explain why such approval was not

• A statement that the data was accessed and used in accordance with approvals and
information governance requirements.

• A description of how others can access the data (that is, a data sharing statement; for
an example, see the BMJ policy on data sharing).

Reporting on data curation and analysis

Many real-world evidence studies, especially those using routinely collected data, need
considerable processing (or curation) before analysis is done. The decisions made in data
curation (including linkages, transformations and exclusions) may have substantial effects
on study results. Data curation should be well described, such that reviewers can
understand what was done and how it may impact on results. This should include any
curation performed before the evidence developer accessing the data wherever possible.

For each individual study, developers should provide information on the software used to
perform analyses including the version system and any external packages used. Ideally,
analytical code should follow best practice in code structure, formatting and comments
and be publicly available (for example, through a code repository such as GitHub) or made
available on request to enable reproduction. When human abstraction or artificial
intelligence tools are used to construct variables from unstructured data, the methods and
processes used should be clearly described and their validity documented.

It may not be feasible to provide fully open code in all situations, for instance, when using
proprietary software or identifiable personal information. Developers should provide clear
information on the methods used and their validity. They should also seek to provide

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access to the algorithms necessary to replicate and validate the analyses on request, with
necessary intellectual property protections in place.

Trust in the integrity of study conduct can be further improved by providing evidence that
the study was done appropriately, for example, by showing an audit trail of the analysis, if
this is feasible. This could demonstrate, for instance, that developers prepared analysis
and finalised protocols before the relevant results were revealed (MacCoun and Perlmutter

Reporting on methods
Below we describe key items that should be reported. This information should be
presented for all analyses including subgroup and sensitivity analyses. Methods should be
consistent with the study protocol, and deviations should be identified and justified.

Study design

Clear operational definitions should be given for all study variables and details of follow up,
if relevant. Study variables typically include patient eligibility criteria, interventions or
exposures, outcomes and covariates.

For each variable, information should be provided on:

• the operational definition of the variable including code lists and algorithms when

- how code lists or algorithms have been developed and, when possible, validated.

• the time period over which information for each variable is sought, defined in relation
to an index date (for example, 12 months before starting treatment)

• the grace period between observations that are assumed to represent continued use
of an intervention, if relevant.

For studies of comparative effects, the process by which potential confounders were
identified should be described alongside assumptions about the causal relationships
between study variables.

The following information on follow up should be described when applicable:

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• the start and end of follow up in relation to the index date

• for interventions, assumptions about the minimum time between intervention and
outcome occurrence (latency period) and the likely duration of effects (exposure-
effect window).

In longitudinal studies, this information can be usefully summarised using a study design
diagram (Schneeweiss et al. 2019). The Reproducible Evidence: Practices to Enhance and
Achieve Transparency (REPEAT) initiative's project page hosts the paper and design
diagram templates.

Statistical methods

The statistical methods used should be clearly described. Information should be sufficient

• understand what methods were used and why they were chosen

• demonstrate the validity of modelling assumptions

• understand how the analysis addresses different risks of bias including selection bias,
information bias and, if relevant, confounding (also see the section on quality

Reporting results
The following information should be presented in all studies:

• flow (or patient attrition) diagrams to report number of patients at each stage of the
study from raw data to the final analytical sample with reasons for exclusion

• patient characteristics (including missing data) and details of follow up including event
rates (or other distributional information on outcomes). For comparative studies these
should be presented across groups or levels of exposure and, if relevant, before and
after adjustment

• differences in patient characteristics in the analytical sample and target population.

Results should include central-point estimates, measures of precision and other relevant
distributional information if needed. Results should be presented for the main analysis and

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all subgroup and sensitivity analyses. It should be clear which of these analyses were pre-
specified and which were not. For analyses that use adjustment to deal with confounding,
unadjusted results should also be presented.

Ensure that information in figures and tables cannot inadvertently identify patients. The
Office for National Statistics has guidance on maintaining confidentiality when
disseminating health statistics.

Interpreting the results

Provide information to help interpret what the results mean. Discuss limitations in data
sources, study design and analysis.

Communicating real-world evidence studies clearly

Real-world evidence studies can be technically complex. To help readers understand
them, studies should be documented clearly by:

• following advice on writing understandable scientific material (see Gopen and Swann
1990, Greene 2013)

• avoiding jargon; if this is not possible, explain terms in plain English

• avoiding abbreviations (see Narod et al. 2016)

• labelling tables, graphs, and other non-text content clearly and explaining how to
interpret them.

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Assessing data suitability

Key messages
• Transparent reporting of data sources is essential to ensure trust in the data
source and understand its fitness for purpose to address the research question

• Data should be of good and known provenance

- Reporting on data sources should cover the characteristics of the data, data
collection, coverage and governance

• Data fitness for purpose can be summarised by the data quality and relevance

- data quality relates to the completeness and accuracy of key study variables

- data relevance is determined by the data content, differences in patients,

interventions and care settings between the data and the target population in
the NHS, and characteristics of the data such as sample size and length of
follow up.

• The Data Suitability Assessment Tool (DataSAT) in Appendix 1 may be used to

provide consistent and structured information on data suitability.

• There are reasonable trade-offs between different data sources in terms of

quality, size, clinical detail and locality.

• The acceptability of a given data source may depend on the application and
various contextual factors.

Data used to inform NICE guidance should be reported transparently and be of good
provenance and fit for purpose in relation to the research question. The primary aims of
this section of the framework are to:

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• provide clear guidance to evidence developers about expectations for clear and
transparent reporting on data and its fitness for purpose

• enable evidence reviewers and committees to understand data trustworthiness and

suitability when critically appraising the study or developing recommendations.

This section should be read alongside the section on conduct of quantitative real-world
evidence studies.

We do not define minimum standards for data suitability beyond that the data should be
used in accordance with national laws and regulations concerning data protection and
information governance (see the section on reporting on data sources). The
considerations for data suitability are broadly applicable across different types of real-
world data and use cases but are largely focused on quantitative studies.

The acceptability of a data source will depend on the use case, and contextual factors
(see the section on considerations for the quality and acceptability of real-world evidence
studies). We recognise the need for trade-offs between different characteristics of data
sources including quality, size, clinical detail and locality. International data may be
appropriate for some questions in the absence of sufficient national data or when results
are expected to translate well between settings. We also recognise that there may be
challenges in identifying or collecting the highest quality evidence in some applications
including in rare diseases and for some medical devices and interventional procedures
(see the section on challenges in generating real-world evidence).

We do not request a particular format for the overall presentation of this information.
However, we have developed the Data Suitability Assessment Tool (DataSAT) to help the
consistent and structured presentation of data suitability at the point of assessment. The
concepts presented in the tool may also help developers choose between potential data
sources and in performing feasibility studies, but this is not its primary purpose. The tool
template and example applications are presented in appendix 1.

Data provenance
A full understanding of data provenance is essential to create trust in the use of data and
understand its fitness for purpose for a given application. In this section we present data
provenance considerations across 4 themes: basic characteristics of the data source, data
collection, coverage and governance.

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Many real-world evidence studies will combine more than 1 data source, either by data
linkage or data pooling. Data linkage is often done to extend the information available on
individual patients, for example, by combining data from a prospective observational
cohort study with hospital discharge or mortality records, or patient-generated health
data. Data pooling is used to extend sample size or coverage of data and is common in
studies of rare diseases.

The reporting of data sources should primarily refer to the combined data used for the
research study. However, important differences between contributing datasets should be
clearly described.

Basic characteristics of data

Information that allows identification of the data sources should be clearly reported. This
includes the names of the overall and contributing data sources, versions (if available) and
the dates of data extraction.

Common data models are used to standardise the structure and sometimes coding
systems of different data sources. If data has been converted to a common data model,
the model and its version should be reported and full details of the mapping made
available, including any information loss. This information is essential to allow the study to
be reproduced.

Common data models can also support the use of federated data networks. These allow
individual patient health data to stay under the protection of partnering data holders who
will run standardised analyses before results are aggregated across datasets. Reporting of
federated data networks should be sufficient to understand the process of recruiting data
partners, feasibility assessments, and the common analytical framework used.

While complete and accurate data linkage will improve the quality and value of data,
imperfect linkage could exclude patient records or lead to data misclassification.
Therefore, when multiple sources of data are linked the following information should be

• who did the linkage (for example, NHS Digital)

• methods of linkage including whether deterministic or probabilistic, and the variables

used for linkage

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• the performance characteristics of data linkage (see the Government Analysis

Function guidance on quality assessment in data linkage).

Data collection
An understanding of a data source requires knowledge of the purpose and methods of
data collection.

Information on the original purpose of data collection should include:

• whether the data was routinely collected or collected for a specific research purpose
(or a combination)

• the type of data source and primary use, for example:

- electronic health records for patient care

- administrative data for reimbursement of providers

- registry for assessing medical device safety

- prospective observational cohort study to estimate quality of life after an


- retrospective chart review to model the natural history of a condition.

Additional information on important data types should cover:

• which types of data were collected, for example, clinical diagnoses, tests, procedures
and prescriptions

• how these were coded or recorded, for example, using ICD-10 codes for clinical
diagnoses, or free text data on cancer stage or biomarkers

• how data was collected, for example, directly by healthcare professionals in clinical
examinations, by remote monitoring or by administrative staff. If data is captured by a
digital health technology, the validity of the technology should be reported

• changes to data collection over time, for example:

- addition of new data elements (for example, a quality-of-life questionnaire)

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- removal of data elements

- changes to the method of data collection (for instance, a switch to routine

monitoring of patient outcomes)

- changes to coding systems (for example, the switch from Read v2 to SNOMED-CT
codes in UK primary care). Information on any mapping between coding systems
should be made available

- software updates to data capture systems including digital health technologies

that had substantial impacts on data capture.

• quality assurance processes for data collection that were in place (including training or
blinded review)

• transformations performed on the data such as conversion to a common data model

or other data standards.

Any differences between data providers in how and what data were collected, and its
quality, should be described. This is especially important when data sources are pooled
from different systems and across countries.

Data coverage
Providing clear information on data coverage is essential, including the population, care
settings, geography and time. Such information has important implications for data
relevance that can inform later assessments of data suitability.

Information should be provided on:

• the extent to which the data source captures the target population:

- if a data source does not include the full target population, the representativeness
of the data captured should be noted

- for studies involving prospective data collection including patient registries,

information on patient accrual should be reported.

• the settings in which data collection was based:

- this should distinguish between care settings (for example, primary care

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compared with secondary care), type of providers (for example, specialist medical
centres compared with general hospitals) and other factors when relevant

- if information was collected outside of the health or social care system, this
should be described (for instance, remote monitoring of activities of daily living).

• the geographical coverage of the data including countries and regions, if relevant

• the time period of data collection.

Data governance
Information about data governance is important for understanding the maturity of data and
its reliability. This should include the following information:

• the name of the data controller

• the funding source for data collection and maintenance

• data documentation including items such as a data dictionary and data model

• details of the quality assurance and data management process including audit.

Data fitness for purpose

The section on data provenance described important characteristics of data sources
distinct from the planned study. In this section we focus on the fitness for purpose of data
to answer specific research questions considering its quality and relevance. A dataset may
be of value for 1 application but not another.

Substantial data curation including data cleaning, exclusions and transformations is

needed to prepare original data sources for analysis. Data curation and quality assurance
should be reported transparently as described in the section on study reporting.

Data quality
Limitations to data quality include missing data, measurement error, misclassification and
incorrect reporting of dates. These issues can apply to all study variables including patient
eligibility criteria, outcomes, interventions or exposures, and covariates. They can create

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information biases that cause real-world evidence studies to produce biased estimates.
Transparent reporting of data quality is essential for reviewers to understand the risk of
bias and whether it has been adequately addressed through data analysis or explored
through sensitivity analysis. We focus on 2 main aspects of data quality: completeness and

Information on completeness and accuracy should be provided for all key study variables.
Study variables can be constructed by combining multiple data elements, including both
structured data and unstructured data, and may come from different linked data sources.
The complexity of these study variables will vary according to the data sources and
applications. For instance, in some applications an asthma exacerbation may be identified
from a single data field (such as the response to a questionnaire), while in others it may
need to be constructed from combinations of diagnostic codes, prescriptions, tests, free
text or other data.

As described in the section on study reporting, it is essential that clear and unambiguous
definitions are given for each study variable including types of data, code lists, extraction
from unstructured data, and time periods, when possible. These operational definitions
including code lists should be made available to others and reused, if appropriate. The
validity of an existing code list should be reviewed before use. When unstructured data is
used, information should be provided on data extraction and the reliability of these

These considerations also apply to data from digital health technologies producing
patient-generated data, including patient-reported outcomes and digital biomarkers.
Further information on the validity of data generated from the technology and user
accessibility should be provided.

To interpret study results, further information is needed on reasons for data missingness
and inaccuracy and whether these are random or systematic. For comparative studies, it is
important to understand the extent to which missingness or inaccuracy differ across
intervention groups. The section on addressing information bias has further information on
methods for dealing with missing data, measurement error and misclassification. We have
not set minimum thresholds for data completeness or accuracy because the acceptable
levels will depend on the application (see the section on considerations for the quality and
acceptability of real-world evidence studies).

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Data completeness refers to the percentage of records without missing data at a given
time point. It does not provide information on the accuracy of that data. The percentage is
often easily calculated from the data source and should be calculated before excluding
relevant data or imputation. For outcomes such as experiencing a myocardial infarction,
issues of data missingness should be clearly distinguished from misclassification. For
binary variables, the absence of an event (when it has occurred) may be best summarised
as a data accuracy issue (misclassification due to false negatives).

Measuring accuracy, or how closely the data resemble reality, depends on the type of
variable. Below we describe common metrics of accuracy for different types of variables:

• continuous or count variables (mean error, mean absolute error, mean squared error)

• categorical variables (diagnostic accuracy measures such as sensitivity, specificity,

positive predictive value, and negative predictive value; Fox et al. 2022)

• time-to-event variables (difference between actual time of event and recorded time of

Gold standard approaches for measuring accuracy of the data include:

• comparison with an established gold standard source (for example, UK Office for
National Statistics mortality records)

• medical record review.

These approaches may be taken for a subset of the analytical population or be based on a
previous study in the same or similar population and data source.

These gold standard approaches are not always possible or feasible. Other approaches
that can show approximate accuracy include:

• comparing different variable definitions, for example, by using additional codes,

requiring multiple codes, or combining different data types

• comparing sample distributions with population distributions or previous studies

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• exploring plausibility of the data, informed by expert opinion

• checking consistency (agreement in patient status in records across the data sources)

• assessing conformance (whether the recording of data elements is consistent with the
data source specifications)

• checking persistence (whether the data are consistent over time).

Transparent reporting of data accuracy for key study variables includes:

• Quantitative information on accuracy, if available, including means and confidence

intervals. Additional distributional information may also be valuable.

• Describing the methods and processes used to quantify accuracy including any
assumptions made. When this is based on previous studies, the applicability to the
present analysis should be discussed, and may consider differences in study variable
definitions, populations, data sources, time periods or other relevant considerations.

Data relevance
The second component of data fitness for purpose is data relevancy. Key questions of
data relevancy are whether:

• the data provides sufficient information to produce robust and relevant results

• the results are likely to generalise to patients in the NHS.

The assessment of data relevancy should be informed by the information provided in the
section on data provenance.

NICE prefers data relating directly to the UK population that reflects current care in the
NHS. However, we recognise the potential value of international data if limited information
is available for the NHS or if results can be expected to translate well between settings. In
some applications there will be a trade-off between using local data and other important
characteristics of data including quality, recency, clinical detail, sample size and follow up.
International data is likely to be of particular value when an intervention has been available
in another country before becoming available in the UK, or in the context of rare diseases.
Similar considerations apply to using data from regional or specialist healthcare providers
within the NHS.

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We describe key aspects of data relevancy below distinguishing between data content,
coverage and characteristics.

Data content
There are 3 key considerations for understanding whether the data content is sufficient for
a research question:

• Does the data source contain sufficient data elements to enable appropriate
definitions of population eligibility criteria, outcomes, interventions and covariates, as

• Are the data elements collected with sufficient granularity (or detail)?

• Are measurements taken at relevant time points?

To help understand whether data elements are sufficient, it is useful to first define the
target concept and judge the extent to which this can be proxied using real-world data.
The implications of insufficient data will vary depending on the study variable and use
case. Key endpoints necessary to answer the research questions should be available and
should be sufficiently objective and detailed to support an evaluation. Insufficient
information to define the population, interventions or outcomes appropriately will limit the
relevance of the research findings. Insufficient information on confounders will limit the
ability to produce valid findings.

The needed granularity of data will vary across research questions. For example, when
considering the effect of knee replacement on quality of life we may be interested in the
effect compared with physiotherapy alone, total versus partial knee replacement, or of
different implanted devices. Similarly, any stroke may be appropriate as an outcome for
some research questions, while others will need haemorrhagic and ischaemic strokes to
be separated.

Finally, we may be interested in the effect of knee replacement on quality of life at 1 year
after the procedure. In routinely collected data, the recording of such information does not
follow a strict protocol with measurements missing or taken at irregular time points.

Data coverage
The generalisability of research findings to patients in the NHS will depend on several

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factors, including:

• the similarity in patient characteristics between the analytical sample and target

• the similarity in care pathways and treatment settings

• changes in care pathways (including diagnostic tests) and outcomes over time.

The similarity of the analytical sample to the target population is especially important in
descriptive studies, such as those estimating disease prevalence. In comparative studies
this may be less important if the intervention effects are expected to transfer across
patients with different characteristics, and the emphasis should be on ensuring internal
validity. If there is substantial heterogeneity in treatment effects across subgroups,
similarity in patient characteristics becomes more important. Effect estimates on the
relative scale usually transfer better across subgroups than estimates on absolute scales
(Roberts and Prieto-Merino 2014). In other applications, such as prognostic modelling,
non-representative sampling may be preferred to ensure adequate representation of
important patient subgroups.

Consideration needs to be given to how any differences in the treatment pathways or care
settings seen in the analytical sample and the NHS may impact on the relevance of results.
This is especially important when using international data. Even within the NHS, the data
may relate to specific regions that are not representative of the country or focus on
specialist providers rather than all providers. Finally, changes to care pathways including
diagnostic tests as well as background trends in outcomes (such as mortality) may limit
the value of historical data even from the NHS. These issues need to be carefully
considered and reported when discussing the relevance of data for use in NICE guidance.

Data characteristics
The final category of data relevancy concerns the size of the analytical sample and the
length (and distribution) of follow up. The sample size should be large enough to produce
robust estimates. However, we recognise that sample size will always be limited in some
contexts. The follow up should be long enough for the outcomes of interest to have
occurred or accrued (for outcomes such as healthcare costs). The amount of data
available before the start of follow up may also be important to provide information on
confounders and identify new users of an intervention. Using data sources with a lower
time lag between data collection and availability for research may allow for longer follow

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up to be available for analyses.

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Methods for real-world studies of

comparative effects

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Key messages
• Non-randomised studies can be used to provide evidence on comparative effects
in the absence of randomised controlled trials or to complement trial evidence to
answer a broader range of questions about the effects of interventions in routine

• The recommendations presented here focus predominantly on cohort studies

including those using real-world data to form external control arms.

• Study design

- Design studies to emulate the preferred randomised controlled trial (target

trial approach).

- Avoid time-related biases due to differences between patient eligibility

criteria being met, treatment assignment, and start of follow up.

- For studies using external control, select and curate data to minimise
differences between data sources including availability and operational
definitions of key study variables, data collection processes, patient
characteristics, treatment settings, care pathways, and time periods, and
consider the implications for study quality and relevance.

• Analysis

- Identify potential confounders (including time-varying confounders) using a

systematic approach and clearly articulate causal assumptions.

- Use a statistical method that addresses confounding considering observed

and unobserved confounders.

- Consider the impact of bias from informative censoring, missing data, and
measurement error and address appropriately, if needed.

- Assess the external validity of findings to the target population and consider
if adjustment methods are suitable or needed.

- Use sensitivity and bias analysis to assess the robustness of results to main

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risks of bias and uncertain data curation and analysis decisions.

• Reporting

- Justify the need for non-randomised evidence.

- Provide a study protocol and statistical analysis plan before performing final

- Report studies in sufficient detail to enable independent researchers to

reproduce the study and understand what was done and why.

- Assess the risk of bias and relevance of the study to the research question.

• The acceptable quality of evidence may depend on the application and various
contextual factors (see the section on considerations for the quality and
acceptability of real-world evidence).

We previously outlined principles for the robust and transparent conduct of quantitative
real-world evidence studies across different use cases. In this section we provide more
detailed recommendations for the conduct of studies of comparative effects using real-
world data. This includes traditional observational studies based on primary or secondary
data collection and trials in which real-world data is used to form an external control. We
do not provide specific considerations for purely interventional studies (whether
randomised or not) or external control studies using only interventional data. We focus
here on quantitative studies but recognise that qualitative evidence can play an important
role in improving our understanding of the value of interventions.

Randomised controlled trials are the preferred study design for estimating comparative
effects. Non-randomised evidence may add value if randomised controlled trials are
absent, not directly relevant to the research question or of poor quality (see the section on
uses and challenges of randomised controlled trials). They can also complement trial
evidence to answer a broader range of questions (see the section on estimating
intervention effects using real-world data).

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If real-world evidence on comparative effects may improve the evidence base, it is

essential that studies are done using robust and transparent methods. We recommend
designing real-world evidence studies to emulate the randomised trial that would ideally
have been done (see the section on study design), using appropriate statistical methods
to address confounding and informational biases (see the section on analysis), and
assessing the robustness of results using sensitivity and bias analysis (see the section on
assessing robustness). This approach is summarised in figure 1 a visual summary of key
considerations for planning and reporting cohort studies using real-world data.

The recommendations provided here are intended to improve the quality of real-world
studies of comparative effects, both in terms of methodological quality and validity, and
the transparency of study conduct. They were derived from best-practice guidance from
the published literature, international research consortia, and international regulatory and
payer bodies, and will be updated regularly in line with developing methodologies. They
build on NICE Decision Support Unit's technical support document 17, which presents
statistical methods for analysing observational data.

We recognise that not all studies will be able to meet all recommendations in full. The
ability to perform studies of the highest quality will depend on the availability of suitable
data (see the section on assessing data suitability) and characteristics of the condition
and intervention. Simpler methods may be appropriate for other applications including
assessing non-health outcomes like user experience or some system outcomes. In
addition, the acceptability and contribution of specific studies to decisions will depend on
the application as well as several contextual factors (see the section on considerations for
the quality and acceptability of real-world evidence studies).

Figure 1
Visual summary of key considerations for planning and reporting cohort studies using real-world data

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Types of non-randomised study design

A large variety of study designs can be used to estimate the effects of interventions,
exposures or policies. The preferred study design will be context dependent. It may
depend on whether variation in the exposure is within individuals over time, between
individuals, or between other groups such as healthcare providers. In general, confidence
in non-randomised study results is strengthened if results are replicated using different
study designs or analytical methods, known as triangulation (Lawlor et al. 2016).

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One important distinction is between interventional and observational studies. In

interventional studies, individuals (or groups of individuals) are allocated to 1 or more
interventions according to a protocol. Allocation to interventions can be random, quasi-
random or non-random. In observational studies, interventions are not determined by a
protocol but instead according to the preferences of health and social care professionals
and patients. Hybrid studies may make use of both interventional and observational data.
In this section we focus on observational and hybrid studies only.

Both interventional and observational studies can be uncontrolled. Uncontrolled studies

are appropriate only in rare cases, in which the natural course of the disease is well
understood and highly predictable and the treatment effect is very large (see ICH E10
choice of control group in clinical trials and Deeks et al. 2003). In most cases a comparison
group is needed to generate reliable and informative estimates of treatment effects.
Controlled studies can make use of variation in exposures and outcomes across individuals
(or groups), within individuals (or groups) over time, or both. In this section we focus on
controlled studies.

Below we discuss types of comparative studies. Some taxonomies distinguish between

prospective studies (involving primary data collection) and retrospective studies (based on
already collected data). This distinction does not necessarily convey information about
study quality and so we advise against its use (Dekkers and Groenwold 2020).

Cohort studies
In cohort studies, individuals are identified based on their exposures and outcomes
compared during follow up. Usually, cohort studies will compare individuals subject to
different exposures from the same data source. However, they can also combine data from
different sources including from interventional and observational data sources. In this
case, the observational data is used to form an external control to the intervention used in
the trial. The trial will often be an uncontrolled single-arm trial but could also be an arm
from a controlled trial. External data can also be used to augment concurrent controls
within a randomised controlled trial.

External controls can also be formed from data from previous clinical trials. A potential
advantage of such studies is greater similarity in patient inclusion criteria, follow up and
outcome determination. Often only aggregate rather than individual patient-level data will
be available from previous trials. NICE Decision Support Unit's technical support document
18 describes methods for unanchored indirect comparisons with aggregated data.

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In the following study design and analysis sections, we focus on cohort studies including
those using external control from real-world data sources which are the most common
non-randomised study designs informing NICE guidance. Other study designs including
quasi-experimental designs or self-controlled studies may be relevant in some contexts as
outlined below.

Self-controlled studies
Self-controlled, or 'within-subject', designs make use of variation in exposure status within
individuals over time. These include case-crossover, self-controlled case series, and
variants of these designs. They are most appropriate for transient exposures with acute-
onset events (Hallas and Pottegard 2014). While primarily used in studies of adverse
effects of medicines (including vaccines), they have been used to assess the effects of
oncology medicines using the experiences of individuals on prior lines of therapy (Hatswell
and Sullivan 2020). This is most relevant if appropriate standard-of-care comparators are
not available.

A key advantage of self-controlled methods is the ability to control for confounders

(including unmeasured or unknown confounders) that do not vary over time, such as
genetic inheritance, or vary slowly like many health behaviours. However, it is still
necessary to adjust for covariates that may change over time (for example, disease
severity). Such methods generally either assume no time-based trends in outcomes or try
to model the trend statistically. These approaches can often be strengthened by the
addition of control groups of people not exposed to the interventions.

Cross-sectional studies
In cross-sectional studies information on current exposures and outcomes is collected at a
single time point. While they can be used to estimate intervention effects, they are less
reliable than longitudinal studies (such as cohort studies) if there is need for a clear
temporal separation of exposures and outcomes.

Case-control studies
In case-control studies individuals are selected based on outcomes, and odds of
exposures are compared. Case-control studies embedded within an underlying cohort are
known as nested case-cohort studies. Case-control studies conducted within existing
database studies are generally not recommended because they use less information than

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cohort studies (Schuemie et al. 2019). Case-control studies are most useful for rare
outcomes or if there is a need to collect further information on exposures, for example,
from manual medical record review or primary data collection.

Quasi-experimental studies
Quasi-experimental studies and natural experiments exploit external variation in exposure
across people or over time (an 'instrument') that is otherwise unrelated to the outcome to
estimate causal effects (Reeves et al. 2017, Matthay et al. 2019). Common quasi-
experimental methods include instrumental variable analysis, regression discontinuity,
interrupted time series and difference-in-difference estimation. They are frequently used
in public health settings when randomisation is not always feasible but have also been
used in medical technologies evaluations (see NICE medical technologies guidance on
Sleepio to treat insomnia and insomnia symptoms).

Instrument-based approaches may be useful if:

• confounding because of unknown or poorly measured confounders is expected

• an appropriate instrument is available that is associated with the exposure of interest

and does not affect the outcome except through the exposure.

Examples of instruments that have been used in healthcare applications include variation
in physician treatment preferences or hospital formularies, genes, distance to healthcare
providers or geographic treatment rates, arbitrary thresholds for treatment access, or time
(for example, time of change to clinical guidelines that have immediate and substantial
impacts on care patterns).

A key advantage of these approaches is in addressing confounding due to unobserved or

poorly measured covariates. However, consideration needs to be given to the validity of
the instrument in addition to other methodological challenges depending on the particular
design used (see NICE Decision Support Unit's technical support document 17).
Applications of these methods are usually strongly dependent on assumptions that are
difficult to test, and a clear case for validity based on substantive knowledge and empirical
justification is required.

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Study design
In this section we present study design considerations for cohort and external control
studies using real-world data. These approaches may also be useful for other non-
randomised study designs.

The target trial approach

Non-randomised studies should be designed to mimic the randomised trial that would
ideally have been performed unconstrained by ethical or feasibility challenges (Hernán and
Robins 2016, Gomes et al. 2022). This process, known as the target trial approach (or trial
emulation), requires developers to clearly articulate the study design and helps avoid
selection bias because of poor design (Bykov et al. 2022). Usually, the target trial would be
a pragmatic randomised trial representing the target population of interest and reflecting
routine care. This approach forms the basis of the Cochrane ROBINS-I risk of bias tool for
non-randomised studies (Sterne et al. 2016).

Studies should aim to emulate the target trial as closely as possible and, if this is not
possible, trade-offs should be clearly described. In some cases, a data source may not be
of sufficient relevance or quality to allow trial emulation. This can be particularly
problematic for studies using real-world data to form an external control because
differences in terms of patients, settings, care, data collection and time periods can limit
the comparability between the trial and the real-world data (Gray et al. 2020, Pocock
1976). Sometimes it will not be possible to adequately emulate a target trial with real-world
data and bespoke data collection may be needed.

The target trial can be defined across 7 dimensions: eligibility criteria, treatment
strategies, assignment procedure, follow-up period, outcomes, causal effect of interest
and analysis plan. We describe each dimension below and provide considerations for
those developing evidence to inform NICE guidance.

Eligibility criteria

For most studies, the eligibility criteria should mimic a hypothetical pragmatic trial by
reflecting the clinical pathways (including diagnostic tests) and patients seen in routine
care in the NHS. For external control studies, the focus should be on matching the
eligibility criteria from the interventional study rather than the broader target population.
As in a trial, eligibility criteria should be based on variables recorded before treatment

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If heterogeneity is anticipated in the intervention effects, subgroup analysis can be done.

The subgroups should be defined upfront when planning the study.

Treatment strategies

Treatment strategies include the intervention of interest and any comparators.

Comparators could be different levels of an exposure (for example, different doses of a
medicine), a different intervention, or the absence of intervention. In observational data it
is very difficult to emulate a placebo-controlled trial because of higher risk of selection
bias and intractable confounding.

Comparators that are for the same (or similar) treatment indication (that is, active
comparators) are preferred to comparison with those not receiving an intervention. Active
comparators reduce the risk of confounding by indication by ensuring greater similarity of
patients having different interventions. If routine follow-up procedures are similar across
interventions this also reduces the risk of detection bias. The active comparator should
ideally reflect established practice in the NHS.

For studies of interventions, new (or incident) user designs are generally preferred to
studies of prevalent users (those who have already been using the intervention for some
time) because of the lower risk of selection bias and better emulation of trial designs.
Prevalent users have, by definition, remained on-treatment and survived for some period
of follow up. When making use of already collected data, new users are typically defined
using an initial period in which the individual was not observed to use the intervention of
interest (known as the 'washout' period in pharmacoepidemiology). A further advantage of
new-user designs is the ability to estimate time-varying hazards from treatment initiation.
The inclusion of prevalent users may be needed if the effects of interventions are
cumulative, there are too few incident users in the data, or follow up is limited
(Vandenbroucke and Pearce 2015, Suissa et al. 2016).

Data on comparators would ideally come from the same period as the intervention as well
as from the same healthcare system and settings. This is to minimise any differences
between treatment groups resulting from differences in care access, pathways (including
diagnostic tests) or time-based trends in outcomes.

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Assignment procedure

In randomised controlled trials, individuals (or groups) are randomly assigned to

interventions. If possible, providers, patients and analysts are blinded to this assignment.
Neither random assignment nor blinding are possible in observational studies. With
sufficient information on confounders, random assignment can, however, be approximated
through various analytical approaches (see the section on analysis).

In some applications, individuals will meet eligibility criteria at multiple time points. For
example, they may start treatment more than once after a sufficient period without
exposure (or 'washout' period). There are several approaches to deal with this including
using only the first eligible time point, a random eligible time or all eligible time points
(Hernán and Robins 2016).

Follow-up period

The start and end of follow up must be defined. The start of follow up should ideally begin
at the same time at which all eligibility criteria are met and the intervention is assigned (or
just after). If a substantial latency period is expected between treatment initiation and
outcomes, it may be necessary to define an induction period before which outcomes are
not counted. This can reduce the risk of reverse causation, in which the outcome
influences the exposure.

The follow-up period should be long enough to capture the outcomes of interest but
should not exceed the period beyond which outcomes could be reasonably impacted by
the intervention (known as the exposure-effect window). Censoring events should be
clearly defined and will depend on the causal effect of interest.


Primary and secondary outcomes should be defined and can include both patient and
health system outcomes (such as resource use or costs). Patient outcomes should reflect
how a patient feels, functions, or how long a patient lives. This includes quality of life and
other patient-reported outcome measures. Objective clinical outcomes (such as survival)
are typically subject to a lower risk of bias than subjective outcomes if outcome detection
or reporting could be influenced by known treatment history.

For a surrogate outcome there should be good evidence that changes in the surrogate

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outcome are causally associated with changes in the final patient outcomes of interest
(Ciani et al. 2017).

While outcome ascertainment is not blinded in observational data, analysts can be blinded
to outcomes before finalising the analysis plan (see the section on analysis).

Causal effect of interest

Researchers should describe the causal effect of interest. Trials are usually designed to
estimate 1 of 2 causal effects: the effect of assignment to an intervention (intention-to-
treat) or the effect of adhering to treatment protocols (per-protocol). It is not usually
possible to estimate the effect of treatment assignment using observational data because
this is not typically recorded. However, it can be proxied using treatment initiation (the as-
started effect). The equivalent of the per-protocol effect is sometimes called the on-
treatment effect.

The as-started effect is usually of primary interest to NICE. However, if treatment

discontinuation (or switching) is substantial or is not expected to reflect routine practice or
outcomes in the NHS, it is important to present results from the on-treatment analysis. On-
treatment analyses may also be most appropriate for the analysis of safety and adverse
events. The on-treatment effect can also be extended to cover dynamic treatment
strategies such as treatment sequences or other complex interventions which are of
interest to NICE.

Analysis plan

The analysis plan should describe how the causal effect of interest is to be estimated,
taking into account intercurrent events. Intercurrent events are events occurring after
treatment initiation (such as treatment switching or non-adherence) that affect the
interpretation of the outcome of interest. This is supported by the estimand framework (for
further information, see ICH E9 [R1] addendum on estimands and sensitivity analysis in
clinical trials).

The relevance of intercurrent events will depend on the causal effect of interest. In an as-
started analysis, treatment discontinuation, switching or augmentation can usually be
ignored. However, if these changes are substantial there is a risk of increasing exposure
misclassification over time. In most cases this would bias estimates of effect towards the

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In an on-treatment analysis or when modelling dynamic treatment strategies, the follow up

is often censored once the patient stops adhering to the treatment plan plus some
biologically informed effect window. For medicines (and some devices) continued
exposure is proxied by dates of prescriptions and expected period of use (for example,
derived from number of days' supply), with some grace period between observations
permitted. Particular attention needs to be given to the possibility of informative
censoring, which causes bias if censoring depends on outcomes and differs across
interventions, and time-varying confounding.

Further content on statistical analysis including addressing confounding, informative

censoring, missing data and measurement error is presented in the analysis section.

Panel 1 shows examples of using the target trial approach:

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Panel 1: examples of the target trial approach

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Example 1: What is the effect of initiating HRT on coronary heart disease in

postmenopausal women?

The Women's Health Initiative randomised controlled trial showed that initiating
treatment with hormone replacement therapy increased the risk of coronary heart
disease in postmenopausal women. This contradicted earlier observational studies
that found a reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease. Hernán et al. 2008
followed a target trial approach, replicating as far as possible the Women's Health
Initiative trial using data from the Nurses' Health Study. They were able to show that
the difference in results between the trial and observational studies resulted from the
inclusion of prevalent users of hormone replacement therapy in the observational
cohort. These women had already survived a period of time on-treatment without
experiencing the outcome. Following a new-user design (as well as other principles of
the target trial approach) they were able to produce effect estimates consistent with
the trial.

Example 2: What is the optimal estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) at which
to initiate dialysis treatment in people with advanced chronic kidney disease?

The IDEAL randomised controlled trial showed a modest reduction in mortality and
cardiovascular events for early versus late initiation of dialysis. The average eGFR
scores in the early and late treatment arms were 9.0 and 7.2 mL/min/1.73 m2,
respectively. There therefore remains considerable uncertainty about the optimal time
to initiate dialysis. Fu et al. 2021 emulated the IDEAL trial using data from the National
Swedish Renal Registry and were ability to produce similar results over the narrow
eGFR separation achieved in the trial. They were then able to extend the analysis to a
wider range of eGFR values to identify the optimal point at which to initiate dialysis

Example 3: What is the effect of initiating treatment with fluticasone propionate plus
salmeterol (FP-SAL) versus 1) no FP-SAL or 2) salmeterol only on COPD
exacerbations in people with COPD?

The TORCH trial found that treatment with FP-SAL was associated with a reduction in
the risk of COPD exacerbations compared with no FP-SAL or salmeterol only.
However, the trial excluded adults aged above 80 years and those with asthma or mild
COPD. There is uncertainty about the extent to which results from the TORCH trial

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apply to these patients. Wing et al. 2021 were able to replicate the findings of the
TORCH trial for COPD exacerbations using primary care data from Clinical Practice
Research Datalink in England for the comparison with salmeterol only but not with no
FP-SAL. This reflects the challenge in emulating a trial with placebo control. By
extending their analysis to a wider target population they were able to demonstrate
evidence of treatment effect heterogeneity by COPD severity but not by age or
asthma diagnosis.


Addressing risk of confounding bias

Identification and selection of confounders

Potential confounders should be identified before analysis, based on a transparent,

systematic and reproducible process. Key sources of evidence are published literature and
expert opinion. Consideration should be given to the presence of time-varying
confounders. These affect the outcome and future levels of the exposure and can be
affected by previous levels of the exposure. They are especially relevant when modelling
time-varying interventions or dynamic treatment strategies or addressing informative

Developers should outline their assumptions about the causal relationships between
interventions, covariates and outcomes of interest. Ideally, this would be done using
causal diagrams known as directed acyclic graphs (Shrier and Platt 2008).

Inappropriate adjustment for covariates should be avoided. This may result from
controlling for variables on the causal pathway between exposure and outcomes
(overadjustment), colliders or instruments. Confounders that may change value over time
should be recorded before the index date, except when using statistical methods that
appropriately address time-varying confounding.

The selection of covariates may use advanced computational approaches such as machine
learning to identify a sufficient set of covariates, for example, when the number of
potential covariates is very large (Ali et al. 2019, Tazare et al. 2022). The use of these

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methods should be clearly justified and their consistency with causal assumptions
examined. Choosing covariates based on statistical significance should be avoided.

Selecting methods for addressing confounding

Adjusted comparisons based on clear causal assumptions are preferred to naive (or
unadjusted) comparisons. Statistical approaches should be used to address confounding
and approximate randomisation (see the section on assignment procedure).

Various approaches can be used to adjust for observed confounders including

stratification, matching, multivariable regression and propensity score methods, or
combinations of these. These methods assume no unmeasured confounding. Simple
adjustment methods, such as stratification, restriction and exact matching, may be
appropriate for research questions in which confounding is well understood and there are
only a small number of confounders that are well recorded.

If there are many potential confounders, more complex methods such as multivariable
regression and propensity score (or disease risk score) methods are preferred. Propensity
scores give the probability of receiving an intervention based on observed covariates.
Several methods use propensity scores including matching, stratification, weighting and
regression (or combinations of these). General discussions of the strengths and
weaknesses of these different approaches can be found in Ali et al. 2019. The choice of
method should be justified and should be aligned with the causal effect of interest.

There is mixed evidence on the relative performance of regression and propensity score
methods for addressing confounding bias (Stürmer et al. 2006). However, using propensity
score methods may have advantages in terms of the transparency of study conduct:

• Propensity scores are developed without reference to outcome data, which can
reduce the risk of selective reporting of results when combined with strong research
governance processes.

• With certain propensity score methods it is possible to examine the similarity of

intervention groups in terms of observed covariates, providing evidence on the extent
to which comparability was achieved. Absolute standardised differences of less
than 0.1 are generally considered to indicate good balance although small absolute
differences may still be important if the variable has a strong effect on the outcome.

Regression and propensity score methods may also exclude some participants to enhance

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the similarity of people across intervention arms or levels. When using such methods,
trade-offs between internal validity, power and generalisability should be considered. For
studies of comparative effects, internal validity should generally be prioritised.

Time-varying confounders should typically not be adjusted for using the above methods. It
may be acceptable for on-treatment analyses if confounders that vary over time are not
affected by previous levels of the intervention but this is uncommon. G-methods including
marginal structural models with weighting are preferred (Pazzagli et al. 2017, Mansournia
et al. 2017). Adjustment for time-varying confounders requires high-quality data over the
whole follow-up period.

Various sensitivity and bias analyses can be used to adjust for bias because of residual
confounding or to explore its likely impact (see the section on assessing robustness of
studies). This may be informed by external data on confounder-outcome relationships or
data from a data-rich subsample of the analytical database, if available (Ali et al. 2019).
Negative controls (that is, outcomes that are not expected to be related to the
intervention) may also be useful (Lipsitch et al. 2010).

If there are multiple potential sources of suitable real-world data to provide external
control to trial data, developers should consider whether to estimate effects separately for
each data source or to increase power by pooling data sources. Data sources should only
be pooled when there is limited heterogeneity between sources in terms of coverage and
data quality. Individual estimates of effects for each data source should always be

External controls can also be used to supplement internal (or concurrent) controls in
randomised controlled trials. There are several methods available to combine internal and
external controls, which place different weight on the external data (NICE Decision
Support Unit report on sources and synthesis of evidence).

Instrument-based methods (or quasi-experimental designs) can be used to address

unobserved confounding (Matthay et al. 2019). Further technical guidance on methods for
addressing baseline confounding due to observed and unobserved characteristics using
individual patient-level data is given in NICE's Decision Support Unit technical support
document 17.

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Addressing information bias

Limitations in data quality including missing data, measurement error or misclassification
can cause bias and loss of precision. Here we describe analytical approaches to address
information bias. The information needed to understand data suitability will provide an
insight into the likely importance of information bias (see the section on assessing data

Informative censoring

Censoring occurs in longitudinal studies if follow up ends before the outcome is fully
observed. It can happen because the data collection period ends (administrative
censoring), loss to follow up, occurrence of events such as treatment switching, non-
adherence, or death depending on the analysis. It may be induced by analytical strategies
such as cloning to avoid time-related biases in studies without active comparators (Hernán
and Robins 2016).

Censoring can create bias if it is informative (that is, it is related to the outcomes and
treatment assignment). For example, in on-treatment analyses, if people on an
experimental drug were less likely to adhere to the treatment protocol because of a
perceived lack of benefit this could lead to informative censoring. When modelling effects
on-treatment or dynamic treatment strategies, censoring because of treatment switching
is likely to be informative. Methods to address informative censoring are similar to those
for time-varying confounding such as marginal structural models with weighting or other
G-methods (Pazzagli et al. 2017). Methods for dealing with missing data may also be used
(see the section on missing data).

Missing data

The impact of missing data depends on the amount of missing data, the variables that
have missing data, and the missing data mechanism. Developers should compare patterns
of missingness across exposure groups and over time, if relevant, considering causes of
missingness and whether these are related to outcomes of interest. Missing data on
outcomes may arise for a number of reasons including non-response to questionnaires or

If the amount of missing data is low and likely to be missing completely at random,
complete records analysis will be sufficient. Advanced methods for handling missing data

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include imputation, inverse probability weighting and maximum likelihood estimation. Most
of these methods assume the missing data mechanism can be adequately modelled using
available data (that is, missing at random). If this is not the case, sensitivity or bias
analysis may be preferred (see the section on assessing robustness). A framework for
handling missing data is provided in Carpenter and Smuk 2021.

Measurement error and misclassification

Measurement error describes the extent to which measurements of study variables

deviate from the truth. For categorical variables, this is known as misclassification. The
impact of measurement error depends on the size and direction of the error, the variables
measured with error, and whether error varies across intervention groups. Measurement
error can induce bias or reduce the precision of estimates.

Random measurement error in exposures tends to (but does not always) bias estimates of
treatment effects towards the null (van Smeden et al. 2020). Random measurement error
in continuous outcomes reduces the precision of estimates but provides unbiased
estimates of comparative effects. For risk ratios and rate ratios, non-differential
misclassification of a categorical outcome provides unbiased estimates of comparative
effects when specificity is 100%, even if sensitivity is low. So, it is often recommended to
define outcome variables to achieve high specificity.

Differential measurement error in exposures, covariates or outcomes generally produces

biased estimates of comparative effects but the direction of bias can be hard to predict. If
data is available on the likely structure and magnitude of measurement error (for example,
through an internal or external validation study), this information can be incorporated into
analyses using calibration or other advanced methods (van Smeden et al. 2020).

Addressing external validity bias

Assessing external validity

This section focuses on methods to assess and address external validity bias resulting
from differences in patient characteristics (for example, age, disease risk scores) between
the analytical sample and the target population. Importantly, differences in patient
characteristics may not be the only, or most important, sources of external validity bias.
Developers should also consider differences in: setting (for example, hospital type and
access to care), treatment (for example, dosage or mode of delivery, timing, comparator

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therapies, concomitant and subsequent treatments) and outcomes (for example, follow-
up, measurements, or timing of measurements). Identifying a suitable data source, using a
target trial approach and using internally valid analysis methods remain the primary
approaches by which external validity can be achieved.

To assess external validity, an explicit definition of the target population is needed and
suitable reference information. Information can be drawn from published literature,
context-relevant guidelines, or bespoke analysis of data from the target population
alongside information gathered during the data suitability assessment.

To assess differences between the analytical sample and target population for patient
characteristics, several tests are available:

• averages and distributions of individual variables can be compared (for example, using
absolute standardised mean differences);

• multiple variables can be compared simultaneously using propensity scores (here,

reflecting a patient's propensity for being selected into the study) which also support
measures of differences arising from joint distributions of patient characteristics (for
example, Tipton 2014).

In studies of relative treatment effects, differences observed between the analytical

sample and target population do not necessarily lead to concerns about external validity
bias unless those differences are considered to be important treatment effect modifiers.
This depends on the causal effect of interest, the extent of heterogeneity in the treatment
effect, and whether this has been adequately modelled. Assumptions about the causal
relationships between interventions, outcomes, and other covariates can be outlined to
help identify potential treatment effect modifiers, for example, using directed acyclic
graphs (Shrier and Platt 2008). Under certain conditions, treatment effect modification can
also be investigated statistically (Degtiar and Rose 2022).

In studies of absolute treatment effects, assessment of external validity requires

consideration of all differences that are prognostic of the outcome of interest, not only
treatment effect modifiers.

Methods to minimise external validity bias

Methods to adjust for external validity bias are similar to those which adjust for
confounding bias, including matching, weighting, and outcome regression methods. These

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approaches can also be combined for additional robustness.

• Matching and weighting methods balance individual characteristics associated with

selection into the sample (for example, using propensity scores).

• Regression methods model outcomes in the analytical sample and then standardise
model predictions to the distribution of covariates in the target population.

Degtiar and Rose 2022 provides further guidance on these methods, including approaches
for when only summary-level data is available for the target population. Adjustment
approaches are unlikely to perform well when the target population is poorly represented
in the analytical sample, that is, where there is insufficient overlap for important
covariates, or across strata of these variables. Successful application of these methods
also depends on good internal validity of analyses and consistency in measurements of
outcomes, treatments, and covariates across settings.

Where the sample is drawn from an entirely different population to the target population,
judgements of similarity will require stronger assumptions. Pre-specified, empirical
assessments of 'transportability' for the decision context could provide supportive
evidence (for example, see Ling et al. 2023). In all cases, sensitivity analyses are
recommended to explore potential violation of study assumptions (for example, see
Dahabreh et al. 2023, Nguyen et al. 2018).

Assessing robustness of studies

The complexity of studies of comparative effects using real-world data means developers
must make many uncertain decisions and assumptions during data curation and analysis.
These decisions can have a large impact, individually or collectively, on estimates of
comparative effects. It is therefore essential that the robustness of results to deviations in
these assumptions is demonstrated. We describe key sensitivity analyses across several
domains in table 3. Which sensitivity analyses to focus on will vary across use cases
depending on the strengths and weaknesses of the data as well as the areas in which the
impact of bias, study assumptions and uncertainty are greatest. These approaches can be
applied directly to measures of clinical effectiveness or propagated through to cost-
effectiveness analyses.

For key risks of bias (for example, those arising because of unmeasured confounding,
missing data or measurement error in key variables), quantitative bias analysis may be

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valuable. Quantitative bias analysis describes a set of techniques that can be used to:

• examine the extent to which bias would have to be present to change results or affect
a threshold for decision making, or

• estimate the direction, magnitude and uncertainty of bias associated with measures of

Methods that examine the extent to which bias would have to be present to change study
conclusions tend to be simpler and include the e-value approach. These approaches are
most useful when exploring a single unmeasured source of bias, however sources of bias
are often multiple and may interact. Developers should consider and pre-specify a
plausible level of bias in the parameter before application of these methods. More
sophisticated approaches look to model bias and incorporate it into the estimation of
effects (Lash et al. 2014). Bias parameters can be informed by external information or
data-rich subsamples of the analytical data source. The identification and validity of
external bias should be clearly described and justified.

Bias analysis may be particularly valuable in studies using real-world data external controls
if differences between data collection, settings and time may reduce comparability of
data. Panel 2 shows an example of bias analysis in practice, and table 3 shows examples
of sensitivity analysis.

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Panel 2: example of bias analysis

What is the effectiveness of the ALK-inhibitor alectinib compared with ceritinib in

crizotinib-refractory, ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer?

The comparative effectiveness of alectinib versus ceritinib on overall survival in

patients with ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer is uncertain because of a lack of
head-to-head trials. Wilkinson et al. 2021 used real-world data on ceritinib from the
Flatiron Health database (derived from US electronic health records) to form an
external control to the alectinib arm of a phase 2 trial. The authors found a significant
improvement in survival for those initiating alectinib. However, the study was at risk of
residual bias from unmeasured confounding and missing baseline data on Eastern
Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status (ECOG PS) in patients having
ceritinib (47% of patients had missing data).

Bias analysis methods were used to explore these risks. The e-value approach was
used to estimate the relative risk of an unobserved confounder between intervention
and mortality that would be needed to remove the treatment effect. The estimated
relative risk of 2.2 was substantially higher than for any observed confounders and
considered unlikely given the estimated imbalance for important but poorly captured

For missing ECOG data they assumed the causes of missing data were non-random
and missing data values in the ceritinib arm were likely to be worse than expected
based on multiple imputation. They argued that no plausible assumptions about
missing data could explain the observed association between intervention and

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Table 3
Examples of sensitivity analyses to examine robustness of results to data curation,
study design, and analysis decisions

Domain Example sensitivity or bias analysis

• On-treatment analyses
misclassification • Vary exposure definitions including, if relevant, days' supply, grace
period, washout period, exposure-effect window and latency

Outcome • Adjust for known performance metrics

• Quantitative bias analysis

Population • Alternative patient eligibility criteria

• Include measures of healthcare use as covariates

Detection bias
• Restrict to those with regular contact with the health system
before baseline

• As-started and on-treatment analyses

• Restrict outcome period so it is similar between groups for

Follow-up time
informative censoring

• Prevalent-user and new-user analyses

Reverse • Introduce or change lag time between exposure end and start of
causation follow up for outcomes

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Domain Example sensitivity or bias analysis

• Add or remove selected confounders

• Extend look-back period over which covariates are identified

• Use negative controls (also known as falsification endpoints or

probe variables) to estimate comparative effects using the same
Confounding model on outcomes, which should not be related to treatment
(results from these can also be used to calibrate effect estimates)

• Propensity score calibration to adjust observed effect estimates

for unmeasured bias using variables observed in a validation study

• Quantitative bias analysis

• Use different methods

• Include missing variable indicators for covariates in statistical

Missing data models

• Quantitative bias analysis (for instance, assuming missing not at

random mechanisms)

• Vary model specifications

specification • Use analytical approaches with different assumptions

• Alternative categorisations of continuous variable or adjust data

Data curation

We provide general principles for the transparent reporting and good conduct of real-
world evidence studies in the section on conduct of quantitative real-world evidence
studies. The following reporting considerations are especially important for comparative
effects studies:

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• Justification of the use of real-world evidence. This should cover, as relevant, the
reasons for the absence of randomised evidence, the limitations of existing trials and
the ability to produce meaningful real-world evidence for the specific research

• Publish a study protocol (including statistical analysis plan) on a publicly accessible

platform before the analysis is done.

• Report studies in sufficient detail to enable the study to be reproduced by an

independent researcher.

• Present study design diagrams.

• For each data source, provide the information needed to understand data provenance
and fitness for purpose (see the section on assessing data suitability).

• Justify the use of statistical method for addressing confounding and report methods
clearly (see appendix 3).

• Clearly describe the exclusion of patients from the original data to the final analysis,
including reasons for exclusion using patient flow (or attrition) diagrams.

• Present characteristics of patients across treatment groups, before and after

statistical adjustment if possible. For external control studies, differences in variable
definitions and data collection should be clearly described.

• Present results for adjusted and unadjusted analyses and for all subgroup and
sensitivity and bias analyses.

Quality appraisal
Evidence developers should identify risks of bias at the study planning stage. These
should be described alongside how design and analytical methods have been used to
address them, and how robust the results are to deviations from assumptions in the main
analysis using sensitivity or bias analysis. This can be done for specific domains of bias
using the reporting methods in appendix 2. This information will help those completing (or
critically appraising) risk of bias tools. The preferred risk of bias tool for non-randomised
studies is the ROBINS-I (Sterne et al. 2016) but it should be recognised that it may not
cover all risks of bias (D'Andrea et al. 2021). It should be recognised that the uncertainty in
non-randomised studies will not typically be fully captured by the statistical uncertainty in

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the estimated intervention effect (Deeks et al. 2003).

Developers should comment on the generalisability of study results to the target

population in the NHS. This may draw on differences in patients, care settings, treatment
pathways or time and is supported by information provided from the data suitability
assessment. Developers should also discuss any methods used to address external
validity bias, with the results of adjusted and unadjusted analysis presented.

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Appendix 1 – Data Suitability Assessment

Tool (DataSAT)
See tools and resources for a downloadable DataSAT assessment template.

DataSAT assessment template

Research question
Add the research question here.

Data provenance

Item Response

For each contributing data source provide the name, version and date of
Data sources
data cut. Provide links to their websites, if available.

Report which datasets were linked, how these were linked, and
Data linkage
performance characteristics of the linkage. Note whether linkage was
and data
done by a third party (such as NHS Digital).
Clearly describe which data sources were pooled.

Type of data Describe the types of data source (for example, electronic health record,
source registry, audit, survey).

Purpose of
Describe the main purpose of data collection (for example, clinical care,
reimbursement, device safety, research study).

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Item Response

Describe the main types of data collected (for example, clinical

diagnoses, prescriptions, procedures, patient experience data), how data
was recorded (for example, clinical coding systems, free text, remote
monitoring, survey response), and who collects the data (for example,
healthcare professional, self-reported, digital health technology). If the
Data nature of data collection has changed during the data period (for
collection instance, change in coding system or practices, data capture systems)
describe the changes clearly. Any differences between data providers in
how and what data were collected and its quality should be described.
If additional data collection was done for a research study please
describe, including how the validity and consistency of data collection
was assured (for example, training).

State the setting of care for each dataset used (for example, primary
Care setting care, secondary care, specialist health centres, social services, home
use [for wearable devices, or self-reported data on apps or websites]).

State the geographical coverage of the data sources.

Population State how much of the target population is represented by the dataset
coverage (for example, population representativeness or patient accrual).

Time period
State the time period covered by the data.
of data

Provide details of whether raw data were accessed for analysis, or

whether the data owner had undertaken any data preparation steps such
as cleansing or transformation. Mention whether centralised
Data transformation to a common data model was undertaken. Include links to
preparation any relevant information including common data model type and version
number and details of mapping.
Full details of data preparation specific to addressing the research
question is covered in the section on reporting on data curation.

Data Provide the details of the data controller and funding for each source.
governance Describe the information governance processes for data access and use.

Data Note whether a data specification document is available. This may

specification include a data model, data dictionary, or both.

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Item Response

plan and Note whether a data management plan, documentation of source quality
quality assurance methods is available with links to relevant documents.

Note whether any other documentation is available. Provide hyperlinks or

citations to key publications, if available.
If the dataset is available from the Health Data Research UK (HDRUK)
innovation gateway, provide the hyperlink to its profile on the HDRUK

Data quality
Details of data quality should be provided for key study variables including population
eligibility criteria, outcomes, interventions or exposures, and covariates.

Study Target Operational Quality How Assessment

variable concept definition dimension assessed result

Define Describe Provide

Define the operational how quality quantitative
What type
target definition. For was assessment of
of variable
concept example, MI assessed. quality if
(for Choose:
(for defined by an Provide available. For
example, accuracy or
example, ICD-10 code of reference to example,
population completeness
myocardial I21 in the previous 'positive
infarction primary validation predictive value
[MI]) diagnosis studies if 85% (75% to
position applicable. 95%)'

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Data relevance
Please see recommendations for reporting data relevance.

Item Response

Describe the extent to which the analytical sample reflects the target
Population population. This should consider any data exclusions (for example,
because of missing data on key prognostic variables).

Care setting Describe how well the care settings reflect routine care in the NHS.

Describe how the treatment pathways experienced by people in the

data reflects routine care pathways in the NHS (including any
diagnostic tests).

Note how the dataset met the requirements of the research question in
Availability of
terms of availability of the necessary data variables including key
key study
population eligibility criteria, outcomes, intervention and covariates
(including confounders and effect modifiers).

State the extent to which the time period covered by the data provides
relevant information to decisions. This should cover any important
Study period
changes to care pathways (including tests) or background changes in
outcome rates.

Timing of Describe whether the timing of measurements meet the needs of the
measurements research question.

Note how the follow-up period available in the dataset is sufficient for
Follow up
assessing the outcomes.

Provide the sample size of the target population in the dataset and
Sample size
demonstrate that it is adequate to generate robust results.

DataSAT – case study

Please note that the reporting for this case study is based on publicly available information
in Wing et al. 2021.

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Research question
What is the effect of the long-acting beta-2 agonist and inhaled corticosteroid
combination product fluticasone propionate plus salmeterol compared with no exposure or
exposure to salmeterol only in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?

Data provenance

Item Response

Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) GOLD

Data sources
Hospital episode statistics (HES) Admitted Patient Care data.

CPRD and HES are linked. Patients are identified in a centralised linkage
algorithm done by NHS digital. This uses an 8-step deterministic linkage
Data linkage algorithm based on 4 identifiers: NHS number, sex, date of birth and
and data postcode.
Linkage to HES data is possible for 75% of enrolled patients.
See information on linked data for CPRD.

Type of data HES = administrative records

source CPRD = electronic health records

Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) is derived from the Secondary Uses

Service (SUS) data based on information submitted to NHS digital by
Purpose of healthcare providers. Data collection is primarily intended to support the
data reimbursement of hospitals for the provision of services in England.
collection CPRD collects anonymised patient data from a network of GP practices
across the UK. Initially this data is collected during a patient's time in
primary care services.

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Item Response

CPRD = demographics, clinical diagnoses (Read v2 or SNOMED-CT),

tests (medcode or SNOMED-CT), prescriptions (prodcode) including
dose, route of administration and duration. CPRD GOLD collects fully
coded patient electronic health records from GP practices using the
Vision software system. Data are recorded by health and care staff
working within the Vision software.
HES = diagnoses (ICD-10), procedures (OPCS-4), admission, discharge,
type of care, basic demographics. HES data are collected during a
patient's time at hospital and may be recorded during their interactions
with health and care staff in the hospital and assembled by teams of
clinical coders.

HES = secondary care

Care setting
CPRD = primary care

HES = England
CPRD = a representative sample of UK general practices using Vision
software. HES-linked CPRD data is available for England only.

CPRD GOLD has data for about 3 million currently registered people
(around 4.74% of UK population). See CPRD data highlights
HES data covers all NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups in England.

Time period The CPRD-linked HES dataset covers from January 2000 to January
of data 2017.

No details available for CPRD. However, general practices are included

only after demonstrating their records are of research quality.
HES applies centralised processing before the data are released for
preparation The rules that run during the processing of the HES data set. These are
in place to improve the value and quality of the data and include rules
that validate the data within certain fields, derive additional fields and
values, remove records that are invalid or out of scope for the HES data

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Item Response

CPRD is a centre of the MHRA, which is an executive agency of the

Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC). DHSC is therefore the data
controller for CPRD data.
HES data is controlled by the Health and Social Care Information Centre
(also known as NHS Digital).
CPRD has received funding from the MHRA, Wellcome Trust, Medical
Data Research Council, NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme,
governance Innovative Medicines Initiative, UK Department of Health, Technology
Strategy Board, Seventh Framework Programme EU, and various
universities, contract research organisations and pharmaceutical
HES data collection is mandated and funded by the UK Government.
Data protection and processing notice for CPRD.
Hospital episode statistics GDPR webpage.

Fields in HES are derived from the NHS data model and the NHS data
CPRD GOLD data specification document.

HES undertakes processing and data quality checks: The processing
cycle and HES data quality.
plan and
No data quality assurance information was identified for CPRD GOLD.
However, records from individual general practices are assessed and
only included in CPRD after being deemed of research quality.


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Data quality

Study Target Operational Quality How Assessment

variable concept definition dimension assessed result

CPRD study
diagnostic comparing
(Read v2) algorithms for
codes for identifying
value (PPV):
COPD (see people with
Population COPD Accuracy 87% (95%
codelist in COPD with
supplementary physician
interval [CI]
material of review
78% to 92%)
Quint et al. questionnaire
2014) as gold
(Quint et al.

Initiative for
Proportion of
patients with
Disease Lung Disease
Population Completeness missing 20%
severity (GOLD) stage
derived from
(see codelist)

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Study Target Operational Quality How Assessment

variable concept definition dimension assessed result

Fluticasone matching
data is
Intervention propionate + definition of Accuracy n/a
expected to
salmeterol drug
be highly
determined by

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Study Target Operational Quality How Assessment

variable concept definition dimension assessed result

Any of the
(Read) code
for lower
tract infection
or acute Previously
exacerbation published
of COPD validation
A prescription
of a COPD-
algorithms for PPV: 86%
identifying (95% CI
people with 83% to
combined with
Outcome oral Accuracy
exacerbation exacerbations Sensitivity:
with 63% (95%
(OCS) for 5 to
physician CI 55% to
14 days
review 70%)
A record questionnaire
(Read code) of as gold
2 or more standard
respiratory (Rothnie et al.
symptoms of 2016)
a prescription
of COPD-
and/or OCS on
the same day.
See codelist

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Study Target Operational Quality How Assessment

variable concept definition dimension assessed result

Record in
Office for
ONS mortality
records are
All-cause (ONS)
Outcome Accuracy the gold n/a
mortality mortality
standard data
for deaths
linked to CPRD

Proportion of
patients with
Covariate Alcohol directly in
Completeness missing data 30%
(confounder) intake CPRD (closest
on alcohol
to index date)

Data relevance

Item Response

Patients in CPRD have similar demographic characteristics to the wider

UK population. Results from CPRD are generally expected to generalise
to the wider eligible population.
Complete records analysis was done excluding records with missing
data on socioeconomic status, alcohol consumption and BMI. All these
variables had less than 5% of the data missing.
Around one-fifth of patients were excluded because they did not have
spirometry measurements recorded in the CPRD. Those without
measurements tend to have less contact with health services, which
could impact on the generalisability of results.

Appropriate. COPD drugs are typically administered in primary care

Care setting (CPRD) while relevant events may be observed in primary or secondary
care (CPRD or HES).

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Item Response

The data represents routine practice in the NHS.

Sufficient data on exposures and outcomes are available. Although only

prescribing and not dispensing data is available from CPRD this is
Availability of expected to be a good proxy for dispensing.
key study
No information was available on negative reversibility spirometry results
which may be a key confounder.
Dosage information is limited in CPRD.

There have been no major changes to UK clinical practice for the

Study period
management of COPD since the study period.

The longitudinal nature of the analysis allows for the research question
Timing of
to be answered. The date of entry is expected to reflect the actual
timing of clinical events well.

The average follow up of 2 years is sufficient for the primary outcome

Follow up
of COPD exacerbations to have occurred.

The needed sample size for COPD exacerbations was estimated to be

600 per arm at 80% and 5% significance (see Wing et al. 2021 for
Sample size
details). The actual sample size of about 2,500 per arm far exceeds

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Appendix 2 – Reporting on methods used

to minimise risk of bias
See tools and resources for a downloadable methods to address bias reporting template.

Methods reporting template

Form for reporting on methods used to minimise risk of bias

Type of bias How bias was addressed or assessed

Selection bias at study entry can arise for several reasons including
selection of patients based on eligibility criteria related to the
exposure and outcome, or from deviations between the date the
patient meets eligibility criteria, the date treatment is assigned, and
Selection bias
the start of follow up. Common types of time-related bias are
at study entry
prevalent-user bias, lead time bias, immortal time bias and depletion
of susceptibles. Discuss the potential for selection bias at study entry
and how this was addressed or investigated through study design,
statistical analysis or sensitivity analysis.

A common cause of selection bias because of how individuals exit a

Selection bias study is informative censoring. This may be because of loss to follow
at study exit up or the occurrence of censoring events. Discuss the possibility of
informative censoring and how this was addressed in the analysis.

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Type of bias How bias was addressed or assessed

Describe the risk of confounding from unmeasured (or unknown)

confounders, poorly measured confounders, or time-varying
confounding. This should be informed by a systematic identification
of potential confounders, clear causal assumptions including the
possibility of time-varying confounding, and differences in baseline
characteristics between comparison groups.
Show how you dealt with any identified risk of confounding through
study design (such as selection of a suitable active comparator) and
analysis (using an appropriate statistical model, accounting for time-
Addressing varying confounding). If possible, provide empirical data on the
confounding balance of baseline characteristics after adjustment.
If concerns remain about residual confounding, show its impact on
results has been assessed using sensitivity or bias analysis.
Confirm that no covariates were inappropriately adjusted to induce
bias. For example, show that no covariates on the causal pathway
between interventions and outcomes were adjusted for
(overadjustment). This may result from the use of covariates
measured after the index date. Avoid adjustment for colliders or
instruments. This can be informed by causal diagrams.

Describe the potential for detection bias resulting from differences in

healthcare practices across comparison groups (for example,
because of differential frequency or intensity of follow up, or different
Detection bias tests) or length of follow up.
Describe how these have been dealt with through study design (for
example, use of comparator with similar follow up) or analysis (for
example, adjustment for healthcare use before index date).

Describe the potential for bias from measurement error or

misclassification (this should be informed by assessment of data
Measurement suitability). Consider which variables are inaccurate, whether this is
error and random or systematic, and how it differs across comparison groups.
misclassification Show you addressed risks of bias through statistical analysis (for
example, by incorporating external data or calibration) or assessed its
impact on results using sensitivity or bias analysis.

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Type of bias How bias was addressed or assessed

Describe the potential for bias from missing data (this should be
informed by assessment of data suitability). Consider which variables
have missing data, whether this is random or systematic, and how it
differs across comparison groups.
Missing data Show how you have addressed risks of bias using statistical methods
(such as multiple imputation) and demonstrating their validity. If
missingness may not be explainable by observed variables or has
unknown mechanisms, sensitivity or bias analysis can be used to
explore the impact of different missing 'not at random' assumptions.

Describe the risk of reverse causation between the intervention and

the outcome arising from causal relationships between variables, time
lag between recording of data on interventions and outcomes, or care
Reverse pathways.
causation Describe how risk of reverse causation was addressed through study
design (for example, induction periods or longitudinal follow up),
analysis (for example, instrumental variables), or assessed through
sensitivity analysis.

Methods reporting – case study 1

Please note that the reporting for this case study is based on publicly available information
in Fu et al. 2021.

The study assesses the impact of initiating dialysis at different estimated glomerular
filtration rates (eGFR) on cardiovascular events and survival in people with advanced
chronic kidney disease. The study used data from the Swedish Renal Registry.

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Example of completed methods reporting tool based on Fu et al. 2021.

Type of bias How bias was addressed or assessed

Previous observational studies of the effects of the timing of dialysis

initiation are at high risk of lead time and immortal time bias resulting
from non-alignment of the time at which eligibility criteria were met,
treatment assignment, and start of follow up. The study emulated a
target trial informed by the IDEAL trial. To avoid issues with
misspecification of time zero, the study used the cloning, censoring,
Selection bias
and weighting method. Patients are cloned and assigned to each
at study entry
treatment according to eGFR (one of 15 treatment strategies in the
base case) and are censored once they deviated from a given
treatment strategy. The approach was validated by replicating results
from the IDEAL trial over the range of eGFR values seen in the trial.
Selection bias due to the choice of population was not an issue in this
population-based study.

Selection bias can be induced by the censoring when patients stop

adhering to the 'treatment strategy' if this is related to patient
Selection bias characteristics. Inverse probability of censoring weights were
at study exit estimated using baseline and time-varying confounders to address
censoring-induced selection bias.
Loss to follow up is very low.

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Type of bias How bias was addressed or assessed

The outcome model adjusted for baseline measurements including

demographics, laboratory measurements, prior treatment and
hospitalisations. Time-varying confounders were adjusted for in
censoring weights including current and previous measurements of
Data was not available on other potentially important confounders
including muscle mass stores, uraemic symptoms, volume status,
quality of life, or physical activity, and data was only available for
Addressing subset of the cohort on urine albumin-creatinine ratio and plasma
confounding potassium. To assess the possibility of residual confounding, the
study did the following sensitivity analyses:

• adjusted for urine albumin-creatinine ratio and plasma potassium in

the subset of patients with measurements and observed no impact
on results

• replicated the results of the IDEAL trial over the eGFR separation
observed in the trial.

Outcomes included 5-year all-cause mortality and major adverse

cardiovascular events (composite of cardiovascular death, non-fatal
Detection bias myocardial infarction, or non-fatal stroke). These are likely to be
accurately observed regardless of small differences in level of
surveillance, for example, resulting from earlier dialysis treatment.

Timeliness and accuracy of variables extracted from the Swedish

Renal Registry have previously been demonstrated. In particular,
cardiovascular comorbidities have a very high positive predictive
value, generally between 85% to 95%.
error and
eGFR was calculated with the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology
equation from routine plasma creatinine measurements. This has
been shown to be accurate to within 30% of measured glomerular
filtration rate 85% of the time.

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Type of bias How bias was addressed or assessed

Data on initiation of dialysis and key outcomes are thought to be

complete. Data on mandatory items such as eGFR is also very high.
For non-mandatory data items in the registry, missingness was
greater. For example, body mass index was missing in 26% of
Missing data patients, urinary albumin to creatinine ratio in 44%, and potassium in
29%. This was assumed to be missing completely at random and
determined by the preferences of the attending physician. Sensitivity
analysis in the subset of people with data available showed had no
impact on results.

Reverse causation is not expected to be a problem in this analysis.

Methods reporting – case study 2

Please note that the reporting for this case study is based on publicly available information
in Wilkinson et al. 2021.

The study estimates the comparative effectiveness of alectinib versus ceritinib on survival
in people with ALK-positive non-small-cell lung cancer. The study uses real-world data on
ceritinib from Flatiron Health to form an external control to patients having alectinib in
phase 2 trials.

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Example of completed methods reporting tool based on Wilkinson et al. 2021.

Type of bias How bias was addressed or assessed

The study compared people enrolled in phase 2 trials assigned

alectinib against patients from routine care in the US initiating
ceritinib. Several steps were taken to minimise the risk of selection
Matching inclusion criteria in the real-world data to the population
included in the trial
Selection bias Excluding additional patients from the trial with prior lines of therapy
at study entry not observed in the real-world data
Using real-world data over a similar time period to that covered in the
Using a new-user, active comparator design
To help demonstrate the validity of the approach, the comparison
was repeated using only real-world data and similar results were

Selection bias This was an as-started analysis with limited loss to follow up.
at study exit Censoring is not thought to be informative.

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Type of bias How bias was addressed or assessed

Key prognostic variables were prospectively identified by a

systematic review.
Key known confounders were captured in the data albeit with
limitations. See below for information on addressing missing data and
misclassification of key confounders.
Observed confounders measured at or before baseline were used to
estimate propensity scores. Estimation used the inverse probability of
treatment weights method. There was no evidence of large
differences in covariate patterns between treatment groups after
adjustment (standardised mean difference was less than 0.1 for all
In sensitivity analysis, adjustment for additional variables did not
change results.
Quantitative bias analysis was used to assess how strong a
confounding effect an unknown confounder would need to have to
eliminate the estimated treatment effect. The estimated e-value was
2.4 which would require a level of confounder-mortality and
confounder-treatment association substantially higher than seen for
any measured confounders.

The outcome of mortality was not thought to be subject to detection

Detection bias

Data on mortality is sufficiently well captured in the real-world data

with sensitivity of 91% and specificity of 96%.
Measurement There were concerns that central nervous system metastases were
error and misclassified (underreported) in the real-world data due to limited
misclassification surveillance. A sensitivity analysis found that the prevalence in the
real-world data would have to be 40% larger to eliminate the
estimated treatment effect.

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Type of bias How bias was addressed or assessed

Missing data on baseline performance status (European Cooperative

Oncology Group [ECOG] score) was high in the real-world data (32%)
and this is a key prognostic variable. The main analysis assumed data
was missing completely at random in a complete case analysis.
Because this assumption was expected to be invalid, sensitivity
analysis was performed using multiple imputation assuming data was
Missing data missing at random. Results were consistent with the complete case
Quantitative bias analysis was performed to address remaining
concerns about missing not at random data, when ECOG scores are
worse than expected by the imputation model. Using threshold
analysis the study conclusions remained similar under any reasonable
assumptions about the ECOG scores in those with missing values.

Reverse causation is not expected to be a problem in this analysis.

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Appendix 3 – Reporting information for

selected analytical methods
Guide to reporting on selected analytical methods

Method Description Reporting information

• Standard reference population

Direct or Methods to increase comparability (description)
indirect of exposure groups in terms of
standardisation selected covariates • Covariates used for

• Covariate definition of strata

• Number of observations in
Dividing the data into subsets, or
Stratification each stratum
strata for analysis
• Descriptive statistics and
results within each stratum

• Variables used for matching

• Matching algorithm

Matching individuals with the same • Matching caliper (if relevant)

or similar characteristics
• Matching ratio

• Number matched and number


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Method Description Reporting information

• Model used to estimate

propensity scores (such as
logistic or multinomial)

• Covariates used and how they

were included in the model

• Propensity score distribution

before and after adjustments
Estimate of probability of receiving (for example, pre- and post-
Propensity matching)
a particular intervention; range of
score (general)
methods available (below)
• N/% contributing to matched,
trimmed, truncated or
weighted analyses

• Diagnostic checks for any

statistical analysis done

• See Tazare et al. 2022 for

reporting of high-dimensional
propensity score models

• How strata are defined

Patients grouped into strata (for
Propensity • Trimming and whether applied
example, deciles) based on
score before or after strata defined
propensity score and stratum-
specific effects aggregated • Tables for stratified
population characteristics

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Method Description Reporting information

• How weights are calculated

• Whether and how weights are

trimmed, truncated or
Propensity Weights attached to individuals stabilised
score based on inverse of propensity
• Tables for unweighted and
(weighting) scores
weighted population

• Mean and distribution of


• Matching algorithm used

including caliper and scale

Propensity • Matching ratio (such as fixed

Matches individuals with similar
score 1:1 or variable 1:5)
propensity scores
• Tables for unmatched and
matched population

Multivariable • Type of model (such as linear

regression regression or Poisson)
Statistical models comparing
outcomes as a function of the • Covariates used and how they
(includes using
intervention and covariates were included
scores) • Diagnostic checks

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Method Description Reporting information

• Type of model (such as

2-stage least squares) and
diagnostic checks

• Strength of association
between instrument and
intervention (for example,
odds ratio, risk difference)

• Theoretical justification that

the instrument does not affect
the outcome except through
the intervention and that the
instrument does not share any
causes with the outcome
Exploits external variation in
exposure across people or over • Tables with distribution of
Instrumental time using an 'instrument'. An population characteristics
variable instrumental variable is associated across levels of the
analysis with the intervention but is instrument and intervention
otherwise unrelated to the
outcome. • For binary outcomes,
exposures and instruments,
table of the frequencies of
each combination of
instrument, treatment, and

• See Swanson and Hernán

2013 for reporting by specific
causal effects in instrumental
variable analysis and their
dependent assumptions (for
example, monotonicity)

• The results of falsification

tests: see Labrecque and

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Method Description Reporting information

Swanson 2018 for specific


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Method Description Reporting information

• Type of model (such as

segmented linear regression
with ordinary least squares

• Study time period and time


• Pre-specification of point of
intervention effect (for
example, explanation needed
if point of analysis is not point
of intervention delivery)

• Number of pre-intervention,
post-intervention, and
Individuals or groups are used as
between-intervention data
their own controls and observed
(time) points, and the data
Interrupted over multiple time points. Effects
points contributing to
time series are observed by comparing
outcome trends in the time period
before and after intervention. • Table comparing participant
characteristics and missing
data across each group
analysed (for example, before
and after intervention and for
defined subgroups)

• Table and graph showing

outcomes across time (that is,
pre- and post-intervention

• Results of diagnostic checks

(for example, for
autocorrelation, stationarity,
seasonality, model

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Method Description Reporting information

specification checks) and any

adjustments made

• Results of falsification tests

(for example, the use of
pseudo start periods before
intervention delivery)

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How the framework was developed

We developed the framework by collating research and existing best-practice guidance
from research or professional organisations and other regulatory or health technology
assessment bodies.

We sought feedback on the framework during its development through a series of

workshops and through an open public consultation.

We engaged with and received feedback from many stakeholders including:

• patients and patient organisations

• health charities

• healthcare professionals

• the pharmaceutical and medical technologies industries

• data controllers and contract research organisations

• academia

• international health technology assessment bodies

• UK health system partners

• NICE committee members.

We revised the framework based on the feedback we received.

We would like to thank everyone who took part in the development and review of the real-
world evidence framework.

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NICE development team

Seamus Kent, Lynne Kincaid, Manuj Sharma, Shaun Rowark, Stephen Duffield, Vandana
Ayyar Gupta, Joanne Glossop, Pall Jonsson

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Update information
Minor changes since publication

March 2024:

• We added information about external validity bias to the section on risk of bias.

• We added a passage describing approaches for sampling in new studies requiring

primary data collection.

• We added a new section on assessing external validity bias and adjusting for
differences between the study sample and the target population.

July 2023:

• We updated links to recent case studies in the section on use of real-world evidence in
NICE guidance.

• We added a link to the HARmonized Protocol Template to Enhance Reproducibility

(HARPER) tool for protocol design in the section on conduct of quantitative real-world
evidence studies.

• We added clarifying information on:

- searching for fit-for-purpose data in the section on conduct of quantitative real-

world evidence studies

- federated data networks and how they relate to common data models in the
section on assessing data suitability

- describing the uses of instrument-based approaches and quasi-experimental

studies and a correction around measurement error for risk ratios and rate ratios in
the section on methods for real-world studies of comparative effects.

• We updated links to NICE Decision Support Unit reports.

• We updated the link to the hospital episode statistics GDPR webpage in appendix 1.

• We updated appendix 3 to provide additional information on reporting quasi-

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experimental studies.

We made minor changes to style and language throughout without changing the meaning.

ISBN: 978-1-4731-4640-2

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