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Cours Anglais 2 G

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2021 - 2022



How are you today? I hope you are fine. Ask your mate/neighbor how he/she is

What is your name? /May I know your name, please? / ……………….?
What is this? Who is that? Is he Togolese or Canadian?
How will you feel when someone gives you a brand new iphone?


Guide: Well, let’s leave them to get to know each other. I would be interested in
hearing more about how you introduce yourself and other people.
Man: Good morning. My name’s Booker. Tim Booker. Isn’t that someone
from Amiera S.A., in Mexico? Let’s talk to her. I think she’s called
Nettle. Sally Nettle. She’s in the marketing department. Good morning.
My name’s Booker. Tim Booker.
Woman: Pleased to meet you. I’m Sally Nettle.
Man: How do you do? I’m from the Alan Corporation, in California. I’m in the
sales department there.
Woman: I’m from Amiera S.A., in Mexico.
I’m in the marketing department.
Man: Pleased to meet you.
May I introduce my friends? This is Jean Parks, from London.
She works in the accounts department.

Woman: Hallo, Jean.


Marketing = The business activity of presenting goods or services in order to sell
Sales = The transfer of something to the ownership or use of somebody else, or the
provision of something, e.g. a service, in exchange for an agreed amount of money
How do you do? = You use it when you meet a person for the first time. The answer is
‘How do you do?’

1- The dialogue happened (took place/occurred) in the afternoon. True or False?
2- Sally Nettle works in the…………………………department.
a- production b- sales c- marketing d- human resources
3- What is John Parks’s nationality?
4- When do we use ‘How do you do?’
5- In your opinion, what do people do in the marketing department? Give only two
B1- Find in the text the synonym of the following words and expressions. Just
write the number and what corresponds to it.
1- glad to know you.
2- companions
3- fond of
4- fine
B2- Find in the text the antonym of the following words. Just write the number
and what corresponds to it.
1- enemies
2- less
3- sad
4- here
B3- Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and
expressions. Just write the number and what corresponds to it.
1- service des ventes
2- d’autres personnes
3- enchanté
4- service comptabilité

A- The use of simple present tense

We use it to express our habits that is, what we do every day, what we are, etc. Some
of its clues are: every, always, never, sometimes, usually, often, occasionally, once
per….. (day/ week/ month/ year), twice a……, once in a while, once in blue moon, etc.

1- My father is an accountant.
2- He never steals.
3- He prays three times per day.

Find in the text four (4) examples of simple present tense.
Simple present tense is also used in proverbs; general, universal or scientific truths.
1- Where there is a will, there is a way.
2- The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
3- Water boils at 100°C (hundred degrees Celsius).
4- The Earth is round.

B- Present progressive (Present continuous)

It is used to express an action taking place at the moment. Some of the clues are: now,
presently, currently, at the moment, Look!, Listen!, Be quiet!, etc.
Rule: Subject + am/ is/ are + Verb + ing

1- We are waiting for the bus now.
2- Look! Your father is coming.
3- Listen! Someone’s phone is ringing.
4- The students are learning English currently.
5- Look! Someone is beating your mother.
We can also use it for an action that is going to happen in the near future.
1- Uncle Benji is leaving for Lagos on Thursday.
2- Aunty Doris is getting married next week.



What did you eat at dinner yesterday? Who grew the tubers of yam you used to make
the fufu? Where did your mother buy the yams?


Mr. Kean: What is production?

James: The production of raw materials and the manufacturing of goods
Mr. Kean: Well; of course. But couldn’t you be more precise? Better still, give me
an example.
Charles: Farmers who raise cattle and planters who grow cotton in Egypt, for
Mr. Kean: Very good! This cotton is picked and sent in bales across the sea to
warehouses in this country.
It is bought by manufacturers and brought to the cotton mills in
Lancashire. And now what happens to the raw materials?
William: It is spun woven, dyed and finally becomes the materials we use to make
dresses, clothes, etc.
Mr. Kean: Well! There you have the two aspects of production: The producing of
the raw materials and the manufacturing of goods from these raw

Raw materials = Natural products from which other goods are made. Example: coffee.
Manufacturing = The transformation of raw materials into finished goods, using machinery.
Warehouse = A large building used for storing (stocking) goods in large quantities.
Cattle = Cows, oxen and calves are common types of cattle.
Spun (to spin) = To turn or make something turn round and round quickly.
Woven (To weave) = To make cloth by interlacing threads vertically and horizontally.
Dyed (To dye) = To color something by socking it in a coloring solution.


1- Manufacturers grow cotton. True or False?

2- The bales of cotton are sent to the ……………

a- wardrobe b- showroom c- warehouse d- warship

3- What is the finished product derived from cotton?

4- In your opinion, what are cattle raised for? Give two (2) examples.


B1- Find in the text words or expressions to mean the same as follows. Just write
the number and what corresponds to it.
Example: 43- the creation of goods and services to satisfy human needs and
wants. Answer: 43- Production.

1- Factories, organizations or people that produce finished goods.

2- A large building in which goods are stored.

3- Country in northeastern Africa, the capital of which is Cairo.

4- Farm animals of ox family, raised for their milk, hides, etc.

B2- Find in the text the synonyms of the following words or expressions. Just
write the number and what corresponds to it.
Example: 43- specific/clear. Answer: 43- precise

5- primary commodities
6- growers
7- for example
8- conveyed
B3- Find in the text the equivalents of the following words and expressions. Just
write the number and what corresponds to it.
Example: 43- matières premières. Answer: 43- raw materials.
9- bien-sûr
10- par exemple
11- bétail
12- usines d’égrenage de coton


A- Simple past tense (Preterit)

It is used to express an action that started and finished completely in the past.
1-Regular verbs

We have to add « ed » to most verbs

to add added added
to walk walked walked
to work worked worked
We add « d » to verbs that end in « e »
to live lived lived
to love loved loved
When a verb has one syllable and ends in CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant), we
double the last consonant and we add « ed ».
to stop stopped stopped
to slip slipped slipped
to omit Omitted omitted
Note: When a one-syllable-verb ends in « w, x or y »; we don’t double the last
to borrow borrowed borrowed
to fax Faxed Faxed
to play Played Played
When a verb ends in a consonant + « y » ,we cancel the « y »and add “ied”
to cry Cried Cried
Note: when a verb ends in a vowel + « y », we keep the « y » and add « ed
to play Played Played
to annoy Annoyed Annoyed

2- Irregular verbs
They do not have the same rules, so we have to learn them with their simple past and
their past participle (P.P).

to eat Ate Eaten

to go went Gone
to buy bought Bought

1- He spoke to the boss in a rude manner.
2- Daddy didn’t say I should stay at home.
When you want to bring precision on the period in the past, you can use the following
clues: yesterday, last, ago, in the past, in the olden days, in the bygone days, once upon
the time, before, since, it is high time/ it is about time, in + month/ year/ century, etc.
1- He got the information a few minutes ago.
2- In the olden days, girls were not allowed to go to school.
3- Grandpa Akwesi won the last Farmers Award.
4- It is two months since I ate roasted chicken.
5- I bought this car since the birth of my first child.

Complete with the correct tense of the verb in brackets. Just write the number
and the verb.
1- The police (to catch) the thieves yesterday.

2- The Dicksons (to live) here three years ago.
3- They (to come) back last Monday.
4- It is high time you (to learn) a trade.
5- How old (to be) your mother before getting married?

B- Present perfect tense

It is used to express an action that started in the past and that is still going on
(continues in the present) or it is about to finish.
Rule: Subject + Have / Has + Past Participle
1- He has lived here all his life.
2- Have you seen my Johnny?
3- They have finished their housework. So they are free now.

It is introduced by the following clues: just, already, never, ever, not yet, recently,
since, for, etc.
1- Grandma has slept for eight hours.
2- We have just met your husband at the bank.
3- Daddy hasn’t eaten his breakfast yet.
4- I have never travelled by plane.
5- They have lived in this area since the end of the political turmoil.
6- Their working conditions have improved recently.
7- Meheza and I have already paid our school fees. How about you?
8- Have you ever shaken hands with Obama?
9- It is the most wonderful weekend I have ever spent.
N.B: If the action that started in the past still continues at the moment we are speaking,
then we can use present perfect continuous to express it.
Rule: Subject + Have /Has + Been + Verb + ing

1) a- Aunty Paulina started working at CIMTOGO seventeen years ago and she is still
b- Aunty Paulina has been working at CIMTOGO for seventeen years.
2) a- He bought this car since the birth of his first child and he is still driving it.
b- He has been driving this car since the birth of his first child.

Identify the tenses in the song below. Write the corresponding sentences.
I have seen the downfall of Satan.
Glory be to God, glory be to Jesus.
I have seen the downfall of Satan.
Glory be to God, amen.
He loves me I cannot say why.
He loves me I cannot say whyyyyy
On Calvary Street He suffered for me.
He loves I cannot say why.
I have seen………..



Complete the following chart of irregular verbs.

Verb Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle

1- Tell tell(s) told told

2- Buy
3- Give
4- Drive
5- Drink
6- Know
7- Draw
8- Speak
9- Run
10- Go
11- Bring
12- Sell
14- Write
15- Make
16- Put
17- Sleep
18- Cut
19- Win
20- Keep
21- Pay
22- Teach
23- Lay
24- Think


It is a grammatical structure used to say things otherwise (differently). Look at the

next two sentences.
a- Mary sweeps the classroom. (active voice)
b- The classroom is swept by Mary. (passive voice)

In the active sentence, Mary is the subject because she is the one doing the action. In
the passive sentence, Mary is no longer doing the action. She becomes the agent (by +

How do we proceed?

To change an active sentence into a passive one, you need three elements:
1- Subject (Mary);
2- Verb (sweeps);
3- Object (the classroom).

The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence. Then,
put the verb To Be into the tense of the active sentence (simple present in the active
sentence above), followed by the past participle of the active verb and the agent.

N.B: If the subject of the active sentence is indefinite (personal pronouns, people,
someone, no one, everybody, nobody, etc), it should not appear in the passive sentence
as agent.


1) a- Rukia always cooks the dinner.

b- The dinner is always cooked by Rukia.
2) a- People grow yams in Togo.
b- Yams are grown in Togo.

How do we recognize a passive sentence even if there is no agent?

Just see if the subject of the sentence is doing or undergoing the action.


3- The boy is punished.

Is the subject (the boy) doing the action or undergoing the action? In this specific
context, the boy undergoes the action. In that case, we can say it is a passive sentence.

Find in the comprehension text (PRODUCTION) three examples of passive sentences
without agents. Example: It is spun, woven and dyed.


Change into passive voice the following sentences. Write the number and the
passive sentence.

1- Farmers raise cattle.

2- The mill processes cotton into dressing materials.
3- They keep the goods in the warehouse.
4- Mawusi wrote the letters.
5-Papasron will bring you the cheque.
6- Zubeya is putting the vegetables into the refrigerator.
7- They are paying the workers.
8- People eat a lot of rice in Sokode.
9- He cut his finger in the kitchen.
10- Someone has beaten your mother.
11- Mr. Seydou is going to teach this course.


Where are those women, carrying baskets, going? Give four (4) examples of goods
people can buy or sell in a market. How do we call people who buy and sell goods?
How are their stalls (étalages)? Small or big? Who supply them with the goods they



Wholesaler = A trader who buys goods in large quantities from the producer.
Retailer = A trader who buys goods in smaller quantities from the wholesaler and
sells them to their customers.
Grocer = A seller of food and other household goods.
Abroad = Countries other than your own country.

1- The retailer buys goods in small units. True or False?
2- If a trader buys goods in India and sells them in his or her own country, that is
called…………………… ….trade.
a- export b- home c- import d- slave
3- What are the two branches of foreign trade?
4- If I buy cassava flour (gari) in Vogan and I sell it in Lomé, that is called home trade.
Follow this example to give yours.

B1- Find in the text the synonyms of the following words and expressions. Write
the number and what corresponds to it.
1- Domestic trade
2- international
3- purchase
4- outside one’s country

B2- Find in the text the equivalents of the following words and expressions. Write
the number and what corresponds to it.
5- à l’étranger
6- grossiste
7- épicière/épicier
8- commerce international


A- Interrogative Form
Look at the following sentences from the text.
1- She is a retailer.
2- He buys large quantities of tea from growers in India or Ceylon.
These two sentences are in affirmative form. The verb in the first sentence is ‘is’,
which is an auxiliary. In the second sentence, the verb ‘buys’ is a lexical/ normal verb.
If you want to change an affirmative sentence into an interrogative one, proceed as
- Begin your interrogative sentence with an auxiliary (is, was, were, have, has,
had, do, does, did) or a modal verb (can, could, may, might,, must, will, shall,
would, should);
- Put the subject, followed by the verb or v + ing or past participle.
- Do not forget to put the question mark (?) at the end.
1) a- She is a retailer.
b- Is she a retailer?
2- a- He buys large quantities of tea.
b- Does he buy large quantities of tea?
3) a- We are working for the Lord.
b- Are we working for the Lord?
4- a- Essowe can ride a bicycle.
b- Can Essowe ride a bicycle?

5- a- They have finished the work.
b- Have they finished the work?
Change the following sentences into interrogative form. Write the number and
what corresponds to it.
1- People are looking at you.
2- Your students must do their homework.
3- Aicha can swim.
4- Manavi went to the market.
5- The secretaries are writing letters.
6- Grandfather has killed the troublesome lion.

B- Negative form
It is very simple. After the subject of the affirmative sentence, put the auxiliary or
modal verb followed by not and the verb or v + ing or past participle.
N.B: You can also use the contracted form.
a- Tom is a teacher.
b- Tom is not a teacher. / Tom isn’t a teacher.
a- We must leave now.
b- We must not leave now. / We mustn’t leave now.
a- It may rain tonight.
b- It may not rain tonight. /It mayn’t rain tonight.

Change the following sentences into negative form. Write the number and what
corresponds to it.
1- He is a retailer.
2- He buys large quantities of tea from growers in India or Ceylon.
3- Aicha can swim.
4- Manavi went to the market.
5- The secretaries are writing letters.
6- Grandfather has killed the troublesome lion.

C- Interro-negative form

The only thing to do here is to put the negative sentences in part B into interrogative
form. Just put the auxiliary or modal verb before the subject. You can also begin with
the contracted form (Doesn’t, Didn’t, Can’t, Aren’t ……)
a- He sings in the school choir.
b- Does he not sing in the school choir? /Doesn’t he sing in the school choir?
a- He could accept your offer.
b- Could he not accept your offer? Couldn’t he accept your offer?

Change the following sentences into interro-negative form. Write the number and
what corresponds to it.
1- He is a retailer.
2- He buys large quantities of tea from growers in India or Ceylon.
3- Aicha can swim.
4- Manavi went to the market.
5- The secretaries are writing letters.
6- Grandfather has killed the troublesome lion.

Change into the indicated form. Just write the number and what corresponds to
it. Example: 37- He went to the Club last night. (Interrogative)
Answer: 37- Did he go to the Club last night?
1- She made a lot of profits in market gardening. (Negative)
2- Our teacher does his best to show us the way to success. (Interrogative)
3- Can’t you do what your father is saying? (Affirmative)
4- You will wait for me until I come back. (Interro-negative)
5- They did their last Christmas shopping in Dubai. (Negative)


Oh money!
Oh money, money is good.
Oh money is good.
Oh money, money, money
Oh money!
Oh money, money is good.
Oh money is good.
Oh money, money, money

Apart from being good, how is money? (Give another adjective to qualify money.) Is it
easy or difficult to get (find) money? If your parents get money, how do they spend
(use) it? Do they lavish/squander (gaspiller) it? Is it good to keep money at home?
What could happen to the money people keep at home?


Commercial bank deposits are a convenient way of holding savings Deposits
can be made in either a current account or a deposit account, or in both.
A person who leaves money in a current account does not receive any interest
from the bank and will probably have to pay charges for the work done by the bank in
conducting the account.
On the other hand he enjoys two advantages
- Money can be withdrawn on demand
- Payments may be made by cheque

The holder of a deposit account does not pay charges, and he receives interest
from the bank. He must give notice of withdrawal and he cannot make payments from
a deposit account by cheque. The bank provides him with a record of deposits and
The current account depositor receives a cheque-book which he uses both to
make payments to others and to withdraw cash himself.

Pillow = A sealed bag stuffed with feathers or synthetic filling, used as a soft support for the
head in bed.
Mat = A piece of padded material placed on the floor for some sport activities, sleeping, etc.
Pot of clay = A container made of pottery used for cooking or storing water, oil, etc.
Scared (to scare) =To make someone afraid or alarmed.
Highway robbers = Thieves who attack travelers on or near public roads.
Safe = Not dangerous. Unlikely to cause harm, injury or damage.

1- Your money is secured in a bank account. True or False?
2- The money in the deposit account is available at any time. True or False?
3- Which of the following is not a place where people kept their money in the past?
a- pillow b- mate c- pot of clay d- mat
4- Why do people prefer keeping their money in a bank? Give two reasons.
5- What are the two differences between current account and deposit account?
6- In your opinion, apart from money, what else can we keep in bank?

B1- Find in the text (Deposits) the English equivalents of the following words and
expressions. Write the number and what corresponds to it.
1- épargnes
2- retrait
3- chéquier
4- compte de dépôt à terme
5- agios
6- donner préavis
7- approprié
8- compte de dépôt à vue
B2- Find in the text (Banking) the English equivalents of the following words and
expressions. Write the number and what corresponds to it.
1- dépenses malavisées /dépenses folles/ mauvaises dépenses
2- chèques barrés
3- cependant
4- coupeurs de routes /Bandits de grands chemins
5- liquidité

B3- Match the numbered words and expressions with their lettered definitions.
Write the number and the letter. Example: 37- c.
1- Crossed cheque 2- ridge 3- charges 4- cheque 5- money order
a- The amount of money that is asked for something sold or a service rendered.
b- A raised land formation.
c- A document that authorizes a bank to make a payment to the person who presents it.
d- A document, usually bought with cash at a bank or post office, that can be used to
make payments.
e- A cheque that cannot be cashed direct over the counter, but paid into the bank
account of the payee (beneficiary).


A- Modal Verbs: can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will and

They have only one form. They have no –ING form or –ED forms and do not add –S
to the third person singular form. They are followed by the infinitive of another verb
without ‘to’. The exception is ought to.

1- Tutuvi can speak three languages.
2- She will come tomorrow.
3- You must find a job
4- Children ought to take care of their parents.
Note that some of them have equivalents.
*Can ------------------------------To be able to + Verb or To be capable of + Verb + ing
*Must --------------------------------------------------------To have to + Verb
*May ------------------------------To be allowed to + Verb or To be permitted to + Verb
*Ought to --------------------------------------------- To be obliged to + Verb

1- I can swim = I am able to swim. /I am capable of swimming.
2- Students must do their homework. = Students have to do their homework.
3- You may not enter. = You are not allowed to enter. /You are not permitted to enter.
4- You ought to pay your contribution. = You are obliged to pay your contribution.
Thus, if you have any of these modal verbs in a sentence and you want to change that
sentence into a tense, you just use the equivalent.
1) a- She can pay you cash. (present perfect)
b- She has been able to pay you. / She has been capable of paying you.
2) a- The bank ought to lend me the money. (simple past)
b- The bank was obliged to lend me the money.
Change into the indicated tense. Just write the number and the sentence in the
indicated tense. Example: 57- Tom can swim. (Simple past) Answer: 57- Tom was
able to swim.
1- He must pay his school fees. (Simple past)
2- You may enter. (Present perfect)
3- We can save the country. (Simple future)
4- Can’t they understand what people are saying? (present perfect)
5- Must everybody respect the constitution? (present conditional)
6- Every citizen ought to vote. (conditional perfect)
7-You must take the stairs. (simple future)
8- You may stay as long as you want. (present perfect)
9- Can I help you? (simple past)
10- She can come to the excursion with us. (conditional perfect)
11- She can pay you cash. (simple future)
12- They may listen to us. (past perfect)


There are three (3) types /kinds / sorts /forms of essay: narrative essay, descriptive
essay and argumentative essay.
I- Narrative essay
In this form of essay, they ask you to relate /say / narrate what you do….; what you
saw…..; what you did…; how you will spend ……….; how the traditional feast of
your region is celebrated; etc.

Like every form of essay, a narrative essay must have three (3) distinct / separate parts:
Introduction, Body and Conclusion.



1- Introduction
The first paragraph is the introduction. It is generally one sentence. Do not give more
than two (2) sentences.
- In this essay, I am going to say what I do every Sunday.
- In this essay, I am going to say how I celebrated my last birthday.
- In this essay, I am going to say how I will spend next the weekend.
- Etc.
2- Body
In this paragraph, you answer the question raised in the topic. In a few sentences, say
what the topic asks you. Do not forget to use sentence linkers. Some of them are: first
of all, secondly, after that, in addition, moreover, however, finally, etc.

3- Conclusion
The last paragraph of your essay should be its conclusion. It is generally one sentence.
Avoid repeating the other paragraphs.
- This is briefly what I do every morning before coming to school.
- This is briefly how the traditional feast in my village is celebrated.
- To sum up, I can say that my last summer holidays with my grandfather were
very wonderful.
- Etc.
Topic: In a short essay, say what you do every Sunday.

In this essay, I am going to say what I do every Sunday.

Every Sunday, I wake up at 6 a.m. After sweeping my father’s room, I take a shower
and go to church. When I come back, I help my mother cook the lunch. In addition, I
polish my father’s shoes for the week. In the afternoon, I visit my friends or aunts. In
the evening, I learn my lessons and watch T.V. Around 10 p.m, I pray and go to bed.

This is briefly what I do every Sunday.

Topic: In a short essay, say how you celebrated your last birthday.
Here are some questions to guide you.
- Which birthday did you celebrate? Sixteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first?
- Where was the venue (place)? Your house, a hotel, Filopark, ………..?

- Were there many guests?
- What did you eat and drink?
- Did people dance?
- When did the party end?
- What is your general impression about it?
N.B: In an evaluation, they may or may not give you these guiding questions.

In a short essay, say what your father or mother does to motivate you to work hard at


It is a letter we write to our parents (Dads and Mums), brothers and sisters, friends,
classmates, people who are close to us, for short.
It can be a letter of congratulation, condolences, invitation, advice, gratitude, apology,
complaint, etc.

It is the way the different parts of the letter are arranged.
A- Address
Only the sender’s address is used in an informal letter. Do not write the sender’s name
in the address.
B- Date
It is the date of the day on which the letter is written. Do not write day (Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday………..).
December 21, 2020 /21st December, 2020
C- Greeting or Salutation

The sender greets the addressee (the person to whom the letter is written) by his or
her first name. In an evaluation, use only the first name given in the topic.
Dear Tom,
My Dear Zenabu,
Hi Kofa,
N.B: Even if in the topic they give both the addressee’s first name and last name
(Surname), use only the first name.

D- Ending or Complimentary close

There is a ready-made expression for that: Yours sincerely,
You can also use:
Your friend, /sister, /cousin, / nephew, /……..

E- Signature
The sender signs the letter by his or her first name.

There are two main forms of layout: bloc format and indented format.

Bloc Format

BP. 8530
Sender’s address Lomé

November 12, 202O


Greeting Dear Suzy,

Body ……………………………………………………………………

Yours sincerely,
Sender’s first name Mustafa

Indented Format

BP. 8530
21st December, 2020
Dear Graciella,
Yours sincerely,


A- Introduction

The first paragraph is generally the introduction. It is very often one sentence, not
more than two. The sender can start the letter by making allusion to the source of

- I heard that you had lost your grandfather.
- In your last letter, you told me that you were pregnant and you wanted to abort.
- I received the money /iphone /laptop that you had sent to me.
- You invited me to your twentieth birthday party, but I couldn’t come.
- I was informed that you had succeeded brilliantly in your baccalaureate
- Etc.
B- Purpose
It is the main reason why the sender writes the letter.

- I write this letter to sympathize with you. /……..to express to you my sincere
- I write this letter to advise you not to do that.
- I write this letter to thank you for your gift.
- I write this letter to tell you that I am very sorry for not having been present at
your party.
- I write this letter to congratulate you for your success.
- Etc.
After that, the sender can add three or four sentences to answer explicit or implicit
questions in the topic. Be as brief as possible. Avoid long and useless sentences.

C- Conclusion
It is generally one sentence and it depends on the type of letter you write.
- I hope to see you soon.
- Hoping to see you soon.
- I hope to hear from you soon.
- I count on you understanding. (for apology or complaint)

See a practical example:

BP. 8530
21st December, 2020
Dear Graciella,

I received the seven million Francs CFA that you had sent to me
after my success in the Baccalaureate examination.
I write this letter to thank you for your gift. It is the best gift I
have ever received from a cousin. I promise to use this money
wisely. First of all, I will put it in a bank because there are armed
robbers everywhere in the city nowadays. After that, I will find a
well-located shop at Djagble or Zanguera. As I did commerce
and my brother electrical engineering, I will invest five million
Francs in the sale of all sorts of electrical equipment. I will leave
the remaining two million Francs in the bank, where it will
produce interests for me. By the grace of God, I will become a
great businesswoman in a few years and I will not need to be a
civil or public servant.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely,

Your name is Djibril and your address is B.P: 5489, Lomé, Togo. Your cousin, Sonia
is pregnant and she wants to abort.
Now, write a letter to advise her. Don’t forget to tell her the risk she is taking and what
you can do to help her.

Yours sincerely,


A- Past Progressive (Continuous)

It is the equivalent of the French ‘Imparfait’.
J’allais à l’école. = I was going to school.
Nous dormions. = We were sleeping.
Il pleuvait fort. = It was raining heavily. /It was raining cat and dogs.
Rule: Subject + Was /Were + Verb + ing
Past progressive is often used with simple past.
When two actions are in the past, we use past progressive to express the longer in
duration and simple past to express the shorter.
How do we recognize the longer action? The answer is very simple. You will see the
following clues: while (pendant que), when, As, etc.

Let’s translate, together, the following sentences either into English or French.
1- Quand je venais à l’école ce matin, j’ai rencontré ton père.
2- Pendant que tu dormais, ton petit ami a appelé.
3- As I was fasting, I refused to touch the roasted chicken on the dining table.
4- While Mummy was washing Dad’s trousers, she saw a lipstick in the left pocket.

1- When I was coming to school this morning, I met your father.
2- While you were sleeping, your boyfriend/darling/sweetheart called.
3- Comme je jeûnais, j’ai refusé de toucher au poulet braisé sur la table à manger.
4- Pendant que Maman lavait le pantalon de Papa, elle a trouvé du rouge à lèvres dans
la poche gauche.

N.B: Sometimes, the two actions in the past can have the same long duration. In that
case, we use past progressive to express both (the two).

1- While we were learning our lessons, Caro was watching Novella TV.
2- While the Ant and her children were working hard to save enough food for winter,
the Cicada and hers were singing and dancing ‘Gweta’.
Complete with the correct tense of the verb in brackets. Just write the number
and the verb.
1- While Uncle Zicco (to turn) the soil, he found a big precious stone.
2- When the boss was checking the accounts, he (to notice) a dysfunction.
3- When I (to do) the shopping this afternoon, I met an old friend.
4- While we were laughing, they (to cry).

Translate into English the sentences below.
1- Quand j’allais à Vogan, je vis un gros veau attaché à un coteau par le licou.
2- Pendant que vous dépensiez vos revenus avec des filles dans des bars et hôtels, nous
investissions nos économies dans des affaires florissantes.

B- Past Perfect
The past perfect tense shows that the action of the verb was finished at a time in the
1- It had stopped raining.
2- I had heard the old man’s story.
Rule: Subject + Had + Past Participle
Past perfect is often used with simple past.
When two actions occurred (happened) in the past, we use past perfect to express the
first action and simple past to express the second.
The clues are: after, by the time, before, when, no sooner ….than, hardly ……when.
Note that ‘before’ introduces the second action.
1) a- He prayed and he went to bed.
b- After he had prayed, he went to bed.
b- Before he went to bed, he had prayed.

2) a- She drove three rallies as a co-driver. Then she started driving herself.
b- After she had driven three rallies as a co-driver, she started driving
b- Before she started driving herself, she had driven three rallies as a co-

N.B: If there is no subject after ‘After’ or ‘Before’, the past perfect tense is replaced
by V + ing.
a- After he had prayed, he went to bed.
b- After praying, he went to bed.
b- Before going to bed, he prayed.

Complete with the correct tense of the verb in brackets.
1- It (to stop) raining when I reached Agbonou.
2- By the time we arrived, they (to eat) everything.
3- No sooner they (to leave) the tent than the bomb exploded.
4- After he (to sell) his old car, he bought a new one.
5- Hardly she (to divorce) when she got married again.

C- Simple future tense

It shows an event that will take place at a moment in the future.
Rule: Subject + Will /Shall + Verb
1- Don’t worry. I will do it for you.
2- Will you continue working here after all that they did to you?

N.B: After ‘I’ and ‘We’, shall is usually used, but will is used as well, except in
1- We shall see you later. /We will see you later.
2- Shall we see you later?

Some of the clues are: tomorrow, next, in days (weeks/months/years…..) to come, in

future, again, never, etc.

Complete with the correct tense of the verb in brackets. Just write the number
and the verb.
1- We (to buy) the cards tomorrow.
2- I (to celebrate) my seventeenth birthday in three days.
3- They (to give) us the loan next week.
4- She never (to get) married to that man despite his wealth.


A question tag is a phrase that you add to the end of a statement in order to turn it into
a question or check that the statement is correct or not. In other words, we use it at the
end of statements to ask for confirmations or refutations.
How do we proceed?
You need only two (2) things:
- Auxiliary or Modal;
- Personal pronoun corresponding to the subject of the statement.
N.B: If the statement is affirmative (positive), the question tag is negative. If it is
negative, the question tag is affirmative (positive)
1- Your uncle is a policeman, isn’t he?
2- Your sister wasn’t at school yesterday, was she?
3- This car is expensive, isn’t it?
4- Kodjo can drive a plane, can’t he?
5- She likes mangoes, doesn’t she?
6- The butcher put the meat on the table, didn’t he?
7- John has gone to the park, hasn’t he?
8- Hajo must type the letters today, mustn’t she?
9- Grandma has a new wrapper, doesn’t she?

The case of indefinite subjects

There are: someone, somebody, everybody, everyone, no one, nobody, none, etc.
The only tag pronoun to use is ‘they’. Although the verb in the statement is singular, it
must become plural in the question tag.
1- Everybody makes mistakes, don’t they?
2- No one is ready now, are they?
3- Someone is making noise there, aren’t they?
4- Nobody can stop Reggae, can they?

The case of statements with negative words such as: nothing, never, hardly,
scarcely, scarce, barely, seldom, little, rarely, etc. They are already negative. So, the
question tag must be positive.
1- It scarcely rains in February here, does it?
2- Nothing is easy, is it?

The case of imperative statements

Imperative sentences, whether positive or negative, take simple future as question tag.
Just use will you? or shall we?
N.B: We use ‘shall we?’ When the person, who is speaking, is included (involved
/implicated) in the action.
1- Open the door, will you?
2- Don’t open the door, will you?
3- Let them talk, will you?
4- Let’s finish the work, shall we?
5- Let’s not be late, shall we?
Let’s sing to the Lord, shall we?

Match the statements in Column A with their tags in Column B. Just write the number
and the letter. Example: 96- d
Column A Column B
1- Agbodrafo is a nice place to live in, a- mayn’t he?
2- Many of you didn’t vote for my party, b- am I?
3- Muslim students go to school on Sundays, c- can’t they?
4- You’ve called the singers, d- isn’t it?
5- Your parents are coming back this evening, e- shan’t we?
6- This is not going to be easy, f- have you?
7- You haven’t finished paying for the plot of land yet, g- mustn’t she?
8- We don’t need your vote before winning the elections, h- aren’t they?
9- Somebody tore into pieces your land title, i- haven’t you?
10- Don’t urinate along the wall of the First Lady, j- did you?
11- It scarcely snows in June, k- don’t they?
12- Nobody beat them, l- does it?
13- Let’s respect our people’s will, m- didn’t they?
14- Pa Willy may need you tonight, n- shall we?
15- Nobody knows tomorrow, o- aren’t I?
16- I am handsome, p- is it?
17- I am not your size, q- do we?
18- Everybody can do that, r- did they?
19- Sonia must get married, s- do they?
20- We shall leave at dawn, t- will you?

1- 6- 11- 16-
2- 7- 12 17-
3- 8- 13 18-
4- 9- 14- 19-
5- 10- 15- 20-

Add the appropriate question tag to the following statements. Just write the
number and the question tag.
1- My students are not going to your party, ……………………?
2- Don’t insult your friends, …………………………………….?
3- My brother won’t be there,……………………..……………?
4- Bola didn’t take the bus, …………………….……………….?
5-There is no one in the classroom, ………….…………………?
6- Everybody has got a computer in our school………..……….?
7 - Somebody stole my money yesterday, ………….…………..?
8- Let’s not follow them, …………………………………….…?
9- I am your father’s friend, ……………………………….……?
10- Let the children come to me, ……………………….………?
11- Akofa rarely greets people, ……………………….………..?
12- I am not happy with you, ……………………………………?

(who- whom- whose-which-that)

1- Who(qui)

A- WHO (Qui)

It is used for persons at the subject position. It always comes after a noun and it is
followed by a verb.


1- That’s the girl who stole my purse yesterday.

2- The man who is coming is our headmaster.
3 - The woman who is talking over there is a bank manager.

4- The man who gave you a lift to the habour yesterday is the prime minister.

B- WHOM (Que)

It is used for people at the object position. It comes after a noun and it is followed by
another noun or pronoun.


1- That’s the boy whom I met at the trade fair last time.
2- Students whom the teacher punished are late.
3- The girl, whom he says he loves, is not serious at all.
4- The man whom you insulted at Coco Beach last Sunday is the army chief

C- WHOSE (Dont)
It is also used for persons. This relative pronoun shows possession or a relationship
between two nouns.


1- I want to talk to the man whose son brought the letter to my house.
2- I met the woman whose husband is dead.
3 - I love girls whose fathers are very wicked.
4- The lady, whose car you knocked this morning, is actually your aunt.


We use “which” or “that” for animals and objects (things). You can put verbs, nouns
or pronouns after these two words. This means that they can be used as subject as well
as object.


1- This is the hotel which caught fire last month.

2- How did you find the book that I lent to you?

3- The dog which you stole and ate had rabies.
4- The cat that you saw on our roof belongs to our neighbor

N.B sometimes, a relative clause that starts with “that”;”which” or “whom” can be
introduced without these relative pronouns. In other words, they can be omitted and
the clauses will still be meaningful. The clauses are then known as contact clauses.
Note that the contact clause usually starts with a noun or a pronoun.


1- That’s the man whom I met yesterday. /That the man I met yesterday.
2- The policeman whom the dog bit is still in hospital. /The policeman the dog bit is…
3- The book that you lent to me is very interesting. /The book you lent to me is very….
4- The meal your girlfriend cooked is tasteless.


OF WHICH (dont)

Of which is used for animals and things. It shows possession or a relationship

between two nouns.


1- The house, the paint of which is red, is my uncle’s.

2- The car, the screen glass of which you broke, belongs to General Deffalo.

3- A country, the political environment of which is stable, attracts many investors.


‘Which’ is exceptionally used for human beings (persons) to identify one or more of a
larger group?


1- Which of these girls is called Suzy?

2- Which are your children among these?

3- Of these twins, which is the more beautiful?


Translate into French

1- The dog which is lying under the table is called ‘Vadis’.

2- The Prime Minister is the leader of the party which has won the elections

3- The hand that gives is the one that commands.

4- The person, who appoints the Prime Minister, could also dismiss him.

5- The girl, whose father is a police inspector, is Tom’s sweetheart.

6- Which of you has not done the homework?


1- Le chien qui est couché sous la table s’appelle Vadis.

2- Le premier ministre est le chef du parti qui a gagné les élections.

3- La main qui donne est celle qui commande.

4- La personne, qui nomme le 1er ministre, pourrait aussi le limoger (le renvoyer / le
démettre de ses fonctions).

5- La fille dont le père est inspecteur de police, est la petite amie de Tom.

6- Qui parmi vous n’a pas fait le devoir de maison ?


Translate into English the following sentences. Just write the number and what
corresponds to it.

1- Le gars, à qui je parlais, est très gentil.

2- Le compte que j’ai ouvert est un compte courant

3- L’élève, dont le père vient de perdre son emploi, est triste

4- Qui de ces deux dames là-bas a été nommée premier ministre la semaine passée ?

4- Voici la femme pour qui j’ai travaillé pendant huit mois et qui a refusé de me payer.


Translate into English.

1- Où
2- Quand
3- Pourqui
4- Comment
5- Qui
6- Qui
7- Lequel /Laquelle /Lesquel(les)
8- Pour qui travaillez-vous ?
9- Où as-tu dormi hier nuit ?
10- Pour qui sont ces serpents qui sifflotent sur nos têtes ?


They are questions that begin (start) by one of the following question words: where,
who, why, when, how, whose, which, etc.
1- Where did you sleep yesterday night?
2- What will you eat at dinner?
3- How old were you before getting married?
4- Why can’t you do that?
5- Who told you that?
6- When are we leaving?

- WH + Auxiliary (am/is/are/was/were) + Subject?
- WH + Auxiliary (am/is/are/was/were) + Subject + Verb + ing?
- WH + Auxiliary (do/does/did) + Subject + Verb?
- WH + Auxiliary (have/has/had) + Subject + Past Participle?
- WH + Modal Verb + Subject + Verb?

Ask questions based on the underlined words or expressions. Just write the
number and what corresponds to it.
N.B: All the words in the sentence will appear in the question, except the underlined
1- Akwesi didn’t come to church yesterday because his dresses were dirty.
2- Lama is 20km from Kara.
3- Rosemary always does her shopping at Kingsway.
4- Mr. Begood spent the weekend in Kpalime with ‘Miss France’.
5- She eats twice a day.
6 - Sam smokes a lot.
7- Sonia cut her finger when she was trying the new blender.
8- Angela has been disappointed four times by men.
9-The D.M.D will visit Switzerland during his leave.
10- Adja Totoa can lift a bag of cement with one hand.
11- This computer cost me a huge amount of money.
12- They have lived as husband and wife for twenty good years.

1- Why didn’t Akwesi come to church yesterday?
2- How far is Lama from Kara?

3- Where does Rosemary always do her shopping?
4- Whom did Mr Begood spend the weekend in Kpalime with? /With whom did
Mr. Beggod spend the weekend in Kpalime?
5- How often does she eat per day?
6- Who smokes a lot?
7- Whose finger did Sonia cut when she was trying the new blender?
8- How many times has Sonia been disappointed by men?
9- Where will the D.M.D visit during his leave?
10- What can Adja Totoa lift with one hand?
11- How much did this computer cost me?
12- How long have they lived together as husband and wife?

Complete with the appropriate question word or phrase. Just write the number
and what corresponds to it.
1- ……………………times did the telephone ring before he picked it?
2- ……………………..can’t they grant what teachers are asking?
3- ………………….. shall they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look?
4- …………………kilometers separate Cinkasse from Djankasse?
5- …………………………….are you going to meet at the hotel?
6- ……………………………country won the last world cup?
7- …………………..have you gone in the implementation of the new project?
8- ……………………………..does this suit cost?
9- ……………………..do you think you are?
10-………………………women ministers will there be in the next government?
11-……………………………..does this suit cost?
12-……………………..do you think you are?
13-………………………women ministers will there be in the next government ?


Match the words and expressions in column A with their French equivalents.
Write the number and the letter. Example: 87- b.

Column A Column B
1- What is his number? a- je suis désolé
2- You have the wrong number. b- je vais vous connecter à
3- Hold the line. c- que puis-je faire pour vous ?
4- I’m afraid d- vous vous êtes trompé de numéro
5- The M.D is not in. e- quel est son numéro ?
6- What can I do for you? f- gardez l’écoute
7- I’II put you through g- le D.G n’est pas là

1- In which context (situation) do we use these expressions?

2- How many types of telephone are there?
3- Which one do you have?


A. Answering the Phone

Stage One: Etim works on the telephone switchboard of African Textile Merchants
Limited. He answers the phone and puts the calls through to the right department.
Sometimes a caller does not know the name of the person he needs to speak to. Here is
one conversation.

Etim: Good morning. African Textile Merchants.

Caller 1: I want to complain about the order I have just received. Half of it is
missing! It’s a disgrace…
Etim: Excuse me, Sir. Let me put you through to the Complaints Department.
They will help you.

Stage Two: Here are some more conversation, but Etim’s replies are in the wrong
order. Put them in the right order so that the conversations make sense.
Caller 2: I want to see the General Manager this afternoon
Etim: I’ll put you through to the Order Department
Caller 3: I want to apply for a job
Etim: I’ll put you through to the Transport Department
Caller 4: One of your trucks has broken down on the expressway
Etim: I’ll put you through to the Staffing Department
Caller 5: There is a mistake in the bill you have just sent me
Etim: I’ll put you through to the Personnel Department
Caller 6: Please send me twenty boxes of your new range of shirts
Etim: I’m sorry, you have the wrong number. This is not an electrical
firm. This is African Textile Merchants
Caller 7: My lights have gone out. I need an electrician at once
Etim: I’ll put you through to the general Manager’s secretary
Caller 8: My brother is ill and can’t come to work today
Etim: I’ll put you through to the Accounts Department.

Stage three: Your teacher will ask some of you to report which reply Etim made to
each caller. Explain your choice.

B. Taking parts
When you have the replies in the right order, write the play in your exercise
book. Then your teacher will ask some of you to take parts and read them out.


To complain = To express discontent or unhappiness about a situation.
To miss = To fail to hit, reach, catch or make contact with somebody or something
that is being aimed at.
To apply for = To make a formal, usually written, request for something.
Bill = The amount of money owed for items or services provided, as shown on a
Order = A written instruction to a manufacturer or supplier of goods

1- The telephone conversation is taking place at noon. True or False?
2- Etim a should normally put Caller 2 through to the General Manager’s
secretary. True or False?

3- How many departments are there at African Textile Merchants?
4- In your opinion, to whom should Etim g put Caller 8 through? Give one reason
to justify your choice.

B1- Match the numbered words and expressions with their lettered definitions.
Write the number and the letter. Example: 87- b
1- General Manager 2- Truck 3- Expressway 4- Mistake
a- The person in charge of the administrative control of company.
b- Incorrect act or decision.
c- A large vehicle for transporting goods by road.
d- A wide fast highway through or around a city.

B2- Find in the text the synonyms of the following words and expressions. Write
the number and what corresponds to it.
1- Chief Executive Officer 2- Human Resources Department 3- I’m afraid
4- long vehicles 5- company 6- protest 7- shame

B3- Find in the text the antonyms of the following words and expressions. Write
the number and what corresponds to it.
1- praises 2- healthy 3- sent 4- old 5- right


They are words used before nouns and after verbs. A verb can be used with many
prepositions to form different expressions.
For example, the verb to look can take the following prepositions: for, after, like,
forward to, at, in, etc. See them in the examples below:
1- I am looking for my Johnny. Have seen my Johnny? Where is my Johnny?
2- People are looking at you.
3- My parents look after me very well.
4- You look like someone who is tired.
5- We look forward to seeing you tonight.
Find in the text three (3) prepositional verbs. Example: to apply for
Complete with the appropriate preposition from the list (from, in, at, for, with, to,
of, on, about). Just write the number and the letter. E.g.: 46- in
Dear Kopa,
Thank you........1........ what you did to me last Sunday.
I will be very pleased to welcome your whole family...........2.............my new
residence...............3......... Bassar Pleasure Beach. I bet your charming wife will be
fond............4............the special dishes of Rukia, my third wife. ...............5.........case
the number of people to accompany you exceeds eight, please, let me know. I should
have all this information, ...........6...............a view to accommodating you as a prince.
Don’t care........7...........the clothes you and your kin are to wear. Just go to Esmeranda
Boutique and say you are there...........8.......... my behalf.
I hope to hear............9.......... you soon.
Yours sincerely,


Tenses in reported speech

I- When the reporting verb is in simple present, present perfect and simple
future, the verb doesn’t change.
“We are going to sing,” the students say. The students say that they are going to sing.

II – When the reporting verb is in simple past, the tense changes.
The students said that they were going to sing.
Tense variations from direct speech to indirect speech


Simple present Simple past

Present continuous Past continuous
Present perfect Past perfect
Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous
Simple past Past perfect
Past continuous Past perfect continuous
Past perfect Past perfect
Future Conditional
Future perfect Conditional perfect
Can Could
May Might
Must Had to

Changes of pronouns

Personal Objective Possessive Possessive Reflexive

Pronoun Case Adjective pronoun pronoun
I Me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
It It Its Its Itself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
You You Your Yours Yourselves
They Them Their Theirs themselves

Changes of adverbs of time and demonstratives

Direct speech Indirect speech
Thus………………………………………………so/ in that case
Yesterday…………………………………………the day before/the previous day
Ago…………………………………………….…before/the previous
Last……………………………………………… before/the previous
Tomorrow……………………………………….. the following day
Next………………………………………………the following
This/These……………………………………… that/those


Interrogative form becomes affirmative form in reported speech.

a) Yes / No questions
“ Are you going with us ?” Koffi asked.
Koffi asked if / whether they were going with them. /Koffi wanted to know

“Do you have any books ?” John asked me

John asked me if I had some books.

b) WH questions

“ Where are you going ?” He asked me

He asked me where I was going.


When it is an affirmative command or order, it becomes affirmative infinitive


“Go out,’’ the teacher told the student

The teacher told the student to go out.

When it is a negative command or order, it becomes negative infinitive (not+to+verb)

“Don’t tell lies’’ The pastor told him.

The pastor told him not to tell lies.

“Sit down”, he ordered me

He ordered me to sit down

“Don’t go out”, the teacher said

The teacher ordered not to go out.

There is no change.

“The earth is round,’’ said the teacher

The teacher said that the earth is round.

“Water boils at 100°C’’, the teacher said

The teacher said that water boils at 100°C

Find the corresponding verb.
eg: ‘’hello’’ He told me
He greeted me.
“Congratulations”, the man said to his daughter.
The man congratulated his daughter.

N.B: If the direct speech contains ‘’always’’ and ‘’never’’ we don’t change the second

1- “I always go to school on time’’, Paul said

Paul said that he always goes to school on time.

2- ’I never sleep outdoors’’, Munira said

Munira said (that) she never sleeps outdoors.

Put into reported speech. Write the number and the reported sentence.
1- “I like playing with my friends,’’ he says.
2- “I have seen him since Monday’’, he has said.
3- “It is too late to decide,” my brother will say.

4- “We must bring the papers,’’ the students said.
5- “I was going to the store when I saw your mother,” Randjit told Kossi.
6- “We went to London yesterday,” the accountant and the secretary said.

1- “Go home. I don’t want to see you here again,” she told the girls.
2- “How are you today?” They asked me.
3- “Don’t let your parents waste their money for nothing,” she told the pupils.
4- “I bought these books five days ago,” she said.
5- “Hurray!” All the men shouted. 6- “Do you really love me?” Caro asked Benji.
7- “Never trust any human being,” Grandpa advised us.
8- “I always pray before sleeping,” Rukeya said.
9- The old man asked Akwesi : “Are your parents alive?’’
10- “Water is life”, said the medical doctor.
11- ‘Don’t give your life to the devil’, the Imam advised Tom.
12- “They built this road during the colonial era,” said the guide.
13- “Can you take us to the waterfall?”, the German tourists asked the guide.
14- “Tell the hotel manager that we shall be there in a few minutes,” they told the


They are used to express surprise or shock or an emotion (excitement/fascination)

about something.
 What + a/an/∅ + adj + noun!
N.B: ‘∅’ is used when there is no indefinite article.
a. What a strange man!
b. What an interesting movie!
c. What cute babies!
d. What wise advice!
 How + adj + subject + verb!
 How + adj + (this/ that/ these/ those) + noun + verb!

1- How cute your child is!
2- How interesting this movie is!
3- How strange these men are!

 Subject (Personal pronoun/names) + verb + such + a/an/∅ +adj + noun!

1- Mr. Addison has such a big car!
2- They are such wicked people!

Write sentence (b) in exclamatory form in such a way that it means exactly the same as
sentence (a). Write the number and sentence (b).
86) a- This dress is very expensive.
b- How………………………………………………………..!
86b- How expensive this dress is!

1) a- You make a cute couple.

b- What……………………………………………………………!
2) a- Zubeya’s buttocks are so lovely. b- Zubeya
b- How…………..………………………………………………...!
3) a- Africa is such an attractive continent!
b- What……………………………………………………………!
4) a- This story is very creative. b-
What………………………………………………….………..! 5)
a- Tom’s father’s plantation is very big.
b- How…………………………………………………………...!


A- Translate into French

1- My brother is ill and he can’t come to work today.
2- One of your trucks has broken down on the expressway.
3- There is a mistake in the bill you have sent me.

B- Translate into English

1- Vous vous êtes trompé de numéro.
2- Qu’est-ce qui se passe avec votre téléphone portable ? Je vous ai appelée quatre fois
3- Sa ligne est toujours occupée parce qu’elle est une femme d’affaires. Réessayez
plus tard.


Translate into English.

1- Où
2- Quand
3- Pourqui
4- Comment

5- Qui

6- Qoui
7- Lequel /Laquelle /Lesquel(les)
8- Pour qui travaillez-vous ?
9- Où as-tu dormi hier nuit ?
10- Pour qui sont ces serpents qui sifflotent sur nos têtes ?


They are questions that begin (start) by one of the following question words: where,
who, why, when, how, whose, which, etc.


1- Where did you sleep yesterday night?

2- What will you eat at dinner?

3- How old were you before getting married?

4- Why can’t you do that?

5- Who told you that?

6- When are we leaving?


- WH + Auxiliary (am/is/are/was/were) + Subject?

- WH + Auxiliary (am/is/are/was/were) + Subject + Verb + ing?

- WH + Auxiliary (do/does/did) + Subject + Verb?

- WH + Auxiliary (have/has/had) + Subject + Past Participle?

- WH + Modal Verb + Subject + Verb?


Ask questions based on the underlined words or expressions. Just write the
number and what corresponds to it.

N.B: All the words in the sentence will appear in the question, except the underlined

1- Akwesi didn’t come to church yesterday because his dresses were dirty.

2- Lama is 20km from Kara.

3- Rosemary always does her shopping at Kingsway.

4- Mr. Begood spent the weekend in Kpalime with ‘Miss France’.

5- She eats twice a day.

12- They have lived as husband and wife for twenty good years.


1- Why didn’t Akwesi come to church yesterday?

2- How far is Lama from Kara?

3- Where does Rosemary always do her shopping?

4- Whom did Mr Begood spend the weekend in Kpalime with? /With whom did
Mr. Beggod spend the weekend in Kpalime?

5- How often does she eat per day?

13-How long have they lived together as husband and wife?


Ask questions based on the underlined words or expressions. Just write the
number and what corresponds to it.

1 - Sam smokes a lot.

2- Sonia cut her finger when she was trying the new blender.

3- Angela has been disappointed four times by men.

4-The D.M.D will visit Switzerland during his leave.

5- Adja Totoa can lift a bag of cement with one hand.

6- This computer cost me a huge amount of money.

7- They have lived as husband and wife for twenty good years.

Complete with the appropriate question word or phrase. Just write the number
and what corresponds to it.


86- ……………………times did the telephone ring before he picked it?

Answer: 86- How many

1- ……………………..can’t they grant what teachers are asking?

2- ………………….. shall they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look?
3- …………………kilometers separate Cinkasse from Djankasse?
4- …………………………….are you going to meet at the hotel?
5- ……………………………country won the last World Cup?
6- …………………..have you gone in the implementation of the new project?
7- ……………………………..does this suit cost?
8- ……………………..do you think you are?
9- ………………………women ministers will there be in the next government?
10- ……………………………is this river?
11- ……………………..is the weight of this container?
12- ………………………delicious is your meal?


I – Regular adjectives

1- One syllable adjectives (they are short adjectives)

Example; big, tall, short, fast, fat, etc…

2- Two syllables adjectives (they are short adjectives)

They end in; y, e, w, er.
Example: silly , ugly, simple, clever, narrow

3- More syllables adjectives They are long adjectives.

Example: careful, interesting, beautiful, wonderful, marvelous, tantalizing, etc. The
different comparative forms are summarized in the chart below.




Superiority Short adj + er + than More + long adj + than

(plus que) Eg : Bigger than Eg : More expensive than
Equality As + adjective + As
(aussi…….que) Eg : as big as, as expensive as, as tall as
Not as / Not so + adj + as
Inferiority Eg : Not as / so big as ; Not as expensive as
(moins……..que) Less + long adj + than
Eg : Less expensive than, less dangerous than

They are used to describe the extreme quality of one thing or person in a group of
things or people. N.B: We use superlative adjectives when talking about three (3) or
more things (not for two things). See the summary in the chart below.


Superiority The + short adj + est The + most + long adj

(le plus….) Eg : The fathest Eg : The most dangerous

Inferiority The + least + long adj

(le moins….) Eg : The least dangerous

Complete with the correct form of the adjective in brackets. Just write the
number and what corresponds to it.
Example: 84- My village is (clean) than yours is. Answer: 84- cleaner.
1- Musa Kankan was (wealthy) person that has ever existed.
2- Of these twins, Alberta is the (beautiful).
3- That woman, you call your sweetheart, is (old) as your mother is.
4- Do you think you can get it (costly) than at the Dickson’s?
5- Do you mean that my country is (corrupt) in the world? You can’t be serious!
6- The nearer the police get, the (fast) the thieves run.
7- Among my uncle’s six wives, Solim is the (slim) and Zubeya the (talkative).
8- Your story is becoming………….and………………(interesting).


Their comparative and superlative forms are summarized in the chart below.

Adjectives Comparative Superlative

Good Better than The best

Bad Worse than The worst
Much More than The most
Little Less than The least

Far Farther than The farthest

Further than The furthest

Old Older than The oldest

Elder than The eldest

Complete with the correct form of the adjective in brackets. Just write the
number and what corresponds to it.
Example: 84- Our prices are (good) in the whole country. Answer: 84- the best.
1- You needn’t complain. Your situation is (good) than that of Somalian refugees.
2- Is Lomé-Accra (far) than Lomé-Cotonou?
3- Among your nine uncles, which is the (old)?
4- Why don’t you take him to a modern hospital? His health is


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